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Template for Assignment 1: Tiered Lesson

Name & Student Number: Cameron Bullard, 2221726

Curriculum (Learning) Area of Lesson: Physical Education
Specific Topic of Lesson: Soccer
Year Level/s: 7-8

Lesson Context (1 Paragraph)

This lesson is part of a 6-week unit that focuses on the fundamental skills required to successfully
participate in a game of soccer. This lesson takes place in the second week of the unit . During the first
week of the unit, a pre-assessment was conducted to see where the students were at. This lesson will
focus on understanding the different types of passes within a soccer game and how they should be
implemented to be successful. Students will have the opportunity to explore different types of passes
while analysing their own technique.

Learning objectives
It is essential that students have a clear understanding of the learning objective and what the teacher is
wanting the students to achieve during the lesson. It is important that teachers ask themselves what
knowledge they want the students to come away with as result from participating in the lesson.
Students should understand the learning objective of the whole lesson as well as the learning objective
of the lesson.

Achievement Standard:
Students apply personal and social skills to establish and maintain respectful relationships and
promote safety, fair play, and inclusivity. They demonstrate skills to make informed decisions and
propose and implement actions that promote their own and others’ health, safety and wellbeing.

Content descriptor:
Movement and Physical Activity

Essential Questions
As a result of students participating in this lesson, 1. Why is it important to understand which pass
students will understand that there are many in soccer is required in different scenarios
different types of passes in soccer and during the game?
understand which pass is required in different
scenarios during a game. Students will also 2. Can we apply our skillset from other sports to
understand that they can apply strategies learnt successfully complete a pass in soccer?
in similar sports that require similar skills.
3. How can we implement tactics into passing in
Be able to: soccer?

Students will be able to apply their skills to

successfully perform the pass required in the
given scenario.

Take on feedback and apply this to further

develop their skill set.
Pre-assessment of Individual Student Readiness
As an educator it is important to understand students’ reediness to complete the learning that is
required of them and the assessment that need to be completed in order to pass the unit. The
idea of the pre-assessment is to guide the planning of the unit to target the specific learning needs
of the students and understand their strengths and weaknesses. Research shows that for students
to improve their learning, educators need to design their lessons around their skill set as well as
planning for assessment to allow students to show their understanding of the topic being taught
(Cilliers, Schuwirth, van der Vleuten, 2011) . The purpose of pre-assessment is to establish that
there is different readiness for students and that it is important that teachers are able to tier their
lesson to the student’s readiness levels. Experts suggest that the definition of “tiering” is for
students to have a similar task that produce the same outcome (Flannagan, 2019). Tiering allows
students to have the same outcomes but have their tasks structured in a different way to achieve
these outcomes.

The pre-assessment for this unit was designed to understand the readiness of the students so the
teacher is able to adapt their teaching to suit the needs of the students. The pre-assessment
shown in appendix 1 demonstrates how students participate in mini soccer games to allow the
teacher to gain an understanding of the skillset of the students. This assessment was conducted at
the start of the unit.
Lesson Plan Lesson length: 45 minutes Lesson number: 3 out of 12

Lesson resources:
12 soccer balls
8 cones
2 sets of bibs
Tv screen

Teaching (10 minutes): Provide students will the opportunity to answer questions that
are directed at the techniques used within different passes
Demonstrate the techniques used to during a soccer game.
complete different types of passes.
Focus on students that may require more explanations towards
Show the important of creating space the techniques used within the pass in soccer.
when passing.
Utilise the whiteboard to provide students with a visual
Important to highlight what type of passes representation of creating space to allow for a successful pass.
to do in a given scenario.

Warm up activity (8 minutes): Start with a light jog around the field to elevate the heart rate.
Emphasize maintaining good running form and breathing
Light jog (3 minutes) rhythm. Encourage the players to smile and have fun while
Pass and follow (2 minutes)
Pair the players up (pair students up in their readiness levels).
Tag (3 minutes) One player passes the ball to their partner, and then they
follow their pass to receive the return pass. This exercise
improves passing, receiving, and movement off the ball.
Encourage quick, accurate passes.

Organize a game of "Tag" but with a soccer twist. One player is

"it" and must dribble the ball to tag others. If a player is tagged,
they become "it" and have to chase others. This activity helps
with ball control and quick changes of direction.

Tiered Activities

Tier One:

1. Set up a triangle with three cones,

each about 3 metres apart. The main activity of this lesson will be tiered towards the
2. Have three students positioned at different readiness of the students. A pre-assessment was
each of the cones. conducted to allow the teacher to understand which students
3. Student 1 starts with the ball and should be within which tier.
passes it to student 2.
4. Student 2 receives the pass, Tier one is for the students who readiness is at the basic level
controls the ball, and then passes it of their skills in soccer. Cones
to student 3.
5. Continue this passing sequence for
a set amount of time, or a specific
amount of passes.
6. Emphasize proper passing
techniques and accuracy.

Scoring system:
1 point if the students are to successfully Scoring has been added to create purpose in the drill while
pass to another student. providing the students with some pressure as they want to
beat their peers.
2 bonus points if all passes are successful.
Focus on providing students will feedback that will enhance
Students will be able to move up and down their skill development. Make sure to be encouraging.
the tiered activities as their readiness level

Tier Two: Tier two is for the students who readiness is at the
1. Set up a square with 4 cone that intermediate level of their skills in soccer.
are about 5 minutes apart.
2. This time, student 1 passes the ball Emphasize the importance of quick and accurate passes as
to student 2, student 2 has one there will be pressure in game scenarios.
touch to receive the pass, and pass
it to student 3. Stop the students and ask questions regarding their
3. Student 3 also has one touch to performance and provide them feedback to improve their
receive the pass and pass to passing.
student 4.
4. Student 4 receives the pass and Make a competition between the students to enhance
passes back to student 1. engagement within the activity.
5. Students continue these sequences
until they have reached a certain
number of scores.

Scoring system:

1 point if all passes were successful. Scoring has been slightly changed to the needs of the students.

2 points if all passes were successful with Scoring has been set up to create competition between
only one touch to receive the pass. students.

Students will be able to move up and down

the tiered activities as their readiness level

Tier Three:
1. Set up a square with 4 cones that Tier three is for the students who readiness is at the advanced
are about 5m apart. level of their skills in soccer.
2. Place students on each of the
cones. Emphasize the importance of quick accurate passes to limit the
3. Students are to pass the ball amount of interception from the defender.
between each other while trying to
keep away from the defender. Short bursts of 3 minutes within defence to keep intensity high.
4. The defender’s job is to try and
intercept the pass.
5. Play for 3 minutes then swap
Scoring system:

1 point if all passes were successful with Scoring looks to challenge the students with a higher level of
only one interception. difficulty.

2 points if all passes were successful with

no interception.

Defender receives 1 point every time they

intercept a pass.

Lesson Closure/ Check for understanding

Students are to watch a video:

The video dives a bit deeper into how students can improve their passing skills by looking at 3 different ways
to pass the ball that every soccer player should be able to do. The video provides students with a more in-
depth understanding on different passes that are done during a game of soccer.

To understand if students understood the video, the students would answer these questions on an exit card.
This allows the teacher to gain an understanding on whether or not the students understood the video and
took away some information from it.

1. What are the names of the 3 different types of passes?

2. Which part of the foot should be used to complete a short pass?
3. What is the other name for a medium pass?
Like all subjects within school, physical education has students that are at different readiness
levels (Turville, Allen, Nickelsen, 2013). It is essential that teachers are able to identify these
readiness levels and adapt their teaching to the student’s needs. Educators are responsible for
making sure that their students are meeting the learning objectives as this will allow them to
progress through their education. The purpose of the activity at the end of the lessons was to
allow students to recap on what they have learnt and apply this to their learning. This activity
ensured that the students meet the learning objectives that have come from the Australian
curriculum. Overall, the purpose of the tiered lesson plan was to allow students with different
readiness levels to perform in activities that are slightly different but achieve the same outcome.

Tiered lessons are an instructional approach used in education to address the diverse learning
needs and abilities of students in the same classroom (Csomay, Pollard, Bordelon, 2015). The
primary reason for using tiered lessons is to allow teachers to differentiate instruction to meet the
individual learning needs of students, by providing different levels of content and activities,
teachers can cater to students who are working below, at, or above grade level (O’Brien. 2018).
Pre-assessment was used to help the teacher identify variations in student’s abilities and prior
experiences, with this information they were able to differentiate instructions to meet the diverse
needs of the students within the class. Tier one of the tiered lesson plans was set up to allow
students to have step by step instructions as some believe that students may benefit from this
type of structure. Furthermore, tiers two and three were designed to be more challenging which
allowed the students to participate in more open-end learning, as they had to work out how to
pass the ball without the defender incepting.

Reference list
Cilliers, Schuwirth, L. W. T., & van der Vleuten, C. P. M. (2012). A model of the pre-assessment
learning effects of assessment is operational in an undergraduate clinical context. BMC Medical
Education, 12(1), 9–9.

Csomay, Pollard, E., & Bordelon, S. (2015). Researching Student Learning in a Two-Tiered General
Education Program. The Journal of General Education (University Park, Pa.), 64(3), 171–195.

Flannagan. (2019). DESIGNING A TIERED SCIENCE LESSON: Differentiation also helps students who
have already mastered a concept. Science and Children, 57(2), 42–48.

O’Brien. (2018). Critical Issues in the Education of Students With Learning Disabilities in the Era of
Tiered Instruction: Introduction to the Special Issue. Insights on Learning Disabilities, 15(2), 117–.

Turville, Allen, L., & Nickelsen, L. (2013). Differentiating by readiness : strategies and lesson plans
for tiered instruction grades K-8. Routledge.
Appendix 1:

Activity: Mini soccer game (pre-assessment)

Aim: To assess the students on their performance
Set up: 2 soccer goals, 2 teams, 1 soccer ball, 10x10m field.

White line is the White is team 1.

field and cones
Red is team 2.
are boundaries.

Teacher Assessing
the Students

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