Fight Night2

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Fight Night

An audio drama

Written By

© Ben Tedder 2024


INT: Walking into the MGM Grand

SFX : Footsteps, Camera’s Flashing

Donny Taylor

This guys dead tonight coach I’m going for the knockout

Coach Chase

(urgently) Donny don’t! This guys never been knocked out

I know you are the favorite in this fight but don’t go for the knockout. Box how you always do and if this
opportunity for the knockout comes, take it but be careful.

Donny Taylor

Coach you don’t understand, the amount of shit this guys said about me, my family. He doesn’t deserve
to make it out of that ring.

Coach Chase

Donny right...

When we get to the dressing room you need to take some deep breaths because I don’t like what you
are talking like right now.

If you fight with anger then you will end up on a stretcher.

Donny Chase

(angry) Okay Coach, lets just get to the dressing room and I'll see how I feel.



INT: Dressing room at the MGM Grand

SFX : Boxing glove hitting pad, Door opening, Door Knocking

Coach Chase

2 , 3 , 3 , 2 good good and again 2 , 3 , 3 ,2

*knocking on door*

Coach Chase

(shouting) Who is it?

The ref, just need to check your gloves and make sure you know the rules. So Donny we all wrapped up
and ready to go?

Donny Taylor

Yes, I’m ready. Have you gone to see Brian yet bet he’s shaking in his boots


I have mate, you’re both eager to get in the ring haha. Just got a few words first, protect yourself at all
times, If you are not intelligently defending yourself I will stop the fight.

If you repeatedly foul your opponent I will take points and if it gets so bad I will disqualify you from the

Are we clear? Do you have any questions for me?

Donny Taylor

(eager) No mate, I’m just ready to go!


Perfect! See you in the ring



INT : Walking to the ring and Inside the ring

SFX : Crowd cheering, walkout music

Coach Chase

You ready son, how you feeling, you calmed down?

Donny Taylor

A little bit yeah, but still ready to go to war.

Coach Chase

Remember... don’t look for the knockout but... if the opportunity comes, punish him for all the shit he’s
said about you prefight.

Donny Taylor

I’m ready coach... lets go!

*Work out by J Cole starts playing as Donny walks out*

Donny Taylor

(shouting) Let’s go team, time to work!

*Donny get’s into the ring with the music playing and gets ready for his opponent to walk out*

*all of the lights by kanye west starts playing*

Donny Taylor

Good song choice to be fair, this will be the highlight of his night

Coach Chase

Remember, patience! Get in the zone Donny... come on!

*Both men are in the ring and the announcer is about to announce both the fighters*


Introducing... In the blue corner with an undefeated professional record of 16 wins, no losses with 12 of
those wins coming via knockout, Donny “The Butcher” Taylor

*crowd cheers*

And in the red corner with a professional record of 25 wins, 4 defeats with 14 of those victories coming
via knockout.... Brian Mcootie!

*Crowd boos*


Red corner, Blue corner

I talked to you both in the back

There were no questions from you red or you blue.

If you want touch gloves and let’s have a clean fight!

Brian Mcootie

Cmon pussy, touch my glove.

Donny Taylor

Fuck you

*Donny walks away from glove touch*

Commentator 1

The main event is upon us and it’s about to begin, Donny Taylor vs Brian Mcootie the moment we’ve all
been waiting for.

It’s about to start.

*bell dings*

And the fight is under way between Taylor and Mcootie

Donny Taylor (in head)

(Right, this rounds going ok, I’m not gonna throw much in this round see what he’s trying to do.

*gets hit*

Oh shit, good to know he hits like a bitch, time to give one back.)

*punch gets slipped he gets hit on the return and goes down*

SFX: ringing from head

Commentator 1

Donny Taylor gets countered and is down, great start from the underdog Brian Mcootie


1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, you ok to continue?

Donny Taylor

Yep I’m fine ref

*bell rings for end of the round*

Coach Chase

What on earth happened there, I know you wanted to hit him with all your power after you got caught
with a good shot.

Then look what happened you got dropped.

Get your hands up, box smart and don’t let this guy get in your head!

Donny Taylor

Yes coach lets go!


Commentator 1

We’re about to enter the 12th and final round of this matchup, Donny Taylor has boxed well but Brian
Mcootie is clearly ahead on the scorecard.

This is a huge round for the career of Donny Taylor.

Coach Chase

(shout) Donny, you need to knock him out. I don’t care if you’re tired, take his head off his shoulders.
Let’s fucking go Donny do or die.

Donny Taylor (in his head)

(I’m ready!
His heads mine)

*Donny lands some really good punches*

Donny Taylor


Commentator 1

Donny Taylor looks like a man possessed! He is really trying to take Mcooties head off here!

Coach Chase

(shouts) Donny go for it! You’ve got him go for the finish.

Donny Taylor (in head)

(His legs are shaking... this is my chance.)

*bell goes showing theres 10 seconds left in the round*

Donny Taylor ( in head )

(What! Already? Right I really have to go for this)

Commentator 1

With only 10 seconds left in the fight Donny Taylor is throwing the whole kitchen sink and oh my god
Mcootie is down Mcootie is down

Will he make the count!


1,2,3,4,5,6, can you continue.

SFX: Heart beating

Brian Mcootie

Yes ref I’m fine I just slipped

Donny Taylor

What! Hahahaha, cry more Brain you got dropped

Brian Mcootie

Well does it matter, the fights over and there’s no way you got that decision pussy

Donny Taylor

Rematch me, this was a close fight

Brian Mcootie

No it wasn’t you lost and you’ll never get the honor of fighting me again


After 12 rounds of action

Your judges have come to a decision and your winner by unanimous decision...

Brian Mcootie!

*crowd boos*



INT: Dressing room

SFX: Footsteps

Coach Chase

You gave it your all son, I’m proud of you

Donny Taylor

I’m not undefeated anymore coach, what’s the point of fighting anymore

Coach Chase

Donny I cannot stand when fighters say that, this is whats wrong with boxers.

You only care about records, why do you box? Because you love the sport or because of a 0 at the end of
your record. Donny pick your head up and come back 10 times stronger. I believe in you son.


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