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Department Name

The VIU community acknowledges and thanks the Snuneymuxw, Quw’utsun, Tla’amin, Snaw-naw-as and Qualicum First
Nation on whose traditional lands we teach, learn, research, live and share knowledge.

DELETE THIS SECTION BEFORE USE *please note: this template is intended to represent all of the components of
the Course Outline Procedure in a clear, itemized format that corresponds directly to the Procedure document.
It is intended to be a starting point for instructors making course outlines and does not represent the only way
to present the information described in the Procedure. It is not intended to limit the information that might be
included to support students. Instructors may include information that is not described in this document, or
included in the Procedure * DELETE THIS SECTION BEFORE USE

Course Outline
Course Title [full name] should match calendar/registrar
Course number, acronym, and credits e.g., ENGL 115 (3 credits)
Course Intake Code e.g., F23N01

Calendar Description

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Precluded Courses

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Delivery Mode

Online, blended, face-to-face, etc.

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Contact hours

Breakdown of instructional hours including lectures, seminar/tutorial, labs, field experience, practicum, etc
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Vancouver Island University | Faculty of Name of Faculty

900 Fifth Street, Nanaimo, British Columbia, V9R 5S5, Canada
250.740.faculty phone number suffix | faculty email | name of Page 1
Department Name
Prerequisites and Corequisites

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Proposed Schedule

 Days/Times/Classroom (including asynchronous/synchronous)

 Labs/Tutorials (hours/locations/instructors)
 List of topics covered and/or assigned readings

Instructor Info

Instructor name: Click or tap here to enter text.

Instructor VIU email address: Click or tap here to enter text.
Office Hours: Click or tap here to enter text.
Other, as required by instructor: Click or tap here to enter text.

Learning Outcomes

 Institutionally-Approved Course Learning Outcomes (What is to be achieved and assessed in the

 Link to Graduate Attributes

Course Learning Materials

 Books/Textbook/Course Packs (including online texts)
 Lab materials
 Software/hardware
 Tools & Equipment (specific to course)
 Special course activities, e.g., field trips, practicum, Work Integrated Learning (WIL); work experience (if

Vancouver Island University | Faculty of Name of Faculty

900 Fifth Street, Nanaimo, British Columbia, V9R 5S5, Canada
250.740.faculty phone number suffix | faculty email | name of Page 2
Department Name
Evaluation and Assessment

 Assessment method: letter or numerical grades; credit/fail University Grade Scale (the University Grade
Scale must be included; if not using credit/fail, the University Grade Scale must be used).
 Weighting of each assignment, test, and other course work in final grade

 Tentative dates for important assignments and tests; could also use week numbers
 Policy regarding marked work: late penalties; missed in-class assessments; etc.
 Statement on absences
 Participation and/or Professionalism statement(s)
 Other


 Link to Faculty website

 VIULearn
 Library
 Academic Advising
 Writing Centre
 Math Learning Centre
 Services for Aboriginal Students
 Counseling Services
 Accessibility
 Registration
 VIU Students’ Union


Vancouver Island University recognizes its legal duty to provide educational opportunities that
enable students with a documented disability to access courses, programs, facilities, and

The Policy and Procedural Guidelines apply to all students who have identified themselves to
the institution as having a documented disability who are inquiring about, applying to, or
registered in credit or non-credit courses in both on and off-campus programs.

 Policy 32.02 - Services Available to Students with a Documented Disability

Vancouver Island University | Faculty of Name of Faculty

900 Fifth Street, Nanaimo, British Columbia, V9R 5S5, Canada
250.740.faculty phone number suffix | faculty email | name of Page 3
Department Name
Academic Integrity

Integrity in academic work is a central element of learning and is the basis of intellectual pursuits in any
academic community. It is also your responsibility to abide by the Student Conduct Code and Student Academic
Code of Conduct.

 Academic Integrity

Links University Policies, Standards, and Guidelines

 University Policies
 Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy
 Student Conduct and Care (SCC)
 Student Academic Code of Conduct
 Student Affairs
 Academic Regulations
 Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion (EDI)

Vancouver Island University | Faculty of Name of Faculty

900 Fifth Street, Nanaimo, British Columbia, V9R 5S5, Canada
250.740.faculty phone number suffix | faculty email | name of Page 4

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