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Warcraft III Assignment

Monday, April 18, 2022 12:29 PM

See subpages ….

- Research
- Planning
- Production
- Evaluation
- Feedback

"Warcraft III: Reign of Chaos is a high fantasy real-time strategy computer video
game developed and published by Blizzard Entertainment released in July 2002."

Term1 - unit 9 Page 1

19 October 2023 09:58

For this assignment I have chosen the human village my idea for this is to create a stone hospital , Carnivorous plant and a market stal.

About the game warcraft?

What are the characteristics of warcraft human villages?

I have chosen to make a hospital because it's important to the hole village and is a centre piece but there are also scout towers, castles, barracks, farms and town hall.

One characteristic of human warcraft village is the colour scheme

This symbolizes a lot in this case it is blue royal blue roofing and white
Grey bricks, starting with the blue the colour historically has meant freedom , intuition and imagination but is not necessarily the meaning they intended. "Color symbolism is the subjective meaning humans attach to various colors. People respond to color in three ways
biologically (e.g., red = fear), culturally (e.g., red = wellbeing in many Eastern societies) and personally from experience.Designers use color symbolism in (e.g.) logos to gain users' trust and attention." This could show how the village is
the rule of tyrants and oppression. The grey inside the bricks with cracks and vines for depth on the other hand represents neutrality, conformity, boredom. The neutrality shows there avoidance to war perhaps how they would like to be seen but humanity is known for b
aggressive also orcs are different and historically there has been war when cultures are different for example what is happening in the middle east today. and the conformity shows the value of laws and rules. This all links to the values of the village and the race in the ga
MUST be followed in my own work. The colour is also there for artistic choices that they thought it would have look good.

Another characteristic of the war craft human village is the use of wild life this is something races like the orcs lack showing the humans connection to wildlife and nature this again links to the qualities of the race and how they could purer thenorcs or perhaps have not
to farm. For example orcs may only have signs of dead animals and decaying plants rather than trees or flowers. "the lives of people in Medieval England revolved around farming. Peasants worked the land, villages provided land and Medieval towns lived off the food th
produced nearby."

A characteristic of the village is important is the design for instance the buildings are designed to look almost medieval this connection to the real world helps the users know what sort of technology they will have as many people have knowledge of the time period also
used to explain some of the characters in the story's beliefs and ideology. This can perhaps be used to show a darker part of the cavillations such as archaic beliefs. There are however some differences war craft buildings have less complex windows and blue roofs and te
have more towers.

Some important characteristics are the use of pointed roofs , towers, grass courtyard and stone walls. These are the basic design choses that must stay consistent across buildings could be used to for use in tactics of defence. Also the Damage to the buildings Is used to s
and weathering within the game which will be needed to be replicated. Also they tend to be set in grassy tree covered areas and built with stone brick by a stone mason.

It is worth noting that compared to the orcs they are more built up and sophisticated as well as cleaner using stone rather than wood they also have a use blue instead of red showing they are good also the shape of the buildings are similar to reallife medieval buildings
thing the orc buildings have are spikes and wood which is not something you would see on the human buildings.

Inside the Game the textures tend to have colour variation this shows the difference in wear and can also be used to interactwith lighting in a certain way. The lighting is normally done by one direction light to simulate the sun for realism.
In conclusion these are important parts of the architecture, culture and design of the village and will be something I must include in my own buildings and other items . This all adds together to make the feel of the village and makes your general impression get made. Fo
makes the race seem powerful and strong and well established but can also hint at past wars through damage.
What am I going to make?

I intend to make hospital my research has shown that back in the medieval times they would have used herbs so my idea is tohave herbs handing outside and caldrons on fires boiling also maybe a something to let out fumes and also windows that are open to let
out and other medical gasses, perhaps stretchers or basic wooden wheel chairs. Another idea is to have stains from injury's . This should an appropriate size for the population of the village and the size of the town wall because otherwise may fill up too much of t
village so maybe the size of two houses.

Another thing my research pointed me to was bloodletting where they would let blood out to balance the 4 humours so maybe there could be knifes and pots layered out from where they performed this . As there were mostly individual healers it may be a smaller
which is replicated with variations across the village perhaps with a basic medical sign. If this was a orc building maybe Iwould put the dead scattered around to show there lesser knowledge in the fluid but because there humans there should be some sign of succe
Perhaps there could even be tents to show how temporary they can be and un apricated they are. As warcraft has a magic sidemaybe some kind of magic theme could be applied. The hospital will important during a battle so may have some defence. "The beds in t
earliest hospitals consisted of pallets of straw, but before the end of the twelfth century there were probably wooden bedsteads. These were usually large and had to accommodate two or more patients."

As the medevil times came to an end the hospitals became more organized and larger as a better understanding of the field became available. A lot of the changes where internal and will not be seen from the outside. "The beds in the earliest hospitals consisted of pallets
straw, but before the end of the twelfth century there were probably wooden bedsteads. These were usually large and had to accommodate two or more patients."

Below is a depiction of a real life medieval hospital in real life I can see it has a hall type room this gave me the idea that there may need to be a large open part from room for beds and holding ill people. The building in this could easily have towers added and blue roofin
start to make something more theme based.

This is another image that is a larger medieval hospital this one looks to be more than one floor and has a more religious look which has inspired me to maybe add a religious theme as a lot of healers believed god would save people back then. This could be a building pla
towards the entrance to help forces coming back from hunts or battle as soon as possible without a large walk. I also added some examples of tools and medicine they would use.

The Carnivorous plant idea is something that relates to the magic side of the world and brings mystery to the wild life "Two categories of magic exist, arcane and divine. Divine magic contains druidism, shamanism, voodoo, and holy light, as well as other religions. Natur
subcategory within the divine, but a form of it can also be found in arcane as well." . These will be invasive a best that the village is fighting to control. They are a larger more intelligent version of a venous fly trap but with venom that can b
released to attack threats. This could be used to show humanity's push into unknown lands. These plants where not medieval and will be something specific to the war craft theme they were discovered in 1875 well after medieval era. "showed that the leaves of some pla
been transformed into ingenious structures that not only trapped insects and other small creatures but also digested them andabsorbed the nutrients released from their corpses. In 1875, Darwin published Insectivorous Plants, detailing all he had

Term1 - unit 9 Page 2

What are you going to Why did Image reference of orc and human versions. What does the image show?
make? You chose And what are the human and orc Village differences?
This and what are differences between orcs and humans
also give a characteristic analysis ?
Hospital and orc I have chosen the Hospital, the centre building And the This image shows a town hall from the game in the human village.
buildings most important part of the town "Central to the medieval
home, in houses great and small, was the
hall" it was where the lord or noble
would rule from and have formal events. "The village was The first photo is a 3d artists recreation and the second is from the first warcraft
usually part of a manor run by a Lord or someone of noble game it is the town hall and has stone work common in medieval times " Early
birth or a church or an abbey. Imperatively, most peasants medieval architecture was a continuation of Roman architecture, relying on the
never ventured out of the village during their lifetime." rounded arch and barrel vaults" . Washington State University and a clock tower and human defences like ramparts and towers utilize historical accuracy.
The building will be where the mayor of the village or Something else they did for historical accuracy is within humans is Human decor
leader makes the decisions basically the hub of the features stained glass, sculptures, tapestries - references to European history.
village. Should be near the centre of the village as it is
important and a centre defence point and where they are
normally located. This is part of the structure of a normal
village which is a system used for the villages of the
kingdom, the structure of their government with different The orc buildings are more industrial and made with metal, wood and animal
free from
class of people. This can be proved by looking at historical horns. The textures are very dark shades of colours and often have scratches on.
accounts and ruins. The orc buildings are a lot smaller and rounder. They have cloth around he
ames and
spikes and ropes as well. The red in the orc buildings symbolizes evil and blood
showing there brutality as well as the horns used from the animals they
defeated. Orc architecture and environments appear crudely slapped together,
with chaotic shapes also Orc materials are crudely nailed together and barely
hat was

o can be
end to

show age The orcs buildings have no grass in the surrounding area
symbolising there evil through death and decay or lack of
agricultural ability perhaps due to a reliance on hunting
s. Another for food suggesting a lower technology level. They tend to
use animal bones and wood as they are the most available
materials for them to use.

or me it The human villages architecture is closest to medieval I

believe around 1400 – 1500ac because the stone cutting
is more precises then early buildings from around 500 ac.
Some common characteristics they would use where
smells arches and towers. "The chief characteristic of medieval
the architecture is the semicircular arch, often combined with
massive cylindrical pillars. Early Norman buildings have an
austere and fortress-like quality. The Chapel of St John
within the Tower of London is one particularly early and
atmospheric example."https://www.english-

The warcraft humans use steel swords compared to the

orcs use of only iron, this suggests the humans technology
from later medieval times (closer to 1500) whereas the
orcs do not the ability to make this showing lesser black
r hut smith technology steel is essentially iron bonded with
ess. carbon this allows for the metal to keep edges better an
the important ability for a weapon designed for stabbing or
slicing and Lickly a reason for orcs relying on hammers
made of wood or some iron. "By the dawn of the Medieval
s of period (c. 500 CE), steelmaking technology had changed
little: it was a haphazard, almost magical art that
produced fine weapons for a tiny noble elite. By the end of
ng to the medieval era, it was a mechanised process, the subject
of manuals and treatises, mobilised to equip whole
armies. Here, we’ll look at the basic building blocks of the
process of steel-making."
Tree Trees are a common environmental object that I have Several tress from the game from several places and the different styles.
chosen because they can be used to show the flourishing
of a civilization and there nature connection. The tree The orc would have likely use most here trees in their buildings as they are
could be spruce or oak as they are common in europe made from wood a lot of the time.
which is the area where our focus of arciture is from.
"Spruce is the main timber product in much of

The trees are essential for the feel of this world I chose
them to bring the feel of a village in a forest area. These
are the same for orc and human villages however there
are less I orc villages

Fire pit Shows the activity of industry and their ability to face A event fire pit from the game called the mid-summer festival.
problems such as cold and cooking. Fire was important in Which is a centre piece of a area.
medieval times but would be more so for the orcs who
don’t have the ability to farm so rely on cooking meat.
"Fire was a versatile and important part of medieval life. It
was used to provide light, heat homes, and cook
aced food." The fire pit is metal and has markings on that could show its ancient backstory.

As it's from an event it will be something interesting to

make the village unique.
re is a
be This is not a human thing but I can create a human
ants had version.

Term1 - unit 9 Page 3

Above is a photo of a venous fly trap eating a wasp my one will eat humans and animals. It will need to be coloured in a wayto show its a plant from a darker evil place maybe red and black spots. I may explore other carnivorous plants for ideas like other one above.

The chose of a market stall is something to show commerce within the village it will be something that can be verities with different foods or goods built with fabric and wood like historical market stalls it will be very warn due to use. These bring a sense of community to
Art work from the time showing a stall
village but where also a real thing that would be common with vegetables
Recreation orsuggest
of what accounts textiles and
a stall could look other
like needed goods being sold as we can see in paintings of such stalls and historical acounts.. "in villages, towns, and large cities which had been granted the privilege of a license t
by their monarch, markets were regularly held in public squares (or sometimes triangles), in wide streets or even in purpose-built halls. Markets were also organised just outside many castles and monasteries."

Above is a few photos of historical market stalls and other artists renders as you can see the colours are different in each this is something I could replicate.
These ones are very clean which would not be accurate. Some things it might sell include fruit or cloths. We will need to make the colours match the war craft theme.

1. Warcraft III gameplay videos and image galleries

2. Warcraft wiki fan sites collecting in-game asset references

3. Other sites referenced through via links

Term1 - unit 9 Page 4

o the
to do so

Term1 - unit 9 Page 5

17 October 2023 11:06

List of what to make

• Hospital
• Carnivorous plant
• Market stall

Week What are you going to Screenshot of How Skills used? Did This
do? Task am I go to
going plan?
this ?
Week 1 Research the game
and about the things I
am going to make

Week 2 Plan the time frame

out so I know what is
expected of me each

Week 3 Production work, 3d

modelling all assets
Week 4 Un wrap all assets and
produce textures for
them in photoshop
Week 5 Changes and finishing
touches bring into the
main village
Week 6 Evaluation page in the
written work
Week 7 Submission

Term1 - unit 9 Page 6

17 October 2023 11:08

Term1 - unit 9 Page 7

17 October 2023 11:08

Term1 - unit 9 Page 8

20 November 2023 10:47

Research page feedback:

Based on Task 1.1 and 1.2 of your assignment, let's analyse your proposed assets for the human village
in the Warcraft III Reforged expansion:
Task 1.1: Analysis of Characteristics and Context
Stone Hospital
• Architecture: Your design for a stone hospital fits well with the medieval theme of human villages
in Warcraft. The use of stone indicates a sturdy, permanent structure, resonating with the human
race's sophistication and technological advancement compared to orcs.
• Colour Scheme: The choice of royal blue roofing and grey bricks aligns with the human village
aesthetic. The blue symbolizes freedom and imagination, reflecting the human race's values, while
grey adds a sense of neutrality and conformity, which could imply their desire for peace and order.
• Historical Context: Incorporating elements from medieval hospitals, like herb gardens and basic
medical tools, ties the building to historical practices, enhancing its authenticity in the game
Carnivorous Plant
• Connection to Magic: This asset taps into the magical aspect of the Warcraft world, particularly
the human's exploration of arcane and divine magic. It adds an element of mystery and danger to
the village.
• Environmental Impact: The plant's invasive nature could reflect humanity's expansion and its
consequences, adding depth to the game's narrative.
Market Stall
• Cultural Significance: A market stall is an excellent choice for showcasing village life and
commerce. It reflects community and trade, which are vital aspects of human settlements.
• Historical Accuracy: Designing the stall based on historical references ensures it fits seamlessly
into the medieval setting of the human village.
Task 1.2: Interpretation of Research to Develop Ideas
• Hospital Design: Your plan to include features like herb hanging, cauldrons, and windows for
ventilation shows a thoughtful application of medieval practices in a fantasy setting. The idea of
incorporating signs of bloodletting and basic medical tools further ties it to historical practices.
• Plant Aesthetics: The colour scheme for the carnivorous plant should be carefully chosen to
reflect its dangerous nature while fitting the overall colour palette of the human village.
• Market Stall Variability: The ability to vary the stall with different goods adds to the dynamic
nature of the village. Ensuring that the stall's design, including its wear and tear, reflects its
frequent use is crucial.
Your ideas for the human village assets demonstrate a good understanding of the Warcraft universe's
style and the human race's characteristics. The blend of historical references, fantasy elements, and
adherence to the game's aesthetic guidelines indicates a thoughtful approach to asset creation. Ensure
that all assets conform to the technical constraints set by Blizzard, like polygon counts and texture file
specifications. Your interpretation of historical and cultural elements into a fantasy setting aligns well
with the requirements of the assignment.

Term1 - unit 9 Page 9

Here's a graphical representation showing the success in each criterion for the Warcraft III asset creation
project. The values assigned to each criterion are based on the analysis of your proposed assets and
their alignment with the project requirements. These values are illustrative and subjective, meant to
give a visual understanding of how each aspect of your project measures against the set criteria.

Dalle 3 images generated based off research

Page can be used to asses if the description of what is
wanted is accurate

Here is a video that goes through the style of both villages and can be used
To give an idea of what the research should contain:

General Overview: Your plan page presents a detailed and structured overview of your work process
over seven weeks. It's commendable how you organized the tasks per week and included what you
planned to do, the skills used, and whether the tasks went according to plan. This structure provides

Term1 - unit 9 Page 10

planned to do, the skills used, and whether the tasks went according to plan. This structure provides
clarity and demonstrates a methodical approach to your project. Specific Feedback: Week 1 - Research:
Strengths: Excellent use of planning and research skills, ensuring a solid foundation for the project. The
idea to delve into what makes a game feel like a Warcraft game shows an understanding of the
importance of thematic consistency.

Improvements: It would be beneficial to include specific aspects or features of Warcraft that you found
most influential during your research.

Week 2 - Planning: Strengths: Good demonstration of time management and planning skills.
Recognizing the need for a buffer period in your schedule is a wise approach. Improvements: Include a
more detailed breakdown of the timeframe for each task to demonstrate thorough planning.

Week 3 - Production Work: Strengths: Effective use of hard surface and organic modelling skills. The
focus on architectural styles and historical accuracy is impressive. Improvements: Discuss any challenges
faced during the modelling process and how you overcame them. This would provide a deeper insight
into your problem-solving abilities.

Week 4 - Texturing: Strengths: Efficient workflow in UV unwrapping and texture creation. The use of
Photoshop skills is well implemented. Improvements: Mention how the textures contribute to the
overall aesthetic of the Warcraft universe and any difficulties encountered in texture creation.

Week 5 - Final Touches and Unity Scene: Strengths: Good integration of different software (Unity, After
Effects) demonstrating versatility. Creating a scene for the final submission is a great way to showcase
your work. Improvements: Reflect on the process of integrating assets into Unity and any adjustments
you had to make for them to work seamlessly in the scene.

Week 6 - Evaluation: Strengths: The focus on self-reflection and analysis is crucial for personal
development. Writing about the requirements and your ability to meet them shows self-awareness.
Improvements: Provide more detail on your self-reflection process. How did the project influence your
understanding of game asset creation?

Week 7 - Submission: Strengths: Adherence to deadlines and presentation skills are evident. Including
the YouTube link in OneNote shows organization.

Improvements: Reflect on the overall process and what you learned from the project. This could be
beneficial for future projects. Overall Evaluation: You have shown a comprehensive understanding of
the requirements and executed the tasks with a high level of skill and organization. Your ability to plan,
research, create, and evaluate is evident throughout the project. It would be beneficial to include more
reflective insights into each week's task, discussing challenges and learnings to demonstrate deeper
understanding and continuous improvement. Your adherence to deadlines and detailed documentation
of each step are commendable and indicative of a professional work ethic.

Feedback and Evaluation on Your Production Page

General Overview:
Your production page is comprehensive and detailed, showcasing a variety of technical skills and
processes used in creating game assets. The documentation of texture mapping, poly count, rendering,

Term1 - unit 9 Page 11

processes used in creating game assets. The documentation of texture mapping, poly count, rendering,
and wireframe creation, along with the final outputs for each asset, indicates a thorough and methodical
approach. The inclusion of weekly reflections adds a valuable layer of self-assessment to the process.

Specific Feedback:

Texture Maps and Poly Counts:

Strengths: Adhering to the specified texture sizes and poly count limits demonstrates a strong
understanding of technical requirements. The proof of texture map sizes and poly counts ensures
compliance with the project guidelines.
Improvements: Consider experimenting with different texture resolutions and poly counts in initial
stages to explore various levels of detail and optimization.
Model Renders and Adjustments:

Strengths: The renders of the hospital, market stall, and plant show a good balance between detail and
efficiency. Adjustments based on early renders, such as modifying wood supports, indicate a keen eye
for detail.
Improvements: Include notes on how each adjustment enhances the final asset, and if there were
alternative solutions considered.
Wireframes and File Management:

Strengths: Presenting wireframes is essential for understanding the structure of your models. Good file
organization is evident in the naming and backing up of files.
Improvements: Briefly describe any challenges faced during the wireframing process or in managing
multiple versions of files.
Weekly Reflections:

Strengths: Reflecting weekly on the progress, learning new skills, and recognizing areas for improvement
demonstrate a reflective and growth-oriented mindset.
Improvements: Expand on specific learning moments or challenges faced each week. This could provide
deeper insights into your problem-solving and adaptation skills.
Final Video and Additional Renders:

Strengths: The final video and additional renders with water shaders are excellent for showcasing your
work dynamically. The use of different textures for various parts of the plant shows attention to detail.
Improvements: Discuss the process of choosing and applying shaders, particularly for the water effect,
and any challenges encountered.
Texture Details:

Strengths: The variety of textures (e.g., hospital walls, plant skin) indicates versatility in texture creation.
Improvements: Reflect on the choice of textures and how they contribute to the overall aesthetic and
thematic consistency with the Warcraft universe.
Overall Evaluation:
Your production page reflects a high level of technical proficiency and artistic skill in game asset
creation. The detailed documentation of each step, from initial modelling to final rendering, shows a

Term1 - unit 9 Page 12

creation. The detailed documentation of each step, from initial modelling to final rendering, shows a
professional approach. Your ability to reflect on your work and identify areas for improvement is
commendable. For future projects, consider exploring even more detailed texturing techniques and
advanced rendering processes to further enhance your skills. Your adherence to project guidelines and
effective time management throughout the process are notable strengths.

General Overview:
Your evaluation page effectively captures your reflections on the project, including the challenges faced,
the skills learned, and areas for improvement. It demonstrates a clear understanding of the project
requirements and how they were met, as well as a willingness to learn from feedback and experiences.

Specific Feedback:

Meeting Project Requirements:

Strengths: Excellently meeting the poly count and texture requirements. Your ability to adjust poly
counts demonstrates adaptability and technical proficiency.
Improvements: In future projects, consider setting internal benchmarks that are closer to the maximum
limits to explore the full potential of details and complexities in your models.
Mesh Integration and Technical Solutions:

Strengths: Successfully integrating multiple elements into a single mesh is a crucial skill, and you've
showcased this ability effectively.
Improvements: Reflect on any specific technical challenges faced during this integration and how they
were overcome.
Organizational Skills and Time Management:

Strengths: Recognizing the need for better project organization and time management is a sign of
professional growth.
Improvements: Develop a more structured file management system and a detailed timeline for future
projects to enhance efficiency.
Learning and Skill Development:

Strengths: Learning new skills such as selecting specific UV channels in Unity and applying them
effectively in your project is commendable.
Improvements: Elaborate on how these new skills can be applied to different scenarios in game design.
Feedback Integration and Model Refinement:

Strengths: Being receptive to feedback from peers, especially regarding the carnivorous plant’s teeth,
shows a commitment to continuous improvement.
Improvements: Consider implementing a regular peer review process at different stages of your project

Term1 - unit 9 Page 13

Improvements: Consider implementing a regular peer review process at different stages of your project
for ongoing feedback.
Future Plans and Continued Learning:

Strengths: Planning to carry forward lessons learned into future projects is a great way to ensure
continuous improvement.
Improvements: Set specific, measurable goals for improvements in organization and focus for your next
Innovative Evaluation Techniques:

Strengths: Using a Unity script to replicate the game’s camera and player movement for evaluating your
models is an innovative approach. This allows you to see your models in a context similar to their
intended use.
Improvements: Share insights gained from this evaluation method and how it might influence your
design decisions in the future.
Overall Evaluation:
Your evaluation page demonstrates a high level of self-awareness and commitment to professional
development. You have effectively met the technical requirements of the project while also identifying
areas for growth. The use of innovative tools for evaluation and the willingness to integrate feedback
into your work are particularly commendable. Going forward, enhancing your organizational skills and
continuing to apply new learning in practical scenarios will further elevate your proficiency in game
asset creation. Your project, as reflected in this evaluation, shows significant progress and a deepening
understanding of complex design processes.

Term1 - unit 9 Page 14

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