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134 M.D. Echavez St., Sudlon, Maguikay, Mandaue City, Cebu, Philippines 6014
(Servant Leaders for Mission)

Junior High School
Grade 7
SY 2023-2024

Guidance Services Office

“Guiding tomorrow’s dreams today”
Grade 7 Third Grading

Module on Community Involvement

What is a Good Citizen?

A citizen is a member of a group. You can be a citizen of more than one

place. For example, you are a citizen of your neighborhood, your class, your
school, your state and your country!

Citizens have certain rights. A right is a freedom that is protected. If you

are a citizen of the Philippines, some examples of your rights are the right to
education and the right to express yourself.

Citizens are given rights, but they are also given responsibilities. Good
citizens are people who make choices that are helpful to others. By being
responsible, good citizens help make their communities a better place to live,
work, and play!

Good citizens are many things. They are honest, respectful and caring.
They treat others how they want to be treated. They choose to do kind things for
others and help take care of their communities.

Good citizenship starts on the playground

Through play, children acquire fundamental skills for living cooperatively with

Top benefits gained from a community playground:

1. Playgrounds are fun for children and families

2. Children gain self-confidence and increased self-esteem when they
master an activity that was previously challenging
3. Free activity for families
4. Grow kids’ creativity and imagination
5. Increased physical activity helps fight childhood obesity
6. Opportunity for parents, grandparents or caregivers to engage with
children through play
7. Reinforce and build social skills when kids play with other children
and make new friends
8. Multisensory experiences, like the We-saw™, Sensory Play Center®
and Roller Table, help to build a child’s brain more quickly
9. Brings people together and creates a sense of belonging
10. Outside activity helps to boost mood, reduce stress and increase

Community Playgrounds Build Important Skills

• Cognitive – When kids interact and explore on community playgrounds,
they get the opportunity to problem-solve, think critically and plan
• Physical – Climbing, jumping and running leads to increased
cardiovascular health and increased upper- and lower-body strength.
Municipal playgrounds also help improve balance, agility and hand/eye
• Social – Community playgrounds offer opportunities for kids to
collaborate and engage with each other to overcome challenge.
• Sensory – Using more than one sense – sight, hearing, touch – helps
build a child’s developing brain more quickly.

Activity No. 1
What Could Happen Next?

Instructions: Ask students to discuss, draw, or write in response to the

following questions:

1. You find money on the playground. What could happen next?

2. Everybody is in a hurry. A kid near you trips and falls down. What could
happen next?
3. Your teacher asks the class to be quiet after somebody said something
really funny. What could happen next?
4. You borrowed a pencil from the teacher's desk and lost it. What could
happen next?
5. You think somebody is being cruel by making fun of a kid on the
playground. What could happen next?
Activity No. 2
Being a Good Citizen
There are many ways to be a good citizen. (1) When you have a picnic at the park,
you clean up after yourself. (2) If you see a crime being committed, you call the
police. (3) You respect your neighbors by being polite and kind to them.

1. Do you do any of the things above or similar actions? Which ones?


2. What do you think it means to be a good citizen?


3. What else can you do to be a good citizen?


4. Draw or paste a picture of yourself being a good citizen and share it to the class.
Activity No. 3
A Good Citizen’s Responsibilities
Based on what was mentioned in reading number 1, everyone is given their rights and
with these rights are corresponding responsibilities. The box below contains sentences
about responsibilities that corresponds to your rights. Put the letters of those
sentences in the right group.

A. I study hard.
B. I do not listen in on my friends’ private conversations.
C. I do not use others’ belongings without their permission.
D. I skip class if I do not like the teacher/ subject.
E. I do not make fun of my friend’s opinions and feelings.
F. I do not miss class for invalid reasons.
G. I love teasing my friends even if it hurts them.
H. I always listen to class discussions.
I. I do not meddle in other people’s business.
J. I do not tease my classmate who does not have the same religion
as me.

The Right to Education The Right to Privacy The Right to Freedom of

Thought, Religion,
Opinion, and Expression

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