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Website: www.civilstaphimachal.

com Contact us: 7814622609



✓ Introduction to Disasters: Concepts, definitions, disaster classifications including natural and man-
made disasters.

✓ Social and Environmental impacts of disasters.

✓ Disaster profile of the country.

✓ Approaches to Disaster Risk Reductions.

✓ Disaster management models. Roles and responsibilities of stakeholders including community,

Concept of first responders.

✓ Interrelationship of disaster and development.

✓ Disaster management in India including Disaster Management ACT 2005, National and state policies,
Plans and institutional mechanism in the country.


1. Explain voluntary disasters with suitable examples. 4 Marks

2. Define Cloud Burst. 4 Marks

3. Suggest two ways of disaster risk reduction with appropriate example. 4 Marks

4. Explain briefly Disaster Management Act, 2005. 4 Marks

5. Write a short note on national disaster management authority. 4 Marks

6. Distinguish between natural and man-made disasters. 4 Marks

8. Define Hybrid disaster. 4 Marks

9. Write a Note on Morbi Disaster. 4 Marks

10. What is Hazard Mapping? Why is it essential? 4 marks

Website: Contact us: 7814622609


1. Differentiate between Hazard and Disaster. 4 Marks

2. Explain the major causes of flash floods. 4 Marks

3. Highlight the factors responsible for Urban Flooding. 4 Marks

4. Recently Landslides have been observed as a rampant phenomenon in Himalayas. Identity the causes
and consequences of Landslides? 8 Marks

5. What do you understand by Heat waves? 4 Marks

6. Why India is vulnerable to Disasters? 4 Marks

7. Discuss the Hazard Profile of India. 8 Marks

8. What are the social impact of Disasters? 4 Marks

9. Highlight the environmental impact of Disasters? 4 Marks

10. How Disasters are related to development? 8 Marks

11. What do you understand by Disaster Risk Reduction? 4 Marks

12. Write a short note on Disaster Management Policy, 2009. 4 Marks

13. Who is consider as the first responder in Disaster Management? What are the responsibilities could be
played by first responder in disaster management? 4 Marks

14. Briefly explain the provisions of Sendai Framework. 4 Marks

15. Examine the various forms of disasters to which Himachal Pradesh is vulnerable. 20 Marks

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