Job Mapping Notes

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Job Mapping

Hay Job Mapping Methodology

• Job Mapping methodology is underpinned by Job Evaluation framework

pioneered by Hay Group

• All Companies that are a part of our compensation database either have hay points
for each of their jobs or need to undergo a Job Mapping Session.

• Benchmarking of positions is not done based on job descriptions or job title

matching but based on job size

+ + + JOB SIZE
Know-How Problem Solving Accountability
Technical Know- How Freedom to act
Thinking Environment
Area of impact
Management Breath
Thinking Challenge
Nature of Impact
Human relation skills

• The depth and range of practical, technical, specialist, professional and general
skills in the job.
• The degree of planning, organizing, supervising, coordinating and managing
• The extent of human relations’ skills required.

Problem Solving
• The complexity and intensity of problems arising in the job and the nature and
scope of the thinking required to solve them. Here it is determined how broad or
detailed the policies, procedures and precedents forming a job’s thinking
environment are.
• The amount of analysis, judgment and innovation involved in analyzing situations
and making recommendations.

• The degree of authority and discretion vested in the job and the answerability for
the exercise of it.
• The scale of the areas of activity on which the job is expected to have an impact.
• The nature of the impact the job has.

Certain relationships exist between these common elements. Different types of jobs
will need different combinations of the three. The shape and composition of jobs will
differ but their relative value to the organization can still be explained and expressed
throughout by describing the jobs in terms of Know- How, Problem Solving and

The relative worth of a job to one organization must reflect the value standards of that
organization. Nevertheless, because jobs can be described in a common language,
comparisons can be made across departments within as well as between
organizations and even between organizations between countries.
Example of Grade based organization structure – without Job Mapping
Sales Jobs IT Jobs HR Jobs

Job 4 Job 4 Job 4

Job 3 Job 3 Job 3

Job 2 Job 2 Job 2

Job 1 Job 1 Job 1

Job Mapping based Hay Reference Levels

Sales Jobs IT Jobs HR Jobs

Job 3 Job 3
Job 2 Job 3
Job 2
Job 1 Job 2 Job 1
Job 1
Job Mapping brings out the internal relativity of the Jobs across Job families based on
the Size of Job , and delineates designations or the person doing the Job. Allows
Vertical Job wise comparison viz. HR vs. HR but also enables horizontal comparison
viz. HR vs. Finance or Processing etc.
Job Mapping – the process

The Hay Job Matrix


Job Families

We use a “matrix” of jobs, organized by job family (vertically) and Hay Reference Level

The matrix is populated by Hay’s representative jobs, each backed up by a job


We will put each client job into a “box” in this matrix, hence attaching a relevant
reference level and job family, and if possible also a representative job.

This will allow us to make consistent comparisons across job families within a company,
across companies in the market, industries, and countries.
Job Mapping – the Unique Advantages

• Globally consistent & structured

• Based on Hay methodology, Hay step principle, and Job MappingSM language

• Interactive with the client – face to face

• Local consultants in local language & with market knowledge

• Can map any job in client’s organization using the reference level and family

• Vertical but also horizontal checks possible

• Back-up solution available – job evaluation

• Sector market approach including sector job models

• Consistent comparisons across job families, companies in the market, industries,

and countries
Training of client personnel – Job Mapping Methodology

Job Mapping is conducted as a highly interactive session involving HR & representative

line managers of the client organization. The entire process for Job Mapping is
completely transparent. All positions are Mapped and finalized in consultation with the
client team. Hence the client team (including comparators team) also gets complete
know-how and trained during the process.

At the end of the exercise the client’s team can easily map future positions, which are
currently not there in the organization.

Hay Groups consultants at time in future would extend full support to the client team in
this regard.

Information required for the Job Mapping session

1. Organization chart with reporting lines and number of people reporting to the jobs
which will be mapped. In this case we would map all functions viz. both the core
functions as well the support functions within the organization.

2. List of all Jobs NOT people that need to be mapped

3. Job descriptions à it would help is Job descriptions are available; our Job
Mapping consultant would require a very good understanding on the Jobs
mapped. Our consultants would also carry Hay Groups global job descriptors.
Participants required from your side for Job Mapping session

HR Team – To give an overview of jobs within the organization and compare jobs across
Job families.

Key Functional Managers / Departmental heads à to provide specific information on the

Jobs in their respective areas.

Noteà while participation from the HR team is a must, participation from the line
managers would be in form of individual face-to-face meetings only and not in groups
(cross functions). The main purpose of meeting line managers if necessary would be to
essentially validate our understanding on Jobs in any given particular area / Job

We do not encourage sharing Job Matrix, with line managers due to the confidentiality
of the information pertaining to relativity of positions across Job families.

Time taken for Job Mapping Session

Job Mapping sessions on the average take about 3-4 hours. However exact time taken
would vary across organizations depending on the number of Job families / positions

For more details or any clarifications please feel free to contact any of the Hay
representatives given below +91 9811430401 / + 91 (124) 4177436 +91 9899058916 / + 91 (124) 4177440 +91 9811884530 / + 91 (124) 4177423

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