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BAR CooNcze al BAR 2 BENCH RELATION _ her Abas yt 4 Aden tshahon | Xe ashe , ‘ me yrdicnas system Ts Composed | He uages | _ | o< advocates who ossrst te Gudiuar | Inve cLispensing ustice through clrschowat ay dtte’ oluk @ oES ie | “Tre Box o& He Bench art two _ elements E pashte Con nok be © Hy oalministered | [th tle Cougs A L BAR peor at li Advocates art registered! by the Stak Boy Courci] be such oftey i smecelvirg tte dleqree 4) LLB from | a Unversity & receNing « specidre crnound Q deoinicg under tHe Supervision J on Adocore as Stipulated by aeuhes: Tre advocates ort Cotrectively cocfevred TOR EDUCATIONAL USE rn . - = |4fo OS He Box k en aduocore 15 design as dhe sepatsentative | the ew * —; _+| Fes the most pork, tHe 4e “Bore” ___|fe on oss gatron _€f attorneys. hn Jonct licensed te practice In He Coughs _ ae Stare. low a Specifre court § ory I - - Be Se { ; BENCH | _ “¥ TRE Geen Bench" retexs to an tte le. KJroge taken to \etley, as oppos@ito ra || te ay Bor”, Bhith refers te ot) memdev ae | eo i" | h He egal poofesstwn xR. deom Tench” also wefers to He | =— Fey Canaponent Of fe Couyk SHE | zee Sie Rg OOS NCCE Sa ; ; i Fame Box” original J ee | the Ot YWwoOs Tina) used : refer to te port 3 He” court dhoh dealt losiHh aster neys. [towevey te der | bug nos Lxseel ste vefers to tHe payk Tite | Covet top oleals 9 Hh yurcld C10 JBoss ! hth is known os "Bench! ; | ee —I uae ‘FOR EDUCATIONAL USE + = = a en = = den ideal ea Date: TTRe Boy x Benth one Cnnsideyed | Pee poh Kees UN Momma | ATO fhap \ ploy A OIE Tn _admint sieving te loud. Roth art subosdinate to O& Thee its Ore anothoy th they osespechive wuies al |- | yea eon “Box Beach Rolarionshie S| pesteirs to He te friendly ae latrons hie ‘er advocores have osith Age. . | | are Biey “Codwa cate sS) Oy tHe Bench Quoge)| beth ee contre] mics. tn the exaltalntshulsy Ld gushed : et. eee Maintaining cosdial aclations a te Bench a He Boy TEI res respec _| bh understendury on both sid€o | a [tee Bench x de! Boy, oF. [ Te membey | tte Bench Should abe | Opprecjote top tHe membex og tte Boy thar op tte pmfessioy) have also t&eiy | OPI E & limitahons aw Showtd | howe Baer card fox tte Problems at tle the Jtger ane also tobe yespectedl & honoured Simi advocate Should erennC asgcl treobroe' ae Toon tee presicieg ¢ SGPLOX, o FOR EDUCATIONAL USE T yy ? pate 4 e — —— 6 L | Constitution Stabe Bay uous | & ¥ S Section 3¢1) dy fle Advocade Aer enacls & [thob Haeve Shot) be Bry Counul “few a |-cach J} dte stole oc Tt Shot! be eaited oS tes Bowe Counc) Q thop store & As poy Section 6 d\ te Ach, every Bory cz ° unui! Shot! be a body carporaee sith az Perpetua} SLctession immo Seafy a x | ft can Acavine oy holo! Priportie7 . = Cory Sue ae he Sued, = As” Per Sethe & oy He Ack y +e tenure => Tp roewber show be five eee uM | = [tte doe q Publication (ale estit, ——- Buy rf te Gunn) fats cto Cond Uh oy ee, __|Letecthun be dove euprry IY tte deo, th —=—%s rary extend Sach denrvrt by moximum | |S monty com See WFE6SON IN = pees ery (r= Wn > A wes r te | theve Shall be 15 mambo 10 State Boy { Gunu) rf tee etecrmsate cloesnt ~exceed Lae COO ee. | Hr become 2S If te ehectorate ran ai ee Five dhousone to Ten thousanal Ef I FOREDUCATIONAL USE DATE: [There Shaul 6 eee (25) members 19 dee CouncI| if +28 nubiber execeds Ten Sree Sc ne aa came is Constitution &| Box Cound) : Q_ Anda fie § Tre Bex Cound| Q Anclia consists Jd) members elected Form “Both Store Boy Gquact| 4 Otte fh ney rerera) dh tency be | die Solictey Genenont DY qaclla Who we | ’x— OFAO Members : > =| aR members from He State Bow’ Councils | Ore elected err a pexiod 4 5 Ors [ | a esr ECIec oes s OO) Choon \"% 7 [hice Choma tr pewod OF) tso " j . geons fponn amongst tks members | 6 J i TOR EDUCATIONAL USP 3 See ; % a! oY Trails once parr 1 SS ae = | Role J} Bax - Bench in ate Pe tei } Justice i x) “Tre poachte Ff law & fhe admintspatiny N SST Ts Nifeuly Impaten do | CON QHey | bos . 2| ere tc 00 Ottey Office paste stole @ __| the -Posses: dle some level Q auttosity | Bg Heeb % He~2 gecae | Fxg co. ENOYMOUS POW ey ~, ecbediry hap a on ottey See [ alse Common people’ ss liwes be beach [ Si tndivrdwe domeshte hepeines ee Oe public Image are Suborder iss [to the, cs) Wiscdort & atizen oye [Feld oecou eae vole fing tlely jodgemens | —— | TR qudteial “peioey ts Coyvuphed! 2 . tov’ is ne tor il O- _Ossurance | % tr Kbeya: fox Fe rtte df & theye | t * ho longer ae ae ATAN HER —B_peesines Thon oe dom strc fetes: cee : Tle dl coypnsinnsie _ JA Skong gudtstor; thek ps ache Unbasad | kk Compotenr fs! the Most Important iin = “a _stakt Con have. _ i a Hoag mey Corry Out tleis vesponsibiry | wd ts the! impedence” 1 judges Prato ae ¢ [rootrsrenoras A cui’ & ovdetly séciety t_” ~ eA adminsshatom 9] \jesttce 6 AO | Lim ited te He Courtrdom | et alo ey > [igri Erconee fox tte Boy. e ® [oR pesewahon Gf cordiof ost lanon [hennesn te bre & bench necessitates we Rr i understandirg on both sides a die Box * [=e wole Of attorneys &« Jodged ont eR =I Supelementwy cto ane anottey , t A = |ohe primary Source 0) Judge me CRA TENh | = is He legal! pwfessim:. As a wesult tey Oat bot” members dh We samme Cammunihy - 4 : > | ce Bor x te Bench Need te sosteayn - Cordia, xelatiins with one anothey - xl Howevey because dh ttc nature Sate TrespONsIbIIy tha abterneys dv prelgor Mush PUA, Heyl roy engege! in dralogre 7 FOR EDUCATIONAL USE « | thar ave some me s heated Somekime 2s | Role dy Re Boy in os ake Bee Bench we | Helso cates ort Coust officers be Hey Ont eequired to help tre court in tte admit nisnatron ustice on, vehald Ae Courts sos | to the Case te afd te cost in Adyocotes qottey mesounces orelevanr eAChIC AN Geh@me In dle case? Ain odvocatre GSoTeS In NAb rahe | sith, te podiciow +0 -ensuryt thot jostice Ts Gdminisiered propetly . | Advocates like judges | play o Signifianh role 1A He oolmini stration A ashe, | \ \ | \ | \ te An Olvotare fos do Prochce fle Plwsirg | Steps de> Presewye & Skreagthen dhe! | cat ne tees | 1) Sho “Weve TEN [ 2) Assist [usar ta heowirg | | 3) Showld nok oticized Judgel $) Shroud nok -excest Stes] | aL) Refers fous violent falke] 6) Contd) 4 avesr Cy-enr - exe ie | from ie Dotter 7 ‘| a Di Show _Revteence Cvespett) | et 2 Shey Showid show wevewenc€ to the zs ; - 7 : peoge Kk ae ffrotn From ols paraginy tre : tens og dee gudiiory (ars BSE . whof soevey { sf oN ASsist yesgen in heaving ge aa a Be a f “Ry shoud ossish tee judges io tel , Couyt heart eoen by conveyirg | _ a te eelevonp fan) occuvetely Cae Sy =A Clable Owed te MOS f TOR TBLEATONAT TST ‘ aie id ‘ bE Gn appeal, 2 1} 4) Should! nok xox} Qe Ue Shwwd por exegh ox o) on the Juclgen x _| Pasorvable ocde ; g Ar. ae Cort Showid 9 eeu fren) Seebi-s te Mo) PUloHe a ste Vesdich | @ te Cowrt thoog h i EO 5) LL Pefrein qa NTokenb eee | Sy In oppropmate Yneans | Fe He judge Canduck ts _annvyine —}k_ Msvrespecr Ai; to tre advocdks , | Hz Seo Mane fees a Omen =a [Niofenr etl STAY yudge Gn Gudsten, Te Isswe Shout i Odelressed with te qrge in WS Chambers tee Bay Asso Creek 'un Ss. ho wel make a “fem a FOR EDUCATIONAL USE 4 In = = = oc oe af hhh hhh t YVY , v VW y SRE UUUE’RGUEULSs SSG DATE: Trequest thar Suth misbehunouy Rob be I eared | t | | Control & avert clienh (fom evgoqerg fo ‘ panc ce B- ae stew responsi bil) 44 on adu oco€ [sto protege ever -ef bode GonsPUd 6 Pe oven hrs eng hey __¢ lent m ergy) [in Ondery gracn’eco wsith ie iaoaee) yee - - | a CUE Met Nero ees L ee — = i a Role Jy dte Bench yo Sheng theni4 Tt ; I die Boy Benth Relator ey } | i = | = HM Aguige is 0 peblic dffuey Sho heows &k deu Cosep fa tHe cosy a. {wu , _ | tent 64 asks ols a lege is putt - = ] = Tu ye WRld -eEnoxMo4s POW ev, Seocge | exceetlirg dpat ) Ary obtey Spe Ie In HE governmenk ony! Wyong i 9 1 x A edge hos de prochce tte [lewsirg [Steps Heo Present A dghvengthen Fee | melanin between Boy & Qenth 9—— | TOR EDUCATIONAL USE ‘ a « a J pare, g | l= oe | Pa AM Cessan: speck a advecak_] a] ¢ pay: a @ eee =| 2) ap fara th Cage S et Pee doth SELh_ Miro/ sh : | e —— >) Act ta fei_& Unbrosed ] : Bee / feed | : i i, pe eee © Blin. as Shue S a a & e ry) More responsibil) y \ honesty Showl d ung sonable — Bite he pt ‘up be dole ae Li DATE: Respecr Odvacate §- an the Some w 7 hop tte advocaHts | ee tise Ht. udgen, te ea 2 Shourol imetpedp iter Wotdvo Cater tog urety Approach “dte case WL Open mind | Eh ls wmpovtent ee: yes | te | oprah a dee CASE With an dper mind & to do So usittont bias ov pregiucliy os apprmprwel Try showtd ag Toa onney, ho ‘ ts bene freed the 1H mayest q qusttce = Srey ean Qik cadvacafes Sugfrlenr Tet tel grecentU teeny Cose fn its entivey, 3) Ack tn tain kK Unbiased manney 2 - Fudge one expectee do acre ta % | Poy KK Uobrased manner - ater mance | peorritted de ace in te Intevesks | & ary prvsecuty ox _poriy to tte dig pube | 4)| Regroin fer lnterfenr4 §- : When Fe4yqned , judge Showed art pun fon indercfening tarts Yee Lowy-ercs intervie UO Oftness on pres entaho) Qh tke nid rae “A lowyeors prvi ss iene fre puctethiy } [mey pe heme | by undue an tnsion be | YOR EDUCATIONAL USF fen eevt ao G tte POH oy point A bx pencliriov§ proper explanation S} : shee a ip tte Course (9 odministerirg ushce, te Courts art = Gecquntly dalled) spon +o dey phey He awrs twules s 5 alirectives, Sy Codes, bylaws, chycwians 5 notices « Oftey clocuments to determire [He tae gnifreone A tte Stahl | to Chow up Con Grsioir of incoherence in He legislation. | op 4rese =n stances if explanation Show! be ||_frrov ile ful usttee to the mvolved In tH Sirah 0 TeGrlahd Fon EDUCATIONAL USE ¥ SERRE ELELS 2 RRELRE Wey eeee ° CRREPLLL 44 vu Lh PLA LL A VVVVVVY Vw. UUELEOYY? 9° I " pare abate aes AdyouUTeMert 0.9 wreosonable be oppmjm ote Grvveds —_ Adjsunoments ove ranted toy athlon) | @ pPowtht @ % LOA SOMoHIE AM oUNh dy bene | Wgresent “rely ong ee Conse? 9 nok be adyouyned Shere | | possible unless dbert ot atovsnab/e | | weperomriote qvounds to Av So. ee aed Excessive Gushponment ct cater | heh Cause) te partion te Suter i . [G@iconuey CUP UH) 18 tHe 10S 4 Comme) couse Q mountry backlogs tn the Cour, stern be : ke: FAV Older Cos€ Eee sas Qe ore case justice defesred 1's fustice . denied” cotit ale o be Fesylved Os Soon AS | G [e@essible os well. |e Rtlen Oldey Coser are Pren promt ee 7 rey Rew Case, new CAS: Arg inoe | foul behicd tn Aleiy disposition a S) Refain fo Os) On ust fied public wot | Tfodgo shod wefirin fiom makicg any | SHgied | pybhe wemarvle dbouf « Vosoyerks a locle 4 tage Insight fr open Couvk. mfeey Show ndh osk any lawyey 2 _ teave! dee Anal untess tee have o compel FOREDUCATIONALUSE _|| reason te clo So. Likewrtse dtey Shourd nob weqresk hop any advodar nok oppeay in his lox hey aon to tre future | ibe bd camel he | Troon h Understendicg ff lard qo Sedge WT hart a thoeough understandicg dy He (oS - rey! Shoub/ 2g [be ove to opel He oppropmote | tegislahun te ev rdente avartable bit Ide Conve te dhe besk poscible Conclustoy pescil $ on Pe Mattey- Is) Preservirg padiaia] mdependene g— By | aes feemosk duty & ensan. be [| Presemirg quilteial Hinde penclence! rete if xe eo upon tte yoalgn Sho presicle : Owey fo Courts U)| Move PeSee Stet kw honesty § Koutd JMnqueshon able Qn ] A jodgek moral cwesponsibiiy Y [honesty SAowld be _unque sttinable! . He laud The tr@dkel wlth’ es pech, bork LPeesoroin intelle chucdiy . Arex Should | be Soredting to Commend atbouf- Charachr— | _L& dee act [ an I FOR EDUCATIONAL USE I a py Kept up fo hort enewtedse f Trae entails 0 lok GF hovd work & : extensive wtsearth olore on irs lav [a Comprehensive bests | A jadgers Enowledge shor be keph | ~ [upto dope esi ee mosh wecenh eadvensiney| Ly teonsiermations fn tegislation tow | Centnuors iS Bcuieo a th. , MeMMOMMeee hr iat) ) ill) oll. Dues | Bow we Benth 10 Aalminishrah on § aster 2S Le Bench er soon seer mle cy EL Rat yest oe dte cht -09 Bec are ; = Bens ~okteh dt ba Soe sca) ___ | tue admin pth Ciare Se z [Duties DY te Bench | I Ta dhe Stok, Here is no dffice d svch eee eee Oe eee jog, eae sas [SWth one held 6: pig one ae z joy SHer Facets MoT a |The Giizen's Ife, liberty, pevsoned clomeste | heppiness, wepurahon d& pepe Ol one Subfech to die vsisdom Uf tHe pablges & ou pre GHzen hoe de ia st ate Bye 4 cleus ity). ele jeg, became Cowraph Hew call be ny Secumty lefr Sle ciizens de life [ibevty Alotey tart Wit be Wo quoenrer 3) pervert demeshe hpeices oor FOR EDUCATIONAL USE | “on Lx] | Rae — suggestton on tte relate behveery ie Boy & “Bench Son [Bent Plvy avity wole iN beirg toy, most pmpectent ongen, they Shin ey ECan m veresvcg Mthap (ethee [1S aalmints) popes Teplice. [Gen tte feck thor bot, ot potiona/ | ta He aclminishahow JF yoshe dhe Baye | — TTrTa! [esses A guy nation, de pase tee Cowrdinort bk ws sstesla tel exit One anvitry cD well as Stey geutious [Hopetee in ordey de safequbed quslinel | en Preperctorce . | T A_ost puters % orbesed judiGeq, oa cell an powerky bow Ore regu re0f do mounteun f4e Syskr Qe democrely K incleperdence undey He wule 1 law th the Country. : I fogtewermne tte Lanyert Mush hove de impeesstm thay thel wore ne lssuer soul! be addlaesseol on a taly Covvk heamre ! ke trop (Pedy rise unbrosed k credrl ip ethene Oe Otten thing! TOR EDUCATIONAL USE BEEULELELEEGEEEGELE fee ction) fry dis paduenee dss He Couyh'c OHA, tthap tee hy = [tevel Q optimum — presh kK Et ar [Hoop sy hove Boerireol dthorud note [then cw Carvey. be Sustains [roe yreakened 1A an monney < tb 1 joolges o¢ lowe, Hey beoy _ [tte eee cl mstisbekiey ann Moaintein dry publics teasr in tee cour Byars | Furnch in ke Powex Tic] = 12s evel 10 Shae | Ser hon d. aetptscakee Fi Ak | Prev 1D fry ane tery | Pee rte y: tte (Roy Ckonu| a ji |e eCca cata) Qh Ganda) Sey [Syataiy body Creopad by Pov lramet te reguloe bd yeymseny Ilan bey | | FOR EDUCATIONAL USE DATE: : DY Standavd Professiorep Condwep ee ae 2) Ley alusn tederre / pk Safguwed He eon ae as ? [Spispose matter Qstede Coy _] 4) Prrmate [egal edrcatinyg J Pe 4 FB) Te Snercise SUpesylsiowy iq \ 2) Conduch Seminay * 3 : > > ? => > Pome cis } +7 ‘el I}, gems as" »> > = \\\ Slo egal afd & poor aay \ [ss Ponoge Funds 7 J \ | Stara esa I | 4 3 Ley a6 we cagnis€ SERS, TOR EDUCATIONAL USE IAI A IA CIR IAD ae pate “Stondered povdessronel Gsndch 8- | tee Boy Guna) 9 Gods (Bcr) Noy deon Stendod € mp Pes stone Grdxt | be etiquette qey_calue cates Sa) tay des preeane 3 ‘| MIEra cys Caonel dy [oy dows | force due to be VAStiuwed iby tts [Gmmtstee | cork Stole Boy Count’) _ pos cae SSeS YE D| See g wo Right 2 Boy Cound) ) Gada Sst vod tee osc pin Ormamithee be Ate Aiseiplney | + Svil l | atghts Privileg en “oe Interest g) advocates f)| Lows Reform & tf f Boy Gooner) {) Grokiey Porno & Supper} torso Refers pry ery Fee wre quywremorl Sed eF al 44. iepe Geek te = <4. ~frerle tajote 5) | Dispose matter 4) Stale Roy 3- fr deals with a dispyse any | 7 | mohtey shrub may be mewferced ity je Toye Stott Boy [Cound], T FOR EDUCATIONAL USE [promore Tsgsy Cdvcating ; lie “at _Pamobe te edueathun O¢ Fo foy devon Stendiveds re ed Qcwahin- Thik ts done tn Consuttadrom osltA tHe | Usivevsihes fein wapowti ag tegen ne seokioattd n dete stek Bey @analys | CF exercise Supewision eee The Boy council dha Nisin « MSspeu | OniersihtP oy dire tte Stete Bov = Gundls de Visit & laspech Universihy2 a dev this Prvpose . ‘s Bl Conduct Seminars 2- % “ St canduch Seminnys & tks ON | tegoy dapres 64 tminenh jurists O¢ ipSblish yovanets ps Papers 4 repo ea tetere s+ % q eee aid te pooy_ “Whe Bey Cound] 8) ocle yg anis- legal aid te poor - fs si FOR EDUCATIONAL USE a aan | im deem Bom Hime do dese. 3} Mono.9¢ Von ee If Bor Coun Gt} hich | Pewid qe Chachi — 1a pec: be invest dee fireds _ € Gt pave thy de Bledhun oh JES Membend shy ghotl Wun dee | Bory CAUNL'] 5 2) pemrns.: ee = os mecogatst _ Whose Ieoret PAUSES Chet! be “dual Preaany, |eY en wmlmerh os an Odtocale St DATE ee fan ctton SF Store Boy Gon] mae Wa) patpet wmointan dll] 3) Entertoun Oy Delemmiry Case | AY Suppowk low Refeedy | ) Sa equa yht Q Adveck] IY pub) ish youre} A >| #) eq ad ts Poo \\ [ey Manage kincest Raced i Nike Elechay >[to) Pevifemn at Other Rnchey FOREDUCATIONALUSE —___odvocote on ts wall. pate mk povtdy? OS alvacare 8 —|| Stern esy Guna) oamir persons os —|Oooeatt On {ts wll. Udkho Pposicof te LER error) [prepet_ i moantean Gol) 42 HOOKS HOH HHH OSE | eas __ Stee Bev os r a _ Re pve & Piocorein pl) ap ado cose ) Sntedtoan be dehevimirt tn Cove 2S | -Sye4 4 By Gort] sentesfean Oe cledewrt | ___ | Coxe s sso goastion) MIsednelucg Smet RTT 2 ere os BE a ms ak Te Stete Boy Gunui] promot Se ppt lous we forry di sofegoud Rghr hf Ackwocote 3 SHR Roy ound | SoFeq sive ars | a vile s MM In F i ge ce FOR FDUCATIONAL USE Pee eae | |} | | publish your ney e- | > > S | Stele Boy G@urd[ tanduch seminays UY | ontse talks 07 ire che pres bs) eminent | S ad => 3 XY Aa pep ey beats % publish jours ‘of 4 a“) ees ESC OU) ox nyse joa orege | Be |e inset He Fard of Boy Guna wht | = WW xecelvod ey er = - | 2 SemNet ; 38 4) Proreke Ee Clectay Bae fc ra} essen IE Seve aor avcu) po fac ee a | electtn ob ths membOr4 _ NE. SS) perf on OHey forcing. . State Ke Bay Covru'| parfewm Ul often foytdi on Ss conferred of 1+ by oe Under ae idieahoh FOR EDUCATIONAL USE 4 x A Complain O9o4unsh on aovoco+€ 4 hea tube inte Rano (petition. + : ¥ EZ bed te he ANG Sigred bvenfred | By Required cpdley He code oy civil | 7 _|qeuce Wnt z Siva ; + | Fe ans plainp Con be Gited WW Engtish f ov ih Hind! or in & edie) longrlare [ethene te lengnage Rex been declared fo be O Store Komgunae ‘ : i x | Gr thsse Coyes Shert {& Campleanh © eis a Ory Otten ~egtima) | at Stet Bay Genk) Sheil fyunstabe? | 8€¢_ Gomploanh ww Enstish wvhenevrey | dasciplinwy moreyV ig Sent to de Boy | | Gonci Gy Goda os per tle fldvocoF? Au | *| Sees G@mplont Shalt be octumporied | bp te a0 Prseybed A in de Boy | hurd Qh Gfedg Rtep . ‘ | FOR EDUCATIONAL USE x Remover _G Def eq in Complaint & [=e Secwectey ff Boy Gourd] meget 1 —_ |empininent dopey prescvibed Feeo TF | @rnpee Heer Keg Rot been pot . a Se He con also Corr) He Ganrplainant to Went | aan: rane ie: @ & |Nithdwowa/ & settemenh 4} Complaint 3— | | No metry doken op by “Store Bey Guru] misasnduck Gh advocates Shout € dlwopred Solely by perso th hewie§ been wittdlryan, | cttted | 0% Ofee-rtye Goampaomised, OY | peceurse the Completrenh oles nob wont _[prmcesd wsith tee 20g a Vv = — lat ca i: —— Te ———————— She) Cause Notice 3- jae gers) Onte He Boy Gounul hes aeferred tte Gamploinr ce a disciplinary Committee 5 Bae ees Show d expenditiously Send OO avtice to tre advo catt- id Ge Aohtu ost! ask the Cancerned odvocape tS Show Couse Within specific! Dok, On He emplaint mace _ [Se hig [Ae Sebmiy te Stepemert ch daFerery Arcunery| or at ficleits i ee Romiterancs | Lever ees TS Ro ame. |. 4 [The chatrmon the Disciplines Govier | a re Jost fix clot, hoay k place OQlenquing cee] i ns dove est) nok ovdicanlS be late ‘Z qi Hhon dindy Gace ©30) From th weceie+ be a | ‘ _| Uy tee Bete tc = ‘ Heng stl “Te onchey poy do get wetice > 4 | Q) dee date, Kur - a place ty camplainenk oD aga j | dey PESO eager eol 2 i - * | Notices e— oa 4 I es | =e notices Shall, Qube & Necessoy a y Imodifreation, be in Form Nos. E-) & G2 > H _| Te Skul he Senrte aadvotades appeessn9 | ce - | Nha He porH es 2 0 a - Nrohet te Poh, not ae by He ae - odvocot? Sha b& sent tH tddless So. ; leas fPamnished m HR Complound Oy in Fe Pw, paascarsd he appeal: ma Appeomarce o% Witnessep 2- || PowHes Can oppeay tn pesson Gant a lan advocate PS home Shol file a: WALD a T [giving tee name tte Bey Coune) tn Rokr he ts On voltedy W's ye siden tap —_jectdness ) dehephor? numbey ate On a a [pu SA dness fey Sevices Nobo | FOR EDUCATION PUSE GREBEUE LEC CS “aL eae Poste Povceelirgs 5 | Sere ea cn with anottey aclvocdty iho hos fileal | avdatam ie as es ae E f= fl ESOS ey Ono Compleunb rreteiveif Cittey te amplaynant oy Ht 2% Spontden [Oven rok oppeay “befe te DScplirey | IGemomiatet tespile Q sewice (ooh, | dee Gmmjttee may “formes sola Hex Porte es oe divey Fresh Tnetree ts be CT ra ; Prvcee dicg or Sxhibits = eh He. | ie _Discjplfeay Gowrmiteee Shot hewe a dee Attorney Ceeheraf VN dee oddlitrune/ olvtitus Ckrova of Frdet er AdvO CAFE Geneva), os Ht “Ose may be deaiy odvocoHt W povtics oy [deel Achrocte | sR pwttys on be heard y aletersmircel | | Len documents & afftdavits. FOREDUCATIONALUSE

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