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Date _________ Name ______________

Pete’s Pizza
This is Pete. He’s a chef. He’s a little fat
and has a big black mustache. He wears a
white jacket with a green scarf and a white
chef hat. He works everyday of the week.
[ouner] [kains] = types
Pete is the owner of a small, Italian
restaurant and cooks all kinds of delicious
Italian food. His restaurant is named [neimt]
“Pete’s Pizza”. His specialty is pizza
with sausage and olives. He often makes
more than 100 pizzas in a day!
Pete works hard and he usually starts
[employis] working
work before 10:o0 am. He starts cooking
right away, to get ready for the lunch customers. In the afternoons, he takes a break
and has some lunch with his employees. After that he makes more pizzas, because his
restaurant is crowded with customers in the evenings. Pete usually gets home before
10 pm, but sometimes he is not home till after midnight.
until = hasta (tiempo) [sup]
When Pete gets home he sometimes has a bowl of soup or a sandwich. Pete never
cooks at home. His wife always cooks. Pete is very happy to be the customer at

1. What kind of food does Pete cook?

He cooks _________ food.
2. Where

3. When

4. Who

5. How

Beginner English Port Washington Public Library February 2024
Date _________ Name ______________

6. What time

7. Why

Beginner English Port Washington Public Library February 2024

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