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Distribution Agreement

This Distribution Agreement (the “Agreement” or “Distribution Agreement”) is made on Legal will
fill out deemed effective on 01.03.2024 (“Effective Date”), and between:

(1) xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx with its registered office at xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx represented by

xxxxxxxxxx, Executive Director of Global Brand & Communications (the
“Licensor” or alternatively “xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx”); and

(2) yyyyyyy, a company incorporated and registered under the laws of Romania with commercial
registration number 00000000, with its registered office at yyyyyyyyy represented by yyyyyy,
(the “Licensee”).

(The Licensor and the Licensee shall each be a “Party” and shall collectively be referred as the


(A) The Licensor is a media network and holds rights for its news material and has the authority
to grant permission for its use;

(B) The Licensor may allow the Licensee to make proper use of such service for distribution of
the Licensor’s transmissions; and


(C) The Licensee has represented that it is in the business of television and content distribution in
the Territory and is duly authorised, having all necessary permissions, consents and licenses
required for the business in television and content distribution and has the capability and
market position to distribute the Licensor’s transmissions adequately and professionally to
individual subscribers.

(D) Now therefore, relying on these premises, and the mutual covenants contained below, the
Parties hereby agree on the following terms as stipulated in Schedule (1) titled Technical and
Financial Terms and Schedule (2) titled General Terms and Conditions:

In witness whereof the hands of the Parties or their duly authorised attorneys or representatives have
been set hereto the day and year first above written:

Signed on behalf of the Licensee by its duly Signed on behalf of the Licensor by its duly
authorised signatory: authorised signatory:
Director Executive Director of Global Brand &
Date: 06.02.2024 Communications

Schedule 1

Technical and Financial Details

(In the event of a conflict with “General Terms & Conditions” detailed in Schedule 2 then Schedule 1
“Technical & Financial Terms” shall prevail)

Service xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx Englisgh HD

Term 01 March 2024 to 28 February 2027

Upon the expiration of the Term, The Term shall

automatically be renewed for further periods of one (1) year
at a time, unless a Party has terminated in accordance to the
Agreement or has given the other Party a ninety (90) – day
written notice

Broadcast Hours 24/7

Fee Cost neutral – entails no payment by either party

Payment Terms N/A

Distribution Rights OTT & Cable

Systems / Package Basic



Current Subscriber Reach 1,000

Reporting Quarterly Reporting

Back-Up Satellite Satellite Name (please refer to the list in the system)

Termination Notice 90 days writer termination notice by either party

The Licensor shall at its own cost deliver signal of the channel in accordance with technical
specification hereto as may be amended from time to time (but, except in event of emergency) on no
less than 5 working days written notice by Licensor to Licensee.

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