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Project : Yacht III

Shipyard : ITM, Marseille, France
(Sub)contractor : ACA Marine
CCS Coating Advisor : Shaun Pyne
Persons contacted : Gilles Bredy, Laurent Francois (ITM)
Date : Thursday March 14th, 2011

On behalf of the capatin inspections have been carried out on board M/Y Yacht III.

The purpose of these inspections is to evaluate the result of topcoat application on the hull.

Awlgrip Mystic Blue polyurethane topcoat was applied to the PS and SB hull on Friday March
11th, 2011.

Awlgrip Metallic Silver was applied to the fashion recess on the forward PS and SB hull on
February 28th, 2011.


The complete hull was sprayed in one application and therefore no cut lines are present.

Overall appearance of the hull is very good.

Paint flow has achieved uniform orange peel texture generally resulting in a full deep wet gloss

Dust inclusions are minimal with less than five particles per square decimetre.

On the starboard side aft quarter there are some large particles of dust present in the topcoat.
The particles are not highly visible from the swim platform and re-spray of this small section
(approximately half a square meter) is likely to compromise the overall appearance of the area
due to introduction of cut lines. This was discussed with both ACA Marine and Colin Sutcliffe and
a decision was taken not to rework the area.

NOTE: Many of the small inclusions in the topcoat on both port and starboard side appear as a
‘gun spatter’ affect rather than dust. These do not exceed five particles per square decimetre
and do not compromise the overall appearance of the topcoat.

Tops of the rub rails have a very good result with very few dust particles present
(significantly less than five particles per square decimetre).

Tesselschadelaan 15c +31 (0) 35 7512150

1217 LG Hilversum
The Netherlands

On the port side forward crew entrance door there is dust on the lower frame in excess of 10
particles per square decimetre. This will be re-sprayed with a cut line on the inner radius of the

The interface between the white boot top stripe and the blue hull is very good with clean
straight lines and no blue paint bleeding onto the white.

Reflection of images is very good and gloss appears uniform across the surfaces on both port
and starboard side. Due to the short period between application and inspection (2 days) gloss
readings were not taken on the complete hull. One reading was taken for reference on each of
the three scaffolding levels on the port side forward hull. Each level showed the same value of
97.7 GU (at 60˚) indicating uniform gloss values.

No significant runs or sags are present.

NOTE: On port side forward there are three small sags at the top edge of the hull. Each one is
less than 15 cm in length and less than 40 mm from top to bottom. These are located in a very
low visibility area and are not to be reworked as this is likely to compromise the quality.

Water freeing ports and port holes have very good paint coverage with nor runs or sags
detected and a full deep wet gloss appearance achieved.

Paint flakes (formed by the dried overspray film on the inside of the spray tent) were present
on the topcoat on starboard side in two locations equating to approximately one square metre
in total.

These were caused by the main tent being breached at some point between Saturday
evening (March 12th) and Sunday morning (March 13th) due to strong winds.
Water had entered the tent during heavy rainfall and caused pools to form in the tenting
material. As these became bigger the plastic gave way and resulted in the water splashing from
the scaffolding onto the topcoat in two areas. Some paint flakes which were in the water stuck
to the topcoat surface.

The flakes were able to be removed by picking/scraping them away. Most were removed with
no detrimental affects, however, three flakes (approximately 10mm² each) which were removed
during the inspection left a dull patch on the topcoat beneath.
ACA Marine will remove the remaining flakes in these two areas. Once all flakes have been
removed the area will be inspected again to evaluate the result. No remedial work is expected to
be required.

Water marks were present in three places on the starboard side where water had run down the
hull and dried on the surface. This was easily cleaned away with a soft damp cloth and the
topcoat was not found to be damaged beneath. ACA Marine will allow four to five days further
curing time (in order to minimise surface scratching) before wiping away the remaining marks.

In a few isolated areas small wipe marks are present but do not require any re-work.

Tesselschadelaan 15c +31 (0) 35 7512150

1217 LG Hilversum
The Netherlands

On the steps from the swim deck to the main deck, both port and starboard side, the risers
are to be re-worked due to dust contamination and sags.

The hull is acceptable.


Metallic silver was applied on the fashion recess on the forward section of the hull on the
vertical and (upper) horizontal surfaces.

The overall appearance is good.

Metallic particles are distributed uniformly.

Dust inclusions are minimal with less than five particles per square decimetre in general. On port
side there is a small patch of approximately one square decimetre where dust inclusions exceed
ten particles per square decimetre. This is a very low visibility area and requires no remedial

A few sags are present on both port and starboard side around the fixing holes for the Harken
tracks. The majority of these will be covered by the track after installation and therefore
these will require no rework.

This recess is acceptable.


A meeting was held on Monday, March 14th with ITM, ACA Marine, Colin Sutcliffe and CCS to
discuss the inspection results. Items contained in this report were discussed and remedial action

Minutes of the meeting were kept by ITM and will be distributed to all parties in

The result from application of Awlgrip Mystic Blue on the hull is of a very high standard and
meets the acceptance criteria requirements. The hull has been accepted pending
measurement of the gloss levels on both port and starboard side.

The Silver Metallic topcoat in the forward fashion recess has also been accepted.

Tesselschadelaan 15c +31 (0) 35 7512150

1217 LG Hilversum
The Netherlands



Tesselschadelaan 15c +31 (0) 35 7512150

1217 LG Hilversum
The Netherlands


Tesselschadelaan 15c +31 (0) 35 7512150

1217 LG Hilversum
The Netherlands

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