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i. Enlist any three hydroelectric power projects built on River Indus.

ii. Briefly highlight the importance of agriculture for industry.

iii. Briefly highlight the importance of industry for agriculture.
iv. Briefly describe the distribution of copper reserves in Pakistan.
v. What is the importance of livestock rearing in the economy of Pakistan.
vi. What is the importance of fishing and fish farming in the economy of Pakistan.
vii. What is meant by balance of Trade?
viii. Why is balance of trade negative in Pakistan?
ix. Narrate the uses of gypsum in Pakistan.
x. Why are Karez made in Balochistan?
xi. Briefly explain the importance of Gwadar seaport for Pakistan.
xii. Differentiate between exports and imports with examples.
xiii. What is meant by small industry?
xiv. Narrate three important problems faced by the agriculture sector of Pakistan.
xv. What is meant by exports and imports?
xvi. When and by which two countries was the ‘Indus Water Treaty’ signed?
xvii. Enlist the names of six cities of Pakistan where dry-ports are established.
xviii. Enlist three important means of irrigation used in Pakistan.
xix. Write three objectives of introducing land reforms implemented during different
governments in the country.
xx. What role do energy resources play in the economic development of Pakistan? Write
xxi. What are the two major kinds of crops grown in Pakistan? Give two examples of
xxii. What do you understand by Indus Waters Treaty?
xxiii. How industries are important in economic development of a country?
xxiv. Write down three suggestions to increase the agricultural production of Pakistan.

xxv. What are three main reasons for low per acre average yield in Pakistan?
xxvi. How is water logging and salinity dangerous for crops to grow?
xxvii. Enumerate three important steps for the reduction of poverty in Pakistan.

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