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Joint Admission and Matriculation Board

Past Questions


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1. What was upon the face of the 4. ‘On that day all the fountains of
deep on the first day of creation? the great deep burst forth and the
windows of the heavens were
A. Light opened.
B. Cloud
C. Water The result of this was a
D. Darkness
A. great earthquake
2. “Let there be lights I the B. heavy rainfall
firmament of the heavens to C. consuming fire
separated the day from the night D. violent wind.
5. “Who would have said to
This statement was made by God Abraham that Sarah would suckle
on the children?…”

A. third day A. Ishmael

B. fourth day B. Sarah
C. fifth day D. sixth day C. God
D. Hagar.
3. The story of the Fall teaches
that 6. The quotation, “Let me not look
upon the death of the child”
A. man was made in the image of comes from the story about
B. it is a sin to disobey God A. Solomon and the two harlots
C. Adam was less guilty than Eve B. the expulsion of Hagar and
D. God created man naked. Ishmael

C. Moses when he was placed on A. the Egyptian soldiers
the bank of the Nile B. the Egyptian magicians
D. Bathsheba and David’s C. the Cananites in the wilderness
illegitimate child. D. Pharaoh and his servants.

7. Joseph’s dream about his 10. The manna which the

future leadership of his brothers Israelites left till the morning in
was fulfilled when he became disobedience to God.

A. an overseer of Potiphar’s house A. bred worms and changed

B. an interpreter of dreams colour
C. an influential prisoner B. melted and bred worms
D. the second in command of C. bred worms and became foul
Pharaoh, D. melted and became foul,

8. The children of Israel cried out 11 God gave the ten

to God for help in Egypt because commandments to the people of
Israel because He
A. their male children were killed
B. they were hungry and A. is a jealous God
overworked B. wanted their days to be long
C. they were in bondage C. redeemed them from slavery in
D. Moses failed to look after them Egypt
D. frowned at those who took His
9. “What is this we have done, Name in vain.
that we have let Israel go from
serving us?” 12. “…Choose this day whom you
The above statement was made will serve,…as for me and my
by house, we will serve the LORD.”

The Israelites’ response to the A. false prophets
above statement is ‘…we B. ecstatic prophets
C. court prophets
A. also will serve the LORD, for D. classical prophets
He is our God’
B. cannot serve the LORD, for He 15. While David was being
is a holy God’ anointed king, he received
C. will serve the LORD though He
is a jealous God’ A. a protest from Saul
D. cannot put away the foreign B. the promise of eternal reign
gods among us because our C. a gift from Samuel
fathers served them’. D. the Spirit of the LORD.

13. God’s anger was kindled 16. Against whom were the
against Eli and his children Israelites fighting when King
because Eli did not David committed adultery with
Uriah’s wife?
A. train his children in the way of
the LORD A. The Amorites
B. warn his children against sin B. The Ammonites
C. apply appropriate sanctions on C. The Hittites
his children when due D. The Syrians
D. know the gravity of their
actions 17. According to Psalm 51, the
sacrifice acceptable to God is.
14. The prophets whom Saul met
at Gibeath-elohim a confirmation A. a clean heart
that the LORD had anointed him B. obedience
to rule over God’s people, were C. a lamb without blemish

D. a broken spirit A. The drought caused by Elijah’s
18. Solomon could devote his B. Ahab’s evil in the sight of the
attention to the building of the LORD
house of the LORD because C. The ravens ceased to feed
A. of the supplies from the Queen D Elijah’s fight from Ahab.
of Sheba
B of Hiram’s co-operation 21. “Blessed be the Lord God of
C. there was neither adversary Israel,…” is a hymn of praise by
nor misfortune
D. of David’s purchase of the site A. the Virgin Mary at the
for the building. Annunciation
B. Zachariah at the birth of John
19. The immediate cause of the the Baptist
division of the kingdom was C. Simeon at the presentation of
Jesus in the Temple
A. Rehoboam’s foolishness D. Elizabeth at the visit of Mary
B. Solomon’s bad government
C. ProphetAhijah’s instigation 22. According to the birth and
D. Jeroboam’s rebellion. infancy narratives in St. Matthew,
the angel of the Lord appeared to
20. “Arise go to Zarephath, which Joseph in a dream three times. In
belongs to Sidon, and dwell there. the second appearance, he
Behold, I have commanded a instructed Joseph to
widow there to feed you”.
What exactly necessitated this A. accept that Mary was a virgin
event? B. expect a baby boy
C. go into exile

D. return from exile A. giving the kingdoms of the
world to Jesus if he would worship
23, “Lord, now lettest thou thy the devil
servant depart in peace, B. a command for a stone to
according to thy word; for mine become bread
eyes have seen thy salvation …” C. jumping down from the
This was said at the dedication of pinnacle of the temple
Jesus by D. denying the name of God, the
A. Anna
B. the high priest 26. What did Christ say should be
C. Simeon the qualification of whoever was
D. Zechariah to be first or great among the
24. “You brood of vipers! Who
warned you to flee from the wrath A. Being baptized with Christ’s
to come? baptism
B. Being a slave of all
A. Pharisees and the Sadducees C. Giving one’s life as a ransom
B. Pharisees and the Scribes D. Drinking from the same cup as
C. Sadducees and the Lawyers Jesus,
D. Zealots and the Herodians
27. A would-be disciple, who puts
25. The second temptation of his hand to the plough and looks
Jesus according to Luke’s account back, lacks
of the gospel was
A. faith
B. kindness
C. repentance

D. total commitment. B. The demons wanted to reach
an agreement with Jesus.
28. In which miracle story was C. It is a recognition of the fact
Jesus mistaken for a ghost by his that demons are subject to Jesus.
disciples? D. It shows that demons hate
A. The feeding of the five
thousand 31. The story of the healing of
B. Calming of the storm and sea blind Bartimaeus teaches that
C. Healing the demoniac
D. Walking on the sea. A. prayer is very basic to healing
B. there is need to persistently
29. According to Luke, the healing shout for attention
of the paralytic was intended to C. Jesus is the Son of David
show that D. faith is a pre-requisite to
A. God alone can forgive sins
B. Jesus has authority to forgive 32. The parable of the prodigal
sins son emphasizes that
C. the Holy Spirit makes
intercession for sinners A. it is not good for the son and
D. faith and prayer can heal. the father to quarrel
B. repentance and reconciliation
30. “…I adjure you by God, do not are important
torment me,…” what is the C. the father loves the second son
significance of this statement? more than the first
D. the first son was jealous.
A. The demons wanted to reach
an agreement with Jesus.

33. According to Matthew’s C. the Spirit and the word
account of the gospel, the most D. judges and kings
important divine requirement for
entering the kingdom of heaven is 36. “This is my beloved Son;
listen to him”. ‘This was said on
A. preaching the gospel the occasion of Jesus’
B. doing the will of God
C. practicing charity A. baptism
D. performing miracles B. temptation
C. transfiguration
34. After their mission, the D. resurrection him.
seventy disciplines reported to
Jesus that 37. “…My house shall be a house
of prayer; but you have made it a
A. many people repented den of robber”
B. they enjoyed the hospitality of Just before making this
people statement, the speaker
C. they were honoured and
respected A. locked up the temple
D. demons were subject to them B. taught in the temple
in His name C. drove out those who sold in the
35 The appearance of Moses and D. went out of the temple.
Elijah at the transfiguration
underscores the importance in the 38. Which of the following
ministry of Jesus of questions did the high priest ask
Jesus during His trial?
A. prophets and apostles
B. the law and the prophets

A. ‘Are you the Christ, the son of 41. Very early in the morning, on
the Blessed?’ the first day of the week, three
B. ‘Are you greater than women went to the tomb of Jesus
Solomon?’ to
C. ‘Are you the King of the Jews?’
D. ‘Are you the Son of David?’ A. see whether He had risen
B. decorate it
39. “…Do not weep for me, but C. anoint the body of Jesus
weep for yourselves and for your D. see whether the soldiers had
children…: carried the body away.
These words were addressed by
Jesus to the 42. “…Let all the house of Israel
therefore know assuredly that
A. sons of Jerusalem God has made him both Lord and
B. men of Bethlehem Christ, this Jesus whom you
C. women of Bethlehem crucified…”
D. daughters of Jerusalem As a reaction to this declaration,
the Jews
40 What was the first statement
of Jesus on the cross according to A. decided to kill Peter and the
Luke’s account of the gospel? apostles
B. went back to their houses in
A. ‘It is finished.’ anger
B. ‘Today you shall be with me in C. were deeply troubled and
paradise.’ asked what they should do
C. ‘Father forgive them for they D. ridiculed Peter and the
do not know what they do.’ apostles.
D. ‘I thirst.’

43. “…You have not lied to men D. he should have gone to
but to God” Damascus with more armed
The immediate effect of this escort.
statement of Peter on the liar was
that he 46. When Saul escaped from
Damascus to Jerusalem after his
A. became afraid conversion, the disciples in
B. became ill Jerusalem
C. fell down dead
D. repented and was forgiven , A. welcomed him
B. were afraid of him
44. The apostles created a new C. were indifferent towards him
office in the ministry besides D. were full of sympathy for him
prayer and preaching, in order to
address the problems of 47. Paul and Barnabas were
referred to as ‘gods’ in Lystra
A. Injustice because they
B. false prophecy A. were agents of the unknown
C. incest God
D. adultery B. silenced Elymas the magician
C. healed a crippled man
45. Saul’s encounter with the D. proclaimed the gospel with
Risen Christ on the road to power.
Damascus convinced him that
48. “...Abstain from what has
A. he needed salvation been sacrificed to idols and from
B. Jesus is the Son of God blood and from what is strangled
C. the faith of his father was right and from unchastity...”

To which issue was the above a Facebook Study Group
If you need any of the answers or
A. Immoral behaviour you want to download more past
B. Circumcision controversy questions for FREE.
C. Idol worship
D. Demon possession. Click to ENTER our Facebook
study group
49. “... I am a Pharisee, a son of
Pharisees; with respect to the
hope and resurrection of the dead
I am on trial.”
This was part of the address of
Paul to

A. the Jerusalem crowd

B. King Agrippa and Festus
C. the Sanhedrin
D. the tribune

50. According to Paul, which of

the following is the greatest?

A. Truth
B. Love
C. Faith
D. Hope


1. According to the creation C. they were too old to have a

account of Genesis 1, God child
charged man to D. he already had a child called
A. rest on the Sabbath day
B. worship Him 4. After Jacob’s dream at Bethel,
C. have dominion over all the he promised that he would
D. obey all His commandments. A. continue to live there forever
B. give a tenth of all he would
2. “Whoever sheds the blood of have to God
man, by man shall his blood be C. return immediately and settle
shed; for God made man in his there with his family
own image.” D. go to his father’s house in
This statement explains the peace

A. existence of blood revenge 5. Why did Judah advise his

B. significance of blood brother against shedding the
C. disapproval of violence blood of Joseph?
D. prohibition of blood revenge.
A. He was afraid of blood
3. When God told Abraham that B. Joseph was their brother
Sarah would have a child, C. Blood is life
Abraham laughed because D. He wanted to raise some
money by selling Joseph.
A. Hagar prompted him
B. his wife Sarah laughed

6. Why did God redeem the C. the beginning of idolatry in
Israelites from the hands of Israel
Pharaoh? D. the end of Moses’ leadership of
the people of Israel
A. God remembered His covenant
with Abraham, Isaac and Jacob. 9. During the giving of the law at
B. They yoke of the Israelites was Mount Sinai, the Israelites wanted
heavy Moses to speak to them instead of
C. God wanted to show His power God because
to Pharaoh
D. He wanted to show that Moses A. the people were afraid and
was powerful trembled
B. they thought they would die
7. When the people of Israel saw C. they did not consecrate
the great work of the LORD in themselves
drowning the Egyptians, they D. Moses was their spokesman.

A. built an altar to the LORD 10. Where did Joshua gather all
B. became afraid of Moses rod. the tribes of Israel for
C. believed in Moses presentation before God?
D. made a golden calf.
A. Shechem
8. The golden calf which Aaron B. Dan
made for the people of Israel C. Sinai
signified D. Shiloh

A. a return to the gods of Egypt. 11. The valley of Eshcol is

B. the final break with the god symbolic to Israel because it was
that brought them out of Egypt. the place where

A. Moses and his people had a 14. “The LORD give you children
resounding victory over the by this woman for the loan which
Amalekites she lent to the LORD;…”
B. the men of Israel cut down the
cluster of grapes A. Samuel
C. the spies set out to survey B. Isaac
Canaan C. Samson
D. the Israelites challenged the D. Ishmael
leadership of Moses and Aaron.
15. A good example of parental
12. The report brought by the upbringing is manifested in the
men who followed Caleb to spy son of
the land of Canaan showed that
the land A. Samuel
B. Eli
A. was desolate C. David
B. had rich fruits D. Asa.
C. devoured its inhabitants
D. flowed with milk and honey 16. The leadership potential of
David was demonstrated publicly
13. The Shema emphasizes the for the first time when he

A. unity of God A. was anointed by Samuel

B. had rich fruits B. killed Goliath, the Philistine
C. omnipotence of God giant
D. importance of Israel to the C. spared King Saul’s life into he
world, cave
D. killed two hundred Philistines.

18. Although David refused to kill C. acquire wealth and power
Saul because he was the LORD’S D. discern what was right.
anointed, he still believed that
21. The consequence of
A. Saul would be killed by the Rehoboam’s unwise decision at
Philistines the time the Israelites came to
B. Saul would one day repent him at Shechem eventually
C. the LORD would eventually resulted in
smite Saul
D. Saul’s soldiers would cause A. a rebellion
him to die in battle B. a war
C. his overthrow
19. “Blessed be you, my son D. his fight from Jerusalem
David! You will do many things
and will succeed in them” 22. The new covenant which God
The above statement was made was to make with the house of
when David Israel was that it would be

A. spared Saul’s life A. written upon their hearts

B. was blessed by his father B. for the tribe of Judah alone
C. met Saul on Mount Gillboa C. the means of Judah alone
D. encountered Abner. D. everlasting.

20. Solomon asked God for 23. According to Luke, John the
wisdom to enable him Baptist instructed the multitudes
that came to be baptized to
A. live a long life
B. deal decisively with his A. flee from the coming wrath

B. bear fruits that befit 26. One important fact about
repentance Mary brought out in Jesus miracle
C. be charitable to one another of changing water to wine was
D. give thanks for being that she
Abraham’s children.
A. attended marriage feasts
24. “Go and search diligently for regularly
the child, and when you have B. must intercede for a miracle to
found him bringme word,…” occur
The intention of the speaker in C. was a sister of the bridegroom
this context was to D. had a deep insight of her son
and His ability.
A. pay homage to the Lord Jesus
B. kill all the children in the area 27. The raising of Lazarus
C. present gifts to the child illustrates that Jesus
D. kill the child.
A. loved Mary and Martha
25. Jesus was tempted in the B. was a good friend of Lazarus
wilderness in order to C. is the giver of life
D. was a person of emotion
A. proved that He was the Son of
God 28. “Lord, do not trouble yourself,
B. prepare Him for His earthly for I am not worthy to have you
ministry come under my roof, …”
C. prepare Him for His crucifixion The continuation of this message
D. appreciate the sufferings of by the centurion indicated that
A. he was afraid of Jesus

B. he had faith in the power of A. have a great reward in heaven
Jesus’ word B. See God
C. as a Gentile, he did not like the C. be called sons of god
Jews D. receive mercy.
D. as an army officer, he wanted
to avoid contact with Jesus. 32. Jesus’ objective for sending
out the twelve was
29. The epileptic boy could not be
healed by the disciples because A. for them to teach the Gentiles
about the God of the Jews
A. they had not ye received power B. to train the disciples in His
B. the disease was incurable ministry
C. their prayers were not C. to demonstrate that He was
intensive enough about to be crucified
D. they had to wait for Jesus D. to divert the attention of Herod
from Himself
Questions 30 an 31 are based
on the Sermon on the Plain. 33. Who appeared and talked with
Jesus during the transfiguration?
30. The poor in spirit are
promised A. Moses and Elijah
B. Moses and Samuel
A. plenty of food C. Samuel and Elisha
B .the kingdom of God D. Elisha and Elijah
C. the earth
D. satisfaction. 34. “Great us to sit, one at your
right hand and one at your left, in
31. Those that are hated and your glory…”
reviled shall

Why was this request by the sons D. he knew that Jesus had
of Zebedee not granted? performed many miracles among
the Jews
A. They were not qualified for the
privilege 37. Why did the accusers of Jesus
B. The other disciplines disagreed stay behind while He was led to
with them the Praetorium?
C. They were unable to drink the
cup A. It was forbidden to follow the
D. It was not the duty of Jesus to accused
grant their request. B. They were prevented from
35. Where did Jesus lodge after C. It was a Sabbath day
he cleansed the temple? D. They did not want to be
A. Jerusalem
B. Bethphage 38. Who was forced to carry the
C. Nazareth cross behind Jesus?
D. Bethany
A. Peter
36. At the trials of Jesus, Pilate B. Joseph of Arimathea
was perplexed because C. Andrew
D. Simon of Cyrene,
A. the Jews had no genuine case
against Him 39. “Truly I say to you, today you
B. Jesus gave no answer to the will be with me in Paradise”.
C. the Jews asked for the release A. Zacchaeus
of Barabbas, a notorious criminal B. the repentant robber

C. the centurion and believes in me shall never
D. Cleopas. die…”
On what occasion was this
40. According to Luke, the people statement made?
who first got to Jesus’ tomb were
A. On the day of Jesus
A. Mary the mother of Jesus, resurrection
Peter and John B. When Jesus demonstrated the
B. Peter and Joanna fact of His resurrection to Thomas
C. Mary Magdalene and the other C. On the day Jesus restored
women Lazarus back to life
D. Peter and John. D. When Jairus daughter was
raised from the dead.
41. Jesus Christ, the Good
Shepherd was loved by the Father 43. According to Paul, if we give
because He away all that we and we deliver
our bodies to be burnt, but have
A. understood the needs of the not love we
sheep A. are like a noisy gong
B. loved the sheep B. are like a clanging cymbal
C. tended the sheep C. gain only the world
D. laid down His life for the D. gain nothing
44. “Now the company of those
42. Jesus said to her, “I am the who believed were of one hart
resurrection and the life: he who and soul…”
believes in me, though he die, yet This reveals that the early
shall he live, and whoever lives Christians

A. had everything in common 47. But you shall receive power
B. prayed together every hour when the Holy Spirit has come
C. celebrated the Holy upon you, and you shall be my
Communion daily witnesses in Jerusalem and in all
D. were always filled with the Judea and Samaria and to the end
Holy Spirit. of the earth.
This statement commissions the
45. The suggestion to choose the apostles to
seven deacons was made by
A. establish the church in Jewish
A. Paul cities
B. Peter B. preach only to the Jews
C. the twelve C. carry the gospel to all
D. the church continents
D. preach to the Gentiles in and
46. “And in the last days it shall outside Palestine
be, God declares, that I will pour
out my Spirit upon all flesh, and 48. Who was sent by God to
your sons and your daughters restore Saul’s sight after his
shall prophesy, and you’re your encounter with Jesus on the road
men shall see visions…” to Damascus?
This prophecy was fulfilled
A. Simon
A. during the baptism of Jesus B. Stephen
B. at Pentecost C. Aeneas
C. during the Transfiguration D. Ananias.
D. at His crucifixion.

49. “Set apart for me Barnabas
and Saul for the work to which I
have called them
This statement was made by the

A. Holy Spirit
B. Church
C. elders
D. apostles.

50. Following his encounter with

the apostles, the 80 ruler of

A. dismissed them
B. became blind for resisting the
C. requested that they choose
another time to preach the gospel
D. believed the gospel.



1. When Elijah escaped to the 4. What did Gehazi deceitful

brook Cherith, he was fed by receive from Naaman?

A. angels A. two talents of silver and two

B. doves festal garments
C. ravens B. two talents of silver and two
D. sparrows, shekels of gold
C. two festal garments and two
2. The contest on Mount Caronel talents of gold
was to prove that D. two thousand shekels and two
festal garments.
A. Baal was the god of Israel
B. Baal controlled nature 5. The greatest achievement of
C. God was supreme to other King Josiah of Judah was his
D. Israel had faith in God A. rebuilding the Temple
B. sweeping reforms of the
3. Naboth did not agree to release religious life of his people
his vineyard to Ahab because C. curtailing the Assyrian
A. the amount offered for it was D. training a worthy successor
too small before his death
B. it was his major source of
income 6. Jerusalem fell in 586 B.C. to
C. it was his only vineyard the Babylonian King called
D. it was the inheritance of his
fathers. A. Nebuchadnezzar
B. Nabopolassa

C. Asshurbanapal 9. In the belly of the fish Jonah
D. Psammetichus I. prayed to God to

7. And the King (Artaxerxes) said A. punish the people of Nineveh

to me, “Why is your face sad, B. forgive him
seeing you are not sick? This is C. stop the tempest
nothing else but sadness of the D. deliver him.
Why was the addressee sad? 10. The sins of Nineveh
notwithstanding, God spared the
A. The condition of Jerusalem was inhabitants because
B. He was fasting because of A. Jonah was reluctant to deliver
Jerusalem the message to them
C. Enemies of Jerusalem were B. the people responded positively
laughing at him to God’s mercy
D. He was in exile in Babylon. C. Nineveh was made up of a
large population which did not
8. Although Shadrach, Meshach know its right from its left
and Abednego were cast into the D. Nineveh was a great and
Fiery furnace, King prosperous city with one hundred
Nebuchadnezzar was astonished and twenty thousand inhabitants.
to see four men in the furnace. He
said the fourth man was like 11. Daniel was distinguished
above all other satraps and
A. a prophet presidents because he
B. an angel of the LORD
C. a son of the gods A. worshipped only one God
D. a priest B. had an excellent spirit in him

C. refused to worship the golden B. equating human beings with
image material things
D. interpreted the king’s dream. C. trade by barter
D. oppressing the needy
12. Daniel could not be harmed
by the lions because 15. ‘Thus says the LORD: “For
three transgressions of Israel and
A. an angel shut the mouths of for four, I will not revoke the
the lions punishment…”.
B. The lions were not hungry In the latter part of this prophecy,
C. a pillar of cloud separated Amos condemned Israel for
Daniel from the lions
D. Daniel understood their A. not remembering the covenant
language. of brotherhood
B. fighting and destroying Gilead
13. The Israelites did evil in the C. completely neglecting social
eyes of the LORD in the days of justice
the Judges by D. rejecting the laws and statutes
of the LORD.
A. serving the Philistines
B. practicing human sacrifice 16. From Hosea’s teaching, we
C. marrying the Canaanites learn that God
D. serving the Baals.
A. will pour His Spirit on all flesh
14. Selling the needy for a pair of B. will create a new heart in His
shoes in Amos means people
C. prefers steadfast love to
A. exchanging the needy for sacrifice

D. prefers steadfast love to 19. Who, according to Ezekiel, did
sacrifice the exiles blame for their plight

17. The central theme of Isaiah’s A. Moses and Aaron

teachings is that B. The Egyptians
C. Their fathers
A. no sinner can be saved D. Their enemies.
B. every sinner will be saved
C. no sinner is beyond redemption 20. God told Jeremiah that He
D. the vilest sinner will not be would give Jerusalem into the
redeemed, hands of the Chaldeans because
the Israelites
18. “Whom shall I send, and who
will go for us? Then I said,” Here A. had provoked God to anger
am I! Send me.” B. were few in number
Why did Isaiah offer himself to be C. did not prepare adequately for
God’s messenger war
D. were engaged in merry-making
A. Because the king had died and
he needed another job 21. The expression ‘dry bones’ in
B. Having been cleansed of his Ezekiel refers to
sins, he saw the need to warn
others. A. an Israelite proverb
C. Because he had seen the B. the whole house of Israel
beauty of heaven and wanted to C. the slain in the valley
work for God D. sinful Israelites and Judeans,
D. There were no other prophets
22. According to Paul, the law and
the prophets bear witness to the

A. righteousness of God C. the primary requisite for
B. covenant with Israel salvation
C. crucifixion of Christ D. opposed to salvation.
D. wickedness of the Jews
26. All Christians who have been
23. According to Paul in his Letter baptized into Christ Jesus were
to the Galatians, one is justified baptized
A. Into his death
A. works of the law B. by fire
B. faith in Jesus Christ C. under the law
C. love for the neighbour D. by his disciples
D. love for God.
27. In what way did God condemn
24. The function of the law to sin in the flesh?
believers before the coming of
Christ was that of a A. He allowed Jesus to be
A. custodian B. Repentance was made possible
B. Judge for the forgiveness of sin
C. servant C. Resurrection of the flesh
D. father. rendered sin ineffective
D. He sent His own Son in the
25. Justification by grace shows likeness of man.
that work is
28. ‘But you are not in darkness
A. not required for salvation brethren, for that day to surprise
B. complementary to grace you like a thief.
That ‘day’ refers to the

A. Pentecost C. never committed any sin
B. resurrection of Christ D. was the greatest man ever
C. coming of the LORD born.
D. ascension
31. In the Letter to the Galatians,
29. The main aim of the teaching Christians are encouraged to bear
of Christ’s humility in Paul’s Letter one another’s burdens in order to
to the Philippians is that every
Christian should A. enter the kingdom to God
B. be children of God
A. regard himself as equal to C. be rewarded in heaven
Jesus because He came in human D. fulfill the law of Christ.
B. confess that Jesus Christ is 32. ‘Be angry but do not sin
LORD to the glory of God the means that anger
C. work out his own salvation with A. is not a serious sin
fear and trembling B. it is not a sin at all
D. look into the interest of others C. is an unforgivable sin
and do nothing from selfishness. D. Could be an occasion for sin

30. According to Paul’s Letter to 33. There are varieties of gifts

the Philippians, God exalted Jesus and so different people have
and gave Him a name which is different gifts. Who gives all these
above all names because He gifts?

A. was His Son A. Angels

B. was humble and obedient unto B. The Holy Spirit
death C. The apostles

D. The disciplines D. witnessed by two other
34. The overriding principle in the
use of spiritual gifts is 37. Paul teaches that we should
obey governing authorities in
A. decency and order order to avoid
B. growth and power
C. faith and love A. imprisonment and execution
D. Zeal and power B. ridicule and punishment
C. unemployment and hunger
35. For the administration of the D. God’s wrath and a bad
churches, Paul directed that conscience,
Christians should
38. When Paul says if anyonewill
A. surrender all they have to the not work, let him not eat, he is
church saying that
B. regularly contribute to the
church A. the unemployed should not eat
C. donate when it is convenient B. the lazy person must eat only a
D. live a communal life. little
C. everyone should toil and labour
36. Contribution of relief materials with his hands
for the needy in the church D. every person should seek
according to Paul, must be lucrative job.

A. enforced 39. Paul worked harder than any

B. specified of the apostles because
C. with cheerfulness
A. he had the strength to do so

B. of the grace of God that was 42. An important feature of the
with him second coming of Jesus as taught
C. Jesus personally revealed by Paul is the
Himself to him
D. he was formerly a persecutor A. outbreak of a world war
of the church. B. establishment of a world
government under Christ
40. Christian wives are to be C. reign of the lawless one
subject to their husbands D. resurrection of the dead

A. since their husbands take care 43. ‘What you sow does not come
of them to life unless it dies?
B because it is fitting in the LORD This statement refers to the
C. because it is the natural thing
to do A. parable of the sower
D. since women are not expected B. good works which are expected
to be heard. of the Christian
C. resurrection of dead
41. On being revealed at the D. reward of the works of
coming of Christ, the lawless will Christians
be slain by the
44. Paul’s experience as recorded
A. sword of God in his second Letter to the
B. gospel message Corinthians, teaches that the
C. Power from above attitude of Christians to suffering
D. breath of His mouth should be that of

A. obedience
B. perseverance

C. rebellion Who are the men of old
D. rejection. mentioned as examples of faith in
the Letter to the Hebrews?
45. In the Letter to the Hebrews,
it is found that despite the victory A. Elijah, Ezekiel and Job
through faith in God of the men of B. Solomon, Rehoboam and
old, they did not receive what was Hezekiah
promised. C. Amos, Hosea and Joel
What was this promise? D. Abel, Abraham and Rahab.

A. Jesus Christ 48. According to James, effective

B. The Holy Spirit prayer is that which is offered
C. The Law
D. Reward. A. loudly
B. silently
46. Abraham’s faith and works C. in faith
were better illustrated when he D. with emotion

A. took lot with him to Canaan 49. According to Peter, Christians

B. offered his son, Isaac, on the living among non-Christians
altar should
C. parted ways with Lot
D. spoke with angels. A. maintain good condition
B. live like them
47. ‘Now faith is the assurance of C. be suspicious of them
things hoped fo ... For by it the D. avoid them.
men of old received divine
approval. 50. Peter enjoins Christians to be
good citizens by

A. using their freedom to fight for
their right
B. not taking part in politics
C. submitting to civil authorities
D. fighting non-Christians in the

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1. “Let us make man in our 4. Joseph was hated the more by

image...” his brothers because
In the statement above, ‘man’
refers to A. he was his father’s favourite
B. he was the first son of Rebecca
A. Eve C. of his dreams
B. Adam D. his father bought him a coat of
C. male many colours.
D. male and female
5. Pharaoh set Joseph over all the
2. In the covenant with Noah, land of Egypt because he was
God equates blood with
A. a man of vision
A. sacrifice B. compassionate and honest
B. life C. discreet and wise
C. murder D. of a high moral standard.
D. food
6. In the burning bush, God
3. The covenant with Abraham revealed Himself to Moses as the
stipulates that an uncircumcised God of
male shall
A. war
A. not marry in Israel B. peace
B. find it difficult to have a child C. deliverance
C. not stand before the Lord D. fire
D. be cut off from his people
7. When the Hebrews left Egypt,
God did not lead them by the way

of the land of the Philistines 10. David demonstrated his
because submission to the will of God
when he
A. it was far from Canaan
B. He did not want them to see A. lamented the death of Saul and
war and return to Egypt Jonathan
C. He wanted to test their faith B. prevented the killing of Saul
D. the Hebrews went out of Egypt C. took Bathsheba as his wife
not equipped for war. D. received Abner in Hebron.

8. Samuel’s reaction during his 11. When David repented of his

first encounter with God showed adultery with Bathsheba, he said,
that he was
A. “I have done wrong...”
A. inexperienced in dealing with B. “I have sinned against the
God Lord”
B. curious C. “Have mercy on me..”
C. afraid of the voice he heard D. “The man who has done this
D. misinformed. deserves to die...”

9. From the accounts in the First 12. “The Lord has set the sun in
Book of Samuel, Eli’s attitude to the heavens, but has said that he
his children showed parental would dwell in thick darkness...”

A. control A. law giving at mount sinai

B. intolerance B. dedication of Solomon’s temple
C. weakness C. crossing of the Red Sea
D. responsibility. D. ten plagues of Egypt.

13. In the first three chapters of 16. With reference to prophet
the Book of Hosea, his main Isaiah vision, which of the
teaching is that following attributes must a
minister of God possess?
A. one can marry a harlot
B. God loves us despite our sins A. Dedication
C. one should forgive others B. Knowledge
D. one should keep the C. Anointing
commandments of God. D. Holiness.

14. The valley of Achor in the 17. What did God give to Ezekiel
Book of Hosea is a door of to eat in his vision?

A. love A. Scroll
B. hope B. bread
C. peace C. Manna
D. wisdom. D. Burning coal.

15. “Come, let us return to the 18. Jesus was baptized by John
Lord; for he has torn, that he may the Baptist
heal us; he has stricken, and I he
will bind us up.” A. to fulfil the prophecy about
This call is to encourage Him
B. so that the heavens could open
A. response to God’s love up blessings for all believers
B. concern for one’s nation C. to fulfil all righteousness
C. social justice and true religion D. so that the Holy Spirit could
D. response to the need of the descend upon Him

19. “Thou art my beloved Son; D. Following the invitation of
with thee I am well pleased.” Jesus to a meal by a Pharisee.
This statement was made during
the 22. “Follow me and leave the
dead to bury their own dead”
A. transfiguration By this statement, Jesus means
B. ascension that
C. holy week
D. baptism. A. disciples should not attend
20. According to the temptation B. there is no life after death
narratives in the gospels C. following Him comes before
according to Matthew and Luke, anything else
Jesus overcame Satan because He D. disciples should leave their
families in God’s care
A. depended on the word of God
B. was too wise for Satan 23. The disciples became terrified
C. knew Satan’s tactics when they saw Jesus walking on
D. was the Son of God. the sea because

21. “Why does your teacher eat A. they thought He would drown
with tax collectors and sinners? B. they thought He was a ghost
On what occasion was this C. they lacked faith
question asked?” D. there was great storm in the
A. Following the call of Matthew
B. When Jesus ate in the house of 24. By the miracle of raising
Zacchaeus. Lazarus to life, Jesus wanted to
C. When Jesus fed the multitude

A. demonstrate His love for D. Jesus was not present.
B. reward Mary and Martha for 27. In the parable of the sower,
their charity the seed which fell on rocky
C. convince the people that He ground refers to people whose
was the LORD of life conversion is
D. seek self-glorification
A. Unfruitful
25. The Jews sought all the more B. genuine
to kill Jesus after the healing the C. superficial
man at the pool of Bethzatha D. lasting.
because they thought that He
28. The parable of the lost sheep
A. claimed to have authority to teaches much about God’s
forgive sins
B. made Himself equal with God A. forgiveness
C. did not agree with the law of B. love
Moses C. wisdom
D. said that He was born before D. endurance.
29. Turning the other cheek as
26. In the gospel according to preached by Jesus, implies that
Matthew, the disciples could not believers should
heal the epileptic boy because
A. never retaliate
A. they had little faith B. retaliate proportionately
B. they did not pray enough C. love one another
C. the boy’s father had no faith in D. love their enemies.

30. According to Matthew’s D. the Pharisees and the priests
account of the gospel, Jesus had misled the people.
charged the twelve disciples to
give without pay because they 33. In the Gospel according to
themselves Luke, the multitude that followed
Jesus during the triumphal entry
A. were to be perfect rejoiced and praised God with a
B. would be fed by others loud voice because
C. would be repaid by God
D. had freely received A. they realized that Jesus was a
prophet from Nazareth
31. Which disciples were with B. of the mighty words that they
Jesus during the transfiguration? had seen done by Jesus.
C. Jesus was for the first time
A. Peter, James and Andrew riding on a colt
B. John, James and Philip D. they believed that Jesus would
C. Peter, James and John deliver them from the hands of
D. Andrew, Thomas and John. their enemies.

32. Jesus wept over Jerusalem 34. Jesus did not appeal toHis
because Father for legions of angels to
fight for Him because
A. the people did not believe in
Him A. it was not proper for angels to
B. the city did not know the physically fight human beings.
things that made for peace B. He could, on His own, avoid
C. people were buying and selling the cross
in the temple C. He wanted the scriptures to be

D. the disciples were watching A. Jesus would raise her brother
and praying. from the dead
B. her brother would rise again at
35. What did Pilate achieve by the last day
sending Jesus to Herod? C. Jesus was talking of his own
A. He escaped the anger of the D. He was talking of spiritual
Jews resurrection.
B. Jesus was not killed in his
hands 38. What kind of a man was
C. Herod and Pilate became elected to replace Judas Iscariot?
D. He was able to pacify the Jews. A. A critic of the Jews
B. A co-witness of the
36. Which of Jesus’ word on the resurrection
cross led a bystander to give him C. An opponent of the religious
vinegar? leaders
D. A supporter of religious liberty
A. “Father, forgive them; for they
know not what they do.” 39. The event of the day of
B. “Father, into thyhands I Pentecost was prophesed by
commit my spirit.”
C. “My God, my God, why hast A. Jonah
thou forsaken me” B. Joel
D. “It is finished.” C. Jeremiah
D. Micah.
37. When Jesus said that Lazarus
would rise again, Martha thought 40. Who was the second martyr
that of the early church

A. James the brother of John 43. According to the Letter of Paul
B. John the son of Zebedel to the Roman, sin reigned in
C. James the Lord’s brother death, while grace reigned
D. Stephen. through righteousness to

41. The Christian concept of A. salvation

Justification is that B. eternal life
C. eternal peace
A. through faith in Jesus the D. eternal joy.
sinner is now regarded by God as
guiltless 44. Christians believe that they
B. by one’s efforts in keeping the are children of God because
law, man is now perfect before
God A. they keep the laws and
C. through his own knowledge, covenants of Abraham as
man can now do what is pleasing commanded by God.
to God B. they are church goers and
D. by his natural wisdom, a sinner benefactors
could be reconciled to God. C. they are descendants of
Abraham Isaac and Jacob
42. According to Paul, those who D. through faith, they were
rely on the works of the law are baptized into Christ and put on
under a curse since Christ.

A. the law is made for the weak 45. Christians ought to be humble
B. the law brings about salvation because
C. none can fully keep the law
D. the works of the law are of the A. the law commanded it
devil. absolutely

B. Jesus Christ demonstrated it B. the dead will rise first before
C. It is a spiritual gift the living are caught up
D. only the humble will inherit C. the dead and the living will be
eternal life caught up together
D. only the dead will rise leaving
46. According to Paul, spiritual behind those who are alive.
gifts, if properly employed, help in
49. Which of the following
A. attracting converts commandments is described by
B. hastening miracles James as the royal law?
C. identifying evil doers
D. edifying the church. A. You shall have no other gods
before me
47. Paul advised Christians in B. You shall love the Lord your
Thessalonica to keep away from God with all your heart.
any brother who is C. You shall love your neighbour
as yourself.
A. living in sin D. You shall not covet your
B. very stingy in giving neighbour’s property.
C. living in idleness
D. not proclaiming the gospel. 50. “If your enemy is hungry,
feed him ...”
48. The order of events at the This statement implies
second coming of Christ will be
that A. vengeance
B. kindness
A. those who are alive will be C. forgiveness
caught up first before the dead D. charity.
will rise.


1. In extolling the sovereignty of C. salvation would come through

God, Amos contrasted Him with a virgin’s seed
the Nile, which he described as D. the individual would be
accountable before God.
A. rising and sinking
B. drying and flooding 4. Joseph saw his rise to
C. the source of the waters of the leadership position in Egypt in
sea relation to his brothers as
D. the source of Egypt’s power
A. a proof of his superiority over
2. By keeping God’s covenant, the them
people of Israel would become B. an opportunity to avenge their
evil deeds
A. the conquerors of nations C. a time to test their honesty
B. a kingdom of priests to God D. a means of preserving their
C. the inheritors of the earth lives.
D. a nation where God would
manifest Himself. 5. ‘If you will go with me, I will
go; but if you will not go with me,
3. According to Jeremiah, the vital I will not go.’’’
element in the new covenant God In the statement above, ‘you’
would make with the Jews was refers to
A. God
A. He would bless all nations B. Balaam
through the Jews C. Deborah
B. Man would be unable to keep D. Joel.
God’s law

6. The name Ichabod means 9. The mother of the living child
asked Solomon to give the child
A. without glory to the other woman because
B. unfolding glory
C. perpetual glory A. killing the child would serve no
D. departed glory useful purpose
B. her heart yearned for the child
7. How did David perceive that his C. she was confident that the king
child from Bathsheba was dead? would ensure justice
D. she believed the child would
A. Bathsheba lamented the loss of recognize her at maturity.
her child.
B. He saw his servants whispering 10. Hosea’s matrimonial
together. experience symbolizes God’s
C. He received a message to that intention to
effect from joab.
D. God revealed it to him through A. reform Israel and make her
Nathan. greater
B. review his covenant with Israel
8. ‘As one falls before the wicked C. discipline Israel for her
you have fallen.’’ infidelity
This is a part of David’s D. redeem Israel from her
Lamentation over unfaithfulness

A. Absalom 11. The harlotry of Gomer is

B. Jonathan compared to Israel’s
C. Abner
D. Saul A. abandonment of the ephod
B. false n insincere sacrifices

C. oppression of the poor 14. Jeremiah was not anxious to
D. unfaithfulness to God. accept God’s call to become a
prophet because
12. ‘Holy, holy, holy is the Lord of
hosts; the whole earth is full of A. it was hazardous profession
his glory.”’ B. he knew that people would not
listen to him
A. Solomon dedicated the temple C. he needed to know God more
B. Josiah completed his D. he was too young and
reformation inexperienced.
C. Uzzia of Judah died
D. David brought the ark to 15. The devil’s principal purpose
Jerusalem. for tempting Jesus Christ was to

13 “Hear the word of the LORD, A. show that nobody is above

you rulers of Sodom! Give ear to temptation
the teaching of our God, you B. demonstrate that he controls
people of Gomorrah! the world
The nation referred to a Sodom C. lure Jesus Christ from his
and Gomorrah in the statement mission
above is D. prove that after all, Jesus is
only human.
A. Israel
B. Judah 16. ‘ Foxes have holes, and birds
C. Samaria of the air have nest; but the son
D. Ephraim of man has nowhere to lay his
The statement above implies that

A. discipleship costs much C. he had compassion on her
B. the son of man need no house D. he wanted to make people
C. church buildings are believe in Him.
D. suffering is inevitable in life. 20. The healing of the paralytic
brought by his four friends
17. According to Luke, following demonstrates
Jesus involves
A. the power of Jesus to heal all
A. confession types of diseases
B. self-denial B. that the friend had faith in the
C. baptism healing power of Jesus
D. daily prayers C. the compassion of Jesus on the
sick man
18. In the healing ministry of D. that Jesus has power to forgive
Jesus Christ, which of the sin.
following played a very vital role?
21. According to mark and Luke,
A. Faith the response of blind Bartmaeus
B. Patience to healing was to
C. Love
D. Repentance. A. follow Jesus immediately
B. run to show himself to the
19. Jesus healed the only son of priests
the widow of Nain because C. confess Jesus as a prophet
D. speak to the Jew about Jesus
A. the crowd pleaded with him
B. the widow demonstrated faith
in Him

22. The parable which teaches D. preaching and abiding by the
about God’s judgment is that of word
25. Jesus implies in His teaching
A. sower on adultery, prayer, alms and
B. lost sheep fasting that these are more of
C. weeds matters of
D. mustard seed
A. the heart
23. The parable of the good B. individual interpretation
Samaritan implies that C. religious beliefs
D. social norms.
A. Samaritans always love their
neighbours 26. Jesus’ injunction not to lay up
B. Priests and Levites hardly show treasure on earth for ourselves
love implies that the Christian should
C. neighbourliness is expressed in
love and concern A. not bank his money
D. a good neighbour must show B. give his money to charity
love to his enemies. C. not be extravagant
D. be rich in good works.
24. Luke ends the sermons on the
plain with an analogy of a building 27. The seventy disciples who
to emphasize the importance of returned from their missionary
work were told by Jesus to rejoice
A. preaching and hearing the because
B. hearing and obeying the word A. they were well received by
C. studying and doing the word people

B. the spirits were subject to B. his disciples had not
them understood his thoroughly
C. their names were written in C. he was not prepared to die on
heaven the cross
D. they preached to many people. D. he wanted his disciples to be
28. According to Matthew, when
Jesus was transfigured 31 “Are you the king of the Jews?
Jesus’ reply to the question above
A. his face shone like the sun by Pilate was
B. his body became as white as
light A. “You have said so”
C. he could only communicate B. “My kingship is not of this word
with heaven C. “Who has made you a prince
D. he saw Elisha and Moses. and a judge over us?”
D. “Why put me to the test, you
29. According to Matthew, Jesus hypocrites?”
entered Jerusalem riding
32. According to Matthew, when
A. a horse and a donkey the women went to see the
B. an ass and a horse sepulchre, the
C. a colt and a donkey
D. an ass and a colt. A. found that the disciples had
been thee
30. The prayer of Jesus before his B. saw an angel sitting upon the
arrest showed that stone
C. met Jesus on the way
A. he was sorrowful and troubled D. found the guards rolling back
the stone

33. Jesus used the illustration of A. lame
the vine to teach that a Christian B. blind
that abides in Him will surely C. deaf
D. dumb
A. be a good shepherd
B. resurrect on the Last Day 37. The people referred to as
C. be a bread of life pillars of the Jerusalem church,
D. bear much fruit. who gave Barnabas and Paul the
right hand of fellowship were
34. Two of the seven disciple
chosen to serve tables in the early A. Cephas, John and mark
church were B. James, john and silas
C. John, silas and Simon
A. Parmenas and Timon D. James, Cephas and john.
B. Mathias and Cornelius
C. Nathaniel and Philip 38. The condition for justification
D. Stephen and Andrew according to Paul is

35. “Give me also this power, that A. merit and favour

any one on whom I lay my hands B. possession of spiritual gifts
may receive the Holy Spirit” C. ability to keep God’s
A. very crafty D. faith in Christ crucified.
B. money conscious
C. ignorant 39. On which of the following
D. fraudulent. grounds will faith be null and
promise void?
36. At the Beautiful Gate, Peter
and John healed a man who was

A. Faith is a necessary condition 42. “… at the name of Jesus every
for justification. knee should bow… every tongue
B. Believers saved through grace confess that Jesus Christ is
C. Salvation comes through Lord…”
adherence to the law. The statement above
D. Justification is by God’s grace demonstrates the Lordship of
Jesus over
40. According to the Letter of Paul
to the Romans, Christians are to A. Christians only
yield themselves to God as men B. non-Christians only
who C. all religious persons
D. all creation.
A. have been raised from death to
life 43. Paul told the Corinthians that
B. no longer live by the works of if any one has caused pain to the
law church, he should be
C. receive baptism after
circumcision A. removed from their midst
D. have listened to the gospel of B. punished severely
Christ. C. forgiven and comforted
D. made to confess his sins
41. God sent His Son, Jesus
Christ, into the world in the 44. The greatest spiritual gift to
likeness of sinful flesh in order seek for is

A. to destroy the law A. speaking in tongues

B. that the law might be fulfilled B. love
C. that man may walk in the flesh C. healing
D. to save the righteous D. working of miracles.

45. One of the civic 48. James enjoins Christians to
responsibilities Christians are remain impartial by
commanded to carry out is
A. showing love to all without
A. honoring elders in the society distinction
B. maintaining holiness in life B. loving their neighbours as
C. obedience to lawful authority themselves
D. observing the law faithfully. C. treating all brethren equally
D. giving everyone his due
46. In the course of his ministry,
Paul worked night and day so that 49. According to James, the man
who prays to God and at the
A. he might not be burden to any same time doubts is
B. his followers might eat A. ignorant of God’s purpose
C. he could raise money for the B. disobedient to God
work of the gospel C. double-minded
D. he could pay the debt he was D. deceive by Satan.
owing the brethren.
50. Peter admonishes Christian
47. Those who have fallen asleep that suffering for Christ’s sake
before the coming of the lord are brings God’s
A. salvation
A. sleeping naturally B. blessing
B. dead physically C. love
C. dead spiritually D. righteousness
D. who are unfaithful


1. God made two great lights to 4. The golden calf which Aaron
made for Israel was an evidence
A. shine upon the earth of.
B. rule the day and the night
C. demarcate between the day A. lack of faith in God
and the night B. ‘loss of confidence in Moses
D. give light to the world. C. a plot to replace Moses
D. an attempt to revolt against
2. God commanded the earth to God
bring forth living creatures
according to their kinds on the 5. “Is it because there are no
graves in Egypt that you have
A. 3rd day taken us away to die in the
B. 4th day wilderness?”
C. 5th day This question was asked by the
D. 6th day Israelites when

3. When God heard the groaning A. they were hungry in the

of the people of Israel in Egypt, wilderness
He B. there was no water for them to
A. got angry with the Pharaoh C. the spies brought evil reports
B. sent a warning to the Pharaoh about Canaan
C. remembered His covenant with D. the Egyptians marched after
Abraham them.
D. plagued the Egyptians with

6. God promised to send bread 9. Nathan told David that
from heaven to the people of although God had put away his
Israel, so as to see if they would sin, he would still be

A. walk in His law A. made to weep and fast

B. remain stubborn B. bereaved of the child
C. return to Egypt C. visited with plague
D. feel satisfied D. required to make atonement.

7. “Behold, I am about to do a 10. The ark of the covenant

thing in Israel, at which the two brought before Israel and King
ears of everyone that hears it will Solomon contained
A. the rod of Moses
A. Eli the priest B. the image of a serpent
B. Samuel the prophet C. the law of Moses
C. Hophni and Phinehas D. two table of stone
D. Joel and Abijah
11. Hosea accused Israel of
8. Why did David spare the life of harlotry because
King Saul at Ziph?
A. her daughters were cult
A. Saul was anointed by God prostitutes
B. Saul was a fellow Israelite B. her men moved with harlots
C. He did not want to shed blood C. the people worshipped other
D. He was Saul’s son-in-law. gods
D. the women ran after other

12. Who among the following was 15. The would be disciple who
consecrated and appointed wanted to go and bury his father
prophet before he was born? before following Jesus was told
that he
A. Joel
B. Josiah A. was not fit for the kingdom of
C. Jeremiah God
D. Nehemiah B. should go and proclaim the
kingdom of God
13. “Son of man stand upon your C. should go and build a house
feet, and I will speak with you”. first
The statement above was made D. was filled with worldly desires
during the call of
16. According to Matthew, the
A. Isaiah first two disciples to be called by
B. Hosea Jesus were
C. Samuel
D. Ezekiel. A. Peter and Andrew
B. Peter and John
14. Satan promised to give Jesus C. James and John
all the Kingdoms of the world if D. James and Andrew
He would
17. Jesus had compassion for the
A. turn stones to loaves of bread five thousand people fed by Him
B. throw Himself down from the because they were
pinnacle of the temple
C. bow down and worship him A. hungry but had no time to eat
D. perform a miracle B. like sheep without a shepherd

C. strangers from the country and 20. The parable of the wheat and
villages far away the tares illustrates that
D. poor and had no money to buy
food A. the kingdom of God is already
established on earth.
18. What was Jesus’ response B. both good and evil live in the
when the message of Lazarus’ world
illness reached Him? C. it is impossible to overcome
A. He asked Mary and Martha to D. the wheat cannot grow where
take care of him there are weeds.
B. He said that the Son of God
may be glorified by it. 21. Jesus’ teaching on swearing is
C. He hurried to Bethany to see that Christians should
D. He instructed that he should be A. not swear falsely
brought to Him. B. swear when necessary
C. not swear at all
19. At the country of the D. swear by the head.
Gersenes, Jesus
22. What blessing has Jesus
A. raised Jairus’ daughter from promised the pure at heart?
the dead
B. healed the centurion’s servant A. They shall obtain mercy
C. raised the widow’s son from B. They shall see God
the dead C. The earth shall be theirs only
D. healed the man who had D. They shall be comforted.

23. “The harvest is plentiful, but C. People spread their garments
the labourers are few; ...” on the road.
Jesus made the statement above D. The disciples set Jesus on the
during the animal.

A. commissioning of the seventy 26. According to Matthew, when

others Christ was arrested, He was led to
B. mission of the twelve
C. sermon on the mount A. Caiaphas
D. triumphal entry. B. Ananias
C. Pontius Pilate
24. “... Hosanna to the Son of D. Herod the Great
The statement above indicates 27. The conviction of Jesus by the
Jesus’ high priest and the elders was on
the ground that He
A. power
B. priesthood A. uttered blasphemy
C. kingship B. healed on the Sabbath day
D. exaltation. C. said He would destroy the
25. With regard to the triumphal D. refused to obey Roman laws.
entry, which of the following
descriptions is peculiar to Luke? 28. In the account of John about
the resurrection, Mary was first
A. People who followed cried asked why she was weeping by
B. The disciples were sent to bring A. Jesus
the animal. B. two angles

C. the guard A. Gentiles
D. Salome. B. the God fearing
C. the believers
29. “Lord, who knowest the D. flesh
hearts of all men. Show which
one of these two thou has chosen 32. The resolution of the
to take the place. From which Jerusalem council was that the
Judas turned aside,... Gentiles should abstain from food
Who were the two men referred offered to idols,
to in the statement above?
A. unchastity, lying and what is
A. Justus and Matthias strangled
B. Joseph and Barsabbas B. blood, what is strangled and
C. Justus and Barsabbas strong drinks
D. Joseph and Justus. C. what is strangled, blood and
30. The criteria for the choice of D. lying, unchastity and strong
the seven Deacons were drinks.

A. Wisdom and understanding 33. “Then in seemed good to the

B. Good repute and being fill of apostles and the elders,... to
the spirit choose men from among them
C. Good repute and knowledge and send them to Antioch with
D. Wisdom and knowledge Paul and Barnabas;

31. At Pentecost, Peter explained A. Judas and Barsabbas

that God had promised to pour B. John and James
out His Spirit on all C. Peter and Mark
D. Judas and Silas

34. Peter and John were arrested 37. The consequence of setting
and imprisoned because they one’s mind on the things of the
flesh is
A. healed a man lame from birth
B. condemned the Pharisees and A. poverty
the Sadducees B. infertility
C. cursed the high priest C. death
D. were preaching the gospel of D. suffering
38. Paul admonished the Romans
35. According to Romans, all who to live a new life in Christ by
have sinned and fallen short of yielding themselves to God as
the glory of God will be justified men who
A. have been brought from death
A. works of the law to life
B. the worship of God through B. will receive judgment in the
Christ last days
C. God’s grace as a gift C. will meet Christ in God’s
D. Being at peace with God. kingdom
D. have suffered for the sake of
36. According to Paul, what bear the gospel
witness to the righteousness of
God are 39. But now that faith has come,
we are no longer under a
A. faith and the law custodian;... Custodian here
B. grace and saving gift means the
C. faith and the prophets
D. the law and the prophets A. Church

B. law A. upliftment of individuals in the
C. priest church
D. covenant B. edification of the Church
C. eradication of enmity among
40. Paul, writing to the Christians
Philippians, said that God highly D. uplifment of the community
exalted Christ and bestowed on
Him the name. 43. Paul considered the
Which is above every name Philippians’ gifts to him as
because He was
A. a duty they owed him
A. both god and man B. indispensable to his life
B. the Son of God C. an exhibition of Christian
C. obedient and humble maturity and generosity
D. the saviour of mankind D. a fragrant offering and a
sacrifice acceptable to God
41. According to Paul, Christian
should forgive one another so that 44. ‘For rulers are not a terror to
good conduct, but to bad’.
A. Satan may not gain advantage Christians, therefore, must do
over them what is good and they would
B. their prayers may be heard
C. God may forgive them A. receive their approval
D. they may not perish in sin. B. get a reward
C. become servants of God
42. Spiritual gifts, according to D. be left alone to preach the
Paul, should be used for the Gospel

45. ‘Now we command you, B. impartiality
brethren, in the name of our Lord C. loyalty
Jesus Christ, that you keep away D. citizenship
from any brother who is living in
idleness... 48. The wisdom of God is
The Statement above was made necessary for salvation, hence
to teach James teaches that Christians
A. Christian charity
B. Justice A. ask for it when they can
C. dignity of labour B. endure all trials to get it
D. humility. C. ask in faith to get it
D. claim it as a right.
46. The second coming of Jesus
Christ, according to Paul, will be 49. The importance of love in the
preceded by the coming of teaching of Peter is that it

A. Elijah the prophet A. covers a multitude of sins

B. John the Baptist B. brings together all believers in
C. the man of lawlessness the community
D. the man of righteousness C. takes one eternal life
D. extends to Christians only.
47. Is it not the rich who oppress
you, is it not they who drag you 50. According to Peter, when the
into court? Chief Shepherded is manifested,
James asked his question in his Christians will
teachings on
A. cast all their anxieties on Him
A. humility B. obtain eternal life

C. be saved from their sins
D. obtain the unfading crown of

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1. “Behold, I have given you A. A new heart and a new life

every plant yielding seed which is B. A new covenant and a new
upon the face of all the earth, and spirit
every tree with seed in its fruit; C. Prosperity and security
...” D. One heart and one way.
In the statement above, God
made all provision for man to 4. The Lord appeared toAbraham
and promised his descendants the
A. tend and preserve land of the canaanites at
B. have enough food
C. make a beautiful garden A. Mount Sinai
D. look at and admire B. the Oaks of Mamre
C. the Oak of Moreh
2. God told Noah that ‘Whoever D. the Mountain east of Bethel
sheds the blood of man by man,
shall his blood be shed; ... 5. When Joseph narrated his
because second dream, he was rebuked by
Jacob because the dream would
A. man is made in God’s image
B. man is his brother’s keeper A. make his brothers all the more
C. blood is the life of man jealous
D. man was the last creature. B. subject his parents to his
3. What did God promise the C. make the family harvest
Israelites after their rescue from sheaves
Babylon to make them fear Him D. send the family to Egypt as
forever? slaves.

6. Deborah was a judge when 9. The final consequence of Saul’s
Israel was under the yoke of disobedience to God was his

A. Moab A. defeat in battle

B. Midian B. abandonment by his armour-
C. Canaan bearer
D. Philistine. C. dethronement by the people
D. death in the war front.
7. When Jacob woke from sleep
on his way to Haran, he was 10. God forgave David when he
afraid and named the place Bethel took Bathsheba, the wife of Uriah
because he believed that the because

A. place was a part of heaven A. the child he had with her died
B. place had a ladder that led to B. David accepted his guilt
heaven C. David fasted and laid upon the
C. angels of the Lord lived there ground
D. place was the gate of heaven. D. David was a man after God’s
8. God rejected the sons of Eli
from being priest over His people 11. Abner sent messengers to
because they were David at Hebron because he
wanted to
A. blasphemous and unrestrained
B. avaricious and fearful A. bring over all Israel to David
C. thieves and murderers B. reconcile Ishbasheth with
D. immoral and seditious. Judah
C. spy on Hebron and capture it

D. reconcile David with D. the bathe Gehazi took in the
Ishbosheth. river Jordan.

12. Where did the Lord appear to 15. The prayer of Elijah is the
Solomon in a dream name of God of Abraham, Isaac
and Jacob brought down fire from
A. Horeb heaven which
B. Gibeon
C. Gath A. killed all the prophets of Baal
D. Jericho B. destroyed the demonic spirits
of Jezebel
13. The division of David’s C. caused rain to fall immediately
kingdom was a direct D. consumed the burnt offering.
consequence of
16. The reforms of King Josiah
A. Absalom’s revolt were made possible by the
B. Jeroboam’s revolt
C. Solomon’s forced labour A. discovery of book of law
D. Rehoboam’s unwise decision B. encouragement he received
from Hezekiah
14. Naaman’s leprosy was C. sacrifices he made to God
transferred to Gehazi as a result D. destruction of the chariot Ahaz
17. As Nehemiah embarked on
A. the testimony of themaid of reconstruction of Jerusalem, he
Israel faced threats and opposition from
B. Gehazi’s disobedience to God
C. the gifts he received from A. Lacrit Malchijah
Naaman B. Artaxerxes and Darius

C. Shadrack and Abednego 21. ... even though you make
D. Sanballat and Tobiah prayers, I will not listen ...
Why will God the Holy one of
18. Amos told the Israelites that Israel not listen?
they have turned justice into
A. because they sacrifice with
A. injustice incense to Him
B. poison B. because God detests their
C. wormwood burnt offerings of rams
D. anguish. C. because their hands are full of
19. Hosea compared Judah’s love D. because their new moon gift
for the Lord to the morning cloud are a burden to Him.
because it
22. How did God convince
A. goes away early like the dew Jeremiah of his divine call?
B. is a sincere love
C. goes up to God like a smoke A. He anointed him with oil
D. is a delicate love B. He spoke to him directly from
20. The attribute of God which C. He sent a prophet to inform
Isaiah emphasize most is His him
D. He touched his mouth.
A. goodness
B. holiness 23. The vision of the dry bones of
C. love Ezekiel portrays
D. kindness
A. famine
B. hope

C. punishment turned into wine were kept there
D. judgement for the

24. What was Peter’s reaction A. collection of drinking water

when he saw the great shoal of B. Miracle
fish he and his partners caught? C. Jewish rites of purification
D. wedding
A. He felt very pleased
B. He was embarrassed 27. When the man with an
C. He confessed being a sinner unclean spirit in the region of the
D. He was greatly confused. Gerasenes saw Jesus, he

25. In the feeding of the five A. acknowledge Him as the son of

thousand, according to Matthew, the most High God.
the first thing that Jesus did was B. pleaded to be cast into the
to Abyss
C. requested to follow Him as a
A. order the loaves and fish to be disciple
brought to Him D. pleaded that a miracle be
B. break the loaves and fish performed to cleanse him.
brought to Him
C. look up to heaven and pray to 28. “To you it has given to know
God the secrets of the kingdom of
D. give thanks to God and have heaven, but to them it has not
the fish and loaves shared. been given ...” This statement
was made after Jesus had told the
26. According to John, the six parable of the
stone jar of water which Jesus
A. mustard seed

B. sower B. go to the lost sheep of the
C. wheat and tares house of Israel
D. leaven C. receive hospitality and wages
for their labour
29. The parable of the lost sheep D. performed healing miracles
portrays the shepherd as being among the Samaritans.

A. foolish 32. According to Mark, after Jesus

B. patient had triumphantly entered
C. careless Jerusalem, He
D. loving.
A. went first into the temple
30. “... Do not lay up for B. went to Bethany with the
yourselves treasures on earth, ...” twelve
This statement shows that Jesus C. wept over the city and
prophesied its destruction
A. does not want Christians to be D. addressed the Pharisees who
rich had asked Him to rebukes His to
B. forbids worldly possessions by rebuke His disciples
C. wants Christians to seek first 33. According to Matthew, the
kingdom of God inscription over Jesus when he
D. regards poverty as a condition was crucified was
for the kingdom of God.
A. “This is the King of the Jews”
31. Jesus commissioned the B. “The king of the Jews”
twelve disciples charging them to C. “Jesus of Nazareth, the king of
the Jews”
A. go to all the world and preach

D. “This is Jesus king of the A. solve the problem of
Jews”. murmuring by the Hellenites
B. have adequate daily
34. Which disciple asked Jesus, distribution of food
“Lord, we do not know where you C. take proper care of the
are going; how can we know the neglected widows
way?” D. devote themselves to prayer
and teaching the world.
A. Peter
B. James 37. The sound which came from
C. Thomas heaven on the day of Pentecost is
D. John likened to that of

35. “... For he was numbered A. a mighty wind

among us, and was alloted his B. a surging ocean
share in this ministry...” C. cracking flames
What happen to the person D. heavy thunder
referred to in the statement
above? 38. What were the major issues of
controversy that led to the
A. He was crucified appearance of Paul and Barnabas
B. He committed suicide before the Council in Jerusalem?
C. He abandoned the ministry
D. He was taken into heaven A. Circumcision and food offered
to idols
36. The disciples in the early B. Unchastity and the Law of
church chose the seven deacons Moses
in order to C. Circumcision and the Law of

D. The Law of Moses and Pollution D. righteousness of God.
by idols.
42. Speaking in tongue according
39. According to John, the to Paul, is where
distinctive quality of the disciples
of Jesus Christ is A. there is one with the gift of
A. preaching the word of God B. the Holy Spirit is present
B. witnessing to unbelievers during worship
C. laying down their lives for C. there are apostles and
others evangelists
D. showing love to one another. D. those speaking in tongues are
40. God has extended the
promise He made to Abraham to 43. Paul says that anyone who
all those who share his faith does acts of mercy should do so
based on with

A. righteousness of faith A. zeal

B. observance of the law B. liberality
C. the grace of God C. faith
D. decent from Abraham. D. cheerfulness.

41. According to Galatians, what 44. Paul advises Christians to

makes all believers sons of God is obey authorities because;

A. the law A. it could lead to salvation

B. faith in Christ Jesus B. rulers want people to obey
C. faith in God them

C. they have divine mandate 47. According to James, whoever
D. they are God’s children. keeps the whole law but fails in
one point
45. The second coming of Christ
shall be recognized by: A. will be forgiven in heaven
B. has become guilty of all of it
A. His arrival in Jerusalem C. will be punished for a little
B. a cry of command while
C. earthquakes and wars, D. must asks for forgiveness.
darkness on earth
D. darkness on earth. 48. James in his Epistle urged the
brethren to count their trials as
46. “And the dead in Christ will joy because the testing of their
rise first; then we who are alive, faith produces;
who are left, shall be caught up
together with them in the clouds A. joy
to meet the Lord in the air” B. wisdom
From the statement above, Paul’s C. righteousness
belief was that he would; D. steadfastness.

A. live to witness the second 49. According to Peter, if a

coming of Christ Christian suffers for his faith, he
B. have died before the second should not be
coming of Christ
C. resurrect at the second coming A. ashamed
of Christ B. worried
D. have been in paradise before C. blamed
the second coming. D. afraid.

50. Peter says that Christian
would put to silence the ignorance
of foolish men by

A. preaching the resurrection

B. being humble
C. doing right
D. praying daily.


1. Joseph called the name of his This statement by Nathan made

first born Manasseh, meaning God David immediately
A. order him out of the palace
A. made him forget his hardship B. order the killing of the child
and his father’s house. C. confess and ask for forgiveness
B. made him fruitful in the land of D. abdicate his throne.
his affliction.
C. rescued him from the hands of 4. One of the consequences of
Potiphar Saul’s disobedience was that
D. made him not to forget his
brothers and his house hold A. the Philistines killed him
B he killed himself
2. “…Now therefore lighten the C the Amalekites killed him
hard service of your father upon D his armour bearer killed him.
us, and we will serve you.” This
request was made to Rehoboam 5. “…The Lord will fight for you,
because and you have only to be still.”
This statement was made by
A. the people had another person Moses when the
in mind
B. the people wanted to test his A. Egyptians were pursuing the
wisdom Isrealites before the Red Sea.
C. of an impending revolt B. Isrealites were standing before
D. the people wanted some relief. Joshua
C. Isrealites were standing before
3. “You are the man…’’ King Pharaoh.

D. Isrealites’ chariots were B. his wife Sarah was barren
crossing the Rea Sea. C. his wife was too old to have a
6. God told Solomon that He D. he was amused by the promise
would surely tear the kingdom
from him and give it to his 9. In the beginning, God created
A. son
B. brother A. heavens and the earth
C. servant B. animals and the birds
D. army commander. C. light and the darkness
D. water and the dry land.
7. Why did Job kill Abner?
10. Moses fled Egypt to the land
A. He wanted to avenge the death of Midian because
of his brother.
B. He feared that Abner would A. he was afraid that his crime
take over his post. would be made known
C. Abner only came to deceive B. Pharaoh wanted to kill him for
David. the crime he had committed.
D. He was an enemy who came to C. his countryman asked if he
spy on David. would also kill him
D. he had killed an Egyptian and
8. When God told Abraham that buried him in the sand.
Sarah would have a child,
Abraham laughed because 11. The LORD sent Samuel to
Saul to go and destroy the
A. he already had a child by Amalekites because

A. they opposed Isreal on their A. men of faith
way out of Egypt B. disillusioned men
B. they were idolaters C. stub born men
C. they disobeyed God D. men with pride.
D. their land had been given to
Isreal after the battle. 15. Prophet Ezekiel described the
house of Isreal as having a hard
12. In the creation story, man forehead and stubborn heart
was permitted to because the people

A. plant fruit trees for food A. lacked confidence in him

B. water the garden B. refused to listen to him
C. make garments of skin C. had taken God for granted
D. name all the creatures. D. had endured suffering.

13. God instructed Moses on 16. ‘And the LORD God appointed
Mount Sinai to a plant, and made it come up
over Jonah…’ The statement
A. speak to the rock above taught Jonah that
B. strike the rock
C. consecrate the people A. the repentance of the Ninevites
D. pray for the people. would be shortlived
B. God is sovereign
14. ‘’’…If it be so, our God whom C. his assignment would not last
we serve is able to deliver us from long
the burning fiery furnace…’’ D. God is merciful.
The statement above portrays
Shadrach, Meshach and Abednego 17. “Why is your spirit so vexed
as that you eat no food?”

The addressee was sad because D. the priests were allowed to
worship in the temple.
A. Naboth refused to give him his
vineyard 20. The main lesson of Hosea’s
B. he had an encounter with Elijah teachings is that God
C. his inheritance had been taken
away A. will pour His spirit on all flesh.
D. Jezebel refused to speak to B. accepts every free-will offering
him. C. will create a new heart in His
18. Isaiah teaches that the LORD D. prefers steadfast love to
wants His people to demonstrate sacrifice.
holiness by
21. The reaction of Naaman to the
A. observing religious festivals instruction of Elisha showed that
B. offering more sacrifices he was
C. doing justice and not evil
D. honouring their father and A. proud
mother B. faithless
C. ignorant
19. One of the reforms of King D. stubborn.
Josiah was that
22. Daniel became distinguished
A. he worshipped at the brook above all other presidents and
Kidron satraps because he
B. he defiled Topheth in the valley
of the sons of Hinnom. A. interpreted the king’s dreams
C. he allowed the worship of B. refused to worship the golden
Asherah calf.

C. worshipped only one God 26. The main complaint of the
D. had an excellent spirit in him. Hellenists against the brews in the
early Church was that their
23. When Elijah escaped from
Ahab to the brook Cherith, he was A. men were neglected
fed by B. widows were neglected
C. new converts were neglected
A. angels D. children were neglected
B. ravens
C. doves 27. Peter, James and John were
D. sparrows. asked to keep their experience of
the transfiguration secret until
24. The man appointed by the
Holy Ghost to go on the A. the kingdom of God comes
missionary journey with Saul was B. they met the other disciples
C. they descended from the
A. Lucius mount
B. Barnabas D. the son of man is raised from
C. Peter the dead.
D. Mark
28. According to Jesus, every
25. The mark of a true disciple branch of tree that bears fruit, He
according to Jesus Christ is would prune. Branch in this
context refers to
A. loving one another
B. keeping the ten A. man
commandments B. an angel
C. knowing the word C. the Jews
D. fasting and praying. D. the Gentiles.

29. John declares that for a man B. “…You shall not tempt the Lord
to have eternal life he must your God.”
C. ’’…You shall worship the Lord
A. preach the gospel of Christ your God and Him only shall you
B. possess the Holy Spirit serve.”
C. beat everyone that sold and D. “He will give his angels charge
bought of you.”
D. drove out all who sold and
bought. 32. “Teacher, what shall I do to
inherit eternal life?”
30. When Jesus entered the The lawyer who asked this
temple in Jerusalem, He question wanted to

A. contended with the scribes and A. put Christ to the test.

the Pharisees. B. please the crowd
B. read from the book of Isaiah C. prove his knowledge of the law
C. beat everyone that sold and D. condemn Christ.
D. drove out all who sold and 33. In the story of stilling the
bought. storm, the disciples were
surprised because
31. Jesus’ reply to the Devil’s
command to throw Himself down A. Jesus was deeply asleep in the
from the pinnacle of the temple boat while the storm raged
was B. Jesus rebuked them for lack of
A“…Man shall not live by bread C. the wind and the sea obeyed
alone…” Jesus

D. the storm disturbed the boat A. told them that the girl was not
even with Jesus in it. dead but sleeping
B. rebuked them for weeping and
34. In his reference to the events mourning over the dead
of the day of Pentecost, Peter said C. did not pray before performing
that they were the fulfillment of the miracle
the prophecy of D. did not arrive at the place
before the girl died
A. Jeremiah
B. Joel 37. When Bartimaeus wanted
C. Jonah Jesus to heal him, he
D. Isaiah
A. waited for Him by the roadside
35. “Yes, Lord; I believe that you B. requested to be led to Him.
are the Christ, the Son of God, He C. expressed his faith in Him.
who is coming into the world.” D. persistently cried out for help.
The confession was made during
the 38. The teachers of the law
accused Jesus of blasphemy
A. changing of water to wine because He
B. transfiguration of Jesus Christ
C. raising of Lazarus A. claimed to have power to heal
D. healing of the epileptic boy. the sick
B. declared that He had authority
36. Before Jesus raised Jairus’ to forgive sin
daughter, the people mocked Him C. said sin was the cause of
because he sickness
D. called Himself Son of Man

39. “Have nothing to do with that 42. According to Paul, generosity
righteous man, for I have suffered produces.
much over him today in a dream.”
This statement was made by A. righteousness
Pilate’s wife during B. thanksgiving to God
C. salvation
A. the arrest of Jesus D. the grace of God
B. Jesus’ betrayal
C. Jesus’ trial 43. ‘Is it not they who blaspheme
D. Jesus’ crucifixion the honourable name which was
invoked over you?’
40. According to Jesus, believers According to James in the
who forgive the sins of others will statement above, they refers to
A. enter the Kingdom of God
B. be forgiven by God A. principalities
C. receive a crown of life. B. needy
D. inherit the earth. C. authorities
D. rich.
41. In the parable of the wheat
and the tares, the bad seed was 44. Paul reminded the
sowed by the Thessalonians that he did not eat
anyone’s bread without paying for
A. Devil it. This statement teaches
B. Scribes
C. Pharisees A. self respect
D. Sadducees B. creativity
C. hardwork
D. humility.

45. According to Paul, he who day of the Lord in the statement
loves his neighbour has above refers to the day of
A. retribution
A. eternal life B. repentance
B. overcome all evils C. judgement
C. fulfilled the law. D. tribulation.
D. peace with God.
49. Peter urges Christians to live
46. Paul declares in Romans that as freemen without necessarily
as by one man’s disobedience using their freedom as a pretext
many were made sinners, by one for
man’s obedience many will
A. evil
A. be made righteous B. immorality
B. be made pure C. greed
C. became steadfast in faith D. partiality.
D. become loyal to God.
47. According to James, the 50. Those that have been
prayer of a righteous man baptized into Jesus Christ,
according to Paul, are
A. can cleanse his sins
B. has saving power A. cleansed of their sins
C. can move mountains B baptized into His death
D. has great power in its effects C sanctified in Him
D. baptized into the Christian fold
48. ‘…. the day of the Lord will
come like a thief in the night.’ The


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