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lihat fotoLocated at the foot of Mount Sibayak, in this place there are garden
decorations and cool air.
Lumbini Natural Park Pagoda is inspired by the Shwedagon Pagoda, Myanmar.
This pagoda building project was successfully completed in 2010 with a height
of 48.8 meters, a length and width of 68 meters each.
Lumbini Natural Park Pagoda can also be said to be a replica of the Shwedagon
Pagoda because it is the second tallest pagoda among other pagodas outside
Pagodas are temples whose roofs are piled up and are usually used for Buddhist
However, Lumbini Park Pagoda can be visited by anyone with a predetermined
This is intended so as not to interfere with worship time.
Lumbini Park Pagoda is the same as Shwedagon Pagoda, which is a place to
store various relics of the Buddha, Arahats, and thousands of Buddha statues
from various countries. (1)(2)

Lumbini Park Pagoda has been under construction since 2007 and was completed
in 2010.
In its inauguration, the Shwedagon Pagoda Replica received a MURI record in
the category of Punja Bakti or the most blessings attended by thousands of
members of the sangha.
During the inauguration, 1,250 members of the sangha were attended, which also
consisted of 100 monks from Indonesia, 650 members from Burma, Myanmar
and 400 members from Thailand.
The clergy from other countries who came reached about 20 countries.
The name Lumbini is taken from a place called Lumbini at the foot of Mount
Humalaya, Nepal.
Lumbini is the birthplace of Siddhartha Gautama in Nepal.

The attraction of this tourist attraction is its magnificent and beautiful building.
Almost the entire building is covered with gold paint.
This pagoda has an area of 3,000 hectares with a height of 46.8 meters, length
and width of 68 meters.
There is an entrance with ethnic designs carved by artists in Myanmar.
This place which is also used for worship holds many relics which are the
remains of the ashes of the holy people's burning.
The relic is placed on top of the pagoda building.
Visitors other than Buddhists can also enter and tour this area when there are no
worship activities.
This tourist attraction has won the MURI record as the highest pagoda in
Replica of the Shwedagon Pagoda built since 2007 (Lumbini Natural Park
Official Website)
Visitors who come here, will not only enjoy the splendor of this pagoda, but also
can enjoy the atmosphere around the building.
Before heading to Lumbini Natural Park Pagoda, visitors must first pass a
suspension bridge as a means of crossing.
This bridge is known as Titi Lumbini.
The length of the Titi Lumbini bridge is about 20 meters.
Visitors can see a garden overgrown with beautiful flowers under the bridge.
There are information boards and information about some of these plants so that
visitors can also add insight about some of the plants in this park. (4)

On the inside, precisely at the top of the building, hang dozens of bells as
The bells will ring when exposed to the wind.
There are 2,958 Buddha images, 30 Arahat statues and 108 sacred relics in this
Almost all of these items were brought directly from Myanmar.
In addition, on the inside there is also a wish tree called the Wishing Tree.
The tree is covered with hanging paper.
The paper contains a request from visitors.
Visitors can write wishes on this Wishing Tree, but it can only be done on Gong
Xi Fat Chai holidays. (3)
Wishing Tree containing the wishes of visitors at the Natural Park Pagoda

There are rules that must be obeyed during a visit to Lumbini Natural Park.
If visitors enter the area within the pagoda, they are required to remove their
Visitors are not allowed to take pictures with cellphone cameras.
While inside, visitors are prohibited from eating and drinking.
Visitors who enter the inner area must dress neatly and politely and maintain
Because this place is also used for worship, visitors are prohibited from making
noise and must respect people who are worshiping. (3)
Lumbini Natural Park provides several facilities.
-vegetarian restaurant
-Spacious green area
-toileton-site photographer or photographer (2)

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