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GRAMATICA INGLESA: NIVEL B1 MIGUEL GOMEZ MARIN E IRENE GONZALEZ MORANO WEED cramatica inglesa: Nivel B1 CONTENIDO 1. Presente simple o8 1.1 El Presente simple con el verbo “to be” (ser o estar) we 8 1.2 El Presente simple con el verbo “have got” (tener) 3 1.3 El Presente simple con verbos modales (Ejemplo “Can”) sense & 1.4 El presente simple con el resto de verbos..... we 41.4.1 Reglas de le 32 persona del singular .. a 1.5 Verbo “to have” (Tener 0 Poseer) wnmsinnnnnnnneinnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnsnnnns 5 1.6 Preguntas con particula interrogativa en presente simple ... 25 1.7 Distintas estructuras interrogativas.. 6 1.7.1 Para preguntar [a edad:n.snsnnmnnnnnnnnninnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnses 6 1.7.2 Para pedir una cosa, algo: 6 1.7.3 Para preguntar el precio de algo: 26 1.8 Adverbios de frecuencia wnsmsnnnnmnnnnnnnninnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnsnens 7 2. Presente simple continuo. v7 2.4 Reglas del gerundio.. 8 2.2 Action and Non-action verbs oo 8 2.3 Gerunds and infinitives / Gerundios € infinitiv0s jnmsmnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnseies 9 3. Imperativo .... 10 3, Pasado simple 1d 3.1 Pasado simple con verbos regulares snus ssennnnnnsennnnnees LL 3.2 Pasado simple con verbo “to be” e irregulares... 12 4, Pasado CONEINUO wnnsnnisinnnnnneninnnnnnninnnes soeennninnnnnnnssees 15 5, Pasado perfecto..snnnnnnnnnnnninnnnnesie sroennninnnnnnnssees 15 6. Present and past habits and states .. 16 7. Presente perfecto (present perfect). .17 7.1 Palabras que acompajian al presente perfecto... 18 7.1.1 Presente Perfecto con “For” & "Since"... .18 7.1.2 Presente perfecto con “Ever” . .19 7.4.3 Presente Perfecto con “Just” .18 7.1.4 Presente Perfecto con “Already” & "Yet" sunnuunnnnanannnnnnnnenennaee 19 8, Presente perfecto continuo... .20 9. FULUTO snnnnninnnnnnnnineinnanineinnnnninennnsnnnnnnnnnnnenses 20 3 Gramatica Inglesa: Nivel B1 9.1 Futuro simple “Will” 20 9.2 Presente continuo con idea de FUtUFO w.nnnmnnnnunnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnees 2D 9.3 Futuro préximo (going to). 121 10. Verbos modale: 2d 11. Condicional sannnnsennnnnnnnennnnnnnsinnes sniiennnnnnnnnnnnsees 23 11.1 Zero conditional 123 11.2 First conditional 23 11.3 Second conditional. 123 11.4 Third conditional. 224 11.5 Mixed conditionals. 224 12. Otros modos de hacer condiconales. 224 12.1 Condicional con “Wish” + Sujeto + Pasado simple wwsnnnnmnnnnnnnnnnes 24 12.2 Condicional con “Wish” + Sujeto + Pasado perfecto..... 224 12.3 Condicional con “Wish + Would + Verbo en infinitiVo Sin tO....cenensnennnee 25 12.4 Sustitutivos de “If” (Unless 8 AS long a5) .nnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnsnes 25 13. Pasiva... 25 14, Estilo indirecto (Reported speech) 26 14.1 Oraciones interrogativas indirectas (reported questions) ww.nsnsnmnnnnnnns 2B 14.2 Otros verbos introductores del estilo indirecto 28 15, Adjetivos Comparativos y superlatives .... 29 16. A/ an, the, no articulo 231 17. There is / There are (Hay)... 231 18. Quantifiers... 132 18.1 Large quantities 132 18.2 Small quantities.....smnannnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnsmnnssnes 32 18.3 More or less than you need or want... 18.4 Zero quantity...scsessseiinnninstnnaneninnssis 19, Relative Clauses .iaicnnsintminnnientnnaenisnnsis 19.1 Defining relative clauses. 133 19.2 Non-defining relative clauses 33 20. Questions tags... 34 GED cramatica inglesa: Nivel B1 1. PRESENTE SIMPLE Se utiliza para expresar acciones cotidianas, rutinas, ete. Los verbos to be (ser], to have got (tener), y modales como can (saber o poder), must (deber), etc. para negar simplemente afiaden not. Ejemplo: ~ She is not very tall / She isn't very tall + Our friends have not got a big house / Our friends haven't got a big house Y pera preguntar colocan detras del verbo el sujeto Ejemplo: + Have you got a calculator? + Is John an intelligent boy? 1.1 EL PRESENTE SIMPLE CON EL VERBO “TO BE” (SER O ESTAR) AFIRMATIVA NEGATIVA INTERROGATIVA lam Lam not /I'm not, Am |? You are You are not / You aren't ‘Are you? He is He is not / He isn't Is he? ‘She is She is not / She isn’t Is she? itis Itis not / It isn’t is it? We are We are not / We aren't Are we? You are You are not / You aren't Are you? They are They are not / They aren't Are they? 1.2 EL PRESENTE SIMPLE CON EL VERBO “HAVE GOT” (TENER) ‘AFIRMATIVA NEGATIVA INTERROGATIVA Ihave got [haven't got Have | got? You have got You haven't got Have you got? He has got He hasn't got Has he got? She has got She hasn't got Has she got? It has got It hasn't got Has it got? We have got We haven't got Have we got? You have got You haven't got Have you got? They have got They haven't got Have they got? 3 Gramatica Inglesa: Nivel B1 1.3 EL PRESENTE SIMPLE CON VERBOS MODALES (EJEMPLO “CAN”) AFIRMATIVA NEGATIVA INTERROGATIVA lean [cannot / I can't Can i? You can You cannot / You can't Can you? He can) He cannot / He can't Can he? She can She cannot / She can't Can she? Itean It cannot / It can't Can it? We can We cannot / We can't Can we? You can You cannot / You can't Can you? They can. They cannot / They can't Can they? 1.4 EL PRESENTE SIMPLE CON EL RESTO DE VERBOS AFIRMATIVA NEGATIVA INTERROGATIVA Lwrite [don't write Do | write? You write You don't write Do you write? He writes He doesn't write Does he write? She writes She doesn't write Does she write? It writes It doesn't write Does it write? We write We don't write Do we write? You write You don't write Do you write? They write They don't write Do they write? Suelen afiadir -s, excepto en los siguientes casos: Afiaden -es las que acaban en -s, -h, -x, go (ir), do (hacer) Ejemplo: = watch (ver) he/she watches = mix (mezclar) he/she mixes - go (ir) he/she goes - do (hacer) he/she does Los que acaban en consonante +-y, cambia la “y” por “i” y después afiaden -es, es decir, se afiade -ies Ejemplo: ~ study (estudiar) he/she studies + cry (Ilorar) he/she cries WED sramatica inglesa: Nivel B1 1,5 VERBO “TO HAVE” (TENER O POSEER) To have sirve también para otros verbos que no signifiquen tener. Ejemplo: - Have a bath / a shower (tomar un bafio/una ducha) + Have breakfast / lunch / dinner (desayunar / comer al mediodia / cenar) - Have a rest (descansar) Cuando tenga estos significados, el verbo to have funciona como un verbo “normal” en presente simple, utilizando los auxiliares Do/Does para negar o preguntar. Ejemplo: Thave breakfast | Idon'thave breakfast | Do you have breakfast? Yo desayuno Yo no desayuno ¢Td desayunas? 1.6 PREGUNTAS CON PARTICULA INTERROGATIVA EN PRESENTE SIMPLE Las Particulas Interrogativas son: What Qué? o éCudl? Which Qué? 0 éCudi? Se utiliza cuando se trata de elegir entre varias cosas. Where | Donde? When éCudndo? How Cémo? Who éQuién? 0 playing Excepciones: 1. Los verbos de una silaba que acaban en consonante + vocal + consonante duplican la ultima consonante. Ejemplo: run > running swim > swimming 2. Los verbos de 2 silabas que acaban en consonante + vocal + consonante y cuyo acento al hablar recae en la 22 silaba, y los de dos silabas que acaben en L, también duplican la consonante final. Ejemplo: admit > admitting travel > travelling 3. Los verbos que acaban en “e” la pierden Ejemplo: take > taking 4, Los verbos que acaban en “ie” cambian la “ie” por “y” y afiaden -ing Ejemplo: lie > lying (echarse) die > dying (morir) 2.2 ACTION AND NON-ACTION VERBS Los verbos que describen acciones, por ejemplo: cook (cocinar) make (hacer), pueden ser usados en presente simple o continuo’ - Ym making the lunch / 1 usually make the lunch at the weekend Los verbos que expresan estados o sentimientos, no acciones, como por ejemplo: love (amar), need (necesitar) no se usan en presente continuo. Los Non-Action verbs més frecuentes son: agree, be, believe, belong, depend, forget, hate, hear, know, like, love, matter, mean, need, prefer, realize, recognize, remember, seem, suppose. Hay que tener en cuenta también, que hay ciertos verbos que pueden presentarse de las dos maneras como por ejemplo have (tener) y think (pensar): = [have a cat now = posesion (non-action) + im having lunch = accién + I think this music’s great = opinion (non-action) + What are you thinking about? = accién WEY) cramatica inglesa: Nivel B1 2.3 GERUNDS AND INFINITIVES / GERUNDIOS E INFINITIVOS Usamos el gerundio en los siguientes casos. 1. Después de preposiciones y Phrasal verbs: - I'm not very good at remembering names - Katie's given up smoking 2. Cuando el verbo es el sujeto de la acci ~ _ Driving at night is quite tiring - Shopping is my favourite thing to do at weekends 3. Después de ciertos verbos: + [hate not being on time for tl - I don't mind getting up early Los verbos més communes seguidos de gerundio son: admit, avoid, deny, dislike, enjoy, feel like, finish, hate, keep, like, love, mind, miss, practise, prefer, recommend, spend time, stop, suggest y Phrasal Verbs, give up, go on, etc. + [like travelling > Me gusta viajar ~ She hates listening to the radio > Ella odia escuchar Ia radio + Do you love swimming? > éTe encanta nadar? Usamos el infinitive con to en los siguientes caso: 1. Después de adjetivos: + My flat is very easy to find 2. Para expresar causa 0 proposito - Liam is saving money to buy a new car 3. Detrs de ciertos verbos como (can’t) afford, agree, decide, expect, forget, help, hope, learn, need, offer, plan, pretend, promise, refuse, remember, seem, try, want, would like, + Mysister has never learned to drive Para hacer la negacién del infitivo con to usamos la estructura not to + verbo - Try not to make noise Gramatica Inglesa: Nivel B1 4, También usamos el infinitivo con to después de ciertos verbos + persona: ask, tell, want, would like. - She told him not to worry + Can you ask the manager to come? - want you to do this now - We'd really like you to come Ademas, hay ciertos verbos que pueden usar indistintamente y con el mismo significado, el gerundio 0 él infinitivo con to: start, begin, continue. ~ Itstarted to rain / It started raining Ahora bien, del mismo modo, hay dos verbos try y remember que también pueden usarse con gerundio o con el infinitivo + to, pero el significado cambia: - Try to be on time (hacer un esfuerzo para llegar a tiempo) ~ Try doing yoga (hacer yoga para ver si te gusta) = Remember to phone him (Acuérdate de llamario) + lremember meeting him years ago (Me acuerdo de haberlo conocido) Usamos el infinitivo sin to en los siquientes casos: 1. Después de la mayoria de verbos modales y auxiliares - Ican’t drive 2. Después de make and let + She always makes me laugh - My parents didn’t let me go out last night 3. IMPERATIVO Se usa para dar rdenes, instrucciones, prohibiciones... y no lleva sujeto. AFIRMATIVA NEGATIVA Listen! (iescucha!) Don't listen! (ino escuches!) Let's listen (jescuchemos!) Let's not listen! (ino escuchemos!) Listen! (jescuchad!) Don't listen! (ino escuchéis!) Gramitica inglesa: Nivel B1 3. PASADO SIMPLE El Pasado Simple es un tiempo verbal que se utiliza para describir acciones que han sucedido en un tiempo anterior y que ya han finalizado, por ejemplo - She cleaned her house. - I broke the window. Al expresar una oracién en Pasado Simple se entiende que la accién no guarda relacién con el presente, como vemos en los siguientes casos: + He lost the keys. - She lent me a book. También es posible indicar el momento en que se desarrolla la accién para indicar el tiempo con mayor precisién: - They saw the movie last night. - We went to London yesterday. Para poder formar una oracion en tiempo pasado debemos distinguir dos tipos: Verbos regulares e irregulares. En el primero de los casos forman su Pasado Simple afiadiendo la terminaci6n ED al infinitivo, mientras que los irregulares reciben ese nombre por no seguir un patrén determinado y en este caso deben estudiarse individualmente. 3.1 PASADO SIMPLE CON VERBOS REGULARES AFIRMATIVA NEGATIVA INTERROGATIVA [played | didn’t played Did | play? You played You didn't played Did you play? He played He didn’t played Did he play? She played She didn’t played Did she play? It played It didn't played Did it play? We played We didn’t played Did we play? You played You didn’t played Did you play? They played They didn't played Did they play? Tanto en la forma interrogativa como en negativa se utiliza como auxiliar DID que es la forma pasada del verbo “TO DO” y acompafia al verbo principal en su forma infinitiva. En las negaciones puede utilizarse la forma contraida de DID NOT o sea DIDN'T. Gramatica Inglesa: Nivel B1 3.2 PASADO SIMPLE CON VERBO “TO BE” E IRREGULARES Ahora veremos la conjugacion del verbo “TO BE” en el Pasado Simple, tiempo verbal qué corresponde al equivalente en castellano del Pretérito Imperfecto y Pretérito Indefinido: AFIRMATIVA NEGATIVA INTERROGATIVA was was not / wasn’t Wasi? You were You were not / weren’t Were you? He was He was not / wasn’t Was he? She was She was not / wasn’t Was she? Itwas It was not / wasn’t Was it? We were We were not / weren't Were we? You were You were not / weren't Were you? They were They were not / weren't Were they? Un detalle a tener en cuenta, es que las contracciones generalmente se usan durante una conversacién y no asi en la escritura, salvo que se trate de un texto informal o que transcriba un didlogo. Ejemplo verbo irregular “come” / venir come — came ~ come AFIRMATIVA NEGATIVA INTERROGATIVA Iwas playing | was not / weren’t playing Was | playing? You were playing _| You were not / weren't playing | _ Were you playing? He was playing | He was not / wasn’t playing Was he playing? She was playing She was not / wasn’t playing Was she playing? It was playing It was not /wasn’t playing Was it playing? We were playing | We were not / weren't playing | _ Were we playing? You were playing _| You were not / weren't playing | _ Were you playing? They were playing | They were not /weren’t playing| Were they playing? En el siguiente cuadro aparecen algunos de los verbos irregulares del inglés utilizados con més frecuencia. Se denominan irregulares porque no siguen una regia determinada para construir su pasado por lo que deben estudierse de memoria, En este caso apareceré de izquierda a derecha su significado en espafiol, su forma en presente, su forma en pasado simple y su participio pasado, el cual se usa para formar los tiempos perfectos (Present Perfect & Past Perfect) Gramitica inglesa: Nivel B1 Espafiol Present Past Participe ser, estar am / is/are | was / were been vencer, golpear beat beat beaten convertirse, llegar aser | become | became | become empezar begin began begun morder bite bit bitten romper break broke broken llevar, traer bring brought | brought construir build built built comprar buy bought | _ bought poder can could : atrapar, coger catch caught | caught elegir choose chose chosen venir, entrar, acercarse | come came come costar cost cost cost cortar cut cut cut hacer do / does did done pintar draw drew drawn beber drink drank drunk conducir drive drove driven comer eat ate eaten caer fall fell fallen sentir feel felt felt encontrar find found found volar fly flew flown olvidar forget forgot__| forgotten coger, obtener, tomar get got got dar give gave given ir g0 went gone crecer grow grew grown colgar, tender hang hung hung tener, haber have / has had had escuchar hear head heard golpear hit hit hit herir hurt hurt hurt mantener keep kept kept conocer know knew known, aprender learn learnt. learnt, dejar, abandonar leave left left 3 Gramatica Inglesa: Nivel B1 Espafiol Present Past prestar lend lent dejar let let mentir lay perder lose lost hacer, fabricar make made significar mean meant conocer, encontrarse meet met pagar pay paid poner put put put, leer read read read montar a, montar en ride rode ridden sonar ring rang rung corer, run ran run decir say said said ver see saw seen vender sell sold sold enviar send sent sent poner, colocar set set set brillar shine shone shone callarse shut shut shut cantar sing sang sung sentarse sit sat sat dormir sleep slept slept hablar speak spoke spoken gastar spend spent spent estar de pie, mantenerse | stand stood stood robar steal stole stolen nadar swim swam swum, tomar, coger take took taken ensefiar teach taught taught decir, contar tell told told pensar think thought | thought lanzar ‘throw ‘threw thrown comprender undestand | understood | understood levantarse wake woke woken llevar puesto wear wore worn gener win won won escribir write wrote written Gramitica inglesa: Nivel B1 4. PASADO CONTINUO EI Pasado Continuo, es un tiempo verbal que describe acciones que estaban siendo realizadas en un momento del pasado al que se hace referencia y que luego continuaron: + Yesterday he was studying English. - John was playing tennis at 10 a.m. E| Pasado Continuo se construye con el verbo auxiliar "to be” en su forma pasada y el verbo principal en infinitivo con la terminacién “-ing” AFIRMATIVA NEGATIVA INTERROGATIVA | was playing | was not / weren’t playing Was | playing? You were playing | You were not / weren't playing | Were you playing? He was playing | He was not / wasn’t playing Was he playing? She was playing She was not / wasn’t playing Was she playing? It was playing twas not /wasn’t playing Was it playing? We were playing | We were not/ weren't playing | _ Were we playing? You were playing _| You were not/ weren't playing | _ Were you playing? They were playing They were not /weren’t playing| Were they playing? También se puede utilizar este tiempo verbal para relatar dos acciones que sucedieron en el pasado y que una de ellas ya se ha completado. Para ello utilizamos el Pasado Simple para mencionar lo que ya finalizé y el Pasado Continuo para relatar lo que sigue ejecuténdose. + When Ileft, he was studying the lesson. - They were singing when | broke the window. 5. PASADO PERFECTO El Pasado Perfecto es un tiempo verbal que se utiliza para referirnos a una accién que tuvo lugar en un momento anterior a otra accién, aunque ambas hayan sucedido en el pasado estableciendo un orden entre ellas, por ejemplo: + The film had finished when she arrived at the cinema. La pelicula habia terminado cuando ella llegé al cine. (Primera accién: la pelicula habia terminado Segunda accién: ella llegé al cine) + Sarah had prepared dinner when her husband got home. Sarah habia preparado la cena cuando su esposo llegé a casa. (Primera accién: Sarah habia preparado la cena Segunda accion: su esposo llegd a casa) 3 Gramatica Inglesa: Nivel B1 Estructura! Had + Participio Pasado (Past Participle) Los participios pasados de los verbos regulares tienen la misma forma que el pasado simple (-ed). Los verbos irregulares deben ser estudiados a parte Ejemplo verbo regular “study” / estudiar AFIRMATIVA NEGATIVA INTERROGATIVA had studied Thadn't studied Had | studied? Youhad studied | Youhadn't studied | Had you studied? He had studied He hadn't studied Had he studied? She hadstudied | Shehadn't studied | Had she studied? It had studied Ithadn't studied Had it studied? Wehad studied | Wehadn'tstudied | Had we studied? Youhad studied | Youhadn't studied | Had you studied? They had studied | Theyhadn't studied | Had they studied? Ejemplo verbo irregular “come” / venir come ~ came - come AFIRMATIVA NEGATIVA INTERROGATIVA had come [hadn't come Had | come? You had come You hadn't come Had you come? He had come He hadn't come Had he come? She had come She hadn't come. Had she come? It had come Ithadn't come Had it come? We had come We hadn't come Had we come? You had come You hadn't come Had you come? Theyhadcome | They hadn't come Had they come? 6. PRESENT AND PAST HABITS AND STATES Para habitos actuals usamos usually o normally + presente - usually get up at 8.00 during the week. - I don’t normally go out during the week. = Do you normally walk to work? Para hébitos del pasado usamos used to o didn’t used to ivo + We used to go to France for our holidays when I was a child - He didn’t used to do any exercise, but now he runs marathons 3 Gramitica inglesa: Nivel B1 Amenudo se utiliza never used to en vez de didn’t used to - Inever used to like footballl, but | watch it every week now Como used to expresa una accién que soliamos hacer en el pasado, pero no actualmente, se suele enfatizar usando any more y any longer + presente simple - lused to go to the gym, but I don’t (go) any more / any longer Por tiltimo, hay que diferenciar entre used to, be used to y get used to Used to es lo que ya hemos dado Be used to significa estar acostumbrado + 1am used to getting up early every day Get used to significe acostumbrarse - Lola can’t get used to living in the UK 7. PRESENTE PERFECTO (PRESENT PERFECT) Estructura: Have/Has + Participio Pasado (Past Participle) Y significa “haber hecho algo”: | have studied - Yo he estudiado Los participios pasados de los verbos regulares tienen la misma forma que el pasado simple (-ed) Ejemplo verbo regular “study” / estudiar: AFIRMATIVA NEGATIVA INTERROGATIVA have studied / I've studied Ihaven't studied Have | studied? You have studied You haven't studied Have you studied? He has studied / He's studied He hasn't studied Has he studied? She has studied She hasn't studied Has she studied? Ithas studied It hasn't studied Has it studied? We have studied We haven't studied Have we studied? You have studied You haven't studied Have you studied? They have studied They haven't studied Have they studied? Gramatica Inglesa: Nivel B1 Ejemplo verbo irregular “come” / venir come ~ came ~ come AFIRMATIVA NEGATIVA INTERROGATIVA Thave come/I've come | _Ihaven't come Have | come? You have come Youhaven'tcome | Have you come? He has come /He's come | He hasn't come Has he come? She has come She hasn't come Has she come? Ithas come Ithasn't come Has it come? We have come We haven'tcome | Have we come? You have come Youhaven'tcome | Have you come? They have come They haven't come | Have they come? Se usa para hablar de cosas que han ocurrido sin mencionar el momento Ejemplo: = Susan has had an accident = Susan had an accident last year (al mencionar cudndo ocurrié se usa el pasado simple) Se usa con acciones que empezaron en el pasado y se mantienen en el presente o tienen una consecuencia en el presente, 7.1 PALABRAS QUE ACOMPANAN AL PRESENTE PERFECTO 7.1.1 PRESENTE PERFECTO CON “FOR” & “SINCE” How long...? éCuanto tiempo hace que...? For | four years Desde hace | cuatro aitos three years tres aftos eight months ocho afios five minutes cinco minutos Since | 1990 Desde | 1990 last month el mes pasado my birthday mi cumpleafios Christmas Navidad 8° of April el 8 de Abril Ejemplos: How long have you lived in Plasencia? / éCuanto tiempo hace que vives en Plasencia? Ihave lived in Plasencia for twenty years / Vivo en Plasencia desde hace 20 aftos, | have lived in Plasencia since | was born / Vivo en Plasencia desde que naci 3 heady Gramitica inglesa: Nivel B1 7.1.2 PRESENTE PERFECTO CON “EVER” Se suele usar en preguntas. Y tiene el significado de alguna vez Ejemplo + Have you ever travelled abroad? / éHas viajado alguna vez al extranjero? RESPUESTA CORTA Yes, | have / No, | haven't RESPUESTA LARGA (Cuando quieres dar mas informacién) No, I've never travelled abroad Yes, | went to Portugal last year Yes, | was in France two years ago + Has he ever eatten Japanese food? No, he's never eatten it. éEl ha comido alguna vez comida japonesa? No, nunca la ha comido + Have you ever been to Barcelona? No, i've never been there éHas ido alguna vez a Barcelona? No, nunca he ido (ir y volver se usa to) 7.1.3 PRESENTE PERFECTO CON “JUST” Se suele usar en oraciones afirmativas, aunque también se puede ver en oraciones interrogativas. Significe acabar de hacer algo. Have/Has + Just + —— Participio Pasado (Past Participle) Ejemplo: + I've just eatten / Yo acabo de comer What have you just done? / éQué acabas de hacer? - I've just done my homework / Yo acabo de hacer mis deberes 7.1.4 PRESENTE PERFECTO CON “ALREADY” & “YET” Alredy = YA, Se usa en oraciones afirmativas y SIEMPRE va entre medias del auxiliar y el verbo en participio I've already read the newspaper / Yo ya he leido el perfodico Yet = Ya 0 Todavia, atin. Se usa en oraciones negativas o interrogativas y siempre al final Have you finished yet? We haven't finished yet / ¢Habéis acabado ya? Nosotros atin no. 3 Gramatica Inglesa: Nivel B1 8. PRESENTE PERFECTO CONTINUO Se utiliza para enfatizar o resaltar la accién que ha ocurride y significa: “haber estado haciendo algo” + “llevar tiempo haciendo algo” Puede utilizarse también para acciones inacabadas, empezd en el pasado y se mantiene en el presente o justo acaba de terminar. Estructura: Have/Has + Been + Verbo principal en -ing (Gerundio) Ejemplo: ~ How long have you been waiting for the bus? éCuanto tiempo llevas esperando el autobus? - I've been waiting for the bus for 15 minutes Llevo esperando al autobtis desde hace 15 minutos 9. FUTURO Hay tres formas verbales para expresar futuro: 9.1 FUTURO SIMPLE “WILL” Se utiliza para: — Hacer promesas. | will love you forever (te amaré para siempre) — Hacer predicciones, basadas en nuestra opinién o en un célculo sin fundamento real, sin tener en qué basarte para dar tu opinién. — Decisién tomada en el momento de hablar What would you like to eat? I will have soup and the steak {Qué te gustaria comer? Tomaré sopa y el filete — Una amenaza o Un ofrecimiento Estructura: AFIRMATIVA: Sujeto + will + verbo sin to NEGaTIVA: Sujeto + won't + verbo sin to INTERROGATIVA: — Will + Sujeto + verbo sin to 3 heady Gramitica inglesa: Nivel B1 9.2 PRESENTE CONTINUO CON IDEA DE FUTURO Expresar planes de “tipo agenda’, totalmente organizados y a muy corto plazo. Se realiza utilizando el presente continuo seguido de un adverbio de tiempo que exprese un futuro cercano, at 10.00 a.m., tomorrow, this weekend. Ejemplo: = I'm having lunch with my cousins at 1.00 p.m. Voy a ira comer con mis primos ala 1 + Are you going away or are you staying in Plasencia tomorrow? I'm staying in Plasencia GTe vas a ir fuera o vas a estar en Plasencia mafiana? Yo voy a estar en Plasencia 9.3 FUTURO PROXIMO (GOING TO) Se utilize para expresar: = unplan o una intencién a corto plazo - una prediccién, basada en algo que esté sucediendo en el momento, es decir, con fundamento “veo que hay muchas nubes y digo “va a llover” ~ una cita, una reunién AFIRMATIVA: Sujeto + will + verbo sin to NEGATIVA: Sujeto + won't + verbo sin to INTERROGATIVA: — Will + Sujeto + verbo sin to Ejemplo - What are you going to do tonight? I'm going to see a film on TV Qué vas a hacer esta noche? Voy a ver una pelicula en Ia televison 10. VERBOS MODALES CAN. Se ubica antes del verbo principal en infinitivo. Significa ‘poder’. Se utiliza para expresar habilidad, permiso. COULD. El verbo 'Could' Expresa poca probabilidad o condicionalidad. Significa: podria, pude, podia, pudiera de acuerdo con el contexto: | could dance if | could practice. MAY. El verbo 'may' se utiliza para expresar cierto grado de probabilidad de una accién, © grado de certeza: It may rain today. Significa: podria, quizas, puede que. MIGHT. El verbo 'might' expresa débil probabilidad o posibilidad. Se utiliza cuando queremos decir: podria, quizés, puede que (They might come tomorrow). 3 Gramatica Inglesa: Nivel B1 MUST / MUSTN'T. El verbo 'must' expresa una prohibicidn u obligacién fuerte asi como cierta certeza: | must go. She must be crazy. En espafiol significa debo, debo de. SHALL. Se usa para indicar una accién futura que “se deberia de hacer” Se suele utilizar en la oracién con los pronombres personales YO o NOSOTROS, y normalmente se encuentra en sugerencias: "Shall we go?" “¢Deberiamos ir? SHOULD. Usamos ‘should! para expresar grado de posibilidad o probabilidad, asi como también para obligacién débil. Significa: deberia, tendria que. | should study. OUGHT TO. El verbo ‘ought to' es igual al 'should' y expresa una obligacién débil. Significa deberfa, tendria que WILL. En inglés no existen los verbos en futuro, sino que al agregar will, convertimos en futuro al verbo que le sigue: | will come to see you tonight. (Iré a verte esta noche) WOULD. 'Would’ es el pasado de will en algunos casos y verbo auxiliar en otros. Convierte en potencial al verbo que le sigue y va seguido del verbo en forma base. En espafiol se corresponde con el condicional. Para dar consejo u opinién de otra forma: “You could always...” / “If | were you, | would...” Would rather. se usa para expresar preferencia, Significa “would prefer” “ Estd seguido del verbo en infinitivo sin “to” + | would rather go out than study / I'd rather go out than study + Preferiria salir 2 estudiar preferiria, Had better se usa para dar consejo. Estd seguido de infinitivo sin “to” - You had better eat fruit and vegetables / You'd better eat fruit and vegetables. + Seria mejor que comieses fruta y verdura FUNCION VERBO MODAL Obligacion Must (Have to) [Deber, tener que] No Obligacién Needn't (don't have to) [No es necesario, no tener que] Prohibicién Mustn't (in) ability Can (can't) [sé-puedo, no sé-no puedo} Possibility / probability Might (may, can, could) Advice (consejo) Should [deberias] (ought to, could) Permiso May (can, could) Peticion Can, could Ofertar Shall, could Gramitica inglesa: Nivel B1 11. CONDICIONAL Las oraciones condicionales son oraciones subordinadas que expresan una condicién. Teniendo en cuento el tipo de tiempos verbales que se utilizan dividimos las condicionales en cuatro tipos 11.1 ZERO CONDITIONAL Se utiliza para expresar verdades universales. Estructura: If sentece (presente) > Main sentence (presente) - “Ifyou heat water, it boils at 100°C” (Si calientas agua, hierve a los 100°C) 11.2 FIRST CONDITIONAL Probable condition: Significa que es probable que la condicién se cumpla, debido al tiempo verbal que uses. (Si estudias, aprobaras) Estructura: If sentence > Siempre presente. Lleva Si (If) 0 A Menos Que (Unless) Main sentence -> Siempre futuro. + Ifyou study, you will pass Condicional de imperativo: If sentence > presente main sentence > imperativo + “If you drink, don’t drive” (Si bebes, no conduzcas.) 11.3 SECOND CONDITIONAL Improbable condition: Significa que es improbable que la condicién se cumpla, debido al tiempo verbal que usas, Estructura: If sentence > Pretérito imperfecto de subjuntivo (en inglés, el pasado simple) * En la 12 persona y 3° persona, se pone were “If were you...” Si yo fuera tl... Main sentence -> Condicional simple, would + verbo en infinitivo + Ifyou studied, you would pass (Si estudiaras, aprobarias) - If were taller, ! would join the army (Si fuera més alto, me unirfa la armada) 3 Gramatica Inglesa: Nivel B1 11.4 THIRD CONDITIONAL Impossible condition: Significa que es imposible que la condicién se cumple, debido al tiempo verbal que usas. (Si hubieras estudiado, habrias aprobado) Estructura If sentence > Pretérito pluscuamperfecto (en inglés, el pasado perfecto) [had + participio) Main sentence -> Condicional compuesto [would + have + participio del verbo principal] + Ifyou had studied, you would have passed 11.5 MIXED CONDITIONALS Se mezclan distintos tiempos verbales de las otras condicionales: - “If we had taken (32) a map when we left this morning, we would know (22) the way back home" Si hubiéramos cogido el mapa cuando nos fuimos esta mafiana, nosostros sabriamos el camino para volver a casa ““f the island were (22) still 2 tourist attraction, last week's earthquake would have caused (32) more deaths” Si a isla fuese todavia una atraccién turistica, el terremoto de la semana pasada habria causado mas muertes. 12. OTROS MODOS DE HACER CONDICONALES 12.1 CONDICIONAL CON “WISH” + SUJETO + PASADO SIMPLE Se usa para expresar un deseo sobre una situacién irreal. + I wish | were rich (but | am not) / Ojald fuera rico (pero no lo soy) ~ wish I could fly. / Ojalé pudiera volar. ~ I wish I spoke English more fluently. / Ojald hablara inglés més fluidamente. + I wish I didn't have to work tomorrow. / Ojald no tuviera que trabajar mafiana. 12.2 CONDICIONAL CON “WISH” + SUJETO + PASADO PERFECTO. Se usa para expresar un deseo frustrado sobre el pasado. - I wish I had learned English when | was younger. Ojalé hubiera aprendido inglés cuando era més joven. - _ |wish I had stayed at the party, Ojala me hubiera quedado en la fiesta - I wish I hadn't seen Mark and Lucy together! + iOjalé no hubiera visto a Mark y a Lucy juntos! Gramitica inglesa: Nivel B1 12.3 CONDICIONAL CON “WISH + WOULD + VERBO EN INFINITIVO SIN TO Se usa para expresar desagrado o irritacién sobre algo que pasa y que probablemente no se pueda remediar: + | wish you would just shut up! iOjalé te callaras! + | wish Tom wouldn't snore so much... Ojala Tom no roncara tanto. *Con el verbo stop (parar) “de hacer algo” > el verbo que va detrés va en -ing - wish you would stop making that noise. Ojalé dejaras de hacer ese ruido, + wish they would stop fighting Ojala dejaran de pelear. 12.4 SUSTITUTIVOS DE “IF” (UNLESS & AS LONG AS) Unless - a menos que (Ia oracién principal debe ir en negativo) - Unless we book now, we won't find a place to stay. A menos que reservemos ya, no vamos @ encontrar lugar donde alojarnos. As long as - siempre y cuando + I'l help you with Biology, as long as you help me with French. Yo te ayudo con biologia, siempre y cuando ti me ayudes con francés. 13. PASIVA Cuestiones generales sobre la voz pasiva = La voz pasiva se utiliza mucho mas en inglés que en espafiol. ~ La vor pasiva se utiliza mas en el lenguaje periodistico y cientifico, + También se utiliza para poner mensajes en lugares puiblicos. Dogs are not allowed. No se permiten perros. + Algunas veces se suprime el verbo "to be". Help wanted. Se necesitan empleados. Para transformar una oracién activa a pasiva tenemos en cuenta los siguientes puntos: 1. Elobjeto de la oracién activa pasa a ser el sujeto de la pasiva El verbo principal se sustituye por el auxiliar "to be", en su mismo tiempo, junto al verbo principal en participio. El sujeto de la oracién principal pasa a ser complemento agente de la pasiva. 4, Sihacemos mencién en la oracién del sujeto que resliza la accion (sujeto agente), este iré normalmente precedido por la preposicién "by". 3 Gramatica Inglesa: Nivel B1 Verbo activo Verbo pasivo Present is/are + verbo en participio. He loves her She is loved (by him) Present Continuous is/are being + verbo en participio They are making toys _ They (the toys) are being made (by them) Past Tense was/were + verbo en participio He killed them They were killed (by him) Past Continuous was/were being + verbo en participio. They were making toys They (the toys) were being made (by them) Present Perfect have/has been + verbo en participio He has said it Ithas been said (by him). La expresiones con "se" tales como: se dice, se habla, etc.; se expresan en inglés con la voz pasiva 2. Este tipo de construccién pasiva (utilizada cada vez con mayor frecuencia en los medios) se forma con la estructura: It + tobe + participio (participle) ~ It is reported (Se informa) - Itis said (Se dice) - tis known (Se sabe) + Itis supposed (Se supone) ‘Aqui hay dos ejemplos dénde podemos apreciar las dos formas de pasiva: ACTIVE: Everybody thinks Cathy works very hard. PASSIVE 1: Cathy is thought to work very hard. (Se piensa que Cathy...) PASSIVE 2: It is thought that Cathy works very hard. (Se piensa que Cathy...) ACTIVE: They believed Tom is wearing a white pullover. PASSIVE 1: Tom was believed to be wearing a white pullover. (Se cree que...) PASSIVE 2: it was believed that Tom is wearing a white pullover. (Se cree que...) 14. ESTILO INDIRECTO (REPORTED SPEECH) Utilizamos el estilo directo cuando queremos comunicar a alguien lo que otra persona ha dicho usando las palabras exactas que ésta utiliz6, Se caracteriza porque la informacién va entre comillas y detrés del verbo introductor van dos puntos. + They say: “we are hungry” - Ellos dicen: “Tenemos hambre” Nosotros utilizamos el estilo indirecto para comunicar lo que otra persona ha dicho pero sin usar las palabras exactas que utiliz6. + They say that they are hungry. -> Ellos dicen que tienen hambre Cuando el verbo introductor (say) del estilo indirecto esta en presente, pretérito perfecto o futuro, los tiempos verbales no cambian 3 Gramitica inglesa: Nivel B1 Sin embargo, cuando el verbo introductor esté en pasado el otro verbo cambia a su tiempo correspondiente mas pasado. ESTILO DIRECTO ESTILO INDIRECTO Presente Simple Pasado Simple He said: “I live in a big house” He said he lived in a big house. Presente Continuo Pasado Continuo He said: “I'm doing my homework” He said he was doing his homework. Pretérito Perfecto (Present Perfect) | Pretérito Pluscuamperfecto (Past Perfect) They said: “We have just arrived” They said they had just arrived. Pasado Simple Pretérito Pluscuamperfecto (Past Perfect) He said: “I saw them at the party” He said he had seen them at the party. Ademés, algunos verbos modales y expresiones también varian: ESTILO DIRECTO. ESTILO INDIRECTO Can Could He said: “I can play the guitar” He said he could play the guitar will Would He said: “I'l answer the phone” He said he would answer the phone Must / Have to Had to He said: “You must be more tolerant” He said | had to be more tolerant May Might He said: “It may rain” He said it might rain This That Here There Today That day Yesterday ‘The day before / The previous day Tomorrow The following day / The next day Tonight That night A week ago A week before El verbo introductor en el estilo indirecto suele ser “say”, aunque cuando en el estilo indirecto el verbo introductor va seguido de un pronombre objeto se utiliza “tell” + He said to me: “I'm a bit sad” > He told me he was a bit sad 3 Gramatica Inglesa: Nivel B1 Los pronombres y adjetivos posesivos de primera persona cambian a tercera persona en el estilo indirecto - He said: “I can't read with my glasses” > He said he couldn't read with his glasses. El pronombre personal You (Ti o Vosotros) cambia a | o We, en el estilo indirecto. + He said: “You are lucky” > He said I was lucky. Ademés de los verbos “say” y “tell”, otros verbos que pueden usarse en el estilo indirecto son: “order” (ordenar), “advise” (aconsejar), “ask” (preguntar o pedir), “warn” (avisar) Al pasar una orden, un consejo, una peticién, una amenaza... empleamos la siguiente estructura: SUJETO + VERBO INTRODUCTOR EN PASADO + OBJETO + INFINITIVO CON “TO” He said to Jack: “Open the door, please” -> He asked Jack to open the door. He said to me: “Don't talk” -> He ordered me not to talk My mother said to me: “You should study harder” > She advised me to study harder 14,1 ORACIONES INTERROGATIVAS INDIRECTAS (REPORTED QUESTIONS) Las oraciones interrogativas indirectas pueden ir introducidas por los siguientes verbos: Ask (pedir 0 preguntar), Want to know (querer saber), Wonder (preguntarse) Cuando una oracién interrogativa se pasa a estilo indirecto deja de tener el orden de las oraciones interrogativas. Los cambios de los tiempos verbales son los mismos, se pueden dividir las Interrogativas Indirectas en dos grupos: a] Wh- questions (Preguntas con particula interrogativa) He said: “Where do you live?” > He asked me where I lived b) Yes/No questions (Preguntas de Si o No) van introducidas por If / Whether (si..) He said: “Can you open the door?” > He asked if/whether | could open the door. 14.2 OTROS VERBOS INTRODUCTORES DEL ESTILO INDIRECTO ‘Admit (Admitir) | Agree (Estar de acuerdo) |__ Complain (Quejarse) Explain (Explicar) Insist (Insistir) Reply (Contestar) Claim (Reclamar) Promise (Prometer) Suggest (Sugerir) Estos verbos llevan la oracién introducida con “That” Ejemplo: “Why don't we go to the pub”, he said > He suggested that we could go to the pub He suggested that we went to the pub 3 Gram ica inglesa: Nivel B1 De la lista anterior, los verbos promise y agree pueden ir seguidos también de infini con “to”: - "I'll come back in two weeks”, she said. > She promised that she would come back in two weeks - "I'll come back in two weeks”, she said > She promised to come back in two weeks. Por Ultimo, los siguientes verbos exigen que si va otro verbo detras, termine en -ing: Admit Insist on Accuse someone of Recommend Apologise for Suggest - "You have cheated in the exam’, they said. > They accused me of cheating in the exam. - “Iwas late for work, | know”, he said. > He admitted being late for work. 15. ADJETIVOS COMPARATIVOS Y SUPERLATIVOS Los adjetivos comparativos se utilizan para comparar dos personas, lugares, cosas etc. entre si, y los superlativos para compararlos con el resto de un grupo. Para formar el adjetivo comparativo normalmente afiadimos -er al adjetivo. Para formar el adjetivo superlativo normalmente afiadimos -est. Algunas excepciones a la regla son: Adjetivo Comparativo ‘Superlativo Monosilabos terminados en vocal consonante. Ejemplos: Doblan la consonante y afiaden -er: hotter, bigeer, fatter Doblan la consonante y afiaden -est: hottest, biggest, fattest Palabras de dos silabas o mas._| Se coloca "more" o “less” | Se coloca “most” o no acabadas en -y. Ejemplos: | antes del adjetivo: more “least” antes del modern, interesting, beautiful | modern, more interesting, | adjetivo: most modern, more beautiful most interesting, most beautiful Gramatica Inglesa: Nivel B1 Ahora bien, también hay adjetivos irregulares: + Good -> Better -> Best - Bad -> Worse > Worst + Far-> Further -> Farthest Para realizar la comperacién basta con colocar el adjetivo comparativo seguide de than entre los sustantivos comparados: My sister is a bit taller than me. + London is more expensive than Edinburgh. - This test is less difficult than the last one. + Olive oil is better for you than butter En comparaciones negativas podemos user (not) as + adjetivo + as: - The new sofa isn’t as confortable as the old one. - Idon’t have as many books as | used to Para indicar que dos personas, cosas, lugares, etc. son idénticos usamos the same as: - Her dress is the same as mine Por Ultimo, hay que tener en cuenta que después de than o as podemos usar un Pronombre objeto (me, him, her, etc.) 0 un sujeto seguido verbo “to be”. + She’s taller than me / She’s taller than | am + They're not as busy as us / They're not as busy as we are Ala hora comparar un sustantivo respecto al resto de un grupo se usa the + superlativo: + Kevin is the tallest player in the team. - Oslo is the most expensive capital city in Europe. - The small bag is the least expensive. + Lucy is the best student in the class. + Who dresses the most stylishly in your family? A menudo se usan los superlativos con el presente perfecto (present perfect) + ever: - That's the worst we've ever played (Eso es lo peor que hemos jugado) + It's the best book I’ve ever read (Es el mejor libro que he leido) Por ultimo, hay que tener en cuenta que se uti precedidos por un superlativo: 2 “in” y no “of” antes de lugares ~ It’s the longest bridge in the world (not of the word!) ~ It's the best beach in England (not of England) 3 heady Gramitica inglesa: Nivel B1 16. A / AN, THE, NO ARTICULO Se usa a / an con nombres contables singulares: + La primera vez que se menciona una cosa o persona: | saw an old man with a dog + Cuando describes como es algo o lo que hace alguien: It's a nice house, She's a lawyer + Enexclamaciones con What...! What an awful day! - En expresiones de frecuencia: | have classes three times a week Se usa the: No - Cuando hablamos sobre algo que ya ha sido mencionado: | saw an old man with a dog. The dog was barking, = Cuando esté claro a lo que nos estamos refiriendo: My father opened the door. The children are at school. = Cuando sélo hay uno de algo: The moon goes round the Earth. - Con lugares de una ciudad (cinema, theatre, etc.) I'm going to the cinema tonight - Con superlatives: It’s the best restaurant in town usamos articulo: + Cudndo hablamos en general (con nombres plurales e incontables) | love flowers (flores en general] /| love the flowers in my garden (concretas) = Con algunos nombres después de at / to / from: She's not at home today. | get back from work at 5.30 + Antes de las comidas, dias y meses: never have breakfast + Antes de next / last + day, week, etc. See you next Friday. 17. THERE IS / THERE ARE (HAY) There is se usa con singular 0 con incontables (Puede escribirse There's} - There is a pen on the desk / Hay un boligrafo en el escritorio (es singular) - There's some sugar in the cup / Hay algo de azuicar en Ia copa (es incontable) There are se usa con plural (Sdlo se puede escribir asi) + There are some children in the street / Hay algunos nifios en la calle (es plural) 3 heady Gramatica Inglesa: Nivel B1 18. QUANTIFIERS 18.1 LARGE QUANTITIES Usamos a lot of o lots of en frases afirmativas: My uncle and aunt have a lot of money / Nina has lots of clothes - Cuando no hay sustantivo usamos a lot: James eats alot / He talks a lot - Much / many se usan normalmente en frases negativas e interrogativas: There aren’t many cafés near here / Do you have many close friends? | don’t eat much chocolate / Do you watch much TV? - _ Usamos plenty of en frases afirmativas para expresar que es mas que suficiente: Don’t run, We have plenty of time 18.2 SMALL QUANTITIES ~ Para expresar un poco 0 pocos, usamos a Little + nombres incontables y a few + nombres plurales contables. Do you want some more ice cream? Just a little The town only has a few cinemas. - Very little y very few = not much / many I'm so busy that | have very little time for myself. Sarah isn’t popular and she has very few friends. 18.3 MORE OR LESS THAN YOU NEED OR WANT Para expresar que hay demasiado de algo usamos: + Too + adjetivo | don’t like this city. It’s too big and it’s too noisy. - Too much + nombre incontable There’s too much traffic and too much noise. + Too many + nombres plurales contables, There are too many tourists and too many cars. Para expresar que no hay suficiente de algo usamos: ~ Enough + nombre There aren’t enough parks and there aren’t enough trees - Adjetivo + Enough The buses aren't frequent enough. - Adverbio + Enough The buses don’t run frequently enough Gramitica inglesa: Nivel B1 18.4 ZERO QUANTITY Usamos any (+ nombre) en una negacién There isn’t any room in the car. We don’t have any eggs Usamos no + nombre en una afirmacién There’s no room in the car. We have no eggs Usamos none, sin ningtin nombre, en respuestas cortas How many eggs do we have? None. ve used them all 19. RELATIVE CLAUSES 19.1 DEFINING RELATIVE CLAUSES Da informacién importante sobre una persona, lugar 0 cosa. Podria traducirse en la mayoria de los casos por “el que” “la que’ "Yen el que”. Usamos el pronombre relativo who para personas, which para cosas y animales y where para lugares: Julia’s the woman who Works in the office with me (Julia es la mujer que trabaja ena oficina conmigo) It's a self-help book which teaches you how to relax (Es un libro de autoayuda el que te ensefia como relajarte) That's the house where | was born (Esa es la casa en la que naci) Usamos whose para expresar cuyo, cuya Is Frank the man whose brother plays for Arsenal? (Es Frank el hombre cuyo hermano juega en el Arsenal? It’s a plant whose leaves change color in spring (Es una planta cuyas flores cambian de color en primavera). Who y Which pueden omitirse cuando los verbos de la oracién principal y la relativa hacen referencia a sujetos diferentes. I've just had a text from the girl (who) | meet on the flight to Paris This is the new phone (which) | bought yesterday 19.2 NON-DEFINING RELATIVE CLAUSES Da informacién extra y no esencial sobre una persona, lugar 0 cosa y puede traducirse por el cual, la cual, los cuales, las cuales: Pueden ser omitidas, la frase seguiria teniendo sentido This painting, which was painted in 1860, is worth millions of pounds This painting is worth millions of pounds La oracién relative debe ir entre comas, 0 coma y punto y Who y Which no pueden ser omitidos Last week | visited my aunt, who's nearly 90 years old. My neighbor, whose son goes to my son’s school, has just remarried 3 Gramatica Inglesa: Nivel B1 20. QUESTIONS TAGS Se utilizan para comprobar que algo que acabamos de afirmar o negar es cierto. Para formar una Question tag hay que utilizar un verbo auxiliar correspondiente al tiempo verbal de la frase principal y un pronombre, En el caso de afirmaciones, el auxiliar estar en negativo. Para negaciones el auxiliar estaré en positivo Positive verb, negative tag Negative verb, positive tag It’s cold today, isn’t it? You're Polish, aren't you She isn't here today, is she? You aren't angry, are you? They live in Ankara, don't they The match finishes at 8.00, doesn't it? They don't smoke, do they? Lucy doesn't eat meat, does she? Your sister worked int he USA, did't she? You didn't like the film, did you? We've met before, haven't we? Mike hasn't been to Rome before, has he? You'll be OK, won't you? You won't tell anyone, will you? You'd go on holiday with me, wouldn't you? Sue wouldn't quit her job, would she?

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