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AirArabia rene nese RESERVATION CONFIRMED © eeseavarion mumace (enn) [612375810 © coomncerenences [pia3754i8 © pare orissue [oe 2024 Passages Name(s) fos an TAME (8) WraCoe WA Soaee sania om aan ‘ORIENT DEPARTURET organ aon) SSS OF STAD] DESTINATION. ARRIVAL Senvice |S" fottte -Terbal onrebamzs 1420 rycoree = oattSop) Sah ru ovrebaem aso MM M20 Passenger Ramet) Samet [Fone | EnOeT ame Passenger namet) [semen [resto] ance en 10 cena ORME TS soe rot? ese sparure BO par pbx each way (Fare diference apis Yor — POD per pax ech way fnoefeaton) 1) within 24 hours before departure ~ No changes permitted ©) For group bookings, madieaton ae cancalatin charges may vary Please contact your sung agency 4) Ar raia doesnot have a refund polcy orc the booking is pal for (except ahs tom Caro). On canes, Ar Arabia wil Feta the reraning amount as acest towards a future fight which can be used for ave wen one year om the dts of Payment by the same passenger on «) Busines das passengers ravelog on ao & Dammam hts are “Sige fora ree moaestion yp to 8 rs pra to schecles departure tne (Fee ference wil 2p) “nit fora refed on cancion “Sib totems & conan ‘At paseengersravelngtjfiom Calo, ar entitles fr rfund on cancelation, subject to tems & condone 19) Govt. ates, fsa any ater charges ae subject to charge weout pena 1h oe senedues can be changes between the reservation cate and the Mah doe 1 Passengers must provi when boking the val emai ares, mobile pane number an ave phone numb. Ay schedule ‘Changes wil be communicstad te passengers ing the eanact data proved when Booking. ‘5. Unaccompanied Minors & Infants 2) We do not accept chidren waving unacomares unde: thei 120 bithday. Passengers acampanyig cre shuld be above 1 years ok b) Ae ral doesnot acopt nants fr wave within 2 day of beth. Ifans betwoen 3-6 ays ld wil reque aft y cereeate tor ndernty fom Signed bythe parents, Infants over 7 days of wl Be accepted WRhout any restrictions 6. Handling Fee: Popointe sles agents of Ar Arabia are authorized o collec a handing fee over and above the ttl fare electing on your inary. “These charges are regusted andthe updated handing fees by cour are avalable or your reference on ww, aearblacam, The Zppointed agents ar obliged to produce the sama nfmain on demand to vey the charges Passengers traveling fom ind, Pakistan, Banladesh to UAE on tours visa rege an Oi to Board commento thet PNR. Please heck win Ar Arab Ss canes for further informa, 8. Bus Service, Car Service, Travel Insurance and other third-party Services: us service, Cat Service, Travel Insurance and sme other services are provides bya thd pay and Ae Arabia secegts no resporaily and stall ot be lable or any rec, consequertal or Penal damage of any kind occasioned by reason ofan actor fmssion beyond ts contol nln without tation, any ac of negligence, risha or breach of evra of ay te ary who is too does Supply ary gods or Serves fr the tous ourey. 9. Alport Transfers For turer danfeatons, lease vst tos asp or get touch wth Sayer Car Rental at 1971 543082573 or at book Bsayarareralcon 10, TuneProtect Travel Insurance By Alr Arabia For any dains please st yas tune2potet.con/ararabla. Fer all emergency assstance pease cll UAE: 497143618210 | GEC 8 Sub Indian Continent: 911244688568 | Europe & North Aca #4617@6310605 11. Additional information:

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