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Author: İlhan Ceylan Alper Ergün Bahadır Acar Mustafa


PII: S0378-7788(16)30154-2
Reference: ENB 6490

To appear in: ENB

Received date: 15-11-2015

Revised date: 3-2-2016
Accepted date: 6-3-2016

Please cite this article as: İlhan Ceylan, Alper Ergddotun, Bahadir Acar, Mustafa

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İlhan CEYLAN1, Alper ERGÜN1*, Bahadır ACAR1, Mustafa AYDIN2

Karabuk University, Faculty of Technology, Department of Energy Systems Engineering,

78050, Karabuk, Turkey

Karabuk University, Technical Education Faculty, Department of Machine Education, 78050,

Karabuk, Turkey

Corresponding Author:


1. Ground source evaporative cooler is used for the first time.

2. Evaporative cooling is made, but the increasing relative humidity was prevented in the

room by controlled inlet and outlet air.

3. Designed and manufactured system is environment friendly since it does not include

any liquid causing global warming.


Evaporative cooling can be defined as the refreshment effect created by having water come

into contact with ambient air. During this contact, liquid becomes gas or evaporates and

absorbs heat from the air. Technically, this heat comes from the evaporation of latent heat.

Evaporative cooling has been used in many applications due to its low cost. However, a

considerable amount of water is needed for this kind of cooling. It is a very effective cooling

method in the areas with low relative humidity and for particular areas of a building. For

example, it is appropriate in workshops, recreation facilities, factories, dry cleaning rooms,

greenhouses, laundries and commercial kitchens, where comfort is not very important in

terms of humidity. The aim of this study was to reduce relative humidity to a comfortable

level during cooling of the site with an evaporative cooling system. The evaporative cooling

system was designed to be ground-sourced and was analyzed thermodynamically and

psychometrically. Using an experimental system, we analyzed absorbed sensible heat from

air, latent heat gain and cooling pad efficiency. The results indicated a refreshment efficiency

of 38% on average, with relative humidity at 54% on average.

Keywords; Psychometry, Evaporative cooling, Ground source, Energy efficiency.


Ambient temperature in enclosed sites and agricultural production structures such as a

greenhouse, poultry house and shelter can reach very high values in the summertime for hot

climate areas. This causes thermal discomfort in humans and for animals that are being raised.

As such, high temperatures can affect the development and health of those living or using

various structures. Therefore, ambient temperature should be reduced to appropriate values

for animals and/or people in order to maintain production and use of these structures.

One approach to increase thermal comfort is to provide air movement in high spaces and wall-

less areas and create suitable shade to prevent the penetration of direct daylight to the sites.

This approach, however, would not be adequate if the site temperature is above 30°C. A

known and very effective method for reducing site temperature to suitable conditions in

climatic factors above 30°C is to refresh the environment with a vapor compression cooling

cycle (VCCC) that eliminates sensible heat from the site. Current systems, however, are costly

and especially so for agricultural/animal production structures. As an alternative to this

method, evaporative cooling systems in which sensible heat is transformed to latent heat have

recently appeared [1-3]. Evaporative cooling systems have a lower cost than VCCC. The need

for alternative cooling systems instead of those that contribute to greenhouse gas emissions

has become imperative with the growing concern and attention of the world community to

global warming. An evaporative cooling system is an alternative environmentally-friendly

cooling system. Increasingly, evaporative cooling systems are being used to increase building

energy efficiency and as sustainable approach [4].

Studies on evaporative cooling can be summarized as the following. It is thought that

evaporative cooling systems working more efficiently in the areas with low relative humidity

and can be used in humid areas during the day and in periods when the temperature is high.

Kim et al. [5] did an experimental analysis of a liquid desiccant and an evaporative cooler

working with 100% outdoor air. They used a process air cooler to increase free cooling and

energy performance for the desiccant solution in the proposed system. Zhang et al. [6]

expressed that evaporative cooling systems used in buildings are a very efficient energy-

saving technology. They investigated dynamic evaporation and heat transfer processes in two

stages by using a climatic wind turbine aimed at providing a reliable experimental method for

building evaporation cooling research. Chiesa & Grosso [7] compared different simple

simulation models for a passive down current evaporative cooling system by using

experimental data. This work helps designers to make a choice between different calculation

models. Anisimov & Pandelidis [8] performed numerical analysis of heat and mass transfer in

indirect evaporative cooling systems for various current methods. Xu et al. [9] used an

evaporative cooling system in order to solve the problem of excessive heating resulting from

solar radiation in greenhouses and to maintain the greenhouse temperature at required

moisture-temperature levels. Armanasco et al. [10] did performance analysis of a cooling

system with open circuit solar power that was integrated with an evaporative cooler with

liquid desiccant in the north of Italy. Xie and Jiang [11] compared two different indirect

evaporative cooling systems that produced cooling air and cold water. Jain and Hindoliya [12]

did performance analysis of two new evaporative cooling pad materials.

This study designed a ground source evaporative cooling system that is unique from the

systems identified in an extensive literature review. The system was investigated in

thermodynamic and psychometric terms by adjusting the amount of air blowing to the site, the

amount of air absorbed from the site and the amount of pulverized water.


In this study, an evaporative cooling system was designed and manufactured with a cooling

pad. The design and experimental system are shown in Figure 1. The system consists of a

cooling water circulation line, ground source line and cooling pad line. The number 1 pipe in

the ground source line is the return pipe line of the heat exchanger embedded in number 2

ground. The number 3 line is the inlet pipe line of the heat exchanger. The circulation of this

line is provided by the pump noted as number 4. The water is passed from the ground source

heat exchanger and gathered at the number 5 depot. The cooling pad line, which is the second

line in the system, is circulated by pump number 6. The control of this pump was set to

operate for 4 minutes with a control card circuit as indicated by number 7 and then pauses for

one minute. The cold water from the number 6 pump is transmitted to the cooling pad with

the number 9 pipe line and the water as indicated by number 10 is transferred to a cooling pad

(number 11) via pulverizing nozzles. Meanwhile, the process of cooling is realized via the

number 12 fan. The drainage of cooler water flowing over the cooling pad with the number 13

line was provided and stored again. Fresh air was taken in via the number 16 fan so as to

compensate the moisture balance at the cooled site indicated by number 14 and was given off

via the number 15 fan. The system was activated for two different air velocity conditions

under positive pressure and with DC dimmers indicated by number 8 and 17, which were used

to adjust air velocity.

A timer control card was used for the water pulverizing equipment and a dimmer was used to

regulate fan air velocity in the system. The energy of the system came from a 12 V power

source. Table 1 provides details on the equipment used in the system.

An electronic circuit was prepared for the designed and produced system. The circuit

performs automatic control so that the water does not flow continuously. The pumping of the

water in the system lasts for 4 minutes. After this time, the pumps stop for one minute so that

the relative humidity of the environment does not increase. In the meantime, fans dry the

surface of the cooling pad. The flow diagram for the prepared control card is provided below.

As seen in Figure 1, two fans are used inside to supply and exhaust air. A dimmer was used to

regulate fan air velocity. Two situations were considered, Case A and Case B when the site is

under positive pressure. The air velocity was 1.3 m/s-1 m/s in Case A and 2.3 m/s – 2 m/s in

Case B. Table 2 provides test condition details for Case A and Case B. Measurement devices

and properties used in the system are provided in Table 3.

2.1. System performance analysis

An equation called refreshment efficiency (%) is usually used for performance calculation of

evaporative cooling systems [13, 14]. This equation is given below.

𝜂=[ ] (1)

Here, T𝐷𝐵𝑇𝑃𝑖 is the dry bulb temperature of the air inlet of the pad; T𝐷𝐵𝑇𝑃𝑜 is the dry bulb

temperature of the air outlet of the pad; T𝑊𝐵𝑇𝑃𝑖 is the wet bulb temperature of the air inlet of

the pad.

In a system designed with a ground source, the absorbed heat by ground in the ground-water

heat exchanger is calculated with the equation below.

𝑄̇𝐻𝐸 = 𝑚𝑤
̇ × 𝐶𝑝𝑤 × (𝑇𝐻𝐸𝑖 − 𝑇𝐻𝐸𝑜 ) (2)

For absorbed sensible heat from the air with evaporative cooling and latent heat gain,


𝑄̇𝑆𝐻 = 𝑚̇𝑎𝑖𝑟 × 𝐶𝑝𝑎𝑖𝑟 × (𝑇𝑝𝑖 − 𝑇𝑝𝑜 ) (3)

𝑄̇𝐿𝐻 = 𝑚̇𝑎𝑖𝑟 × (ℎ𝑝𝑖3 − ℎ𝑝𝑜5 ) (4)

Points 3 and 5 can be seen in Figure 10 for the latent heat gain.

The equations below were utilized for the sensible heat rate and latent heat rate obtained by

the evaporative cooling system.

𝑆𝐻𝑅 = (5)

𝐿𝐻𝑅 = (6)

The efficiency of the evaporative cooling system can be calculated with the following


ECE = ∑ (7)
𝑊𝑓 +∑𝑊𝑝


The experiments were done based on conditions with positive pressure used inside in

comfortable air conditioning. As seen in Figure 3, the outdoor dry bulb temperature for Case

A ranged between 26.9-31.9°C. Whereas the inside temperature values ranged between 25.3-

30.1°C, and pad exit temperature ranged between 23.2-26.6°C. Outdoor dry bulb temperature

for Case B ranged between 26.5-31.4°C. Inside air temperature ranged between 25.1-30.1°C

and pad exit temperature ranged between 23.1-26.8 ºC.

As seen in Figure 4, while refreshment efficiencies for Case A ranged between 35.06% and

50.43%, the average was 41.8%. For Case B, refreshment efficiencies ranged between

32.26% and 44.32% and the average was 36.95%.

Figure 5 shows that the relative humidity of the inside ranged between 50.2% and 59.3% for

Case A, and 51.4% and 55.9% for Case B. Figure 6 shows the part of the sensible heat

absorbed by the ground that was withdrawn from the environment. The number 6 pump in

Figure 1 prevented a temperature rise of the pulverized water. Sensible heat from the air was

changed to absorbed heat by the ground and is also shown in Figure 7. Evaporative cooling

efficiency (ECE) is affected via absorbed heat by the ground and pulverized water

temperature and air velocity. ECE is given in Figure 8. Air latent heat gained by water being

pulverized is shown in Figure 9.

Psychometric analysis of the system is provided in Figure 10. Number 1 in the figure shows

the inside air. The air is exhausted from the inside via a fan in order to maintain the humidity

balance inside and to prevent relative humidity from rising considerably. Number 2 shows the

air taken in from the outside. In order to maintain the humidity balance, outside air has been

taken inside in the same amount as the air exhausted outside. Number 3 is the mixed air,

meaning cooling pad intake air. The evaporative cooling process is realized at number 4. The

relative humidity of number 1 has not risen since the air in the cooling pad exits at number 4,

which is mixed with room air and exhausted outside. The air has been taken from outside

instead of air that has been exhausted in the conditions for number 2, so as to provide positive

pressure inside. While the air at number 4 is exposed to sensible heat gain at the dotted line of

number 4 with constant specific humidity with outside air heat gains, this air has also come to

the condition of number 1 with a loss in specific humidity. This situation comes about as a

result of exhausting humid air from the inside at a certain rate. The transition between

numbers 4 to 1 are possible with outdoor sensible heat gains and exhausted air.


The experimental results provided the following conclusions:

a. The increase in relative humidity that is not wanted inside can be prevented with the

supplied and exhausted air controlled during the process of cooling with a cooling pad.

b. The water temperature used in the process of cooling with a cooling pad can be

decreased by using a heat exchanger with a ground source.

c. System efficiencies are low when they are compared to the systems with vapor

compression systems. However, this system is environment friendly since it does not

include any liquid that can contribute to global warming.

d. All the equipment used in the experimental system was designed by using DC voltage.

Therefore, all equipment in the system can be activated by using solar panels without

any external energy input.

e. The system is very convenient for use in humidifying dry inside air, especially during


f. The system was used to take in sensible heat from the air in summer climate

conditions. Sources such as well water and a river can be used as a water source for

the system.

g. As the air change rate of the site increased, the evaporative cooling efficiency (ECE)

also rose.

h. The equipment used in the system will not increase at the same rate with an increase in

the room temperature cooled by the system. The water was pulverized as time was

adjusted on the cooling pad used in the system. Thus, the humidity given to the inside

was controlled. The cooling of larger volumes can be realized by increasing the

pulverizing number and the time pulverizing water.


Cp Specific heat (kJ/kgK)

HE Ground source heat exchanger

h Enthalpy (kJ/kgK)

ECE Evaporative cooling efficiency (%)

LHR Latent heat rate

SHR Sensible heat rate

𝑚̇ Mass flow rate (kg/s)

η Efficiency (%)

Q Heat (W)

SH Sensible heat

LH Latent heat

RH Relative humidity (%)

T Temperature (°C)

t Time (h)

V Volt (V)

DC Direct current

VCCC Vapor compression cooling cycle

A Ampere (A)

U Velocity (m/s)

Hp Horsepower


TDBTPi Dry bulb temperature of the inlet of the pad (°C)

TDBTPo Dry bulb temperature of the outlet of the pad (°C)

TWBTPi Wet bulb temperature of the inlet of the pad (°C)

TPi Inlet temperature of the pad (°C)

TPo Outlet temperature of the pad (°C)

𝑄̇HE Absorbed heat by ground in the ground-water heat exchanger


𝑄̇LH Latent heat gain (W)

𝑄̇SH Sensible heat loss (W)

𝑚̇w Mass flow rate of water (kg/s)

𝑚̇air Mass flow rate of air (kg/s)

Cpw Specific heat of water (kJ/kgK)

Cpair Specific heat of air (kJ/kgK)

THEi Inlet temperature of heat exchanger (°C)

THEo Outlet temperature of heat exchanger (°C)

Wf Fan power (W)

Wp Pump Power (W)

Pi Pad inlet air

Po Pad outlet air

hPi Inlet enthalpy of the pad (kJ/kgK)

hPo Outlet enthalpy of the pad (kJ/kgK)


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Figure Captions

Figure 1. Designed and manufactured system

Figure 2. Follow diagram of the control system

Figure 3. Room, pad outlet and ambient temperature versus to experimental time

Figure 4. Refreshment efficiencies

Figure 5. Relative humidity

Figure 6. Absorbed heat by the ground

Figure 7. Absorbed sensible heat from the air

Figure 8. Evaporative cooling efficiency (ECE) versus to experimental time.

Figure 9. Latent heat gain

Figure 10. Psychometrics analysis of evaporative cooling system

1) Ground return line 2) Heat exchanger 3) Ground input line 4) Ground line circulating pump 5) Storage depot
6) Cool pad circulating pump 7) Control card 8,17 ) Dimmer 9) Cool pad supply line 10) Cool pad nozzles 11)
Pad material 12) Blower fan 13) Cool pad drainage line 14) 15) Exhaust fan 16) Fresh air fan.

Figure 1. Designed and manufactured system

Figure 2. Follow diagram of the control system

Figure 3. Room, pad outlet and ambient temperature versus to experimental time

Figure 4. Refreshment efficiencies

Figure 5. Relative humidity

Figure 6. Absorbed heat by the ground

Figure 7. Absorbed sensible heat from the air

Figure 8. Evaporative cooling efficiency (ECE) versus to experimental time.

Figure 9. Latent heat gain

Figure 10. Psychometrics analysis of evaporative cooling system

Table Captions

Table 1. Technical specification of equipments used in the system

Table 2. The explanation of Case A and Case B situations.

Table 3. Measuring device and properties used in testing machine

Table 1. Technical specification of equipments used in the system

Pump (two number) 6 bar

System control card 12 V
Heat exchanger ¼ -3/4 Hp
Dimmer, speed control card (two number) 12 V
Fan (five number) 12V-0,25 A
Coolpad 10x15x50 cm
Power supply 12V-15A-180W

Table 2. The explanation of case A and case B situations.

Fresh air velocity is 1.3 m/s, outlet air (exhaust) velocity is 1 m/s (positive pressure in the room).
Case A

Fresh air velocity is 2.3 m/s, outlet air (exhaust) velocity is 2 m/s (positive pressure in the room).
Case B

Table 3. Measuring device and properties used in testing machine

Device Properties and Model

Temperature measuring device AZ INSTRUMENT 4 Channel, 88598 model

Thermohygrometer TESTO Integrated probehead, 625 model

Anemometer DELTA OHM 0-40 m/s measuring velocity, 0,01 sensitiveness

HD2303.0 model

LogiLight EM0003 3680W Power Meter 175-276V AC, 16A, 0.001W-9999W, 0.000-9999 Hz


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