Types of Mechanisms

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We'll start with something very simple. What is a mechanism? :

Mechanisms are elements intended to transmit and/or transform forces and/or movements from a driving
element (motor) to a driven element (receiver), with the mission of allowing human beings to perform
certain jobs with greater comfort and less effort.

Now we are going to classify the mechanisms for study into 4 large types or groups.



































We are going to study gears, types, calculations, speed reducers and multipliers, uses and gear motors.

Before starting with the gears, let's see what a toothed wheel is, very important since gears are made up of
toothed wheels.


A toothed wheel is a wheel that can rotate and that has teeth on its periphery with the mission of meshing
(fitting) with the teeth of another wheel to transmit movement.

There are different types of sprockets depending on their teeth.

In the following image you can see the different types of sprockets.

In addition, other different mechanisms are also used to create gears, such as the rack, the worm and chain
gears (we will see the latter in a special section at the end).

A rack is an open, flat toothed wheel. If it meshes with a toothed wheel, it transforms the rotary movement
of the wheel into linear movement in the rack.

In the image below you can see it.

A worm gear is considered a single helical toothed sprocket.

Instead of advancing, the worm rotates, but does not move. The worm is always in gear with a toothed
wheel which it rotates. For each turn of the screw the wheel moves only one tooth. In the image below you
can see it. Before moving on to study the mechanisms and their calculations, it is important to know the
parts of a gear wheel. - Axle: The axis of revolution of the wheel (where it turns). - Primitive
Circumference : The primitive circumferences of a gear with two toothed wheels are tangent to each
other. The Primitive Diameter is the diameter corresponding to the primitive circumference. -
Diameter: The diameter or pitch diameter refers to the diameter of the wheel. You can use the diameter to
calculate how far apart the axles of the two wheels of a gear will be: the sum of the two pitch diameters
divided by 2 equals the distance between the two wheel axles. Depending on the diameter, the wheel will
have more or fewer teeth. The quotient that results from dividing the pitch diameter, expressed in
millimeters, by the number of teeth on the wheel is called Module (m) . For two wheels to form a gear,
they must have the same module . - Step or Circular Step : Distance from a point on one tooth to the
same point on the adjacent tooth. Important!!! For two wheels to mesh, both must have the same
circular pitch . - Pressure Angle : it is the angle that a gear rotates from the moment two teeth come into
contact. Now we can explain what a gear is.
What is Gear

Gears are mechanisms made up of several toothed wheels joined by their teeth in order to transmit the
rotation speed from one to another.

They allow a circular movement to be transmitted between two nearby axes, whether parallel,
perpendicular or oblique.

They do not need a transmission belt or other means of connection, they are simply joined by their teeth.

*mechanisms = They are elements intended to transmit and/or transform forces and/or movements from a
driving element (motor) to a driven element (receiver), with the mission of allowing human beings to
perform certain jobs with greater comfort and less effort.

For two gear wheels to form a gear, they must have the same type of teeth, that is, they must be the same
type of gear wheel .

What varies is the number of teeth on one or another gear wheel.

Furthermore, as we already saw, they must also have the same step and module . Driving Wheel is called
the wheel that carries the movement and Driven Wheel is the one that drags the driving wheel because it is
geared (engaged by the teeth) with it.
Types of Gears

The types of gears depend on the type of gear wheels and the axles that connect them.

Look at the following image:

As you can see we have gears that transmit rotation and speed between parallel axles, between
perpendicular axles and others such as the Rack-Pinion that changes the movement from rotary in the
toothed wheel to linear in the rack.

Once the transmission between axles is defined, we will only have to define the types of gear wheels and
we now have the gear classified.

Gear Calculation
To learn how to calculate gears we will do it first on a simple gear and then on a train of gears.

The one on the right will be a simple gear and the one on the left will be a train of gears.

A gear train is more than two cogs.

To calculate these mechanisms is very simple.

Its formula is:

Number of teeth on wheel 1 x Speed of wheel 1 = Number of teeth on wheel 2 x Speed of wheel 2.


Z1 x N1 = Z2 x N2 ==> Where Z is the number of teeth and N is the speed. in rpm (revolutions or
turns per minute) .

The speed in rpm is called N so as not to confuse it with the speed V in meters/second, which are
different. Of these 4 data in the formula we will always know 3 and what we have to do is solve for the
missing data. Let's calculate a simple gear. If wheel 1 is the driving wheel and rotates at 100rpm with 10
teeth. How fast will 2 rotate with 20 teeth? (NOTE how the gear wheels are placed, the opposite of how
until now, the driving one that carries the movement is the one on the left). Z1 x N1 = Z2 x N2; 10 x
100rpm = 20 x N2; N2 = (10 x 100) / 20 = 50 rpm The driven or output wheel will rotate at 50rpm, then it
is a speed reducing gear. Easy, right? This is not magic, everything you lose on one side you will gain on
the other and vice versa. " When a gear reduces its speed, everything it loses in speed, it gains in
torque (force) " Motor Torque = moment of force exerted on the axis of rotation, or what is the same as
the tendency of a force to rotate an object around its axis. By reducing the speed the shaft will have more
torque or force to rotate (move) objects.
Gear Train Calculation

We already know that when we have more than two toothed wheels in the gear it is called a gear train.

As gear wheels are complicated to draw, we use symbols to represent them.

Much easier, NO?

Note that simple wheels are represented with a vertical line that will be more or less long depending on the
number of teeth.
Composite wheels (two wheels on the same axle) are represented with two separate vertical lines.

Imagine that the input speed of the gear train in the figure (we could connect a motor to the gear) was 400

Now notice that we really have two simple gears inside the train, wheel 1 (the motor one) with wheel 2 and
wheel 3 with wheel 4.

Wheel 2 and 3 go on the same axis and therefore rotate at the same time. speed in rpm.

It is called a double or compound sprocket .

Na = Nb = Shaft speed in revolutions per minute.

To begin, we decompose the system into two simple gears. We have 1-2 and 3-4. We calculate each one
independently. Remember that 2 and 3, being on the same axle, will have the same speed in rpm, the
revolutions of the axle per minute will be the revolutions that the two wheels make in one minute. System
1-2) Z1 x N1 = Z2 x N2 ==> 10 x 400 = 50 x N2 We solve for N2 = (10 x 400) /50 = 80 rpm Remember
this N2 will be the same as N3. System 3-4) Z3 x N3 = Z4 x N4 ==> 10 x 80 = 50 x N4 We solve for N4 =
(10 x 80)/50 = 16 rpm ==> Speed reducer system. We have now calculated the output speed of the gear
Gear Ratio

The gear ratio is called speed ratio.

It is the ratio of the output speed to the total input speed of the gear train.

Rv = Ns/Ne;

Ns = output speed in rpm.

Ne = input speed in rpm.

Rv = Gear speed ratio.

In the previous case it would be:

Rv = 16/400 = 1/25 which means that the train is 25 times slower at the exit than at the entrance, so it
reduces the speed.

Problem solved.

NOTE, the gear or speed ratio is always put in the form of a fraction , the division is never done. In our
case we have only simplified the original fraction.

If the gear train increased the speed at the output it would be a speed multiplier system and the speed ratio
would always be greater than 1. Example would be 25/1; 100/1, 10/1; etc

Speed Multiplier with Gears

In this case we have to engage large wheels so that they transmit the speed to small wheels, in this way, the
speed will increase.

In the gear train in the figure, determine the speed of wheel D knowing that the input or driving wheel (A)
rotates at 400 rpm.

As we can see, we have 2 gears in the train, AB) and CD).

We proceed to calculate each one individually as we did previously.


Za x Na = Zb x Nb ==> 60 x 400 = 12 x Nb; we clear Nb.

Nb = (60 x 400)/12 = 2,000rpm; We already see how the speed increases.

This speed will be the same as the speed at C because they both rotate about the same axis.

Nb = Nc = 2,000rpm;

Now we calculate the other gear:


Zc x Nc = Zd x Nd ==> 40 x 2,000 = 20 x Nd; we clear Nd.

Nd = (40 x 2,000)/20 = 4,000rpm; That is, wheel D rotates at 4,000 rpm. To finish we calculate the speed
ratio of the gear train: Rv = Ns/Ne, or what is the same Rv = Na/Nd = 4,000/400 = 10/1 ; That is to say, at
the exit we will always have 10 times more speed than at the entrance in this gear train, therefore it is
a "speed multiplier system with gears" . " When a gear increases its speed, everything it gains in
speed, it loses in torque (force) "


We are going to study gears, types, calculations, speed reducers and multipliers, uses and gear motors.

Before starting with the gears, let's see what a toothed wheel is, very important since gears are made up of
toothed wheels.


A toothed wheel is a wheel that can rotate and that has teeth on its periphery with the mission of meshing
(fitting) with the teeth of another wheel to transmit movement.

There are different types of sprockets depending on their teeth.

In the following image you can see the different types of sprockets.
In addition, other different mechanisms are also used to create gears, such as the rack, the worm and chain
gears (we will see the latter in a special section at the end).

A rack is an open, flat toothed wheel. If it meshes with a toothed wheel, it transforms the rotary movement
of the wheel into linear movement in the rack.

In the image below you can see it.

A worm gear is considered a single helical toothed sprocket.

Instead of advancing, the worm rotates, but does not move. The worm is always in gear with a toothed
wheel which it rotates. For each turn of the screw the wheel moves only one tooth. In the image below you
can see it. Before moving on to study the mechanisms and their calculations, it is important to know the
parts of a gear wheel. - Axle: The axis of revolution of the wheel (where it turns). - Primitive
Circumference : The primitive circumferences of a gear with two toothed wheels are tangent to each
other. The Primitive Diameter is the diameter corresponding to the primitive circumference. -
Diameter: The diameter or pitch diameter refers to the diameter of the wheel. You can use the diameter to
calculate how far apart the axles of the two wheels of a gear will be: the sum of the two pitch diameters
divided by 2 equals the distance between the two wheel axles. Depending on the diameter, the wheel will
have more or fewer teeth. The quotient that results from dividing the pitch diameter, expressed in
millimeters, by the number of teeth on the wheel is called Module (m) . For two wheels to form a gear,
they must have the same module . - Step or Circular Step : Distance from a point on one tooth to the
same point on the adjacent tooth. Important!!! For two wheels to mesh, both must have the same
circular pitch . - Pressure Angle : it is the angle that a gear rotates from the moment two teeth come into
contact. Now we can explain what a gear is.

What is Gear

Gears are mechanisms made up of several toothed wheels joined by their teeth in order to transmit the
rotation speed from one to another.

They allow a circular movement to be transmitted between two nearby axes, whether parallel,
perpendicular or oblique.

They do not need a transmission belt or other means of connection, they are simply joined by their teeth.

*mechanisms = They are elements intended to transmit and/or transform forces and/or movements from a
driving element (motor) to a driven element (receiver), with the mission of allowing human beings to
perform certain jobs with greater comfort and less effort.

For two gear wheels to form a gear, they must have the same type of teeth, that is, they must be the same
type of gear wheel .

What varies is the number of teeth on one or another gear wheel.

Furthermore, as we already saw, they must also have the same step and module . Driving Wheel is called
the wheel that carries the movement and Driven Wheel is the one that drags the driving wheel because it is
geared (engaged by the teeth) with it.

Types of Gears

The types of gears depend on the type of gear wheels and the axles that connect them.

Look at the following image:

As you can see we have gears that transmit rotation and speed between parallel axles, between
perpendicular axles and others such as the Rack-Pinion that changes the movement from rotary in the
toothed wheel to linear in the rack.

Once the transmission between axles is defined, we will only have to define the types of gear wheels and
we now have the gear classified.
Gear Calculation

To learn how to calculate gears we will do it first on a simple gear and then on a train of gears.

The one on the right will be a simple gear and the one on the left will be a train of gears.

A gear train is more than two cogs.

To calculate these mechanisms is very simple.

Its formula is:

Number of teeth on wheel 1 x Speed of wheel 1 = Number of teeth on wheel 2 x Speed of wheel 2.


Z1 x N1 = Z2 x N2 ==> Where Z is the number of teeth and N is the speed. in rpm (revolutions or
turns per minute) .

The speed in rpm is called N so as not to confuse it with the speed V in meters/second, which are
different. Of these 4 data in the formula we will always know 3 and what we have to do is solve for the
missing data. Let's calculate a simple gear. If wheel 1 is the driving wheel and rotates at 100rpm with 10
teeth. How fast will 2 rotate with 20 teeth? (NOTE how the gear wheels are placed, the opposite of how
until now, the driving one that carries the movement is the one on the left). Z1 x N1 = Z2 x N2; 10 x
100rpm = 20 x N2; N2 = (10 x 100) / 20 = 50 rpm The driven or output wheel will rotate at 50rpm, then it
is a speed reducing gear. Easy, right? This is not magic, everything you lose on one side you will gain on
the other and vice versa. " When a gear reduces its speed, everything it loses in speed, it gains in
torque (force) " Motor Torque = moment of force exerted on the axis of rotation, or what is the same as
the tendency of a force to rotate an object around its axis. By reducing the speed the shaft will have more
torque or force to rotate (move) objects.

Gear Train Calculation

We already know that when we have more than two toothed wheels in the gear it is called a gear train.

As gear wheels are complicated to draw, we use symbols to represent them.

Much easier, NO?

Note that simple wheels are represented with a vertical line that will be more or less long depending on the
number of teeth.

Composite wheels (two wheels on the same axle) are represented with two separate vertical lines.

Imagine that the input speed of the gear train in the figure (we could connect a motor to the gear) was 400

Now notice that we really have two simple gears inside the train, wheel 1 (the motor one) with wheel 2 and
wheel 3 with wheel 4.

Wheel 2 and 3 go on the same axis and therefore rotate at the same time. speed in rpm.

It is called a double or compound sprocket .

Na = Nb = Shaft speed in revolutions per minute.

To begin, we decompose the system into two simple gears. We have 1-2 and 3-4. We calculate each one
independently. Remember that 2 and 3, being on the same axle, will have the same speed in rpm, the
revolutions of the axle per minute will be the revolutions that the two wheels make in one minute. System
1-2) Z1 x N1 = Z2 x N2 ==> 10 x 400 = 50 x N2 We solve for N2 = (10 x 400) /50 = 80 rpm Remember
this N2 will be the same as N3. System 3-4) Z3 x N3 = Z4 x N4 ==> 10 x 80 = 50 x N4 We solve for N4 =
(10 x 80)/50 = 16 rpm ==> Speed reducer system. We have now calculated the output speed of the gear

Gear Ratio

The gear ratio is called speed ratio.

It is the ratio of the output speed to the total input speed of the gear train.

Rv = Ns/Ne;

Ns = output speed in rpm.

Ne = input speed in rpm.

Rv = Gear speed ratio.

In the previous case it would be:

Rv = 16/400 = 1/25 which means that the train is 25 times slower at the exit than at the entrance, so it
reduces the speed.

Problem solved.

NOTE, the gear or speed ratio is always put in the form of a fraction , the division is never done. In our
case we have only simplified the original fraction.

If the gear train increased the speed at the output it would be a speed multiplier system and the speed ratio
would always be greater than 1. Example would be 25/1; 100/1, 10/1; etc

Speed Multiplier with Gears

In this case we have to engage large wheels so that they transmit the speed to small wheels, in this way, the
speed will increase.

In the gear train in the figure, determine the speed of wheel D knowing that the input or driving wheel (A)
rotates at 400 rpm.

As we can see, we have 2 gears in the train, AB) and CD).

We proceed to calculate each one individually as we did previously.


Za x Na = Zb x Nb ==> 60 x 400 = 12 x Nb; we clear Nb.

Nb = (60 x 400)/12 = 2,000rpm; We already see how the speed increases.

This speed will be the same as the speed at C because they both rotate about the same axis.

Nb = Nc = 2,000rpm;

Now we calculate the other gear:


Zc x Nc = Zd x Nd ==> 40 x 2,000 = 20 x Nd; we clear Nd.

Nd = (40 x 2,000)/20 = 4,000rpm; That is, wheel D rotates at 4,000 rpm. To finish we calculate the speed
ratio of the gear train: Rv = Ns/Ne, or what is the same Rv = Na/Nd = 4,000/400 = 10/1 ; That is to say, at
the exit we will always have 10 times more speed than at the entrance in this gear train, therefore it is
a "speed multiplier system with gears" . " When a gear increases its speed, everything it gains in
speed, it loses in torque (force) "

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