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_______date 2022


RCBC Plaza Tower, Makati City

Dear Sir / Madam

“Continuous learning is the minimum requirement for success in any field.”

Brian Tracy

I am ______________________ of age and been into business for many years now. I believe
continuous learning and experiencing it first hand is the best learning to be successful in any field
we decide. As siblings of two and as eldest I feel that I am responsible with our family while my
father was in offshore assignments as seafarer. After my high school education, I started working
into our business as lessor of four to six apartment doors. I started with our inherited apartments
from my grandparents.

Being in a tourist destination, Baguio caters tourists all the time especially during weekends and
holidays. I manage to do reservation and accommodation blockings. At the same time from room
management to housekeeping really occupy my whole day. Plus their breakfast since we offer
bed and breakfast services.

From 2003 up to now, our business evolves through time. Being a transient house to room
accommodation to apartment for long term contact. A reason why after my high school years, I
concentrated working for our family’s business.

Life is good to me. To date, I am married with two kids. We are contented with such extended
family with my parents I one roof…and having our apartment units and van rental for tourists
roaming around Baguio City.

Yet as I said, I love continuous training and hands-on skill training. When my Uncle and Aunt in
Toronto met an international student from Baguio, they thought of the same training to be given to
me and experience hospitality industry in another dimension – I mean like what Canada offers.
My uncle told this to my parents and shared the idea to me…and viola, I guess, to improve my
loding business, I could have an international training then be back in the Philippines and improve
our family business.

I thought of Hospitality & Tourism course in a nearby school of my Uncle’s residence in Toronto.
Toronto School of Management (TSOM) is a good choice. TSOM offer the course I wanted to
take and checked the curriculum with exciting subjects:

 Hospitality Career Readiness
 Introduction to Hospitality and Tourism
 Front Office Operations
 Food and Beverage Operations
 Food Sanitation, Safety and Health
 Hospitality Accounting
 Customer Service
 Organizational Behavior in Hospitality Industry
 Facilities and Operations Management
 Food and Beverage Management
 Human Resource Management
 Meetings, Incentives, Conferences and Events
 Marketing in Hospitality and Tourism
 Issues in Hospitality and Tourism Industry
 Resort Management
 Niche and Specialty Tourism
 Work Placement

From the above subjects, I am excitement that I will be dealing with case studies and industry
immersions. My relatives in Canada even told me that international exposure and diverse cultural
experience will give a better perspective about our family business.

Aside from Canada’s globally recognized education system. I’ve chosen it because of the cultural
diversity. I am a person who loves to explore. It would be a privilege to be exposed and to be able
to study in a country where diversity and multiculturalism is embraced and welcome as it is
structure to meet the growing needs of the hospitality industry.

Though I understand being far from my family for one to two years will be a good sense of
sacrifice. I will…for the sake of my family, to be trained and learn more on the hospitality updates
and be equipped my latest skills in terms of hospitality.

The parents have savings to support my expenses while in Canada. Our earnings being lessors
and in our van rentals, we have ample savings to provide my weekly expenses. Plus, having part
jobs while studying (earning while studying and practicing my learning in an Canadian way of
lifestyle). I also have my Aunt-in-Law who is also supportive as my additional sponsor financially.

Upon finishing the study, in addition to my academic qualifications and professional experiences
through my internships locally and international. I would be able to apply what I learn in my home
country, I would be eager to share my knowledge and skills in this field. I strongly believe that
opportunities for my career will open to me and from there. I have a platform to showcase my
honed skills.

I hope this letter would help my application positively for a permit to study in Canada. It is my
intention to finish my course and comply with the student visa regulations, if granted. I can hope
for a favorable response regarding my application.

Below are my reasons/intentions…

Reasons for choosing to undertake the course of study
I have chosen to undertake the course of Diploma in Hospitality and Tourism Management Co-op
because I have first-hand skills and capabilities to manage and expertise in this field properly –
being into lodging business with four to six apartment units. I also have experienced working in
multiple jobs related or handling this. I can ensure quality and consistency of works and tasks that
will be assigned to me. Furthermore, I also want to continue to grow as an individual while
studying under this.

Also, enhance my current knowledge and learn more. I am very much determined and interested
when it comes to this field and my competency to achieve this is high. I can perform tasks
punctually and properly meeting the standards and expectations of the people counting on me. I
find this as a big opportunity to expand my learnings and interests especially in a new
environment, this will let me also let me learn more about myself and discover my strengths and
develop my weaknesses. Afterwards, I plan to use whatever I learn and gain from this course to
expand different aspects in my life such as discovering suitable positions and workplaces for me.

This two-year advanced Co-op diploma focuses on the latest developments in the hospitality and
tourism sector. Acquire recognized leadership skills and competencies to effectively manage a
team and operations while understanding organizational behavior in the tourism and hospitality
From operational strategies and marketing prowess to how to navigate performance and control
systems, learn to lead with service excellence in Canada and beyond.

The program is powered by Oracle Hospitality. OPERA Property Management Cloud Service by
Oracle Hospitality is a cloud-based, mobile-enabled platform for next generation hotel property
management. You will learn how to use the Oracle property management system as if you were to
be working in a hotel.

 Develop professional hospitality management competencies necessary for success in
one of the world’s fastest-growing industries
 Become highly skilled in important management concepts, such as operational
strategies, performance and control systems, marketing strategies, and customer service
 Learn from highly qualified industry experts
 Study in downtown Toronto: one of Canada’s largest tourism, event and convention hubs
 Strengthen your resume with Canadian work experience
 Guaranteed co-op placement in the field of studies

Reasons for choosing your education provider

Toronto School of Management will be able to give me the high-quality education and learning
services I will need to achieve the goals and plans I would like. Based on my research, they have
the proper facilities to guide and enhance my capabilities more. These facilities will make studying
easier and convenient wherein I can focus and be comfortable while learning. Also, their teaching
faculty is very experienced when it comes to this field in which I can gain proper knowledge and
advice for them as I learn.

They will provide and ensure that the time or years I will spend studying will not go to waste and
guide me properly. It also has a good reputation and feedback from students who have already
studied here wherein they have become successful in their own chosen fields that I also aspire to
aim. They offer opportunities to different courses and one of it is a course that I am invested in. It
is very compatible with my interest and area I wish to develop. They also have the awards and
recognition when it comes to different fields which makes considering in studying at them more
probable. Addition to this, their school curriculum is outstanding and adaptable.

Relevance of your course of studies to your academic and/ or employment
The course that I chose is relevant to what I have studied and learned in my college course which
is Diploma in Hospitality and Tourism Management Co-Op. I have applied and worked in
numerous workplaces wherein I was assigned to jobs mainly handling about this. I am more
familiar when it comes to this field, and I am willing and open to learn to properly manage and
learn more about how to function in this type of study and place.
Studying and discovering more about this will help me improve and add to my skills and
capabilities where I can use it all to my advantage in my future works and plans. I can make this
as a profession of mine in which I will be able to use to gain more opportunities and learn how to
develop certain attributes especially in busy and functioning workplaces. Learn how to become an
efficient and productive student and worker as well because there are a lot of things that I will still
need to know.

After finishing my studies in this course, I believe it will help me a lot of aspects in my life
afterwards. To become successful in this field learning more about it is crucial. When I return to
Philippines, I can use it to apply for jobs with higher opportunities and possibly I will already be
able to manage my own business and job. I will apply and start in a position wherein I can adjust
and adapt first to the workplace and afterwards, use it to start my own business and support our
lodging business.

This study program will be able to enhance different skills wherein it is not taught commonly in
schools in the Philippines. Studying in this country and acquiring their own methods to go back
and apply it in my own home country will be able to open more innovations when it comes to
business. I will also use it to help and support my family in different factors.

My sponsor can be able to support me in a way that they can send and provide my needs during
my stay in Canada. It will be able to make me stable and study comfortably without worrying about
my expenses. It can help me function independently as an individual and buy additional things that
I will need and use for my school projects and such.

Rest assure, it will make my life easier during my stay there. My sponsors are my parents and
Aunt. Our family manages four to six apartment units for many years already. Plus our van rental
for tourists who would like to roam around the city.

Meanwhile, my aunt in law source of income is livestock enterprises. JMk Enterprise is been into
business for many years now, catering livestock delivieries within Quezon City and Metro Manila.
Their earnings range from Php150,000 to Php250,000 a month depends on season & demand.

My family and Aunt are very supportive to provide my financial needs while in Canada. Not to
mention that I also have Uncle & Aunt there where they manage a restaurant/pub in Mississauga.

To summarized my financial capacity:

_______________________ (parents)
Metro Bank Peso Acct…8019 Php 734,046.00
Metro Bank US Dollar Acct..9490 Usd 5,625 (Php 281,250)
Rosanna Rivera (Aunt)
Metro Bank Savings Acct…2027 Php 1,237,084.00
Metro Bank US Dollar Acct…3566 Usd 10,273 (Php 513,650)


- as real lessor of four to six apartment units in Baguio
- with van rental for tourists who want to stroll around
- convenience store to cater the basic needs of the community


- owns and operates JMK Enterprises
(Livestock delivery within Quezon City & Metro Manila)


Logical academic or career progression

Since I am with my family is into lodging business for many years now, taking up Hospitality &
Tourism program is timely to improve my skills and update my knowledge about accommodation
industry; to enhance my experience by diverse lifestyle of international setting like Canada.

I mentioned about the subjects involved in my proposed program will equip me to be a better
business manager and able to work with guests more effectively.

My plans after taking the course when entering employment is to start a new beginning in my
country. I will establish a better business (aside from our existing apartments) relating to
Hospitality and Tourism and take different opportunities in my home country. The learnings I have
gotten will be able to support and help myself and my country to furthermore expand when it
comes to this field.

Family ties
In Canada
Once I graduate from Toronto School of Management, I will return to my country and apply the
lessons and experiences I have gathered from Canada continuing my employment plans back in
the Philippines which is to establish a proper business related to the prior courses that I have
taken up in Canada.

I have no plans to disobey the rules and laws of the government in Canada. I also do not plan to
stay as an illegal immigrant in the country. I am very much aware that not following these
regulations given will affect me negatively in different aspects.

In My Home Country
In the Philippines, I have a family, a wife and two kids who are currently studying, in which I will
return to after my studies in which I will continue to grow my experiences and plans alongside with
them like what I have stated in the previous questions about my plans. Going to Canada is very
difficult because I will be separated from my family, but I will endure it for them and our future

Rest assured, I will strictly abide to the laws given by the country of Canada and that I am aware
about the consequences when I commit to disobeying it.

I hope I presented myself sincerely and will grant me a permit to further study in Canada.

Thank you very much and more power.

Respectfully yours,

Student Permit Applicant

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