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Wafer-scale single-crystal hexagonal boron

nitride monolayers on Cu (111) Tse-An Chen1,10, Chih-Piao Chuu1,10, Chien-Chih Tseng2, Chao-Kai Wen2, H.-S. Philip Wong1,
Shuangyuan Pan3, Rongtan Li4,5, Tzu-Ang Chao1,2, Wei-Chen Chueh2, Yanfeng Zhang3,
Received: 23 June 2019
Qiang Fu4, Boris I. Yakobson6,7,8 ✉, Wen-Hao Chang2,9 ✉ & Lain-Jong Li1 ✉
Accepted: 10 December 2019

Published online: 4 March 2020

Ultrathin two-dimensional (2D) semiconducting layered materials offer great
Check for updates potential for extending Moore’s law of the number of transistors in an integrated
circuit1. One key challenge with 2D semiconductors is to avoid the formation of charge
scattering and trap sites from adjacent dielectrics. An insulating van der Waals layer of
hexagonal boron nitride (hBN) provides an excellent interface dielectric, efficiently
reducing charge scattering2,3. Recent studies have shown the growth of single-crystal
hBN films on molten gold surfaces4 or bulk copper foils5. However, the use of molten
gold is not favoured by industry, owing to its high cost, cross-contamination and
potential issues of process control and scalability. Copper foils might be suitable for
roll-to-roll processes, but are unlikely to be compatible with advanced
microelectronic fabrication on wafers. Thus, a reliable way of growing single-crystal
hBN films directly on wafers would contribute to the broad adoption of 2D layered
materials in industry. Previous attempts to grow hBN monolayers on Cu (111) metals
have failed to achieve mono-orientation, resulting in unwanted grain boundaries
when the layers merge into films6,7. Growing single-crystal hBN on such high-
symmetry surface planes as Cu (111)5,8 is widely believed to be impossible, even in
theory. Nonetheless, here we report the successful epitaxial growth of single-crystal
hBN monolayers on a Cu (111) thin film across a two-inch c-plane sapphire wafer. This
surprising result is corroborated by our first-principles calculations, suggesting that
the epitaxial growth is enhanced by lateral docking of hBN to Cu (111) steps, ensuring
the mono-orientation of hBN monolayers. The obtained single-crystal hBN,
incorporated as an interface layer between molybdenum disulfide and hafnium
dioxide in a bottom-gate configuration, enhanced the electrical performance of
transistors. This reliable approach to producing wafer-scale single-crystal hBN paves
the way to future 2D electronics.

First, a single-crystal Cu (111) thin film on a wafer is needed. Single-crystal recent reports10,11. Figure 1b, c shows optical micrographs and electron
Cu in thick foils can be achieved through recrystallization induced by backscatter diffraction (EBSD) patterns for the Cu (111) thin films after
implanted seeds5,9. However, for the formation of Cu (111) thin film on a annealing at 1,000 °C and 1,050 °C. The EBSD results (see also Extended
wafer, the crystallinity relies strongly on the underlying substrate lattices. Data Fig. 1a, b) confirm the coexistence of twinned Cu (111) polycrystals
Here we used a c-plane sapphire as the substrate, on which we sputtered with 0° and 60° in-plane misorientation for the Cu thin films annealed
a 500-nm-thick polycrystalline Cu film and then carried out extensive at 1,000 °C. The in-plane misorientation was removed after annealing at
thermal annealing to achieve single-crystal Cu (111) films10. One chal- 1,050 °C, producing single-crystal Cu (111). The X-ray diffraction results
lenge is that Cu (111) tends to form twin grains separated by twin-grain (Extended Data Fig. 1c–f) also consistently illustrate our success in obtain-
boundaries, through kinetic growth processes. Figure 1a illustrates the ing single-crystal Cu (111) thin films. Note that the Cu (111) is preferentially
atomic arrangements for the typical twinned Cu (111) structure. We find formed with a thinner Cu film, but a sufficiently thick Cu film is necessary
that post-annealing at a high temperature (1,040–1,070 °C) in the pres- to prevent Cu evaporation during subsequent hBN growth. Thus, there is
ence of hydrogen is the key to removing the twin grains, consistent with an optimal Cu thickness (around 500 nm) for single-crystal hBN growth.

Corporate Research, Taiwan Semiconductor Manufacturing Company (TSMC), Hsinchu, Taiwan. 2Department of Electrophysics, National Chiao Tung University, Hsinchu, Taiwan. 3Department of
Materials Science and Engineering, College of Engineering, Peking University, Beijing, China. 4State Key Laboratory of Catalysis, Dalian Institute of Chemical Physics, Chinese Academy of Sciences,
Dalian, China. 5University of Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing, China. 6Department of Materials Science and Nanoengineering, Rice University, Houston, TX, USA. 7Department of Chemistry,
Rice University, Houston, TX, USA. 8Smalley-Curl Institute for Nanoscale Science and Technology, Rice University, Houston, TX, USA. 9Center for Emergent Functional Matter Science (CEFMS),
National Chiao Tung University, Hsinchu, Taiwan. 10These authors contributed equally: Tse-An Chen, Chih-Piao Chuu. ✉e-mail:;;

Nature | Vol 579 | 12 March 2020 | 219

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Twin boundary with in-plane rotation by 60°

First-layer Cu
Second-layer Cu
Third-layer Cu
Bottom Cu

b c

100 μm 100 μm


500 μm 500 μm 500 μm 500 μm

Fig. 1 | Cu (111) lattice orientation on c-sapphire substrates. a, Diagram film annealed at 1,000 °C for 1 h, where the normal direction (ND) and rolling
showing twinned Cu (111) (top view) with an in-plane rotation of 60°; the blue direction (RD) indicate the presence of twinned Cu (111) polycrystals with in-
and red triangles enclose areas with the same Cu stacking configuration in plane misorientation by 60°. c, If the Cu thin film is annealed at 1,050 °C for 1 h,
adjacent twinned grains. The right-hand coloured triangle is the legend for the the in-plane orientation is unified, showing the formation of single-crystal
inverse pole figure (IPF) maps at the bottom of panels b, c. b, Optical Cu (111) without any twinned grains.
microscope image (top) and EBSD IPF mappings (1 × 1 mm2; bottom) of a Cu thin

Achieving the growth of mono-oriented hBN triangular flakes is an single-crystal Cu (111) grain clearly indicates the existence of an energy-
essential step towards obtaining wafer-scale single-crystal hBN. Owing minimized hBN–Cu (111) configuration. Therefore, eliminating the
to the sixfold symmetry of Cu (111), the van der Waals registry of hBN twin grains in Cu (111) will ensure the growth of single-crystal hBN on it.
to Cu (111) leads to two sets of energy-minimal configurations (whose To verify the single crystallinity, we characterized the hBN mon-
orientation differs by 60° or 180°, an inversion) with almost degener- olayer merged from mono-oriented triangles by microspot low-energy
ate binding energies. Thus it is commonly believed that confining hBN electron diffraction (μ-LEED), using a probe size of around 3 μm at 80
flakes to mono-orientation on such a high-symmetry surface is impos- sites across the one-inch wafer. Figure 2c displays the μ-LEED patterns
sible5,8. Our experiments reveal that the energy degeneracy can be lifted from nine randomly selected sites. All results reveal an hBN monolayer
in the presence of spontaneously present top-layer Cu step edges. The that is unidirectionally aligned with the Cu (111) surfaces, indicating
growth of an hBN monolayer is carried out by flowing ammonia borane that their single crystallinity strictly follows the Cu (111) lattices. The
precursors onto the one-inch single-crystal Cu (111) thin film/sapphire atomically resolved scanning tunnelling microscopy (STM) image of
in a hot-wall chemical vapour deposition (CVD) furnace. An optical hBN on Cu (111) in Fig. 2d shows a perfect hBN lattice with a measured
micrograph of monolayer hBN triangular flakes grown on a Cu (111) lattice constant of 2.50 ± 0.1 Å, consistent with the theoretical value
thin film with twin grains (Fig. 2a) shows that hBN flakes orient to the of 2.5 Å. We probed more than 20 locations, and all STM images show
same direction on one twin and to the opposite direction (or 60° in- the same hBN lattice orientation (Extended Data Fig. 4). We did not
plane rotation along the z axis) on the counterpart twin (Extended Data observe any grain boundaries formed by adjacent misoriented hBN
Fig. 2). Figure 2b displays optical micrographs of hBN flakes grown on domains, suggesting the single-crystalline nature of hBN. We note that,
a single-crystal Cu (111) thin film without twin grains, where almost all in some areas, moiré patterns arise from the lattice mismatch and/or
of the triangles are unidirectionally aligned (see also Extended Data relatively small rotation (within 1.5°) between hBN and the underlying
Fig. 3 for statistical analysis of the orientation distribution of hBN tri- Cu (111) substrate (Extended Data Fig. 5a–f). The magnified atomic-
angular flakes). The observation of mono-orientation on an individual resolution image at the moiré boundary areas reveals that the hBN

220 | Nature | Vol 579 | 12 March 2020

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a b c

20 μm 20 μm

d hBN/Cu hBN/Cu hBN/Cu

0.25 nm

40 nm 2 nm 1 nm

e f g h
1,400 2,400 26
Intensity (kcounts)

2,200 1,371 cm–1

1,300 B 1s 2,000 N 1s 24 0.5 nm
1,200 1,800

1,100 1,600 22
1,000 1,200 20 0.7 nm
900 1,000
800 18
800 600 FWHM: 14.5 cm-1
700 400 16 10 nm 0.5 μm
186 188 190 192 194 196 394 396 398 400 402 404 1,200 1,300 1,400 1,500
Binding energy (eV) Raman shift (cm–1)

Fig. 2 | Growth and atomic structures of single-crystal hBN on Cu (111) films. measured lattice constant 2.50 ± 0.1 Å. We measured the height of each step
a, Optical microscope image of hBN grown on different Cu (111) grains. Black from the left-hand image to be roughly 2 Å. e, XPS spectra measured from an
dashed lines indicate twin grain boundaries. Oppositely oriented flakes are as-grown monolayer hBN film on Cu (111)/sapphire. The binding energies of the
marked by red and blue dashed triangles. b, Mono-oriented hBN flakes on B 1s and N 1s orbitals at 190.4 eV and 398.0 eV confirm the formation of hBN.
single-crystal Cu (111) films. c, μ-LEED patterns of hBN monolayers at nine f, Raman spectrum of a transferred hBN film, where the E2g mode at 1,371 cm−1
different areas randomly selected from the 1.5 × 1.5 cm2 sample surface. All with a full-width at half-maximum (FWHM) of 14.5 cm−1 confirms that the hBN is
μ-LEED patterns show that the hBN monolayers have the same orientation as a monolayer. g, Cross-sectional TEM image of a monolayer hBN transferred
the Cu (111) surfaces. d, Left to right, large-scale STM image (Vtip = −1.008 V; onto SiO2/Si, where the thickness of hBN is around 0.5 nm. h, AFM image of a
Itip = 3.90 nA; T = 300 K) and atomic-scale STM images (Vtip = −0.003 V; single-crystal hBN film transferred onto a SiO2/Si substrate.
Itip = 54.508 nA; Vtip = −0.003 V, Itip = 46.50 nA; T = 300 K) of hBN/Cu (111) with

presents perfect lattice coherence at the patching boundary (Extended Cu atoms in the jth layer. The calculations show that the stacking with
Data Fig. 5g–j), indicating that the formation of moiré patterns does not N atoms on top of the first-layer Cu atoms (NIBIII (0°) and NIBII (60°))
affect the overall hBN orientation. We believe that the hBN completes exhibits the lowest energy, while B atoms on top of the first-layer Cu
the single-crystal growth at high temperatures, and that the strain asso- atoms (NIIBI (0°) and NIIIBI (60°)) are energetically unfavourable. The
ciated with sample cooling after growth results in the formation of local preferential registrations reflect the electron affinity of the B and N
moiré pattern. Other characterizations, including X-ray photoelectron atoms, which leads to attractive (or repulsive) Coulomb interactions
spectroscopy (XPS) and Raman spectroscopy, prove the B–N chemi- between N (or B) atoms and the first-layer Cu atoms, and hence affects
cal bonding structures (Fig. 2e, f). Transmission electron microscope the structural stability. We find that the lowest-energy structures for
(TEM) and atomic force microscope (AFM) images consistently show 0° (NIBIII) and 60° (NIBII) orientations exhibit an energy difference of
that the as-grown hBN is indeed a monolayer (Fig. 2g, h). only 0.05 eV or so, much smaller than the thermal energy kBT at the
We recognize that, once the Cu (111) thin films are prepared and growth temperature (roughly 0.1 eV), indicating that the plane-to-plane
formed untwinned at 1,050 °C as described above, the mono-orientated registry is insufficient to achieve mono-oriented growth, in agreement
growth of hBN flakes can be realized at various growth temperatures with simulations13.
ranging from 995 °C to 1,070 °C (Extended Data Fig. 6). However, a In fact the Cu (111) surface is not perfectly flat and many terraced
lower growth temperature (995 °C to 1,010 °C) usually leads to lower- meandering steps exist, as revealed in STM images (Fig. 2d and Extended
quality hBN flakes, which are easily oxidized in a subsequent oxidation Data Fig. 7a–d). Recent theory showed that one must consider the role
test at 150 °C in air. Therefore, we used a higher growth temperature of these step edges in guiding hBN growth14. Other work5 suggests that
(typically 1,050 °C) to ensure high-quality single-crystal hBN growth. docking at the vicinal step edges on the Cu (110) surface governs the
To explain the preferred orientation of hBN on Cu (111), we consider single-crystal hBN growth, based on the assumption that the Cu terrace
a small and rigid B6N7 molecule (that is, an energetically favourable steps trend only up or down all the way across the whole vicinal surface
N-terminated three-ring structure12) as the probe seed. We first examine of the Cu foil. However, our STM results clearly reveal that the terrace
the effect of plane-to-plane epitaxy, using density functional theory steps of the Cu (111) surface trend both up and down across the wafer,
(DFT) to calculate the binding energies of six typical atomic stacking and that the edge-docking can seemingly yield hBN in both directions,
configurations (Fig. 3a), where NIBIII, NIIIBII and NIIBI are defined as the 0° unless the binding energies differ enough to favour one direction over
orientation, and NIBII, NIIBIII and NIIIBI are the 60° (inverted) orientation. another. To capture this in our model, we add an extra layer of Cu atoms
The notation NiBj represents the stacking of N atoms in registry with (red in Fig. 3) on top of the first layer, forming two opposite step edges
(above) the Cu atoms in the ith layer, while B atoms register with the (A- and B-step edges in Fig. 3a and Extended Data Fig. 7f). This restricts

Nature | Vol 579 | 12 March 2020 | 221

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a b

Plane only
–7.0 Edge-to-step


Binding energy (eV)








Top-layer Cu N

First-layer Cu
Second-layer Cu
Third-layer Cu
Bottom Cu

Fig. 3 | DFT calculations of epitaxy at nucleation, with and without energies for the six B6N7–Cu (111) configurations, with and without including
considering step-edge docking. a, Lowest-energy atomic arrangements for the edge-to-step epitaxy effect. The bottom image is a three-dimensional view
six B6N7–Cu (111) configurations, considering the edge docking to two typical of the NIBII–Cu (111) configuration.
step-edge terminations (A and B) of top-layer Cu (111). b, Calculated binding

the B6N7 seed to the 0° (or 60°) orientation when docking to the A (or way with the presence of Cu step edges (Fig. 3b): the two configurations
B) steps (Fig. 3a). In Fig. 3a, b the distance between the Cu step edge NIBII (60°) and NIBIII (0°), which were nearly degenerate when consider-
and the B6N7 zigzag edge for each configuration has been determined ing only plane-to-plane epitaxy, are now separated by δE values of
by energy minimization (Extended Data Fig. 8). The resulting binding approximately 0.23 eV, this value raising in proportion with the
energy for each configuration changes in a subtle yet very important docking length, rapidly amplifying the Boltzmann selectivity factor

a b c


hBN Two-inch hBN film

Four-inch SiO2/Si
Two-inch hBN/Cu/sapphire

2 cm

Fig. 4 | Schematic and photographs illustrating the wafer-scale hBN transfer the anode, with an applied DC voltage of 4 V. During this process, the TRT/
processes. a, As-grown two-inch hBN film on a Cu (111)/sapphire wafer. Top, PMMA/hBN stacked film is detached from the Cu (111)/sapphire through the
schematic; bottom, photograph. b, Electrochemical delamination, using an generation of hydrogen bubbles at the hBN/Cu interface. PMMA, poly(methyl
aqueous solution of NaOH (1 M) as the electrolyte, the Cu layer in the TRT/ methacrylate); TRT, thermal release tape. c, Two-inch monolayer hBN film
PMMA/ hBN/Cu (111)/sapphire stack as the cathode, and a platinum (Pt) foil as transferred onto a four-inch SiO2/Si wafer.

222 | Nature | Vol 579 | 12 March 2020

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eδE /kBT (for a contact length of just five to six hexagons, the Boltzmann acknowledgements, peer review information; details of author con-
selectivity factor increases to more than 103; Extended Data Fig. 9). tributions and competing interests; and statements of data and code
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Methods spin-coated onto the as-grown MoS 2/sapphire as a protection
layer. Then a TRT was applied to the PMMA/MoS2/sapphire in order
Growth of Cu (111) thin films to avoid possible folding during the transfer process. The TRT/
The as-received sapphire substrates were first etched in a mixed H2SO4/ PMMA/MoS 2/sapphire stacked film was immersed in an NH 4OH
H3PO4 aqueous solution at 300 °C for 20 min. The etched sapphire solution (NH 4OH/deionized water, 17/100) at 100 °C for 20 min.
substrates were cleaned by immersion in ultra-pure water for 5 min. Next, the detached TRT/PMMA/MoS2 stacked films were immersed
After cleaning, the sapphire substrates were loaded into a sputtering in deionized water in order to dilute the etchant and residues. The
chamber for Cu deposition. The chamber was maintained at room TRT/PMMA/MoS 2 stacked film is placed on the target substrate;
temperature under an argon pressure of 0.3 mtorr, giving rise to a Cu the TRT is released by baking on a hot-plate at 180 °C; and the
deposition rate of 2 nm s−1 (ref. 10). PMMA film is finally removed by immersing the sample in hot
acetone for 40 min, leaving behind a monolayer MoS 2 film on the
Chemical vapour deposition of hBN target substrate 17.
The monolayer hBN films were grown in a three-inch furnace tube with
three heating zones using low-pressure chemical vapour deposition LEEM/PEEM/μ-LEED characterizations
(LPCVD). The two-inch Cu (111)/sapphire substrate was placed in the cen- We carried out structural analysis of hBN using low-energy electron
tral heating zone of the main chamber. Ammonia borane (97%, roughly microscopy (LEEM) with a field-emission gun, photoemission elec-
60 mg) was used as the precursor and loaded into a subchamber at the tron microscopy (PEEM) excited by a mercury lamp, and microspot
upstream side of the main chamber. The furnace was first pumped down low-energy electron diffraction (μ-LEED, with an area of about
to a base pressure of 5.0 torr. Before growth, the substrate was annealed 3 μm in diameter). The system (Elmitec LEEM-III) is composed of
at 1,050 °C for 60 min under a hydrogen gas flow of 300 standard cubic a preparation chamber, a main chamber for imaging, and a deep
centimetres per minute (sccm). The subchamber (with precursors) was ultraviolet laser 18. The sample was first annealed in the prepara-
heated to 85 °C using a heating belt and maintained there for 30 min. tion chamber in ultrahigh vacuum (1 × 10−9 torr) at 600 °C for 6 h
The precursor was then introduced into the main chamber for 30 min and then transferred to the main chamber for LEEM/PEEM/μ-LEED
in order to grow hBN on the Cu (111)/sapphire substrates, with the analysis.
substrates facing downwards. After hBN growth, the subchamber was
closed, and the main chamber was naturally cooled to room temperature STM characterizations
under a hydrogen gas flow of 30 sccm. We used an Omicron ultrahigh vacuum (UHV) variable-temperature
(VT)-STM system for atomic-scale structural characterization, with a
Transfer of hBN films onto arbitrary substrates base pressure better than 10−10 mbar. The hBN/Cu sample was annealed
The as-grown monolayer hBN film was detached from the Cu (111)/ at 900 K for 5.5 h before STM measurements. All of the the STM images
sapphire substrate by electrochemical delamination. A poly(methyl were captured under a constant-current mode at room temperature.
methacrylate) (PMMA) film was first spin-coated on the as-grown hBN/ The atomic-scale morphology of hBN/Cu was analysed directly by high-
Cu (111)/sapphire as a protection layer. Then a thermal release tape resolution STM.
(TRT; catalogue number 3195M from Nitto) was applied to the PMMA/
hBN/Cu (111)/sapphire in order to avoid possible folding during the EBSD characterization
transfer process. Electrochemical delamination was performed using EBSD was performed on a JEOL JSM-7800F PrimeSEM with collection
an aqueous solution of NaOH (1 M) as the electrolyte, with the Cu layer accessory (from EDAX) at an accelerating voltage of 20 kV and the sam-
in the TRT/PMMA/hBN/Cu (111)/sapphire stack as the cathode and a ple stage tilting at 70°.
platinum foil as the anode, under an applied DC voltage of 4 V. During
this process, the TRT/PMMA/hBN stacked film was detached from the TEM characterization
Cu (111)/sapphire through the generation of hydrogen bubbles at the We obtained TEM images from transferred hBN/SiO2/Si with an accelera-
hBN/Cu interface. After detachment, the TRT/PMMA/hBN stacked film tion voltage of 200 keV using a FEI Tecnai Osiris transmission electron
can be placed on the target substrate. The TRT can be released by bak- microscope.
ing the TRT/PMMA/hBN/substrate on a hot-plate at 180 °C. The PMMA
film was finally removed by immersing the sample in hot acetone for AFM characterization
40 min, leaving behind a monolayer hBN film on the target substrate. AFM data were acquired in tapping mode over the scan area, using a
silicon tip.
Chemical vapour deposition of MoS2
Highly oriented monolayer MoS2 was grown on sapphire substrates by XPS measurements
CVD in a horizontal hot-wall three-inch furnace tube with two heating XPS spectra were obtained using a Perkin Elmer PHI 5400 system
zones. The maximum substrate size can be a wafer of up to two inches. equipped with hemispherical analyser with an overall resolution of
High-purity sulfur (99.5%, Alfa) and MoO3 (99%, Aldrich) powders were 0.05 eV. The energy span and energy scale were calibrated by setting
used as the reaction precursors. The sulfur powder was placed in the front the 4f7/2 line of gold and the 2p3/2 line of copper to 84 eV and 932.67 eV,
heating zone at the upstream side of the furnace, and the temperature was respectively. XPS spectra were measured from the as-grown monolayer
maintained at 140 °C during the reaction. The MoO3 powder was put into hBN film on Cu (111)/sapphire. The B 1s and N 1s emission peaks con-
a quartz boat in the central heating zone of the furnace. The temperature firm the formation of hBN. The binding energies of B 1s and N 1s are
of this central heating zone was gradually ramped to 740 °C and held for located at 190.4 eV and 398 eV, respectively. The B/N atomic ratio is
5 min. During this process, MoS2 was grown on the sapphire substrates calculated from the integrated intensities of these peaks, yielding a
placed at the downstream side of the MoO3 quartz boat. All growth was ratio of 1/1.03, indicative of a good stoichiometry for the CVD-grown
performed in argon flowing gas (90 sccm) at a base pressure of 30 torr. monolayer hBN films.
Finally, the furnace was naturally cooled to room temperature17.
Raman measurements
Transfer of monolayer MoS2 The Raman measurements were carried out on transferred hBN
After CVD growth, monolayer MoS 2 films on sapphire were film using a 532-nm solid-state laser as the excitation source. Excita-
transferred onto a target substrate using PMMA. PMMA was first tion light with a power of 2.5 mW was focused onto the sample with

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a ×100 objective lens (with a numerical aperture of 0.9). The signal roughly scales with the contact length, C, and the selectivity factor
was collected using the same objective lens, analysed with a 0.75-m increases very rapidly with size, as exp(C).
monochromator and detected with a liquid-nitrogen-cooled charge- The effect of misfit and misalignment of BN to the step edge can
coupled-device (CCD) camera. The E2g band of hBN is located at be studied by calculating the binding energy of a B7N7 molecule at a
1,371 cm−1 and its FWHM value is 14.5 cm−1, confirming that the trans- three-hexagon contact length with a small tilt angle along the step
ferred hBN film is monolayer thick with high crystalline quality. edge (the aligned structure with a tilt angle of zero corresponds to
NIBIII and NIBII). The lattice constants of Cu (111) and hBN are allowed
X-ray diffraction measurements to be different as aCu111 = 2.6 Å and ahBN = 2.5 Å, with a 3.8% lattice misfit.
X-ray diffraction (XRD; Bruker D8-Discover) θ–2θ and 360° azimuthal We find that, although the total binding energy is weakened because
(φ) scans were conducted using a Cu Kα radiation source (λ = 1.54 Å). An of lattice misfit (that is, there is a weaker interaction of plane-to-plane
XRD azimuthal φ scan of twinned Cu (111) films was operated at χ = 70.5°, epitaxy), the energy difference between the 0° and 60° orientations
ω = 16.2° and 2θ = 43.3°; an XRD azimuthal φ scan of untwinned Cu (111) remains nearly the same (from 0.3 eV to 0.27 eV). The calculated binding
films was operated at χ = 70.5°, ω = 21.5° and 2θ = 43.3°. weakens as the tilted angle becomes larger, indicating that the most
stable configuration during the initial nucleation growth occurs when
First-principles calculations docking is tight and well aligned to the step edge (Extended Data Fig. 9c,
First-principles calculations were carried out using DFT as implemented d). The result suggests that mono-orientated hBN was epitaxially grown
in the Vienna ab initio simulation package (VASP)19 within MedeA soft- on Cu (111) in a manner that was guided mostly by step edges, and that
ware20. We used the projector augmented wave method, the exchange– the moiré was formed to release the strain between Cu (111) and hBN
correlation potential described by the Perdew–Burke–Ernzerhof (PBE) (lattice mismatch or surface topography) after a large area of film had
generalized gradient approximation (GGA)21, and van der Waals cor- grown. We note that the cooling step after large-area hBN growth will
rection vdW-DF (optB86b) functionals22 in order to calculate the dis- result in strains that might be released by local straining of hBN and
tance and binding energy between BN molecules and copper substrates. formation of a moiré pattern. Therefore, we believe that moiré does
For the plane-to-plane and edge-to-step epitaxy model, a rigid B6N7 not actually affect the growth process, but occurs afterwards.
molecule is physically absorbed onto a 6 × 6 and a 6 × 7 3 Cu (111) sur-
face with a thickness of four copper layers, using a 2 × 2 × 1 and a 2 × 1 × 1
k-grid, respectively. To eliminate spurious interactions resulting from Data availability
the slab model of the supercell, the vacuum thickness is larger than All data needed to evaluate our conclusions are found in the main text
17 Å, the in-plane distance of a B6N7 molecule away from another side and the Extended Data. Further data related to the paper are available
of the step edge is at least 10 Å, and the energy cutoff of the plane waves from the corresponding authors on reasonable request.
is 400 eV. The lattice constant of Cu (111) used in simulation is a = 2.6 Å
at a reaction temperature of 1,000 °C, with hBN assuming the same 17. Hsu, W.-F. et al. Monolayer MoS2 enabled single-crystalline growth of AlN on Si(100)
using low-temperature helicon sputtering. ACS Appl. Nano Mater. 2, 1964–1969
lattice constant for simplification. The interlayer distance of Cu (111) (2019).
is 2.05 Å. The height of the BN molecule from the Cu surface is optimized 18. Jin, L., Fu, Q., Mu, R., Tan, D. & Bao, X. Pb intercalation underneath a graphene layer on
until the change in the energy and the force reach 10−4 eV and 10−2 eV Å−1, Ru(0001) and its effect on graphene oxidation. Phys. Chem. Chem. Phys. 13, 16655–16660
respectively. For plane-to-plane epitaxy, the optimized vertical dis- 19. Kresse, G. & Furthmüller, J. Efficiency of ab-initio total energy calculations for metals and
tances from the top layer of the Cu surface, d, for six configurations semiconductors using a plane-wave basis set. Comput. Mater. Sci. 6, 15–50 (1996).
20. MedeA (Materials Design Inc, 2016).
are d = 1.98 Å for NIBII, d = 1.77 Å for NIIBIII, d = 2.03 Å for NIIIBI, d = 1.98 Å
21. Perdew, J. P., Burke, K. & Ernzerhof, M. Generalized gradient approximation made simple.
for NIBIII, d = 1.77 Å for NIIIBII, and d = 2.03 Å for NIIBI. Binding energies Phys. Rev. Lett. 77, 3865–3868 (1996).
are defined by −Eb = EB6N7–Cu − EB6N7 − ECu, where EB6N7–Cu is the total energy 22. Klimeš, J., Bowler, D. R. & Michaelides, A. Van der Waals density functionals applied to
solids. Phys. Rev. B 83, 195131 (2011).
of the hBN flake/Cu (111) system, and EB6N7 and ECu are the energies of
23. Yankowitz, M. et al. Emergence of superlattice Dirac points in graphene on hexagonal
the B6N7 flake and Cu substrate (with or without a step edge); the cal- boron nitride. Nat. Phys. 8, 382–386 (2012).
culated binding energies of six total stacking structures in the presence 24. Joshi, S. et al. Boron nitride on Cu (111): an electronically corrugated monolayer. Nano
Lett. 12, 5821–5828 (2012).
of a step are plotted by varying the in-plane distance, Di, to the step
edge. The six lowest energetic configurations in the presence of a step
are located at Di = 2a / 3 for NIBII (d = 1.99 Å), 4a / 3 for NIIBIII (d = 1.77 Å), Acknowledgements Tse-An Chen, C.-P.C., H.-S.P.W. and L.-J.L. acknowledge support from the
Taiwan Semiconductor Manufacturing Company (TSMC). W.-H.C. acknowledges support from
1.5a / 3 for NIIIBI (d = 2.08 Å), 2.5a / 3 for NIBIII (d = 1.98 Å), 1.5a / 3 for the Ministry of Science and Technology of Taiwan (grants MOST-108-2119-M-009-011-MY3 and
NIIIBII (d = 1.84 Å), and 2a / 3 for NIIBI (d = 2.06 Å) (Extended Data Fig. 8). MOST-107-2112-M-009-024-MY3) and from the CEFMS of the National Chiao Tung University,
Note that when Di is less than 3 a /3 (too close to the step-edge), the supported by the Ministry of Education of Taiwan. Y.Z. acknowledges financial support from
the National Natural Science Foundation of China (grant 51861135201). Q.F. thanks the National
energy dramatically increases. Natural Science Foundation of China (grants 21688102 and 21825203) and the Strategic
We study here the energy difference between NIBIII (0°) and NIBII (60°), Priority Research Program of the Chinese Academy of Sciences (grant XDB17020000) for
the two lowest-energy structures docking to A-step and B-step edges, financial support. B.I.Y. acknowledges support from the US Department of Energy (grant DE-
SC0012547) and a stimulating discussion with T. Ivanov (US Army Research Laboratory). Tse-
with different lengths of docking contact. We construct a model of a An Chen and L.-J.L. acknowledge useful discussions with S. Brems at Imec.
BN stripe composed of aromatic rings docking to the step edge. We
find that the energy difference between the two configurations NIBIII Author contributions L.-J.L. and Tse-An Chen conceived the project. Tse-An Chen, C.-C.T. and
C.-K.W. grew the hBN by CVD, performed the transfer of hBN, and carried out EBSD, Raman and
(0°) and NIBII (60°)—an indicator of selectivity for mono-orientation—
AFM measurements. C.-P.C. performed first-principles calculations, and C.-P.C. and B.I.Y.
increases rapidly with the docking contact, and approaches a δE of carried out theoretical analysis. R.L. and Q.F. performed μ-LEED measurements. Y.Z. and S.P.
roughly 0.78 eV, amplifying the Boltzmann selectivity factor eδE /kBT performed STM experiments. C.-K.W., Tzu-Ang Chao and W.-C.C. fabricated the metal–
insulator–metal device and the MoS2 FET. Tse-An Chen, C.-K.W. and Tzu-Ang Chao performed
(with a kBT of around 0.11 eV at 1,300 K) for a contact length of just five electrical measurements. L.-J.L., W.-H.C. and H.-S.P.W. supervised the project. All of the authors
to six hexagons to more than 103 (Extended Data Fig. 9a, b). The large discussed the results and wrote the paper.
energy difference means that the step edge plays the role of ‘orientation
filter’, allowing a predominant phase of BN (a mono-orientation) dur- Competing interests The authors declare no competing interests.

ing growth. Factually, the competing subcritical nuclei must be larger

Additional information
and, especially, are probably elongated along the step-edge to allow a Correspondence and requests for materials should be addressed to B.I.Y., W.-H.C. or L.-J.L.
more energetically favourable contact. Obviously such an energy value Reprints and permissions information is available at

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Extended Data Fig. 1 | Analysis of Cu (111) crystal orientation on c-sapphire Cu (111)/c-sapphire substrate annealed at 1,000 °C for 1 h (c) and annealed at
substrates. a, EBSD inverse pole figure (IPF) mapping (1 mm × 1 mm) of the Cu 1,050 °C for 1 h (d), revealing a Cu (111) peak at 2θ = 43.3°. e, f, XRD φ scans of the
substrate annealed at 1,000 °C for 1 h. The normal direction (ND), transverse Cu (111)/c-sapphire substrate annealed at 1,000 °C for 1 h with an in-plane
direction (TD) and rolling direction (RD) mappings, as indicated by the rotation of 60° (e) and annealed at 1,050 °C for 1 h with an in-plane rotation of
triangular colour map, show that Cu (111) is polycrystal. The line scan of 120° (f). Note that the sample annealed at 1,050 °C shows the signature of a
misorientation on the RD map indicates an in-plane 60° rotation. b, IPF map of single crystal without in-plane misorientation, because an hBN triangle has C3
the Cu substrate annealed at 1,050 °C for 1 h; the film is characterized as single- symmetry and is symmetric after a 120° rotation.
crystal Cu (111), and no twinned grain is founded. c, d, XRD θ–2θ scans of the

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Extended Data Fig. 2 | Single-oriented hBN flakes in different Cu grains. b, EBSD IPF maps of the area shown in a. The misorientation-of-line scan
a, Optical micrograph of hBN molecules (triangles) grown on different Cu (111) indicates that the twin grain is rotated by 60° (grain a to grain b). The RD map
grains (the black dashed line indicates the boundary between adjacent twin clearly shows the difference in in-plane orientation between grains a and b.
grains). Oppositely oriented hBN flakes are marked by red and blue circles.

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Extended Data Fig. 3 | Statistical analysis of the orientation distribution of circles. b, Statistical analysis of the optical micrograph from a; more than 99.6%
triangular hBN flakes. a, Optical micrgraph of hBN grown on a Cu (111)/ of the hBN flakes are aligned in one direction on Cu (111).
c-sapphire substrate at 1,050 °C. Misaligned hBN flakes are marked by red

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Extended Data Fig. 4 | STM images from randomly selected locations. a–h, Images of a 1.5 × 1.5 cm2 hBN film grown on Cu (111)/c-sapphire, where the angle (θ)
between the hBN lattice orientation (black arrow) and the horizontal line (black dashed line) in each image is 26.5° ± 1°, indicating that the hBN is a single-crystal

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Extended Data Fig. 5 | STM characterization of the atomic structure of Consequently, the θ for the moiré pattern with a D of around 7.75 nm (d, e) is
monolayer hBN on Cu (111). a, Large-scale STM image (Vtip = −1.008 V; calculated to be around 1.5°, and the simulated moiré pattern generated from
Itip = 3.90 nA; T = 300 K) of hBN/Cu. b, Atomic-scale STM image (Vtip = −0.003 V; monolayer hBN stacking on Cu (111) with a θ of roughly 1.5° (f) fits well with the
Itip = 46.50 nA; T = 300 K) of hBN/Cu. c, Typical STM image (Vtip = −0.003 V; STM result (d, e). The θ for the moiré pattern with a D of around 4.20 nm is
Itip = 8.91 nA; T = 300 K) of hBN on Cu (111) with a relative rotation angle, θ, of calculated to be roughly 3.3° (c). g–j, STM images showing the boundary
approximately 3.3°, showing a moiré pattern with a period of 4.20 nm. between areas with and without moiré pattern. g, Typical STM image
d, Typical STM image (Vtip = −0.032 V; Itip = 18.51 nA; T = 300 K) of hBN on Cu (111) (Vtip = −0.003 V; Itip = 8.10 nA; T = 300 K) of hBN/Cu at the boundary site.
with a θ of roughly 1.5°, showing a moiré pattern with a period of 7.75 nm. The h, Magnified STM image (Vtip = −0.003 V; ITip = 8.10 nA; T = 300 K) of the
unit cell of the moiré pattern is highlighted by a black rhombus. e, Magnified boundary in g (highlighted by the black square), showing that the hBN lattices
STM image (Vtip = −0.039 V; Itip = 18.51 nA; T = 300 K) of hBN on Cu (111) with a θ of present perfect coherence at the boundary site. i, Magnified STM image
approximately 1.5°. f, Simulation of the moiré pattern for monolayer hBN on (Vtip = −0.003 V; Itip = 17.93 nA; T = 300 K) of hBN/Cu without moiré pattern in
Cu (111) with a θ of roughly 1.5°. The unit cell of the moiré pattern for hBN/ region 1 of g. j, Magnified STM image (Vtip = −0.003 V; ITip = 10.78 nA; T = 300 K)
Cu (111) is highlighted by a black rhombus. The large-scale STM image in a of hBN/Cu with moiré pattern in region 2 of g. The hBN atomic rows in region 1
shows a large-area flat terrace of hBN/Cu with a clean surface. The atomic-scale and region 2 are along the same direction (black arrows). The STM image in g
STM image in b reveals a honeycomb structure with a lattice constant of was captured at a typical boundary region, with moiré (region 2) and non-moiré
roughly 0.25 nm, which coincides well with the lattice parameters of hBN. (region 1) areas. The magnified atomic-resolution image at the boundary site
Notably, in some typical regions of hBN/Cu (111), moiré patterns with different in h shows that the hBN presents perfect lattice coherence at the patching
periods are observed. For instance, d and e show a moiré pattern with a period boundary. The hBN atomic rows in the two adjacent regions are along the
of around 7.75 nm, and c shows another with a period of roughly 4.20 nm. same direction (i, j). All images suggest that the hBN is aligned well and has
Such patterns arise from the lattice mismatch and/or relative rotation mono-orientation, indicating epitaxial growth of hBN on Cu (111), and that the
between hBN and the underlying Cu (111) substrate, and the moiré periods (D) formation of moiré pattern does not affect the hBN orientation. We believe that
correlate with the relative rotation angles (θ) between hBN and Cu (111) as23 the hBN completes its single-crystal growth at high temperatures, and that the
D = (1 + δ )a / 2(1 + δ )(1 − cosθ ) + δ , where δ is the lattice mismatch (roughly 2%) strain associated with sample cooling after growth results in local moiré
between hBN and the Cu (111) lattice24, and a is the lattice constant of hBN. pattern.

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Extended Data Fig. 6 | Optical micrograph of hBN grown on Cu (111)/ hBN flakes grown at 995 °C and 1,010 °C are easily damaged after oxidation at
c-sapphire at different temperatures. All as-grown hBN/Cu (111) was slowly 150 °C in air. c, d, All hBN triangles point in the same direction in the same
oxidized at 150 °C in air in order to enhance the contrast between hBN and Cu. Cu (111) grain after growth at 1,025 °C and 1,055 °C, and triangles seem
Black dashed lines indicate Cu twin grain boundaries. Regions with a red unchanged after oxidation. e, After growth at high temperature (1,070 °C), all
dashed outline are magnified in lower images. a, hBN grown at 995 °C, with hBN hBN flakes align in the same direction, but show different (stretched) shapes.
triangles aligned in the same Cu grain. b, hBN grown at 1,010 °C. Note that the

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Extended Data Fig. 7 | STM images of hBN/Cu (111). a–d, STM images of hBN/ kinetically nucleates at B-to-A corners while docking to stronger binding sites
Cu steps without moiré pattern (a–c) and with moiré pattern (d), showing that (B steps) with proper orientation. f, Atomic model of step edges on the top
step edges are often observed in our Cu (111) crystals. e, Diagram showing that Cu (111) surface, showing A and B steps.
the meandering steps consist of segments of A and B types, and that BN

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Extended Data Fig. 8 | Calculated binding energy of six typical B6N7–Cu (111) as a function of Di (in units of 3 a /3, where a is the lattice constant of Cu (111)),
configurations, taking into account docking to top-layer Cu step edges. with the lowest-energy configurations marked with arrows. Plane-to-plane
a, Atomic models of six configurations, showing the optimized in-plane epitaxy corresponds to the absence of (or infinity distance away from) the step
distance, Di, away from A-step (red) or B-step (blue) edges. b, Binding energies

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Extended Data Fig. 9 | Comparison of planar epitaxy and step-edge docking top-layer Cu step-edge docking. c, Atomic models of B7N7–Cu (111)
of hBN on Cu (111). a, Atomic models of fully docking configurations, NIBII (0°) configurations docking to A steps or B steps at a tilt angle of θ. The aligned
and NIBIII (60°). b, Calculated binding-energy differences (left axis, black structures (θ = 0°) correspond to NIBII and NIBIII (the two lowest-energy
circles) and corresponding Boltzmann factors (right axis, red squares) between structures docking in the vicinity of A-step and B-step edges). The lattice misfit
NIBII and NIBIII for stripes of BN on Cu (111) as a function of docking length (in between hBN and Cu (111) is 3.8% (ahBN = 2.5 Å; aCu(111) = 2.6 Å). d, Binding varies
number of hexagons) on the top-layer Cu step edge. c, d, Calculated energy of with the tilted angle along the step edge.
misfit B7N7–Cu (111) configurations as a function of small tilted angle along with

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Extended Data Fig. 10 | Diagrams and photographs illustrating hBN transfer. During this process, the TRT/PMMA/hBN stacked film is detached from the
a, A PMMA film is first spin-coated on the as-grown hBN/Cu (111)/sapphire as a Cu (111)/sapphire through the generation of hydrogen bubbles at the hBN/Cu
protection layer. A TRT is then applied to the PMMA/hBN/Cu (111)/sapphire in interface. c, The TRT/PMMA/hBN stacked film is placed on the four-inch SiO2/Si
order to avoid folding during the transfer process. b, Electrochemical substrate. d, TRT can be released by baking the TRT/PMMA/hBN/substrate on a
delamination is carried out using an aqueous solution of NaOH (1 M) as the hot-plate at 180 °C. e, The PMMA film is removed by immersing the sample in
electrolyte, the Cu layer in the TRT/PMMA/hBN/Cu (111)/sapphire stack as the hot acetone for 40 min, leaving behind a two-inch monolayer hBN film on the
cathode, and a platinum foil as the anode, with an applied DC voltage of 4 V. four-inch SiO2/Si wafer.

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Extended Data Fig. 11 | FETs built with and without hBN as an interface polycrystalline hBN with a single-crystal hBN. A suppressed current hysteresis
dielectric in a bottom-gate configuration. a–d, Diagrams showing the is also observed when using single-crystal hBN as the buffer layer, and the
various MoS2 FET device structures examined and their transfer characteristics subthreshold swing (SS) also improved from 111 mV dec−1 to 76 mV dec−1. The
(drain current, Id, versus gate voltage, Vg) at a driving voltage (Vds) of 0.1 V. results indicate that single-crystal hBN can be used to enhance the electrical
Monolayer hBN and MoS2 are synthesized by CVD (see Methods). a, The hBN performance of 2D-based transistors. e, Diagram showing the hBN metal–
film is transferred onto a Si substrate with a 10-nm HfO2 dielectric layer, and insulator–metal (MIM) structure used to examine the quality of hBN. f, I−V
topped with a single layer of MoS2. The metal contacts are processed by curves for MIM tunnel junctions with either a polycrystalline or a single-crystal
photolithography, and evaporated with Ti (5 nm) and Pd (50 nm) using an e-gun hBN monolayer sandwiched between Pt/Ti (top) and Cu (bottom) electrodes.
evaporator. b–d, Top, diagrams showing a typical monolayer MoS2 FET on HfO2 Electrical contacts were fabricated by photolithography and e-gun
(b), an MoS2 monolayer on a polycrystalline (PC) hBN monolayer (c), and an evaporation of Ti (5 nm) and Pt (40 nm) to form 100 × 100 μm2 pads on as-grown
MoS2 monolayer on a single-crystal (SC) hBN monolayer (d). Bottom, Id versus hBN/Cu/c-sapphire substrate. The device with single-crystal monolayer hBN
Vg. The extracted two-probe electron mobility at room temperature in vacuum exhibits a large breakdown voltage (of around 0.1 V), whereas the device with
(μ) is 2.9 cm2 V s−1, 6.8 cm2 V s−1 and 11.8 cm2 V s−1, respectively. The mobility of polycrystalline monolayer hBN shows direct tunnelling characteristics.
MoS2 improves substantially (by about an order of magnitude) by replacing

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