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Colonel Pickering Alfred Doolittle
Henry Higgins ⁃ Eliza's father, an elderly but vigorous
-author of spoken sanskrit
-authority on phonetics - When he learns that his daughter has entered
(Master of Indian dialect)
-energetic scientific type the home of Henry Higgins, he immediately
-elderly gentleman of (amiable military type) pursues to see if he can get some money out of
-careless about feelings
-generous and courteous nature the circumstance.
-kind to Eliza

Eliza Doolittle
Mrs. Pearce
-dirty (flower girl)
-Higgins’s house keeper
-a lower class
-cares for Eliza
-intelligent and ambitious
-forms bond with Eliza
-Transformed into a lady
-pushes Higgins to be considerate for Eliza and to think
about her future
The next day, in Higgins's house on 10 Wimpole Street, Higgins and the Colonel are talking shop when
Mrs. Pearce, Henry's very reasonable maid, tells him that a girl with a funny accent has come to the
Thinking he might get some good material from her, he decides to let her in.
The flower girl from the night before comes in wearing some (relatively) clean clothes and what may
just be the funniest hat you've ever seen. She introduces herself as Eliza Doolittle.
Higgins is about to throw her out – he already "has" her accent – when she demands to be given
speaking lessons.
After some deliberation, Higgins and Pickering decide to take her on as a client, only they treat the
whole thing like a bet. They really want to see if they can pass her off as a duchess in six months time.
Higgins tells Mrs. Pearce to go burn all of Eliza's clothes and get her clean.
While she's off in the shower, a hulking dustman – that's British for garbage man – comes in
and introduces himself as Alfred Doolittle, Eliza's father.
Doolittle proceeds to talk Higgins into giving him five pounds for booze in return for leaving
Eliza alone.
Higgins, amazed by his speaking ability, does give him some cash, but their discussion is
interrupted by the entrance of a "Japanese Lady."
She turns out to be Eliza in a kimono, and without all the dirt and the silly clothes, Eliza's
really pretty.
Eliza loves all the attention so much she wants to go down to where all the other flower girls
hang out and strut her stuff.
Higgins knows this is a bad idea and tells her so. Mrs. Pearce lures her away with the promise
of new clothes.
Eliza howls like a banshee again before skipping off stage.
Pickering and Higgins shake their heads in disbelief. They've got a lot of work to do.
In "act 2" Professor Higgins sees Eliza as a subject for his
experiment, while Colonel Pickering respects her as an
individual. Higgins disregards her feelings and treats her as
lesser due to her lower-class status and gender. Mrs. Pearce
insists on her dignity. Eliza asserts her equality and
challenges Higgins' assumptions. The play explores social
class, gender, and the importance of recognizing everyone's

01. 02.
Language and Education and
speech intelligence

03. Social class

manners 04 Femininity and
Gender Roles

The scene shifts to Higgins' laboratory in

his home in Wimpole Street. It is eleven
o'clock the next morning, and Higgins has
been giving Pickering some
demonstrations of the types of equipment
that he uses in recording sounds which
can then be studied at leisure in a
scientific manner
you very

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