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VIRGINIA: IN THE GENERAL DISTRICT COURT FOR THE CITY OF ALEXANDRIA WELLS FARGO BANK, NATIONAL ASSOCIATION, AS TRUSTEE FOR OPTION ONE MORTGAGE LOAN ‘TRUST 2005-2, ASSET-BACKED CERTIFICATES, SERIES 2005-2, Case No. GV22-2052 ) ) ) ) ) ) Plaintiff, ) ) ) ) JANICE WOLK-GRENADIER, ) ) ) Defendant. ORDER This matter came before the Court on the Motion to Quash Subpoenas Duces Tecum filed by Plaintiff Wells Fargo Bank, National Association, As Trustee for Option One Mortgage Loan Trust 2005-2, Asset-Backed Certificates, Series 2005-2. Having considered the Motion to Quash, any pleadings filed in response to the Motion to Quash, the arguments of the parties, and the record herein, for good cause shown and for the reasons stated from the bench, the Court finds that the four Subpoenas Duces Tecum of Defendant Janice Wolk-Grenadier are overly broad and seek documents and information that are not relevant to the issues pending before this Court. It is therefore ORDERED that Defendant's four Subpoenas Duces Tecum are hereby quashed. It is further ORDERED that Defendant is prohibited from propounding any further Subpoenas Duces Tecum of requesting any witness subpoenas without express approval of the Court; and it is further ORDERED that the Defendant shall file a motion with the Court seeking prior approval for (1) relevant witness subpoenas and (2) Subpoenas Duces Tecum, seeking documents and information that are relevant to the issues pending before this Court, on or before August 12, 2022; Plaintiff shall file a response to the motion within 10 days of service; and a hearing on the motion, if filed, shall be heard on Thursday, September 8, 2022, at 9:30 a.m. Entered this 18" day of July, 2022. “f ke fa L! Sach Judge, Alexandria General District Court NOTICE OF HEARING ALEXANDRIA GENERAL DISTRICT COURT 520 KING STREET 2ND FLOOR ‘ALEXANDRIA, VA. 22314 WELLS FARGO BANK NATIONAL ASSOCIATION In re, JANICE WOLK-GRENADIER, ALLISON MELTON ‘TROUTMAN PEPPER HAMILTON SANDERS LLP 222. CENTRAL PARK AVENUE SUITE 2000 a VIRGINIA BEACH, VA 23462 Gv22002082-00 YA. CODE $y 161-2524), 161-26, cASENO, CCononweat rior Viton NOTICE TAKE NOTICE THAT A HEARING INVOLVING THIS CASE WILL BE HELD AT THE ADDRESS NOTED AT LEFT ON 21872002. FOR THE PURPOSE OF: ‘THE DEFENDANT HAS REQUESTED ADDITIONAL ‘SUBPOENAS AND THE PLAINTIFF HAS FILED OPPOSITION ‘TO THE SUBPOENAS SO BASED ON THE JUDGE'S ORDER DATED JULY 18, 2022 THERE WILL BE A HEARING ON SEPTEMBER 8, 2022, AT 9:30AM TO DETERMINE IF THE SUBPOENAS SHOULD BE ISSUED. THE ORDER IS ENCLOSED. i 9:30am 88/2002 one ‘DATEISSUED Ta pDEPUTY CLERK Bx] Check here if sent by mail. ‘SERVICE OF PROCESS ON PERSON TO RECEIVE NOTICE, L]_ PERSONAL SERVICE. T]_ Being unable to make personal service, a copy wat delivered in the oiowing manner. 1. Delivered to family member (ot temporary sojaarer or ‘amed above, CASES TO ENFORCE CHILD SUPPORT ONLY: ves) age 16 folder a ul place of abode of party [J Detivered to the amed above afer giving infrmation ots parpor. List name, age offen, and relation of recipient party { Tresidential [| business address of recor. 1). Posted on font dor or such aber door a pears tobe the main entrance of usal place of abode, adress ist above. (Other autborized eipient not found (Noe foun FORM DC-S12 REVISED 1008 EXHIBIT q VIRGINIA IN THE GENERAL DISTRICT COURT FOR THE CITY OF ALEXANDRIA, WELLS FARGO BANK N.A. Plaintiff Pro Se v. CASE NO. GV 2200- 2052 JANICE WOLK GRENADIER (JWG) Defendant REQUEST for APPROVAL BY JUDGE Sonya L. Sacks. ‘TO FILE SUBPOENAS Comes now Plaintiff Pro Se Janice Wolk Grenadier requests the Courts permission to file the following Subpoenas: 1. Wells Fargo Bank N.A. 2 OCWEEN/PHH 3. NEWRe2LLC 4 ALECANDAIA our JeRAL DISTRICT COU! GENERA TCED Aye 12 202 MARION JACKSON, CLERK sion Wek Cope __ tL 15 W. Spring St. oe ‘Alexandria, VA 22301 Certificate of Service ‘oraround August 12, 2022 this has been electronically (email) and or through USPS mail been sent to tank through there lawyer Troutman Pepper Hamilton Sanders Allison Melton Janice Wolk Grenadier EXHIBIT (0 HITWAAMNOWINOD [ ] JO FIVER NO CLSANOZE ‘BTZEZ “WA ‘DUOINLIY “2 id dis SOHDCNS GOT RovoerseREaay ~ANWAINOS SSIAHS NOLIVEOIHOS Pied OBS Sdn xviao1sn9 ‘TORZE WA eibuEKaRY IS Bids MA St ‘aibelisis om soe ouvert om SVN Hilde Obie Sia as BpENaI JONMOLT] ALNNODE] ALIO x) YINIDSIA dO HLTVAAMNOWWOD [ ] ———————————— IWNOAL SAOAd YNaOaENS: 2902 002209 ‘ONSSVO. save Nunuste ‘nen yo sno as Aeu woe seomp uscd Jo st 3G I AIED Me NINA (gatod peut 29s wensnpoxd yas oy uoesaGo ry “su sey Sua RORNEA dns sy Aq poeusodgs at 2p i S40 ~or sands uoyssm03 SA wo our azoyeq peqUosqas put wONS eas aaee it tenting 2889 su 01 umd v you sy os wostad w yo wosssassd x ast ue sSpoooaid an 0 eon: axe poonposd 901 sw a Em MLE apn KAD (AO SaRED (ENTE) ‘oie v hq pemasasdax ou soe oy “Aj o/pe proces Jo fosuMO> 0 parsaap 30 pus uD9q Sey A00 KA KAIOD “> ‘paeuzodgns \wsions aur pu ap ame nop sn asojaq wosted wt wade ‘s1ono¥ 99g "JonUo9.0 ApoIsts "voseosEOd MOS usu ria eon xis 1s oop ca no 054 Be acoA a a ~S0(6882 BA Wupumxeyy “IS BUNS WA 2 Aum asda xn ogee APE 99 OY (4 HED TD) °C songs ma psi mn mp BG 1 _ RAGONA AOL SKE ene soa stp ma 1 yo onus 05 onbas pyzeue a9 uo [x] soja paqucsp [J sou sp congo en 45415020 $10 Suge auoswes 0 ns paws weyprsn> a arabs ot pass a at corp moog © wy sonal “Y WIOTL SHIA WNIOdHNS HOd LSANDAB ‘vtee eA “eupuexely “36 Buiyi Gee a ABNNOD HO AND eUpUXaIY 8 acoo VA wMEBaIA Jo ppeanutomutec WADGL sana YNaOgANS: seumivoas 0nL me sroa¥NL LIP1O8 $ 2P09 vA. Bupuad st once aq YMA UT UNOS a 50337 9 6g paurmuTeu pur cx ajqouunx ae smoa90p paaeodqs amt Uy. awn ed ‘porsonbar psu Are fumsonbas oy ‘suaunaop poeusodges om yo yiisoar ody HIOTLON ‘xy 0 Buypsoooe pans seat uspundsON ET ‘SCMALTL VIRGINIA IN The GENERAL DISTRICT COURT OF THE CITY OF ALEXANDRIA CASE NO. GV22002052-00 RE: Wells Fargo Bank NA v Janice Wolk Grenadier PRAECIPE SUBPOENA FOR PRODUCTION OF DOCUMENTS: ‘THE CLERK OF COURT will take notice ofthis subpoena of Wells Fargo Bank NA. 1 Copies ofall documents submitted to the Commissioner of Accounts Gary W. Lonergan and or Clerk of Court Edward Semonian in regard to 15 W. Spring St, Alexandria, VA. 22301 and or Janice Wolk Grenadier, and or New Rez LLG, Altisource, or OCWEN ‘The Document that gave on February 14, 2018 to Brock 8 Scott aka ‘ustee Services of Vinginia LLC, “The Appointment of Substitute Trustee: 4, Marlene Sanders, OCWEN Contact Management Coordinator (signed as) (Notarized by Evette ‘Morales) Authority to sign for Wells Fargo Bank, National Association, As Trustee for Option one ‘Mortgage Loan Trust 2005-2, Asset Backed Certificates Series 2005-2. ‘The Document that gave on June 21, 2017 to McCabe, Weisberg & Conway LLC aka Surety Trustees LLC “The Appointrnent of Substitute Trustee: a. Evette Morales, OCWEN Contact Management Coordinator (signed as) (Notarized by Carve E. Priebe) ‘Authority to sign for Wells Fargo Bank, National Association, As Trusiee for Option ane Mortgage Loan ‘Trust 2005-2, Asset Backed Certificates Series 2005-2. ‘The Document that gave on May 8, 2014 to Hunoval Law Ficm, PLLC, aka Poore Substitute Trustee, LTD “The Appointment of Substitute Trustee: ‘a Ryan F. Floyd OCWEN Contact Management Coordinator (signed as) — (Notazized by Timeka 3 ‘Motiow ) Authority to sign for Wells Fargo Bank, National Association, As Trustee for Option one ‘Morgage Loan Trust 2005-2, Asset Backed Certificates Series 2005-2 ‘The Lawyer and Lawyers name who Reviewed the “Affidavit of Lost Assignment: Prepared by Joe Simmons on. ‘or around April 22, 2013 The Document that gave the authority to sign it by Leticia N. Arias Title Vice President of Homeward Residential ine b. Witnessed by Franci Boothney Victoria Vasquez Notarized by Debra Spruill ‘The Document on June 2, 2006 that gave BWW Law Group aka Equity Trustees LLC Deed of Appointment of Substitue Trustee a. Joe Kalin, Title Assitant Secretary Authority to sign for Wells Fargo Bank, National Association, As ‘Trustee for Option one Mortgage Loan Trust 2005-2, Asset Backed Centificates Series 200-2. b. Joyce Helberg Notorized by and Prepared by Howard N. Bierman Lawyer Parmer to BWW Law Group Aka Equity Trustees 7. ‘The Document on March 23, 2012 that gave BWW Law Group aka Equity Trustees LLC Deed of Appointment of Substitue Trustee April King, Vice President American Home Moxtgage Servicing, Inc as Attomey -toFact, Auhonty to sign for Wells Fargo Bank, National Association, As Trustee for Option one Mortgage Loan Trust 2005-2, Asset Backed Certificates Series 2005-2. b. Brenda L. Frazier Notary 8, The Document ftom Docx on or arund February 24, 2009. Notice of Assignment of Deed of Trust / American ‘Home Mortgage Servicing purchased by Homeward aka OCWEN / PHET Prepared by Ron Meharg, b. Provide Lawyer who reviewed document LaSalle Bank National Association as Trustee for Structured ‘Asset Investment Loan Trust Mortgage Pass- Through Certificates, Series 2003 BC 6 ‘¢. Twanna Thomas Asst. Vice President Authority to sign for LaSalle Bank National Association as ‘Trustee for Structured Asset Investment Loan Trust Mortgage Pass- Through Certificates, Series 2003, Bc6é 4. Linda Green Vice President Authority to sign for LaSalle Bank National Association as Trustee for ‘Structured Asset Investment Loan Trust Mortgage Pass- Through Certificates, Series 2003 BC 6 Cheryl Denis ‘Thomas Notary 9. ‘The Document rom Docx on or around June 18, 2009 Notice of Assignment of Deed of Trust / American ome Mortgage Servicing purchased by Homeward ake OCWEN / PHH Prepared by Ron Meharg b. Provide Lawyer who reviewed document LaSalle Bank National Association as Trustee for Structured Asset Investment Loan Trust Morigage Pass- Through Certificates, Series 2003 BC 6 ©. Twanna Thomas Asst, Vice President Authority to sign for LaSalle Bank National Association as Trustee for Structured Asset Investment Loan Trust Mortgage Pass- Through Certificates, Series 2003 BCé Kail Harp Vice President Authority to sign for LaSalle Bank National Association as Trustee for ‘Structured Asset Investment Loan Trust Mortgage Pass- Through Certificates, Series 2003 BC 6 Brittany Snow Notary 110. Employment Description of what a Contact Management Coordinator or Contact Manager is and makes yearly if koown, :L, Employment Descriotion if known for Docx for Karl Harp, Linda Green, Twanna Thomas, Brittany Snow, Ron Meharg, Chery! Dents Thomas 12, The last 3 years part of tax remurn that shows filed for Wells Fargo Bank, National Association, as Trustee for Option One Mortgage Loan Trust 2005-2, Asset-Backed Certificates, Series 2005-2 13, The last3 filings. with the SEC on Wells Fargo Bank, National Association, as Trustee for Option One Mortgage Loan Trust 2005- 2, Asset-Backed Certificates, Series 2005-2. Since the last one EDGAR shows. Copies of ‘SEC Form 42485! SEC Form 424B5 is the prospectus farm that comp: information referred to in forms 424B2 (filed in connection with a primary offering of securities) and ies must file to disclose 42483 (filed if major changes have occurred to the prospectus). 14, The last filings with the SEC on LaSalle Bank National Association as Trustee for Structured Asset Investment Loan Trust Mortgage Pass- Through Certificates, Series 2003 BC 6 15. Any correspondence/documents with Docx and or Lorraine Brown / Ron Meburg and or any other alleged names(Linda Green, Tywana Thomas, Korell Harp) with the creation of Wells Fargo Banks, "National Association, as Trustee for Option One Mortgage Loan Trust 2005- 2, Asset-Backed Certificates, Series 2005-2 oF LaSalle Bank National Association as Trustee for Structured Asset Investment Loan Trust Mortgage Pass- Through Certificates, Series 2003 BC 6 16. Copy of Contract with OCWEN for 15 W. Spring St. Alexandria, VA 17. Email and or any notes on 15 W. Spring St, Alexandila, VA 22301 or Janice Wolk Grenadier along with taped conversations, including correspond that pertains to Janice Wolk Grenadier and or 15 W. Spring St. Alexandria, Va.22301 18, Copies ofall correspondence to lawyers etal on 15 W. Spring St, Alexandria Va 22301 ie. on or around March 31, 2018 to Brock & Scott etal 418, Any and all Rental Lease agreements and or monies requested for $125,000.00 Rent for 15 W. Spring St. 20, Any and all Contracts to Service Loan on 15 W. Spring St., Alexandria, VA 22301 ‘That the documents can be copied, and or on a USB thumb drive which should be available for Janice Wolk Grenadier to pick up at 100 Shockoe Slip, 2nd floor, Richmond VA. 23219 and or malled to Janice Wolk Grenadier, 15 W. Spring St, Alexandria, VA 22301 and or any other mutually agreed upon transmission by at or around 10:00 or in compliance withthe VA Rules of 14 days from Service. If you have any questions please contact Janice Wolk Grenadier - at 202-368-7178 ot and o> ‘hough the mall at 15 W, Spring St, Alexandsa, VA 22301 ‘Subpoena to be served on: Wells Fargo Bank , NA Registered AgenURegistered Office: CORPORATION SERVICE COMPANY 100 SHOCKOE SLIP, 2ND FLOOR RICHMOND VA 2329 June 8, 2022 Respectfully submitted Janice Wolk Grenadier 15 W. Spring St Alexandria, VA 22301 202-368-7178 z YOO erunsaar (1 (sixvanaaaa be) ANVENOS SSIS NOLIWUSdISS ‘DLW Hid 1 NINSO Nvigousno ~Toeze WA ‘einntiExely “IS Biles WA ST ap a BE _ Savarese wat wa css “WN 0618 Sia tl iy” dONMOLE ] ALNNODT 1 ALI PX) VINIDUIA 40 HITVEMNOWWOD [1 en WOOL SaoNG YNAOdAS ‘zs02 o0zzno ‘ONSSVD aIvaNunusr “yo yo éoyaco x 0: neg ZAIN AA snes aivuos (J muro aunasa (J i) sandxo wows Ay : uo au a10}59 paquosqns pur uromg ENS eesancuyt) aveaeot) asuat) sunes eee "TT ienbiiy ‘50> sip 0} ted ou 1 oy uossad Jo woSsassod ay) uy are ure suypozcont xp oy yeusteu are poomposd 2g c SUT ay. yp YABO sap AjQH99 | (KAO SO5ED THUAN) °C) ‘okay ® Aq pawosasdar tox sand 01 J 0/puw proses Jo yasuno9 or pasRATap s0 pajen weg se SAO EIA {GAIID | > “parusodgas sway an mma 'T'y ydesfaseg uy aaoqe "MoT sen Fe enor panty me NEN ra Heb ll‘ ‘az04a1 295 "josTm090 Apasno‘ncyssassod 0 Pt es cero ro 0 Pe sera des asda) NOLO" *°5f0ez2 BA "eupuaxary' 1S Buds "mS _eoreonm one pau 588 “umoa honp ects yo sarnss soy onbar pags ao fx] cag paqussp [_] sou ap coupes o meq 32 5 UO funn auosuos 0 nf poet unpasi sy ambos 01 poss 9 usa saenp wioodges Be nas | “y ie SANG VNIOAANS HOA LSANOTA _ MINNOO wo ALD BUpUEXaIy 91 6E91 88 a09 Va BINA Jo peaeonsaLE?) (ose rye sma $50 WNOAL SdoNd YNIOaENS ‘eNNORION TT TEaREND APRESS TT ~aNVN “PIRSA OPT PTT ‘out 1 eypaeooe pau2t seu wapundsas BEN SNALT LU-10'8 §9p99 8A Suxpuod st uonse amp oR NG 2 Jo 34219941 poureweLt pu o ajqrazmas ae smonnoop paruaodgns om Lous “de ou Scop sn, “soaaie2op som unpeudar so Buon jo 0 aqRUOFEAL 2p shed fed x30 2in soy Aoucone 20 Aised rao 3p papraoxd “ed samo Ace 203 eons om 0) 10 zed saa Ku 0 sursm2op 2801330 S9}d00 1195 PEE ann pA ‘ponsonbar yr Sst ed Susenbox am 'stzsunoop poeuacdgns x jo 410081 ued), HIOLLON VIRGINIA IN The GENERAL DISTRICT COURT OF THE CITY OF ALEXANDRIA CASE NO. GV22002052-00 RE: Wells Fargo Bank NA v Janice Wolk Grenadier PRAECIPE. ‘SUBPOENA FOR PRODUCTION OF DOCUMENTS ‘THE CLERK OF COURT will take notice of this subpoena of OCWEN aka PHH Mortgage a Copies ofall documents submitted to the Commissioner of Accounts Gary W. Lonergan anc ot Clerk of Court ‘Edward Semonian in regard to 15 W. Spring St, Alexandtia, VA. 22301 and or Janice Wolk Grenadier, and or New Rez LLC, Altisource etal Copies of a letter by Wells Fargo Bank were submitted into the Record in the City of Alexandtia VA November 26,2018 by Shakiah F, Jones the duly authorized Custodian of Records ‘Copies ofa leter by Wells Fargo Bank Notarized by Patrick Willams Lanbach Vice President of Loan Documents on August 7, 2019 and letter of August 6, 2019. ‘The Doctment that gave on February 14, 2018 to Brock & Scott aka ‘Trustee Services of Virginia LLG, “The Appointment of Substitute Trustee: 4 Marlene Sanders, OCWEN Contact Management Coordinator (signed as) (Notarized by Evette ‘Morales) Authority to sign for Wells Fargo Bank, National Association, As Thustee for Option one Mortgage Loan Trust 2005-2, Asset Backed Certificates Series 2005-2. ‘The Dociment that gave on June 21, 2017 to McCabe, Weisberg & Conway LLC aker Surety Trustees LLC “The Appointment of Substitute Trustee: b. Evette Morales, OCWEN Contact Management Coordinator (signed as) (Notarized by Carrie E. Priebe) ‘Authority o sign for Wells Fargo Bank, National Association, As Trustee for Option one Mortgage Loan ‘Trust 2005-2, Asset Backed Certificates Series 2005-2. “The Document that gave on May 8, 2014 to Hunoval Law Firm, PLLC, aka Poore Substitute Trustee, LID “The Appointment of Substitute Trustee: b. Ryan F. Floyd OCWEN Contact Management Coordinator (signed as) (Notarized by Timeka J “Motiow } Authority co sign for Wells Fargo Bank, National Assoctation, As Trustee for Option one Mortgage Loan Trust 2005-2, Asset Backed Certificates Series 2005-2. ‘The Lawyer and Lawyers name who Reviewed the “Affidavit of Lost Assignment: Prepared by Joe Simmons on or around April 22, 2013, e. The Document that gave the authority to sign it by Leticia N, Arias Tite Vice President of Homeward Residential Inc {. Witnessed by Franci Boothney g. Victoria Vasquez 1h, Notarized by Debra Sproill 8, The Document on June 2, 2006 that gave BWW Law Group aka Equity Trustees LLC Deed of Appointment of Substitue Trustee Joe Kalin, Tide Assitant Secretary Authority to sign for Wells Fargo Bank, National Association, As ‘Trustee for Option one Mortgage Loan Trust 2005-2, Asset Backed Certificates Series 2005-2. Joyce Helberg Notorized by and {Prepared by Howard N. Bierman Lawyer Partner to BWW Law Group Aka Equity ‘ftustees 9, The Document on March 23, 2012 that gave BWW Law Group aka Equity Trustees LLC Deed of Appointment of Substtue ‘hustee © April King, Vice President American Home Mortgage Servicing, Inc as Attomey -toFact, Authority to sign for Wells Fargo Bank, National Association, As Trustee for Option one Mortgage Loan Trust 2005-2, ‘Asset Backed Certificates Series 2005-2 4. Brenda L. Frazier Notary 410. The Document from Docx on or around February 24, 2009. Notice of Assignment of Deed of Trust / Amesican Home Mortgage Servicing purchased by Homeward aka OCWEN / PHL Prepared by Ron Mebarg 8 Provide Lawyer who reviewed document LaSalle Bank National Association as Trustee for Structured Asset Investment Loan Trust Mortgage Pass- Through Certificates, Series 2003 BC 6 1h. Twanna Thomas Asst. Vice President Authority to sign for LaSalle Bank National Association as Trustee for Structured Asset Investment Loan Trust Mortgage Pass- Through Certificates, Series 2003 BCS 4. Linde Green Vice President Authority to sign for LaSalle Bank National Association as Trustee for ‘Structured Asset Investment Loan Trust Mortgage Pass- Through Certificates, Series 2003 BC 6 } Cheryl Denis Thomas Notary 11, The Document rom Docx on or around June 18, 2009 Notice of Assignment of Deed of Trust / American Home Mortgage Servicing purchased by Homeward aka OCWEN / PHH f. Prepared by Ron Meharg, & Provide Lawyer who reviewed document LaSalle Bank National Association as Trustee for Structured ‘Asset Investment Loan Trust Morigage Pass- Through Certificates, Series 2003 BC 6 1b. Twanna Thomas Asst, Vice President Authority to sign for LaSalle Bank National Assoctation as Trustee for Structured Asset Investment Loan Trust Mortgage Pass- Through Certificates, Series 2003 BCG 1. Kadl Harp Vice President Authority to sign for LaSalle Bank National Association as Trustee for ‘Structured Asset Investment Loan Trust Morigage Pass- Through Certificates, Series 2003 BC 6 J. Britany Snow Notary 12. Employment Description of what a Contact Management Coordinator or Contact Manager is and makes yearly if known, 413, Employment Description if known for Docs for Kari Harp, Linda Green, Twanna Thomas, Brittany Snow, Ron Mebiarg, Cheryl Denis Thomas ‘V4, The last 3 years part of tax return that shows filed for Wells Fargo Bank, National Association, as Trustee for Option One Mortgage Laan Trust 2005- 2, Asset-Backed Certificates, Sevies 2005-2 15. The last 3 filings with the SEC on Wells Fargo Bank, National Association, as Trustee for Option One Mortgage Loan Trust 2005- 2, Asset Backed Certificates, Series 2005-2. Since the last one EDGAR shows. Copies of SEC Form 424B5' SEC Form 424B5 is the prospectus form that companies must file to disclose information referred to in forms 424B2 (filed in connection with a primary offering of securities) and 424B3 (filed if major changes have occurred to the prospectus). 16. The last 3 filings with the SEC on LaSalle Bank National Association as Trustee for Structured Asset Investment Loan Trust Mortgage Pass- Through Certificates, Series 2003 BC 6 17. Any correspondence/documents with Docx and or Lorraine Brown / Ron Meburg and or any other alleged names(Linda Green, Tywana Thomas, Korell Harp) with the creation of Wells Fargo Bank, National Association, as Trustee for Option One Mortgage Loan Trust 2005- 2, Asset Backed Certificates, Series 2005-2 or LaSalle Bank National Association as Trustee for Structured Asset Investment Loan Trust Mortgage Pass- Through Certificates, Series 2003 BC 6 18. Copy of Contract with OCWEN for 15 W. Spring St. Alexandria, VA 19, Emall and or any notes on 15 W. Spring St., Alexandria, VA 22301 or Janice Wolk Grenadier along with taped ‘conversations, including correspond that pertain to Janice Wolk Grenadier and or 15 W, Spring St. Alexandria, VA22301 20. Copies of al correspondence to lawyers et aon 15 W. Spring St, Alexandria Vs 22301 fe, on or around March 31, 2018, to Brock & Scott et a 21. Any and all Rental Lease agreements and or monies requested for $125,000.00 Rent for 15 W. Spring St. 22, Any and all flings with the SEC on Wells Fargo Bank, National Association, as Trustee for Option One Mortgage ‘Loan Trust 2005- 2, Asset-Backed Certificates, Series 2005-2. Since the last one EDGAR shows. Copies of ‘SEC Form 424B5' SEC Form 42485 is the prospectus form that companies must file to disclose information referred to in forms 42482 (filed in connection with a primary offering of securities) and 42483 (filed if major changes have occurred to the prospectus). 23, Any Contracts to service Alleged Loan No, 7143312465 24, Employment Contract of a Contract Manager / 25, Copies of all comespondence to lawyers telling them not to foreclose on 15 W. Spring St., Alexandria Va 22301 fe. on or around March 31, 2018 to Brock & Scott etal 26, Any and all Rental Lease agreements and or monies requested for Rent for 15 Wi. Spring St. 27, Any and all Contracts to Service Loan on 15 W. Spring St, Alexandria, VA 22301 ‘That the documents can be copied, on a USB thumb drive which should be available for Janice Wolk Grenadier to pick up at 100 Shockoe Slip, 2nd floor, Richmond VA 23219 and or mailed to Janice Wolk Grenadier, 15 W. Spring St, Alexandria, VA 22301 and or any other mutually agreed upon transmission by at or around 10:00 am. 2022, ar in compliance with VA Rules 14 day’ from Service, If you have any questions please contact Janice Wolk Grenadier - al 202-368-7178 or and or through the mail at 15 W. Spring St, Alexandria, VA 22301 Subpoena to be served on: Ocwen Loan Servicing, LLC aka PHH Mortgage: Registered Agent/Registered Office: CORPORATION SERVICE COMPANY 100 SHOCKOE SLIP, 2ND FLOOR, RICHMOND Va 23219 ‘August 11, 2022 Respectfully submitted Janice Wolk Grenadier 15 W. Spring St. Alexandria, VA 22301 202-368-7178 ugomadien@amalicon mywsoviel spat | DU ‘40 '1VHae NO GaLsANOTE Nvigoisno ‘Toez WA Teibumeiy iS Bilas MST maa idAA Bate envorian eee etic xawavie “Wild beg Siaht n Bn HONMOLL ] ALNAOD[] ALIO PX VINIDUIA 10 HETVAMNOWNOD [ SS WADAL SONG WNaOdSAS 2802 cozzno ‘ONaSVD auvoNnisy sacams 30103, ‘NVIGOLSMIO AL OL "UMHS aM MO PELL SI YNSOAENS ERY SAAS cpap IE MOK “IDIIIO GAZTIOHLAV ANY OL WaDal s¥ond Vwaouans _orana xevaoi |) pepo aungae I) aner saudi wags.) 4 ~ - 10 ou 210304 paqQissqs pa WHOANS aa eee “Ti isnt” 250 so Amd ou s 4 vor 30 NoSesed on Ze ov supooooud aq yous as pronpord 9 S39) Hy) YEO pUN AFH | AO SOHC eUTUILD) °c edwot © &qpamosaudas ox sor oyun ye odes 30 jasunoo ox pakaop 20 pret uadq sy doo w Rp ARIAS | ‘panasodqas sutra wna "T'y ydesere uy ance ‘esos oun pu wp ap nec sm a0}0q wsted ws oT IPOH a ty Wana se [| “suonase2$_yonuo9 0 Sporn wopsassod mow SUR tom gos dan oop dru 230 noe Seu does Mc ao "38 pee BA enuonony iS Binds mA Bp sige spe on 0 50) ND) "Baan ava Stas wo (suo aeownsop) sszppe age a UNO HO oe eve rm ser 9T TEATS SeTSEHE O09 VA HIYA JO yeOMUONRIE WADAL s¥ONd VNIOaENS yo “amo Soc pune ee Rapes GON SAE EUe10'8 § 2009 °8A. Bupued s1 vonse an you UT TOD “paysonbax jr smux ued Hnsonbox xn ‘stcumoop paewoodgns 24} Jo idiaaar ody, SIOLLON VIRGINIA IN The GENERAL DISTRICT COURT OF THE CITY OF ALEXANDRIA. CASE NO. GV22002052-00 RE: Wells Fargo Bank NA v Janice Wolk Grenadier PRAECIPE, SUBPOENA FOR PRODUCTION OF DOCUMENTS ‘THE CLERK OF COURT will ake notice of this subpoena of NEW REZ LLC 1. Copies of all documents submitted to the Commissioner of Accounts Gary W. Lonergan and or Clerk of Court Edward Semonian in regard to 15 W. Spring St, Alexandria, VA. 22301 and or Janice Wolk Grenadier, , and or ‘Wells Fargo Bank NA, OCWEN, New Rez LLG, Altisource et al 2. Contispondce and contacts for between Wells Fargo Bank N. A. and or OCWEN PITH, or other contracts engaged byNew Rez LLC: For Janice Wolk Grenatler, 15 W. Spring St, Alexandria, VA 22301 or Alleged /FAKE Loan No, 7143312465. 3. Any accountancy given to New Rez LLC of 15 W, Spring St, Alexandiia VA. 4, Any and all filings with the SEC on Wells Fargo Bank, National Association as Trustee for Option One Mortgage jan Trust 2005-2, Asse-Backed Certificates, Series 2005-2. Since the last one EDGAR shows, Copies of ‘SEC Form 424B5' SEC Form 424B5 is the prospectus form that companies must file to disclose information referred to in forms 42452 (filed in connection with a primary offering of securities) and 424B3 ({iled if major changes have occurred to the prospectus). 5. Copies / Documents / Contract with and or for Wells Fargo Bank, National Association, as Trustee for Option One Mortgage Loan Trust 2005- 2, Asset-Backed Certificates, Series 2005-2 6. Copy of Contract with OCWEN for 15 W. Spring St. Alexandria, VA 7. Fimail’s and or any notes on 15 W. Spring St, Alexandria, VA 22301 or Janice Wolk Grenadier 8. Copies of all correspondence to lawyers et al on 15 W. Spring St, Alexandria Va 22201 fe. on or around: March 31, 2018, to Brock & Scot etal Any and all Rental Lease agreements and or monies requested for Rent for 15 W. Spring St. 10. Any and al} Contacts to Service Loan on 15 W. Spring St., Alexandria, VA 22301 ‘1. That al sales information of Listing and any and all offers on Spring Property 12, Any and all advertising Materials used on the home. List of all interested partes and information shared with them. 13, ALL Documents transferring Service of loan to NEW REZ LLC etal ‘That the documents can be copied, on a USB thumb drive which should be available for Tanice Wolk Grenadier to pick up at 100 Shockne Slip, 2nd floor, Richmond VA 23219 and or mailed to Janice Wolk Grenadier, 15 W. Spring St, Alexandria, VA 22301 and or any other mntually agreed upon transmission by at or around 10:00. ; 2022, or in compliance with the VA Rules of 14 days from Service. Ifyou have any questions please contact Janice Wolk Grenadier - at 202-368-7178 or and or through the mail at 15 W. Spring St, Alexandria, VA 22301 ‘Subpoena to be served on: NEW REZ LLC Registered Agent/Registered Office: CORPORATION SERVICE COMPANY 100 SHOCKOE SLIP, 2ND ELOOR RICHMOND VA 2329 Juae 8, 2022 ‘Respectfully submitted Janice Wolk Grenadier 15 W. Spring St ‘Alexandria, VA 22301 202-368-7178 nat} vy YOU suunvana NMOL ALNM00 “LID (asnives [ HLTVAANOWINOD [J 330 STVHaE NO caisanoTy aTaéd WA BUOUUSN 2 GIS SoNd0us Cot ‘ANivaniOd SOINIaS NOLIVEOAYOS “wit” Bainosiy ja “Su Suojiniog sdinogay Ly FIND YEARS YHA ww1e01s70 ‘TORE Wn SipLataIY "AS BLES HH gE “apeuais om Side fouvasuae weeny eapaBy 4ONMOL[] ALNNODL} ALI VINIDNIA 30 HLTVEMNOWWOD | WOOEL saoNd VNIOdIAS ‘S02 09z2A9 “ONASVD, alvaNeaLTy surmise! | sant J merD U1 rte 2mvtON 1 SEF ALAA LT HEU ‘saujdxa worssjmMUIOD Spy aan om aoa pours pu HONS SESE wcanaeuys} pvoamet | aswerst) mamas peeete teams eee Tan ‘mn sy ou os wo weed om ae 1 sfupecond ao} ruse aw pupal ayo sua pe ope Sloe GROEN) “CL 2A Sapo sou oy 0 pe8 obs 0 EEN OL passa 40 pope og sey dco ETE) A porn soar a1 yee se uns um pu ap ap 38a am sojq wood weds on wpe x ona som} [ spa 85, TanH09 20 Spon ‘oysto0d mo" Tr ya qos ous 0 doo po soda a2 oF Br aoe 10 ANE YOR Ob aaa S022 WA eibvOreN 1S BUES MAH 2 Goad Ssonbar mn agerea8 ape 99. (AO 5 ND) o Ey ‘sojoq20 0 (Ao senmoop) serpy Bande ep AD SN 2 TD 1 so stsppe axons oe uno su [J _SePARSHOP 2421 PAO OL aioe 33g cunoa soon Bisedged Jo sours 10} sonbar pagsene ay fx] soteq paqussep [_] suena compost ore 7H 30 5 Uo Supoe onosmos 20 wS12 1 pourou wepoisnd om axnbax or ponssy oq wunsai ssonp mIedqns w wp ysanbar yy WADAL SANG VNAOaANS HOU ISTNOTA ‘AUND09 Wo AD ‘BUpUoXeIY r9t‘oRT91 88 400 "VA_eRuFIYA Jo weanTonTITO) wna Aon VNIOaEAS Spo rd ea jos Uh ame o 9 op Ba ao ise ‘md. ox syecumteap aN, ‘poisenbar 7 sts Axed Sunsonbo ap 'syuousnoop pasuaodans ata jo dioo01 Wed) aio 9a a HN POTEHUTRE HIILON ‘sry on Saypaoave poans sae wopeOeED! EI 'SNMALTL ‘VIRGINIA IN The GENERAL DISTRICT COURT OF THE CITY OF ALEXANDRIA CASE NO. GV22002052-00 ‘RE: Wells Fargo Bank NA v Janice Wolk Grenadier PRAECIPE SUBPOENA FOR PRODUCTION OF DOCUMENTS. ‘THE CLERK OF COURT will take notice of this subpoena of Altisource Online Auction, aka Alitsource Solutions Ine and aka Altasource L. Copies of all documents if submitted to the Commissioner of Accounts Gary W. Lonergan and or Clerk of Court of the City of Alexandria in regard to 15 W. Spring St, Alexandria, VA. 22301 and or Janice Wolk Grenadier, and or Wells Fargo Bank NA, OCWEN, New Rez LLC, Altisource etal 2. Any contracts and correspondence that pertains to that for Janice Wolk Grenadier and 15 W. Spring St, ‘Alexandria, Va 3. Copies / Documents / Contract with and or for Wells Fargo Bank, National Association, as Trustee for Option One “Mortgage Loan Trust 2005- 2, Asset-Backed Certificates, Series 2005-2 4. Copy of Contract with OCWEN for 15 W. Spring St. Alexandtia, VA ‘5. Email and or any notes on 15 W. Spring St, Alexandria, VA 22301 or Janice Wolk Grenadier 6. List of al lawyers, Banks, Real Hstate Agents, Title Search Companies, or other professional companles you have corresponded about Janice Wolk Grenaider and or 15 W. Spring St,, Alexandria VA 22301, 7 Copies of all comespondence to lawyers et al on 15 W. Spring St, Alexandria Va 22001 ie. on or around March 31, 2018, to Brock & Scott et al 8. Any and all Rental Lease agreements and or monies requested for Rent for 15 W. Spring St. 9. Any and all Contracts to Service Loan on 15 W. Spring St, Alexandria, VA 22301 10. Thatall sales information of Listing and any and all offers on 15 W. Spring St, Property 11. Any and all advertising Materials, People, Agencies and or businesses used to sell homes. List of al interested parties and information shared with them, ‘That the documents can be copies, on a USB thumb drive which should be available for Janice Wolk Grenadier to pick up at 100 Shockoe Slip, 2nd floor, Richunond VA, 23219 and or mailed to Janice Wolk Grenadier, 15 W. Spring St, ‘Alexandria, VA 22301 and or any other mutually agreed upon transmission by at or around 10:00, 2022, or in compliance with the VA Rules of 14 days from Service. If you have any questions please contact Janice Wolk Grenadier - 202-368-7178 or jwgcenadix’@ and or ‘through the mail at 15 W. Spring St, Alexandria, VA 22301 Subpoena to be served on: Altisource Online Auction, aka Alitsource Solutions Inc and aka Altasource Registered Agent/Registered Office: CORPORATION SERVICE COMPANY. 100 SHOCKOE SLIP, 2ND FLOOR RICHMOND VA 2329 August L1, 2022 —— Respectfully submitted Janice Wolk Grenadier 15 W. Spring St. ‘Alexandria, VA 22301 202-368-7178 iecenadienDecatl.cum VIRGINIA IN THE GENERAL DISTRICT COURT FOR THE CITY OF ALEXANDRIA WELLS FARGO BANK N.A. Plaintiff Pro Se Vv. CASE NO. GV 2200-205: JANICE WOLK GRENADIER (JWG) Defendant REQUEST for APPROVAL BY JUDGE aie L. Sacks. ‘TO FILE SUBPOENAS Comes now Plaintiff Pro Se Janice Wolk Grenadier requests the Courts permission to file the following Subpoenas 1, Wells Fargo Bank N.A, 2. OCWEEN/PHH 3. NEWRez LLC 4. Altisource etal ALEXANDAIA opr AISTHICT COU ener SUG aug 12 2022 MARION JACKBON, CLERK ay 15 W. Spring St. a — Alexandria, VA 22301 202-368-7178 Certificate of Service ‘That a copy on or around Ay ‘Wels Fargo Bad hoy St 12, 2022 this has been electronically (email) and or through USPS mail been sent to ‘here lawyer Troutman Pepper Hamilton Sanders Allison Melton EXHIBIT UW “Troutman Pepper Hamiton Sanders LLP weal Park Avenue, Suita. rt an? Virgie Beach, Vigna 23068 tr pestle ‘ Allison A. Melton September 27, 2022 VIA FEDEX Ms. Marion W. Jackson, Clerk Alexandria General District Court 520 King Street, Second Floor ‘Alexandria, VA 22320-4489 Re: Wells Fargo Bank, National Association, as Trustee, et al. v. Janice Wolk Grenadier, et al. Civil Action No. Gv22002052-00. Dear Clerk: Enclosed on behalf of Plaintiff Wells Fargo Bank, National Association, as Trustee for Option One Mortgage Loan Trust 2005-2, Asset-Backed Certificates, Series 2005-2 please find for filing Plaintiff's Bil of Particutars. Please file stamp the extra copy and return in the enclosed postage prepaid envelope. Please do not hesitate to contact me with any questions. Sincerely, (lets Alison A. Melton Enclosures Ce: Janice Wolk Grenadier & Unknown Occupants (w/enclosures, via first class mail) EXHIBIT [2 VIRGINIA: IN THE GENERAL DISTRICT COURT FOR THE CITY OF ALEXANDRIA WELLS FARGO BANK, NATIONAL ASSOCIATION, AS TRUSTEE FOR OPTION ONE MORTGAGE LOAN TRUST 2005-2, ASSET-BACKED CERTIFICATES, SERIES 2005-2, Plaintiff, Case No. GV22-2052 v JANICE WOLK-GRENADIER, et al. Defendants BILL OF PARTICULARS Plaintiff Wells Fargo Bank. National Association, as Trustee for Option One Mortgage Loan Trust 2005-2, Asset-Backed Certificates, Series 2005-2 (“Plaintiff"), by counsel, states the following as its Bill of Particulars. 1. This unlawfial detainer action concerns possession of real property located within the City of Alexandria, Virginia, commonly known as 15 West Spring St. Alexandria, Virginia 22301 and more fully described in the attached Exhibit A (the “Property”). 2. Plaintiff purchased the Property at foreclosure sale held on March 30, 2018 for a sum of $833,000.00 (the “Foreclosure Sale”). 3. Om April 6, 2018, a trustee's deed was executed conveying the Property to Plaintiff, which instrument wes subsequently recorded in the land records of the City of Alexandria County Cireuit Court on April 6, 2018 as Instrument No. 180004553 (the “Trustee's Deed”) 4. A tme and accurate copy of the recorded Trustee's Deed is aitached hereto as Exhibit A. 5. Immediately prior to the Foreclosure Sale, Defendant Janice Wolk-Grenadier was the owner of the Property. 6. Plaintiff is now the current owner of the Property pursuant to the ‘Trustee's Deed. 7. On May 18, 2022, Plaintiff, by counsel, sent a notice to vacate to Defendants by: first class mail and certified mail demanding that they vacate the Property (the “Notice to Vacate”), 8. A true and accurate copy of the Notice to Vacate is attached hereto as Exhil 9. The Notice to Vacate sent by certified mail was received by Grenadier on or before ‘May 20, 2022, as reflected in the signed certified mail receipt and U.S. Postal Service tracking information attached hereto as Exhibit C, 10, Defendants have refused fo vacate the Property. 11. As of the date of this pleading, Defendants continue to unlawfully withhold possession of the Property from Plaintiff. 12. Pursuant to Virginia Code § 8.01-126, Plaintiff is entitled to recover the fair market rental value of the Property trom the date of foreclosure until Defendants vacate, in addition to Plaintiff's damages, reasonable attorney fees and court costs. 13, As of the date of this pleading, Defendants have unlawfully occupied the Property for at least fifty-five ($5) months following the date of the Foreclosure Sale. 14, Defendants are liable to Plaintiff for at least $125,000.00 in fair market rental value and damages, which damages include but are not limited to Plaintiff's payments of real estate taxes and insurance for the Property after the Foreclosure Sale, 15, Defendants are ulso liable for Plaintiff's reasonable attorneys’ fees and costs through the date of jadgment, WHEREFORE, Plaintiff respectfully sequests that the Court (i) award Plaintiff'a judgment for possession of the Property, (ii) award Plaintiff the fair market rental value of the Property from the date of foreclosure though the judgment date, (iii) award Plaintiff its damages, attorneys’ fees and costs, (iv) require an appeal bond in an amount no less than $125,000.00 in order to perfect any appeal of this action, and (y) grant Plaintiff any further relief the Court deems appropriate. Date : September 27, 2022 Respectfully submitted, WELLS FARGO BANK, NATIONAL ASSOCIATION, AS TRUSTEE FOR OPTION ONE MORTGAGE LOAN TRUST 2005-2, ASSET-BACKED CERTIFICATES, SERIES 2005-2 By: CLét2_) +--——— Of Counsel Allison Melton (VSB No. 75192) ‘TROUTMAN PrprER HAMILTON SaNpERs LLP 222 Central Park Avenue, Suite 2000 Virginia Beach, VA 23462 Telephone: (757) 687-7500 Facsimile: (757) 687-7510 Ennai: VIRGINIA: IN THE GENERAL DISTRICT COURT FOR THE CITY OF ALEXANDRIA WELLS FARGO BANK, NATIONAL ASSOCIATION, AS TRUSTEE FOR OPTION ONE MORTGAGE LOAN ‘TRUST 2005-2, ASSET-BACKED | CERTIFICATES, SERIES 2005-2, Plaintiff, Case No. GV22-2052 JANICE WOLK-GRENADIER, et al. Defendants CERTIFICATE OF SERVICE 1 hereby certify that on this 27th day of September, 2022. a true and correct copy of the foregoing Bill of Parriculars was sent via U.S. Mail first class. postage prepaid, to the following: Janice Wolk-Grenadier 15 West Spring Street Alexandria, VA 22304 Unknown Occupants 15 West Spring Street Alexandria, VA 22304 Co Allison Melton (VSB No. 75192) 3038891501 EXHIBIT A 180004553 ‘This deed was prepared by Melissa Alcocer VSB 83617, 20409 who is an attomey licensed to practice {in the Commonwealth of Virginia, Return to: Brock & Scott, PLLC, 4484 Viking Drive, Suite 203, Virginia Beach, VA 23452, B&SFileNo: —17-19131 FCOL Tax MepNo.: —_053.01-04-23 Consideratio $833,000.00 Assessed Value: $811,203.00 Title Insurance Co.: Unknown THIS TRUSTEE'S DEED, entered into on the 30th day of March, 2018, the foreclosure sale date, by and between ‘TRUSTEE SERVICES OF VIRGINIA, LLC, Substitute Trustee, party of the first part, whose address is 484 Viking Drive, Suite 203, Virginia Beach, Virginia 23452, under a deed of trust made by Janice Wolk-Grenadier (together to be indexed as “Grantors”); and Wells Fargo Bank, National Association, as Trste for Option One ‘Mortgage Loan Trust 2005-2, Asset-Backed Certificates, Series 2005-2, party of the second part, whose address is, c/o Oewen Loan Servicng, LLC, 1661 Worthington Road Ste. 100, West Palm. Beach, FL 33416 (to be indexed as “Grantee”). WHEREAS, by Deed of Trust dated February 4, 2005 and recorded on February 10, 2005 as Instrument No. 050004302 in the land records of the Circuit Court for the City of Alexandria, Virginia, Janice Wolk-Grenadier, mortgagor(s), conveyed the hereinafter described property to Ronald D. Speakman, ‘Trustee(s), securing payment of the sum of $390,000.00 evidenced by a promissory note as is more fully set forth therein; and, EURO ATLA 908418 WHEREAS, Trustee Services of Virginia, LLC was appointed as Substitute Trustee by ‘an instrument duly recorded in the laud records of the Circuit Court for the City of Alexandria, Virginia to serve as Trustee in the place and stead of Ronald D. Speakman, by Wells Fargo Bank, Netional Association, as Trustee for Option One Mortgage Loan Trust 2005-2, Asset- Backed Certificates, Series 2005-2, the present holder of the note secured by said Deed of Trust; and, WHEREAS, default was made in the payment of the aforesaid Promissory Note, and the said Substitute Trustees were requested by the holder of said note, Wells Fargo Bank, National Association, as Trustee for Option One Mortgage Loan Trust 2005-2, Asset-Backed Certificates, Series 2005-2, to sell the said property pursuant fo the terms of the aforesaid Deed of Trust; and, WHEREAS, the said Substitute Trustees advertised the time, place and terms of such sale in The Washington Times, a newspaper published in or having a gencral circulation in the City of Alexandria, Virginia, in its issues of March 2, 2018, and March 9, 2018, the date of said ‘Trustee's sale being fixed in said notice for March 30, 2018, at 10:00AM at at the front of the Alexandria City Court House (520 King Strect), at Alexandria, Virginia; and, WHEREAS, notice, in accordance with Title 55, Section 59.14. of the 1950 Code of Virginia, as amended, was mailed by certified mail, retum receipt requested, no less than 14 days prior to March 30, 2018, to the owner(s) of the hereinafter described property at the last known. address appearing on the records of the party secured by said Deed of Trust, to any subordinate lienholder holding a Note against the property secured by a Deed of Trust whose address was recorded with the Deed of Trust and to any association lienholder specified in the aforementioned Section; and, 000412 WHEREAS, in strict compliance with the terms and conditions of said Deed of Trust, the said Substitute Trustee did expose the hereinafter described property for sale at public auction to the highest bidder on March 30, 2018, at 10:00AM, and the highest bid received for said property was that of Wells Fargo Bank, National Association, as Trustee for Option One ‘Mortgage Loan Trust 2005-2, Asset-Backed Certificates, Series 2005-2, for $833,000.00 cash; and, WHEREAS, the said purchase price has been paid in full, WHEREAS, none of the parties in interest are entitled to the benefits of the Servicemembers’ Civil Relief Act. NOW, THEREFORE, THIS DEED, WITNESSETH, in consideration of the premises and of the sum of Bight Hundred Thirty-Three Thousand and 0/100 dollars ($833,000.00), paid to the party of the first part by the party of the second part, the party of the first part does hereby grant, bargain, sell and convey, with SPECIAL WARRANTY OF TITLE, unto the party of the second part, all that certain real property described below, with all rights, ways, easements, improvements and appurtenances thereunto belonging, described as follows: Al that certain lot or parcel of land, with its improvements and appurtenances, located in the City of Alexandria, Virginia and more particularly described as follows: LOT numbered Eleven (11), and West 1/2 of LOT numbered Twelve (12), Block numbered One (1), in the Subdivision of TEMPLE PARK, all the same appears duly dedicated, platted and recorded in Deed Book 77 at Page 172 of the Land Records of the City of Alexandria, Virginia. This conveyance is made expressly subject to any and all easements, restrictions and agreements of record insofar as they may be lawfully applicable to the property hereby conveyed and to such state of facts as are disclosed by the recorded plat above mentioned, ‘Tax Map No.: 053.01-04-23 corr PROPERTY KNOWN AS: 15 West Spring Street, Alexandria, VA 22301 REFERENCE is hereby made to said Deed of Trust and plat for a further and more particular description of the land hereby conveyed. This conveyance is made subject to the conditions and restrictions contained in the Deeds forming the chain of title to this property. WITNESS the following signature and seal endorsed on__ “fl @f 1 : ACOPY TESTE: GREG PARKS, CLERI A f,, mos zs ‘TRUSTEE SERVICES OF VIRGINIA, ao ing LLC, SUBSTITUTE TRUSTEE é DEPUTY CLERK ANY PROVISION CONTAINED HEREIN WHICH FURPORTS TO. RESTRICT OR AFFECT THE HOLDING. OCCUPANCY, OWNERSHIP, RENTAL LEASE OR TRANSFER OF ANY avTEREsT BY: Melissa Aleocer ‘ON THE BASIS OF LACE COLOR, SEs RELICION ANCESTRY, NATIONAL ORIOIS FAMILIAL STATUS, AGE SEXUAL AN ~_ (ORIENTATION, GENDER IDENTITY, TRANSGENDER STATUS OR lis; Vice Presi DISABILITY 1S INVALID AND UNENFORCEABLE (Pronry orVirgia Beaet, COMMONWEALTH OF VIRGINIA L Matton Be 2{ _, Notary Public in and for the aforesaid State, docs hereby certify that Melissa Aleocer, Vice President of TRUSTEE SERVICES OF VIRGINIA, LLC, Substitute Trustee, whose name is signed to the foregoing deed personally appeared before me and acknowledged the same. GIVEN under my band and notarial seal Notary’s Registration Number: 7 ASX 07. My Commission Expires: fi INSTRUMENT 190904553 RECORDED TH THe CLERK'S OFFICE OF ALERANOA semTt 96,2010 Al 898240W ture (SEAL) ew SevoN, CLERK ECORDID BY TH 7 EXHIBIT B ‘Troutman Pepper Hamiton Sanders LLP wee aie fais see troutman? ore ees pepper ‘rostman com Allison Melton alison May 18, 2022 BY CERTIFIED MAIL [7020 3160 0001 8417 3069] & FIRST CLASS MAIL Janice Wolk-Grenadier 115 West Spring Street Alexandria, Virginia 22301 Re: CATE & 15 West Spring Stract, Alexandria, Virginia 22301 Deer Ms. Wolk-Grenadier: “his law fitm represents Wells Fargo Bank. National Association, as Trustee for Option One ‘Morigago Loan Trust 2005-2, Asset-Backed Certficales, Series 2008-2 (“Wells Fargo’) in connection wih the property known as 15 West Spring Street, Alexandria, Virginia 22801 (the “Property. Pursuant to a foreclosure sale of the Property held on March 30, 2018 and a trustee's deed Tecorded in tho Cty of Aloxandsia, Virginia land records, the Property is naw owned by Wolls Fargo. Demand is hereby made for possession of the Property. if any occupant is tenant at Sutferanco, this shall serve as notice of termination of any such tenancy upon the expiration of three {Bi.days ftom the date of this fetter. I the Property is nol vacant within three (3) days from the date of this letter, unlawiul detainer proceedings will be initiated, When you vacate the Property, all personal belongings must be removed. Any personal belongings thal romain inthe Properyafteritis deemed vacan\ willbe considered abandoned property and wil be disposed of accordingly, IF you are an active member of the United States Anmed Forces, or a dependent of an active Service member, you mnay be entited to rights as provided in the Service Members Givi’ Relief Act. In Such case, please Immediately provide the undersigned with proof of Miliary service so that this fmm can determine if you are protected by the Act, Sincerely, Allison Melton Janice Wolk-Grenadier 15 West Spring Street Aun pepper ‘Yeumen Peer Hiton Sanders LLP 222 Central Par verve, Sule 2 ‘ngina Beach, VA 23463 troutman? Grenadier B saw 15 West Spring Street [ewes Alexandria, Virginia 22301 || pen Sg! Alexandria, Virginia 22301 ‘Tioutmen Pepper Henitcn Sanders LLP 1 cre toa nent sae troutman? ieeeaecr ec aie pepper ‘toutmancom Allison Melton, alison metton® May 18, 2022 BY CERTIFIED MAIL [7020 3160 0001 8417 3076] & FIRST CLASS MAIL All Occupants 15 West Spring Street Alexandria, Virginia 22301 Re: Ni VAGATE & DEMAND. 15 West Spring Street, Alexandria, Virginia 22301 Deer Sir or Madam: his aw frm represents Wells Fargo Bank, National Association, as Trustee for Option One Morigage Loan Trust 2005-2, Assel-Backed Certificates, Series 2005-2 (‘Wels Fargo')in conneoien with ne property known as 15 West Spring Street, Alexandria, Virginia 22301 (the Property’), Pursvant to a foreciosure sale ofthe Progerty ne'd on March 20, 2018 and a trustee's deed ‘recorded in the Ciy of Alexandria, Virginia land records, the Property fs now owned by Wells Fargo. Demand is hereby made for possession of the Property. any occupant is a tenant at Siilerance tis shall serve as notice of termination of any such tenancy upon the expiration of three ‘dave from the date of this leter. Ifthe Property i not vacant within three (3) dave row rence Of tis feller, unlawiul detainer proceedings will be initiated. When you vacate the Property, all personal belongings must be removed ‘Any personal belongings that romain inthe Property aller itis deemed vacant willbo considered abandonedt property ‘and will be disposed of accordingly. you are an active membor of the United States Armed Forces, or a dependent of an aative Sincerely, Allison Melton 9 Street Virginia 22301 All Occupants wovaiasot 18 West Spring lesion ary Alexandria, fave oz FQ0E 2Th? TOOO Oe Oi HOERT PIMNBHA “eupurxayy aN Guydg 199M4 G) ‘syuedn230 1Y over vA ‘pHegeLIBIA ‘0002 sins ‘anuony Yea 1435 772 eT sipung vote deed Vou, Jaddad qvewno.; SADE the TOU O3TE geae HAA EXHIBIT C Unite States Postal Seruce FisiGhas Mai vee Postage a Fee Pais u ¥ 2072 Permit No, G10 3510 s4o3 ‘ta * Sender: Please print your nama, address, and ZIP44 in this box* 222 Centra Poke Avene Suite 2000 Virgina Beach, VA 25462 WNIT ny saa 1 Complete tame 2, anc 3. 15 Pint yout arpa Screen te reverse tat we ca Foam card fo You. "= Astaan tis cord 19 the bso of he maigece, fron the foot fepace pom Tr arise Adesse agen we Tassos. > Preted ene) |S incl Osiy 9 racine ieee gn Ue a] OHS Siete aan tae Janice Wolk-Grenadier 5 aoe Shiaeeee LM HHMI VLAIAINL SSE onot EEE SAD) O05) S07 2440 13 [Bars awnencaseatey — iar aman ei {Seoea ‘Sher rata tahey Symmes 7020 34b0 0003 8427 30b5 tec Oniy iced PS Fann BBT1, Apa 2075 PON Tet0 te. o9o aks era et ep troutmar pepper om ee LBA a aes en nei USPS Tracking’ Face > “resking Number: Romove x 702031600001841 73069 Copy Add to Informa Desay (tip dormeddotverympa com) Latest Update ‘Your hm wan dlveradto an reco ha ons © DelWvered Devers, Lert wth man ALBANDRUA, WA 22901 May 20,2022 6:48 cen Pn on May 20,2002 n ALEXANDRA, VA 22901. (Ou Dotvery ‘ALDCANDRIA VA22914 May 20,2022, 20% er sponpoas ‘vive at Post Often ALEXANDRIA VA22914 May 20,2022, 8:50 am Departed UBPR Reglenal Fadity ‘MERVEFIELD VA GISTRIBUTION CENTER May 19,202, 4:18pm Arvo at USPS Figicnal Fciy (MERFIFIELD VA DISTRIBUTION GaNTER ‘May 19, 2022, 8:37 am Arrvedat USP RoglonalFacity IGHMOND VA DSSTRBUTION CENTER May 18 2022, 2036 pm de cing Mitary Text & Emall Updates v USPS Tracking Pluo® v Product information v ‘es Poe Pte eSYeaceneed © Complat items 1 2, and 3 1 Print your name and address onthe veers fo hat we can rum the cond 10 You. 18 Rach is cara othe back of he maieos, een the front tspace pests. 1. Ara Asses, Al Decupe is 15 West & xing Street Niexendiria, Virginia 22301 (HN WURUTOL ANN) "SEE ase SRE A580 NOL OOS) S071 EHH 75 |e Sepedthemcncoemey — ofynteetee kts rt a eat i oe 7020 3140 0001 5417 307 Ps Fon 3811, Aeii2015 054 307-000-209 ene DB itiaoe x { a nhcitiheAus name) [6 Orn cl Dorey : Sm. voor. TAH Pome, 19 * Sender: Please print your neme, addi | 222 Cems ack Avense OSS 80d Z1P44® inthis boxe Suite 20 t Viinie Bea VA 762" DENHOF a Hipp tr USPS Tracking” ae Fomove X 70203160000184173076 Copy Ato marmod Datvery (ipa rtarroeddoivarysmpa com), Latest Update ‘Your ham wan clara oan het a tha acess 2:18 pmo May 2, 2022 fn ALEXANDRA, VA 22201 © Detvered Dover Lott wah ns ALBANDRIA, VA22901 May 20,2022, 6 pm utter Duty ALUN RIA, VAz22814 ay 20,2022, 20% ern spocpoeg Area Post Ontos ‘ALDUNDAA vA 22914, ay 29, toe, 820 am Deparied USPS Reglonal Fact ‘MERRIFIELD VA DISTRIBUTION CENTER May 9, 2022, 4:12 pm ‘Anivod st USB Regional Fecitty MERIBFIELD VADSTRIBUTION CENTER oy 18, 022,37 a, ‘Antved at USB Regional Factty FICHVOND VADISTRBUTON CENTER ‘May 18, 2022, 4218 pen id Woda ‘Text & Email Updaten v (USPS Tracking Phuo® v Product formation v SeeLees A VIRGINIA IN THE GENERAL DISTRICT COURT FOR THE CITY OF ALEXANDRIA WELLS FARGO BANK N.A. Plaintiff seo v. CASE NO. Gv 2200. 2052 SENSRALOISTRCT COURT JANICE WOLK GRENADIER (JWG) 28 2m Defendant tie DEFENDANTS DEFENSES ARSTION JACKSON, CLERK AND CRIMINAL COMPLAINT AGAINST Sasi asenne TESTIS OCWEN aka PHH (Colluding with New Residential Investments NewRez LLC)- Leon Cooperman, WELLS FARGO BANK - CEO Charles W. Scharf ‘TROUTMAN PEPPER HAMILTON SANDERS -THOMAS J. COLE Jr., ANDREA M. FARLEY, STEVE LEWIS, TOM GALLAGHER, ALLISON MELTON, SYED. MOHSIN REZA (Greenberg Traurig LLP), JOHN CURTIS LYNCH, ANDREW BRIAN PITTMAN, MARY C. ZINSNER, MYRA A. BENJAMIN (CFPB / NIXON PEABODY LLP) Trustee Services Of Virginia, LLC. & / aka Brock & Scott, PLLC Brian Campbell, Robert Oliveri BWW Law Group aka BIERMAN, GEESING, WARD & Wood, LLC. &/ aka EQUITY TRUSTEES, LLC Howard Norman Bierman Partner Exhibit D McCabe Weisberg Conway LLC aka Surety Trustees LLC & Surety Trustees LLC aka McCabe Weisberg Conway LLC - Abby Moynihan CITY OF ALEXANDRIA CIRCUIT COURT JUDGES - Donald Haddock, James Clark, Thomas Padrick SUPREME COURT OF VIRGINIA - CHIEF JUSTICE Donald Lemons CITY OF ALEXANDRIA GENERAL DISTRICT COURT JUDGE Sonya L. Sacks VIRGINIA ATTORNEY GENERAL - Mark Herring, Jason Miyares and David Irvin Along with others FOR A HIGHLY SOPHISTICATED ORGANIZED CRIMINAL ENTERPRISE WITH THE KNOWLEDGE, INTENT TO ILLEGALLY FORECLOSE ON 15 W. Spring St., Alexandria, VA 22301 By using a FRAUDULENT “ AFFIDAVIT OF LOST ASSIGNMENT” Forged Signatures and the Bar No. belongs to Tallahassee Judge Alexander There was no standing for Brock & Scott to Foreclose and OCWEN told them not to (taped conv) jigned by Leticia N. Aries as Vice President of Homeward and states (actual ROBO Signer for OCWEN) 2. That ¥ ourzently serve as an officer of HOMEWARD RESIDENTIAL, INC, Attorney i fact for WELLS FARGO BANK, NATIONAL ASSOCIATION, AS TRUSTEE EXHIBIT FOR OPTION ONE MORIGAGE LOAN TRUST 20052, ASSET-BACKED CERTHICATES, SERIES 2005-2 and sm personelly famitior with the thets set forth hhecein. feel Sit Leticia N. Arias signature on file with the Florida Notary; Sent Leticia N. Arias signature on the lost assignment of 15 W. Spring St.: This affidavit may te refiod no by penchasers, ses, ens, atomays and tite fuer, DATED: APRIE 22, 2013 WELLS PARGO BANK, NATIONAL ASSOCIATION, AS TRUSTEE FOR DPTION ONE MORTGAGE LOAN NAME: Leticia N. Arias TIYLE: Vice President STATE OF FLORIDA, > COUNTY OF PALMBEACH —) ‘The Signature above on Spring alleged Lost Assignment is not Leticia N. Arias - It appears to be Naomi Smith and or Scott Anderson - both have been found guilty in other cases and Foreclosures illegal The problem is these signatures don't match the signature on Arias’ notary application she has on file with the state of Florida nor does it match the signature on her bond certificate. THIS is a FORGERY ON A DOCUMENT THAT LAWYER ALLISON MELTON KNOWS OF AND OR SHOULD HAVE KNOWN AS A, LAWYER yet she colluded in BWW Law Group with the forgery of HOWARD BERMAN on documents as well. The Florida Secretary of State suspended Leticia Arias’ notary privileges due to complaints of fraud. In the mortgage assignment filed with the Macomb County Register of Deeds (recorded on 7/12/2012) not only does the signature of Leticia Arias not match what the state of Florida has on file, it appears the notary on the files, Naomi Smith, also an employee of OCWEN, was pulling some double duty that day. If you look closely at both signatures of Leticia Arias on these documents, they are remarkably identical to Naomi Smith. EX 2 relhp pantie: ‘WOE RRA TEES GF BEhouen, « DeCLARE THAT ZWAVE READ DUR FORSGOING APHIOAVEY ABU YMAE THE RACH SEATED BN Sr Lan a Trg of Oa re OATH OF OFFICE rave or Fontan coe PE REA 3.0 soteraty cower atten that Xm supsUrt, protect snk degens ths Constintion and Geverronent ote nites Stes ard fe state st Fg, inet bam a qonsied to hols ates unser tn Cor tsaun e Sate os Fonda, Hoa Tove reed ‘Ghapter 137, Marita Statutes an soy Monies ermo, ad knoe the ses, eesenalbAles Linens aod vance ahs ‘Siar un a st T tno, nnd Oa cherye te se tary Pah Pt on em ROR PEAR eS OF yeAARY,tDBCLARH TWAT HUE READ THE FOREEHENG ROPLLCASHON ANE GAYH ANE HIRT Th PREYS STATED THEREIN BRE EAR 1 aseor he een ef Motry Due, ne of Fes : Be ss, Settee THREE Gir CSAL TR eas BS ‘Se Goan SCOTT ANDERSON, OCWEN LOAN SERVICING, WHEN DOES “MERE” ROBO SIGNING BECOME FRAUD AND FORGERY? Or did Scott Anderson sign for Leticia N. Aries? = wane econ § 18.2-172. Forging, uttering, etc., and other writings. OF utter, or attempt to employ as true, such forged writing, knowing it ta be forged, he shal be guilty of a Class 5 felony. Any person who shall obtain, by any false pretense or token, the signature of another person, to any such writing, with intent to defraud any other person, shall be deemed guilty of the forgery thereof, and shall be subject to like punishment. Further: Loan Servicer Ceases Foreclosures Found to be Wrongful’ Augast 8, 2 If any person forge any writing, other than such as is mentioned in §§ 182-168 and 18.2-170, tothe prejudice of anothers right, Ocwen Financial Corporation is a national provider of loan servicing for lenders. It is headquartered in Florida and has offices in several states. In its Consent Agreement with Maine's Bureau of Consumer Credit Protection and Attomey General, Ocwen admitted that after July 2014 it pursued foreclosures against Maine homeowners based on paperwork which the State found to be legally defective. Specifically, Ocwen used “powers of attorney” granted by corporate originators of the mortgages, but those corporate originators of the mortgages had been legally dissolved — had ceased to exist — no later than March 2012. The State alleges that the powers of attorney terminated when the granting corporations dissolved, Under the Consent Agreement, the State found that Ocwen's use of the powers of attorneys from legally nonexistent entities violated a statute prohibiting “false, deceptive or misleading representation of means in the collection of any del > htps:/www. mortgage raudblog. cam/loan-servicer-ceases-foreclosures-ound-to-be-wrongfull Ocwen's illegal flings continued into Jenuaty of 2019, even after Ocwen's lawyers had assured State regulators in November 2018 that the practice would stop. The company termed the additional filings as “inadvertent.” ‘Ocwen Financial Corporation will refund or credit 24 Maine residents more than $50,000 in attorney's fees they were assessed when their homes were foreclosed! upon, and the company will pay $24,000 in civil penalties and $10,000 in investigative costs to the State of Maine, as part of a Consent Agreement signed last week. “Maine's Supreme Court has made clear that lenders must establish that they have the legal right to pursue foreclosures,” said Will Lund, Superintendent of the Maine Bureau of Consumer Credit Protection. “Those requirements were not followed in these cases." Attorney General Aaron M. Frey, whose office assisted state mortgage regulators in negotiating and resolving the matter, stated, “The Consent Agreement puts Ocwen — and other national mortgage lenders and servicers — on notice that they must follow the legal standards here in Maine if they pursue actions on defaulted mortgages.” ‘The Consent Agreement may have ramifications beyond Oowen, noted Superintendent Lund, since other lenders may be filing foreclosures based on similar powers of attomey issued by the same nonexistent corporate loan originators used by Ocwen. SoFla Woman's 2-Year Battle Gets Mortgage Wiped Out: Wonder whose signature was/is stil on her documents? His naene is Scott Anderson! NBC 6- A South Florida woman succeeded with the unheard of when she was able to get her morigage wiped ‘out by a fender. in an effort to save her mother's home, Idania Castro waged a two-year battle with the bank. “The mortgage got wiped out, so | have no mortg; ment, everything wes completely salisfied,” Castro said, ‘The women, who took it upon herself to go through every document related to the mortgage. finally discovered robo-signing. She said the signatures on her for é documents appeared to have been signed by different peapie In FEBRUARY OF 2022 The United States Senate Exhibit C stated to Jamie Diamond that Robo signing is illegal yet the banks after paying the different STATES OVER 1 BILLION dollars and contributions along with lawyers like TROUTMAN to look the other way have changed the laws / statutes to support the corruption of the Servicers and Banks. Allisson Melton has colluded in this: Representative Matters” * https:/Aww tml * Court denied a request for a temporary restraining order halting a foreclosure sale based on a successful argument that the non-mortgagor plaintiffs were not borrowers with legal standing to sue under RESPA. * Court dismissed a borrower's claims arising from a loan servicer's alleged failure to conduct a face-to-face meeting required by HUD regulations. Court dissolved an injunction obtained by a homeowners’ association barring the mortgage lender from foreclosing based on an argument that the injunction unconstitutionally impaired the mortgage lender's contract rights. * Court rejected a “show-me-the-note” argument brought by mortgagor challenging a lender's right to foreclose ~ one of the first appellate courts in the U.S. to do so. © Court held that sending notice of a nonjudicial foreclosure sale to a mortgagor does not make the foreclosing trustee a debt collector under the FDCPA, distinguishing Fourth Circuit precedent to the contrary, ‘* Assisted a national mortgage loan servicer in crafting demand letter templates consistent with state and federal requirements. © Counseled several mortgage loan servicers on compliance with the FHA face-to-face meeting requirement in 24 C.F.R. 203.604. Publications Ef ¢ Co-author, “ Pepper, February 24, 2022. © Co-author, “291 " a Troutman Sanders, February 24, 2020. if RESPA," Troutman” Ignoring the law and screwing homeowners is Allison Melton's JOY it appears. COMES NOW Defendant JWG being denied discovery a right to ensure a fair tial requested the Judge to recuse herself and she refused. Violates Virginia and US Constitutional rights to Due Process, Includes in this all Fillings already made in this case filed in this court. ‘Without discovery, JWG learned of further criminal activity of lawyers with Troutman Pepper Hamilton Sanders (Troutman) and Allison Melton with moving forward with a document to foreclose on that is forged. Further, | believe she knew it and was involved in the creation of the “Affidavit of Lost Assignment" that was used in the document and that is why OCWEN has refused any real discavery to the CFPB and to me. That Troutman has controlled for financial gain any and all meaningful discovery. Further, all Judges have had conflicts financially and or a Bias to protect their friends, and in Virginia where all Judges are also lawyers and should be held accountable by the VSB and the JIRC instead they all call there a. The head of the Bar stated to the legislature that only 19% of Bar Complaints are considered but, rarely go anywhere of the approx 31,655 lawyers as reported in Virginia’ Of the 71 lawyers. publicly disciplined, 34 lawyers received public reprimands or admonitions; 18 lawyers were * hitps:/www-vsb.orgédocs/@4th_Annual_Report.pdf

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