First Term Examination Grade Four 2020 - 2021

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Name: Class: Grade 4 Subject: Verbal Reasoning

1. Sheep: Lamb, Aged: Youth

a. Seat: Sit, Ladder: ___________ ( Wall, Fall, Climb )
b. Cow: Milk, Bee: ____________ ( Flowers, Honey, Pollen )
c. Picture: See, Hospital: ___________ ( Patient, School, Yard )
d. Fish: Water, Birds: ____________ ( Sea, Tree, Cave )

2. Complete the following sentences

a. Lion is to lioness as Tiger is to _______________
b. Fish is to Aquarium as bee is to ______________
c. Sun is to day as moon is to _________________
d. Pilot is to Aeroplane as captain is to ____________

3. Write out one word that includes all the other words
a. Vehicles, Van, Bus, Taxi, Lorry ____________
b. Milk, Fanta, Juice, Water, Liquid __________
c. Mother, Brother, Father, Family, Sister ___________
d. Puppy, Kitten, Cub, Young, Duckling _____________

Underline the correct Anagram

e. Dream made, armed, dear, ream
f. Spelt spat, slept, sport, port
g. Cheat teach, chair, chain, test
h. Feat fest, late, fate, eats

4. Arrange these words in alphabetical order.

a. Litter Lever Ladder Love
b. Lean Lorry Lace Lick

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5. A B C D E F G H I J K L M

a. What letter comes after the first vowel?________

b. The fifth letter after O is ______
c. The two middle letters of the alphabets are _____, _____
d. Which is the twelfth letter after N? _______
e. Write the letter that comes halfway between I and O

Name: Class: Grade 4 Subject: Practical life Exercise

1. Demonstrate how a princess or prince should interrupt a teacher who is having a


2. You need help from your classmate or teacher, how should you ask for help?

3. Demonstrate how you should lace your shoes.

4. As a Princess or Prince, when talking to your friends, teachers or parents, what

should you do?

5. Demonstrate how a Princess or Prince should brush his/her hair.

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Name: Class: Grade 4 Subject: Christian Religious Studies

1. By _____________, God created the world we live in

a. Building b. Speaking c. Sculpturing d. Moulding

2. What is the blessing in Gen 1:28?

3. From Romans 5:10, How did Jesus restore the broken relationship between
God and man?
a. Through His talking to God to restore us.
b. Through His wondrous miracle on the cross
c. Through His death on the cross.
d. Through His relationship with God.

4. After the flood, God gave a rainbow as a sign of promise that:

a. He will never destroy people with flood again.
b. He will never destroy the world again.
c. He will keep sending rain to flood the earth.
d. He loves people unconditionally.

5. The beginning of nations and people started as of ________________________

a. The scattering of the people at the Tower of Babel.
b. The flood during Noah’s Time.
c. Adam and Eve sent out of the garden.
d. Abraham called out of Haran.

6. God made an everlasting covenant with ___________ after the story of Babel.
a. Noah b. Jacob c. Joseph d. Moses

7. When there was a great famine and opposition from neighboring herdsmen
_________________ obeyed God in faith to stay in the land promised to him.
a. Isaac b. Jacob c. Joseph d. Moses

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8. God chose to continue His covenant through _____________, who was the
younger son of Isaac.
a. Joseph b. Esua c. Jacob d. Pharoah

9. Jacob’s family would form the ______ tribes of Israel, the nation through whom
the promised saviour would come.
a. 12 b. 7 c. 3 d. 15

10. What was the final plague God sent when pharaoh refused to let the Israelites
a. Plague of the firstborn
b. Plague to water supply
c. Plague to animals
d. Plague to crops

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Name: Class: Grade 4 Subject: Creative and Cultural Art

1. Draw 2 mugs on an A4 paper.

2. Draw flowers having leaves on the body of each mug.

3. Colour the leaves with green colour.

4. Colour the flowers using the blue, yellow, and red coloured crayons/poster colour.

5. Colour the remaining part of the mug with any other colour of your choice.

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Name: Class: Grade 4 Subject: Agricultural Science

1. The cultivation of plants and rearing of animals for human consumption is known
as ___________________.

2. Which of the following is not an importance of Agriculture?

a. Source of food and drink for man
b. Reduction of employment
c. Provision of raw materials
d. Source of Income

3. _______________ is the combination of weathered rock and organic matters.

4. a. Mention the tree types of soil.
b. The best soil for farming is ________________

5. List 2 crop farm tools and 2 Animal farm tools.

6. The materials and machines that are used for farming operations are ___________

7. Mention2 ways we care and maintain farm tools.

8. _______________ is used for keeping the fertile egg’s embryo warm and for
a. Harrow b. Incubator c. Milking machine d. Seed tray

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9. Equipment used for performing heavy duty operations on the farm are ________
a. Farm tools b. Farm machines c. Farm robots d. Tractors

10. All of the following are people involved in Agriculture except _________________
a. Crop farmers
b. Animal rearers
c. Crop buyers
d. Agriculture extension officers


Name: Class: Grade 4 Subject: Quantitative Reasoning

1. Example: 800 1600

2400 3200

800 1600
a. 800 1600 b.

2400 3200 2400 3200

700 a. b. 2000
2. 750 500
800 600 4000

3. Give the following equivalent of the numbers.

a. XLV __________ b. 99 _______ c. CX ______ d. 48 _______



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a. M+D+J= ( L, M, G, H)
b. H+I+G= ( K, J, C, F )
c. E+C= ( B, D, A, K )
d. M+A=
3 6
5. Example: 5 10

3 50
a. 8 b. 60


Name: Class: Grade 4 Subject: Mathematics

1. Change the gram and metres to their equivalent kilogram and kilometers in their
decimal form.
a. 1360g _________________ Kg
b. 1734m _________________ Km
c. 4167g _________________ Kg
d. 6139m _________________ Km

2. Give the place value of 5 in each of the following numbers.

a. 3,467,590,777 _______________________________
b. 1,751,664,843 _______________________________
c. 2,345,306,943 _______________________________
d. 562,100,364 _______________________________

Write ˃ or ˂ or = to fill the boxes.

157394 5178934 2856314 2856314

1950425 1906013 814790 841097

3. Fill in the missing prime factors in the factor tree.

18 64

2 32

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4. a. Find the LCM of 18 and 24
b. Find the HCF of 44 and 66
c. From the picture below, what is the HCF and LCM.



5. Convert the fractions to its decimal form and its lowest fraction
a. 25%
b. 70%

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Name: Class: Grade 4 Subject: English Language

1. Read the passage and answer the questions below.

Insects are the most successful life forms on earth. More than half of all
living things on earth are insects. There are more than one million different species
of insects.
Insects have existed for more than 350 million years even before the
dinosours. An insect’s body is made up of three parts namely: the head, the thorax
and Abdomen. Insects can communicate to each other in variety of ways.
a. How many species of insects are there?
b. How long have insects been on earth?
c. How many ways can insects communicate with each other?
d. How many parts does an insect’s body have?

2. From the list of words choose the most appropriate.

Parallel, transmitting, rhyme, enamel, hanger
a. Broad casting ___________________
b. Always the same distance _________________
c. A glossy coating on your teeth ______________
d. Storage building for aircraft ________________
e. Words sounding alike ____________________

3. a. Complete the table with the correct comparative and superlative form of
Adjectives and Adverbs.

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b. Write the past tense of these verbs.

See _________________
Send ________________
Buy __________________
Fly ________________
Try _______________

4. a. Match the words to their appropriate synonyms

Holiday Learn
Costly Shy
Timid Vacation
Different Expensive
Discover Diverse

b. Match the words to their appropriate antonym.

After Foes
Laugh Introvert
Friends Child
Extrovert Before
Parent Laugh

5. A. Underline phrase or clause if the sentence is a phrase or clause.

a. A cup of tea ( Phrase, Clause )
b. I closed my eyes ( Phrase, Clause )
c. They went for a swim ( Phrase, Clause )
d. Tiny white building ( Phrase, Clause )

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B. From the following suffixes, write the best suffix for each word below
Tidy _____________
Father _______________
Lovely ________________
Friend ________________
Champion ______________



Name: Class: Grade 4 Subject: Basic Science

1. A substance that affects how your body works is _______________ and drugs that
are used to treat illness are called ________________.
2. Which of the following has no skeleton?
a. Fish b. Horse c. Lizard d. Spider
3. Which of the following animals do not have a skeleton?
a. Jellyfish b. Spider c. Woodlouse d. Bird
4. Which of the following do not have a hard external skeleton?
a. Clam b. Crab c. snail d. Bird
5. The place two bones connects is called ___________________

6. Which of the following is not a way medicines are taken?

a. Swallowed b. Injected. C. Bath with
d. Absorb through the skin.

7. The place is the environment, where living things live is called _________________
8. Which of the following has a negative effect in our environment_______________
a. Making compost and adding it to soil
b. Recycling waste
c. Dumping waste in the rivers
d. Fitting filters to factory chimney
9. All living things can be classified into groups using their ___________________

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10. Which of the animals have the following features that helps it survive in its habitat
i. It has a long neck

ii. It has a spotty coat, long and strong tongue.

iii. It can go for a long period without water

a. Camel b. Zebra c. Giraffe d. Ostrich



Name: Class: Grade 4 Subject: Physical and Health Education

1. Movement in which the body moves from one place to another is _______________

2. List 4 locomotor movement

3. 3000meters, 3000 meters steeple chase, 5000 meters and 10,000 meters are
examples of
a. Short distance races
b. Long distance race
c. Middle distance race

4. Which of the following is not a skill in middle or long distance race,

a. Standing b. Arms Action c. Running d. Kneeling

5. Basket Ball football, Volley ball are all examples of ______________ game.
b. Non locomotor movements include the following except
a. Leaping b. Pulling c. Twisting d. Stretching

6. The acronym NFF stands for:

a. National Federation of Football
b. Nigerian Football Federation
c. National Football Federation
d. Nigerian Federation of Football

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7. A basketball team is made up of the following except
a. Two guards b. A centre c. Two forwards d. Coach
8. Which of the following is not a game that can be played both indoors and outdoors?
a. Volley ball b. Football c. Basketball d. Table tennis

9. Table tennis skills include the following except

a. Grip b. Service c. Passing d. Scoring

10. List 5 ways we can take care of our body



Name: Class: Grade 4 Subject: Civic Education

1. The ideas and beliefs that we think are very important and guides the way that we
behave is known as _________________________.
2. The following are ideas and beliefs that guides how citizens of a country should
behave, except _______________________
a. Religious tolerance b. Hard work C. Patriotism d. Indiscipline
3. _________________ is when you dislike or are unkind to someone because he or she
comes from a different culture, religious or ethnic group than you.
4. Citizens of a country share the following things except
a. Land b. Economy c. Shared language d. Disunity
5. I. Right to go to school and to learn
II. Right to be healthy and to eat good food
III. Right to be clothed, housed and protected
IV. Right to be responsible for themselves
Choose the correct option about a child’s right.
a. I, II, IV b. I, III, IV c. II, III, IV d. I, II, III
6. Doing things parents or elders ask children to do at home is child abuse.
a. True b. False c. No idea d. All of the above
7. Write four ways we can clean our body.

8. Children under the age of 15 who are forced to beg for money on the road is known

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9. If you do the following things, which value would you be showing?
a. You have a maths test tomorrow and you really want to pass. Your best friend
who is good at maths told you to copy his test answers but you told him No.
b. You have a new neighbor who is from a different part of Nigeria than you. When
you visit her, you ask her many questions about where she comes from.
10. There are over 250 ethnic groups in Nigeria. This means Nigeria is a
_______________ country.
a. National b. Diverse c. United d. Ethnic



Name: Class: Grade 4 Subject: Phonics

1. 1. ELL
2. ELL
3. ELL
4. ELL
5. ELL
Using these clues, write the answers above
1. Present tense of told
2. You can ring this.
3. Stinky
4. The colour of lemon
5. Unhealthy or sick
2. ILL can be used as prefix to mean the ______________ ( opposite, Same ) of the root
______ logical
______ literate
______ Legible
______ Legal

3. Unjumble the Anagrams in brackets and write them in the sentences.

a. The little children where _________________ at the funny clown. ( gulchinkc)
b. The horse suddenly started to ______________ and I fell. ( plogal )

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c. At the banquet, people were _____________ wonderful food. ( tnigae )
d. The ship was carrying a heavy ___________ when it sank. ( gocra )
4. a. Add the correct vowel ‘a or o’ that ends the word.

1 2

3 4

1. You can wear these on your fingers

2. To tingle or feel a sharp pain
3. The opposite of coming
4. Antonym for taking
5. Getting bigger or enlarging

5. Sort these words into groups in the table below.

Duckling Truck Chuckle Stuck Luckily Bucket

Luckily Pluckily Mucky Noisily Plucking

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Adverb Noun Adjective Verb



Name: Class: Grade 4 Subject: Social Studies

1. Which of the following is not a benefit of a good family relationship?

a. Family members always support each other.
b. Family members become friends.
c. Family members share good values.
d. Family members has reduced resources, therefore there’s fighting
among them.

2. Using the words: (Monogamy, Polygyny, Polyandry and Polygamy),

complete the sentences below.
a. Marriage between one man and many wives is ____________________
b. Marriage between one woman and many husbands is ___________________
c. Marriage between one man and woman is ____________________________

3. All the following are reasons for misunderstanding in marriage except ___________
a. Financial problems b. Infertility c. Love d. Lack of proper
4. All of the following are people who spoke out against the British colonial rule except
a. Anthony Eromosele b. Ahmadou Ahidjo
c. Margaret Ekpo d. Ahmadu Bello

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5. What year did Senegal and Cameroon gain her independence?
a. 1963 b. 1959 c. 1960 d. 1860

6. From the history of the rulers of old Nigeria, the British army attacked King Kosoko
because ________________________________
a. He was a bad leader.
b. He was planning a war against the British.
c. They wanted to take over his kingdom.
d. He refused to stop the sale of slaves.

7. Fill in the rights of Humans using any vowel letter.

__v__ry__n__ h__s th__ r__ght t__ l__v__, th__ r__ght t__
b__ fr__ __ __nd th__ r__ght t__ b__ s__f__.

8. The laws and people that run a country, state, city or town, protect the right of
individuals and promote the common good of the people are called ____________
a. Democracy b. Departments c. Services d. Government

9. Cross the different government to their respective duties.

a. Local Government Protect the rights of Nigerian citizens

b. State Government It provides waste disposals around our environment for it to be


c. Federal Government Provides clean water and housing for the people in the state.

10. The three arms of government are the

a. State, Federal, Local government
b. Legislative, Executive, Judiciary government
c. Legislative, Federal, Judiciary

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d. National Assembly, Politicians, Lawyers



Name: Class: Grade 4 Subject: Handwriting

Change to cursive.
I look in the mirror and what do I see?
A pair of eyes looks back at me,
A nose, two ears, two eyebrows too,
Two lips and teeth, to say ‘ I love you’
I look in the mirror and what do I see?
I look in the mirror and I see ME!

Greatness begins with conquering small mountains, smash this! BHS

Greatness begins with conquering small mountains, smash this! BHS
Greatness begins with conquering small mountains, smash this! BHS


Name: Class: Grade 4 Subject: Music

1. Choose correctly from the options

a. D r M F S L T d b. d r m f s l t d c. d r m F S L T D
2. Tonic Solfa is a musical notion that was introduced and established nineteenth century in
Britain. It was then made popular by ________ ?
a. John Lanz b. Curwen James c. John Curwen
3. David is a very skillful Guitarist whenever he plays his friend would say; David you are so good I
feel I’m in heaven when I hear you play, this is because?
a. David’s Guitar sounds so sweet in its noise.
b. David’s Guitar sounds organized and very pleasing to the ears.
c. David closes his eyes and jumps around when he plays.
4. Under types of music, _________ music is strictly used to praise God.
a. Way Maker, miracle worker--- Sinach
b. Jesus take over---- Gospel noel
c. Sacred music
5. David loves playing a recorder, so David is who?
a. A pianist b. A trumpeter c. A recordist
6. In an octave, the top note and the bottom note are the same musical letter.
a. True b. False c. Not true
7. _________ and __________ keys on a piano does not have a sharp key?
a. Key F and key C b. key B and key A c. key E and key B
8. ________ Instruments needs air to make sound.
a. String instrument b. wind instrument c. percussion instrument.
9. How many strings does the harp have?
a. 30 strings b. 39 strings c. 230 strings
10.Tempo is the _________ of music.
a. Beat b. Time c. Speed

Greatness begins with conquering small mountains, smash this! BHS

Greatness begins with conquering small mountains, smash this! BHS

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