Grade 12 Philosophy Reviewer - 1st Semester

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WEEK 4 6. Against the person (Argumentum ad
Fallacies - a literary term that involves commenting on
- a defect in an argument other that its false or against an opponent
premises - attacking the opponent personally
- Example:
“He’s not a great athlete; he’s a fraud, a
Types of Fallacies cheat and a liar. That’s why not everybody is
1. Appeal to Pity (Argumentum ad ‘happy for Lance.”
7. Appeal to Force (Argumentum ad
- Trying to win an argument using feelings or baculum)
pity. - one appeals to force or the threat of force to
- Example: Please do not give me a failing bring about the acceptance of a conclusion
grade, my mother who is sick will be heart - using force or threat to the opponent
broken. - Example:
2. Appeal to Ignorance (Argumentum ad The senator was told that if she did not
support the tax reformation bill, her chances
ignorantiam) of being re-elected next fall would be very
- Whatever has not proven false must be true, low.
and vice versa. 8. Appeal to the people (Argumentum ad
- Example: There is no evidence that there
are no other beings in the universe. populum)
Therefore, there are other beings in the - a conclusion is true because most,
universe. all, or even an elite group
3. Equivocation people irrelevantly think, believe, or feel that
it is
- reasoning of a term or a word several times,
- Example:
but giving the particular word a different
Most people think that Jollibee is better than
meaning each time
- Example: So, Jollibee have more delicious food
Human beings are bright people. compared to McDonalds.
Bulbs emits a very bright light.
Therefore, Human beings are bulbs. 9. False Cause (Post Hoc)
The word “bright” in the first and second - false accusation
premise have different meanings. But they - an informal fallacy that states: "Since event
are used equally and interchangeably. Y followed event X, event Y must have been
4. Composition (Inductive) caused by event X."
- It is often shortened simply to post hoc
- something is true of the whole from the fact fallacy.
that it is true of some part of the whole. - Example:
- from your observation to generalize Watching TV that close will make you go
- Example: blind, so move back.
Many people are holding umbrellas.
The ground is wet. 10. Hasty Generalization
Therefore, it’s probably raining. - One commits errors if one reaches an
5. Division (Deductive) inductive generalization based on insufficient
- reasons that something is true of a thing - generalizing
must be true to all or some of its parts - Example:
- generalize to specific Christine has a terrible experience with a
- Example: boyfriend. She decides that all boys are
My flock of sheep is well behaved. mean.
Therefore, every single sheep is well
11. Begging the Question
- a fallacy in which a claim is made and
accepted to be true, but one must accept the
premise to be true for the claim to be true.
-Example: - conveys the basic ground concept of the
“Killing people is wrong, so death penalty is

Determining the Truth from

Cognitive Meaning
- a statement is to inform or state a fact, some
of its words must refer to things, events, or
Emotive Meaning
- have the power to move the emotion of word’s literal meaning which means
people “climbing or going beyond”.
- could persuade a stance or follow a certain
way of thinking Hinduism
- The symbol on the right
Attributes of a Critical Thinker side is the sacred sound
- Look for evidence to support assumption that is considered the
and beliefs greatest of all mantras in
- Adjust opinions Hindu tradition: Om
- Looks for proofs (Aum)
- Examines problem - Hindu tradition is the root of universe and
- Rejects irrelevant and incorrect information. everything that exist
- Hinduism, the major religion in India, is one
Fact of the oldest religion in the world.
- objective information based on data and - Brahman or Atman is what is what Indians
observation consider as god from which all reality and all
- Example: Your name (Can be verified in souls ultimately came from and will return.
PSA) - According to Hinduism, human beings have
dual nature:
• 1. Spiritual and immortal essence
Opinion (soul)
- unverifiable and subjective • 2. Empirical life and its traits
- Subjective is based on or influenced by - Hindus generally believe that the soul is
personal feelings and taste. eternal but bound to the law of karma (action)
- Example: I am beautiful. to the world of matter.
- Good Karma
If a person commits good, he gets good
WEEK 5 karma, and this karma will give him rewards.

- Bad Karma
- If a person commits wrong to himself and
others, he gets bad karma and receive
punishment and bad results.

-Hinduism holds that humanity’s life is a

continuous cycle (samsara).

- Transmigratory / Metempsychosis
- a doctrine that adheres to the belief a soul
passes into other creatures, human or animal
- Moksha Four Noble Truths
- also called mukti, in Indian - 1. Life is full of Suffering;
philosophy and religion, liberation from the - 2. Suffering is caused by passionate
cycle of death and rebirth (samsara). desires, lust, and cravings caused by the
- Derived from the Sanskrit word muc (“to bodies and emotions of people;
free”), the term moksha literally means - 3. Only as these emotions, desires, and
freedom from samsara. wants are obliterated will suffering ceases;
- Saṃsāra - 4. Such eradication of desire be
- a Sanskrit/Pali word that means "world" accomplished only by following the Eightfold
- also the concept of rebirth and "cyclicality Path of earnest endeavor
of all life, matter, existence", a fundamental
belief of most Indian religions. In short, it is
the cycle of death and rebirth.
- 1. Right belief in and acceptance of the
Fourfold Truth
Buddhism - 2. Right aspiration for one’s self and for
- Buddhists follow the teaching of its founder other
Siddhartha Gautama. - 3. Right speech that harms no one
- Siddhartha Gautama was a prince of the - 4. Right conduct, motivated by goodwill
Sakya Clan in the kingdom of Magadha. toward all human beings
- Gautama began searching for answers to - 5. Right means of livelihood or earning one’s
riddle of life’s sufferings, disease, old age, living by honourable means
and death. - 6. Right endeavour or effort to direct one’s
- At the age of 29, Siddhartha left his wife and energies toward wise ends
son to wander as a monk. - 7. Right mindfulness in choosing topics for
- Siddhartha travelled throughout north- thoughts
eastern India for about six years. He - 8. Right meditation or concentration to the
experienced enlightenment. point of complete absorption in mystic
- He tried different ways to find the truth, he ecstasy
finally achieved this in his rest and meditation
in grove of trees.
- Siddhartha believed that he had discovered Precepts of Buddhism
why life is full of suffering and how people - 1. Refrain from destroying life
could escape from this unhappy existence. - 2. Refrain from taking what is not given
- When people learned of his discovery, they - 3. Refrain from a misuse of the sense
called him Buddha, which means Enlightened - 4. Refrain from wrong speech (do not lie or
One. deceive)
- From here on, Gautama’s life was devoted - 5. Refrain from taking drugs that tend to
to sharing his “Dharma” or way to salvation. cloud the mind
- Siddhartha was convinced that the way to
escape from pain and misery lay in the Buddhists practice the four states of
transformation of one’s mind and that
liberation of could come sloughing off of all sublime condition:
vain clinging to the things of this life (worldly - 1. Love
desire) - 2. Sorrow of others
- Reduced to its simplest form, the teaching - 3. Joy in the joy of others,
of Buddha has been set forth traditionally in - 4. Equanimity as regards one’s own joy and
“Four Noble Truths” leading to the “Eightfold sorrow.
Path” to perfect character “Arhatship”, which
turn gave assurance of entrance to “Nirvana” The Biblical God and Humanity
at death. - Religious people do not treat God’s
existence as a hypothesis.
- God is a constant presence rather than a - negative minds, feelings, and attitudes are
Being whose existence is accepted as the signs of masochism
best explanation of available evidence - Masochism
- For biblical writers, proving God’s existence
- is the enjoyment of what appears to be
would be as pointless as trying to prove the painful or tiresome.
existence of the air we breath. Hatred
- In Old Testament, the religious problem - is the form of anger that is directed inward.
reflected is polytheism and not atheism. It is a suicidal act.
- In New Testament, the reality of God is
unquestioned due to the conviction that in
Jesus of Nazareth the eternal God became Methods of Forgiveness and
flesh and dwelt among human beings.
Healing (Sebatu, 2009)
- Augustine
- philosophy is amor sapiental, the love of • Counselling
wisdom; its aims to produce happiness. - Requires active listening
- Happiness means fullness of living, a - Allowing the counselee to talk will
feeling and state of goodness experience not help him in letting go of all his hurts
in the body and mind but also in one’s and negative feelings.
finances and relationships.
- wisdom is not only the an abstract
construction but also substantially existent as • Talking to God
the divine logos or the very knowledge of
- In this stage you are not alone,
God/Jesus is presented as counselee.
- Teachings of Christianity are based on the
love of God. • Emmaus Method
- Love means faith in His existence, - This process makes us reflect on our
goodness, and commands. hurts and obstacles as we aspire to be
- For Augustine, Christianity, as presenting good
the full revelation of the true God is the only
full and true philosophy. • Forgivesness Method
- Where does knowledge comes from? It - Forgiveness is difficult but, at the end
begins with the faith and is made perfect by of the day, if hatred overcomes us, it
understanding. would affect our relationship with
- All knowledge leads to God. other people, our sleep, and our
- Augustine spoke of Platonic phrase of health.
humanity as a rational soul using a mortal
- Augustine believes that “Man is a rational Vulnerability
substance constituted of body and soul”. - To be invulnerable is somehow inhuman. To
- Thomas Aquinas “human beings have the be vulnerable is to be human.
unique power to change themselves and Loneliness
things for the better
- With our loneliness, we can realize that our
dependence on other people or gadgets is a
Faith possessiveness that we can be free from.
- is the motivation and guide that points Failure
reason to right places to gain knowledge
about the world and people. - Our failures force us to confront our
weaknesses and limitations.
- Marcus Aurelius
WEEK 6 - “Be not discouraged, nor
FORGIVENESS disgusted, nor dissatisfied. If you
- When we forgive, we are freed from our do not succeed in doing everything
anger and bitterness because of the actions according to right principle”
and/or words of another.
Sebatu (2009) Beauty and Nature
- The nature of man is characterized by its
beauty resulting mainly from the wonderful
diversity of living organisms that exist in
various parts of the earth, as well as the
unique terrain of mountains, water, plateaus
and forests.

- Our self-conception must be regulated by

Buddhist View
- the more we love, the more risks and fears
there are in life
Christian View
- the soul is like a lover who longs to return to
God. In unity with God, the self does not
assert it own will rather the self is sensitive to
the spirit guiding a person secretly in the
depths of his hear

Confucion Jen
- is equal to Christian love. Jen deals with
relationships which can be rooted from the
love of one’s parents, brothers, and sisters.

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