1-Subject Verb Agreement

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A singular subject takes a singular verb:

My friend lives in Boston .

Singular Subject === Verb + s / is / has / was
§ The Galaxy is full of planets . § My father goes to the club everyday .
§ Planet Earth was full of dinosaurs . § My son studies well for his exams .
§ The player has been away for a week .
A plural subject takes a plural verb:
My friends live in Boston .
Plural Subject ====Verb / are/ have / were
§ The Galaxies are full of planets . § My parents go to the club everyday.
§ All the continents were full of dinosaurs . § My sons study well for their exams .
§ The players have been away for a week .
1- Before FIRST COMMA ,

Subject, Noun Phrase , verb referring to the first subject ( NOT WHO / WHICH / AND /BUT / VERB + ING )
Daniel , who is very sociable with his classmates , is very helpful .
Areej , without the help of her friends , has to do everything on her own .

2- Subject , ( but there is no second comma :

A – Either cross out the comma and use S + V
David , who is very keen on his studies and is the top of his class. X
David , who is very keen on his studies and is the top of his class. X
David is very keen on his studies and is the top of his class . √
B- Or insert a second comma followed by a verb
David , who is very keen on his studies and is the top of his class. X
David , who is very keen on his studies , is the top of his class . √
3- Subject comes : before preposition ( Of / In / At / About / Between / Among / Across / From )
The box of apples is on the table.
The apples in the box are fresh .
The vase of flowers is very colourful.
The Collection of stamps is new .
The stamps in the collection are unique .
4- After ‘S / S’ :
The student’s record is on my desk.
The students’ records are on my desk .
5- Prepositional Phrase / Verbal Phrase -------------Verb + Subject
Verb + Ing / Across / Among / In / On / At / Above / High / Available / Absent + Verb + Subject
Extending along the street are many skyscrapers.
On the table are many mobiles .
High above the river are many boats .
Absent from the speeches was any mention of the late president .

6- The number Verb + s is was has does :

The number of boys attending the class is huge
7- A number verb / are / have / were / do :
A number of official reports have to be written.
8- There Here is / was / has ----- Singular Subject
There is a possibility that the exam will be easy .
9- There Here are / were / have ----Plural Subject :
There are many solutions for the EST Exams.
Each of the students has to present his final project by Sunday .
11- Either of / Neither of + (is / has / was / does / verb + s ) :
Neither of the boys is clever
12- Names of Literary works are SINGULAR
Star Wars was one of the best science fiction films .
13- Gerund ( VERB + ING ) is always SINGULAR
Smoking lots of cigarettes is harmful for one’s health.
Compound subject is always plural = Plural verb ( ARE / WERE / DO / HAVE / MAKE / PLAY /
14- The most important point check what are the subjects of these verbs :
/HELPS ( Verb ends with S )
PLURAL SUBJECT ( WITH S ) ---------------------------- ARE / WERE / DO / HAVE / MAKE / PLAY /
HELP ( Verb ends without S )

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