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Analyze which one is Complimenting Ability, Looks or Possesions

1. I really love your haircut. It makes you look like a movie star.
2. Nice car! Is it yours?
3. Mr. Smith, if you don't mind my saying, you are an excellent public speaker.
4. You can really cook. This is amazing food!
5. I hope you don't mind, but I just had to say how wonderful you look today.
6. What a lovely home you have!
7. You can really hit the golf ball
8. Tom, I couldn't help but notice your Mercedes. It's a beauty!
9. You're an awesome student.
10. Do you like my sweater? - That's nice!
11. I have to admit I'm jealous of your lovely garden.
12. Wow, you're hot! Would you like a drink?
13. Ms. Smith, I hope you don't mind, but you are looking very well today.
14. Sherry, what a beautiful dress!
15. You have such exquisite taste in decor.
16. Cudos on the computer dude. Where did you get it?
17. I wish I could drive as well as you
18. May I pay you a compliment, Mary? You really look fantastic today.
19. You have such a cozy home.
20. Ms. Anders, may I be so bold as to compliment you on your dress?
21. I admire your ability to think on your feet.
22. Wow! You're great at skiing!
23. I must say you really know how to paint.
You are a fine + noun phrase
You are a fine amazing nurse!
You are an amazing + noun phrase
You are an amazing diligent tailor!

I must say you really know how to + verb

I must say you really know how to ride a bike

I have to admit, I am jealous of your + noun phrase

I have to admit, I am jealous of your white dress


1. Ability
I must say you really know how to walk on the rope
I admire your ability to lay on fire

You are great at making table


I admire your ability to shoot in long distance

I admire your ability to play guitar
Wow I wish I could make banana juice as well as you
You are great at mopping the floor
2. Looks
How beautiful your eye balls
That is a modern watch
What a cool hat
You are looking clean

3. Possesion
What a lovely fish pond you have
What a lovely ring you have
Cudos on your cute Teddy Bear
Benda + Sifat
Box long
Long box

Buku Biru
Blue book
Noun phrase
Going to/ Will
1. A future decision or plan made before the moment of speaking
2. See or feel now that something is certain to happen in the future
3. A future decision or plan made at the moment of speaking
4. Believe something will happen in the future
5. To do something voluntarily

She will shop

S will Verb

They are going to eat

S Tobe going to Verb

I am going to go to grand mother’s house

S tobe going to V1

Contruction Will
S + Will + Verb
S = Subject (pelaku) kata ganti
Will = Rencana, niatan
V1 = Kata kerja bentuk 1

Construction Going to
S + tobe (am, is, are) + going to + Verb 1
S = Subject (pelaku) kata ganti
Tobe = Kata kerja bantu
Going to = Rencana, niatan
I = am
She, He, It = is
They, you, we = are
Kata kerja bentuk 1

They are going to + V1

Deep Understanding
1. Something you are planning to do in the future (going to)
2. Prediction what you will be doing in the next 10 years (going to/ going to be)
3. Willing to do for someone as a volunteer (will)
4. Express promise (will/ will be)

I am going to watch The Nun movie (1)

I am going to open my own website (2)
I will teach you an enterpreneurship (3)

I will lose fat (4)

S will Verb O

I am going to be rich woman

S tobe going to be N
I will be tall
I will be diligent
I will be diligent
S Will Adj.
I will clean the house
S will V1 Adv. P
S, tobe, N, Adj., Adv. P, Adv. T, will, going to, verb
1. He is going to drive (drive) a car next week
S tobe going to verb O Adv. T
2. Henry will be angry (be/ angry) to me
S will be Adj. O
3. Tony, Jeniffer and Ron are going to be juries (be/ juries) in this competition
S tobe going to be N O/ Adv. T
4. They will take (take) the book. They want to finish the homework
S will verb O
5. The building is on fire. The fireman will come (come) to the fire building
S will verb O/ Adv. P
6. Everybody are going to buy (buy) the talking doll tomorrow
S tobe going to verb O Adv. T
7. James and Cathy will drink (drink) soft drink. They bought it at restaurant
S will verb O
8. The doctor is going to examine (examine) the patient the next day
S tobe going to Verb O Adv. T
9. The price is going to be expensive (be/ expensive) this year
S tobe going to be Adj. Adv. T
10. Dollar is going to be strong (be/ strong) tomorrow morning
S tobe going to be Adj. Adv. T
11. Nathan is going to be a police officer (be/ a police officer) this year
S tobe going to be N Adv. T
12. The mechanic will fix (fix) the car at present
S will verb O Adv. T
13.Can you see the carpenter cut the tree?. The tree will fall (fall) to the ground.
S will verb O
14.The cats are going to be tame (be/ tame) today
15.Robby, Jenny and Roger are going to be pirates (be/ pirates) tonight
16.The house is going to domilish (domilish) on Friday
17.The lamp is going to on (on) after midnight.
18.Dr. Jackal will type (type) the report this moment
S will verb O Adv. T

The teachers are going to go (go) to Purwokerto this aftenoon

S tobe going to verb Adv. T O/Adv. P

The animals will go (go) down the hill to avoid the fire
The students are going to finish (finish) the job tomorrow
The restaurants are going to be easy (be easy) to give costumers discount



Ice Cream

Article, Opinion, Size, Age, Shape, Color, Origin, Material, Measurement, Weight, Noun
1. Article: menjelaskan jumlah benda
Ex: a, an, some, many, much, few, little, a lot of, 2
2. Opinion: menjelaskan penilaian terhadap benda
Ex: silly, horrible, antique, ugly, bad, good, nice, better, best, unique, hard, soft
3. Size: kata sifat yang menjelaskan ukuran benda
Ex: big, large, tiny, wide, little, medium, huge, long, micro, nano
4. Age: kata sifat yang menjelaskan umur benda
Ex: New, old, ancient, brand new, fresh
5. Shape: kata sifat yang menjelaskan bentuk benda baik bangun ruang maupun
Ex: triangle, square, cone, rectangle, round, cube, trapezoid, half circle, circle,
sphere, prism, cylinder, pyramid, hexagon
6. Colour: kata sifat yang menjelaskan warna benda
Ex: reddish, Brownish, Yellowish, Greenish, Grey, Bluish, Purple, Cream, Magenta
7. Origin: kata sifat yang menjelaskan asal benda
Ex: Indonesian, Malaysian, African, Brunei, American, French, Greek, Egypt,
8. Material: Menjelaskan bahan pembuat benda
Ex: wooden, metal, paper, cotton, silk, iron, gold, silver, sand, plastic, clay,
porcelain, glass, rubber, cement, brick
9. Measurement: menjelaskan ukuran
Ex: cm, m, inch, yard, foot/ feet, horse power
10. Weight: Menjelaskan berat benda
Ex: grain, ounce, pounds, ton, kg
11. Noun: Menjelaskan benda (hidup/ mati)

plastic – ruler – 30 cm – a – transparant – nice – small

8 11 9 1 6 2 3
A nice small transparant plastic 30 cm ruler

Orange – sphere – Green – big – sweet – Indonesian – 7 cm

Jeruk bola hijau besar manis indonesia 7cm
11 5 6 3 2 7 9
Sweet big sphere Green Indonesian 7 cm Orange

1. Small – Brown – antique – round – wooden – clock – Canadian – old

Antique small old round Brown Canadian wooden clock
2 3 4 5 6 7 8 11

2. Girl – beautiful – tall – Indonesian – young

Beautiful tall young Indonesian girl
2 3 4 7 11

3. Tiny – rectangular – photo album – new – cute – plastic – Red

Cute tiny new rectangular Red plastic photo album
2 3 4 5 6 8 11

4. Japanese – cube – huge – iron – box – Grey

5. Triangle – narrow – Blue – wooden – clean – tree house – fresh

6. Big – Brown – antique – an – Chicago – 2 m – wooden – old – clock – rectangle

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