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Philosophy is a branch of study concerned with understanding the nature of existence,

knowledge, values, reason, and reality. It typically involves rational inquiry, critical thinking,
and the use of systematic approaches to explore and understand fundamental questions about life,
the universe, ethics, morals, and the meaning of existence. Philosophy deals with concepts and
problems that cannot be easily answered by scientific methods. It is an academic field that has
been studied since ancient times and continues to be explored today. Philosophy is concerned
with critical thinking, argumentation, and reasoning, and it seeks to provide thoughtful solutions
to complex issues.


Julius nyerere was a Tanzanian politician who served as the first president of Tanzania from
1960 until 1985. He is widely regarded as the founding father of the nation and played a
significant role in the fight against apartheid in Southern Africa.Nyerere was also a prominent
advocate for African socialism and Pan-Africanism, both of which he believed were essential for
the continent. He was known for his commitment to education and social justice, and established
free primary and secondary education in Tanzania. Nyerere passed away on October 14,1999.


Julius nyerere’s philosophy was influenced by his belief in African socialism and his
commitment to social justice. He believed that a society should be organized in a way that
ensured the well-being of all its members, not just a privileged few. He advocated for a form of
socialism that was influenced by the traditional communal values and practices in Africa.

One of his main ideas was that education should be free and accessible to all, believing that
education was the key to the development and progress of a nation. He believed that education
should not only focus on imparting technical skills but also on developing the moral values of

Nyerere termed his socialist experimentation Ujamaa (Swahili:” family hood”), a name that
emphasized the blend of economic cooperation, racial and tribal harmony, and moralistic self-
sacrifice that he sought to achieve.

The Nyerere unique governing philosophy known as ‘Ujamaa’ has helped guide Tanzania on a
path of peace and stability, and provided the social infrastructure for stable and equitable
economic development. His goal was to integrate rural villages into a modern state to ensure that
all citizens have an institutional structure to allow them to participate in their government.


Julius nyerere’s philosophy emphasizes the importance of education as a means for nation –
building and development. In Kenya, this philosophy is reflected in the country’s education
system, which seeks to provide universal access to education and promote a holistic approach to
learning. The Kenyan education system emphasizes values such as self- reliance, social
responsibility, and community engagement, which are all central to nyerere’s philosophy of

Additionally, the Kenyan government has implemented policies and programs aimed at
promoting education, such as the free primary education initiative, which has helped to increase
access to education for children from disadvantaged backgrounds. Overall, nyerere’s philosophy
of education has had a significant impact on the development of Kenya education system in

Julius Nyerere’s philosophy of education emphasizes the importance of developing critical

thinking, problem-solving, and analytical skills, as well as fostering a sense of responsibility and
community-mindedness in young people. In applying this philosophy to the education system in
Kenya, the following steps can be taken:

1.Encouraging critical thinking: Teachers can be trained to impact knowledge in a way that
encourages students to think critically about the subject matter. This can be achieved by using
active learning strategies such as discussions, debates, and problem-based learning.

2. Fostering community-mindedness: Emphasis can be placed on the importance of working

collaboratively with others to achieve common goals. This can be done by encouraging
teamwork in the classroom and involving students in community service projects

3.Promoting social justice: The education system must emphasize the importance of social
justice and equality, where students are taught to be fair and respectful to others. They need to be
taught that everyone has the right to education.

4.Developing analytical skills: Students should be taught how to analyze and understand issues
from various perspectives. They should be taught to evaluate different sources of information
and critically about the information they receive.

5. Emphasizing responsibility: The education system should be designed in a way that fosters
responsibility in students. Students should be held accountable for their actions and should be
taught to be responsible citizens.

In conclusion, Julius Nyerere’s philosophy of education is relevant to the education system in

Kenya as it emphasizes skill that are essential for success in 21st century. Teachers and policy
makers can use his philosophy as a guide to create a system that is focused on developing critical
thinkers, socially responsible individuals who can contribute to growth and development of their
communities and beyond.


Merits of Julius nyerere’s Education Philosophy:

1.Emphasis on Education for all: Julius Nyerere emphasized the importance of providing
education to all individuals, irrespective of their gender, race, or social class. He believed that
education was the key to achieving social and economic development in Tanzania.

2.Cultivation of critical Thinking: Nyerere’s philosophy emphasized of cultivating critical

thinking skills in students. He believed that education should encourage individuals to question
authority and develop independent thinking skills.

3.Promotion of African culture: Nyerere’s philosophy promoted the importance of African

culture and values, which he believed were essential to the development of a strong and unified

4.Focus on Self-Reliance: Nyerere’s philosophy emphasized the importance of self-sufficiency

in education. He believed that education should equip individuals with the skills they need to
become self-sufficient and contribute to the development of their communities and nation.

Demerits of Julius Nyerere’s Education philosophy:

1.Lack of Emphasis on Technical and Vocational Education: Nyerere’s education philosophy

largely focused on academic education, which meant that technical and vocational education did
not receive much attention. This has led to a shortage of skilled workers in certain sectors of the

2.Limited Access to Education: Despite the emphasis on education for all, access to education
remained limited in Tanzania during Nyerere’s time in office. Many children still lacked a basic
education, particularly those from rural areas.

3.Overemphasis on Academic Excellence: Nyerere’s education philosophy placed a strong

emphasis on academic excellence, which often led to a neglect of other important aspects of
education, such as creativity, innovation, and entrepreneurship.

4.Limitations and Freedom of Thought: Nyerere’s emphasis on critical thinking could sometimes
be interpreted as a limitation on freedom of thought. The government’s role in shaping the
education system and monitoring its content could also limit the diversity of viewpoints and
ideas within the education system.

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