Analysis of Current-Regulated Voltage-Source Inverters For Permanent Magnet Synchronous Motor Drives in Normal and Extended Speed Ranges

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IEEE Transactions on Energy Conversion, Vol.

5, Noo 1, Mareh 1990 137


Rached Dhaouadi, Student Member, IEEE Ned Mohan, Member, IEEE

Electrical Engineering Department, University of Minnesota

Minneapol is, Minnesota 55455

Abstract - Permanent magnet synchronous motors driven of a P,'! synchronous machine fed by a voltage-source
bYl/oltage-source inverters are used in a wide range of inverter, a position sensor mounted on the motor sllaft
servo-drive appl ications such as rnachine tools and to provide rotor position information and a three phase
industrial robots. The current-regulated voltage­ PWM current regulator comanded by a digital control­
source inverter (CR-VSI) has the advantage of permit­
generate appropriate stator reference currents for
ler. The function of the digital controller is to
ting direct torque control by controlling the amplitude
of the currents in the machine armature and their phase optimal regulation of the torque developed in both the
with respect to the back-emf. The torque-speed charac­ constant airgap flux mode and the constant power or

limited at high speeds by the saturation of the current

teristic of the permanent magnet synchronous motor is flux weakening mode of operation.
An incoming torque command T is converted into a
regulator caused by the finite inverter dc source current command i c using the mo t or torque constant Kt •
voltage and the increase of the back-emf. Based on the spee � information, the current command iqc
In this paper, the generation of a smooth torque at is mapped into the d-q axi s stator reference Cljrrents:
low speeds and the systelTI operating limits in the high a torque component i ct and a flux component i *. These
and extended speed ranges are investigated. A numeri­ cOlnponents are then transformed to the corresponding
cal simulation of tile drive is used to study various phase reference currents i / ,ib*,ic * using the instan­
control strategies. Simulati o� results for ramp, taneous rotor position. The current regulator forces
hysteresis and space vector type current controllers the instantaneous phase currents to follow their com­

characteristics of each. The nature of current regula­

are presented to illustrate important performance manded values by means of pulse-width-modulation (PWt�).
Digital Control.... Voltage sourse Inverter
tor saturation is described and a flux weakening . V d•
algorithm is discussed in order to achieve extended
torque-speed characteristics above the rated speed.

KeywOLd.s_ - Permanent Magnet Synchronous t40tor, Current­ '.
Regulated Voltage-Source Inverter, Flux Weakening.

Computer simulation of a Pennanent Magnet (PM)

Synchronous t40tor drive prior to its hardware implemen­
tation is desirable to provide good insights into the
drive operation and the interaction between the con­

drive is established in which the actual parai�et�rs of Diagram of the PMSM Drive System
verter and the controller. A simulation model for the
Fig. 1 Block
the machine windings are used.
The purpose of this paper is to investigate several DRIVE SIMULATION
- --.- - - - - -- - - - - --

current control techniques and to study their effect on

the drive performance. In the extended speed range The lnotor considered in this simulation is a three­
(constant power region of operation) an algorithm for phase permanent-magnet synchronous motor with the
flux weakening is investigated to obtain maximum torque
following characteristics: non salient pole structure
capability. (uniform airgap), sinusoidal windinJ distribution,
negligible magnetic saturation and iron losses, and
constant inductances and resistances. With these
assumptions the dynamical model of the motor is

equations [16]:
For a permanent magnet synchronous motor drive described by tile following set of di fferential
system, the prime oojective is to achieve torque
control over the desired speed range with the highest
possible bandwidth and acceptable ripple in the output
torque. This can be achieved by the use of a PWM
current controller and an accurate current regulation
scheme. A block diagram of the PM drive system con­
sidered in this paper is shown in Fig. 1. It consists

89 S:>1 745-1 EC A pa;:>er recommended and approoJed where,
I':,;E Rotliti ng \f;;chinery Committee IEEE stator windin" resistance
by the or till' Rs
power Engineering Society fur preselltiltion at the synchronous inductance, which is the effective
PES 1989 Summer Meeting, Long lleach, inductance seen by each phase under Ddlanced
California, .July 9
submitted JilllU"lry 27, conditions
3/2 L a a + LI.
- 1989. 'Ianuscript 1989;
�de available for printing May 19, 1989.
the self-inductance of each phase
the per-phas(l leakage inductance
0885.8969/90/0300.0137$01.00 © 1990 IEEE

Authorized licensed use limited to: Indian Institute of Technology (ISM) Dhanbad. Downloaded on January 30,2024 at 04:08:33 UTC from IEEE Xplore. Restrictions apply.


,tater a-ax!,

Fig. 3 Vector Diagram of the PM Motor

This simulation, enables investigation of both the

transient and the steady state operation of the system.
Simulation inputs include all of the drive circuit
parameters along with the torque command Tc' The simu­
L lation outputs consist of the instantaneous currents,
voltages and torque waveforms. The motor parameters
Fig. 2 System Circuit Diagram
and the dc bus voltage used in the simulation are
listed in Appendix A of the paper.
rotor and load inertia
electromagnetic torque
load torque
rotor angular velocity The principle of controlling the PM synchronous
rotor position measured counterclockwise with motor is known as the field-oriented control where the
respect to the stator a-axis reference rotor position serves as the angle of reference. This
permanent magnet flux vector in the stator is analogous to the control of a separately excited
reference frame DC-machine by field and armature currents. According
to this principle, the stator currents are transformed
The current ls(t ) and the voltage �( t) are defined as into a frame of reference which is moving with the
complex time varying vectors and are obtained from the rotor flux, so that a direct and a quadrature component
instantaneous three phase voltages and currents by the of the stator current vector can be defined which serve
following transformation [16J: as non-interacting inputs for controlling the magnitude
2 of the flux and the torque respectively.
J°2n/3 °4 /3
.is(t) = 3 (ia(t) + ib (t)e + ic(t)eJ U ) (4) This may be deduced from a vector diagram describ­
ing the motor voltage equation (1) for steady state

.Ys( t) = � 2 /3
(va (t) + vb (t)ej n
+ v c(t)ej n /3) (5)
condit ions

The current vector .is(t) may be interpreted as repre­
� j6 r
senting the magnitude and angular position of the sta­ where �f J°W'o/f e (9)
tor mnf. is the back-emf vector leading the permanent magnet
In the drive simulation, Eq. (1) is represented by flux vector in space by 90°, we = p.u r and p is the
the three-phase equivalent circuit as shown in Fig. 2, nUr;]ber of pole pairs in the per'[lanent magnets. The cor­
whe re for each phase, the 1 i ne to neutra 1 voltage is responding vector diagram is drawn in Fig. 3, where the
given by: d-q rotor frame is rotating at constant speed wr• Equa­
tion (8) is next decomposed into the rotor coordinate
= a,b,c (6) frame through the d-q or Park transformation to result
The back-emfs, efk' are sinusoidal with amplitude and 'is vd + j Vq
frequency dependant on the rotor speed wr :
is id + jiq (10)
efa = wrP f cosa r
e fb=wrPf cos(� r - 120°) (7) Vq Rs iq +weLsi d + Ef
efc = W r� f costa r + 120°)
- W L iq
vd Rsi d e s
A schematic of the simulated drive configuration
consisting of the PM synchronous motor and the voltage
source inverter is shown in Fig. 2. The transistors
are modelled as ideal controlled switches with instan­ The d-q variables are obtained froll' the phase variables
taneous turn-on and turn-off, therefore the switches in t hrough the Park transformation defined by taking
each inverter leg have a complementary switching state. phase-a axis as a reference and 6r as the instantaneous
The assumption of ideal switches allows the blanking rotor position.
time, which is needed in practice to avoid cross con­
duction of the switc hes in the same inverter leg, to be l
-i d � [ Sin a r sin(a r-1200)


neglected. Blanking time causes phase shift and addi­ -
tional ripple in the inverter output currents. In , q cos e r coste r-1200)
practice, this effect can be minimized by keeping the
product of the switching frequency and the blanking Isin a
time as small as possible [22J.
This simulation has been carried out on the Appolo I sin(S r-1200) (11)
system using the electromagnetic transient program
(EMTP) [17J, a public domain program, which allows
time-domain simulation at' circuit and control systems.
L Sin(a r +1200)

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The expression for the electric torque is

T e - 2 � f lq - Kt· lq
- � • -. .
which shows that the electric torque depends only on
the quadrature axis current. Therefore, the optimal
mode of operation, to produce maximum torque for a
given stator current, requires that the stator current
vector should be controlled so as to be along the q­ a) Hysteresis Controller

axis, hence id O. �
Triangular Generator


The switching sequence of the transistors is pro­
vided by three current controllers that force the out­ Cu,.r.nt
Rl!f.r.ncl! GA2
put currents to follow the reference currents. These
references are usually sinusoidal but can be of any Current COI'I'Ipar'.ator
arbitrary waveforms. They are synchronized to the
rotor position to maintain the stator and rotor fluxes
in synchronism. Three PWM techniques have been incor­ Ramp-Comparison Controller

porated into the simulation: ramp-comparison Yt'ct�1" CClmparl�o"

controller, hysteresis controller, and space-vector .

controller. PROH


Hysteresis Contro11 er F F G9,

1) ."

Figure 4a shows a schematic of a hysteresis oe,

controller. For each phase the error between the
; ,

current reference and the actual current is passed

. .. .

through a comparator with hysteresis. Whenever the


actual phase current deviates from the commanded


value by more than half of the hysteresis band, the


controller commands the switching state (on or off)


to force the current to stay confined within this I 0) Space-Vector Controller

hysteresis band.
. '. ,

2) Ramp-Comparison Controller
Figure 4b shows the schemltic of d r��� comparison Fig. 4 Basic Operation of the PWM Current Controllers

controller. The error between the current

reference and the actual current in each phase is
compared to a fixed triangle voltage waveform and
the output is passed into a zero crossing detector V2
to generate the switching state of the transistors. V6

The controller has therefore a constant switching

frequency defined by the triangular wave. ----.-- V7=V8.Q
3) Space-Vector Controller I

In this method described in [6,7], the deviation

V3 V5
, '.

vector, �ls' between the reference current vector,

ls *' and tne.act�al current vector, �, is detec­

ted: �ls =.!,s*-.!,s. Then the approprIate voltage V4

vector to reduce the error magnitude, � is, is Fig. 5 Space vectors of Terminal Voltages and Currents
applied by the inverter to the motor. As shown in
Fig. 5, eight states are available for the voltage
Vmax = � Vdc (13)
vector corresponding to the eight possible switch­
ing positions of the inverter (two of these states It can be seen from Eq. 10 that in case of in � 0,
correspond to zero voltage when all upper switches the magnitude of the terminal voltage Vs increases with
or all lower switches are closed). Six regions an increase in rotor angular velocity. W r' or the q­
limited by the dotted lines are defined for the axis armature current, iq, i.e. the instantaneous
deviation vector. Therefore. the voltage vector torque. Therefore, saturation of the current regulator
which has the largest component in direction of �is occurs at high speeds when for a given torque, the
is selected to be applied to the motor. motor terminal voltage approaches the maximum voltage
Figure 4c shows the schematic for this technique. V max' This saturation phenomenon can be explained by
Three comparators with hysteresis are used to looking at the limits of the current vector locus in
detect the time of switching when any phase current the rotor reference frame.
exceeds the hysteresis range. Then, the new USing Eq. 10 with the magnitude of the motor ter­
control command to the inverter is derived through minal voltage set to, Vmax' the steady state current
a PROM table by comparing the current references components id and iq are related by the following
and the actual currents. equation:
Xs Rs
CURRENT REGULATOR SATURATION V max (Zsid+-E)2+(Zsiq+-E )2 (14)
Zs f Zs f
Clearly the operation with id 0 is the best
(R; + X�) 1/ and Ef = cP f' r .

choice as long as the inverter can supply the necessary � W

where Xs eLs' Zs �

voltage. The maximum amplitude of the line-to-line

voltage at the motor terminals which can be sustained For a given speed wr' this represents the equation of
by the inverter without distortion in the line currents an ellipse in the d-q plane as shown in Fig. 6, indi­
equals the dc source voltage, Vdc' in Fig. 2. Therefore, cating that an increase in rotor speed results in
the maximum amplitude of the phase to neutral terminal sma 11 er ranges for the current vector. Clearly, the
voltage wi 11 be less than

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MalCimum Torque/Amp Traje ory c: <A)

r------r------��' ���--�----__;

" .. ..... . f
40 l ...... .
. ..... .... .. ..
,�I�.� === . =. · �. F��� ,i
.. . .... ...... . .......... . . ( Current Command)

20 .. 6 ..,__:2 :---+---- . � .. ..
-..:H-t_ � -i-} !\ -......-
. . . .w
. .. ..


. �+-______�______�____->id
; \...... / ,/.fIJ. ... . -vL.

-20 ·
.. . ........ .........

-40 l
I .
���=t==P- / ·
·· · · ·· ······ �
·· · · · · ···
�······· ,· ········· · l 30
+------4---�--�--4 . .� �ax
-50 25
-50 -40 -20 20 40
Fig.6 Stator Current locus at Different Operating Speeds
w,1=1000 rpm, wr2=2000 rpm, w'3-3000 rpm

duce maX1mum torque-per-amp is the vertica 1 q-axi s.
desired �rajectory traced oy the current vector to pro­

a given speed, the intersection of the corresponding

At I smax
ellipse with the q-axls gives the maximum current i m dX 10
that can be regulated (with Id = 0) .
Q '-....
If the commanded

curr nt iq * exceed� iqmax' the resulta �t current vec­
tor 1S forced to dl verge from the q-axl s In order to
remain within the ell ipse boundaries. This saturation
o f the current regulator gives rise to current errors, o
1000 1200 '400 1600 1800 2000

2200 2400
and consequently to errors in the torque produced. (b) Speed (rpm)
.u ;-

Flux weakening in a permanent magnet motor has a

,S .. .
... . ..... :;:���� �� .•....••..•.........•.........•.. . ...+
w1 .1600 rpm

w4.2200 rpm
similar effect as the direct field weakening in a ...... w5_2400 rpm
separately excited dc motor. This Is done by Intro­
ducing a negative current component in the d-axls to
create a d-axls flux in opposition to that of the rotor
flux resulting in a decreased airgap flux. This arma­
ture reaction effect is used to enlarge the operating
speed range of the PM motor and to relieve the current -s l········ ················ ······_··· ··,·· ········· ..
· · · · · .. . . .,���
. ... .

As shown in the vector diagram of Fig. 3, the

regulator from saturation that occurs at high speeds.
-'0 l········,· ······· ·························,··········.............................• . . .;............ . •........................J���

amplitude of the terminal voltage, vs1' at id = 0
exceeds the permi ssib1 e max i mum voltage, Vmax'
o ,0 20
a ppropriately cantrall ing id ' the ampl itude of the ter­
m inal voltage vs2 is reduced to equal. V Iqc (A)
The optimal control procedure Is thus as follows:
� iqma�
at.any speed, o c I Fig. 7 Current Reference Generation in the Flux Weakening Mode

- O.
for iq �rate with i *.=
and ld

ene CIJrr2tlt

I·or lye> \,jioldX' c?"Ject3ry
s hould be along the voltage-limit ellipse as shown in

Fig. 7a. The value i qmax that sets the boundary bet­ demagnetization limit of the permanent magnets. This is
ween normal and flux-weakening operation is found from accomp�ished insuring :h� t iq
C �
nd i * are c
(14) to theIr restrIcted range. 1 cmax - Ismax and I
equation by setting id = 0, and solving for I ; dmax
Th s flux weakeni ng procedu re maximi zes tne
1qmax (I Zs - -
Vmax Xs Ef RsEfJ/Z 2 (15) torque capability of the motor in the extended speed
Fig. 7b shows iqm a as a function of rotor speed wr•
Ismax represents tne maximum motor current limit.
The operating point In the flux-weakening mode of
operation iS,obtained as.s�own .�n Fig: �a b� sing Eq. Figure 3 shows the steady state response of the
(�4) along w1th the conditIon I qc = d +

and is l lq drive to a constant torque command under the optimal
gIven by: control strategy, the speed being held at 1500 rpm. It
can be seen that for the hysteresis controller, the
iq = (AR
+ x
s qc - s
2 (16) phase current in Fig. 3a is constrained to follow the
reference value within the hysteresis band. Neverthe­
Id =- V � il -
less, as discussed in because of the independence
in the control of the three phases, the current ripple
2 2 2 2 can reach double the hysteresis band value due to the
where. A = (V max - Ef - Zs iqc J/2Ef
appearance of free-wheelin� periods when a zero voltage
Fig. 7c shows the current program implemented oy the
switching state (v7 or 1n Fig. is commanded to v8 5)
the inverter. The switching frequency is variable and
f unctional relation between id*' Iq* and iqc for dif­
reference generator section in Fig. 1, which gives the
depends on the hysteresis oand and the operating
ferent operating speeds. This control algorithm can be conditions.
easily implemented digitally using a high speed signal The results of Fig. for the space-vector 8b
minated and the switching frequency is hi3her than for
processing microcomputer to compute the reference cur­ controller shOll that the free-wheeling periods are eli­

actual operating point is based on not exceeding the

rent components with precision in real time. The
the simple hysteresis controller, therefore this method
conver�er and the.motor cu�rent limit Ismax and not acts as three hysteresis controllers with dependent
exceedIng the maxImum d-aXlS current defined by the control and guarantees an exact control of the phase
currents within the tolerance band.

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(a) (a)
LAMPS] (10"2) [A�PS]

L SE=- C OND$(1011 2)
0.'\50 0.500


0.10° [VOLTS] (10112)

O.lOEl Va

=-,O--,"t>:_�::---c;j¥.c---c--cc_*::.:"::.:llc::IS�[C HOS
h lr �rIr-c=-;:----:-:J,\---:--=_JU,-- 2)
(1011 2)

'" .�
0.500 , ':"::: S COIfDS(tl)
', E
II ,-�

... jt',lf �I·i.

;:;;---;c �


0.200 j [AIIPSJ 00"2)





0.400 0.4:J0 0.)00 0.100

o 2)

Fig. 8,
-'\ 0;.10 O.�O\ �7 IHLLIS[CONDSClOn

0.-150 0.500
Simulation results for the phase current references and the actual currents

b) \ /
in steady state operation, wr ""1500 rpm. a) Hysteresis controller,

61. 1 A. Space·vector conlroller, 61 • II., 0) Ramp comparison

controller, tsW""2 kHz, Vpp(triangte)_2 V .

0.100- [VOLTS] 0(112)

0,200 lI'lPlPS] (18"2) 0.0)0

l C''::,::SECONDS (1011 2)

iq( r


0.108 8.158 11.208 0.2'50 0.30e O.35e '-' O.-1:JB B.500

1 [flPlPSl (10"2)

w r• 1.3 Wr(raled)
Fig, 10, Current regulator saturation at rated torque command and rotor speed
wr at : a) wr: 1.1 wr(rated) ,

o 1l)B

i. state error in the uncompensated ramp comparison


0,188 0.1'50 0.20B 0.250 0.3ea 0.358 0.-100 0.459 1).500

contro ler of Fig. 9c is due to the magnitude and phase
error 1n the phase currents d1scussed earlier.
(10112) At extended speeds (higher than the rated speed).
The plots in Fig. 10
show the effects of current regu­
lator saturation on the currents and phase voltages.

The torque command equdls the rated value and the

O.15e 0.:>08 B.2Se 0.30B
� 9.359 O.�50 O.soo
MnlTSFCONDS{1011 2)
controller COllllnand id* = o.
In Fig. lOa the controller saturation is indicated

by pro onged intervals in the phase voltage where no

a) Hysteresis
sWltch1ng occurs because of insufficient dc voltage
Fig. 9.

�I- 1A. b)
supply. In F1g. lOb at a h1gher speed, the saturation
Space-vector controller, .61_ lA, c) Ramp
Transient response for step changes in the torque command.
controller, 1S more pronounced giving rise to higher error between

seen that the PWM current regulator adaptively controls

comparison controller, fsw.2 kHz, Vpp(triangle)-2 V . the sinusoidal reference and the actual current. It is

the voltage and current waveform to cause a smooth

For the ramp cornpari son controller, the inverter
t�ansition from full-PWM to six-step square-wave opera­
switches at the fixed frequency of the triangle wave.
t 10n.
Therefore, the harmonics produced in the current (Fig.
Clearly the resulting current error will give rise

8c) and voltage waveforms are well-defined. However
to an error in the produced torque. This degradation
t here is an inherent magnitude dnd phase error in th
1n torque 1n a hysteresis controller can be seen in
directly on the SWitching frequency [8J.
phase currents and the ripple component depends
Fig. 11a for a ramp Change in the reference torque com­
The resulting
errors and the loss of current regulation can be com­ mand at rated speed. The instantaneous current vector
initiany follows the maximum torque-per-amp trajec­
pensated by increasing the controller gain (which is
tory; 1 1S controlled to be zero within a tolerance
affected by the ratio of the dc bus voltage to the d
band, and the torque component i follows the reference
amplitude of the triangular waveform in Fig. 4b) or by q

value. However, for higher torque commands the
adding compensation.
current components di verge from the referen es values
The plots in Fig. 9 show the response of the system
leading to a positive id current with high ripple and
to step changes in the torque command at rated speed.
causing the torque component to saturate and eventually
The q-axis current response shows the characteristics
fall. A large torque ripple is produced when the

lers show approximately the same rise time T=3 ms.

of the torque control loop. The three current control­
controller saturates. The plots under identical con­

Fig. lIb.
ditions for a ramp comparison controller are shown in

small «1 ms) because of the large voltage difference

In all three controllers, the fall time is very
The reduction in gain observed in the linear
region of operation is shown to be an inherent charac-
available to force the current to change. The steady

� 1

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0.30° 1 [AMPS] (101I2) C. JOO T [A1tf'SJ OllnZ)

0.200* 1l.209

9.198 0.100

0.009 �_�
��"""_�,!:",",,,!"O.3ee �}J\)V ,jLLlS[CONOS(10"
6L�����\I O.7()ii··��oo "
O. "ffi O

Transition region 10 six-st ep

0.259 region squlre-velve operetl0n 0. ('50 [YOLTSl (10..2)

O. 900 +-----,�. 1c-e,--,

O o O .-,-"�-
, ,, c-, -,c-.,,,'7 '--',-. 5"" ,,-�o.�, ,�, -ii.70�
,-,..,. 0.800
2) 0.500



{AMPS] <10..2)
O.J I)-
O (b)


[VOLTS] (101.12)


� ----;c,.-;,,;;; ;'O-;' .- "'' ';';-----;,"; ,- "',,::-, -;c"
,1.' ;:;:OO ;---:-'.''';:;;'-;;-C.O �09
OOO . 0:;,,;---:-,.',, ;;
-;. -0.290

Simulation results showing current regulator saturation in response to

Fig. 1 1.
a ramp change in the torque command at wr-1500 rpm.
a) Hysteresis
controller, �I _ T A. b) Ramp comparison controner, fsw-2 kHz,
V (triangle)_2 V .

teristic of the current regulator [20,21].

The performance of the system with the flux weaken­
ing mode of operation is shown in Fig. 12 for a ramp
change in the torque command at rated speed. As with
flu)( weakening operation, wr-15OO rpm.
Fig. 12. Simulation resuJts for a ramp change In the torque command with
the previous example, at higher command values, the
current reference generator detects the onset of a) Hysteresis controller. b) Ramp comparison controller.

saturation and compensates the current reference com­

ponents to maintain the current regulator in the active most difficult to model due to their highly nonlinear
state. The results demonstrate that the flux weakening nature [5]. The ramp-comparison controller on the
algorithm forces the current vector to move along the other hand can be linearized [20], provided the input
voltage-limit ellipse as desired. In contrast to the to the comparator can be assumed to be sinusoidal.
plots of Fig. 11 without flux weakening, the tor q ue The steady state relationship between the input and
increases following initiation of flux weakening, and output current components is given by:
the ripple is only due to the high frequency switching
of the inverter. (17)

The prime objective of the current regulators
studied so far is to achieve control of the d-q com­
ponents of the stator vector current in the rotor the elements of the A matrix are function of the
reference frame. This was achieved indirectly by motor parameter and the operating frequency. The self
controlling the phase currents in the stationary stator coupling terms are related by all a22 and the cross =

regulator wou I d have the rnatri x A equal to the identity

reference frame and is therefore called a stationary coupling terms by a21 -alt [20J. An ideal current

regulator [19,20].
As seen from the simulation results in Figs. 8-12, matrix. However in the case of the stationary regula­
the characteristics obtained are those of a less than tor, the diagonal terms are not unity and the off
ideal current controller. The current controller is diagonal terms are not equal to zero. Therefore, the
not capable of prodUCing zero steady-state current steady state exhibits cross coupling between the d and

A dynami c mode I for the current regulators reI ating Vlhen the termina I voltage is I ess than Vmax' the
error. q axis.

input and output quantities id/id* and iq/i * is dif­ regulator operates in the linear mode and the cross
The hysteresis and the space-vector controllers are th�
ficult to derive in closed form due to nonlinearity. coupling effect between the d- and q-axis is minimized
(negligible). This is seen in Fig. 11 where only the

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q-axis current was commanded (i * = iq ' id* = 0).

q C
The o.Joe [AMPS] (LO"2)
resulting q-axis current, iq, fa llows the co�manded
value, i *, closely and the d-axls current, ld'

approach s zero within a limited error band. Therefore
the coupling terms can be expressed as;
all = a12 = 1 + Ii Ii, E « 1

where Ii and £ represent the rlpp 1 e component errors in


1.0Ba [MATIS} (lOnJ)

the output currents. For the hysteresis and the space­
vector controller,these errors depend on the hysteresis
band and can be set to the smallest value that gives an 0.500

controller, Ii and E depend on the switching frequency,

adequate switching frequency. For the ramp-comparison

can be 1 i:nited by using compensation an d adjus ting the

the motor parameters and the operating frequency, and

switching frequency. .
As the terminal voltage approaches Vmax for hlgher
torque command values, the inverter jumps into six­ 0.30e UIMPS] (UI.2)
step square-wave operation and the d-q current COI�­
I q
ponents diverge from the reference va�ues. The error
in the q-axis displays the self coupllng term (a?2) and '·'''r�--�---�----.�_�_
the error in the d-axis displays the cross-coupllng MILlISECOMDS(10n 2)
effect (a12).
. . .
•. ".
0.150 8.250 6.35' ...�.' �<5c-, --c- , ....
, ___
•.-=, •.-= , ---
..,. , . -;;- 7 ---
.' -=5 ,.",,;;-, --;;i
' -;;- .'"
This nonlinear varldtlon ln the PWM galn (all and
a12) results in a significantly decreased ability of
the stationary regulator to regulate current over the
entire transition region.
When the flux-weakening algorithm is incorporated 0.599

in the controller, as shown in Fig. 12, the current

regulator is able to maintain a tight current regula­
9 . 089'1-.....-.., . 1"''' ,----- ,,---. --:.""!,
•."'' . O::
5B-,;:-�5B;;-""'- ."5 '
5 ;;;- 'c-:.,:O;";- -;;
\ Wb "' 1300 rpm

w� = 2500 rpm
, -;;
. -;; S9-�e.958
':-:.' :;;;
tion throughout the transition region, with negligible
c ross coupling. Therefore the all and a12 terms are

Fig. 13.
a22 = 1 + Ii
m aintained close to the ideal values
Ii, E « 1
with time �om 500 10 2500 rpm .
Torque and power-speed characteristics for a linear change of speed
a 12 = -a2l =E a) without flux weakening, b) with flux weakening.

TOR..Q.�:S:: PEE���I!I\.���l!,-�ISTII2

The steady state performance of the drive systeln

For a high performance PMSM drive, appropriate
for a wide range of rotor speeds is studied by looking
choice of the power converter and of the controller is
at the torque-speed envelope. The desired character­
achieved using computer simulat.ion of the drive system.
istic is a constant torque operation frolll zero up to
Different control strategies are studied and the per­
the base speed and a constant power operation above
formance of three different current controllers is
base speed.
Figure 1 3 shows the drive simulation results in
The main advantage of operation with a current­
response to a constant torque command �qual to the
. regulated VS1 is that the effect of the drive dynamic s
rated value for a wide rdnge of operatlng speeds. ThlS
of stator resistance and leakage reactance are elimi­
is achieved by simulating a linear change of speed with
nated and the motor interactions are simplified. The
time from 500 to 2500 rpm. The time on the horizontal
stator windings with impressed currents can be approxi­
axis in these figures represents rotor speeds on a dif­
mated by fast control loops and therefore speed and
ferent scale. Therefore, this figure shows the torque-

. .
pOSition control loops can be easily added to the
speed and power-speed characteristics.
torque control loop resulting in greatly simplified
Without flux weakening, in Fig. l3a the transltlon
control of the motor.
region is entered at the base speed W b � 1300 rpm and
The torque and speed range over which current can
extends to approximately W r=2500 rpm. The current
be regulated is limited by the DC voltage source of the
regulator saturates so that the maximum available
inverter. At high speeds, the terminal voltage
torque falls significantly faster than l/wr and the
approaches the maximum that can be supplied by the
inverter causing a transition from PWM to six-step
power decreases to zero. This presents a further
illustration of the inability of the current controller
square-wave operation. In this transition region a
to maintain current regulation over the entire
nonlinear cross-coupling between the d-q current com­
transition region.
ponents is observed, and the current controller is
With flux weakening, in Fig. 13b, it is seen that
unable to regulate the phase currents resulting in a
as the rotor speed exceeds the base speed wb= 1 300 rpm
rapid deterioration in torque regulation.
the flux weakening algorithm is initiated. The torque
In order to improve current regulator operation in
command is reduced (I
* < iq (; ), and the terminal

voltage Vs is suppres ed to V max by the d-axls arm�ture
this region. use of flux weakening as desc ribed is pro­
posed. The current reference values are adjusted based
current. As a result, the current controller remalned
on motor speed so that the inverter remains in its
in the linear region ofiJperation,the motor current
linear region of operation.
waveforms maintained their sin�soidal shape at all
With the proposed flux weakening algorithm. the

= 2500 rpm the output torque produced 1 s

speeds, and the power remained constant.
. current controller maintains current regulation over a
At W
greater han zero. This demonstrates that the flux
wide range of operating speeds and assures no cross
coupling between axes.
weakening algorithm considerably expands the PMSM drlve
Throughout the transition region, the available.
operating envelope and enables the PM motor to operate
output torque is maximized and constant power operatlon
in the constant power mode.
is achieved which enables a full utilization of the de
input voltage of the drive.


Authorized licensed use limited to: Indian Institute of Technology (ISM) Dhanbad. Downloaded on January 30,2024 at 04:08:33 UTC from IEEE Xplore. Restrictions apply.

� C. J.
----- --- - --
APPENDIX (15) M. L. Mazenc, Villanueva and Hector, "Study

Inverter on a Perilld n ent i,1agnet SynchronouS

and Implellentatio� of Hysteresis Controlled

0.6 KI� 11achine," IEEE Trans. on In dust ry Ap�l ications,

motor para�eters:
rated output:

Iv. Leonhard, "Control of Electrical Drives,"

rated speed: 1500 rprn Vol. IA-21, No. 2, March/April 1985, pp. 408-413.

Springer-Verlag, Berl in, Heidelber g 19.%.

rated current: 15A (maxi:nunJ value) (16)
number of poles: 4
armat,Jre resistance: 0.81 (17) W. S. Meyer and T. H. Liu, Eds., "EMTP Rule Book,"
synchronous inductance: 6.1 mH Portla�d, Oregon, Bonneville Power Adm i nis tration,

(18) C. D. Schauder, F. H. Chao, 11. 1. R oberts, "High

DC voltage source: V 100 volts SystBIl,Engineering, June 1984.
dc =

Drive", I EE E - lAS Co�f. Record, 1982, pp. 563-558.

P erformance Torque Controlled Induction Motor

(1 ) T. Sebastian and G.R. SIemon, "Operat in g Limits of (19) Colin D. SChauder and Roy Caddy, "Current Control

IEEE-lAS Conf. Record, 1986, pp. 800-805. Drive Perf o rr nance, " IEEE Trans. on Ind. Appl.,
Inverter-Driven Pennanent-Magnet Motor Drives", of Voltage Source Inverters fur Fast Four-Quadrant

Vol. IA-H!, No. 2 , I-larch/April 1982, pp. 163-171.

(20) 1. 11. Rowan and R. J. Kerkmdn, "A New Synchronous
(2) T.M. Jahns, "Flux Wea ken ing Operation of an

Current Regu lato r and an Analysis of Current Regu-

Interior Permanent i1agnet Synchronous 11otor

I E EE Trans. on Ind. Appl.,

Drive", IEEE-lAS ConL Record, 1986, pp. 814-823.

vol. I A- 2 2 , No. 4, July/Aug. 1986, pp. 678-690.

(3 ) T."'. Jahns, "Torque Product ion in PI� Synchronous lated PWi1 Inverters",

(21) 1. M. Rowan and R. J. Ke rkman , and 1. A. Lip o,

Motor Drives with Rectangular Current Excitation",

S. Ogasdwara, M. Nighimu ra , H. Akagi and A. Nabae,

IEEE Trans. lAS , pp. 803-813, July/August 1984.
( 4) "Operation of Naturally Sampled Current Regulator s
"A High Perfor,nance AC Servo S ystern With Permanent in the Trdnsition Mode," IEEE Trans. Ind. AppI.,

Electronics Vol. IE33, No. I, Feb. 1986, 87-91. (22) Y. Murdi, T. Watanabe, H. Iwasaki, "Waveforrn
Magnet Synchronous 11otors", IEEE Trans. on InJ. Vol. IA-23, No. 4, July/Auyust 1987, pp. 586-596.

( 5) A.B. Plunkett , "A Current Controlled PW I1 Tran­ Distortion and Correction Circuit for PWM
sistor Drive", IEEE-lAS ConL Record, 1979, Invert ers with Switching Lag-Times," IEEE-lAS
pp. 785-792. C o n f. Record, 19{;5, pp. 436-441.
(6) G. Pfaff, A. Weschta and A. Wick, " Design and
Experimental Results of a Brushless AC S e rvo­ BIOGRAPHIES
- - -- - -
A Nabae, S. Ogasawara and H. Aka�i, "A Novel
Drive", IEEE-lAS Conf. Record, 1982, pp. 692-697. -- - _ .

(7) Rached Dhaou adi was bor n in Tu nis , Tunisia in 1961.

Control Scheme of Current-Controlled PWM I nvert ­ He rec-e(v-id·Yhe-'-D-fplome d ' ingenieur Principal' from
ers," IEEE-lAS Conf. Record, 1985, pp. 473-478. the E NIT (Ecole Nationale d' lngenieu r s de Tunis) i n

VSI-PWM In verters", IEEE Tr a n s . on Ind. Appl., from tile Universi ty of M i n nesoLa in 19B7. Currently he
(8) D.M. Brod and D.W. Novotny, "Current Control of 1985, a n d the 11.5. degree i n Electrical Engineering

is working on his Ph.D. degree in Electrical

W. Mcl1urray, "Modulation of the Chopping Frequency
Vol. IA-2l, No. 4, May/June 191>5, pp. 562-570.
(9) Engineering while working as a research dnd teaching
Contro 11 ers" , IEEE Trans. Ind. App 1., Va 1. lA-20,
in DC Choppers and Inverters Having Hysteresis assist ant at the Electrical n gi neering Department,

power electronics and applied motion con trol .

UniVersity of 11innesota. His fields of interest are
No. 4, pp. 763-768, July/Aug 1984.
(10) Robert H. Comstock, "T r �n ds in Br ushless Pe rilldnent
Ned 110han (M'73) \;as born in I nd i a on OcLober 5,
1946�--H·e--r'eceived the �. Tech degree fraln the lIT,
Magnet and Inducti o n Motor Servo Drives,"
MOTION/second quarter 1985, pp. 4-12.
(11) P. Pillay and R. Krishnan, "Control Character­ Kharagpur dnd M.S. degree in Electrical Engineering
ist i cs and S peed Controller Design for a High from the University of New Brunswick, Canada in 1967
Performance Permanent ;�agnet Synchronous Motor and 1969, reslJectively. In 1972, he received the 11.5.

(12) T. M. Ja hns, G. B. Kiman and T. w. N e um ann,

Drive," IEEE-lAS Conf. Record, 1987, pp. 59(J-606. degree in Nuclear Engi neer i ng and in 1973 the Ph.J.
degree in Electrical Engineering, botil from the

F rrnn 1973 to 1974 he was a Postdoctoral F el l ow at

"Interior Permanent Magnet Syncilronous I�otors for University of Wisconsin, Madison.
Adjustable-Speed Drives," IEEE-lAS Conf. Reco rd ,
1985, pp. 814-823. the Un ivers ity of Wisconsin and from 1974 to 1975 a

Ana ly sis of a Permane nt-I'l aynet Synchronous Motor Since then, he nas been with the
(13) G. R. SIemon and A. V. Gumate, "Steady-State Project Associate with tne Wisconsin Superconductive
Energ y Storage Gr o u p.
Drive with Voltage Source Inverter," I�EE-IAS, University of Minnesota, Minneapolis where he is now an

(14) George Kaufman, Luis Garces and Gerard Gallagher,

Conf. Record, 1980, pp. 618-625. Associate Professor of Electr ical Engineering. His
main research area is power electronics.
"High-Performance Servo Drives for I'lachine-Tool
Applications Using AC Motors," IEEE-lAS Conf.
Record, 1982, pp. 604-609.

Authorized licensed use limited to: Indian Institute of Technology (ISM) Dhanbad. Downloaded on January 30,2024 at 04:08:33 UTC from IEEE Xplore. Restrictions apply.

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