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Module 2: Working in a Team Environment (NC II) Learner’s Handbook

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Module 2: Working in a Team Environment (NC II) Learner’s Handbook

Education Development Center (EDC) would like to thank the staff of the USAID Opportunity 2.0
Program, Philippines local team, and the Technical Education and Skills Development Authority’s
(TESDA) National Institute for Technical Education and Skills Development (NITESD) through its
Curriculum and Training Aids Division (CTADD), whose invaluable insights guided the adaptation of this

Opportunity 2.0 aims to provide opportunities for second-chance education for vulnerable out-of-school
youth (OSY) by collaboratively working with TESDA in strengthening its technical education and training
systems to develop, deliver and monitor workforce readiness and technical-vocational training programs
that will prepare large numbers of out-of-school youth to transition to further education and training,
immediate jobs and self-employment opportunities. In line with this objective, Opportunity 2.0 has
developed the Work Readiness Modules on 21st Century Skills which are appropriate for self-directed
learning or modular learning delivery.

The Work Readiness Modules on 21st Century Skills is an adaptation of EDC’s globally recognized Work
Ready Now. The curriculum addresses the TESDA Amended Competency Standards for Basic
Competencies Integrating 21st Century Skills which were promulgated on July 9, 2019.

© 2020 Education Development Center, Inc.

This content may not be produced without the permission of Education Development Center or the United States
Agency for International Development.

This curriculum is made possible by the generous support of the American people through the United States
Agency for International Development (USAID). The contents are the responsibility of Education Development
Center, Inc. and do not necessarily reflect the views of USAID or the United States Government.

EDC 43 Foundry Avenue Waltham, MA 02453 Education Development Center (EDC) is a global
nonprofit that advances lasting solutions to improve
Contact: education, promote health, and expand economic
Phone: 617-969-7100 Since 1958, we have been a leader in designing,
implementing, and evaluating powerful and innovative
programs in more than 80 countries around the world.

Boston | Chicago | New York | Washington, D.C.

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Module 2: Working in a Team Environment (NC II) Learner’s Handbook

Summary of Learning Outcomes.......................................................................................................5
Module Overview................................................................................................................................5
SESSION 1: Describe Team Role and Scope.................................................................................................7
Activity 1: Introductory Activity & Pre-Module Learner’s Reflection........................................................8
Activity 2: Self-Assessment on Working in Teams.................................................................................15
Activity 3: Setting Team Goal and Scope...............................................................................................20
Activity 4: Cooperating with Others......................................................................................................28
SESSION 2: Identify One’s Role and Responsibility Within A Team.............................................................45
Activity 6: Preparing an Individual Action Plan.....................................................................................57
SESSION 3: Work as A Team Member........................................................................................................65
Activity 7: Teamwork vs. Individual Work..............................................................................................66
Activity 8: Team Planning and Decision-making....................................................................................74
SESSION 4: Review and Assessment..........................................................................................................82
Activity 9: Post-Module Learner’s Reflection..........................................................................................82
Activity 10: End-of-Module Assessment................................................................................................87

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Module 2: Working in a Team Environment (NC II) Learner’s Handbook

Module 2: Working in a Team Environment (NC II Level)

A Unit of Competency under Basic Competency on Collaboration and Teamwork

“Talent wins games, but teamwork and

intelligence win championships.” – Michael
(Ang talent ang nagpapanalo sa mga laro, ngunit ang pagtutulungan at
katalinuhan ang nagpapanalo sa mga kampeonato.)

Unit Code: 400311211

Unit Descriptor: This unit covers the skills, knowledge and attitudes to identify one’s
roles and responsibilities as a member of a team.

Summary of Learning Outcomes

Upon completion of the module, you will be able to:

 L.O. 1 - Describe team role and scope

 L.O. 2 - Identify one’s role and responsibility within a team
 L.O. 3 - Work as a team member

Module Overview
 Activity  Recommended Time
Session 1: Describe team role and scope (L.O. 1)
1. Introductory Activity & Pre-Module Learner’s Reflection (15-30 minutes)
2. Self-Assessment on Working in Teams 15-30 minutes
3. Setting Team Goal and Scope 60-90 minutes
4. Cooperating with Others 90-120 minutes
Session 2: Identify One’s Role and Responsibility within a Team (L.O. 2)
5. Understanding Roles and Responsibilities in a Team 60-90 minutes
6. Preparing an Individual Action Plan 30-45 minutes
Session 3: Work as a Team Member (L.O. 3)
7. Teamwork vs. Individual Work 30-45 minutes

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Module 2: Working in a Team Environment (NC II) Learner’s Handbook

 Activity  Recommended Time

8. Team Planning and Decision-Making 30-45 minutes
Session 4: Review & Assessment
9. Post-Module Learner’s Reflection (15-30 minutes)
10. End of Module Assessment (Quiz) (15-30 minutes)
Total Time: 5.25 – 7.75 hours

Written Assignments

Please complete all written work in the module. Your skills in this module will be evaluated
through the following:

 Let's Apply: Setting Team Goals and Scope (Activity 3)

 Let's Apply: Handling Teammates with Different Working Style (Activity 4)
 Let's Apply: Group Project Worksheet 1 - Forming a Team (Activity 4)
 Let's Apply: Identifying Roles and Responsibilities (Activity 5)
 Let's Apply: Group Project Worksheet 2 - Roles and Responsibilities (Activity 5)
 Let's Apply: Group Project Worksheet 3 – Individual Action Plan (Activity 6)
 Let's Apply: Group Worksheet 4 - Decisions for the Team (Activity 8)

Skills Demonstration

The following activities will help you develop the knowledge and skills to achieve the learning
outcomes of this module:

 Let's Exercise: Setting and Achieving Goals (Activity 3)

 Let's Exercise: Stages of Group Development (Activity 4)
 Let's Exercise: Identifying Different Working Styles and Personality Types (Activity 4)
 Let's Exercise: Identifying Roles and Responsibilities of Team Members (Activity 5)
 Let's Exercise: Writing an Individual Action Plan (Activity 6)
 Let's Exercise: Individual Work vs Teamwork (Activity 7)
 Let's Exercise: Communication while Working in a Team Environment (Activity 7)
 Sharing is Caring: Group Project (Activity 9)

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Module 2: Working in a Team Environment (NC II) Learner’s Handbook

SESSION 1: Describe Team Role and Scope

Performance Criteria:
1.1 The role and objective of the team is identified from available sources of
1.2 Team parameters, reporting relationships and responsibilities are identified
from team discussions and appropriate external sources

 Key Topics and Learning Points 

1. Setting team goal and scope
2. Stages of group development
3. Cooperating with others

 Team goals should be SMART – specific, measurable, achievable, realistic, and time-

 Team scope clarifies what the team can do and cannot do. It also defines the identity of
the team.

 There are five stages of group development: Forming, Storming, Norming, Performing,
and Adjourning. It is common for teams or groups undergo these stages. It is helpful for
team members to know these stages so that they will know how to deal with situations
arising from the stages.

 Effective cooperation within the team also depends on the team’s ability to know and
adapt to the different work styles and personality types of our team members.

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Module 2: Working in a Team Environment (NC II) Learner’s Handbook

Activity 1: Introductory Activity & Pre-Module Learner’s Reflection


 Identify the topics that are important for leadership and teamwork
 Take a Learner’s Reflection
 Recommended Time: 15 - 30 minutes

Welcome to Module 2: Working in a Team Environment for National Certificate Level II.
In this module you will learn on team goals, structure, roles, and your individual action
plan in relation to working in a team environment. Before we proceed to this module,
let us have a quick review on what you have learned or what you already know about
Working in a Team Environment.

 Write 5 ideas that you know about collaboration and teamwork. If you have taken
Module 2 NC I: Working with Others, you may write the 5 takeaways that you had after
finishing the NC I module. If you have not already taken the NC I module, write 5 ideas
that you think everyone should remember when working with other people.

1. Get people to come to an understanding on something. Overcommunicate wherever possible, especially when
working with a remote team. Avoid presuming something and unintentionally causing your project to be delayed.
Remembering that tone, facial expressions, and gestures do not translate in chats or emails is always a good idea if you
want to give clear directions. People who are aware of their deliverables and how their work affects the team and the
project as a whole are less inclined to let things slip through the cracks.

2. The debate is on whether or not to meet. Each person has the opportunity to present their daily objectives and any
obstacles that need to be removed during a meeting. Regular face-to-face video calls keep colleagues accountable for
team goals. Team lunches or gatherings should be incorporated into lengthier projects (or existing teams). It promotes
camaraderie and allows workers to connect outside of the workplace.
3. Make use of the channels. All employees automatically have access to the general channel, which should be used for
organization-wide "all hands" announcements. Additionally, you ought to have a channel set up for that significant, high-
stakes project as well as ones for the cross-functional team and the group focused on workplace sustainability.
Strategically establishing relevant, contextual channels promotes efficient communication and keeps various tasks
organized. In fact, 85% of workers who have access to collaborative management technologies are more likely to think
that they are content with their jobs.

4. Be a team player while establishing certain rules. Be clear about your expectations and the means of communication
you want the team to use. Encourage respectful conversation between people. Make it a rule that everyone is free to
express their opinions, but that once a choice has been taken, everyone must stick with it. It's not good for morale or
productivity to have someone constantly criticize decisions. However, if that team member feels heard, he will be more
motivated to work hard. Encourage offering praise when someone performs well. Giving a brief shout-out is so simple
and cost-free. They'll be grateful for it, and the team will see how valuable they are. Additionally, it promotes some
constructive competition and motivates others to set lofty goals.

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Module 2: Working in a Team Environment (NC II) Learner’s Handbook
5. Give each member of your team freedom. Count on your coworkers to do a quality job. They were chosen by your
organization because they were qualified and suitable for the position. Allow your team members to perform their
duties once everyone is on the same page and is aware of their responsibilities. Establish a solid framework for support.
Even the most successful self-starters occasionally require guidance or a sounding board. You want the members of your
team to be aware of who to contact with inquiries and when to raise novel concepts for debate. That organizational
design enables independent workers to concentrate while being imaginative and creative, which eventually improves
collaboration. It encourages more idea sharing and feedback among the team when individuals are given the flexibility
to try out new ideas or take the initiative. Additionally, a team that is made up of people who are personally motivated
will be stronger and more effective as a whole.

Read the proverb at the beginning of the module. “Talent wins games, but teamwork
and intelligence win championships.” (Ang talent ang nagpapanalo sa mga laro, ngunit
ang pagtutulungan at katalinuhan ang nagpapanalo sa mga kampeonato.) What does
this mean?

Teachers, employers, and coaches all stress the importance of teamwork as a talent. People are capable of great things
when working alone, but their chances of success increase dramatically when they collaborate. Students understand this
in theory, but teamwork suddenly feels like a burden when it comes to understanding the reality of working with others
who have various motives and personalities. Without a doubt, talent plays a key role in success. An individual could start
out at a disadvantage if they lack any talent. However, intelligence and a suitable atmosphere are both required for
talent to materialize into outcomes. A gifted person has personal constraints that may prevent him from realizing his full
potential, but a team can easily go past individual limitations by combining various intelligences and resources.
Additionally, if a person does not use their talent wisely, it is of no benefit. Here, an intelligent, gifted person triumphs
over a gifted but uneducated one. It's challenging to resolve the tension between team objectives and individual aims.
Always, the team is greater than the individual. If a gifted person is hesitant to make a sacrifice for the sake of the group,
not only does the group suffer, but also the gifted person. A gifted athlete can win a few games, but it takes the entire
team to win a championship in sports, especially. A cohesive group moving in the same direction will grow into an
unstoppable force that is more powerful than any one person. Therefore, without the proper opportunities,
environments, teams, and intelligence, intellect alone cannot turn talent into achievement.

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Module 2: Working in a Team Environment (NC II) Learner’s Handbook

 This module will focus on collaboration and teamwork at work. What do you think is the
relevance between the proverb and the importance of teamwork in the workplace?
How does it relate to your real-life situation?
Teamwork is when a group of people works together toward a common goal or purpose. If each person willingly and
intentionally makes the team's interests and objectives their first priority, work reaches heightened levels of success.
The results can make a big impact. Teamwork is the ability for those people to use their various skills, values, and beliefs
to achieve something they may not be able to do on their own. Building a team includes bringing people together. Unity
is the cornerstone of successful teamwork, which promotes higher levels of creativity and productivity at work as well as
happier, healthier teams.
Because teamwork fosters a positive workplace culture, people have more possibilities to succeed and face greater
challenges. When a project is time-sensitive and calls for a varied range of abilities and experiences, businesses and
organizations most need teamwork. As a reflection, Corona crisis will surely influence the retail and leisure industries,
from the broader challenges to the daily alterations. When things return to normal, it will be crucial to draw lessons
from the cooperation we shown in response to the call to action. At art, we believe it's critical to be ready in case
recuperation goes more quickly than anticipated. Recovery planning must begin while firms are responding to the crisis
as it develops over time, even though it is difficult to forecast when it will happen. Connecting to partners and
consumers with accurate, timely information is essential to enhancing operations and profitability in general, but it is
increasingly proving to be especially necessary for key communications. Beyond crisis management, business models will
eventually embrace more technology and intelligence. These things are not simply achieved through sheer strength of
different individuals but by collaborating these different links in the industry to keep the economy and the community
moving forward.

Pre-Module Learner’s Reflection: Working in a Team Environment (NC II)

Start-of-Module Skills Check

This is not a test but is a way for you to see what you already know or do not know about the
topics. You will read a skill that is listed in the left column. Think about yourself and your
experience. Then read the statements across the top. Check the column that best represents
your situation. The results will help you and your teacher know which topics may require more
time, effort, and guidance.

Ito ay hindi pagsusulit. Ito ay isang paraan upang malaman mo ang iyong kaalaman,
kasanayan o kakayahan tungkol sa paksang ito. Basahin mo ang mga kaalaman, kasanayan o
kakayahan na nakalista sa kaliwang hanay. Magbalik‐tanaw sa iyong sarili at mga karanasan.
Basahin ang lahat ng mga pangungusap at i‐tsek ang sagot na naaangkop sa iyong sitwasyon.
Ang iyong kasagutan ay magiging gabay mo at ng iyong guro sa pagpapalawak ng iyong
kaalaman tungkol sa paksang ito.

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Module 2: Working in a Team Environment (NC II) Learner’s Handbook

My experience 1 2 3 4
Knowledge, skills and abilities I don’t I have I have I have a
have any little some lot of
Kaalaman, kasanayan at kakayahan experience experience experience experience
doing this. doing this. doing this. doing this.

Wala Mayroon Mayroon Marami

akong akong akong akong
karanasa kaunting karanasa karanasa
n sa karanasa n sa n sa
paggawa n sa paggawa paggawa
nito paggawa nito nito
Reflect on one’s preferences and
predisposition when working in teams /
Matukoy ang pansariling
kagustuhan kapag nagtratrabaho
kasama ang
Identify one’s strengths and
weaknesses when working in teams /
Matukoy ang sariling kakayahan at
kahinaan kapag nagtratrabaho
ang pangkat
Identify the goals and scope of a team
in a workplace /
Matukoy ang mithiin at sakop ng isang
pangkat sa lugar ng trabaho
Perform goal-setting practices /
Maisagawa ang mga hakbang
sa pagtukoy ng mithiin
Explain the different stages of group
development /
Maipaliwanag ang iba’t ibang yugto ng
pagbuo ng pangkat
Identify ways on how to respond to
different situations in the stages of
group development /
Matukoy ang mga pamamaraan ng
pagtugon sa iba’t ibang sitwasyon na
may kaugnayan sa yugto ng pagbuo
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Module 2: Working in a Team Environment (NC II) Learner’s Handbook

My experience 1 2 3 4
Knowledge, skills and abilities I don’t I have I have I have a
have any little some lot of
Kaalaman, kasanayan at kakayahan experience experience experience experience
doing this. doing this. doing this. doing this.

Wala Mayroon Mayroon Marami

akong akong akong akong
karanasa kaunting karanasa karanasa
n sa karanasa n sa n sa
paggawa n sa paggawa paggawa
nito paggawa nito nito
Identify ways on dealing with different
personalities in a team /
Matukoy ang iba’t ibang paraan sa
pakikitungo sa iba’t ibang
sa pangkat
Identify roles and responsibilities of
Team Leader and Team Member /
Matukoy ang mga papel at
responsibilidad na ginagampanan ng
isang Pinuno ng Grupo at Miyembro
Describe an effective Team Leader and
Team Member /
Mailarawan ang isang epektibo at
mahusay na Pinuno at Miyembro
ng Grupo
Identify the components of an action
plan /
Matukoy ang iba’t ibang parte ng isang
action plan
Create an individual action plan /
Makabuo ng pansariling action plan
Identify the advantages and
disadvantages between teamwork and
individual work /
Matukoy ang maganda at di-
magandang epekto ng
pagtratrabaho kasama ang grupo at
nang mag-isa
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Module 2: Working in a Team Environment (NC II) Learner’s Handbook

My experience 1 2 3 4
Knowledge, skills and abilities I don’t I have I have I have a
have any little some lot of
Kaalaman, kasanayan at kakayahan experience experience experience experience
doing this. doing this. doing this. doing this.

Wala Mayroon Mayroon Marami

akong akong akong akong
karanasa kaunting karanasa karanasa
n sa karanasa n sa n sa
paggawa n sa paggawa paggawa
nito paggawa nito nito
Identify the appropriate ✔
communication channels or
approaches that you should use when
working in a team environment /
Matukoy ang ankop na paraan ng
komunikasyon sa lugar ng trabaho
Identify the benefits of team planning ✔
and decision-making /
Matukoy ang magandang dulot ng
pagpaplano at pagdedesisyon
Enumerate the steps of team planning ✔
and decision-making /
Mailista ang mga hakbang sa
pagpaplano at pagdedesisyon
Describe team role and scope / ✔
Mailarawan ang papel at sakop
ng isang pangkat
Identify one’s roles and responsibilities ✔
within a team /
Matukoy ang sariling papel
at responsibilidad sa pangkat
Work as a team member / ✔
Maging isang miyembro ng pangkat

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Module 2: Working in a Team Environment (NC II) Learner’s Handbook


 Have you experienced participating in an actual group competition in the past, such as a
basketball or volleyball game? Did your team win or lose the game? What details can
you remember about the experience?

I was able to play a game with my classmates as teammates in which we had to move a glass from
end to end while just using one foot, and the player with the most glasses moved into a container
won. Before doing anything else, it's important to coordinate with teammates on what to
accomplish so that we can plan the steps that will bring us to victory. Additionally, the ability to
listen and comprehend is crucial for understanding directions on what to perform on the team.
These are unquestionably the most important things I've seen as a losing team.

 What were your contributions to the team that you think were factors for winning or
losing the game? What role did you take? Were you a leader or a follower?

Teamwork is such an essential part of finishing projects that it is worthwhile to develop and hone the skills that will
enable you to contribute significantly to whichever type of team you are a part of. Each member of the team has a
certain position based on their strengths, and by supporting and cheering one another on, you may accomplish some
amazing things. Being an important team member might lead to new professional prospects because leaders may
observe your excellent work personally. You might even be asked to use your advantages in another team situation. As
for me, since I have always been an aloof person the contributions I can see I have done would be following instructions
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Module 2: Working in a Team Environment (NC II) Learner’s Handbook
and stick to what was instructed. With that I can say I am a follower rather than a leader.

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Module 2: Working in a Team Environment (NC II) Learner’s Handbook

Sharing is caring

This section encourages you to share your output and ideas to family and friends. You worked
hard on this so now it is time to tell others about the task you have just completed. Do it face to
face, via text, chat, or whatever means available and comfortable to you. It’s always great to share
your thoughts and hear feedback from people who care 

1. Share your experiences of working with others with your friends and family.
2. Ask them about their experiences on working with others, too.
3. Ask them what they think on your ability and preference on working with others.
4. Do you agree with what they shared? Why or why not?

Working well in a team is a skill that every person should develop, especially in the
workplace. It starts with an accurate self-awareness on your preferences when it comes
to working with others. The next activity will help you reflect on this topic.

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Module 2: Working in a Team Environment (NC II) Learner’s Handbook

Activity 2: Self-Assessment on Working in Teams


 Reflect on one’s preferences and predisposition when working in teams

 Identify one’s strengths and weaknesses when working in teams

 Recommended Time: 15 - 30 minutes

Look at the picture below and imagine that you are observing the staff and their Head
Chef in a restaurant’s kitchen. Write your observations by answering the questions that


1. Describe what you see in the picture. Who do you think is the Head Chef? Why?

I see different persons who are as what in the picture seems like cooks/chefs. I think the person at the center
is the Head Chef. It is because she is making sure to keep an eye to both persons on her left and right.
Assessing the situation, probably instructing on what must and must not be done, and trying to communicate
on both sides.

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Module 2: Working in a Team Environment (NC II) Learner’s Handbook

2. What might be the different roles that the kitchen staff take?
Cooking and preparing food in accordance with meal planning and recipes. Dishes, pots, pans, and other
kitchenware should be cleaned. Keeping track of the materials and ingredients needed for the menu each
day. Organizing unique events, including weddings or banquets, where they may be in charge of creating
menus, ordering food, and hiring staff. Preparing meals for large crowds and seeing to it that they are
delivered appropriately. Cleaning and keeping up the kitchen area, which includes doing the dishes, cleaning
the floors, and scrubbing the walls to get rid of grease marks and germs. Using a sink or dishwasher to wash
dishes, glasses, silverware, pots, and other kitchenware.

3. What do you think some challenges might be in accomplishing tasks in a kitchen

environment? What systems might be in place to streamline the accomplishment of
The period of storage of ingredients and raw materials, which are major expenses in the
restaurant industry, is very short. The owner's bank account can suffer from even the smallest
mishandling. The most expensive part of running a restaurant is buying the ingredients, and
accurate inventory management can be challenging.

4. How do the staff communicate while working in the kitchen? Describe the role of
communication in this work environment.
Staff should have a good communication with each other. Effective workplace
communication creates a healthy work environment, guarantees that people
have the knowledge they need to perform well, and gets rid of inefficiencies.
Information should be accurately communicated in effective communication
while preserving or enhancing interpersonal relationships.

Think about yourself when working in a team. Do you perform your task well? Why or
why not? How would you describe yourself as a team player?

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Module 2: Working in a Team Environment (NC II) Learner’s Handbook

In order to accomplish a task, the group needs to work well together. The members
need to communicate and encourage one another. Often, the group members may have
different personalities and preferences – some people may want to take over the
process and decision-making, some may prefer to stand back to encourage and support
others, while some may prefer to work alone and not participate in group tasks at all.
When working in a group, it is important to know your work style or preference so that
you can better manage yourself when working with others.

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Module 2: Working in a Team Environment (NC II) Learner’s Handbook

Let’s Apply: Self-Assessment on Working in a Team Environment

Complete the table1 below by reading the list and checking three boxes that best describe how
you work in a group. Check the three boxes that least describe you when working in groups.

Best describes Least

In groups, do you mostly tend to:
you describes you
1. Stay quiet for some time and then join in? ✔ 
2. Feel uneasy/uncomfortable and wish you were working  ✔
3. Want to lead?  
4. Encourage others to make contributions? ✔ 
5. Come up with new ideas?  
6. Interrupt others to ensure your point is made?  ✔
7. Keep the group focused on the task at hand? ✔ 
8. Make everyone relaxed and promote harmony?  
9. Get frustrated when there is too much talk and not  ✔
enough decisions and action?
10. Make peace between those team members strongly  
disagreeing with each other?

 What are the three boxes that best describe you when working with groups? Recall a
situation where you have shown the description. An example has been provided below.

Description Experience/Situation
Encourage others to make In group activities in class, some just stays quiet so I tend to asked for
contributions their ideas since they’re part of the group.

Keep the group focused on the It’s common that when friends work together in a research paper,
task at hand it’s seems no work done because it’s more on chatting. I always
joke make sure to divert the conversion to our topic.
Stay quiet for some time and We were tasked to create a Christmas lantern using indigenous
then join in materials, I observe first and listen to their plans and joined in when
to get to the bottom of what’s the design and worked together.

Pretty, J. (1995). Participatory learning and action: A trainer’s guide. London: International Institute for
Environmental Development

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Module 2: Working in a Team Environment (NC II) Learner’s Handbook

What are the three boxes that least describe you when working with groups? Recall a
situation where you have fit description.

Description Experience/Situation
Feel uneasy/uncomfortable and When doing some art pieces in class, I prefer to work in groups
wish you were working because I more heads working together makes a task easier.
Interrupt others to ensure your When going to a volunteer work in reading, I seldom insist or

point is made explain further my point if they don’t get it.

Get frustrated when there is When we were working on our thesis, I got annoyed whenever
too much talk and not my partner keep on chatting instead of discussing our paper.
enough decisions and action

Sharing is caring

With your family and friends that you trust, discuss your answers on the questions below. Ask
for their opinions too!

1. What seems to be your strength or preference when working in teams?

My strength in working in teams is that I always give my idea and do my best to

Contribute to the team. I share my ideas but I always listen to what the team agrees.

2. What seems to be your room for improvement when working in teams?

It seems my patience really need improvement when working in a team.I usually get
Annoyed with people who just keep on talking without contributing ideas to the group.

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3. How would you describe yourself as a team player or when you are working in
I think I’m a good team player. I work on whatever is my part and also communicate with the team
members. I also contribute ideas and try to make sure that we are on track in accomplishing our

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Activity 3: Setting Team Goal and Scope


 Identify the goals and scope of a team in a workplace

 Perform goal-setting practices
 Value the importance of team goals and scope
 Recommended Time: 60 - 90 minutes

Reflect on this quote by K-Pop star Kim Nam-joon (RM, or Rap Monster), “Team work
makes the dream work.” (Sa pagtutulungan, maisasakatuparan ang pangarap). What
do you think is the meaning of this quote in relation to setting of team goals, scope, and
The saying "teamwork makes the dream work" refers to how much simpler it is to accomplish a task
when you collaborate with another person. The only way to accomplish that aim is through the
virtue of collaboration and teamwork. Teamwork leads to improved efficiency and output, produces
better solutions, offers a larger pool of resources and promotes growth and learning.

 Key Facts 2.1: Setting and Achieving Goals2

Setting Goals
What is your team’s vision of success? In a learning group of TVET students, their goal might be
having all the members pass the exam for certification. In a team of garment factory workers,
their goal might be producing x-number of garments per day. It is important for team goals to
be SMART, or specific, measurable, achievable, realistic and time-framed. Below is a table that
illustrates SMART goals.

Goals should be Example that cannot be Example that can be

SMART: Reached Reached
Specific All members of the team become rich All members of the team
and famous. earn at least PHP 50,000 a

Adapted from Education Development Center. (2020). USAID Opportunity 2.0 Program: Second-chance
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Opportunities for Out-of-school Youth. Life Skills for Self-Directed Learning – Learner’s Handbook Module 1:
Personal Development. Waltham: Education Development Center.

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Measurable Majority of the learning group will 80% of the group will
attend Saturday classes. attend Saturday classes
for three straight weeks
Achievable The members of the Sangguniang At least 20% of SK members
Kabataan will be elected as City will be elected as City
Councilors next year. Councilors in the next 9 years.
Realistic A team of 3 people will produce A team of 3 people will
100,000 handcrafted beverages in 2 produce 50 handcrafted
hours. beverages in 2 hours.
Time Framed We will finish this project in no time. We will finish this project in 7

Steps to Setting and Achieving Goals

Setting goals is more than deciding what you want to do. It also involves figuring out what
you need to do to get where you want to go, and how long it will take you to get there.

The first step to success is knowing where your team wants to go. The second step is
having a plan to get there. The goals of your team are your road map. Follow them and
your team will be well on your way.

1. Where do your team want to be in the next 3 months, 6 months, 1 year?

Determine your long- and short-term goals for the team. Determine what you want to
see the team is doing, feeling, thinking, speaking, and hearing at the end of the year.

2. What must your team know and do to get there?

Determine the knowledge, skills, and mindsets that the team needs to have to achieve
your goals.

3. What steps must the team take in order to know and be able to do these things?

Determine the steps that will help you develop these knowledge, skills and mindsets. In
this step, you don’t need to prioritize or sequence the steps. Just list them down.

4. What abilities and experience does our team already have that are going to help the team
take these steps?

Determine what the team’s current situation – what does it already have and build from
it. You don’t have to start from scratch. Know the strengths and potential of each team
members, as well as do an inventory of the resources that you already have.

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5. What obstacles might be in the team’s way and how can we deal with them?

Determine foreseeable risks and assumptions that may pose challenges to you and your
team as you try to reach your goal. Develop contingency plans to address these

Determining the Scope of your Team

The scope of your team’s work clarifies who is part of the team is and who is not. It also
clarifies where and how the team operates. The scope, which can often be found in a
document, creates a framework within which the team is expected to operate. When you
determine the scope of your team, there will be more focus and clarity in terms of the goal,
processes within the team and roles and responsibilities of each member. In determining
the scope of your team or your project, the following should be clear and well-defined:

 Objectives or goals of the team or project

 Process and product of the team or project
 Limitations of the team or project – what it can do or cannot do

Let’s Exercise: Setting and Achieving Goals

This activity is an opportunity for you to practice setting goals of your team. The table below
will guide you through the process of setting goals. Situation A, in the left column, shows you an
example of a situation and models corresponding answers. Complete the left column of the
table by answering the questions related to Situation B.

Situation A: Situation B:

You are a team of 10 employees in a car You are a team 10 technical service
manufacturing company. Last year you were representative handling troubleshooting
able to produce 700,000 cars; and came in concerns of clients of Earth Telecom, an
second place out of the 20 teams in the internet service provider. Your company
company in terms of number of cars launched a campaign called “First Call
produced. This year, your company launched Resolution,” where you are expected to
a campaign wherein teams producing resolve client’s problems with one call. Once
1,000,000 cars by the end of the year will be an agent receives a call, the client whom the
given a cash incentive of PHP50,000 per agent talked to should not call for at least 72
member. Your team wants to participate in hours, regardless of their complaint.
the campaign. Incentives will be given to agents and teams
who have the best FCR scores. Currently,
your team is one of the top teams in
terms of
Customer Service Experience; and you also
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have a subject-matter expert who has been in

the company since the account started.

1. Determine your Team Goals. Where do you want your team to be in 3 or 6 months or
at the end of the year?
Example: By the end of the year, our team will be the Lead
team in FCR and other metrics.
By the end of the year, our unit will be the
top team in the office in terms of production.
Our aim is to produce 1,000,000 cars by the
end of the year. In the next 3 months, we
would have to reach 30% of the target. By
the 6th month, we should have reached 60%
of the target.
2. KSAs for the Team. What must your team know and do to get there?
To achieve the teams target, each member should
In order to improve production skills, the have a good product knowledge and better trouble
team should know the most efficient way of shooting skills. They must also improve their
producing cars. They should also stay customer service skills in handling the callers’
motivated to reach the goal. concern to make sure FCR is met.

3. Next Steps. What steps must the team take to know and be able to do these things?

To reach the goal, the team will do the To reach the goal, each member should :
a. Review the standard operating  Understand customers’ needs and
procedures provide clear instructions
b. Be introduced to innovative  Ask customers if their issue is resolved
production strategies and avoid transfers as much as possible
c. Conduct mentoring and coaching  Measure and share FCR performance
sessions and re-evaluate your methods regularly
d. Have pep talks to keep everyone
 Eliminate the wait and implement skill-
based call forwarding
e. Create a daily, monthly and quarterly
monitoring and report on the team’s
progress to the goal.
f. Give recognitions and incentives for
best-performing employees
4. Inventory of Resources. What abilities and experience does our team already have
that are going to help the team take these steps?
Since the team consist of members who have top
customer service experience, they already possess
enough product knowledge . The subject matter
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expert in the team can assist in complicated calls and
helps in achieving FCR

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There are senior members of the team who

could mentor other employees. There are
also team members who have been awarded
for their great contribution in the company in
terms of production. They could serve as
subject-matter experts too. The team was
awarded 2nd in total production last year.

5. Foreseeable Challenges. What obstacles might be in the team’s way and how can we
deal with them?
The team might encounter irate
The team might encounter problems with the customers. Remind them to always
achine and there might be unplanned leaves empathize in assisting them.Allow them
that happen. These could cause delays in to vent their anger and frustrations.
production. We could deal with this by Once calmer, discuss the issue and find
having stand-by machines that we could use resolution.
in case one breaks down; and on-call
employees that could cover for absent
employees. We should also re-visit the goal
periodically to see if it is realistic and
achievable, given the team’s present

6. Setting of Limitations. What can the team do and what can it not do?

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Follow SOPs and Introduce and
existing innovative discover innovative
practices and efficient
Utilize existing Hire additional
teams and employees to reach
employees the goal
Adhere to standards Decrease the quality
and protocols in of cars
Utilize the machines Buy new machines
currently used by that will help in
the factory production
Create an efficient Force employees to
workflow to utilize render overtime
work-hours of work to reach the
employees goal

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Let’s Apply: Setting Team Goals and Scope

Interview a family member or a friend who is already working to assist you in setting team goals
and scope to increase efficiency of a team in the workplace. If you are already working, you
may work on your own or consult your colleagues to brainstorm with you in answering the
table below.

Name of the Respondent Verlyn Sayles

Work Designation Media Arts Adviser
Name of the Company or DEPED

1. What project is the team currently working on?

Name of the project

Project Description SPA Recital

2. What are their goals for the project?

Overall Goal or Long-

term Goal of the
Specific Objectives or
Short-Term Goals of To showcase the talents of SPA students through
the Project dance, play, song, visual arts, media arts,
instruments and editing.

3. What knowledge, skills and mindsets, and action steps are needed to reach the goal of
the project?

Needs Action Steps

Knowledge Costumes,  Ask students to pay their own
Make up costumes and make up
Props  Borrow microphones and
Knowledge in
Microphones customize props
acting, drawing, Tickets  Printed tickets
singing , playing

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Needs Action Steps

Skills Acting, singing, dancing, editing, Let them practice as much as they can
playing instruments, painting

Mindsets Positive mindset Always encourage them and appreciate

all the efforts they exerted

4. What resources do they currently have to achieve their goals?

Existing Resources



5. What challenges do they foresee and how do they plan to address them?

Challenges Plans to Address the Challenges

Technical Issues Technicians should be on stand by.

Lacking microphones for the singers Establish a routine in which the students can easily
passed the microphones alternately among
The program might start later than schedule. Prepare some intermission from rondalya or the
media arts students.

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Sharing is caring

This section encourages you to share your output to your teacher or facilitator, family and
friends. You worked hard on this so now it is time to tell others about the task you have
just completed. Do it face to face, via text, chat, or whatever means available and
comfortable to you. It’s always great to share your thoughts and hear feedback from
people who care 

1. Share your output with your teacher or facilitator, family, and friends.

2. Share your opinions and ideas on the following questions:

a. How important are team goals and scope in the workplace?

b. How can you ensure that the team’s goal and scope are effective?

c. What are the things that you learned about setting team goals and scope?

3. Ask for their opinions and ideas on the questions above, too.

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Activity 4: Cooperating with Others


 Explain the different phases of group development

 Identify ways on how to respond to the different situations in the phases of
group development
 Identify ways on dealing with different personalities in a team
 Recommended Time: 90-120 minutes

Recall an experience where you joined a group or you organized a group of individuals
such as friends or co-workers to work on a particular project. (Example of projects could
include something such as planning a surprise party or meeting a work deadline.) How
did your group work together at the beginning? What were the challenges that you
experienced and how have you overcome these challenges?

When we had a meeting for our Christmas Party we were divided into different committees like for
decoration, venue , games and food since we were having our heads in that party. It was a challenge in
assigning who will be in each committee since most of them wanted to be with the one they are closest. It
was then decided to draw lots to be fair.

After resolving the conflict, what happened? How did your group work together? How
did you feel once you are done with the project?

After reaching a consensus with the members for the different committees, the activity was successful
and everyone enjoyed it.

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Did your group dissolve after the project, or did it stay connected? How did you feel about what
happened after the project’s conclusion?

Our group stayed connected since we are all colleagues. After the activity , our bond as colleagues had

 Key Facts 2.2: Stages of Group Development3

Some of the experiences that you described above are likely an illustration of group
development process. Group development is a process that individuals undergo when they join
a group to perform a task or project. Normally, there are 5 stages in the group development

Stages Description
Forming Stage for orientation, testing of boundaries, behaviors, and norms,
and dependence on each other
Storming Stage of resistance, conflict. It is usually marked with polarization
of the group around issues on interpersonal concerns and
Norming Stage marked by overcoming the conflicts. There is a general
feeling of cohesion and in-group. New standards, roles and norms
are adopted.
Performing Stage where interpersonal relationships, structures and processes
become tools of task activities. Roles are more flexible and
functional, and the energy of the group is focused towards
attainment of the goal.
Adjourning Stage on which the group is dissolved and roles are terminated due
to the completion of tasks. It is also marked by reduction of

Smith, M. K. (2005). ‘Bruce W. Tuckman – forming, storming, norming and performing in groups’. The
encyclopedia of pedagogy and informal education. Retrieved on November 5, 2020 from

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Let us illustrate the stages further through this example. In the comic strip 4 below, you
can see a newly formed group undergoing the forming stage.

Made through

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After a few weeks of working, the group – John, Ross, Christine, and Marie—
encountered a problem when making their first major decision for the project. They
have entered the Storming Stage (that is, when they encounter resistance and
polarization among group members). Let us see what happened:

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They all needed a moment to breathe and relax because the pressure of the task is
already weighing them down. The team finally arrived at a decision. The comics below
illustrate the next 3 stages of group development: norming, performing, and adjourning.

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Let’s Exercise: Stages of Group Development

1. Analyze the comic strip above and describe what was happening in relation to the
stages of group development.

Stage Describe what is happening with How did the group resolve the
the group in the comic conflict? How did they move on?
Forming The new members from different teams They acknowledge his goals and agreed to
were introduced. Jhon from the IT team help each other
stated his goal of being promoted.

Storming They encountered problems in their They relaxed and calm down before
first decision in the project. They started deciding

Norming The group apologized for their behavior They analyzed the individual skills and
and started new by presenting their Set their goals and parameters for the
expertise and agreeing on how to do the success of the project.
Performing They successfully launch the online They did their part as set in their goals
campaign which was successfully hit in
different social media flatforms.

Adjourning The client/ boss congratulated them and They congratulated themselves.
assured of the incentives and promotions
they deserved. The members look
forward to working together in the next
2. Explain how your own experience of working in a team environment that you shared at
the start of the activity is related to the stages of group development.

 Forming stage happens when we are introduced to the activity.

 Storming was when give each ideas on what to happen in the Christmas party and who will be the
members for each committee.
 Norming was when we decided to draw lots to determine the members of each committee.
 Performing was during the day before the activity for the decorations and venues were done.
This includes the activities as well during the Christmas party.
 Adjourning was when the party was successfully held.

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Understanding the stages of group development is not the only way to ensure that you
will be able to cooperate with your teammates. You also need to understand their work
styles. Here is a recap of the Working Styles and Team Personality Types from Module 2

 Key Facts 2.3: Working Styles5 and Team Personality Types

Working Style Definition

Pioneer Pioneers like to see the big picture instead of the small details and explore
uncharted territory. They take risks, value possibility, and gravitate towards
challenging tasks and projects. Creativity is their compass, and they love
imagining new ideas.

Independent Independent workers thrive when they work alone. They are disciplined,
productive, and efficient. They can find it difficult to collaborate with others
and do not always appreciate supervision.

Cooperative Cooperative workers flourish when they are part of a larger group and like
working with others. Good communicators, they are often very diplomatic,
tactful, and well organized. They can handle responsibility for a task or a
project but enjoy sharing responsibility for success.

Proximity Proximity workers are a hybrid, or a mix, of the independent and

cooperative working styles. They like to assume sole responsibility for a task
but also share responsibility with others. These workers are often adaptable
and versatile. They have a talent for connecting their colleagues with
different work styles.
Guardian Guardians thrive on order and stability. They generally avoid risks and are
very detailed oriented and pragmatic.
Supporter Supporter workers enjoy nurturing relationships with clients and colleagues.
Emotionally aware and often very expressive, they are adept at facilitating
meetings, interactions, and projects. They gravitate toward collaboration
instead of competition.

Keep in mind that many of us may be a mix of more than one different working style. The
important thing is to recognize that there are many different styles and that they can work
harmoniously together!

Adapted from Sid, Sam. (2020, February 18). “What Is Your Work Style?” Recognizing And Managing Different
Work Styles. 101 Productivity.

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Teamwork is important and cooperative team members are needed to achieve a goal.
Recognize that individuals making up a team may have different personalities and
approaches. Here are some examples of individual personalities in this activity:
 Group leader: A strong leader tries to speak clearly and listen effectively. The
group leader needs to clearly explain the objectives to the group and keep the
group on task. As the person responsible for developing the plan, the leader tries
to involve all in the discussion.
 Quiet / shy person: This person has a lot of very good ideas but won’t say anything
until someone asks directly.
 Domineering person: This person wants to take over the discussion and lead the
group. A domineering person thinks s/he has all the answers and does not want
to waste time having everybody share their ideas.
 Disagreeable person: This person has a negative attitude and is resistant
towards all ideas.
 Encouraging person: This person makes sure that everybody is heard, regardless
of their background or ideas. She or he pulls group members into the
 Ideas person: This person gets very excited in the group and loves to brainstorm
and share extravagant ideas that are not always realistic.

Let’s Exercise: Identifying Different Working Style and Personality Types

Go back to the comic strip and identify the working style and personality of each character. Plan
how you will interact with them to ensure that they will effectively contribute to the success of
the team. Choose at least 2 characters from the comic strip.

IT Specialist. He is poised to become the IT
Manager by the end of the calendar year.

Working Style / Personality Type

What is your basis for your answer?

How is his/her behavior affecting the group?

Is s/he helping or hurting progress?

How could s/he contribute to the goal in a

more constructive way?

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How can you help him/her re-direct his/her

energy towards helping achieve the goals of
the team?

Communications Associate. He is a fresh
graduate with lots of practical ideas.

Working Style / Personality Type Pioneer/ ideas person

What is your basis for your answer?

How is his/her behavior affecting the group?

Is s/he helping or hurting progress?
How could s/he contribute to the goal in a
more constructive way?
How can you help him/her re-direct his/her
energy towards helping achieve the goals of
the team?

Sales Manager. She is known for her being
straightforward and goal-oriented.

Working Style / Personality Type Independent / Domineering person

What is your basis for your answer? She seems to be bossy and she sets her goal and
wants to hit it directly.
How is his/her behavior affecting the group? Being goal oriented is a good thing for the project
Is s/he helping or hurting progress? to be successful
How could s/he contribute to the goal in a
more constructive way?
How can you help him/her re-direct his/her She should be more open for collaboration since
energy towards helping achieve the goals they are a team and not to think that Marie acts like
of the team? the leader.

Recruitment Specialist. She is well-loved by
her colleagues and has been with the
company for almost 10 years.
Working Style / Personality Type Supporter / Encouraging person

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What is your basis for your answer? She stayed in the company for a long time but still
well-loved by her colleagues
How is his/her behavior affecting the group? Her peace- loving behavior helps progress since
Is s/he helping or hurting progress? she understand that the problem won’t be solve by
bickering with each other.
How could s/he contribute to the goal in a
more constructive way?
How can you help him/her re-direct his/her
energy towards helping achieve the goals of
the team?

Let’s Apply: Handling Teammates with Different Working Styles

We may be a mix of different working styles. It usually depends on the situation, task or project,
the role that we take or our groupmates. Explain how you would respond to the situation

Case: When Ideas Collide

You are part of a design team tasked with creating a webpage for a client who has an online
store. You have just started a brainstorming session when Carmela starts suggesting out-of-the-
box ideas that seems challenging but also interesting. She wants the webpage to be interactive
with audio instructions that communicates directly to the user. You know that this would take a
lot of effort and coding from your end; however, you also know that Carmela’s ideas area
promising and would truly help your client.

You noticed that your teammate, Vince, is making faces while Carmela is talking. Vince is known
for his practical and simple solutions to problems. He is also a very straightforward person. You
have seen Carmela and Vince argue on your last project. Their last encounter caused delays in
the project and your team barely reached your target because of it. From experience, you know
that Vince likes to work on his own, and he disagrees with everyone – unless they have similar
ideas. Before Carmela finishes her pitch, Vince butts in and expresses his ideas to the group,
primarily pointing out the weaknesses and disadvantages of Carmela’s ideas.

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1. Describe the work styles and personality types of Vince and Carmela. (Hint: you can
review the different types of working styles in Key Facts 2.3.)

Carmela Vince
Working Style : Pioneer Working Style : independent
Personality Style : Ideas person Personality Style : Domineering person

2. Imagine what Vince and Carmela might say to one another. Now create your own
square of a comic strip. (Don’t be afraid to tap into your creative side!)

The webpage to be interactive with audio Oh come on Carmela. That’s

instructions that communicates directly to too idealistic and time
the user. Its challenging and unique. Don’t consuming. Why not make
you think? it simple and easier?

3. How might these personality types and working styles clash? What is the effect of these
types on your team?

These personalities will more likely clash together because their personalities are opposite. They wont
reach to an agreement because they are not willing to meet in the middle. This will surely affect the team
negatively. It may cause them delay and unclear project outcome.

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4. How can you help Vince and Carmela re-direct their energies to help accomplish your
team goals?

Vince and Carmela can discuss all their ideas as well as the other members. They need to check which among
those ideas meets the SMART goals. They should take note of the diadvantages and advantages of their proposed

5. Now create a new comic strip where you help Vince and Carmela to productively
redirect their energies. Let your answers from the previous question guide your

I appreciate both your ideas. Why don’t we try

to discuss the advantages and disadvantages of
your ideas? Let us see how we can collaborate
it to make sure that it fits with our SMART goal
for the project’s success.

Let’s Apply: Group Project Worksheet 1 – Forming a Team

Assemble a team with 5 to 6 members, including yourself. The team members could be your co-
trainees, friends, or other family members. Below are the details of this project.

Goal Work together to solve a problem or finish a task at home or in the

Role Team with 5 to 6 members
Audience Your family members, friends, and/or co-workers in the workplace
Situation and 1. Look for an existing problem or a pending task that you can
Instruction work on as a team. Examples could include the following:
a. Decorating a room
b. Constructing a fence
c. Throwing for an online virtual end-of-year party
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Goal Work together to solve a problem or finish a task at home or in the

d. Conducting an online virtual professional learning
development session
2. Prior to undertaking the problem or task, you should consult
your facilitator to ensure that the problem or task is
appropriate for groupwork.
3. Set your goals and roles as a team.
4. Devise a plan and implement your plan in solving the problem
or finishing a task.
5. Document the steps that you took in accomplishing this mini-
Product You are expected to finish a task or solve a problem by the end of
your answering of the module.
Standards You will be graded according to this holistic rubric*:
a. Group Dynamics – ability to complement each other’s work
styles and use each other’s strengths in accomplishing the
task or solving the problem
b. Efficiency – ability to work within a given time and resources
c. Effectiveness – ability to address the problem or finish the
task correctly and appropriately

* This rubric can be found below directly before the Guide to the Learner’s and
Facilitator’s Discussion.

1. CWho are the members of your team? What are their working styles and
personalities? (Be sure to include yourself!)

Members of the Team Working Style Team Personality

Elmo Sayles Jr Guardian Encouraging person

Archel Sayles Proximity Ideas person

Cherry Sayles Supporter Quiet person

Rosemarie Pasco Proximity Ideas person

Maricel sarancial Supporter Guardian

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2. Talk among yourselves and brainstorm what could be the possible challenges that you
may encounter in working together and how you plan to address those challenges.

Foreseeable Challenges How will you address these challenges?

Budget The menu, decoration and miscellaneous expenses
should be within the budget
manpower Try to ask for other relatives who can help

Time and venue The venue should be fit for family gathering and the
time should be weekend since most relatives are
working in the office.

3. What is your group goal?

To have a surprise graduation party for our youngest sister.

4. What will be your group norms or rules?

Everyone should communicate and aggree to keep the event from our youngest.
 Everyone should be responsible for their own task. However, if there are problems,
always make sure to share it among others.

Sharing is caring

If you feel comfortable, you can share your working style with a member of your family or a
friend. Discuss with them about what you can do to work well with people with different
working styles.

☑ Performance Criteria Checklist

The Performance Criteria Checklist is an opportunity for you to assess your learning
outcomes in the session and know how well you did in doing the activities in this
session. You will speak to your facilitator to
1. Share your experiences in completing the session
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2. Discuss your development and progress towards the intended skills

3. Plan how you will move forward to continue making progress in the module

Conduct a quick self-assessment and answer the table below.

Statements Please check Yes or No if you have

shown or can do the statement.
Did you… YES NO
1. Reflect on your own preference and ✓
predisposition when working in teams?

2. Identify your own strengths and weaknesses ✓

when working in teams?
3. Identify the goals and scope of a team in a ✓
4. Perform goal-setting practices? ✓

5. Explain the different phases of group ✓

6. Identify ways to respond to the different ✓
situations in the phases of group development?
7. Identify ways of dealing with different ✓
personalities in a team?

Group Work Rubric: Put a check on the column that shows your rating for the trainee’s
performance based on the statements.

Statement 1 2 3 4
The learner was able to… Beginning Developing Mostly Accomplished
1. Complement other team ✓
members’ work styles and
draw from one another’s
strengths in accomplishing
the task
2. Work within a given time ✓
and resources
3. Address the problem or ✓
finish the task correctly and

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Comments/ Suggestions/ Feedback on the teamwork:

Guide to the Learner and Facilitator’s Discussion:

Topics to discuss during the Learning Check:

1. Parts of the module that were the easiest to answer/do

2. Parts of the module that were the hardest to answer/do

3. Parts of the module that need further clarification or explanation

4. Additional support needed by the learner from the facilitator

5. Review and check of the learner’s answers and outputs for the session

6. Feedback on the learner’s performance in terms of the following: mastery of content,

skills development, and pace in answering the module

7. Plans for how the learner will move forward with the module

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Session 1 – Writing Space

Use this space to complete any of the written assignments above or write any thoughts or
ideas that have come to mind in relation to describing team role and scope.

Congratulations! Now that you have described your team’s roles and scope, you are now
ready to identify your own role and responsibility within a team.

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SESSION 2: Identify One’s Role and Responsibility Within A Team

Performance Criteria:
2.1 Individual roles and responsibilities within the team environment are identified
2.2 Roles and objectives of the team is identified from available source of information
2.3 Team parameters, reporting relationships, and responsibilities are identified based on
team discussions and appropriate external sources

 Key Topics and Learning Points 

1. Understanding roles & responsibilities within a team

2. Preparing an individual action plan

 An organizational chart outlines the members of the team, team structure,

communication lines, and the functional units in an organization.

 A job description is a written document that outlines the roles and responsibilities of an
employee in a group.

 An action plan includes a person’s or team’s goals as well as the steps, tasks, resources,
and timeline required to meet that goal. The plan helps ensure that the person (team
member or team leader) contributes to the overall success of the team.

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Activity 5: Understanding Roles and Responsibilities in a Team

 Identify roles and responsibility of Team Leader and Team Member
 Describe an effective Team Leader and Team Member
 Identify one’s roles and responsibilities

 Time Required: 60 - 90 minutes

_22.jpg. Author: Paul Simpson.

 Are you familiar with the game of volleyball? If not, ask a family member or a friend who
knows how to play volleyball. You can also search the internet to answer the questions
below. In a volleyball team, what are the different roles/positions that members
perform? What are their tasks? List at least 4 positions and corresponding

Setter A setter is a conventional role assigned a regular
player (non-libero) whose primary responsibility
is to take the 2nd touch
Libero A libero is a defensive player that is specially
designated as such and must wear a contrasting

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The outside hitter is the hitter that usually hits
outside hitter from the left side of the net.

A defensive player that is simply a non-libero

defensive specialist (DS) player that usually only plays in the back row.

 What does a team captain of a volleyball team usually do? What are his or her

The captain of a volleyball team is responsible for :

 Providing guidance and support to their teammates on the court.
 Setting the team’s strategy.
 Motivating their teammates.
 Signing the score sheet and representing the team in the toss prior to the match.
 Being the game captain during the match and while on the court.

 What are the expectations for a volleyball team member aside from performing their
tasks in their designated positions?

A volleyball team member should respect each member, the coach , opponents
and the viewers. She should show fairness at all times and listen to advises by other
team members and the coach. If there is any disagreement or issues, she should
address this to the coach for resolution. Most importantly, she should be committed to
win fair and square.
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 How do the volleyball team captain and team members work together to win a game?
To win a championship?

The volleyball team captain and team members should have mutual respect and discipline among
themselves to win a game. There should be teamwork among them. They should help each other in the
game and remind themselves that they play to win as a team not as an individual player.

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In this activity, you will learn about roles and responsibilities within a team. Let us first
review concepts from Module 2 NC I:

CA role is the individual member’s job title or position in the organization or the team such as
the business owner, or supplies officer, or master electrician. Responsibilities are the expected
duties and tasks that come with a given role. For example, at a supermarket, someone may
have the role of general manager; his or her responsibilities may include organizing staffing
schedules, overseeing produce delivery, and overseeing sanitation practices, etc.

 In your opinion, what makes an excellent team leader? Team member? Describe them
below. Example responses have been provided.


Leads by
setting an
Team Empowers team
problem- Leader members
solving skills

Respect others
Actively listens

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Understand her Has self-
role accountability

Team Example:
flexible Member Willingly
volunteers for

have a positive Commit to

the team

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A team is a group of individuals working together to reach a common goal. To make a

team work well, team leaders should consider several actions. Below is a short inventory
of actions about teamwork. Give 2 checks for actions that you are already applying, and
1 check for actions that you would like to practice.

As a leader you can do the following to Working as a team means that team
develop team spirit: members:
✔✔Work with the team to develop a ✔✔ Consult each other
common goal  ✔✔Help each other
✔✔ Nurture a sense of belonging;  Complement each other
focus on what team members have  Encourage and motivate each other
in common
✔✔Make all team members feel that
they have something to contribute The following strategies can be used by the
✔✔Help team members work leader to support the effectiveness of the
together to efficiently solve problems team:
✔✔ Encourage members to set aside ✔✔ Encourage discussion
personal goals and desires for the ✔ Ensure all team members
benefit of the team understand that their ideas &
✔✔Treat team members fairly and opinions are equally important &
equally relevant
✔ Structure the work of the team ✔✔ Encourage everyone to
in a simple & logical fashion; participate fully
distribute work fairly ✔✔ Model respect towards everyone
✔ Manage the team efficiently so ✔✔ Encourage people with
that every member is able to deliver different abilities &
his/her tasks and work proceeds in a personalities to work together
timely manner ✔Use positive feedback
✔ Create an environment that
✔Remain calm
supports and rewards openness,
creativity, trust, mutual respect, and
a commitment to provide high
quality services.

Teams can work independently (if leader is not there) if team members:
✔✔ Are aware of strengths & weaknesses
✔✔Are able to set their own goals
✔Are able to act according to goals

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✔✔ Take responsibility for their action

✔Are able to avoid opinions and behavior that block change

 Based on your answers above, how can you describe yourself as a team leader? As a team

As a Team Leader I am… As a Team Member I am…

 Work with the team to develop a  Are aware of strengths & weaknesses
common goal
 Are able to act according to goals
 Treat team members fairly and equally
 Take responsibility for their action
 Help team members work

 Make all team members feel that they Are able to set their own goals
have something to contribute

 Which of the two roles do you prefer? Why?

I prefer to be a member because I find it a hassle to handle people with different personalities .
I’m not that patient as well when people/ or members start being chaotic.

Sharing is caring
Have a chat with a friend and share your self-reflection and get his/her honest opinion about
your strengths and areas for improvement related to your role in a team – as team leader and
as a team member.

Discuss with your friend or family member about their opinion on the characteristics of an
excellent team leader and an excellent team member. How similar or different are your ideas
from your friends and family members?

In work setting, Organizations also have a structure or an organizational chart. An

organizational chart describes the hierarchy of roles in an organization and shows the
roles or positions of individual members, who reports to whom, or who supervises
whom. The example below shows an organizational chart in a laundromat/dry-cleaning
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Soap & Suds Laundromat and Dry Cleaners



Nenita Antonio Reyna

General Customer Service
Manager Director

Mahalia Benilda Dolores Keanu Roel

Sales Sales Receptionist
Associate Associate Sanitation
Manager Manager

These charts (often called “org charts”) help to clarify lines of communication and
protocol. For instance, if Benilda, who is a sales associate, is overwhelmed by her
responsibilities at the cash register, she can ask Nenita, her general manager, or
Mahalia, her fellow sales associate, for assistance. If she spills laundry detergent when
assisting a customer, she can ask Dolores, who is the sanitation manager, for help.
Ideally, she should not ask Reyna for help, as her responsibilities do not involve
customer service or sanitation, but accounting and finances.6 (Having said that, it is still
possible for team members to be flexible and help each other out in times of need,
especially if no one else is available!)

For collaboration and teamwork, it is important that

 Team members understand their own as well as their groupmate’s specific roles and
 Members recognize the levels of authority described by the organizational structure.
 Members’ behaviors in the workplace are guided by its personnel code of ethics.

Aside from Organizational Chart, it is also important for the team to know their job description.
Job Descriptions contain the following:
 A brief description of the role.
 Position in the organization.
 Tasks and responsibilities of the employee for the role.

Image taken from Microsoft Word image library.

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Below is an example of a Job Description for a Nursing Aide. Take note of the section headings!


 Nursing Aide


 To provide quality care to all our clients in the hospital, Nursing Aides are an
invaluable asset in the hospital. They are the healthcare front liners assisting both
the clients and the nurses, in the provision of bedside care to the clients.


 This position reports to the head nurse of the station. The position has a collegial
relationship with staff nurses, utility workers, and other healthcare professionals in
the unit.


 Provision of bedside care to the assigned client that includes, but is not limited to,
changing of linens; turning the patient as instructed by the doctor; assisting the
patient moving across the room; and provision of perineal care, bed bath, and
wound dressing as instructed by the doctor or referred by the charge nurse-on-duty
 Documenting of the care provided to the client
 Assisting doctors, nurses, and other healthcare professional in provision of health
care as ordered by the doctor
 Attending regular meeting as scheduled by the head nurse and charge nurse-on-duty
 Performing duties and responsibilities delegated by head nurse and charge nurse-on-

Imagine that you have just been offered this job as a nursing aide. Your friend, who is a
nursing aide at a hospital in a different city, is asking you about your new job offer. How
carefully did you read the job description? Can you answer his questions?

Question Your response

What types of things does the nursing aide the care provided to the client
need to document?

Who is your supervisor? the head nurse of the station

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What types of duties are involved in bedside changing of linens; turning the patient as
care? instructed by the doctor; assisting the patient
moving across the room; and provision of
perineal care, bed bath, and wound dressing as
instructed by the doctor or referred by the
charge nurse-on-duty
Are you expected to take part in meetings? Yes

Let’s Exercise: Identifying Roles and Responsibilities of Team Members

Go back to the organizational chart of Soap & Suds Laundromat & Dry Cleaners. Choose at least
2 members of the team and describe what you imagine as their roles and responsibilities. You
may ask a family member or a friend to help you in coming up with the team member’s roles
and responsibilities.

Name Reyna
Role / Position Accountant
Why is the position Accountants conduct a thorough analysis of your finances and produce
important? a forecast for the entire year to maintain the health and prosperity of
your company.
What is the main The main deliverable of an accountant is to provide accurate and
deliverable or goal of the reliable financial information, support financial decision-making,
role / position? and ensure compliance with financial regulations and standards.
What are the tasks for the
role / position?  Recording Financial Transactions

 Preparing Financial Statements:

 Managing Accounts Receivable and Accounts Payable

Name Dolores
Role / Position Sanitation manager
Why is the position The sanitation manager is essential for maintaining cleanliness,
important? hygiene, and safety in a facility or organization.
What is the main The goal of the Sanitation manager is to create a healthy and safe
deliverable or goal of the environment for all stakeholders while meeting regulatory
role / position? requirements and enhancing operational effectiveness.
What are the tasks for the
role / position?  Developing Sanitation Protocols
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 Monitoring and Inspection

 Waste Management

Let’s Apply: Identifying Roles and Responsibilities

Look for 2 persons to interview for this task:

 A team member – Someone who does not supervise other employees they are
 A team leader – Someone who manages at least 1 employee

Team Leader Team Member

Name Marlyn Mendero Rose Marie Pasco
Designation Branch Manager Collection Specialist
Company City Cash Lending Philippine Drug Testing Center
What is the main The main goal of a lending To collect urine specimen
deliverable or goal of manager is to manage lending
your role? activities in a way that maximizes
profitability, minimizes risk,
ensures compliance, and
maintains strong customer
What are the tasks  Loan Application Review
that you need to do
on a daily basis?
 Credit Analysis

 Loan Decision-making

What other tasks that  

may or may not be
outside your job
 assisting employees in 
description that you
personal loan application

 providing fdgb

Looking at the tasks of a team leader and team member that you have interviewed, create a
Venn Diagram showing the responsibilities, roles, and tasks that are different and similar to the
two positions. (A Venn Diagram is a chart, like the one below, that represents what two or
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more items have in common—in the area that overlaps—and what differentiates them.)

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Team Leader’s
Roles and

1. Goal setting and planning

2. Team coordination and organization
3. Communication
4. Support and guidance
5. Decision making
6. Performance management

Common Roles and


1. Goal alignment
2. Communication
4. Accountability
5. Problem-solving

1. Goal alignment
2. Task completion
3. Collaboration and communication
4. Accountability and ownership
5. Continuous learning and development

Team Member’s
Roles and

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Let’s Apply: Group Project Worksheet 2 – Roles and Responsibilities

C Continue to document the progress of your Group Project by assigning roles and
responsibilities to each member of the team.

Name Role Responsibilities/Tasks

Elmo Sayles Jr. Financer Provide cash for all expenses

Archel Sayles Financer/ Over all Provide cash for all expenses/ oversee all sub
facilitator task
Cherry Sayles Kitchen committee Cook menus

Rosemarie Pasco Decorations / Kitchen Table setting/ Cook menus

Maricel Sarancial Decorations / extra Table setting/ other unforeseen activities/
preparations / venue facilator

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Activity 6: Preparing an Individual Action Plan

 Identify the components of an action plan
 Create an individual action plan

 Time Required: 30 - 45 minutes

Now that the team’s goals and scope are clear, your own roles and responsibilities have
also been clarified. Once you understand your own responsibilities, your next task is to
create an individual action plan. An individual action plan will help ensure that you fulfill
your responsibilities and contribute to team goals. You may recall from Module 2 NC I
that teams often use group action plans, or group implementation plans, to keep
themselves on track in accomplishing a goal. Individual action plans are similar, except
they focus on the roles and responsibilities of a single person.

Before you make your plan, familiarize yourself with some terms that we will use in this

 Deliverable: also known as output, refers to the results or product of the

completed project or activity
 Resources: the materials needed for the project and may include goods or in-kind
materials, services, people, and money
 Budget: an estimate of total cost needed to complete a project
 Tracking and monitoring: the collection of data and information to check your
 Evaluation: reflecting on what worked well and what needs to be improved in the
way you implemented the activity or project

Steps for Creating an Individual Action Plan

1. Identify your key deliverable: You may recall from Module 2 NC I that a deliverable
refers to the key product or result of a task. Re-visit your job description and/or
team scope and review the goals for your role, tasks, and responsibilities. For
example, if your group is planning to start a take-out food delivery service, your
individual deliverable could be to create sample menu. If your team is planning to
clean up a local park, your individual deliverable might be to design and carry out a
social media campaign that will encourage or invite other people to help clean the
local park. Your individual deliverables contribute to the broader team deliverables.

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2. Set your SMART goal: Similar to personal goals that you learned in Module 1, your
goals should be SMART: specific, measurable, achievable, relevant, and time-bound.
For example, your goal may be to design 3 versions of a sample menu featuring
drinks, desserts, appetizers, and entrees that is based in market research within 1
month to show your team. This goal is specific (it includes the food categories of the
menu), measurable (3 versions are to be created), achievable, relevant (it
contributes to the goal of your team starting a take-out restaurant), and time-bound
(to be completed within 1 month).

3. Write your action plan: The action plan outlines the detailed steps or actions and
the timeline for each action. An action plan may take various forms, including a
calendar or a written list—or both! Two examples of action plans for the same
activity are shown below. The first takes the form of a calendar or chart; the second
is a written list. Both are examples of individualized action plans because they
include specific, measurable, time-bound steps that contribute toward an individual
team member’s goal (in this case, launching a social media campaign to increase
participation in cleaning up a local barangay).

Individual Action Plan

Deliverable: Week 1 Week 2 Week 3 Week 4
Design and carry out a media campaign for
barangay clean-up activity

Create social media accounts for our team project

(Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, TikTok)
Consult with team about branding strategies and

Identify and sign contract with printing company to

produce posters and banners
Hang at least 50 posters around the barangay

Identify at least 4 local influencers who help to

share our team’s message
Publish messages on social media (at least one
message on each platform each day)
Document clean-up event and publish
videos/stories online

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Individual Action Plan

Deliverable: Design and carry out a media campaign for our team’s barangay clean-up activity

Week 1:
 Create social media accounts for our team project (Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, TikTok)
 Consult with team about branding strategies and messaging
 Identify at least 4 local influencers who help to share our team’s message
 Publish messages on social media (at least one message on each platform each day)

Week 2:
- Identify and sign contract with printing company to produce posters and banners
- Publish messages on social media (at least one message on each platform each day)

Week 3:
- Post at least 50 posters around the barangay
- Publish messages on social media (at least one message on each platform each day)

Week 4:
- Publish messages on social media (at least one message on each platform each day)
- Document clean-up event and publish videos/stories online

Keep in mind that an action plan can include both a calendar and a written list—
whatever works best for you! The important things are that your individual action
plan is SMART and maps out actions that will contribute to the team’s goal. The
important thing is to have a clear system to stay on track of your goals!

4. Monitor progress and evaluate results: It is important to conduct regular check-ins

with team members for updates and to address any concerns along the way. It is
also important for you to monitor your own progress. Once the project is completed,
assess the strengths and weaknesses of your project, and examine whether the
resources were used for the intended purpose. Learn from the experience and
celebrate your success.

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Let’s Exercise: Writing an Individual Action Plan

Create an Individual Action Plan for Marissa, a member of the Sangguniang Kabataan in her
barangay. Their group plans to conduct a fund-raising campaign to raise donations for the
typhoon victims in a nearby barangay. The group is planning to raise PHP100,000 worth of
monetary donations and in-kinds so that they could distribute food packs to 50 families for a
week. Imagine you are Marissa. Now, create an individual action plan how you will contribute
to the attainment of your team’s goal.
1. What is your team’s goal?

Team Goal : Within a month, the team can raise PHP100,000 worth of monetary donations and
in-kinds so that they could distribute food packs to 50 families for a week.

2. Based on your team’s goal, what could be your main contribution to the goal? What are
your deliverables?

Deliverable ; Create social media posters and put donation boxes for the fund raising activity

3. Based on your deliverables, what is your personal goal?

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To collect in- kind and monetary donations

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4. Begin to prepare an action plan by completing the table below:

Tasks or Steps Timeline Resources that you Resources that you

already have need
Create a poster online 2 days / Week 1

Put donation box to the 3 weeks/ Week 1 to 4

brgy hall, purok halls
Sorting in-kind goods 3 days / Week 4

Buying additional goods 3 days/ Week 4

from the monetary
Distribution of the 2 days/week 4
donation packs

Let’s Apply: Group Project Worksheet 3 – Individual Action Plan

Continue documenting your progress in your Group Project by creating your Individual Action
Plan. You may refer to Group Project Worksheets 1 and 2 in answering the worksheet below:

Group Goal To organize a surprise graduation party

Individual Role Kitchen committee

Main Responsibility Cook several menus

or Deliverable

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Use this space below to create an action plan. Feel free to add columns, make a list, or design
the plan in the way that it most helpful for you.

 Choose the menus to cook for the main course and desserts.
 Estimate the possible cost
 List the ingredients for each and things to buy
 Marketing of all ingredients
 Preparing all ingredients
 Cooking every food set in the menu

Sharing is caring

Share your individual action plan to your groupmates and ask for their feedback. Ask them how
you can improve your plan, and what they can contribute to the attainment of your goals. You
may also ask them to create their own action plan and ask them how you can contribute to the
attainment of their goals.

☑ Performance Criteria Checklist

The Performance Criteria Checklist is an opportunity for you to assess your learning
outcomes in the session and know how well you did in doing the activities in this session.
You will speak to your facilitator to:

1. Share your experiences in completing the session

2. Discuss your development and progress towards the intended skills
3. Plan how you will move forward to continue making progress in the module

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✔Conduct a quick self-assessment and answer the table below.

Statements Please check Yes or No if you have

shown or can do the statement.
Did you… YES NO
1. Identify the roles and responsibilities of a team ✔
leader and team members?
2. Describe an effective team leader and team ✔
3. Identify your own roles and responsibilities ✔
while working in a team environment?
4. Identify the components of an action plan? ✔

5. Create an individual action plan? ✔

Guide to the Learner and Facilitator’s Discussion:

Topics to discuss during the Learning Check:

1. Parts of the module that is the easiest to answer/do

2. Parts of the module that is the hardest to answer/do

3. Parts of the module that need further clarification or explanation

4. Additional support needed by the learner from the facilitator

5. Review and check the learner’s answers and outputs in the session

6. Feedback on the learner’s performance in terms of the following: mastery of content,

skills development, and pace in answering the module

7. Plans on how the learner is expected to move forward with the module

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Session 2 – Writing Space

Use this space to complete any of the written assignments above or write any thoughts or
ideas that have come to mind in relation to identifying one’s role and responsibilities.

Congratulations! Now that you have identified your own role and responsibility within a
team, you are now ready to learn about working as team member.

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SESSION 3: Work as A Team Member

Performance Criteria:
3.1 Effective and appropriate forms of communications are used and interactions
undertaken with team members based on company practices
3.2 Effective and appropriate contributions made to complement team activities, and
objectives, based on workplace context
3.3 Protocols in reporting are observed based on standard company practices
3.4 Contribute to the development of team work plans based on an understanding of
team’s roles and objectives

 Key Topics and Learning Points 

1. Individual work vs. teamwork
2. Appropriate communication channels
3. Team planning and decision-making

 Depending on the task or project, sometimes individual work is the more appropriate
strategy in completing a task or project; at other times, teamwork is preferable.

 Communication is essential for teamwork. The team must be able to identify the official
communication channel that members will be using as a group.

 In working as a team, members and leaders should be able to participate in both planning
and decision-making process to ensure clarity of goals and roles. Doing so contributes to a
shared ownership of the goal and project.

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Activity 7: Teamwork vs. Individual Work

 Identify the advantages and disadvantages between teamwork and individual work
 Identify the appropriate communication channels or approaches that you should use
when working in a team environment
 Recommended Time: 30 - 45 minutes

Before we start this activity, let’s play a quick game.

Game Title Pictionary

Duration 10-20 minutes
Participants 6 to 10 members
Materials Marker/pencil, scraps of paper, sheets of paper, timer
Roles - Referee (1): Oversees the game and generates items for the artist to
- Timekeeper (1): Keeps time while the artist draws
- Artist (1): Tries to convey the assigned object to his/her team
through drawing
- Art critic (1 in the Round 1, then multiple in Round 2): Tries to guess
what is being drawn by the artist
Goal For the art critic(s) to accurately guess as many items being drawn as
possible during an allotted time.
Instructions - Designate one person to be the referee. (This person will oversee the
game and enforce rules.)
- Designate a timekeeper.
- Designate an artist. (This person will draw images for his/her
teammates to guess.)
- Designate ONE art critic. (This person will try to guess what the artist
is drawing. Remember, this is not a negative term: an art critic is not
necessarily someone who criticizes art, but who studies it!)
- NOTE: At the beginning of the game, not everyone will have a role.
After round 1, everyone will have a role.
- On each small scrap of paper, the referee discretely writes down the
name of a person, place, or thing. (Examples could include halo-halo,
K-POP, Manny Pacquiao, The Pacific Ocean, etc.) The referee must
fold each scrap so no one can see its contents. It is recommended
that the referee writes at least 15 items.


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- Timekeeper starts the timer for 4 minutes.

- The artist picks a piece of paper and pencil and has 4 minutes to
convey the meaning of the word on paper through drawing to the art
IS! The artist may not speak or write any words but can only draw.
- Once the art critic has correctly guessed the word on the scrap of
paper, the artist moves to the next item. The goal is for the art critic
to guess as many correct words as possible in the allotted time.
- The referee keeps score of how many words were correctly guessed
within the 4-minute interval.

- The artist now becomes an art critic.
- A participant who has not yet had a role becomes the artist.
- All remaining participants without roles are also art critics. That
means there will be at least two art critics.
- Repeat the same process as round 1. (Art critics must try to guess
what the artist is trying to draw.) This time, there will be more
people trying to guess what is being drawn by the artist.
Rules The artist may not spell any words on the page or say any words out loud
during the allotted time.
Note If you enjoyed this game of Pictionary, it is a fun way to pass time with your
family or friends! It can also be played with two competing teams. For more
instructions about the game or for random word generators, you can go

Think about it!

Answer the following questions:

1. How do you find the activity? Is it easy or difficult? Why?

Since , our artist are very good in drawing and, the activity is easy.

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2. Which of the two rounds was easier? Was it more efficient for the art critic to work
along or in a team?

The second round was easier because there were more art critics so we can provide or different perspectives on what
was drawn.

3. What does it tell you about tasks that can be accomplished individually compared to
those with a team?

Task are easier to accomplish if you work together because two brains is always better than one. You
can have a wide and diverse ideas about a certain task so more possibilities of accomplishing the task

4. When you were working with your team, what was your strategy? What helped you win
and quickly come up with ideas?

We gather and provided all our ideas. We then discuss which fits the drawing.

In the workplace, some tasks are best accomplished individually. Other tasks are best
accomplished with the help of others. Below is a table that shows the advantages and
disadvantages of teamwork.

Advantages Disadvantages
 Increased collaboration  Risk of delays
 Frequent brainstorming  Coordination required among team
 Accelerated accomplishment of a task members
 A diversity of ideas  Risk that meetings could go off topic,
 Sense of membership in a group or decreasing efficiency of the team
team  Longer decision-making processes
 Risk of personality clashes among

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Below is a table that shows advantages and disadvantages of individual work.

Advantages Disadvantages
 Working at your own pace  Needs to motivate and monitoring
 Independent work while working
 Concentration is easier  Risk of feeling isolated
 Gets the whole credit for the work  Possibility of decision fatigue
that you did  No other person will be blamed for
 Sole decision maker poor quality of work

Are there any additional advantages or disadvantages that you would add to the charts above?
If so, list them here:

Let’s Exercise: Individual Work vs. Teamwork

Based on the advantages and disadvantages of individual work and teamwork, determine if the
task or project is best accomplished through individual work or teamwork. Put a check on the
appropriate column and provide an explanation why you chose your answer.

Task/Project Individual Work Teamwork

1. Writing a letter of invitation to a guest ✔
speaker in an event
Explain why you chose your answer: You can gain from cooperation, a variety of viewpoints,
research, personalisation, editing, professionalism, and a swift completion of the
assignment by having a team write the letter of invitation to a guest speaker. The likelihood
of a carefully designed invitation that clearly conveys the event's value and persuades the
guest speaker to attend is increased by this team approach.
2. Coming up with the menu of your soon-to- ✔
open family restaurant
Explain why you chose your answer: You can gain from a variety of culinary skills, market
research, recipe development, pricing analysis, menu diversity, presentation concerns,
consistency in branding, and shared ownership by working together to build the menu for
your soon-to-open family restaurant. It results in a diverse and interesting menu that meets
consumer preferences and contributes to the restaurant's success.
3. Organizing a virtual year-end party for the ✔
members of the neighborhood association
Explain why you chose your answer: Effective event planning, resource management,
teamwork, and shared duties can be achieved by holding a virtual year-end party for the
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neighborhood association's members. It makes use of the group's talents, concepts, and
viewpoints to produce an event that is well-run and entertaining for everyone.

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Task/Project Individual Work Teamwork

4. Creating a poster for an online fund-raising ✔
campaign to be posted on Facebook
Explain why you chose your answer: Reasons : Diverse skills and perspectives, Creative
brainstorming and idea generation, Quality assurance and attention to detail, Time and
workload managemen
5. Planning for the annual activities of the ✔
Sangguniang Kabataan of your barangay
Explain why you chose your answer: Utilizing the knowledge, skills, and expertise of the
entire team while preparing annual events. It encourages collaboration and buy-in,
improves decision-making, results in more thorough plans, and builds a culture of
accountability and shared responsibility.
6. Writing updates and reports to program ✔
Explain why you chose your answer: Collaboration, accuracy, efficiency, quality assurance,
consistency, originality, and professional development are all advantages of having a team write
updates and reports for program partners. By utilizing the team's collective expertise and abilities, it
improves and has a greater influence on communication with program partners.
7. Writing a self-reflection for your upcoming ✔
performance review.

Explain why you chose your answer: reasons : Personal reflection and introspection,
Authenticity and self-expression, Individual accountability and Focused and uninterrupted time

Teamwork requires constant communication among members. Depending on the task

and protocols of an organization, the following forms of communication channels can be
utilized by the team or group:

Type of communication Possible communication channels

Oral - In person
- Phone
Virtual - Virtual teleconferencing platforms
Written - Text message
- Email
- Briefing notes
- Written reports
- Evaluation reports

It is important for the team to set the official communication channel. If you are employee, you
need to ask your supervisor about your company’s official communication channel. Keep in
mind that a team may have multiple communication channels for different purposes. For
example, weekly team calls may be conducted on a platform such as Skype or Microsoft Teams

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while written documents (such as reports or meeting notes) may be shared over email.

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Remember your context: you must maintain professional conduct (in tone and content) over all
forms of work communication, especially if you are using a work-issued computer, email
account, etc.
You will learn more about the communication forms and documentations in the workplace in
Module 3 – NC II.

Let’s Exercise: Communication while Working in a Team Environment

You are now are going to do an activity that will help you to be a cooperative and
effective team player. Read this scenario:

Your small company has recently hired a new employee and needed to order a new desk.
A new desk arrives, but your team soon realizes that the parts will need to be assembled
into a whole. Along with the various parts of the desk, there is an instruction manual.
Today is Friday, and you and your team need to assemble the desk before the new
employee arrives on Monday. The comic strip below shows the statements made by your
co-workers at the meeting.7

Comic created in

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Answer the following questions:

1. .Examine the statements of the characters. Determine the possible effect of
the statement to the group:

Speaker Statement Effect of their statement on the group

Roel You’ve got to be kidding me! I Lesser manpower
have better uses of my time than
building furniture.
Nicole Why cant the new employee Lesser manpower
build her own desk? I am really
busy today.
Hiraya I love a good team challenge. Encourage the group
This is like a puzzle.

Manny I don’t need a manual. I know Possible error or mistakes when assembling the
everything there is to know about furniture
furniture assembly.

2. Which among the statements do you think is the best among the 4? Why?
Hiraya’s statement is the best among the 4 because it encourage team work and positivity

3. Choose one statement from the conversation that you think needs improvement.
How would you improve the statement so that it promotes good teamwork?

Old Statement Better Statement Why This Statement Is an


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4. As a team member, how would you respond to you colleagues? Write your own
short statement in the dialogue bubble below.

Let’s just get to work on this so that we can finish it

earlier and we can leave earlier as well. We have a
manual to follow and its easier to work as a team

5. If you were the group leader, and you were responsible for developing the plan,
what would you say? Is there a certain document or tool that came with the desk
parts that might be helpful in guiding your team? Write your own short statement in
the dialogue bubble below.

6. Explain the reasoning behind your statement. How does your statement contribute
to teamwork among the group members?

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Activity 8: Team Planning and Decision-making

 Identify the benefits of team planning and decision-making
 Enumerate the steps of team planning and decision-making
 Recommended Time: 30 - 45 minutes

We all need work with others to make plans and decisions. Sometimes, these decisions are so
ordinary that we may not even realize we are going through a set of steps to make them. For
instance, you and your family members may need to decide what to make for dinner. (You’ve
identified the decision to be made!) Perhaps you have enough ingredients to make one dish,
but people are sick of that recipe after eating it earlier in the week. Making a different recipe,
however, would require a trip to the market, and it is supposed to rain later in the day. (You
have analyzed the issue!)

We can also take an example from the workplace. Imagine you manage a bakery. An important
customer has ordered an ube cake, but your supplier is unable to deliver the ingredients
because of inclement weather. How can you and your colleagues keep the customer’s business
and loyalty? (You have established criteria for what would make a successful decision!)

In other words, situations that require planning and making decisions—and especially team
decisions—happen every day, and it is important to know the benefits and steps of making
decisions wisely. Before we discuss the steps of team decision-making, you can reflect on those
you have been part of in the past.

Think of a time in the past when you have worked with a group to make a decision. (This
decision could be at work or at home.) What was the decision that had to be made among the
group members?
When we were in doubt whether to continue working in Cebu or come home to settle with my family after
years of working away

What steps did you take to arrive at a decision?

We considered a lot of factors like the possible effect if I continue to work or come to come.

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Looking back, do you think your group should have done things differently? Why or why not?

I should have continued working and just get my younger siblings and live with me.

 Key Facts 2.4: Steps in a Team Decision-Making Process8

The participation of various group members in decision-making strengthens the bonds of a

team because people feel a sense of ownership in the process. However, without a clear
process for team decision-making, the situation can become chaotic or disorganized. These
steps can help guide the team in making effective and appropriate decisions.
1) Identify the decision to be made. Before beginning the process, clarifying the details
and parameters of the decision to be made.
2) Analyze the issue. Examine any data, resources, and information surrounding the
decision. For example, what is causing the problem? Who is or will be affected by this
3) Establish criteria. Determine what would make solution successful or not. (For example,
is it more important to save money or to earn a customer’s loyalty?)
4) Brainstorm potential solutions. Collect as many ideas as possible. Encourage group
members to “think outside the box”—in other words, to be creative in their thinking.
5) Evaluate options and select the best one. Weigh the pros (or positive aspects) and the
cons (the negative aspects) of various options. What solutions are the best for the short-
term? For the long-term?
6) Implement the solution. After choosing a solution, decide who on the team will take
action and when.
7) Monitor and evaluate the outcome. Based on the criteria of success identified by your
team in step 3, evaluate your outcome.

Imagine that you manage Petal, a flower shop.9 A very

important and frequent customer has placed an order for
several displays of red roses for a wedding anniversary
celebration. However, the vendor that supplies your
business with roses just called to say they have no red roses
available this week. You and your team must now decide
how to respond. You call a meeting with your colleagues.

Adapted from Centre for Teaching Excellence, University of Waterloo. Group Decision Making.

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Image from Microsoft Word image library.

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Now, fill in the notes during your team’s conversation. An example has been started for you in
step 1.

Step Important questions Notes from your team

1 Identify the What conflict is affecting our - Our barrier is that our supplier
decision to team? What is the barrier to does not have the supplies that we
be made our success? need to fulfill our order (red roses).
- Our team needs to decide how to
respond to needs of our important
customer given that the product
(red roses) is no longer available
from our supplier for the requested
2 Analyze the What is causing this problem?
issue How does or could this
problem affect our team?
Where can we find
3 Establish How do we define success in
criteria solving this problem? What is
the bottom line, or most
important thing to keep in
4 Brainstorm What are creative ways in
potential which we could respond to
solutions this challenge?

5 Evaluate According to our criteria,

options and which of our brainstormed
select the options would result in a
best one successful solution?
6 Implement Determine who will take part
the solution in implementing the solution.
Which tasks need to be
carried and when?
7 Monitor and Evaluate whether the
evaluate the decision was a successful one.
outcome If not, try to generate new

You will learn more about planning and decision-making on the next module – Module 3 NC II for
Critical Thinking and Problem-Solving.

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Think about it!

This section encourages you to express your opinions to family and friends about a topic.
Start a discussion with them face to face, via text, chat, or whatever means available and
comfortable to you. It’s always great to share your ideas and hear more points of view .

Answer the following questions.

1. Think about times in the past when you have work to make decisions with a team.
Share your experience when your team was not able to plan. What happened?

2. Share your experience when you were leading a team and you had to make a
decision without consulting the team, that later compromised the team’s
reputation. What happened? How did you handle the situation?

3. Share your experience when you had a leader who was not able to make decisions
for the team. What happened?

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Let’s Apply: Group Project Worksheet 4 – Decisions for the Team

Continue documenting your progress in your Group Project by documenting the decisions that
you made for your project or task.
Decision Decision-Maker Effect of the Decision

Sharing is caring
Share your answers to Group Project Worksheet 4 with your groupmates. Ask if they want to
add more decisions in your decision list. Reflect on the decisions that you made. Discuss with
your groupmates whether the decisions were the most appropriate and the best decision for
the project or task. Write your notes during your discussion with your groupmates below:

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☑ Performance Criteria Checklist

The Performance Criteria Checklist is an opportunity for you to assess your learning
outcomes in the session and know how well you did in doing the activities in this session.
You will speak to your facilitator to:

1. Share your experiences in completing the session

2. Discuss your development and progress towards the intended skills
3. Plan how you will move forward to continue making progress in the module

Conduct a quick self-assessment and answer the table below.

Statements Please check Yes or No if you have

shown or can do the statement
Did you… YES NO
1. Compare the advantages and disadvantages of ✔
teamwork and individual work?

2. Identify the appropriate communication ✔

channels or approaches that you should use
when working in a team environment?
3. Identify the benefits of team planning and ✔
4. Enumerate the steps of team planning and ✔

Guide to the Learner and Facilitator’s Discussion:

Topics to discuss during the Learning Check:

1. Parts of the module that is the easiest to answer/do

2. Parts of the module that is the hardest to answer/do

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3. Parts of the module that need further clarification or explanation

4. Additional support needed by the learner from the facilitator

5. Review and check the learner’s answers and outputs in the session

6. Feedback on the learner’s performance in terms of the following: mastery of content,

skills development, and pace in answering the module

7. Plans on how the learner is expected to move forward with the module

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Session 3 – Writing Space

Use this space to complete any of the written assignments above or write any thoughts or
ideas that have come to mind on working as a team member.

Congratulations! You can now move to the last session of this module.

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SESSION 4: Review and Assessment

Activity 9: Post-Module Learner’s Reflection
 Review the main topics covered in the collaboration and teamwork module
 Write an essay or a creative presentation that will exhibit your learnings about
collaboration and teamwork
 Take a Learner’s Reflection
 Recommended Time: 15 - 30 minutes

Think about it!

Reflect on your experiences in accomplishing the group project. Answer the questions below:
1. What was your goal for the project? Were you able to achieve it?

2. What parts or steps in completing the project were challenging? What helped your
overcome those challenges?

3. Reflecting on your working in a team environment, what can you say are your
strengths and weaknesses in terms of collaboration and teamwork?

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Sharing is caring: Performance Task

Share your work with your trainer/facilitator, or other members of your family and friends. Ask
them to rate your work according to the standards of the group project. Below are the
instructions for the group project:

Goal Work together to solve a problem or finish a task at home or in the

Role Team with 5 to 6 members
Audience Your family members, friends, and/or co-workers in the workplace
Situation and 1. Look for an existing problem or a pending task that you can
Instruction work on as a team. For example:
a. Decorating a room
b. Constructing a fence
c. Throwing for an online virtual end-of-year party
d. Conducting an online virtual professional learning
development session
2. Prior to undertaking the problem or task, you should consult
your facilitator to ensure that the problem or task is
appropriate for groupwork.
3. Set your goals and roles as a team.
4. Devise a plan and implement your plan in solving the problem
or finishing a task.
5. Document the steps that you took in accomplishing this mini-

Product You are expected to finish a task or solve a problem at the end of the
Standards You will be graded according to this holistic rubric*:
a. Group Dynamics – ability to complement each other’s work
styles and use each other’s strengths in accomplishing the
task or solving the problem
b. Efficiency – ability to work within a given time and resources
c. Effectiveness – ability to address the problem or finish the
task correctly and appropriately

*This rubric can be found directly below.

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Group Work Rubric: Put a check on the column that shows your rating for the trainee’s
performance based on the statements.

Statement 1 2 3 4
The learner was able to… Beginning Developing Mostly Accomplished
1. Complement other
team members’ work
styles and draw from ✔
one another’s
strengths in
accomplishing the task
2. Work within a given ✔
time and resources
3. Address the problem ✔
or finish the task
correctly and

Comments/Suggestions /Feedback on the teamwork:

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Module 2: Working in a Team Environment (NC II) Learner’s Handbook

Post-Module Learner’s Reflection:

Working in a Team Environment (NC II Level)
End-of-Module Skills Check

Now that you have reached the end of the module, let us see if you are able to develop the necessary
skills to work in team environments. Conduct a self-assessment and answer the table below.

Statements on my experience, knowledge, skills and abilities / Encircle Yes or No if you have shown or
Mga pahayag tungkol sa aking kaalaman, kasanayan at can do the statement.
Bilugan ang Oo o Hindi kung naipakita
I can… / Kaya ko nang… o nagawa mo na ang mga pahayag.

Reflect on one’s preferences and predisposition when working in ✔ No

teams / Yes Hindi
Matukoy ang pansariling kagustuhan kapag nagtratrabaho Oo
kasama ang pangkat
Identify one’s strengths and weaknesses when working in teams / ✔Yes No
Matukoy ang sariling kakayahan at kahinaan kapag Oo Hindi
nagtratrabaho kasama ang pangkat
Identify the goals and scope of a team in a workplace / ✔ Yes No
Matukoy ang mithiin at sakop ng isang pangkat sa lugar ng Oo Hindi
Perform goal-setting practices / ✔Yes No
Maisagawa ang mga hakbang sa pagtukoy ng mithiin Oo Hindi
Explain the different stages of group development / ✔ Yes No
Maipaliwanag ang iba’t ibang yugto ng pagbuo ng pangkat Oo Hindi
Identify ways on how to respond to different situations in the ✔ Yes No
stages of group development / Oo Hindi
Matukoy ang mga pamamaraan ng pagtugon sa iba’t ibang
sitwasyon na may kaugnayan sa yugto ng pagbuo ng pangkat
Identify ways on dealing with different personalities in a team / ✔ Yes No
Matukoy ang iba’t ibang paraan sa pakikitungo sa iba’t ibang Oo Hindi
personalidad sa pangkat
Identify roles and responsibilities of Team Leader and Team ✔ Yes No
Member / Oo Hindi
Matukoy ang mga papel at responsibilidad na ginagampanan ng
isang Pinuno ng Grupo at Miyembro ng Grupo
Describe an effective Team Leader and Team Member / ✔Yes No
Mailarawan ang isang epektibo at mahusay na Pinuno at Oo Hindi
Miyembro ng Grupo
Identify the components of an action plan / ✔Yes No
Matukoy ang iba’t ibang parte ng isang action plan Oo Hindi
Create an individual action plan / ✔ Yes No
Makabuo ng pansariling action plan Oo Hindi

Work Readiness Modules on 21st Century Skills | USAID Opportunity 2.0 Program| Philippines Page
Module 2: Working in a Team Environment (NC II) Learner’s Handbook

Statements on my experience, knowledge, skills and abilities / Encircle Yes or No if you have shown or
Mga pahayag tungkol sa aking kaalaman, kasanayan at can do the statement.
Bilugan ang Oo o Hindi kung naipakita
I can… / Kaya ko nang… o nagawa mo na ang mga pahayag.

Identify the advantages and disadvantages between teamwork ✔ Yes No

and individual work / Oo Hindi
Matukoy ang maganda at di-magandang epekto ng
pagtratrabaho kasama ang grupo at pagtratrabaho nang mag-
Identify the appropriate communication channels or approaches ✔Yes No
that you should use when working in a team environment / Oo Hindi
Matukoy ang ankop na paraan ng komunikasyon sa lugar ng
Identify the benefits of team planning and decision-making / ✔ Yes No
Matukoy ang magandang dulot ng pagpaplano at pagdedesisyon Oo Hindi
Enumerate the steps of team planning and decision-making / ✔ Yes No
Mailista ang mga hakbang sa pagpaplano at pagdedesisyon Oo Hindi
Describe team role and scope / ✔Yes No
Mailarawan ang papel at sakop ng isang pangkat Oo Hindi
Identify one’s roles and responsibilities within a team / ✔ No
Matukoy ang sariling papel at responsibilidad sa pangkat Yes Hindi
Work as a team member / ✔Yes No
Maging isang miyembro ng pangkat Oo Hindi

Look at your answers, were there boxes where you encircled No? If there are, go back to the
activities in the module that will help you gain the skill identified in the statement. You can also
reach out to your facilitator/trainer to provide you with guidance on what activities you can do
to master the skill.

Work Readiness Modules on 21st Century Skills | USAID Opportunity 2.0 Program| Philippines Page
Module 2: Working in a Team Environment (NC II) Learner’s Handbook

Activity 10: End-of-Module Assessment


 Correctly answer the questions pertaining to the concepts discussed in the module

 Recommended Time: 15-30 minutes

End-of-Module Assessment
Congratulations for finishing Module 2: Working in a Team Environment for National Certificate
Level II! At the end of every module, you will take a short assessment to see how much you
have learned. It will help you and your teacher to identify the knowledge and skills you know
and what still needs reinforcing. The results will not affect your ability to continue in the
Structure of the Assessment: It has a total of 10 questions. Some questions are multiple choice,
and some questions are true or false. You should choose only ONE answer for each question.
Once you have finished answering the questions, note down any clarifications you want to ask
your instructor.

Module 2: Working in a Team Environment (NC II)

Circle an answer for each statement. Note to teacher : ( Miss. I don’t now how to encircle it so I
just used the check mark for my answer )
English Tagalog
1. When working it a group, it is important 1. Kapag ikaw ay nagtratrabaho kasama
to know your work style or preference so ang pangkat, mahalagang malaman
that you can better manage yourself ang pansariling istilo sa paggawa o
when working with others. kagustuhan upang mas mapangasiwaan
ang sarili sa pakikipagtrabaho sa iba.
a. True ✅
a. Tama
b. Mali
b. False

Work Readiness Modules on 21st Century Skills | USAID Opportunity 2.0 Program| Philippines Page
Module 2: Working in a Team Environment (NC II) Learner’s Handbook

English Tagalog
2. Which of the following adjectives does 2. Alin sa mga sumusunod ang hindi
not align with a SMART goal? kasali sa isang SMART na layunin?

a. Specific a. Specific o Tiyak

b. Modest ✔ b. Modest o Mapagpakumbaba
c. Achievable c. Achievable o Nakakamit
d. Realistic d. Realistic o Makatotohanan
e. Time-Framed e. Time-framed o May Oras

3. The scope of a team clarifies the team’s 3. Ang sakop ng isang pangkat ay
membership and the framework within naglilinaw ng mga kasapi at mga
which a team operates. paniniwala at prosesong sinusundan
ng isang pangkat.
a. True ✔
b. False a. Tama
b. Mali

4. Which of the following is the correct 4. Alin sa mga sumusunod ang tamang
sequential order of stages of group pagkakasunod-sunod ng mga yugto ng
development? paglinang at pagbuo ng isang
a. Forming, Adjourning, Norming,
Storming, Performing a. Forming, Adjourning, Norming,
b. Forming, Storming, Norming, Storming, Performing
Performing, Adjourning ✔ b. Forming, Storming, Norming,
c. Adjourning, Norming, Forming, Performing, Adjourning
Storming, Performing c. Adjourning, Norming, Forming,
d. Performing, Norming, Storming, Storming,
Adjourning, Forming d. Performing, Norming, Storming,
e. None of the above Adjourning, Forming
e. None of the above
5. An individual action plan includes: 5. Ang isang indibidwal na plano
ng pagkilos ay naglalaman ng:
a. A person’s goals
b. Steps to reach the goals a. Sariling layunin
c. A timeline to reach the goals b. Hakbang patungo sa layunin
d. All of the above ✔ c. Palatakdaan ng oras sa
e. None of the above pagkamit ng layunin
d. Lahat ng nabanggit
e. Wala sa nabanggit

Work Readiness Modules on 21st Century Skills | USAID Opportunity 2.0 Program| Philippines Page
Module 2: Working in a Team Environment (NC II) Learner’s Handbook

English Tagalog
6. An organizational chart outlines the 6. Ang tsart ng organisyon ay balangkas na
members of the team, the team nagpapakita ng kasapi ng pangkat,
structure, communication lines, and istraktura ng pangkat, linya ng
functional units in an organization. komunikasyon, at mga mahalagang
yunit ng organisasyon.
a. True ✔
b. False a. Tama
b. Mali

7. Team decision-making steps include: 7. Kasama sa mga hakbang tungo

sa pagdedesiyon ng pangkat ang
a. Brainstorm potential solutions :
b. Establish criteria
c. Identify the decision to be made a. Pag-iisip ng posibleng solusyon
d. All of the above ✔ b. Pagtalaga ng pamantayan
e. None of the above c. Pagtukoy ng desisyong
dapat gawin
d. Lahat ng nabanggit
e. Wala sa nabanggit
8. You are leading a team to accomplish a 8. Namumuno ka ng isang grupong
task that is more difficult than you humaharap sa isang gawaing
expected. You should: mas mahirap kaysa inasahan.
a. Give up in order to stop wasting
valuable time a. Sumuko ka na para hindi na
b. Listen to only those team makapagsayang ng
members who agree with your mahalagang oras
opinions b. Makinig lamang sa mga kasapi
c. Maintain a positive attitude and ng grupong sumasang-ayon sa
encourage others to participate mga opinyon mo
✔ c. Magpanatili ng positibong
d. Focus on one solution ugali at hikayatin ang
pakikilahok ng iba
d. Magtuon sa iisang solusyon
9. Real leaders include only those who are 9. Ang matatawag lang na tunay na
famous. pinuno ay iyong mga sikat.

a. True a. Totoo
b. False ✔ b. Mali

Work Readiness Modules on 21st Century Skills | USAID Opportunity 2.0 Program| Philippines Page
Module 2: Working in a Team Environment (NC II) Learner’s Handbook

English Tagalog
10. Promoting group cooperation means 10. Ang pagtataguyod ng pagkakaisa sa
encouraging people to be open to the isang grupo ay nangangahulugang
ideas of others. hihikayatin ang mga taong maging
bukas sa mga idea ng iba.
a. True ✔
b. False a. Tama
b. Mali

Work Readiness Modules on 21st Century Skills | USAID Opportunity 2.0 Program| Philippines Page
Module 2: Working in a Team Environment (NC II) Learner’s Handbook

 Key to Correction

Activity 7 – Let’s Exercise: Individual Work vs. Teamwork

1. Individual Work - Clerical and administrative tasks are more efficiently finished through
individual work.
2. Teamwork - Brainstorming and idea generation tasks are better accomplished through
teamwork because more ideas could be developed
3. Teamwork - A complex task or an event is better accomplished through teamwork
because of the different roles and responsibilities needed to finish the task or project.
4. Individual Work - The deliverable is a document that is best finished if one person works
on it. Other members can contribute at the idea generation, and review process but the
actual creation of the poster could be done more efficiently through individual work
5. Teamwork - Planning for the group's annual activity is best done through teamwork
because it increases ownership of the members on the activities of the group
6. Individual Work or Teamwork - Updates and reports can be done both individually or
through a team, depending on the complexity of the report
7. Individual Work – A task such as a personal reflection for a performance review can only
be completed on one’s own.

End-of-Module Assessment
1. A - True
2. B - Modest
3. A - True
4. B – Forming, Storming, Norming, Performing, Adjourning
5. D – All of the above
6. A - True
7. D - All of the above
8. C - Maintain a positive attitude and encourage others to participate
9. B - False
10. A – True

Work Readiness Modules on 21st Century Skills | USAID Opportunity 2.0 Program| Philippines Page

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