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Journal of the Brazilian Society of Mechanical Sciences and Engineering (2022) 44: 388


An improved immersed boundary method by coupling

of the multi‑direct forcing and Fourier pseudo‑spectral methods
Felipe Pamplona Mariano1 · Leonardo de Queiroz Moreira1 · Andreia Aoyagui Nascimento1 ·
Aristeu Silveira‑Neto2

Received: 6 January 2022 / Accepted: 10 July 2022 / Published online: 8 August 2022
© The Author(s) 2022

The present paper aims to report an improve on the development of the IMERSPEC methodology, which is a methodol-
ogy that couples the Fourier pseudo-spectral and immersed boundary methods, which can now solve flows over complex
geometries. In the present work, the Lagrangian mesh that represents the immersed body inside the flow does not have to
coincide with the Eulerian mesh. Furthermore, a high accuracy for the resultant methodology is achieved. These two impor-
tant improvements arise from the development of the multi-direct forcing method and used to calculate the force field of the
immersed boundary method. In order to verify the IMERSPEC methodology, a manufactured solution technique was used.
The results of a refined mesh were employed, and different distribution and interpolation functions were used and analysed.
Finally, flows over a backward-facing step geometry were simulated in two dimensions. This type of flow presents several
physical features, for example, detachment and reattachment of the boundary layer and vortex generation, which are difficult
to capture using numerical solutions. A comparison with the experimental data is presented and shows that the IMERSPEC
methodology is promising for computational fluid dynamics applications and its analysis.

Keywords Computational fluid dynamics · Immersed boundary method · Fourier pseudo-spectral method · Backward-
facing step flow

1 Introduction
Technical Editor: Daniel Onofre de Almeida Cruz.
Computational fluid dynamics (CFD) methodologies have
Leonardo de Queiroz Moreira, Andreia Aoyagui Nascimento and became quite common and reliable for both engineering
Aristeu Silveira-Neto have contributed equally to this work.
and scientific problems in academic and industrial envi-
* Felipe Pamplona Mariano ronments. The developments achieved until this point have enabled the increase in their potential, as well as the level
Leonardo de Queiroz Moreira of confidence that the scientific community places in them. Large CFD applications have been conducted by several
Andreia Aoyagui Nascimento industrial sectors, such as petroleum, chemical and aero- nautical industries. The common macrofeatures for indus-
Aristeu Silveira‑Neto trial applications are physical and geometrical complex- ity, flexible and moving geometries, turbulent flows and
multiple characteristic scales. In order to solve such prob-
Laboratório de Engenharia Térmica e de Fluidos (LATEF), lems, special methodologies have been used (i.e. adaptive
Escola de Engenharia Elétrica, Mecânica e de Computação
(EMC), Universidade Federal de Goiás (UFG), Av. meshes over complex geometries) to achieve high accuracy
Esperança, Al. Ingá, Prédio: B5, Campus Samambaia, and a high rate of convergence. On the other hand, the
Goiânia, GO 74690‑900, Brazil computational cost increases for more accurate method-
Laboratório de Mecânica dos Fluidos (MFLab), Faculdade ologies, both in CPU time and in storage memory. For
de Engenharia Mecânica (FEMEC), Universidade Federal de example, in studies of aeroacoustics, combustion and sur-
Uberlândia (UFU), Av.: João Naves d’ Ávilla, 2121, Bl.: 5P, factant transport, a low concentration is normally sufficient
Campus Santa Mônica, Uberlândia, MG 38408‑100, Brazil

388 Page 2 of 23 Journal of the Brazilian Society of Mechanical Sciences and Engineering (2022) 44: 388

to model large physical effects. Thus, high-accuracy solu- solve the Poisson equation) is replaced by a matrix vector
tions for PDEs are necessary. product, this is a numerical procedure faster to performed
The current perception of researchers in the field of computationally and that demands less RAM memory con-
mathematical modelling is that the solution of differential sumption. In any case, the pressure field can be obtained in
models should have the following features: high accuracy, post-processing.
high convergence rates, low computational cost (memory The main computational cost (processing time and RAM
storage and CPU time), ease in handling complex, mov- memory usage) when using the pseudo-spectral Fourier
ing and deformable geometries, ease in programming and method is in the process of transforming the velocity fields
parallelising and good scalability. The techniques used to into spectral space or Fourier space. For that, the algorithm
solve flow problems over complex and moving geometries called fast Fourier transform is used [15, 16], which is still,
require moving and deforming meshes or even remaking sometimes, more efficient than the solution of linear sys-
the mesh after a given number of time steps. These pro- tems, mainly, when comparing simulations with more mesh
cedures cause the methodologies to have a high computa- refinement. However, the pseudo-spectral Fourier colloca-
tional cost and have a more complex implementation [1]. tion method requires periodic boundary conditions [17],
The immersed boundary methodology has been devel- which limits its use in computational fluid dynamics to few
oped since 1970 by several researchers [2–6]. This method useful problems, [13, 18].
fulfils a portion of the requirements described above; spe- The merging of immersed boundary and Fourier pseudo-
cifically, it can handle complex and moving geometries. spectral methodologies gives rise to a new methodology,
This methodology, in contrast to unstructured grids, allows named IMERSPEC, which was presented in [19]. The idea
flows to be simulated over complex geometries using only behind this method is that it combines the advantages of each
a single Cartesian mesh. On the other hand, finite volume, technique and resolves some of their drawbacks. The base
finite element and finite difference methodologies involve of this proposal and preliminary applications were given in
large computational costs to reach high-accuracy solutions [19], where the Taylor–Green vortex decay, lid-driven cav-
[1]. Furthermore, using spectral methods like collocation, ity flows and flows over square cylinders were solved using
Galerkin, Tau, etc., high-accuracy solutions are achieved, the IMERSPEC methodology. In [19], it was demonstrated
see the works of [7–10]. that it is possible to solve non-periodic problems using Fou-
Computer simulations with high accuracy can be rier spectral methodology, but the methodology is limited to
performed by solving fluid flow equations with numeri- simulate, only, flow over Cartesian geometries and presented
cal methods of high order of convergence [9, 11], e.g. a low convergence rates—first order.
CFD problem is solved in a given mesh with a high-order The listed works that have the purpose of evaluating
convergence method (greater than two), and results are some specific numerical and/or computational aspect in
obtained with high accuracy, that is, with insignificant IMERSPEC methodology [20] are compared the analysis
errors. At the same time, using a method of convergence of convergence orders and computational times between
order, less than two, requires a much finer mesh to achieve the pseudo-spectral Fourier method and the finite volume
the same level of accuracy in the results of the same prob- method. In [21, 22] is presented the development of the
lem. Sometimes, this level of refinement makes it impos- insertion of three different boundary conditions, using the
sible to carry out a simulation, as it requires a greater immersed boundary method, particularly to thermal flow
amount of RAM and processing time. problems. In [23], the Lagrangian force is calculated by a
Among the high-order numerical convergence methods, function of the surface tension by the contact of two immis-
the spectral methods stand out, as they are characterised cible fluids, the immersed boundary is not rigid, and a dif-
by an exponential convergence rate in relation to the mesh ferent algorithm is developed. In the present work, the main
refinement, [7, 10, 12–14]. Specifically, the collocation Fou- goal is to show that the IMERSPEC methodology can be
rier pseudo-spectral method is especially used in the solu- extended to more complex problems and achieve high-order
tion of the Navier–Stokes equations, because it eliminates numerical convergence. The results reach fourth order of
the pressure gradient solution for incompressible flows, spatial convergence and it is possible to establish that the
by guaranteeing the conservation of mass through of the convergence order can be modified by changing the dis-
projection procedure of the nonlinear term. In mathemati- tribution and interpolation functions from the immersed
cal and computational terms, the linear system solution (to boundary method. Finally, applications to very complex

Journal of the Brazilian Society of Mechanical Sciences and Engineering (2022) 44: 388 Page 3 of 23 388

flows over a backward-facing step are performed, and the considering the simplifying assumptions used. In the present
two-dimensional and three-dimensional results agree with work, the Fourier pseudo-spectral method is used, and the
experimental results. mathematical modelling is presented in Fourier space.

2.2 Mathematic modelling for fluid flow in Fourier

2 Mathematical modelling space

In the present section, details of the merging of the immersed Defining the direct Fourier transforms, Eq. 3, and inverse Fou-
boundary [24], Fourier pseudo-spectral [8, 13] and methodolo- rier transforms, Eq. 4, like [17, 19]:
gies are presented. This coupling gives rise to the IMERSPEC ( )2 ∞

methodology. The mathematical formulation is presented in ̂ t) = 1
𝜙(𝐤, 𝜙(𝐱, t)e−𝜄𝐤.𝐱 d𝐱, (3)
the following subsections: mathematical modelling for the 2𝜋
fluid flow, Navier–Stokes and continuity equations, both in
physical space and in Fourier space, and interface equations, ( )2 ∞

1 ̂ t)e𝜄𝐤.𝐱 d𝐤.
given by the immersed boundary and multi-direct forcing
𝜙(𝐱, t) = 𝜙(𝐤, (4)
methods [25]. Finally, the coupling between the methodolo-
gies is presented. ̂ t) are the Fourier coeficients of transformed func-
where 𝜙(𝐤,
tion 𝜙(𝐱, t), that can be the pressure or vector velocity, 𝐤 is
2.1 Mathematical modelling for a fluid flow the wave number vector,
√ a parameter of the spatial Fourier
in physical space transform and 𝜄 = −1.
We make use of the definition of the forward Fourier
In the present paper, mathematical models are presented for transform (Eq. 3) in Eq. 1; it gives:
incompressible flows of Newtonian fluids without heat transfer
𝜄kj ûj = 0. (5)
and with constant physical properties. The formulation con-
sists of the continuity equation, which arises from a balance where ̂u(𝐤, t) are the coefficients of the direct Fourier trans-
of mass, and by the Navier–Stokes equations, which model form of velocity vector.
the linear momentum balance (Newton’s second law). These Equation 5 shows that velocity field for incompressible
equations are presented using tensorial notation: flows in Fourier space is orthogonal to the wave number
𝜕uj vector. Application of the Fourier transform to Eq. 2 gives:
= 0, (1) ( )
𝜕xj 𝜕 𝜄k ̂
p(𝐤, t)
+ 𝜈k2 ûi (𝐤, t) = − i
𝜕t 𝜌
̂ (6)
𝜕ui 𝜕(ui uj ) 1 𝜕p 𝜕 2 ui f
+ =− +𝜈 + f. (2) + 𝜄kj uj (𝐤 − 𝐫, t)d𝐫 + i (𝐤, t),
ûi (𝐫, t)̂
𝜕t 𝜕xj 𝜌 𝜕xi 𝜕xj 𝜕xj 𝜌 i 𝜌

In Eqs. 1 and 2, ui (𝐱, t) and p(𝐱, t) are the components of where 𝐤, 𝐫 and 𝐬 are the wave number vectors and k = ‖𝐤‖ is
the velocity vector in [m/s] and the pressure field in [N/m2 ], the norm of the wave number vector.
respectively. The fluid properties are the density 𝜌 in [kg/m3 ] The term associated with the Fourier transform of the
𝜄k ̂
and the kinematic viscosity coefficient 𝜈 in [m2 ∕s]. The pressure field, i 𝜌 , is normal to velocity vector. The sum
fi (𝐱, t) term represents the components of any source term that composes the right-hand side of Eq. 6 is equal to the
in [N/m3 ]. In the present work, fi (𝐱, t) is the force field of the projection over plane divergent-free, of the sum of the non-
fluid–solid interaction, the fluid–fluid interaction or another ̂f (𝐤,t)
linear term (convolution integral) with the source term i 𝜌 .
force field that models other physical effects internal to the
Therefore, the transformed Navier–Stokes equations in
fluid flow domain [3, 4].
Fourier space can be rewritten as:
Equations 1 and 2, together with the boundary and ini-
tial conditions, can model any fluid flow in physical space,

388 Page 4 of 23 Journal of the Brazilian Society of Mechanical Sciences and Engineering (2022) 44: 388

( ) arithmetic mean of the nonlinear term, written in conserva-

+ 𝜈k2 ûi (𝐤, t)
𝜕t tive form and in non-conservative form.
[ ]
fm (7)
∫𝐤=𝐫+𝐬 m
= Pim 𝜄kj û (𝐫, t)̂
uj (𝐤 − 𝐫, t)d𝐫 + (𝐤, t) . 2.4 DFT and FFT

In Eq. 7 the projection tensor Pim is defined as [26]: Taking a discrete Fourier transform (DFT) is the proper
numerical way to evaluate the forward and backward Fou-
ki km rier transform. However, it is restricted to periodic boundary
Pim = 𝛿im − , (8)
k2 condition problems, thereby limiting the use of numerical
Fourier transforms for CFD problems. The Fourier spectral
were 𝛿im is the Kronecker delta tensor. We note that the Pim
method has only been used for simulations of temporal jets,
tensor projects any vector over plane 𝜋.
temporal mixing layers and homogeneous and isotropic tur-
It is noteworthy that, in Eq. 7, the pressure gradient no
bulence [7, 18].
longer appears. This finding means that the velocity field, for
The fast Fourier transform (FFT) algorithm proposed by
incompressible flows, can be obtained without the pressure
[15] can be used to efficiently solve DFT equation. In terms
term. This property is one of the most interesting features of
of float point operations, the FFT gives O(N log2 N), whereas
the Fourier spectral methodology. Therefore, with the pro-
the DFT is on the order of O(N 2 ) float point operations where
posed methodology, it is possible for complex problems to
N is the number of collocation points. In the present paper,
be solved without treating the pressure–velocity coupling
we use the FFTE subroutine implemented in [27].
and without solving linear systems.
Nevertheless, because the velocity field is solved, the
2.5 Immersed boundary methodology—IBM
pressure field can be determined, either as a direct result or
as a post-processing result. The convolution integral, cor-
The IBM methodology uses two calculation domains, the
responding to the Fourier transform of a nonlinear term,
Eulerian and Lagrangian domains. The fluid flow equations
which appears in Eq. 7, cannot be solved numerically. Thus,
(Eq. 7) are solved in the Eulerian domain, and the force
as an alternative, the pseudo-spectral method is described in
field is evaluated in the Lagrangian domain to represent the
the next section.
immersed interface of the flow [3]. These two domains com-
municate with each other through a source term added in the
2.3 Fourier pseudo‑spectral method Navier–Stokes equations.
This source term is defined throughout the whole Eule-
The Fourier pseudo-spectral method [7] involves the product
rian domain with an understanding of its distribution over
of two functions in physical space and transforms this prod-
the Lagrangean domain, as given by:
uct rather than transforming the two functions independently
and solves the convolution integral in Fourier space.
if 𝐱 ≠ 𝐱k
Fi (𝐱k , t) if 𝐱 = 𝐱k
The advantage of this procedure is that we do not have
fi (𝐱, t) =
, (9)
to solve the convolution integral, although this reduces the
accuracy of the Fourier spectral method. However, high
accuracy can be maintained by performing the derivatives in
spectral space and subsequently solving the product in physi-
cal space. The drawback of the pseudo-spectral method is
that one must solve the direct and inverse Fourier transform
for each time step, which increases the computational cost.
Another important detail regarding the presented for-
mulation is the way that the nonlinear term is treated. The
skew-symmetric form proposed by [7] is considered to be
more stable and is used in the present paper. It consists of an

Fig. 1  Schematic representation of the Eulerian and Lagrangian


Journal of the Brazilian Society of Mechanical Sciences and Engineering (2022) 44: 388 Page 5 of 23 388

where Fi (𝐱k , t) is modelled according to that presented in the mass balance), and rhsi is determined by summing the
[19]. The vectors 𝐱 and 𝐱k are shown in Fig. 1. nonlinear, diffusive and pressure gradient terms. By decom-
The IBM used in the present paper was developed posing Eq. 10 into two equations, the following EDP system
based on the work of [4], in which a balance of momen- is obtained:
tum is applied over an immersed interface (virtual physical
model—VPM) by generating a reaction force that represents u∗i − uti
= rhsti , (11)
the boundary conditions of the immersed body. The IBM is Δt
also based on the work of [25], which reports an updated
version of the VPM of [4]. This modification changes the ut+Δt − u∗i
manner in which the interface force is calculated through fi = i
. (12)
an iterative process, through multi-direct forcing (MDF),
in order to improve the accuracy of the Lagrangian force Equations 11 and 12 are valid for any fluid particle, includ-
calculus, Fi (𝐱k , t). ing that positioned over the immersed boundaries. Next,
The domains used in the present work are presented Eq. 12 can be rewritten as:
in Fig. 1. The physical domain ΩPhD , termed the Eulerian
Uit+Δt − Ui∗
domain, is bounded by the immersed boundary ΓPhD, which Fi = , (13)
is considered as a Lagrangian domain. All physical phenom- Δt
ena that we are interested in modelling and simulating occur where Fi is the Lagrangian force and Uit+Δt is the interface
within ΩPhD. In ΩPhD, one or more bodies can be immersed, velocity, which is determined by the physical conditions
as represented by the frontiers Γi, where i = 1, 2, … , N . Over related to the problem under study (“boundary conditions”).
the immersed frontier ΓPhD, any boundary conditions can be The velocity is zero for interfaces at rest, and it is nonzero
modelled even if they are not periodic, in the present article for moving interfaces. The velocity for moving interfaces
only Dirichlet boundary conditions are studied. Kinoshita can be found by imposing a velocity for a rigid body, or it
et al. [21, 22] show that thermal boundary conditions are may not be known, e.g. in the case of fluid–structure interac-
assessed, [23] boundary conditions to two-phase flows are tion problems. In this case, the body velocity must be deter-
tested, and [18, 28] turbulent wall models are presented. mined by the structural model.
The additional Eulerian domain ΩPeD is bounded by the The Lagrangian velocity Ui∗ (predicted) is obtained by
frontier ΓPeD over which periodic boundary conditions are interpolating the predicted Eulerian velocity, u∗i , obtained
imposed. The domain ΩPeD complements ΩPhD and makes using Eq. 11.
it possible to extend the solution for non-periodic bound- On the other hand, the Eulerian force fi that appears
ary condition problems. Periodic boundary conditions are in Eq. 12 is obtained from the distribution of Fi , which is
imposed directly over ΓPeD. On the other hand, non-periodic calculated using Eq. 13. Hence, the Eulerian velocity ut+Δt
boundary conditions are imposed over the immersed bound-
can be updated using Eq. 14, which is given by Eq. 12:
ary ΓPhD in an indirect way, through the Eulerian force field
fi (𝐱, t) given by Eq. 9. ut+Δt
= u∗i + Δtfi . (14)
In Fig. 1, the vector 𝐱 defines any point that belongs to
the Eulerian domain, while the vector 𝐱𝐤 defines any point In order to improve the accuracy of the solution of the
that belongs to the Lagrangian interface. immersed interface velocity, the above procedure, i.e. the
( )
To evaluate the Lagrangian force Fi 𝐱k , t , we use the calculation of fi and ut+Δt i
, can be performed in an itera-
Euler scheme for temporal discretisation. From Eq. 7 we tive way. According to [25], the velocity field ut+Δt i
obtain: ut+Δt,it+1
where it is one of the interactions of the multi-direct
forcing method.
ut+Δt − uti + (u∗i − u∗i ) f Next, ut+Δt,it+1 is interpolated again, providing Uiit+1, and
= rhsti + i , (10) i
Δt 𝜌 the Lagrangian force, Fiit+1, is recalculated and redistributed.
Equation 14 is solved again, giving:
where t + Δt indicates the current time, t indicates the pre-
ceding time, u∗i represents the i component of the predicted ut+Δt,it+1
= u∗,it
+ Δtfiit . (15)
velocity, ut+Δt
and uti are the solenoidal velocity (satisfying

388 Page 6 of 23 Journal of the Brazilian Society of Mechanical Sciences and Engineering (2022) 44: 388

This iterative process continues until a stopping criterion, 𝜀, ⎧ 3−2∣r∣+√1+4∣r∣−4∣r∣2

is satisfied. In the present paper, we adopted the force differ- ⎪ 8
if 0 <∣ r ∣≤ 1
ence between two consecutive interactions: ⎪
⎪ √
Wg (r) =⎨ 5−2∣r∣− −7+12∣r∣−4∣r∣2 if 1 <∣ r ∣≤ 2 , (22)
∣ Fiit+1 − Fiit ∣≤ 𝜀. (16) ⎪ 8

We note that, in each interaction, the velocity ut+Δt,it+1 from ⎪0 if 2 <∣ r ∣
i ⎩
Eq. 15 and the force fiit+1 are projected over plane 𝜋 , assur-
ing mass and momentum balance. Furthermore, the force where rx = h k and ry = h k , with h being the spacing
x−x y−y

difference (Eq. 16) converges to zero, because the velocity between the collocation nodes of the Eulerian discretised
at boundaries become more close to the boundary condi- domain, and Δs is the spacing between the nodes of dicreti-
tions. In Sect. 3.2.3, the results of this iterative process are sation of the Lagrangian domain.
presented and discussed. The Wg function is similar in form to a Gaussian and sat-
isfies the property of having a unit integral over [−∞, +∞].
2.6 Distribution and interpolation functions The Eulerian force field, fi (𝐱, t) , is null throughout the
whole domain except in the neighborhood of the Lagran-
It is noted that the force distribution and interpolation veloc- gian points where it virtually models an immersed interface,
ity processes, as described above, are given using the Dirac simulating the presence of a body. Thus, it is not necessary
nucleus when the Lagrangian and Eulerian meshes are not to make changes and adaptations to the Eulerian mesh in
coincident. In the present paper, fluid flows over Cartesian order to fit the mesh
( to )the interface [4]. Once the Lagran-
geometries are modelled. A wide range of problems in which gian force field, Fi 𝐱k , t , is calculated, it can be distributed
the two meshes (Eulerian and Lagrangian) are coincident can and thus can transmit information about the geometry to the
be covered. In this case, the interpolation and distribution pro- Eulerian mesh.
cesses are replaced by the definitions given by Eqs. 17 and 18: In the present work, in addition to the distribution func-
{ tion proposed by [24], i.e. Eq. 22, other functions proposed
if 𝐱 ≠ 𝐱k
ui (𝐱, t) if 𝐱 = 𝐱k
Ui (𝐱𝐤 , t) = , (17) by different authors were also used. The main difference
between the functions lies in the weight function, W(r). A
{ cubic function, Wc , was proposed by [29]; a six-point func-
tion, W6p, was proposed by [30]; a cosine function, Wcos, was
if 𝐱 ≠ 𝐱k
Fi (𝐱, t) if 𝐱 = 𝐱k
fi (𝐱, t) = . (18)
0 proposed in the work of [24]; and a hat function, Wh , was
presented in [31].
However, when the problem has a non-Cartesian geometry, Not all of these weight functions exhibit the mathemati-
distribution and interpolation functions must be used. For cal properties that a distribution function must have. Nev-
this purpose, velocity interpolation and force distribution ertheless, in [32], it was shown that these functions give
functions are defined. The following were proposed by [24]: notably good results. The weight function, W(r), is funda-
( ) ∑ ( ) ( ) mental to the accuracy and numerical convergence rates of
Ui 𝐱k = Dh 𝐱 − 𝐱k ui 𝐱k Δx2 , (19) the immersed boundary methodology.

∑ ( ) ( )
fi (𝐱) = Dh 𝐱 − 𝐱k Fi 𝐱k Δs2 , (20) 2.7 Merging the pseudo‑spectral and immersed
boundary methods
( ) 1 ( ) ( )
Dh 𝐱k − 𝐱 = 2 Wg rx Wg ry , (21) The originality of the present work lies in one key idea:
h it uses the Fourier pseudo-spectral method to simulate

Journal of the Brazilian Society of Mechanical Sciences and Engineering (2022) 44: 388 Page 7 of 23 388

[ ( ) ( )−1 ]
non-periodic problems. This property is achieved by the Δx Δy 2 1 1
IMERSPEC methodology proposed in [19], which allows Δt = CFL ⋅ min min ; ; +
max |u| max |v| 𝜈 Δx2 Δy2
for merging of the pseudo-spectral and immersed bound-
ary methodologies. The algorithm used to solve the dif-
ferential model is described below: where the CFL is a number between 0 and 1.

1. Project the velocity field, Pim ûm , in order to always


ensure that the divergence of the velocity is on the 3 Results

order of round-off errors, e.g. for double precision, this
is: 3.1 Manufactured solution
( )t
𝜕uj A synthesised or manufactured solution was used to deter-
≃ 10−15 . (23) mine a source term, thereby giving an analytical solution
to the velocity and pressure fields. This source term, which
2. Calculate the predicted velocity in Fourier space using has dimensions of [N/m3 ], is added to the Navier–Stokes
the Fourier transform of Eq. 11: equations, which has a numerical solution that can be com-
[ ] pared with the synthesised solution [20]. The following
û∗i = ûti + Δt −𝜈k2 ûti − Pim NLT
̂t ,
m (24) equations, proposed by [35], are used in the present work:
( ) ( ) 𝜈t 2 2
where NLT̂m is the nonlinear term pseudo-spectrally ax by − L2 (a +b )
uan =Ur sin cos e r , (27)
transformed. The skew-symmetric form is used. Lr Lr
3. Transform û∗i to the physical space, using a backward
( ) ( )
Fourier transformed, to obtain u∗it
. a ax by − L𝜈t2 (a2 +b2 )
4. Interpolate u∗it to the Lagrangian boundaries using van = − Ur cos sin e r , (28)
i b Lr Lr
Eq. 17, when there is coincidence between the Lagran-
gian and Eulerian points or using Eq. 19 when there is [ ( ) ( )2 ] 𝜈t 2 2
no coincidence. This procedure gives Ui∗it. a2 by by −2 (a +b )
pan = − 𝜌Ur2 cos − sin e Lr2 ,
5. Calculate Fiit using Eq. 13. 2b2 Lr Lr
6. Distribute Fiit over the Eulerian domain using Eq. 18 (29)
or Eq. 20 when there is or is not coincidence, respec-
where uan and van are the analytical solutions for the velocity
tively, to give fiit.
components, pan is the analytical solution for the pressure
7. Transform fiit to the Fourier spectral space using the
it it field, a and b are constants, x and y are the components of
forward Fourier transformed, providing ̂ fi . Project ̂
over plane 𝜋.
8. Update the velocity, û∗i , using Eq. 25:
= ûi
+ ΔtPim f̂m . (25)

9. Calculate 𝜀 using Eq. 16.

10. Determine whether 𝜀 is less than the specified toler-
ance, see Eq. 16. If the tolerance criterion is not satis-
fied, return to step 3. If the tolerance criterion is satis-
fied, go to the next time step (return to step 1).

We note that the Euler scheme, for temporal discretisa-

tion, was used only for demonstrating the algorithm. In
the present work, the fourth-order, low-dispersion and
low-storage Runge–Kutta method, which was developed
by [33], is used. Furthermore, a variable time step was
used based on CFL criterion [34].

Fig. 2  Time distribution of the L2 norm for both cases: the Taylor–
Green problem with and without the immersed boundary

388 Page 8 of 23 Journal of the Brazilian Society of Mechanical Sciences and Engineering (2022) 44: 388

the coordinate system, t is the time, and 𝜌 and 𝜈 are the fluid taken as t∕tr = 10.0 . The global error of the simulation can
density and the kinematic viscosity, respectively. be determined using the L2 norm (Eq. 30) calculated over
The main goal of this simulation was to verify the pro- the entire domain at each time point. This procedure was
posed methodology and its numerical implementation. used for the Taylor–Green problem without and with the
In order to compare the numerical simulation with the immersed boundary.
analytical solution, the initial and boundary conditions �
� Nx Ny � �2
were determined using Eqs. 27, 28 and 29. This proce- � ∑ ∑ num
� an
dure results in periodic boundary conditions, which are � Θ − Θ
� i j ij ij
appropriate for the Fourier pseudo-spectral method. The L2 = ,
control parameters, as suggested by [36], are the vor-
tex diameters,
[ Lr = 𝜋 [m], and ] the maximum velocity, where Θnum and Θan stand, respectively, for the numerical
Ur = max uan (t = 0), van (t = 0) = 1[m∕s]. The reference and analytical solutions of the generic variable field, Θ, i.e.
time is given by Lr ∕Ur = 𝜋[s]. The Reynolds number is (u, v, p).
defined by ReLr = r𝜈 r .

All of the simulations presented in this section were con- 3.1.1 Manufactured solution without and with a coincident
ducted in a domain given by [0.0, 2.0𝜋∕Lr] × [0.0, 2.0𝜋∕Lr] immersed boundary
and ReLr = 10.0 . The constants a and b are taken to be
𝜋 . The domain was discretised using Nx = 16 × Ny = 16 An initial simulation was carried out, setting the source term
collocation points, and the maximum simulation time was fm in Eq. 7 equal to zero. Figure 2 shows the time evolution
of the L2 norm for the u component of the velocity field.
It shows the high accuracy of the Fourier pseudo-spectral
methodology, as the maximum error reaches 10−15, though
the simulation is performed with a coarse mesh of 16 × 16
collocation points.
The second test for verifying the Fourier pseudo-spectral
methodology was to place an immersed boundary in the Tay-
lor–Green problem. This type of coupling was proposed and
used in [36, 37].
The first part of this study was done with the immersed
boundary being coincident with part of the collocated
Eulerian points, indicating the ΓPhD domain in Fig. 1
need in IMERSPEC methodology, a square of side length
L∕Lr = 1∕𝜋 is placed into Eulerian domain, Ω , and all of
the Lagrangian points are coincident with the Eulerian col-
location points. The procedure for verifying the coupling
of the Eulerian and Lagrangian meshes(involves setting
) the
velocity of the immersed boundary U 𝐱k , t + Δt equal to
the analytical velocity calculated at the Lagrangian points.

Fig. 3  IMERSPEC rate of convergence; the norm L2 of the u velocity

component; t∕tr = 1.0; different interpolation and distribution func-

Table 1  Absolute maximum Collocation points Cubic Six points Hat Gaussian Cosine
errors of the u velocity
component in t∕tr = 1.0 to 256 × 256 2.05E−09 1.10E−08 1.83E−05 4.31E−05 8.03E−05
different interpolation and
128 × 128 3.66E−08 1.66E−07 8.38E−05 1.77E−04 2.69E−04
distribution functions
64 × 64 4.80E−07 2.47E−06 2.83E−04 6.72E−04 8.34E−04
32 × 32 8.78E−06 3.59E−05 1.24E−03 2.82E−03 3.14E−03
16 × 16 1.33E−04 5.97E−04 4.78E−03 1.16E−02 1.43E−02

Journal of the Brazilian Society of Mechanical Sciences and Engineering (2022) 44: 388 Page 9 of 23 388

The results of L2 norm show that, in both cases, the maxi- changed: 28, 56, 112, 224 and 448 in order to maintain
mum error is on the order of 10−15, as shown in Fig. 2, which Δx ≃ Δs . For each simulation, the L2 norm of the u veloc-
characterises the high accuracy obtained with this method- ity component is calculated after t∕tr = 1.0 . The time step
ology. It worth noting that the mesh used was 16 × 16 and Δt = 10−4 [s] was used for all simulations. This time step
that this calculation was also done for finer meshes with the does not influence the results obtained using different spatial
same accuracy being obtained. This result characterises a refinements. In Table 1, the absolute maximum errors, of
methodology with spectral accuracy, as expected. each function by the number of collocation points, are shown
to the u velocity component.
3.1.2 Manufactured solution with a non‑coincident The Gaussian, hat and cosine functions give the IMER-
immersed boundary SPEC methodology a second-order convergence. Of these
three functions, the hat function gives the most accurate
This case was developed for a non-coincident immersed results. The six-point function and the cubic function give
boundary to study the effects of the interpolation and distri- the IMERSPEC methodology a fourth-order convergence
bution procedures given by Eqs. 19 and 20. A circular geom- and the cubic function gives the most accurate results. In
etry of diameter L∕Lr = 1∕𝜋 , where placed in centre of Ω Table 1 are shown the absolute maximum errors to five inter-
domain and there is no coincidence between the Lagrangian polation and distribution functions, where the high accuracy
points and the Eulerian points. The error must be attributed of the IMERSPEC methodology can be observed.
only to the interpolation and distribution procedures. Importantly, all of the variables, including the pressure,
Five distribution and interpolation functions were used, show a numerical convergence of at least the fourth order.
as described in [32], and the results show the behaviour of This is one of the main characteristics of the IMERSPEC
the methodology related to the type of the distribution and methodology: it is an immersed-boundary-based methodol-
interpolation functions used. Figure 3 is obtained by dou- ogy with spatial convergence of the fourth order. Another
bling the number of Eulerian collocation points for each important characteristic is that the pressure field presents
coordinate direction: 16 × 16 , 32 × 32 , 64 × 64 , 128 × 128 the same order of convergence as the velocity. Normally,
and 256 × 256. The number of Lagrangian points was also

Fig. 4  Geometrical characteris-

tics of the backward-facing step

Fig. 5  Backward-facing step;

expected physical character-

388 Page 10 of 23 Journal of the Brazilian Society of Mechanical Sciences and Engineering (2022) 44: 388

conventional methods present an order of convergence for 3.2 Two‑dimensional backward‑facing step flows
the pressure that is smaller than that of the other variables.
The result for the velocity v presents the same error and the The backward-facing step is one of the most commonly used
same order of convergence as the velocity u. It is interesting test cases for verifying the potential of a new methodology.
that the Lagrangian velocity U also presents a convergence It is geometrically simple and presents a high control of
of the fourth order. This result is important and shows that the boundary layer detachment point. On the other hand,
the flow is not affected by the presence of the Lagrangian it generates a notably complex flow with detachment and
immersed boundary. reattachment points, shear flow, recirculation zones and
Comparing the presented results with the reports pub- boundary layers. Many related experimental reports have
lished up to this point, the proposed methodology gives one been published, for instance, [38–40], as well as numerical
of the highest orders of convergence when the immersed results [41–44].
boundary method is used. The works of [36, 37] presented Figures 4 and 5 show, respectively,the geometrical infor-
simulations of the same problem with the same parameters. mation and the expected physical characteristics of the flow
They obtained second-order convergence and a low level over this geometry. The geometry is characterised by an
of accuracy, as compared with the present work’s results entrance channel of length Lin and height (W − h). The step
obtained using the interpolation/distribution methods given has a height h. The channel after the step has length L and
the six-point function and the cubic function. height W. The ratio W/h is known as the aspect ratio.
However, it is important to note that manufactured solu- Figure 5 illustrates the boundary layers at the inlet chan-
tions used (Eqs. 27, 28 and 29) are smooth and the Gibbs nel. The detachment of the boundary layer at the bottom
phenomenon does not appear, even in simulations that wall occurs at (x = 0, y = h) independently of the flow
immersed boundary is used, and there is no coincidence upwind of this point. The boundary layer reattaches at
between Lagrangian and Eulerian points. The present results (x = Xr , y = 0). The boundary layer at the top wall detaches
characterise that IMERSPEC methodology has been veri- at (x = Xs , y = W) and reattaches at (x = Xs + Xrs , y = W).
fied. When there is coincident points, it reaches round-off The detachment of the bottom wall boundary layer pro-
errors, and when there is not coincident points, the fourth motes a recirculation zone and creates a mean inflectional
order of spatial convergence is obtained. The limitations of velocity field, which gives rise to Kelvin–Helmholtz insta-
this order of convergence are the interpolation/distribution bilities. The adverse pressure gradient downstream of the
functions and the temporal integration method. The next test step causes the top wall boundary layer to detach and creates
case is not smooth, and the Gibbs phenomenon will be again Kelvin–Helmholtz instabilities below the top wall.

Fig. 6  Backward-facing step:

main characteristics of the peri-
odic and non-periodic domains

Journal of the Brazilian Society of Mechanical Sciences and Engineering (2022) 44: 388 Page 11 of 23 388

Fig. 7  Periodicity effects of the backward-facing step flow

Therefore, the main characteristic of this problem is that This goal is the natural step following the work of [19]. The
the geometry is simple, but the flow inside it is complex, procedure consists of enclosing the non-periodic physical
and within it one can find several kinds of physical insta- domain within a periodic domain, which is done by using
bilities, such as boundary layer instabilities, Kelvin–Helm- the immersed boundary methodology to force the real non-
holtz instabilities, collisions of instabilities with the walls, periodic boundary conditions inside the periodic domain.
interactions between the instabilities, boundary layer detach- Figure 6 shows the periodic domain ΩPeD, which is delimited
ments, boundary layer reattachments and boundary layer by the periodic boundary ΓPeD, which is represented by the
and Kelvin–Helmholtz interactions. The interactions of dashed line. The physical domain ΩPhD, which is delimited
Kelvin–Helmholtz instabilities with the walls create coun- by the physical boundary ΓPhD , is represented by the solid
ter-rotating pairs that can cross the entire channel, going line.
from one wall to the opposite one. Therefore, this geometry Over the entire frontier ΓPeD , periodic boundary con-
results in a complex and interesting benchmark for validat- ditions are directly imposed. Over the frontier ΓPhD , one
ing a new methodology. can impose any kind of “boundary conditions” using the
Figures 4 and 5 show that this problem is not periodic immersed boundary method. From the point (0, 0) to the
in any direction; the main objective of the present work is point (0, h), from the point (0, W) to the point (L, W) and
to make it periodic using the IMERSPEC methodology. from the point (0, 0) to the point (L, 0), the no-slipping

Fig. 8  a Streamwise velocity

component field and b stream-
line details at ℜh = 400 and
tU∞ ∕h = 400

388 Page 12 of 23 Journal of the Brazilian Society of Mechanical Sciences and Engineering (2022) 44: 388

Fig. 9  Flow over the backward-facing step at ℜh = 400 and tU∕h = 400: a details of the flow at the buffer and forcing zones; b the effect of the
forcing zone on the streamwise velocity distribution at y∕h = 1.49

“boundary condition” is imposed, representing the presence This equation, which models the mean velocity at the physi-
of solid walls. From the point (0, h) to the point (0, W), a cal domain entrance, is the same as that proposed in [38],
known velocity profile is forced, including the residual tur- which corresponds to a developed flow inside a rectangular
bulence, which is measured experimentally. Importantly, this channel. The mean velocity is Ū = 1.0 [m/s]. The dampen-
alternative way of imposing a “boundary condition” uses ing process in the buffer zone BZ is carried out using the
the source term from the Navier–Stokes equations. This is a dampening function given by [45]:
Eulerian force term, 𝐟 (𝐱, t), which is obtained
( ) by the distri- ( )
bution of the(Lagrangian force field, 𝐅 𝐱 , t . As previously BZi = 𝜙 Qi − Qti , (32)
) k
described, 𝐅 𝐱k , t is calculated by the multi-direct forcing
where Qti is the i component of the target velocity. In the
present case, one takes Qtx = Uin (y) in the streamwise direc-
For the present work, special care was taken to obtain
tion and Qty = 0 in the vertical direction. Qi is the solution
convergence and physical consistency. Due to its periodicity,
obtained from the Navier–Stokes equations. The function 𝜙,
the physical instabilities that pass through the outlet of the
which models the vortex strain, is given by:
domain are re-injected at its entrance, as illustrated in Fig. 7.
[ ( )]
These instabilities must be dampened using a buffer zone 1 x −x
BZ, as illustrated in Fig. 6. The dampening process ensures 𝜙= 1 − tanh 4 − 8 sB (33)
2 xsB − xfB
that the target velocity is attained at the entrance of the forc-
ing zone FZ. The forcing zone FZ is used to align the stream where xsB and xfB are, respectively, the beginning and the
lines before entering the physical domain ΩPhD. This process end of the buffer zone.
is enforced in every case, assuring that the target velocity is All of the simulations presented in the present work
imposed over the entire domain FZ. In the present work, the were carried out using the Runge–Kutta method, which is
mean velocity profile to be forced is as follows: of fourth order, using the optimised coefficients proposed by

if 0 ≤ y ≤ h
{ [33]. A value of CFL = 0.5 (Eq. 26) was also used. The sim-

−24(W − y)(h − y) if h < y ≤ W

0 ulation domain, presented in Fig. 6, has the following dimen-
Uin (y) = . (31)
sions: h = 0.5 [m]; Lx ∕h = 73.14; Ly ∕h = 2.29; W∕h = 2.0;
LBZ ∕h = 3.73; and LFZ ∕h = 0.53. The kinematic viscosity

Journal of the Brazilian Society of Mechanical Sciences and Engineering (2022) 44: 388 Page 13 of 23 388

Fig. 10  Comparison of horizontal velocity profiles for the present work and the experimental work of [38]: a x∕h = 0.0; b x∕h = 14.0; c
x∕h = 30.0

is given by 𝜈 = hU∕ℜ
̄ h , where ℜh is the Reynolds number
parameter for the multi-direct forcing method, a maximum
and Ū is the mean velocity at the entrance of the physical cycle number of NL = 200 or a maximal residual (Eq. 16) of
domain. 𝜀 = 10−5 were used. Figure 8a shows the streamwise velocity
component, and Fig. 8b gives a detailed view of streamlines.
3.2.1 Two‑dimensional backward‑facing step at ℜh = 400 The classical laminar flow with the bottom and the upper
recirculation zones is visualised in Fig. 8a, b. These recir-
In the present section, the simulated flow refers to ℜh = 400, culations appear because of the detachment of the boundary
and the previously defined domain is divided into Nx = 2048 layers. The laminar behaviour for this Reynolds number is
and Ny = 64 collocation points. In defining control as expected.

388 Page 14 of 23 Journal of the Brazilian Society of Mechanical Sciences and Engineering (2022) 44: 388

Fig. 11  Temporal evolution of the L2 norm; a inlet profile and b bottom wall

Table 2  Reattachment and separation points for several mesh sizes: are driven to the entrance of the physical domain ΩPhD. Fig-
the reattachment point for the bottom wall, xr ∕h; the separation point ure 9a shows the streamlines for the case with the forcing
for the upper wall, xs ∕h; the separation point for the upper wall, xrs ∕h
zone where we can see that they are parallel to the walls, as
Collocation points xr ∕h xs ∕h xrs ∕h must happen in a wind tunnel, as illustrated in [19].
Figure 9b shows the streamwise velocity component
1024 × 32 12.0 10.47 20.15
values at y∕h = 1.49 obtained with and without the forcing
2048 × 64 12.16 10.12 20.51
zone. This figure also shows a reference solution or the target
4096 × 128 12.19 9.94 20.70
velocity, which is given by Eq. 31. We see that the stream-
Experimental [38] 12.90 10.30 20.50
lines become parallel for the fluid entry into the forcing zone
Numerical [41] 12.20 9.70 20.96
with the target velocity field used as a reference to calculate
the force profile given by Eq. 31. Without the forcing zone,
the velocity at the entrance plane does not reach the target
To demonstrate the importance of the buffer and forcing velocity value and is not parallel to the walls. The oscillation
zones, Fig. 9 shows the manner in which the fluid particles that appears after x∕h = 0.0 is already inside the domain

Fig. 12  Profile of friction coefficient a bottom wall and b top wall

Journal of the Brazilian Society of Mechanical Sciences and Engineering (2022) 44: 388 Page 15 of 23 388

Table 3  Approximate CPU time and storage memory and is the result of the first physical instabilities, such as the
Collocation points CPU time (h) RAM Kelvin–Helmholtz instabilities.
memory Figure 10 presents comparisons between the results of
(MB) the present work and the experimental results of [38]. The
streamwise velocity is shown at three points: (a) x∕h = 0.0;
1024 × 32 30 20
(b) x∕h = 14.0; (c) x∕h = 30.0.
2048 × 64 130 80
At point (a), very good agreement is obtained, showing
4096 × 128 560 320
that the internal boundary is well modelled by the forcing
zone. At points (b) and (c), again, very good agreement is
attained with the experimental results of [38] and with the
numerical results of [41]. The L2 norm was also calculated
at the entrance of the domain that measures the difference
between the numerically recovered velocity and the target
velocity, which is given by Eq. 31, at the entrance of the
backward-facing step. The maximum value obtained for this
norm was L2 = 10−5 [m/s] for both velocity components, as
shown in Fig. 11. This result shows that the method used to
force the internal “boundary condition” is notably accurate
and stable during the time evolution of the numerical experi-
ment. It is possible to accurately reproduce the experimental
measurements, regarding the numerical representation of the
boundary conditions.

3.2.2 The influence of the mesh refinement

The next simulations and results show the behaviour of the

solution as the mesh is refined. The same domain and the

Fig. 13  Evolution of the forced velocity profile at the entrance of the

domain, x∕h = 0.0 (see Fig. 6), for the time t = Δt

Fig. 14  Temporal evolution of the L2 norm at the a entrance of the domain ( x∕h = 0.0); b bottom wall

388 Page 16 of 23 Journal of the Brazilian Society of Mechanical Sciences and Engineering (2022) 44: 388

Table 4  Cycle number NL, the reattachment point for the bottom results. The results of the present work improve as the mesh
wall, xr ∕h; the separation point for the upper wall, xs ∕h; and the sepa- is refined.
ration point for the upper wall, xrs ∕h
The approximate CPU time and the RAM memory used
Cycles number (NL) xr ∕h xs ∕h xrs ∕h in each simulations are provide in Table 3; these values are
obtained on a computer Intel®Xeon® CPU E3-1270 v3@,
1 15.17 13.93 20.98
3.5 [GHz] and 16 [Gb] RAM memory. The operational sys-
10 12.52 10.67 20.53
tem is the UBUNTU 14.04. The result of CPU time shows
100 12.20 10.20 20.47
that the relationship of the total collocation points is approx-
200 12.18 10.14 20.50
imately K ⋅ N ⋅ log2 N , where K is a constant and N is the
500 12.16 10.08 20.56
total of collocation points.
Experimental [38] 12.90 10.30 20.50
Numerical [41] 12.20 9.70 20.96
3.2.3 The multi‑direct forcing method

In this section, the influence of the number of loops (NL) on

same parameters for the multi-direct forcing method used in the multi-direct forcing method is presented. A discretisa-
the previous section are used in the present section. Three tion process is used with Nx = 2048 and Ny = 64 collocation
different simulations were carried out using three different points. The parameter NL was used as the simulation stop-
levels of mesh refinement. Importantly, the L2 norm meas- ping criterion. Figure 13 shows the “internal boundary con-
ures how close the forced boundary condition is to the pro- dition” at the domain entrance, x∕h = 0.0 (see Fig. 6), and
posed boundary condition. For instance, the L2 norm that at the first time step, t = Δt . The velocity profiles are shown
is calculated at the entrance measures how close the forced for different interaction numbers using the same simulation.
boundary condition is to the experimental velocity profile. As the NL parameter is increased, the forced velocity pro-
On the other hand, the L2 norm calculated at the horizontal file becomes independent of this parameter and tends to the
walls measures how close we are to the no-slip boundary experimental velocity profile measured at this section of the
condition. domain, as given by Eq. 31.
Figure 11 show that the forcing process is sensitive to The difference between the forced and the experimental
the mesh refinement and that the accuracy of the method inlet velocity is evaluated using the L2 norm calculated
increases as the mesh is refined. using all of the collocation points placed at the entrance
The skin friction coefficient, Cf , is a important parameter plane. Figure 14a shows the time distribution of L2 for the
measure in backward-facing step [46–48], and is expressed u component of the velocity at the inlet of the domain.
by Eq. 34: Similarly, Fig. 14b shows the L2 norm at the bottom wall.
The difference between the forced velocity and the target
Cf = , (34) velocity is slight, and, as the cycle number of the direct
𝜌Ū 2 forcing is increased, the L2 norm reaches 10−5 [m/s] and
( ) 10−7 [m/s]. Thus, the “internal boundary conditions” are
where 𝜏w is the wall shear stress, 𝜏w = 𝜇 du
dy y=w well represented when compared with the experimental
In Fig. 12 shows the distribution of skin friction coef- results at the entrance and with the no-slip condition at
ficient downstream of a backward-facing step on bottom (a) the solid walls.
and top (b) walls, for the three different meshes. The results Table 4 shows the influence of the cycle number of the
of Fig. 12 are used to obtain the position of reattachment direct forcing method for the following parameters: the
point for the bottom wall, and the separation and reattach- reattachment point at the bottom wall, xr ∕h ; the separation
ment points for the upper wall, respectively, are given in point at the upper wall, xs ∕h ; and the separation point at
Table 2. the upper wall, xrs ∕h . It also presents a comparison of the
Table 2 presents the reattachment point for the bottom experimental and numerical results of [38, 41]. We see
wall and the separation and reattachment points for the upper that the cycling process is notably important. With only
wall. These parameters are compared with the experimental one cycle, the error is considerable. Increasing the cycle
results of [38] and the numerical results of [41]. The con- number decreases the error, which reaches a notably low
vergence of results is highlighted, i.e. when the refinement level. The results show that, for NL greater than 10, the
increase the results close to experimental and numerical results do not change significantly.

Journal of the Brazilian Society of Mechanical Sciences and Engineering (2022) 44: 388 Page 17 of 23 388

Fig. 15  Instantaneous vorticity fields (𝜔z ) for different Reynolds numbers at tU∕h = 100

388 Page 18 of 23 Journal of the Brazilian Society of Mechanical Sciences and Engineering (2022) 44: 388

Table 5  Reattachment point at the bottom wall ( xr ∕h) for several Afterwards, there are strong interactions between the
Reynolds number values “turbulent” structures and the walls, as shown in Fig. 16b.
ℜh Experimental work [38] Present work Notably interesting physical effects are observed in Fig. 16c.
Figure 16d shows the details of the vortex injection inside
200 8.30 8.50
the domain caused by very strong shear effects. These types
250 9.10 9.71
of physical effects and details can only be obtained when
300 10.30 10.64
highly accurate numerical methods are used.
350 11.10 11.39
Furthermore, the instabilities that leave the domain,
400 12.90 12.18
Fig. 6, are damped by buffer zone and the function 𝜙 ,
450 13.20 12.61
(Eq. 33) is fundamental to smooth the outlet flow and avoid
500 15.50 13.50
the Gibbs phenomenon.
We would like to stress that no turbulence model was
used; thus, only methods with high accuracy or mesh refine-
3.2.4 Different Reynolds numbers ment can capture the flow details presented in Fig. 16.

In this section, the simulation results for several Reyn- 3.3 Three‑dimensional backward‑facing step flows
olds number values are presented. A mesh of 2048 × 64
collocation points was used. The Reynolds numbers stud- Furthermore, the IMERSPEC methodology has been
ied range from 200 to 6000. Figure 15 presents the vor- extended to study the three-dimensional fluid flows and was
ticity fields for the backward-facing step. The buffer and developed a computational parallel code, which is verified
forcing zones are not presented. For Reynolds numbers in work of [18]. This three-dimensional computational code
ranging from 200 to 600, the flow does not present any has the same features of the two-dimensional computational
instability, as expected. For Reynolds numbers ranging code and presents three turbulence models based in large
from 800 to 2500, the flow becomes instable, giving rise eddy simulation (LES) and it is parallised by using distrib-
to Kelvin–Helmholtz instabilities near the step that are uted memory multi-computer with MPI. For more details,
transported towards the bottom wall reattachment point. see the work of [18]. In the present work, the three-dimen-
Instabilities are also formed beyond the detachment point sional parallel code is used to analise the backward-facing
on the upper wall. step flows.
These instabilities interact with each other and are The simulation domain, presented in Fig. 6, has the fol-
transported towards the outlet of the channel. This find- lowing dimensions: h = 0.5 [m], Lx ∕h = 54.86, Ly ∕h = 2.29,
ing is a classical result that is obtained with the proposed W∕h = 2.0 ; LBZ ∕h = 3.60 e LFZ ∕h = 0.70 , with NL = 200
methodology in the present work. For Reynolds numbers number of loops on the multi-direct forcing method and
ranging from 3000 to 6000, the instabilities present chaotic the value of CFL = 0.5 (Eq. 26) was also used. The third
behaviour, as expected for higher Reynolds numbers. dimension has length Lz ∕h = 9.16. The inlet velocity profile,
Table 5 shows the reattachment point at the bottom wall given by Eq. 31, is imposed throughout z direction in forcing
( xr ∕h ), for several Reynolds number values and a com- zone ( LFZ ∕h) and periodic boundary conditions are directly
parison with the experimental results of [38]. There is imposed in z direction. The domain is discretised using
good agreement for Reynolds numbers smaller than 400. Nx = 768, Ny = 32 and Nz = 32 collocation points and to the
For higher values of this parameter, the error increases parallel computation the domain is divided equally by four
as expected for two-dimensional simulations, as was also processor in x direction, i.e. each processor gets Nx = 192,
reported in [39]. Ny = 32 and Nz = 32 collocation points.
Figure 16 shows the details of the flow, which gives In this work simulated the three-dimensional backward-
rise to considerable information. Just downstream of the facing step flow at two Reynolds numbers, ℜh = 400 and
step, the shear layer is captured, which gives rise to the ℜh = 1000. In the simulation at ℜh = 400, a comparison of
Kelvin–Helmholtz instabilities, as shown in Fig. 16 (a). horizontal velocity profiles of the two-dimensional results

Journal of the Brazilian Society of Mechanical Sciences and Engineering (2022) 44: 388 Page 19 of 23 388

Fig. 16  Details of the vorticity field over the backward-facing step for ℜh = 6000

388 Page 20 of 23 Journal of the Brazilian Society of Mechanical Sciences and Engineering (2022) 44: 388

Fig. 17  Comparison of horizontal velocity profiles of the experimental work of the [38], two-dimensional ( Nx = 2048, Ny = 64) and three-
dimensional of the present work in tU∞ ∕h = 100.0 a (x∕h;z∕h) = (7.0;4.58) and b (x∕h;z∕h) = (15.0;4.58)

Fig. 18  Three-dimensional backward-facing step flows at ℜh = 1000 em tU∞ ∕h = 100.0. a Iso-superface of the vorticity 𝜔z = −1.0 (black) and
𝜔z = 1.0 (white); b iso-superface of the vorticity 𝜔z = −1.0; c plane of vorticity in ( z∕h − 0.5)

Journal of the Brazilian Society of Mechanical Sciences and Engineering (2022) 44: 388 Page 21 of 23 388

Table 6  Mean position of the reattachment point for the bottom wall, to oscillate in z direction, one of the characteristics of the
xr transition to turbulence.
Literature ℜh = 400 ℜh = 1000 Furthermore, Table 6 shows the comparison of three
works of the mean position of the reattachment point for
IMERSPEC 2D 12.16 18.10
the bottom wall ( xr ). This parameter is compared with the
IMERSPEC 3D 11.70 12.42
experimental results of [38] and the two-dimensional numer-
Experimental [38] 12.90 12.80
ical results of the present work (IMERSPEC 2D).
The simulation at ℜh = 400 to IMERSPEC 3D presents
the position of the reattachment point for the bottom wall,
of the present work (IMERSPEC 2D) and the experimental xr , close to the results of the simulations of the IMERSPEC
work of [38] is presented in Fig. 17. 2D and experimental data of [38] as expected, because the
In Fig. 17 at points (a) and (b), very good agreement is flow is laminar and stable. The three-dimensional numerical
attained with both the experimental results of [38] and the results at ℜh = 1000 are close to, only, the experimental data
two-dimensional numerical results of the present work. The [38]. In two-dimensional simulations, even using a refined
results of the velocity in 2D and 3D simulations are close, mesh (2048 × 64 collocation nodes) the results do not come
as expected, due at ℜh = 400 is laminar flow and there is not close the experimental data. These results show that the
velocity component in z direction, i.e. w ≈ 0. backward-facing step flow at ℜh = 1000 has strong three
In Fig. 18 is presented the plot of vorticity field, 𝜔z , in dimensional characteristics. Then, the three-dimensional
different viewing positions to the simulation of three-dimen- simulations is required to analise this flow.
sional backward-facing step flow at ℜh = 1000. Lastly, Fig. 19 shows the time distribution of L2 norm for
Figure 18 shows that a recirculation appears because exist the horizontal velocity component at the inlet of the domain
the detachment of the boundary layer. From the reattachment (a) and at the bottom wall (b) to different Reynolds numbers.
point in the bottom wall arises the transition to turbulence The errors present in Fig. 19 are larger in the inlet plane,
flow. Notably, interesting physical effects can be observed, order of 10−4, due to the influence of the vortex that appears
which gives rise to the Kelvin–Helmholtz instabilities, as because the periodic bondary coditions, to see Fig. 7. In the
shown in Fig. 18a, c. The Kelvin–Helmholtz instabilities botton wall, the errors are smaller order (10−5) and the errors
cause the formation of eddies, which interact with the botton of the upper wall and of the others velocity components (v
and upper walls. In Fig. 18b—upper view, the vortex begins and w) were not shown, but are the same order of the errors
of the botton wall.

Fig. 19  Temporal evolution of the L2 norm; a inlet profile and b bottom wall

388 Page 22 of 23 Journal of the Brazilian Society of Mechanical Sciences and Engineering (2022) 44: 388

4 Conclusions Open Access This article is licensed under a Creative Commons Attri-
bution 4.0 International License, which permits use, sharing, adapta-
tion, distribution and reproduction in any medium or format, as long
In the present paper, the IMERSPEC methodology was pre- as you give appropriate credit to the original author(s) and the source,
sented, which is based on a merging of the immersed bound- provide a link to the Creative Commons licence, and indicate if changes
ary and Fourier pseudo-spectral method, showing to be pos- were made. The images or other third party material in this article are
included in the article's Creative Commons licence, unless indicated
sible to use Fourier pseudo-spectral method to simulate flow
otherwise in a credit line to the material. If material is not included in
over complex geometries retaining part of its accuracy. the article's Creative Commons licence and your intended use is not
The immersed boundary method is based on the works of permitted by statutory regulation or exceeds the permitted use, you will
[4, 25]. This methodology may be applied to a large number need to obtain permission directly from the copyright holder. To view a
copy of this licence, visit http://​creat​iveco​mmons.​org/​licen​ses/​by/4.​0/.
of problems that can be described by a Cartesian immersed
boundary. For non-Cartesian problems, fourth-order conver-
gence is attained. The proposed methodology was rigorously
verified through comparison with a synthesised analytical References
solution. Furthermore, a weighted spectral accuracy was
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