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Term ll Examination Session 2023-24

Class:5th. M.m:80
Subject: - Time: 3 Hrs

General Instructions:
*The question paper comprises in six sections A,B,C,D,E and F.
*Question numbers 1 to 3 in section A carry 5 marks each.
*Question numbers 4 to 9 in section B carry two marks each.
*Question numbers 10 to 17 in section C carry three marks
* Question numbers 18 to 21 in section D carry four marks
* Questions number 22 contains a paragraph followed by 3
questions [a] & [b] having 1 mark each and [c] having 2 marks.
*Question number 23 is a map carries 5 marks.

Q1.Multiple Choice Questions :- ( 5X1=5 Marks)

1.Charaka samhita is written by…….

a.Sushruta. b.charaka c.Tansen. d.kalidasa

2.Who discovered the stethoscope?

a.Dennial. b.Rudolf

c.Dr.Rene Laennac d.None of these

3.In China and Japan, people use…..

a.knife. b.spoon
c.chopsticks. d.leaf

4.Prairi celebrate it as the new year

a.Buddha purnima b.Mahavira jayanti

c.Nouroz. d.Holi

5. who had proposed a federation or league of the world

a)James Watt b) Immanuel Kant
c)Jannier . d)ST. John

Qno2: Fill in the blanks: - (1X5 =5 Marks)

1)The world war ………..was fought from 1939 to 1945.
2)Dr. jenner developed vaccine for……..
3)Pasteurization was developed by……….
4)……….culture is getting a strong hold on young Indian minds.
5)Tansen learnt music from ……….
Q3.Write True or False:- (1X5=5 Marks)
1)Indigo, a blue powder had no use in India.
2)The Indians princess always remain United against the
3)Antibiotic is a substance that kills germs and causes
4)Nauroz is a Persian festival which is celebrated on new year
day .
5)The East India company was interested only in profit.

=}Very short answer type questions :- (2X6 =12 Marks)
Q4)Who composed our national anthem ?
Q5)When was the first world war fought .
Q6)Name any two Christian festivals.
Q7) Name the main ragas of the great musician?
Q8)Name the company formed by British merchants?
Q9)Name the first feature film of India.
=}Short answer type questions:- (3X8 =24 Marks)
Q10) What is stethoscope .
Q11) Define Antibiotic.
Q12) What do you know about surgery?
Q13)What were the main goals of the united Nations?
Q14) What do you know about the Universal. Declaration of
Human Rights?
Q15)Name a few famous works of kalidas.
Q16)Why is Dussehra celebrated?
Q17)write short note on Indian movies.

=} Long answer type questions :- (4X5=20 Marks)
Q18)What were the main goals of the United Nations?
Q19)Why did the Indian soldiers in the British army revolt?
Q20)Who was Louis Pasteur? State his contribution in the field
of medicines.
Q21) Describe the great works of Kings Ashoka .


Q22)Paragraph: - (1+1+2=4 Marks)

Read the following passage and answer the following
On August 21, 2008, India and the United Nations Children’s
Fund (UNICEF) launched an action plan that will focus on
reducing the infant mortality rate in the country. The five year
plan will focus on providing medical facility to check HIV and
help in its treatment, giving quality education, child
protection, provision of safe drinking water and sanitation
and gender equality.
Answer the following questions :-
1. What is the full form of UNICEF?
2. What was launched by UNICEF?
3. What is the focus of five year plan of UNICEF?

Q23)On the given outline Map of India Mark and Label the
following states . (5X1=5 Marks)
3.Madhya Pradesh
5.west Bengal

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