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▼ 目錄

國中英語文法通 3
Contents Syllabus
單元 文 法 內 容 版本對照 頁次
1-1 be 動詞的過去式變化
1-2 過去式的時間副詞
1-3 be 動詞過去式的肯定句
1-4 be 動詞過去式的否定句
1-5 be 動詞過去式的 yes / no 問句與答句
Unit 1-6 be 動詞過去式的 Wh- 問句與答句 K (L1, L2)

1 1-7 動詞過去式的不規則變化
1-8 動詞過去式的肯定句(不規則變化)
N (L1)
H (L1)
1-9 動詞過去式的否定句
1-10 both 和 all 的用法
1-11 with 的用法
1-12 情態助動詞 can 和 should
1-13 片語互換︰have fun, take pictures, what about

2-1 動詞過去式的規則變化
2-2 動詞過去式的肯定句(規則變化)
2-3 現在簡單式與過去簡單式的比較
Unit 2-4 動詞過去式的 yes / no 問句與答句 K (L1, L2)

2 2-5 動詞過去式的 Wh- 問句與答句

2-6 連接詞 and 的用法
N (L2)
H (L2, L4)
2-7 授與動詞的用法
2-8 「Wh- 疑問代名詞 + else…?」的用法
2-9 be 動詞 + 形容詞 + of 的用法

3-1 從屬連接詞 because

3-2 從屬連接詞 because 和對等連接詞 so
3-3 從屬連接詞 although / though
3-4 從屬連接詞 although / though 和對等連接詞 but
Unit 3-5 從屬連接詞 when, after, before K (L3, L4)

3 3-6 why 的問句與答句

3-7 out of 的用法
N (L3)
H (L3)
3-8 hurt 的用法
3-9 others 的用法
3-10 enough 的用法
3-11 most 的用法

Recycle 1 (Unit 1~3) 29


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單元 文 法 內 容 版本對照 頁次
4-1 過去進行式的肯定句
4-2 過去簡單式和過去進行式的比較
4-3 過去進行式的時間副詞
4-4 過去進行式的否定句
Unit K (L4, L5, L6)
4-5 過去進行式的 yes / no 問句與答句
4 4-6 過去進行式的 Wh- 問句與答句
4-7 動名詞 (V-ing) 作受詞的用法
N (L4, L6)
H (L4, L8)

4-8 以不定詞 (to + 原形動詞) 為受詞的動詞

4-9 後面可加動名詞 (V-ing) 或不定詞 (to + 原形動詞) 的動詞
4-10 afraid 的用法

5-1 動名詞 (V-ing) 當作主詞

5-2 不定詞 (to + 原形動詞) 當作主詞
5-3 動名詞 (V-ing) 當作主詞和不定詞 (to + 原形動詞) 當作主詞的
5-4 詢問如何去某地 How...?
5-5 by + 交通工具
Unit K (L5, L6)
5-6 V + a / an + 交通工具
5 5-7 by + V-ing + a / an + 交通工具
5-8 介系詞 in / on + a / an + 交通工具
N (L5, L7)
H (L5, L8)

5-9 連綴動詞 + 形容詞

5-10 動詞 spend 的用法
5-11 動詞 ask / tell 的用法
5-12 動詞 ask / tell 的否定用法
5-13 something 的用法

6-1 時間介系詞 (at, in, on... )

6-2 序數
6-3 場所介系詞 (at, in, on...)
Unit K (L8, L9)
6-4 日期的寫法與讀法
6 6-5 詢問星期、日期與月份
6-6 詢問如何到某地及回答
N (L6)
H (L6)

6-7 be / get lost 的用法

6-8 反身代名詞的用法

Recycle 2 (Unit 4~6) 60

7-1 助動詞 will
7-2 未來式的時間副詞
7-3 未來式的肯定句
7-4 現在式與未來式的比較
7-5 未來式的否定句
Unit 7-6 未來式 yes / no 問句與回答 K (L7, L8)

7 7-7 未來式的 Wh- 問句和回答

7-8 頻率副詞
N (L7, L8)
H (L7, L9)
7-9 詢問頻率的疑問副詞 How often...?
7-10 「連綴動詞 + 形容詞」與「連綴動詞 + (like) + 名詞」
7-11 連綴動詞的疑問句與答句
7-12 another 的用法
7-13 cost, spend, take 的用法


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▼ 目錄

單元 文 法 內 容 版本對照 頁次
8-1 存在句型的未來式 (there will be / there is going to be + 名詞)
8-2 「來去動詞」的用法 (come, go, leave, start, begin, arrive...)
Unit 8-3 動名詞 (V-ing) 當作介系詞的受詞 K(L3, L5)

8 8-4 would like 的用法

8-5 would 與人稱代名詞的縮寫
N (L8)
H (L8)
8-6 different kinds of, prepare ... for, be tired of
8-7 be good / bad at

9-1 「月份」的用法
9-2 「go + V-ing」的用法
Unit K (L9)
9-3 「所有代名詞」的用法
9 9-4 動詞 borrow 和 lend
9-5 such a / an…
N (L9)
H (L4, L9)

9-6 動詞 forget

10-1 表示「天氣」的形容詞
10-2 表示「天氣」的直述句
Unit K (L5, L9)
10-3 詢問「天氣」的疑問句及答句
10 10-4 「How long... ?」的用法及答句
10-5 Here 的倒裝句
N (L5, L9)
H (L9)

10-6 虛主詞 it 的用法

Recycle 3 綜合練習試題 (Unit 7~10) 99


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1-1 be 動詞的過去式變化
說明 過去式用於表達過去某一時間的事實或狀態,而 be 動詞的過去式變化如下:

單數 複數
主詞 現在式 過去式 主詞 現在式 過去式
I am was we
you are were you are were
she / he / it is was they

例 (1) 現在式:I am tall. 我是高的。(表示現在的狀況)

過去式:I was short before. 我以前是矮的。(表示以前的狀況)
(2) 現在式:They are in New York. 他們現在在紐約。(表示現在的事實)
過去式:They were in Taipei last year. 他們去年在台北。(表示以前的事實)

A 請填入正確形態的 be 動詞。
例 She is thin, but she was fat before.
Janet is a teacher, but she was a student two years ago.
The dog is big now, but it was small last year.
We are happy, but we were angry yesterday.
The windows are clean, but the windows were dirty this morning.

1-2 過去式的時間副詞
說明 看到過去的時間副詞,be 動詞一定要用過去式。

•yesterday morning 昨天早上

yesterday + 時間 昨天 ... •yesterday afternoon 昨天下午
•yesterday evening 昨天傍晚

•last night 昨晚
•last week 上星期
last + 時間 上一個 ...
•last month 上個月
•last year 去年

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▼ Unit 1

•four hours ago 四小時以前

•three weeks ago 三週以前
時間 + ago ... 以前
•two months ago 兩個月以前
•one year ago 一年以前

•this morning 今天早上

•yesterday 昨天
其他 •the day before yesterday 前天
•once upon a time 很久很久以前
•in the past 在過去

B 請寫出正確答案。
昨天傍晚 yesterday evening 一星期前 a week ago
去年夏天 last summer 以前 before
兩個月前 two months ago 上星期五 last Friday

1-3 be 動詞過去式的肯定句
I / He / She / It + was
+ 名詞 / 形容詞.
You / We / They + were

例 (1) Lisa was a great singer many years ago. 許多年前麗莎是一個很棒的歌手。

(2) They were here last night. 他們昨天晚上在這兒。

C 請填入正確的 be 動詞形式。
We were in the same class last year.
I was very happy yesterday.
Peter and I were good friends before.
Teresa was sick last week.
They were rich before.
You were heavy last year.

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Unit 1

1- 4 be 動詞過去式的否定句
was / were + not
主詞 + + 名詞 / 形容詞.
wasn’t / weren’t
例 (1) I was not a nurse. 我以前不是護士。

(2) We weren’t at school yesterday. 我們昨天不在學校裡。

D 請將下列句子改為否定句。
We were classmates two years ago.
→ We were not / weren’t classmates two years ago.
I was very busy yesterday.
→ I was not / wasn’t very busy yesterday.
Lily and Ina were good friends before.
→ Lily and Ina were not / weren’t good friends before.
Ann was sick last week.
→ Ann was not / wasn’t sick last week.
They were poor in the past.
→ They were not / weren’t poor in the past.
You were thin last year.
→ You were not / weren’t thin last year.

1-5 be 動詞過去式的 yes / no 問句與答句

yes / no 問句 Was / Were + 主詞 + 名詞 / 形容詞?
Yes, 主詞 + was / were.
答句 No, 主詞 + wasn’t / weren’t.
No, 主詞 + was / were + not.
例 (1) A: Were you a dancer? 你以前是舞者嗎?
B: Yes, I was. I was a dancer. 是的,我是。我以前是個舞者。
(2) A: Was it your notebook? 這以前是你的筆記本嗎?
B: No, it wasn't. It wasn't my notebook. 不,那不是。那不是我的筆記本。

E 請填入 Was 或 Were。

Was Bill a short boy? Were those girls at home this morning?
Were Jacky and Jeff good friends? Were you sad last night?
Was the door open yesterday? Were they in the park?

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▼ Unit 1

1-6 be 動詞過去式的 Wh- 問句與答句

Where (詢問地點)
When (詢問時間)
Wh- 問句 + was / were + 主詞... ?
What time (詢問幾點幾分)
How (詢問感受)
答句 主詞 + was / were + ...

例 (1) A: Where were you yesterday afternoon? 你昨天下午在哪裡?

B: I was at school (yesterday afternoon). 我 (昨天下午) 在學校。
(2) A: When was Lily at the office? 莉莉何時在辦公室?
B: She was at the office in the morning. 她早上在辦公室。

F 請依畫線部分造原句。
Mary and Garry were very happy at the party yesterday.
→ How were Mary and Garry at the party yesterday?
I was at the hospital yesterday.
→ When were you at the hospital?
The food was on the table.
→ Where was the food?

1-7 動詞過去式的不規則變化
說明 動詞過去式的不規則變化沒有規則可循,必須特別用心去記憶,請看下面的表格:

go → went 去 eat → ate 吃 see → saw 看

have → had 有 make → made 做 hear → heard 聽
know → knew 知道 feed → fed 餵 feel → felt 感覺
begin → began 開始 drink → drank 喝 give → gave 給予
sing → sang 唱 run → ran 跑 sit → sat 坐
come → came 來 swim → swam 游泳 tell → told 告訴
ride → rode 騎 write → wrote 寫 get → got 得到
stand → stood 站 buy → bought 買 teach → taught 教
cut → cut 切 put → put 放置 read → read 讀

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Unit 1

G 請寫出下列動詞的過去式。
feed → fed swim → swam
make → made do → did
buy → bought know → knew

1-8 動詞過去式的肯定句 ( 不規則變化)

主詞 + 動詞過去式 + 過去時間.

例 (1) Susan had a great summer vacation last year. 蘇珊去年過了一個很棒的暑假。

(2) I heard a beautiful song yesterday. 我昨天聽到一首好聽的歌曲。

H 請將提示的動詞改為過去式。
My father went (go) to Kenting last week.
I saw (see) a pretty, white house in the picture.
Derek ate (eat) an apple an hour ago.
Mom told (tell) me an old story yesterday.
I taught (teach) math last year.
They rode (ride) their bikes to the park.

1-9 動詞過去式的否定句
did not
主詞 + + 原形動詞.
例 (1) We did not have a good time last Sunday. 我們上星期日玩得不開心。

(2) Kathy didn’t drive to work yesterday. 凱西昨天沒開車上班。

I 請將提示的動詞改為否定句。

She did not / didn’t learn (learn) English last year.

Lily did not / didn’t buy (buy) a bike in the store.
Mary did not / didn’t go (go) to the movies last week.
I did not / didn’t know (know) him before.
He did not / didn’t watch (watch) TV an hour ago.
You did not / didn’t give (give) me a call yesterday.

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▼ Unit 1

1-10 both 和 all 的用法
說明 both 和 all 表示「皆」或「都」的意思,但兩者的用法不同。
1. both 用於兩者之間
例 (1) Sue is both tall and beautiful. 蘇既高又漂亮。
(2) A: Which one would you like, rice or bread? 你喜歡哪樣,米飯或麵包?
B: I like them both. 我兩樣都喜歡。

2. all 用於三者以上
例 (1) She listened to all Jay Chou’s CDs. 她聽了周杰倫所有的 CD。
(2) All my friends like to watch basketball games. 我所有的朋友都喜歡看籃球賽。

J 請填入both 或 all。
His parents are both tall.
Tom and Tim are my older brothers. They both go to senior high school.
All students in Taiwan go to school early.
He was very hungry, so he ate all the cake on the table.
Do you know all new words in lesson one?
Karen is both short and heavy.

1-11 with 的用法

說明 with 具有以下三種用法:
1.「with + 人」表示「跟某人一起」或「和某人一起」。
例 (1) I go to school with Eliza every day. 我每天都跟伊莉莎一起上學。
(2) Did Bill play basketball with Eric yesterday? 比爾昨天和艾瑞克打籃球嗎?

2.「with + 物」表示「使用某物」。
例 (1) He wrote in the notebook with a pencil. 他用鉛筆寫筆記。
(2) Kent reads newspapers with his glasses. 肯特看報時要帶眼鏡。

3.「with + 物」表示「具有某物」或「帶有某物」,在這裡的 with = having 的意思。

例 (1) I want an apartment with two bedrooms. 我想要有兩間臥房的公寓。
(2) The woman with big eyes is very beautiful. 那位大眼睛的女人很漂亮。

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Unit 1

K 請填入適當的片語代號。
(A) with the tape (B) with a digital camera (C) with our hands (D) with me
(E) with Jane (F) with my family (G) with many games (H) with many mountains

Can I go shopping (E) , Mom?

This summer vacation, I went to the ocean park (F) .
I want to go out and buy some ice cream. Who wants to come (D) ?
He practices saying all the new words and sentences (A) .
She took her pictures (B) .
We write (C) .
My friend has a computer (G) .
Taiwan is an island (H) .

1-12 情態助動詞 can 和 should

說明 can 表示「能夠」,should 表示「應該」,後面要加原形動詞。
例 (1) I can show you my pictures next time. 我下次拿我的相片給你看。
(2) I should take pictures with my digital camera. 我應該用我的數位相機拍照。

L 請填入 can 或 should。

She is very busy now. Can you help her?
Your shoes are dirty. You should clean them.
Henry is always late for work. He should be on time next time.
He can take beautiful pictures with his camera.
Mary is young, but she can cook for her family.
I am so tired this week. I should take a trip next week.

1-13 片語互換:have fun, take pictures, what about

片語 中譯
have fun = have a good time 玩得開心
takes pictures = take photos 照相
What about + V-ing / N? = How about + V-ing / N? ... 如何?

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▼ Unit 1

例 (1) Did they have fun last night?

= Did they have a good time last night? 他們昨晚玩得開心嗎?
(2) He likes to take pictures during his trips.
= He likes to take photos during his trips. 他旅行時喜歡拍照。
(3) What about having some cold Cokes?
= How about having some cold Cokes? 喝些冰涼的可樂如何?

M 請填入適當字詞。
We had fun this summer vacation.
= We had a good time this summer vacation.
How about your vacation, Peter?
= What about your vacation, Peter?
Did you have a good time on your birthday party?
= Did you have fun on your birthday party?
We took photos with our teacher.
= We took pictures with our teacher.
What about Jeff? He has time.
= How about Jeff? He has time.
He took some great pictures last month.
= He took some great photos last month.

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Unit 1

(B ) 1. Sandy: What did you see in Nantou last Sunday?
Jerry: I lots of insects in the mountains.
(A) see (B) saw (C) sees (D) seeing
(A ) 2. Ken: your brother late to his class this morning?
Cathy: Yes, he was. My mother was angry about that.
(A) Was (B) Is (C) Were (D) Are
(D ) 3. Nora: Did you have a good time in Taitung?
Harry: Yes. I a lot of pictures there.
(A) take (B) takes (C) taking (D) took
(B ) 4. Rick: Did you feed the dolphins at the ocean park?
Jessica: No, I . But my younger brother .
(A) did, did (B) didn't, did (C) didn't, didn't (D) did, didn't
( C ) 5. Eric: You didn't come to school yesterday. Were you sick?
Anna: No, I . I went to see my grandparents.
(A) am not (B) did not (C) was not (D) were not
(D ) 6. A: Where Nana and Daniel last night?
B: They were in the library.
(A) are (B) was (C) is (D) were

(D ) 7. Mom: Joe, your English grades are not good enough. You study harder.
Joe: Yes, Mom.
(A) can (B) will (C) would (D) should
(B ) 8. Shirley has three older sisters. They are very friendly.
(A) both (B) all (C) any (D) some
(D ) 9. He opened the door a small key.
(A) by (B) use (C) for (D) with
( C ) 10. Ann: Tomorrow is Sunday. Do you have any plans?
Mark: How about our car to the ocean park in Hualien?
(A) riding (B) parking (C) driving (D) taking

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▼ Unit 1


Dear Sam,

How are you? This summer vacation, I 1 to Kaohsiung 2 my parents. They have a friend,
Bill, there. We visited a zoo together. We 3 monkeys, tigers, lions, birds, bears, and elephants
there. The zoo held a birthday party 4 the lion king. We 5 photos 6 him. We 7 had
a very good 8 . We just 9 back yesterday.
What 10 your vacation like? Please tell me about it.

Yours truly,

visit 拜訪 truly 真誠的

(B ) 1. (A) go (B) went (C) play (D) take
(A ) 2. (A) with (B) for (C) in (D) by
(D ) 3. (A) watch (B) watching (C) see (D) saw
(B ) 4. (A) on (B) for (C) in (D) by
(D ) 5. (A) have (B) had (C) take (D) took
( C ) 6. (A) in (B) by (C) with (D) on
( C ) 7. (A) both (B) two (C) all (D) any
(D ) 8. (A) car (B) fun (C) night (D) time
(A ) 9. (A) came (B) come (C) go (D) went
( B ) 10. (A) is (B) was (C) are (D) were


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2-1 動詞過去式的規則變化
說明 動詞過去式用於表達過去某一時間的動作或事情。動詞過去式的規則變化有以下幾種規
1. 在動詞字尾直接加 ed。
walk → walked 走路 play → played 玩 watch → watched 觀賞
rain → rained 下雨 thank → thanked 謝謝 paint → painted 油漆
talk → talked 說話 listen → listened 聽 open → opened 打開
call → called 打電話 look → looked 看 wash → washed 洗

2. 當動詞字尾已有 e,直接加 d。
close → closed 關閉 live → lived 住 smile → smiled 微笑
believe → believed 相信 like → liked 喜歡 arrive → arrived 抵達

3. 當動詞字尾為「子音 + y」時,去 y 加 ied。

try → tried 嘗試 study → studied 學習 carry → carried 攜帶

4. 當動詞字尾為「短母音 + 子音」時,重複字尾加 ed。

plan → planned 計畫 beg → begged 乞求 drop → dropped 落下

A 請寫出下列動詞的過去式。
例 stay → stayed
snow → snowed hate → hated
stop → stopped cook → cooked
fish → fished worry → worried
cry → cried jog → jogged
love → loved hurry → hurried


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▼ Unit 2

2-2 動詞過去式的肯定句(規則變化)
主詞 + 動詞過去式 + 過去時間.

例 (1) Kelly stayed at home last night. 凱莉昨天晚上待在家裡。

(2) I waited for him in the zoo yesterday. 我昨天在動物園等他。

B 請將動詞改為過去式。
Tim played (play) some computer games last night.
We started (start) our math class forty minutes ago.
I stopped (stop) my car near the park.
Jeremy opened (open) a new supermarket the day before yesterday.
She tried (try) to paint a picture of the elephant in the zoo.
My classmates loved (love) to play basketball after school last year.

2-3 現在簡單式與過去簡單式的比較
說明 現在簡單式所要表達的狀態是一種「現在的」事實、狀態、習慣與至今不變的真理。過
現在式 today 今天 now 現在 every + 時間 每一... on + 星期s 每個星期...
last / yesterday + 時間
過去式 yesterday 昨天 before 之前 時間 + ago (時間) 以前
上個... / 昨天...

例 (1) 現在式: I study English every night. 我每天晚上研讀英文。(表示平常的狀況)

過去式: I studied English yesterday evening. 我昨天傍晚研讀英文。(表示過去的狀況)
(2) 現在式:They live in New York now. 他們目前住在紐約。(表示現在的事實)
過去式:They lived in Taipei last year. 他們去年住在台北。(表示過去的事實)

C 請將現在式改為過去式。
例 Kelly goes to Taipei every summer. → Kelly went to Taipei yesterday.
He washes the car on Sundays. → He washed the car last Sunday.
She takes a trip every week. → She took a trip last week.
Jessie works at home now. → Jessie worked at home before.

They stay at a hotel today. → They stayed at a hotel yesterday.


文法通3-書冊.indb 12 2011/4/6 下午 06:29:23

Unit 2

2- 4 動詞過去式的 yes / no 問句與答句

yes / no 問句 Did + 主詞 + 原形動詞...?

Yes, 主詞 + did.
答句 No, 主詞 + did not.
No, 主詞 + didn’t.

例 (1) A: Did Lisa sing many great songs many years ago? 麗莎多年前唱了許多很棒的歌嗎?
B: Yes, she did. She sang many great songs many years ago.
(2) A: Did Judy show her friends the photos? 茱蒂展示那些照片給她朋友看嗎?
B: No, she didn't. She didn't show her friends the photos.

D 請填入正確的助動詞。
Did you and Mike study in the same school last year?
I can't find my blue pen. Did you take it?
Did Peter drink lots of water yesterday evening?
A: Did Teresa go back to Taipei from Kaohsiung last week?
B: Yes, she did.
Did John's sister wash her clothes this morning?

2-5 動詞過去式的 Wh- 問句與答句

What (詢問事、物)
Where (詢問地點)
When (詢問時間)
Wh- 問句 + did + 主詞 + 原形動詞...?
What time (詢問幾點幾分)
Why (詢問理由)
How (詢問方法)

答句 主詞 + 過去式動詞....

例 (1) A: Where did you study two years ago? 你兩年前在哪兒唸書?

B: I studied at New York University. 我在紐約大學讀書。
(2) A: What did Linda study in college? 琳達在大學讀什麼?
B: She studied math in college. 她在大學唸數學。


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▼ Unit 2

E 請填入適當的字。

A: When did you paint your house?

B: Two years ago.
A: What did Leon bake for lunch?
B: He baked a big beef pizza.
A: Where did you put the garbage?
B: In the trash bin (垃圾桶) near the road.
What did Wendy read in her room?
Why did you go to school so early yesterday morning?
What time did Yuki barbecue in the garden last Saturday evening?

2-6 連接詞 and 的用法
說明 and 連接相同時態的動詞。
例 (1) Susan cleaned the windows and mopped the floor. 蘇珊清理窗戶並且拖地。
(2) I painted a picture and studied for the history test yesterday.

F 請將動詞改為過去式。
My father went (go) to Kenting and took (take) photos there last week.
Amy picked (pick) up the trash and put (put) it into different kinds.
Derek ate (eat) an apple and drank (drink) some soup an hour ago.
Mom made (make) the beds and did (do) the laundry.
We began (begin) to decorate the room at seven this morning and finished
(finish) the work an hour later.
Thomas made (make) me some tea and read (read) me some stories.

2-7 授與動詞的用法
說明 授與動詞會有兩個受詞,一個稱為「直接受詞」(通常是物),另一個稱為「間接受詞」

1. 常見授與動詞
give 給 show 展示 send 寄 make 做
take 拿 bring 帶給 buy 買 get 拿


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Unit 2

2. 句型
授與動詞 + 人 + 物
= 授與動詞 + 物 + to / for + 人

例 (1) Could you bring me a cup of hot coffee? = Could you bring a cup of hot coffee to me?
(2) Kathy took out her camera and showed us her pictures.
= Kathy took out her camera and showed her pictures to us. 凱西拿出相機並向我們展示她的相片。

G 請填入適當的字。
My brother gave me a bike.
= My brother gave a bike to me .
I bought a beautiful dress for my mom.
= I bought my mom a beautiful dress .
Derek teaches junior-high-school students PE.
= Derek teaches PE to junior-high-school students.
We sent a card to Ms. Lin on Teacher's Day.
= We sent Ms. Lin a card on Teacher's Day.
The zoo made a birthday cake for the monkey king.
= The zoo made the monkey king a birthday
cake .
Tommy showed his painting of his father to his classmates.
= Tommy showed his classmates his painting of his father.

2-8 「Wh- 疑問代名詞 + else...?」的用法

說明 「Wh- 疑問代名詞 + else...?」用於表示「還有...?」
例 (1) A: What else did you study tonight? 你今晚還研讀什麼?
B: I studied math and science. 我還研讀數學和理化。
(2) A: Who else did you invite to your birthday party? 你的慶生會還邀請了哪些人?
B: I invited Sally, Harry, Amanda, and Peter. 我還邀請了莎莉、哈利、阿曼達和彼得。

H 請填入適當的字。
A: Who else is on the list?
B: Lilly's parents are.
A: What else can we buy in the store?
B: We can buy water, coke, and bread.


文法通3-書冊.indb 15 2011/4/6 下午 06:29:24

▼ Unit 2

A: What else did you do at home this morning?

B: I did my math homework and cleaned my room.
A: Who else is going to play video games with us? B: I think Tony and Bob are.
A: Who else will help you after dinner? B: My sister will.
A: What else do we need for swimming? B: Sorry. I don't know.

2-9 be 動詞 + 形容詞 + of 的用法

1. 「be proud of + 受詞」表示「以...為傲 / 榮」。
例 (1) Miss Lin's students do recycling very well. She is so proud of them.
(2) My brother, Bill, got an award from his teacher. I am proud of him.

2. 「be full of + 人 / 物」表示「充滿...」。

例 (1) His school bag is full of comic books. 他的書包裝滿了漫畫書。
(2) The living room is full of beautiful flowers. 客廳裡充滿了美麗的花。

3. 「It's nice of + 人 (受詞)」表示「...真好」。

例 (1) A: This gift is for you. 這份禮物給你。
B: It's so nice of you. 你真好。
(2) Joe always helps his mother on holidays. It's nice of him.

I 請填入適當的字。
A: Can I give you a hand? B: Thank you. That's so nice of you.

In spring, Mr. Green's garden is usually full of roses.

I study very hard every day. I want my mother to be proud of me.

My brother sometimes helps our neighbor, Ms. Brown. She is very old and lives alone. We
are so proud of him.

Tina's lunch box was full of delicious food.

A: I can write a letter to your family for you. B: Oh, that's very nice of you.


文法通3-書冊.indb 16 2011/4/6 下午 06:29:24

Unit 2

( C ) 1. Wendy: What did you pick up on the street last night?
Anna: I up some bottles and paper.
(A) pick (B) picking (C) picked (D) picks

(B ) 2. Kent: your brother finish his history homework this morning?

Carol: Yes, he did. He it two hours ago.
(A) Was, was (B) Did, finished (C) Did, did (D) Is, did

(D ) 3. Nora: Did you the clothes for your family?

Harry: Yes, I did.
(A) washed (B) washing (C) washes (D) wash
(B ) 4. Ricky: What did you cook for dinner last night?
Brian: I rice, chicken, and vegetable soup.
(A) cook (B) cooked (C) cooks (D) cooking

( C ) 5. Ellen: did you arrive home last night?

Anna: I arrived home at nine.
(A) Why (B) What (C) What time (D) Who

(D ) 6. A: Why do you like to walk in this park?
B: Because it is always flowers and trees.
(A) has (B) have (C) full (D) full of

(A ) 7. Julie watched a movie studied math this afternoon.

(A) and (B) but (C) or (D) so
(B ) 8. Sue makes the bed her brother every morning.
(A) of (B) for (C) to (D) up
(D ) 9. He the door and into his room twenty minutes ago.
(A) open, walk (B) opening, walking
(C) opens, walks (D) opened, walked
( C ) 10. Annie: Tomorrow is Sunday. I want to invite you to have lunch with my family.
Clark: Really? That's so nice you.
(A) in (B) for (C) of (D) to


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▼ Unit 2


Eliza: I 1 you many times on Sunday, but you weren't home. Where did you go?

John: I went shopping with my older sister, Lily. My mom is in the States now. Lily has to cook 2

me and my younger brother, Ted.

Eliza: Really? 3 Lily do all the housework alone?

John: No, she shouldn't. Lily only cooks dinner. We can buy our breakfast at the 7-Eleven near our

house. My uncle 4 our lunch boxes to school 5 us at twelve o'clock every day.

Eliza: Do you need any help this weekend?

John: That's very nice 6 you. But Ted will sweep the yard 7 clean the bathroom. I can mop

the floor and 8 the doors and windows. Lily can clean the kitchen and the living room.

Eliza: What 9 can I do for you?

John: Umm... You can take out the garbage 10 us in the evening.

Eliza: OK. It's a little late. What time is it?

John: Oh, it's twenty to eight. We're late. Let's walk faster.

take out 拿走 will 將會 faster 快一些

( C ) 1. (A) talked (B) told (C) called (D) took

(A ) 2. (A) for (B) with (C) to (D) by
(D ) 3. (A) Do (B) Were (C) Was (D) Should
(B ) 4. (A) brought (B) brings (C) cooked (D) cooks
(A ) 5. (A) for (B) of (C) on (D) with
( C ) 6. (A) in (B) with (C) of (D) up
( C ) 7. (A) but (B) or (C) and (D) so
(D ) 8. (A) wiping (B) wipes (C) wiped (D) wipe
(D ) 9. (A) thing (B) food (C) time (D) else
( B ) 10. (A) of (B) for (C) to (D) with


文法通3-書冊.indb 18 2011/4/6 下午 06:29:26


3-1 從屬連接詞 because
說明 1. because 為從屬連接詞,用來表示「原因」。它所引導的子句稱為從屬子句 (又稱為副
例 I didn't go to your party yesterday because I was sick. 我昨天沒去你的宴會是因為我生病了。

2. 在上面的例句當中,I didn't go to your party yesterday. 是「主要子句」,because 帶

領的 I was sick 子句是「從屬子句」。從屬子句放在句首時,後面要加逗號,其句型
主詞 + 動詞 ... because + 主詞 + 動詞 ....
= Because + 主詞 + 動詞 ..., 主詞 + 動詞 ....

例 (1) Because it rained hard, we went home early.

= We went home early because it rained hard.
(2) He often goes to the zoo because he likes animals.
= Because he likes animals, he often goes to the zoo.

A 請改寫下列句子。
I ran back home after school because I wanted to watch TV.
→ Because I wanted to watch TV, I ran back home after school .
Because he was very tired, he went to bed early.
→ He went to bed early because he was very tired .

3-2 從屬連接詞 because 和對等連接詞 so

說明 1. because 的意思為「因為」,用來引導表示「原因」的句子,前面不可以有逗號。
2. so 的意思為「所以」,用來引導表示「結果」的句子,前面有逗號。
3. because 與 so 都用來表示因果,因此 because 和 so 的句型可以互換,但是 because
和 so 不能出現在同一個句子裡面。


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▼ Unit 3

例 (1) My English is very good because I study English very hard.

我的英文很好,因為我認真研讀英文。(because 前面沒有逗號)
= I study English very hard, so my English is very good.
我認真研讀英文,所以我的英文很好。(so 前面有逗號)
(2) Because he was very thirsty after playing basketball, he drank a lot of water.
= He was very thirsty after playing basketball, so he drank a lot of water.

B 請填入適當的連接詞。
Tim played some computer games late last night, so he felt tired.
Annie did well on her math test this morning because she studied hard.
Because I parked my car near the park, I need to walk home.
Jeremy opened a new supermarket the day before yesterday, so he was very

I need to feed our dogs in the evening, so I can't go out with Sam.
May had a lot of food and drinks because she was very hungry.

3-3 從屬連接詞 although / though

說明 although = though,兩者皆為從屬連接詞,用來引導表示「讓步」的句子,意思為「雖
然、即便、即使」。although / though 放在句首時,從屬子句後面要有逗號。放在句中

Although / Though + 主詞 + 動詞 ..., 主詞 + 動詞 ....

= 主詞 + 動詞 ... although / though + 主詞 + 動詞 ....

例 (1) Although she was sick, she still went to school.

= She still went to school although she was sick.
(2) Though I bought Lily a special gift, she was still not happy.
= Lily was still not happy though I bought her a special gift.

C 請依照提示改寫下列句子。
I felt tired. I still took a trip to Taitung. (用 Although... 改寫)
→ Although I felt tired, I still took a trip to Taitung .


文法通3-書冊.indb 20 2011/4/6 下午 06:29:29

Unit 3

He couldn't do well on his math test. He studied so hard. (用 ...though... 改寫)

→ He couldn't do well on his math test though he studied so hard .
He is poor. He is very happy. (用 Although... 改寫)
→ Although he is poor, he is very happy .
Jack looks strong. He gets sick easily. (用 ...though... 改寫)
→ Jack gets sick easily though he looks strong .

3- 4 從屬連接詞 although / though 和對等連接詞 but

說明 1. although / though 的意思是「雖然」,用來引導表「讓步」的子句,although /
though 的前面不可以有逗號。
2. but 的意思是「但是」,用來連接前後語意「相反」的子句,but 的前面有逗號。
3. although / though 和 but 的句型可以互換,但是一個句子裡不能同時出現 although /
though 和 but。
例 (1) Though Lisa is old, she still sings a lot of great songs.
= Lisa is old, but she still sings a lot of great songs.
(2) Jack is not very tall, but he can play basketball really well.
= Although Jack is not very tall, he can play basketball really well.

D 請填入 although、though、so 或 but。

Although Lucas and Mike study in the same class, they don't talk to each other.
I couldn't find my blue pen though I looked around.
Peter drank too much water last night, so he didn't feel good.
Hank still made dinner for his family although he was very tired after work.
Cathy was sick last week, but she still went to school.
Peter is very young, but he makes a lot of money.

3-5 從屬連接詞 when, after, before

說明 when, after 和 before 用來引導表「時間」的句子。when 表示「當...時」,after 表示
「在...之後」, before 表示「在...之前」。
When / After / Before + 主詞 + 動詞..., 主詞 + 動詞....
= 主詞 + 動詞... when / after / before + 主詞 + 動詞....


文法通3-書冊.indb 21 2011/4/6 下午 06:29:29

▼ Unit 3

例 (1) When I arrived, my father was waiting for me at the train station.
= My father was waiting for me at the train station when I arrived.
(2) After I went out, I found a gold watch on the sidewalk.
= I found a gold watch on the sidewalk after I went out.
(3) He went to the police station before he went to work.
= Before he went to work, he went to the police station.

E 請填入 when、after 或 before。

After she paid the bill, she left the restaurant.
I was in the kitchen when the telephone rang.
Before I put the trash in the trash bin, I recycle the bottles and paper.
Wendy always has some milk before she goes to bed.
When school starts, we need to get up early.
Yuki will go to study in New York after she finishes senior high school in Taiwan.

3-6 why 的問句與答句

說明 疑問詞 why 用來詢問「原因」,口頭回答常以「Because + 子句.」來回答。
be 動詞 + 形容詞...?
Why 問句 Why + + 主詞
助動詞 + 原形動詞...?
主詞 + 動詞 + because + 主詞 + 動詞.
Because + 主詞 + 動詞.

例 (1) A: Why are you up so early today? 你今天怎麼這樣早起?

B: I am up so early today because I have a test later. 我今天這樣早起是因為等一下有考試。
(2) A: Why didn't you come to our school fair yesterday? 你昨天為什麼沒有來參加學校的園遊會?
B: I didn't go to our school fair because my right leg hurt.

F 請填入適當的字。
A: Why did Sally sell her dolls?
B: Because she didn't need them any more.

A: Why don't we just buy some small moon cakes?

B: That's a great idea!


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Unit 3

A: Why didn't Alan go to the picnic? B: Because he was too busy.

A: Why did you go to the hospital last night?
B: Because I had a high fever.

3-7 out of 的用法

說明 「out of + 名詞」表示「從... 離開」,或「沒有、缺乏」。

例 (1) My dog just jumped out of the basket. 我的狗剛剛從籃子裡跳出來。

(2) Robert only bought a banana for his dinner because he was out of money.

G 請填入適當的片語代號。
(A) out of the classrooms (B) out of date (C) out of time

Class is over. Students run (A) .

Don't eat that can of fish. It's (B) .
Roger, please hurry up! We're almost (C) .

3-8 hurt 的用法

說明 1. hurt 可表示身體某部位的「疼痛」,可以用「身體某部位 + hurt」來表示。
2. hurt 也可表示「使...受傷」,可以用「人 / 物 + hurt + 身體某部位」來表示。
3. get hurt / be hurt 表示「受傷」。
例 (1) Eric's right knee hurt very much last Wednesday. 上星期三艾瑞克的右邊膝蓋非常痛。
(2) Jessica's words hurt Brian very much. 潔西卡的話很傷布萊恩的心。
(3) I fell off my scooter yesterday, but I didn't get hurt.

H 請填入適當的字。
A: Alex, don't climb too high up the tree; you will get / be hurt. B: OK, Mom.
Last night I had a terrible stomachache. It still hurts a little now.
Paul moved a heavy box into his car, and his back was / got hurt .
When I played tennis yesterday, I hurt my elbow.
Don't say that to me again. I will get / be hurt.
Scott hurt his little cat because he held it too hard.


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▼ Unit 3

3-9 others 的用法
說明 1. others 用於沒有限定範圍表複數的人或物。
2. 「some..., and others...」的句型表示「一些...;另一些...」。some 和 others 在此當代
例 (1) Some enjoy listening to stories, and others like to play games.
(2) Some are scientists, and others are writers. 有些是科學家,有些是作家。

I 請填入 some 或 others。

Some are pop music, and others are classical music.

Some love to read comic books, and others love to read storybooks.
Some go to work by MRT, and others go by bus.
Some are wearing expensive glasses, and others are wearing cheap glasses.
Some played badminton , and others played baseball.
Some are doing their homework in the library, and others are swimming in the
swimming pool.

3-10 enough 的用法

說明 1. 「enough + 名詞」或「 名詞 + enough」表示「足夠的...」。
2. 「形容詞 / 副詞 + enough + to + 原形動詞」表示「夠...去做...」。
例 (1) Do you have enough money to buy a new TV? 你有足夠的錢買一台新的電視機嗎?
(2) Kathy is smart enough to answer the Chinese question.

J 請填入適當的字。

This car is not big enough for me.

The computer is smart enough to answer all the math questions.
Are there enough seats for all our classmates?
Andrew is tall enough to play basketball.
Victor has enough money to buy three sandwiches and three glasses of tea.
Tommy and Sally have enough time to practice dodgeball.


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Unit 3

3-11 most 的用法

說明 most 當形容詞時,後面可以接可數或者不可數的名詞,表示「大多數的」。
例 (1) Most students are afraid of math and science. 大多數的學生會怕數學和科學。
(2) Carla enjoys most chocolate. 卡拉喜歡大多數的巧克力。

K 請填入適當的字。
Most parents work hard for their families.
Most people like to surf the Net when they have time.
In a supermarket, most milk is in the refrigerator.
Pamela loves most albums of S.H.E.
Most ice cream is sweet.
Lisa went shopping at the supermarket because most things there were on sale.


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▼ Unit 3

( C ) 1. Mandy: did you do so well on all the subjects?
James: Because I studied them very hard.
(A) Where (B) What (C) Why (D) How
(A ) 2. Your brother got up late this morning, he was late to his class.
(A) so (B) but (C) because (D) or
(B ) 3. Norris: Why didn't you jog in the park last night?
Harry: it rained very hard yesterday.
(A) So (B) Because (C) Though (D) But
(B ) 4. Ricky went to a movie he finished his homework.
(A) so (B) after (C) but (D) and
(A ) 5. Anna can't sing the song she has a sore throat.
(A) because (B) so (C) though (D) and
(D ) 6. Nana and Daniel go home from school, they always go jogging.
(A) Although (B) Because (C) So (D) Before
( C ) 7. A: What happened?
B: We are oil (汽油).
(A) from (B) no (C) out of (D) need
(D ) 8. Annie: Why did Nana cry so hard?
Bob: Because Daniel her hands.
(A) was hurt (B) get hurt (C) hurts (D) hurt
(A ) 9. it was very late, they still studied in the library.
(A) Although (B) So (C) But (D) After
( B ) 10. Maria bought some shoes she went shopping yesterday.
(A) before (B) when (C) so (D) but

( D ) 11. Mom: Joe, why are your English grades not ?
Joe: Sorry, Mom. I didn't study hard.
(A) enough well (B) enough good (C) well enough (D) good enough
( B ) 12. Some are very friendly; are not.
(A) both (B) others (C) other (D) all


文法通3-書冊.indb 26 2011/4/6 下午 06:29:31

Unit 3

( B ) 13. I ate of the ice cream yesterday.

(A) Any (B) most (C) many (D) not
( C ) 14. Ann: Dad, tomorrow is Sunday; may I go to the movies?
Dad: Yes. But, do you have ?
(A) any friends (B) any plans (C) enough money (D) enough time
( A ) 15. A: Where were Nana and Daniel last night?
B: They took picking up trash in the park.
(A) turns (B) turn (C) turning (D) turned


Petro White came to Taiwan with his parents and younger sister, Rose, last June. Now he is going

| to a junior high school in Nantou. He learned some Chinese in China 1 he came to Taiwan. His

family lived in China two years ago 2 Petro's parents worked there. 3 his Chinese is 4 to

speak with 5 of his friends in Taiwan.

6 he played softball at his school in the States, he now plays tennis. 7 he has time, he

likes to walk 8 the house and jog in the country. He had many good friends in the States, 9

now he likes his new friends in Taipei the 10 .

(B ) 1. (A) but (B) before (C) after (D) when

(A ) 2. (A) because (B) so (C) although (D) but
(D ) 3. (A) Because (B) Although (C) But (D) So
(B ) 4. (A) enough good (B) good enough (C) well enough (D) enough well
(D ) 5. (A) no (B) little (C) much (D) most
( C ) 6. (A) But (B) So (C) Although (D) Because
( C ) 7. (A) Before (B) After (C) When (D) So
(D ) 8. (A) in (B) with (C) up (D) around
(A ) 9. (A) but (B) because (C) though (D) so
( B ) 10. (A) many (B) most (C) a little (D) no


文法通3-書冊.indb 27 2011/4/6 下午 06:29:32


Recycle 1
(B ) 1. The test was very difficult (困難的) ; only five students in my class it. 【96基測II】

(A) crossed (B) passed (C) saved (D) shared

(A ) 2. Mom: What after school today? Ryan: Well, I just read some comic books. 【98基測 II】

(A) did you do (B) do you do (C) are you doing (D) will you do
( C ) 3. Mike: Oh no! I my cellphone on the train.
Alan: Let's call the station and ask about it. 【95基測 I】

(A) broke (B) carried (C) left (D) used

(B ) 4. Sam: you have a good time at Mr. Moore's house tonight?
Tom: Yes. It was a wonderful party. I'm glad I went. 【95基測 II】

(A) Do (B) Did (C) Will (D) Would

( C ) 5. At first, my bookstore's business not very good. But now it is doing quite well.
(A) is (B) does (C) was (D) did 【95基測 I】

(D ) 6. Mike's birthday is coming, he invites many of his friends to his house this
Saturday night.
(A) after (B) when (C) because (D) so
(D ) 7. Mr. Wang: were you late for work this morning?
Sam: I'm very sorry. I just missed the 6:30 train.
(A) How (B) When (C) Where (D) Why
(B ) 8. Tina hamburgers for lunch every day last week. 【95基測 II】

(A) has (B) had (C) has had (D) was having
(A ) 9. Gerald: What did you do on your trip to Taitong last week?
Ryan: I went to the mountains and many beautiful photos there.
(A) took (B) put (C) made (D) paid
( C ) 10. Last Sunday afternoon, I went to the beach (海邊) with my friends. The sun was very bright
(明亮的) , so it my eyes.
(A) hurts (B) hurted (C) hurt (D) hurting
( B ) 11. Tommy a watch from his uncle last year.
(A) gets (B) got (C) to get (D) is getting
( D ) 12. Joey: What did you find in his car?
Matt: Oh, lots of things: a hat, some sneakers, and some fries!
(A) it is (B) there is (C) it was (D) there were


文法通3-書冊.indb 28 2011/4/6 下午 06:29:35

Recycle 1

( A ) 13. Miss Lai: you and your brother, Fred, very heavy two years ago?
Wendy: Oh, yes. We liked to have a lot of fries and coke two years ago.
(A) Were (B) Are (C) Was (D) Is
( D ) 14. My brother doesn't live with us; he moved out (搬走) he got married (結婚) .
(A) though (B) so (C) if (D) after
( D ) 15. Angelina: I finished my homework. And you?
Randa: Yes, I did, too. What can we do this afternoon?
Angelina: going shopping downtown (市中心) ?
(A) How (B) What (C) When (D) What about
( B ) 16. Pam: Is this your cellphone, Rachel?
Rachel: Oh, thank you. That's very nice you. I'll buy you some ice cream.
(A) for (B) of (C) with (D) up
( C ) 17. Rick: Did you come to school on time (準時) this morning?
George: No, I to school twenty minutes late.
(A) did (B) go (C) came (D) come
( B ) 18. Mr. Green was very angry with his daughter she put her dirty socks on the dining
table. 【95基測 II】

(A) although (B) because (C) but (D) until

( A ) 19. Da-fa is cleaning the house some of his friends are coming for dinner. 【94基測 I】

(A) because (B) but (C) if (D) so

( C ) 20. I want to make a cake for my family, I can't find any eggs in the refrigerator.
(A) so (B) or (C) but (D) then
( D ) 21. Susan works very hard every day. She wants her parents to be proud her.
(A) by (B) for (C) with (D) of
( B ) 22. When I am hungry, any food looks to me. 【94基測 II】

(A) common (B) delicious (C) honest (D) simple

( B ) 23. It was a special experience (經驗) for Mr. and Mrs. Wang they learned that they
were going to have a baby.
(A) what (B) when (C) whether (D) why
( A ) 24. Dad: Who the laundry yesterday evening? Mom: I believe Bill did.
(A) did (B) do (C) does (D) doing
( C ) 25. Charles went to my birthday party last night he was very busy.
(A) because (B) so (C) although (D) before
( C ) 26. Rita: Mom, I can't open the door this key.
Mom: Maybe you should try another one.
(A) by (B) in (C) with (D) of
( D ) 27. Enya got up early this morning she did not want to be late for her trip. 【98基測 II】

(A) if (B) but (C) though (D) because


文法通3-書冊.indb 29 2011/4/6 下午 06:29:36

▼ Recycle 1

( A ) 28. Tim: Aren't you hungry? Emily: No, I'm not. I am still from lunch. 【94基測 I】

(A) full (B) strong (C) thirsty (D) tired

( C ) 29. junior-high-school students in Taiwan have to go to school early every morning.
(A) Any (B) Much (C) Most (D) Both
( A ) 30. Andy: Did Mary that square watch? Lucy: Yes. She just bought it. 【96基測 II】

(A) buy (B) buys (C) bought (D) has bought

( A ) 31. This restaurant made delicious chicken and rice, so always full of people at
(A) it was (B) they were (C) there was (D) there were
( D ) 32. Patrick has two daughters. of them go to junior high school.
(A) One (B) Most (C) Some (D) Both
( C ) 33. Mom: What happened to you, Peter? Your hands look so dirty.
Peter: Sorry, Mom. After I wiped the windows, I didn't wash my hands.
Mom: Never mind. But you wash them before dinner time.
(A) would (B) could (C) should (D) had to
( A ) 34. Our dog always hides food in the ground. She it out when she needs it. 【94基測 II】

(A) digs (B) hands (C) knocks (D) packs

( B ) 35. Ted: I went to the police station before I came here.
Alex: Why? What happened?
Ted: I left home, I found a gold watch on the sidewalk. And I took it to the police
(A) Before (B) After (C) If (D) Though
( C ) 36. Joe looks strong, in fact he gets sick easily. 【97基測 I】

(A) Because (B) If (C) Though (D) When


Dad left us several months ago. He 37 a man who loved his family and his life a lot. He liked
to help others, and everyone around him liked him very much.
Last year, Dad got very sick and had to stay in the hospital. Mom 38 very busy running
between the house and the hospital. Six months later, Dad died. I couldn't believe I 39 him again.
Today is Dad's 50th birthday. I really want to tell him how much I miss him.... 【96基測 II】

several 幾個 hospital 醫院
( A ) 37. (A) was (B) is (C) has been (D) will be
( A ) 38. (A) became (B) becomes (C) has become (D) is becoming
( D ) 39. (A) did not see (B) have not seen (C) am not seeing (D) would not see


文法通3-書冊.indb 30 2011/4/6 下午 06:29:37

Recycle 1

Adam: What did you do for Moon Festival last year?

A-Ken: We usually celebrate it with family and friends at home. But, 40 , my family went to our
neighbor Mr. Chiang's home. 41 a big dinner, we ate moon cakes, looked at the big, bright
moon, talked, and laughed.
Adam: Sounds great! What else did you do?
A-Ken: We 42 a karaoke party at Mr. Chiang's house. Mr. Chiang, his wife, and his two sons are
43 good singers. They sang lots of beautiful songs. We sang with them. The night was
44 of fun.
Adam: Wow! I like to do that, too. Do you have any plans for Moon Festival this year?
A-Ken: I'll let you know after I ask my parents. Maybe you can join us.
Adam: Thank you so much! I can't wait!

will 將會

( A ) 40. (A) last year (B) this year (C) last night (D) this morning
( B ) 41. (A) Before (B) After (C) When (D) In
( A ) 42. (A) had (B) could (C) sent (D) met
( D ) 43. (A) both (B) most (C) much (D) all
( C ) 44. (A) proud (B) nice (C) full (D) about

Ms. Li: A-Fu, why were you late every day this week?
A-Fu: I'm sorry, Ms. Li, but there 45 a traffic jam on Monday morning.
Ms. Li: How about Tuesday and Wednesday?
A-Fu: I missed the bus.
Ms. Li: Why did you miss the bus?
A-Fu: I 46 very hard and went to bed late. 【94基測 II】

a traffic jam 交通阻塞 miss 錯過

( A ) 45. (A) was (B) is (C) has been (D) will be

( A ) 46. (A) studied (B) am studying (C) have studied (D) will study

47. 暑假過後開學的第一天,對約翰來說意義重大。
The first day of school after summer vacation means a lot to John.
48. 我昨天晚上去醫院,因為我胃痛很嚴重。
I went to the hospital last night because I had a terrible stomachache .
49. 你會烤肉和做月餅嗎?
Can you barbecue and make moon cakes?
50. 大部分的學生在園遊會上玩得很開心,但是我沒有。
Most students had a good time at the school fair, but I didn't.


文法通3-書冊.indb 31 2011/4/6 下午 06:29:37


4-1 過去進行式的肯定句
說明 用於表達「過去某一時刻正在進行的動作」或「過去某段時間持續進行的動作」,常見
過去時間副詞 (片語).
主詞 + was / were + V-ing... +
when + 過去式子句.

例 (1) I was decorating our living room at eight o’clock last night. 我昨晚八點在佈置我們的客廳。
(2) We were having dinner when the phone rang. 當電話鈴響時,我們正在用晚餐。

A 請填入正確的動詞形式。
They were playing (play) video games at 3:00 p.m. last Sunday.
Kelly was making (make) fish soup when her mother came home.
Peter and I were surfing (surf) the Net at that time.
Teresa was swimming (swim) at 8:00 yesterday morning.
Thomas was mopping (mop) the floor when I called him.
Ming-ming was baking (bake) a lobster pizza then.

4-2 過去簡單式和過去進行式的比較
說明 過去簡單式表示「過去的動作、事實、狀態」。過去進行式強調「過去某一時刻正在進
過去簡單式 主詞 + 動詞過去式. •過去的事實

過去進行式 主詞 + was / were + V-ing.


文法通3-書冊.indb 32 2011/4/6 下午 06:29:40

Unit 4

例 (1) 過去簡單式:Mike slept right after dinner last night. 麥可昨晚晚餐後就睡覺。

(表示 Mike 昨晚有睡覺。)
過去進行式:Mike was sleeping at 8:00 last night. 麥可昨晚八點時正在睡覺。
(強調 Mike 在昨晚八點這個時間點正在睡覺。)
(2) 過去簡單式:I had a strange dream last night. 我昨晚做了一個奇怪的夢。(表示我昨晚有做夢。)
過去進行式:I was having a strange dream when the doorbell rang.

B 請將動詞改為過去進行式。
例 She washed the dishes yesterday evening. (at 7:00)
→ She was washing the dishes at 7:00 yesterday evening.
Janet taught English yesterday. (at 9:00 a.m.)
→ Janet was teaching English at 9:00 a.m. yesterday.
The dog ran in the park last Sunday. (at 5:00 p.m.)
→ The dog was running in the park at 5:00 p.m. last Sunday.
We took a trip to Taipei last Monday.
→ We were taking a trip to Taipei last Monday.
My classmates played badminton at the gym yesterday. (at 5:00 p.m.)
→ My classmates were playing badminton at the gym at 5:00 p.m. yesterday.

4-3 過去進行式的時間副詞
說明 看到下面的時間副詞,就可以推測要使用過去進行式。
this morning 今天早上...點
yesterday 昨天...點
at + 時刻 +
last + 星期 上星期... 點
last + 時間 上...
all morning / afternoon / evening / night 整個早上 / 下午 / 晚上 / 深夜
then = at that time 在那時
when + 過去式子句 當...時

C 請寫出正確答案。
昨天傍晚六點 6:00 yesterday evening
上星期五早上七點 7:00 a.m. last Friday
在那時 at that time / then


文法通3-書冊.indb 33 2011/4/6 下午 06:29:41

▼ Unit 4

今天早上五點半 5:30 this morning

前天晚上十一點 11:00 p.m. the day before yesterday
上星期二晚上十點 10:00 p.m. last Tuesday

4-4 過去進行式的否定句
was / were + not
主詞 + + V-ing....
wasn’t / weren’t

例 (1) Lisa was not singing at eight o’clock last night. 麗莎昨晚八點鐘沒有在唱歌。
(2) They were not watching TV at nine o’clock last night. 他們昨天晚上九點鐘沒在看電視。

D 請將過去進行式的肯定句改為否定句。
例 She was washing the dishes yesterday evening.
→ She was not washing the dishes yesterday evening.
Tom was doing his homework at twelve o’clock last night.
→ Tom was not / wasn’t doing his homework at twelve o’clock last night.
Mrs. Lin was cleaning the house all afternoon.
→ Mrs. Lin was not / wasn’t cleaning the house all afternoon.
Lily was swimming in the pool at 5:00 p.m. last Sunday.
→ Lily was not / wasn’t swimming in the pool at 5:00 p.m. last Sunday.
They were sitting in the classroom at 10:00 a.m.
→ They were not / weren’t sitting in the classroom at 10:00 a.m.

4-5 過去進行式的 yes / no 問句與答句

yes / no 問句 Was / Were + 主詞 + V-ing... +
when + 過去式子句?
Yes, 主詞 + was / were.
答句 No, 主詞 + was / were + not.
No, 主詞 + wasn’t / weren’t.

例 (1) A: Was the dog barking at the stranger then? 當時那隻狗對著陌生人吠叫嗎?

B: Yes, it was. It was barking at the stranger then.
(2) A: Were you learning colors at school at 3:00 p.m. yesterday?
B: No, we were not. We were not learning colors at school at 3:00 p.m. yesterday.


文法通3-書冊.indb 34 2011/4/6 下午 06:29:41

Unit 4

E 請完成下列作答。
Q: Was Bill walking his dog at 8:30 last night?
A: Yes, he was . He was walking his dog at 8:30 last night.
Q: Were those girls having breakfast at home at 6:00 this morning?
A: No, they weren’t . They were not having breakfast at home at 6:00 this morning.
Q: Were Jacky and Jeff doing their homework at that time?
A: Yes, they were . They were doing their homework at that time.
Q: Were you taking away the trash at 6:30 last Saturday?
A: No, I wasn’t . I wasn’t taking away the trash at 6:30 last Saturday.
Q: Was A-hua reading a comic book when her father came back?
A: Yes, she was . She was reading a comic book when her father came back.
Q: Were you watching a movie when I entered the living room?
A: Yes, I was . I was watching a movie when I entered the living room.

4-6 過去進行式的 Wh- 問句與答句

Wh0 (詢問人)
What (詢問事、物)
Where (詢問地點)
Wh- 問句 When (詢問時間) + was / were + 主詞 + V-ing...?
What time (詢問幾點幾分)
Why (詢問理由)
How (詢問狀況或方法)
答句 主詞 + was / were + V-ing....

例 (1) A: Where were you dancing then? 你那時在哪裡跳舞?

B: I was dancing at the school gym then. 我那時在學校體育館跳舞。
(2) A: What was she doing at seven o’clock last night? 她昨天晚上七點在做什麼?
B: She was taking a nap at seven o’clock last night. 她昨天晚上七點在小睡片刻。

F 請填入適當的 Wh- 疑問詞。

A: What was Bill reading? B: He was reading a storybook.
A: Who was cooking dinner at home at that time? B: Mary was.
A: Where were Jerry and his sister watching a movie at home? B: In the living room.
A: What were you doing at ten o’clock last night? B: I was taking a shower then.
A: Who were you talking to when I saw you? B: That was Mr. Liao.
A: How were you after you found that you had left your purse in the taxi?
B: I could do nothing about it, so I was just crying.

文法通3-書冊.indb 35 2011/4/6 下午 06:29:42

▼ Unit 4

4-7 動名詞 (V-ing) 作受詞的用法

說明 動名詞是在原形動詞的字尾加上 ing。動名詞具有「動詞」和「名詞」雙重性質,可以
當作某些特定動詞 或 介系詞 的受詞,也可以當作主詞。下列動詞或片語後面一定要接
「動名詞 (V-ing)」: [參見 8-3]
enjoy 喜愛 finish 完成 keep 一直
practice 練習 miss 想念、錯過 have fun 玩得高興
be busy 忙著做 be good / bad at 擅長 / 不擅長
例 (1) Dick always finishes doing his homework before he goes to bed.
(2) I enjoy having ice cream in the afternoon in summer.

G 請填入正確的動詞形式。
Don't keep feeding (feed) your dog. She's already too fat.
Are you good at speaking (speak) Chinese?
My mother is busy making (make) us delicious food every day.
You should practice speaking (speak) English with the tape again and again.
We had fun roller-skating (roller-skate) when we took a trip in Japan.
I missed going (go) to my friend’s birthday party last week.


05-Unit-04.indd 36 2011/4/7 下午 01:05:34

Unit 4

4-8 以不定詞 (to + 原形動詞) 為受詞的動詞
說明 不定詞是在原形動詞的前面加上 to。不定詞可以當作某些特定動詞的受詞,也可以當作
主詞。下列動詞或動詞片語後面一定要接「不定詞 (to + 原形動詞)」:
decide 決定 hope 希望 tell 告訴
teach 教導 plan 計畫 wait 等待
want 想要 would like 想要 would love 想要

例 (1) We decided to have a barbecue last Sunday. 我們上星期日決定要烤肉。

(2) Kathy wants to listen to pop music every day after work. 凱西每天下班後想要聽流行音樂。

H 請填入正確的動詞形式。
My father plans to go (go) to the rain forest in South America next year.
I can’t wait to see (see) you again.
May-fen and her husband hope to have (have) a baby next year.
Mom tells me to help (help) others when they need.
Did Glenn teach Manny to write (write) down the sentences in the notebook?
We would like to ride (ride) our bikes to the park together when school is over.

4-9 後面可加動名詞 (V-ing) 或不定詞 (to + 原形動詞) 的動詞

說明 下列動詞可接「動名詞 (V-ing)」或「不定詞 (to + 原形動詞)」:
begin 開始 start 開始 like 喜歡
love 愛 hate 討厭 take turns 輪流做

例 (1) Susan loves singing / to sing English songs. 蘇珊愛唱英文歌。

(2) Anthony hates doing / to do the laundry. 安東尼討厭洗衣服。

I 請填入正確的動詞形式。
His parents love singing / to sing (sing) old songs in karaoke clubs.
Tim and Frank like going / to go (go) to school every day.
Do you and your sister usually take turns washing / to wash (wash) the dishes after
dinner every night?
He began making / to make (make) tea and cutting / to cut (cut) the cake for
everyone in the party.


文法通3-書冊.indb 37 2011/4/6 下午 06:29:42

▼ Unit 4

Did Joey try writing / to write (write) down all new words in lesson one in his
Karen hates waking / to wake (wake) up early on Sunday morning.

4-10 afraid 的用法

說明 1.「be afraid of + 名詞 / V-ing」表示「害怕 ...」,此名詞 / V-ing 當受詞使用。
2.「be afraid to + 原形動詞」表示「害怕 ...」。
3. I'm afraid so. 表示「恐怕是如此」。
4. I'm afraid not. 表示「恐怕不是」。
例 (1) Don't be afraid of speaking English. 別害怕說英語。
(2) Are you afraid of turtles? 你會怕烏龜嗎?
(3) Victoria is afraid to ask questions in class. 維多利亞害怕在課堂上問問題。

J 請填入正確的字詞,每格不限填一字。
Brad is afraid of swimming (swim) in the ocean.
A: Why don't you talk to Mr. Chen about this?
B: Because he is very serious, I am really afraid of him (he).
A: John lost your magazine yesterday. Will you need to buy a new one?
B: I'm afraid so.
He is afraid to do (do) his math homework because it is very difficult.
A: Can you read anything outside at midnight?
B: I'm afraid not ; it's too dark.
Wendy was afraid of riding (ride) a bike when she was young.


文法通3-書冊.indb 38 2011/4/6 下午 06:29:43

Unit 4

(A ) 1. Mom: What were you doing when your father came home, Tommy?
Tommy: I an online game.
(A) was playing (B) am playing (C) played (D) play
(B ) 2. What Peter in his office when I called him?
(A) did, do (B) was, doing (C) is, doing (D) does, do
(B ) 3. Coco enjoys to classical music when she is free.
(A) to listen (B) listening (C) listened (D) listen
(D ) 4. A: What Joe doing at that time?
B: He jogging in the park at that time.
(A) is, is (B) does, goes (C) did, went (D) was, was
( C ) 5. A: was playing basketball games on TV?
B: George and his classmates.
(A) Why (B) Where (C) Who (D) What
( C ) 6. When Lisa entered the house, I video games with my brother.
(A) play (B) played (C) was playing (D) not play
(D ) 7. A: you the piano at 7:30 this morning?
(A) Do; play (B) Are; playing (C) Did; playing (D) Were; playing
(A ) 8. Her Chinese is very good because she practices it every day.
(A) speaking (B) speak (C) speaks (D) spoke
( C ) 9. Tim: was your uncle doing at eight o’clock last night?
Lisa: He was playing table tennis with his wife.
(A) Where (B) When (C) What (D) How

( B ) 10. I would like with my grandparents.
(A) living (B) to live (C) lived (D) live
( D ) 11. A: was talking about holiday plans there? B: Henry and Joey were.
(A) When (B) Where (C) What (D) Who
( B ) 12. Celia: What can we do now? Do you have any idea?
Jose: Well, I decided my older brother.
(A) call (B) to call (C) calling (D) called
( A ) 13. Mom: Why was your younger sister crying, Leon?
Leon: Because she is afraid ____ cats.
(A) of (B) with (C) by (D) as


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▼ Unit 4

( C ) 14. A: I love fishing on weekends. How about you?

B: Hmm... I enjoy my new bicycle along the river. It's really cool and comfortable.
(A) going, riding (B) to go, to ride (C) to go, riding (D) going, to ride
( A ) 15. Chuck: Where were you last night? You didn't answer the phone when I called you.
Diego: I was in the supermarket with my mom. We for Thanksgiving dinner.
(A) were shopping (B) are shopping (C) shopped (D) went to shop


Nina and her family had Thanksgiving dinner with Aunt Vicky on November 22. They had a lot of
fun 1 the traditional festival together. At six o’clock, Aunt Vicky 2 the banana pie, and Nina's
father 3 the big, delicious turkey. At the same time, Nina's mother was busy 4 up everyone's
glass with a drink. Everyone 5 banana pie at about seven fifty. It was a great Thanksgiving dinner.

traditional 傳統的

(B ) 1. (A) to celebrate (B) celebrating (C) celebrate (D) celebrates

(A ) 2. (A) was baking (B) to bake (C) baked (D) is baking
( C ) 3. (A) to cut (B) cut (C) was cutting (D) cutting
(D ) 4. (A) to fill (B) fill (C) was filling (D) filling
( C ) 5. (A) to eat (B) eat (C) was eating (D) eating

Angel: What 6 you doing at nine o’clock last night?

Leon: I 7 the Internet for some information. Why?
Angel: I wanted my science workbook back. I need 8 my science homework. Our science teacher
wants 9 our homework next Monday.
Leon: All right. I'll give it back to you tomorrow. Will that be OK with you?
Angel: Let me think... I would like you 10 it back to me now.

check 檢查
(B ) 6. (A) are (B) were (C) do (D) did
( C ) 7. (A) am surfing (B) surfed (C) was surfing (D) surf
(A ) 8. (A) to do (B) doing (C) do (D) did
(D ) 9. (A) checked (B) checking (C) check (D) to check
( A ) 10. (A) to give (B) giving (C) give (D) gave


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5-1 動名詞 (V-ing) 當作主詞
說明 動名詞 (V-ing) 也可以當作句子的主詞,此主詞視為第三人稱單數,後面接單數動詞。
例 (1) Jogging every day is good for us. 每天慢跑對我們是好的。
(2) Having dinner with my friends is a lot of fun. 跟我的好朋友吃晚餐很開心。

A 請填入正確的答案。
Playing video games too much is (be) not good for you.
Having chicken soup when you have a cold is (be) helpful.
Surfing (surf) the Net will help you to find information.
Showing (show) my pictures to my classmates is very interesting.
Mopping the floor is (be) very easy for me.
Creating (create) a blog is very difficult for my father.

5-2 不定詞 (to + 原形動詞) 當作主詞

說明 不定詞 (to + 原形動詞) 可以當作句子的主詞,此主詞視為第三人稱單數,後面接單數動
例 (1) To listen to some music every day after work is relaxing.
(2) To go to work by MRT saves him a lot of time. 搭捷運去上班替他節省很多時間。

B 請填入正確的答案。
To speak English is (be) easy for Steven.
To look up (look up) new words in an online dictionary is good practice.
To play computer games brings (bring) him lots of fun.
To do (do) online shopping is convenient for Alan.
To help animals is (be) really interesting.
Making new friends online gives (give) him new experiences.


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▼ Unit 5

5-3 動名詞 (V-ing) 當作主詞和不定詞 (to + 原形動詞) 當作主詞的句

說明 動名詞 (V-ing) 當作主詞和不定詞 (to + 原形動詞) 當作主詞的句型可以互換。
V-ing + + 形容詞 + for + 人 (受詞).

= To + 原形動詞...+ + 形容詞 + for + 人 (受詞).

= It + 形容詞 + for + 人 (受詞) + to + 原形動詞. [參見 10-6]

例 (1) Sending e-mails to my friends is easy for me.

= To send e-mails to my friends is easy for me.
= It is easy for me to send e-mails to my friends . 寄電子郵件給我朋友對我而言是容易的。
(2) Studying English every day is very important.
= To study English every day is very important.
= It is very important to study English every day. 每天研讀英文是重要的。

C 請寫出正確答案。
Helping people is important for us.
= To help people is important for us.
= It is important for us to help people.
It brings her much fun to feed stray dogs.
= To feed stray dogs brings her much fun.
= Feeding stray dogs brings her much fun.

5-4 詢問如何去某地 How...?

說明 詢問「如何」去某地的問句,疑問詞用 how 開頭。
How + 助動詞+ 主詞 + (頻率副詞) + to + 地點? ...如何去某地?

例 (1) How did Lisa go to Hualien yesterday? 麗莎昨天如何去花蓮?

(2) How do you usually go to the museum? 你通常怎麼去博物館?

D 請寫出正確答案。
你每天怎麼去上學? How do you get to school every day?
妮可去年夏天如何去澎湖? How did Nicole get to Penghu last summer?
我如何能到那個小島? How can I get to the small island?

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Unit 5

5-5 by + 交通工具
說明 敘述如何去某地可以用「by + 交通工具 」的句型來表示。回答如何抵達某地時,也可用
「By + 交通工具.」簡答。
主詞 + (頻率副詞) to + 地點+ by + 交通工具. 搭 ... 去 ...

「by + 交通工具」中,交通工具前面不加冠詞 a / an / the 或所有格。

例 (1) Chris sometimes goes to school by bicycle. 克里斯有時候騎腳踏車上學。

(2) Richard went home by MRT last night. 李察昨天晚上搭捷運回家。

E 請根據提示回答問題。
A: How does Bill get to New York every time? (by plane)
B: He gets to New York by plane every time. / By plane.
A: How did those girls go home after school? (by schoolbus)
B: They went home after school by schoolbus. / By schoolbus.
A: How did Jacky and Jeff get to the museum last week? (by bike)
B: They got to the museum by bike last week. / By bike.
A: How will you go to Pingtong this summer vacation? (by car)
B: I will go to Pingtong by car this summer vacation. / By car.

5-6 V + a / an + 交通工具
說明 表達「如何去某地」也可用下列說法表示:

片語 交通工具
1. take a / an / the + 交通工具 airplane / plane / MRT / train / bus / taxi / ship / boat
2. drive a + 交通工具 car / taxi / bus
3. fly a / an + 交通工具 airplane / plane
4. ride a + 交通工具 bicycle / scooter / motorcycle

「V + a / an + 交通工具」當中,交通工具前面的 a / an 也可以改用 the 或所有格。

例 (1) The Green family took an airplane to Penghu last weekend. 葛林全家上週末搭飛機去澎湖。
(2) My father drives his car to work every day. 我爸爸每天開車上班。


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▼ Unit 5

F 請填入適當的字。
Dick went to Kaohsiung by train last week.
= Dick took a train to Kaohsiung last week.
Do you go to China by ship?
= Do you take a ship to China?
My mother goes to the supermarket on foot every Tuesday and Thursday.
= My mother walks to the supermarket every Tuesday and Thursday.
It's late, so they took a taxi to the train station.
= It's late, so they went to the train station by taxi.
Do we have to drive to Tainan tomorrow?
= Do we have to go to Tainan by car tomorrow?
I go to school by bicycle every day.
=I ride my bicycle to school every day.

5-7 by + V-ing + a / an + 交通工具

說明 「by + 交通工具」和片語「by + V-ing + a / an + 交通工具」可以交互運用,而 a / an 可
以視情況改成 the 或所有格。
by + 交通工具
= by + V-ing + a / an + 交通工具

例 (1) He went to the police station by scooter.

= He went to the police station by riding a scooter.
(2) People in Taipei usually go to work by MRT.
= People in Taipei usually go to work by taking the MRT.

G 請填入適當的字。
Did they go there by boat? = Did they go there by taking a boat?
We got to Penghu by ship. = We got to Penghu by taking a ship.
She sometimes goes to school by bike. = She sometimes goes to school by riding a
My uncle, Ryan, likes to go to the country by car.
= My uncle, Ryan, likes to go to the country by driving a car.
Most people go to the States by airplane. = Most people go to the States by taking an
I like to go to Hualien by car on holidays. = I like to go to Hualien by driving a car on

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Unit 5

5-8 介系詞 in / on + a / an + 交通工具

說明 「by + 交通工具 」也可用片語「in / on + a / an + 交通工具 」來表示:

片語 交通工具
1. in a + 交通工具 taxi / car
2. on + a / an 交通工具 ship / train / airplane / bus / boat / bike / motorcycle / scooter

1. 「介系詞 in / on + a / an + 交通工具」當中,交通工具前面的 a / an 也可以改用 the 或

2. 搭捷運的話要用 on the MRT。
3. 如果是走路,則不用 by,而要用:on foot。
例 (1) He went to the zoo by MRT last weekend.
= He went to the zoo on the MRT last weekend. 上個周末他搭捷運去動物園。
(2) Can we walk to the beach?
= Can we get to the beach on foot? 我們能走路到海邊嗎?

H 請填入正確的介系詞。
Bill went to work on the train this morning.
Does Mary go to the park in a taxi every time?
A: How did Jerry and his sister get to the movie theater?
B: On foot.
Those fishermen usually go there on a boat.
Can Mr. Liao get to Taitung in his car?
Vicky seldom goes to work on her scooter.


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▼ Unit 5

5-9 連綴動詞 + 形容詞
說明 連綴動詞的後面要接形容詞,下列動詞後面要接形容詞:
be 是 become 變得 get 變得 grow 變得
turn 變成 seem 似乎 look 看起來 sound 聽起來
taste 嚐起來 smell 聞起來 feel 感覺起來

例 (1) He became famous after he helped many people. 在他幫助許多人後,他變得有名氣。

(2) The fried chicken smelled delicious. 炸雞聞起來很美味可口。

I 請填入正確的字。
這個主意聽起來不錯。 我們一起到戶外吧。
That idea sounds good . Let's go outside.
The coffee cake on the dining table tastes / tasted wonderful / great .
瑪麗昨天看起來很悲傷。 Mary looked very sad yesterday.
The sofa feels comfortable when you sit on it.
Bill's face became / got red after he talked to a stranger.
After I talked to my teacher, I became different .

5-10 動詞 spend 的用法

說明 動詞 spend 後面加 V-ing,表示「花時間」或「花錢」在做某件事情上面。
主詞 + 時間 / 錢 + V-ing 花時間 / 錢在....

例 (1) Antony spent two hours cooking dinner for his family yesterday.
(2) Sue-may usually spends too much money buying shoes. 淑美通常花太多的錢在買鞋。

spend 後面也可以加上 「on + 名詞」來表示「花(時間或錢)在某物上」。


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Unit 5

J 請填入正確的動詞形式。
His parents spent some time singing (sing) old songs in karaoke clubs.
Frank likes to spend time taking (take) trips around the island.
How much time do you spend doing (do) housework after dinner every night?
Do you spend a lot of time looking (look) for information?
Did Joey spend much time writing (write) down all the sentences from lesson one in
his notebook?
I think William spent a lot of money buying (buy) that car.

5-11 動詞 ask / tell 的用法

說明 動詞 ask / tell 後面加「to + 原形動詞」,表示「要求 / 告訴...做...」。
ask(s) / tell(s)
主詞 + + 人(受詞) + to + 原形動詞.... 要求... 做...
asked / told

例 (1) Our teacher asked us to spend more time studying our lessons.
(2) Our teacher tells us to recycle. 我們老師告訴我們要做資源回收。

K 請填入正確的動詞形式。
Don't ask him to do (do) the laundry; he is too busy.
Henry asked me to send (send) a message to his girlfriend for him.
Please tell Mike to get (get) home before 9:00 p.m.
Did Joey ask you to share (share) your photos with him?
Dr. Wu told Julia to take (take) the medicine three times a day.
A foreigner asked me to show (show) him the way to the MRT station yesterday.

5-12 動詞 ask / tell 的否定用法

說明 動詞 ask / tell 後面加「not + to + 原形動詞」,表示「要求 / 告訴...不要做...」。
ask(s) / tell(s)
主詞 + + 人(受詞) + not + to +原形動詞.... 要求...不做...
asked / told
例 (1) I asked Tommy not to spend so much time playing computer games.
(2) Did you ask your daughter not to come home too late?


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▼ Unit 5

L 請根據語意填入正確的動詞形式。
He spent a lot of money buying watches. Ask him not to do (do) that again.
My son gets fat easily. I always ask him not to have (have) too much junk food.
My mom likes to do online shopping. My dad told her not to do (do) that too often.
Derek once told his wife not to eat (eat) in that restaurant because food there is
I grew some roses, so I asked my neighbor not to let (let) his dog run in my garden.
My parents asked me not to chat (chat) online too late with my friends because I have
to get up early every day.

5-13 something 的用法

說明 something 後面加形容詞,表示「...的事;...的物」。
例 (1) After jogging for three hours, I need something cold to drink.
(2) She wanted to give her husband something special.

M 請填入正確的字。
Something small in the kitchen is shinning.
Are you looking for something interesting on the Internet?
Something terrible has happened.
Is driving too fast something bad ?


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Unit 5

( C ) 1. up early is good for our health.
(A) Get (B) Got (C) Getting (D) Gets
(D ) 2. It is easy for Nancy English well because she lived in the States for a long time.
(A) speak (B) spoke (C) speaks (D) to speak
( C ) 3. Frank: can I get to the railway station?
Ella: Come outside and I'll the way you.
(A) How, tell, to (B) How, send, for (C) How, show, to (D) what, ask, to
(A ) 4. Jerry always spends too much money comic books.
(A) buying (B) to buy (C) buy (D) bought
(A ) 5. For Japanese, using fingers to eat sushi polite.
(A) is (B) will (C) get (D) gets
(A ) 6. A: Do you usually go to work your car or your scooter?
B: Neither(都不是). I usually go bus.
(A) in, on, by (B) on, by, in (C) by, in, on (D) in, by, on
(D ) 7. Having strange dreams always me tired(疲倦).
(A) is (B) make (C) made (D) makes

(D ) 8. Running shoes very expensive in Taiwan.
(A) is (B) to be (C) being (D) are
(A ) 9. A: Can I help you?
B: Yes. I need good to eat because I am very hungry.
(A) something (B) nothing (C) thing (D) things
( C ) 10. We want our children housework every day.
(A) does (B) do (C) to do (D) did
( A ) 11. A: What's on your mind? B: I plan a trip to Kenting next weekend.
(A) to take (B) taking (C) took (D) takes
( B ) 12. Peter: Let's play baseball after school today!
Tim: Sorry. I can't. My mom asked me this morning home early.
(A) going (B) to go (C) go (D) went
( B ) 13. To see to believe.
(A) does (B) is (C) did (D) was


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▼ Unit 5

( C ) 14. Paul: You looked worried. What's wrong?

Linda: My sister is very young, and my mom always asks me care of her. But I
still have lots of homework to do every day. What can I do?
(A) not take (B) not to take (C) to take (D) taking
( D ) 15. Peter: Linda, are you surfing the Internet ?
Linda: Well, I'm looking for some information for my science homework.
(A) why, for (B) how, for (C) what, in (D) what, for

Kile: What are you doing, Sandy?
Sandy: I'm 1 the Internet.
Kile: What are you 2 for?
Sandy: Our teacher asked us 3 in something about Christmas next Tuesday.
Kile: Do you need any help?
Sandy: Yes, please. Can you get some paper 4 me? I want 5 the information.

print 列印
(B ) 1. (A) opening (B) surfing (C) reading (D) looking at
( C ) 2. (A) watching (B) seeing (C) looking (D) reading
(A ) 3. (A) to hand (B) handing (C) hand (D) handed
(B ) 4. (A) to (B) for (C) at (D) by
(D ) 5. (A) print (B) printed (C) printing (D) to print

( D ) I 5. (A) print
usually (B) printed
walk home after school (C) printing
every evening. Yesterday evening, I saw(D) to print
a little dog behind a
garbage can on my way home. She 6 thin and dirty, and she 7 bad, too. I wanted to give
some water 8 her. But helping her drink the water 9 not very easy. After she drank some
water, I took her home and asked my mom 10 her for me. I was very happy that night because my
mom let me keep her at our house.

behind 在 ... 後面 garbage can 垃圾桶

(B ) 6. (A) smelled (B) looked (C) tasted (D) felt
(A ) 7. (A) smelled (B) tasted (C) felt (D) is
( C ) 8. (A) on (B) with (C) to (D) of
(D ) 9. (A) did (B) are (C) were (D) was
( B ) 10. (A) wash (B) to wash (C) washing (D) washed


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Unit 6



6-1 時間介系詞 (at, in, on... )
說明 時間介系詞是用來說明時間點的詞。以下是常見的時間介系詞及其用法:

介系詞 說明 列舉

•at eight o’clock 在八點鐘

at •at noon 在正午
•at night 在晚上

•in 2010 在二○一○年

表示在一個較長的時間。 •in fall 在秋天
in 後面可以加上:年份、季節、月份、 •in October 在十月
上午、下午、晚上 •in the afternoon 在下午
•in the evening 在晚上

•on September 12 在九月十二日

表示在某個特定的日子。 •on Monday 在星期一
on 後面可以加上:日期、星期、週末、 •on weekends 在週末
節日當天、某日的上午 / 下午 / 傍晚 •on the Moon Festival 在中秋節
•on Friday morning 在星期五早上

•from 10:00 p.m. 從晚上十點開始

from 表示時間的起點
•from Monday 從星期一開始

•for a month 已經一個月

for 表示持續一段時間
•for a long time 已經好久

•during winter vacation 在寒假期間

during 表示在一段限定時間內
•during New Year 在新年期間

•from 6:00 a.m. to 12:00 a.m. 從早上六點到

from... to... 表示時間的起點以及終點
•from Monday to Friday 從星期一到星期五
•from morning to night 從早到晚

1.「every / this / last / next + 時間」,前面不需要加介系詞。例如:every spring (每個春天)、 this

afternoon (今天下午)、last Saturday (上個星期六)、next semester (下學期)。
例 I visited my grandparents in the United States last year.


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▼ Unit 6

2. yesterday / today / tomorrow 的前面不需要加介系詞。

例 He helped Michael clean the classroom yesterday. 他昨天幫麥可打掃教室。
3. 兩個以上時間副詞的排列:小單位先於大單位。例如:at seven thirty in the morning (在早上七點
半)、on Monday, July 2, 2009 (在二○○九年七月二日星期一)。
例 There will be no water from 8:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m. tomorrow.

A 請填入適當的介系詞。
A: When is Kile's birthday? B: It's on June 5.
He will leave his country x next year.
She usually opens her bookshop at ten o’clock every morning.
Hank works from Friday night to Saturday morning.
He did his math homework for two hours. He should take a rest.
Many visitors come to Taiwan during October.

6-2 序數
說明 序數是用來表示次序 (例如:年級別)、日期和位置 (例如:樓層),前面要加上 the 或所
有格。它可以放在名詞前面當形容詞,例如:the + first + 名詞 (第一個...)。從下列表格
看得出來,除了 first (第一)、second (第二)、third (第三)、fifth (第五)、eighth (第八)、
ninth (第九)、twelfth (第十二)、twentieth (第二十) 和 thirtieth (第三十) 的拼字和縮寫
有變化之外,大部分都是在數字之後加上 th 形成序數。
1-10 基數 序數 序數簡寫 11-30 基數 序數 序數簡寫
1 one first 1 st
11 eleven eleventh 11th
2 two second 2nd 12 twelve twelfth 12th
3 three third 3rd 13 thirteen thirteenth 13th
4 four fourth 4th

5 five fifth 5th

6 six sixth 6th 20 twenty twentieth 20th
7 seven seventh 7th 21 twenty-one twenty-first 21st
8 eight eighth 8th

9 nine ninth 9th

10 ten tenth 10th 30 thirty thirtieth 30th

例 (1) Hebe's bookstore is on the first floor of the building. 希比的書店在這棟建築的一樓。

(2) I had my thirteenth birthday last Saturday. 上週六是我的十三歲生日。


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Unit 6

B 請填入適當序數以及縮寫。
例 30 → thirtieth → 30th
one → first → 1st two → second → 2nd
eight → eighth → 8th twelve → twelfth → 12th
twenty → twentieth → 20th nine → ninth → 9th

6-3 場所介系詞 (at, in, on ...)

說明 場所介系詞是用來說明物品或地點位置的詞。以下是常見的場所介系詞:

介系詞 意涵 列舉
•at school 在學校
•at home 在家裡
at 在…地方
•at the library 在圖書館
•at the doctor’s 在診所
•in the glass 在玻璃杯中
•in a restaurant 在餐廳
in 在…之內
•in the city 在城市中
•in Taiwan 在台灣
•on the desk 在書桌上
on 在…之上 •on the floor 在地板上
•on the road 在路上
•under the table 在桌子下
under 在…之下
•under the truck 在卡車下
•in front of me 在我前面
in front of 在…前面
•in front of the house 在房子前面
•behind the apartment 在公寓後面
behind 在…後面
•behind my back 在我背後
•next to the movie theater 在電影院隔壁
next to 在…隔壁
•next to the museum 在博物館隔壁
•beside the river 在河流旁
beside 在…旁邊
•beside my mother 在我母親身旁
•near the beach 在海邊附近
near 在…附近
•near Canada 在加拿大附近
•along the street 沿著這條街
along 沿著…
•along the country road 沿著鄉間小路
•between Taichung and Tainan 在台中和台南之間
between ... and ... 在…和…之間
•between you and me 在你我之間


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▼ Unit 6

•from the bus stop to my home 從公車站到我家

from ... to ... 從…到…
•from New York to Tokyo 從紐約到東京
•on the corner of Apple Street and Park Road
on the corner of ... and ... 在…和…的轉角
•on the corner of Ninth Street and Second Road

例 (1) Just walk along First Street for about ten minutes, and you will see Sea World.
(2) Have you ever looked up information at the city library?

C 請填入適當的字。
A: Where is Kile's store?
B: It's between the post office and the convenience store.
He plans to travel from his country to the United States next year.
There is a famous bookshop next to the department store.
Jerry, don't put too much ice in your glass.
Julia and Sean are studying science at / in their school library.
Many visitors like to ride their bicycles along / on the road near the beach in Hualien.
Martin's Department Store is on the corner of Orange Street and Apple Road.
My dog, Kate, likes to sleep under the table.

6-4 日期的寫法與讀法
說明 1. 美式日期的寫法是先寫「月份」再寫「日期」。
例 January 1 = January 1st = January (the) first 一月一日。

2. 中文說「月、日、星期」,英文說成「星期、月、日」。
例 Thursday, September 30 九月三十日星期四。

3. 美式日期的讀法:「日期」可用「基數」表示,但必須以「序數」讀之。
例 March 2(nd) 三月二日 → 只能唸成 March second,不能唸成 March 2。

D 請寫出下列日期的寫法與讀法。
例 1月1日 January 1st → January the first
2月3日 February 3(rd) → February (the) third
10 月 12 日 October 12(th) → October (the) twelfth
5 月 5 日星期五 Friday, May 5(th) → Friday, May (the) fifth
8 月 20 日 August 20(th) → August (the) twentieth


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Unit 6

7 月 15 日星期二 Tuesday, July 15(th) → Tuesday, July (the) fifteenth

12 月 22 日星期三 Wednesday, December 22(nd) → Wednesday, December (the) twenty-second

6-5 詢問星期、日期與月份
說明 1. 詢問「星期」
問句 What day is (it) today?
答句 It's + 星期....

例 A: What day is it today? 今天星期幾?

B: It's Monday. 星期一。
2. 詢問「日期」
What's the date (today)?
What date is (it) today?
答句 It's + 月 + 日.

例 A: What's the date today? 今天幾月幾日?

B: It's November 10. 今天是十一月十日。
3. 詢問「月份」
(In) what month + be 動詞 + 主詞?
(In) what month + 助動詞 + 主詞 + 原形動詞?
答句 It's + in + 月份.

例 A: In what month is Teacher's Day? 教師節在哪個月份?

B: It's in September. 在九月。
4. 詢問「年、月、日期、星期、幾點鐘」
When is / was + 特定日子 / 節日?
When + 助動詞 + 主詞 + 原形動詞?

when 是問「何時」,依據問題內容,可能會回答「年、月、日期、星期」,甚至
例 A: When did you buy this apartment? 你何時買這棟公寓?
B: I bought it in 2008. 我在二○○八年買的。

E 請填入適當的字。
A: When did Angel sell the restaurant?
B: She sold the restaurant last year.
A: What day do you have swimming lessons? B: On Tuesday.
A: What's the date today? B: It's December 12.
A: When should we recycle bottles and paper? B: Every Saturday.


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▼ Unit 6

A: In what month does your school start, Hank?

B: It starts in September.
A: When is Yuki's birthday party? B: It's on Saturday night.

6-6 詢問如何到某地及回答
說明 詢問如何到某地,用疑問詞 how 開頭。
問句 How + 助動詞 + 主詞 + get to + 地點?
(You can) + go / walk + straight for + 數詞 + block(s).
(You can) + go / walk + down / along + 街道名.
(You can) + go / walk + across + 街道名.
(You can) + turn + right / left + on + 街道名.
(You can) + turn + right / left + at + 地點.
(You can) + take + 大眾交通工具 + and + get off at + 地點 / 站名.

例 (1) A: How can I get to the city hospital? 我要如何去市立醫院?

B: Go straight for three blocks. 往前直走三個街區。
(2) A: How do we get to the Music Museum? 我們如何能到音樂博物館?
B: Take bus number 310 and get off at the Music Museum stop.
搭 310 公車,然後在音樂博物館站下車。

F 請填入適當的字。
How can I get to the post office?
Walk along First Street and turn right on Park Road.
How can we get to Sea World in Hualien?
How can I get to the train station?
Turn left and walk for four blocks.
Go across Wen Sing Road and walk along Wen Ling Road for about ten


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Unit 6

6-7 be / get lost 的用法
說明 be / get lost 表示「迷路」。
例 (1) I think we are lost. 我想我們迷路了。
(2) New York is a big city. It's easy for us to get lost.

G 請填入適當的字,每格不限填一字。
Before you visit a big city, buy a map first. Then you will not get lost easily.
A: John, where are we? B: I have no idea. Maybe we are / got lost .
Some people got lost when they climbed the high mountains.
The news on TV said that three people were / got lost in the mountains yesterday.

6-8 反身代名詞的用法
說明 反身代名詞是人稱代名詞加上 self (單數) 或 selves (複數) 所形成的。

單數 複數
主格 所有格 受格 反身代名詞 主格 所有格 受格 反身代名詞
第一人稱 I my me myself we our us ourselves
第二人稱 you your you yourself you your you yourselves
she her her herself
第三人稱 he his him himself they their them themselves
it its it itself
1. 反身代名詞表示「...自己」,用於強調主詞或受詞。「by + 反身代名詞」是「獨立、獨自」的意
思,強調「靠自己、沒有別人幫忙」,而 by 也可以省略。
2. 主詞和受詞是同一人時,也要以反身代名詞替代受詞。

例 (1) Jason baked the banana cake himself last Wednesday.

(2) How can we get to the Gold Museum ourselves? 我們如何獨自去黃金博物館?

H 請填入適當的字,每格不限填一字。
We decorated our living room ourselves before Christmas.
Last night I cooked a big dinner for my family all by myself .
Paul moved a heavy box into his car by himself last night.
The Green brothers wrote all the stories themselves .
Don't play with fire, boys. You will hurt yourselves .
Shirly hurt herself when she rode a bicycle along the river.

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▼ Unit 6

(B ) 1. Wendy: can I get to the bus stop?
Dad: Turn right at Second Street and walk for about five minutes.
(A) Where (B) How (C) What (D) When
(A ) 2. A: Excuse me. Where is the police station?
B: It's the Grand Hotel the Ocean Bookstore.
(A) between, and (B) from, to (C) next to, and (D) across, from
( C ) 3. We were barbecuing the park 7:30 last night.
(A) in, in (B) on, at (C) in, at (D) in, on
( C ) 4. The students were watching a basketball game .
(A) for a week ago (B) today before
(C) at 9:00 a.m. this morning (D) on yesterday evening
(D ) 5. Nick: When is Mr. Lee going to Japan? Tom: On .
(A) 2:00 p.m. (B) July (C) the year 2011 (D) July 2nd
(D ) 6. A: How do I get to the City Library?
B: Go straight two blocks and right.
(A) across, along (B) turn, go (C) on, get off (D) for, turn
(B ) 7. Randy: When is your mother's birthday?
May: It's October 4.
(A) at (B) on (C) during (D) in

( C ) 8. A: Oops! Where are we now? B: I don't know. Maybe we .
(A) lost (B) getting lost (C) are lost (D) gets lost
(B ) 9. Tim: Wow! This cake is beautiful and delicious! Anna: I spent all night making it .
(A) ourselves (B) myself (C) itself (D) himself
( A ) 10. Mom: Hank, look at . Why are you so dirty? Go to the bathroom now.
Hank: All right, Mom.
(A) yourself (B) himself (C) yourselves (D) myself


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Unit 6


Peter: Where were you last night? I called you, but you weren't home.
Jack: I was 1 the department store with my family.
Peter: You just went there two days ago. Why do you go there so often?
Jack: My brother, Leon, wants to go to Australia 2 next week. He needs to buy a lot of things.
Peter: When is your brother's flight?
Jack: He'll leave 3 8:45 a.m. on December 12.

Australia 澳洲 flight 班機
( C ) 1. (A) on (B) under (C) at (D) ×
(B ) 2. (A) in (B) × (C) at (D) for
(D ) 3. (A) × (B) on (C) for (D) at

Leon went to Australia 4 December 12, 2009, with his girlfriend, Rae, 5 airplane. He
wants to have a working holiday there 6 a year. Many men under the age of thirty from all
around the world go to Australia for a working holiday, too. After Leon stayed 7 Australia for three
weeks, he found a job in a strawberry farm, and Rae found a job in a supermarket. They went surfing
and camping on weekends. Leon and Rae made many good friends with people from other countries.
They enjoyed their life there.

working holiday 打工渡假 age 年齡 surfing 衝浪 camping 露營

( A ) 4. (A) on (B) under (C) in (D) ×
( B ) 5. (A) at (B) by (C) from (D) for
( C ) 6. (A) in (B) on (C) for (D) at
( D ) 7. (A) on (B) from (C) at (D) in

Sharon: Could you come to my home next Saturday? I have lots of science questions to ask you.
Tina: Sure. I will be free at three o’clock 8 the afternoon. Is that OK?
Sharon: That would be great! Thank you so much!
Tina: But I need to go to the kindergarten at five thirty and take my younger sister home 9
Sharon: No problem. After we finish my science homework, I'll go with you to get your sister.
Tina: Good idea!
Sharon: Where is the kindergarten?
Tina: It's across 10 Cindy’s coffee shop.
Sharon: Well, OK. See you then.

will 將會
( D ) 8. (A) from (B) at (C) on (D) in
( B ) 9. (A) from (B) for (C) at (D) on
( C ) 10. (A) at (B) in (C) from (D) on


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Recycle 2
(B ) 1. Mom: Andy, could you book two rooms the Internet?
Andy: OK. Tell me when and I'll do it right away.
(A) in (B) on (C) at (D) with
(B ) 2. Bob: When is Mr. Wang going to Japan? Tim: On . 【98基測 I】

(A) June (B) June fourth (C) the year 2010 (D) June, 2010
(B ) 3. Sam: Would you please bring a cup of hot coffee me?
Tom: Sure. I'll be there in ten minutes.
(A) at (B) for (C) of (D) with
(D ) 4. Mr. Wang: Why did you come to work late?
Tina: The train I take every day was an hour late, so I went back home and my
scooter here.
(A) took (B) taking (C) riding (D) rode
( C ) 5. Joe: Hank's lovely dog got lost last week.
Jessica: That's why he so sad this week.
(A) looked at (B) watched (C) looked (D) saw
(B ) 6. My father me to create a blog for him yesterday.
(A) had (B) asked (C) let (D) made
(A ) 7. Dick: Something in the kitchen smells !
Amy: Let's find it out and take it away.
(A) terrible (B) sweet (C) good (D) delicious
(B ) 8. It looks like . Let's run!
(A) raining (B) rain (C) rainy (D) to rain
(B ) 9. Ryan: What's in your hand, Mary? Mary: They're photos from my last trip to Canada.
Ryan: Please show them me.
(A) of (B) to (C) in (D) on
( C ) 10. Peter me to fix his computer, but I told him to wait for a moment.
(A) let (B) made (C) wanted (D) had
( A ) 11. Learning foreign languages me to understand more about other countries. 【96基測 I】

(A) helps (B) helping (C) help (D) to help

( D ) 12. Linda: What were you doing last night when there was a fire near your house?
Matt: I a story to my children.
(A) tell (B) told (C) telling (D) was telling


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Recycle 2

( B ) 13. If you want to be strong, every day can help you. 【90基測 I】

(A) criticizing (批評) people (B) going swimming

(C) preparing tests (D) playing video games
( B ) 14. Betty TV when her little brother fell off the chair. 【97基測 II】

(A) watched (B) was watching (C) has watched (D) is going to watch
( B ) 15. Asking questions Henna learn more. 【94基測 II】

(A) help (B) helps (C) helping (D) to help

( D ) 16. Dad always tells me not only for tests. If that's all I'm doing, he says, I will soon
lose interest in learning. 【98基測 I】

(A) study (B) studying (C) studied (D) to study

( A ) 17. Playing in the water lots of fun on a hot summer day. 【98基測 I】

(A) is (B) are (C) has (D) have

( C ) 18. Betty fake watches when the police came. 【90基測 II】

(A) sells (B) is selling (C) was selling (D) has sold
( B ) 19. Robert: Where are the boys playing? Barbie: . 【90基測 II】

(A) After school. (B) Under the tree. (C) On Sunday. (D) To the park.
( C ) 20. When my father came back home, my sister and I a fun movie on TV.
(A) was watching (B) watch (C) were watching (D) watches
( B ) 21. It always rains rainy seasons Taiwan.
(A) on, in (B) during, in (C) for, of (D) from, at
( D ) 22. Susan's birthday party will be six thirty on Saturday, May 5.
(A) by (B) on (C) in (D) at
( B ) 23. It was important for Kevin his homework quickly because he had to help his
parents sell fruit in the night market. 【96基測 II】

(A) finish (B) to finish (C) finishes (D) finished

( B ) 24. Lisa to Taiwan twelve years ago. Before that, we saw each other a lot.
(A) moves (B) moved (C) was moving (D) can move
( D ) 25. This is John’s cellphone. He has lost(已弄丟)two.
(A) four (B) fourth (C) three (D) third
( B ) 26. John and Susan gave a nice jacket as a Christmas present. 【91基測 II】

(A) I (B) me (C) mine (D) myself

( D ) 27. Sarah: does your little sister get up? Willy: About six. 【94基測 II】

(A) How often (B) How old (C) What day (D) What time
( C ) 28. I live my office, so I walk to work every morning. 【91基測 I】

(A) along (B) between (C) near (D) out of

( D ) 29. the lesson before class gives me a better idea of what the teacher is going to teach.
(A) Preview (預習) (B) Previews (C) Previewed (D) Previewing 【93基測 I】


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▼ Recycle 2

( D ) 30. Alice: This cake is so delicious! Where did you buy it?
Oscar: I didn't buy it. I made it ! 【95基測 II】

(A) for me (B) to me (C) mine (D) myself

( A ) 31. Watching American movies one of the activities we enjoy most in our English
class. 【92基測 II】

(A) is (B) are (C) to be (D) be

( A ) 32. A: How will you go to the meeting? B: I'll the MRT.
(A) take (B) taking (C) by (D) drive
( D ) 33. Selling fake purses on the street illegal (違法的).
(A) are (B) to be (C) being (D) is
( C ) 34. Mom: Will you go to Cindy's party tonight?
Peter: Yes, I will. I finished my homework.
(A) do (B) to do (C) doing (D) did
( D ) 35. March is the third month of the year. It comes February and April. 【90基測 II】

(A) about (B) before (C) during (D) between

( A ) 36. of the students in my school do not have the experience of going to a foreign
(A) Most (B) Any (C) One (D) Both
( D ) 37. Lucy and her boyfriend, Daniel, came to Taiwan July 10, 1999. 【90基測 II】

(A) at (B) in (C) with (D) on

( B ) 38. You spend too much time novels. Study harder.
(A) to read (B) reading (C) to watch (D) watching


Shu-fen is in her third year of junior high school. She has many tests every day, but she does not
even want to look at her books. Shu-fen was not like this before. In fact, she 39 studying during
her first two years of high school and always got high grades on tests. She was happy then.
But these days Shu-fen always feels tired and bored. There 40 so many tests that Shu-fen
cannot relax and do the things she likes. But what can she do? She can only tell herself that things
41 better after she starts senior high school.

bored 無聊 relax 放鬆
( B ) 39. (A) enjoys (B) enjoyed (C) has enjoyed (D) will enjoy
( A ) 40. (A) are (B) were (C) would be (D) are going to be
( D ) 41. (A) get (B) got (C) have got (D) will get


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Recycle 2

Karen: Good morning, Sheryl. You look different today.

Sheryl: Really? Do I look thinner? I just 42 doing some work on my apartment.
Karen: I see. What did you do?
Sheryl: I 43 the apartment myself and got a new couch and coffee table for the living room.
Karen: It sounds like a big job. What colors did you paint your apartment?
Sheryl: Several different ones. Let me see... White, yellow, green, blue, and pink.
Karen: So that's why you 44 all those colors in your hair?
Sheryl: Oh no!

( C ) 42. (A) finish (B) to finish (C) finished (D) was finishing
( B ) 43. (A) paint (B) painted (C) was painting (D) am painting
( A ) 44. (A) have (B) to have (C) had (D) were having

Kevin is in the first year of junior high school in Pan-chiao. He is very good at painting. Though he
always gets good grades at school, he does not want to 45 too much time studying. He would like
to become a great painter like Vincent Van Gogh. His parents let him learn 46 with a famous
painter in Taipei on the weekends. He hopes he can get into an art class when he passes the high-
school exam.

Pan-chiao 板橋 Vincent Van Gogh 梵谷 future 未來 passes 通過

( B ) 45. (A) spends (B) spend (C) spending (D) to spend
( A ) 46. (A) to paint (B) paint (C) painted (D) paints

47. A: 我要怎麼到傑森書局?
B: 它在你左手邊,歡樂咖啡館的旁邊。
A: How can I get to Jason’s Bookstore?
B: It's on your left next to Joy Coffee Shop.
48. 我無法得到充分睡眠,因為和同學在線上聊天花了我很多時間。
I can't get enough sleep because chatting online with my friends
takes me so much time.
49. 亨利的母親要他幫她製作部落格。
Henry's mother asked him to create a blog for her.
50. 這週末我們要搭火車和公車去阿里山玩。
We are going to take a trip to Alishan by taking a train and a bus
this weekend .


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7-1 助動詞 will
說明 助動詞 will 是用來表示未來式,意思是「將會、將要」,表達「未來某一時間發生的事
實、活動或計畫」,不論主詞是何人稱、不論主詞是單數或複數,一律用 will,後面所
接的動詞也一律是原形動詞。而 will 可與否定詞 not 縮寫成 won’t 。此外,will 可以和
主詞縮寫「主詞 + ’ll」來表示。
例 (1) I will fly to Hong Kong tomorrow afternoon. 我明天下午將搭飛機前往香港。
(2) They’ll go to the aquarium next Saturday. 他們下星期六將去水族館。

A 請寫出下列縮寫。
例 I will → I’ll
he will → he’ll they will → they’ll
it will → it’ll Mike will → Mike’ll
she will → she’ll he will → he’ll

7-2 未來式的時間副詞
說明 常和未來式連用的時間副詞有:
•tonight 今天晚上 •today 今天
•tomorrow 明天 •the day after tomorrow 後天
•tomorrow morning 明天早上 •tomorrow afternoon 明天下午
tomorrow + 時間
•tomorrow evening 明天傍晚
•next year 明年 •next week 下星期
next + 時間
•next month 下個月
•this morning 今天早上 •this Friday 這個星期五
this + 時間
•this weekend 這個周末 •this evening 今天傍晚
in + 時間 •in two days 兩天後 •in ten minutes 十分鐘後
in + 未來時間 •in the future 未來 •in 2022 在二○二二年
after+ 時間 •after four days 四天後 •after one month 一個月後
時間 + later •one month later 一個月後 •three weeks later 三星期後


文法通3-書冊.indb 64 2011/4/6 下午 06:30:06

Unit 7

例 (1) They are going to go shopping next weekend. 他們下週末要去購物。

(2) The train is going to Tainan at seven thirty tomorrow morning. 這班火車明天早上七點半要去台南。

B 請寫出正確答案。
例 今晚 tonight
今天傍晚 this evening 下星期二 next Tuesday
兩個星期後 in / after two weeks / two weeks later 未來 in the future
下個耶誕節 next Christmas 在二○三二年 in (the year) 2032

7-3 未來式的肯定句:will, be going to

說明 未來式除了用 will 之外,也可以用「be 動詞 + going to」來表示,其句型如下:
主詞 + + 原形動詞....
be 動詞 + going to

例 (1) Lisa will be a great singer one day. 麗莎有一天會成為一個很棒的歌手。

(2) We are going to have dinner at a fast-food restaurant tomorrow night.

C 請用未來式造句。
We will / are going to have (have) a great time at the beach.
I will / am going to write (write) a story on my blog tonight.
Peter and his girlfriend will go / are going (to go) (go) camping in the mountains next Friday.
Tammy will / is going to see (see) a doctor tonight because her right hand hurts.
It will / is going to be (be) a sunny day tomorrow.
His brother will / is going to mop (mop) the floor and take out the garbage this evening.

7-4 現在式與未來式的比較
說明 現在簡單式所要表達的狀態是一種「現在的」事實、狀態、習慣與至今不變的真理。未
例 (1) 現在式:I study math every day. 我每天讀數學。(表示平常的習慣)
未來式:I will study math tomorrow. 我明天會讀數學。(表示未來的計畫)
(2) 現在式:They are rich now. 他們現在很有錢。(表示現在的事實)
未來式:They will be rich in the future. 他們將來會很有錢。(表示將來會發生的事情)


文法通3-書冊.indb 65 2011/4/6 下午 06:30:07

▼ Unit 7

D 請將現在式改為未來式。
例 She is six years old. (next year)

→ She will be seven years old next year .

Janet is a teacher. (in the future)
→ Janet will / is going to be a teacher in the future .
The boy runs in the park every day. (tomorrow morning)
→ The boy will / is going to run in the park tomorrow morning .
We clean our classroom every afternoon. (tomorrow)
→ We will / are going to clean our classroom tomorrow .
Thomas goes camping every weekend. (next weekend)
→ Thomas will go / is going (to go) camping next weekend .

7-5 未來式的否定句
will not
主詞 + + 原形動詞....
am / is / are + not going to
isn’t / aren’t + going to

例 (1) I will not go to the bank this morning. 我今天早上將不會去銀行。

(2) We are not going to take the bus to the movie theater. 我們將不會搭公車去戲院。

E 請將下列句子改為否定句。
例 He is going to study math.
→ He is not going to study math .
They will take a lot of photos of their baby.
→ They won’t take a lot of photos of their baby .
I’m going to get a new T-shirt on my birthday.
→ I’m not going to get a new T-shirt on my birthday .
It will be cold in Taipei next week.
→ It will not be cold in Taipei next week .
Jessie is going to buy some new clothes.
→ Jessie is not going to buy some new clothes .
We will visit our uncle tomorrow.
→ We won’t visit our uncle tomorrow .


文法通3-書冊.indb 66 2011/4/6 下午 06:30:07

Unit 7

7-6 未來式 yes / no 問句與回答

Will + 原形動詞?
yes / no 問句 主詞
Am / Is / Are + going to + 原形動詞?
Yes, 主詞 + will.
Yes, 主詞 + am / is / are.

No, 主詞 + will not.

No, 主詞 + am / is / are + not.
No, 主詞 + won’t.
No, 主詞 + isn’t / aren’t. 【am 不能與 not 縮寫】

例 (1) A: Are you going to have dance class tomorrow morning?

B: Yes, I am. I am going to have dance class tomorrow morning.
(2) A: Will there be a nice singing program on TV tonight?
B: No. There won't be a nice singing program on TV tonight.

F 請填入適當字詞。
A: Will Bill drive to Kaohsiung by himself the day after tomorrow? B: No, he won't .
A: Are those girls going to be at home this afternoon? B: Yes, they are .
A: Will you marry Jacky this year, Emma? B: Um... I don't know.
A: Are you going to change your ticket to the baseball game? B: No, I am not.
A: Will the door be open next Sunday? B: Yes, it will .
A: Is it going to be rainy and windy next week? B: Yes, I am afraid so.

7-7 未來式的 Wh- 問句和回答

will + 原形動詞?
Wh- 問句 Wh- 疑問詞 + 主詞
am / is / are + going to + 原形動詞?
主詞 + will + 原形動詞....
主詞 + am / is / are + going to + 原形動詞....

例 (1) A: When will your new semester start? 你的新學期何時開始?

B: It will start in September. 將在九月開始。
(2) A: Who is going to join our baseball game later? 之後誰將加入我們的棒球賽?
B: Eddy and Derek are. 是愛迪和德瑞克。


文法通3-書冊.indb 67 2011/4/6 下午 06:30:08

▼ Unit 7

G 請填入適當的字詞。
A: Who will take care of the baby seahorse?
B: The father seahorse will .
A: What are the baby seahorses going to eat when they grow up?
B: They are going to eat tiny shrimp and other baby fish.
A: When are you going to visit the aquarium in Keelong?
B: On November 2.
A: How long will it take to wash and dry all the clothes?
B: It will take about forty-five minutes at least.
A: What time is the train going to get to the station?
B: In four minutes.
A: What will you buy for the festival tomorrow?
B: Some food, drinks, and fruit.

7-8 頻率副詞
說明 1. 頻率副詞 always (總是)、usually (通常)、often (常常)、sometimes (有時) 表達正面語
意;而 seldom (很少)、never (從不) 表達負面語意 ; ever (曾經) 用於疑問句和否定
2. 依其頻率高低排列: always (100%) > usually > often > sometimes > seldom > never
3. 頻率副詞用來修飾形容詞或副詞,說明動作或狀況發生的頻率。
4. 頻率副詞的位置:
A: 在 be 動詞之後
例 Hebe is always friendly to her friends. 希比對她的朋友總是很和善。
B: 在一般動詞之前
例 He sometimes takes a walk after dinner. 他有時晚餐後散步。
C. 在助動詞和原形動詞之間
例 Mrs. Chen doesn't usually go to the country. 陳太太並不常去鄉下。
D. 在簡答句中,頻率副詞放在 be 動詞或助動詞之前
例 A: Is Selina always late for work? 莎蓮娜上班總是遲到嗎?
B: No, she never is. 不,她從未遲到。


文法通3-書冊.indb 68 2011/4/6 下午 06:30:08

Unit 7

H 翻譯填充。
My father often goes jogging near our neighborhood at night.
你曾經自己去看電影嗎? Do you ever go to the movies by yourself ?
Derek sometimes goes swimming on Saturday morning .
Mom usually tells me a story before I go to bed.
Mike is seldom late for school.
A: 她從不清理冰箱嗎? B: 不, 她常常清理冰箱。
A: Does she never clean the refrigerator?
B: Yes, she usually does .

7-9 詢問頻率的疑問副詞 How often... ?

說明 How often 是詢問「頻率」的疑問副詞。

問句 How often + 助動詞 + 主詞 + 原形動詞?

主詞 + always / usually / often / sometimes + 動詞....
主詞 + seldom / never + 動詞...
主詞 + 動詞 + every + 時間.
主詞 + 動詞 + 次數 (once / twice / three times...) + 時間....

例 (1) A: How often do you do your laundry? 你多久洗一次衣服?

B: Once a day. 一天一次。
(2) A: How often does Kathy drive to see her parents? 凱西多久開車去看她雙親一次?
B: Twice a month. 一個月兩次。

I 翻譯填充。
A: 你多久騎一次腳踏車? B: 每天。
A: How often do you ride a bike? B: Every day .
A: 王醫師,我多久需要吃一次藥? B: 飯後一天三次。
A: How often do I need to take the medicine, Dr. Wang?
B: Three times a day after each meal.
A: 比爾多久去海邊衝浪一次? B: 每個星期六。
A: How often does Bill go surfing in the ocean?
B: Every Saturday .


文法通3-書冊.indb 69 2011/4/6 下午 06:30:08

▼ Unit 7

A: 阿福和阿明多久玩一次電腦遊戲? B: 一星期兩次,一次一小時。
A: How often do A-fu and A-ming play computer games?
B: Twice a week, and for an hour each time .

7-10 「連綴動詞 + 形容詞」與「連綴動詞 + (like) + 名詞」

說明 連綴動詞的後面除了接形容詞之外,有些連綴動詞還可以接「like + N / V-ing」,甚至
1. 連綴動詞 + Adj
be 是 become 變得 get 變得 grow 變得
turn 變成 seem 似乎 look 看起來 sound 聽起來
taste 嚐起來 smell 聞起來 feel 感覺起來
例 Sue’s voice became strange after talking on the phone for one hour.

2. 連綴動詞 + like + 名詞 / V-ing

be like 是像 seem like 似乎像 look like 看起來像
sound like 聽起來像 taste like 嚐起來像 smell like 聞起來像
feel like 感覺起來像
例 A: Why not have dinner at that new restaurant? It's having a sale right now.
B: Sounds like a great idea! Let's go. 聽起來是個很好的主意喔!走吧。

3. 連綴動詞 + 名詞

be 是 become 變成

例 He became a teacher. 他變成一位老師。

J 翻譯填充。
這蘋果嚐起來像是梨子。 This apple tastes like a pear.
喬琳看起來很漂亮又健康。Jolin looks beautiful / pretty and healthy .
它聞起來像是巧克力的味道。 It smells like chocolate.
He seemed very hungry because he ate all the cake on the table.
All new words in lesson one look very hard / difficult .
凱倫的聲音聽起來像是我阿姨。 Karen sounds like my aunt.


文法通3-書冊.indb 70 2011/4/6 下午 06:30:09

Unit 7

7-11 連綴動詞的疑問句與答句
問句 How + 助動詞 + 主詞 + 連綴動詞?
答句 主詞 + 連綴動詞 + 形容詞.
例 (1) A: How does Eliza look? 依麗莎看起來如何?
B: She looks very sad. 她看起來很悲傷。
(2) A: How did Bill feel yesterday? 比爾昨天感覺如何?
B: He felt terrible yesterday. 他昨天感覺糟透了。

問句 What / Who + 助動詞 + 主詞 + 連綴動詞 + like?

答句 主詞 + 連綴動詞 + like + 名詞.
例 (1) A: What did the drink taste like? 這飲料嚐起來像什麼?
B: It tasted like coke. 它嚐起來像是可樂。
(2) A: Who does your brother look like? 你哥哥長得像誰?
B: He looks like my father. 他長得像我父親。

K 請填入適當字詞。
A: How did Jane feel? A: How did Derek grow?
B: Wonderful! B: He grew tall and heavy.
A: What does it taste like? A: What does it sound like?
B: It tastes like ice cream. B: It sounds like classical music.

7-12 another 的用法
說明 1. another 可當形容詞, 表示「另一個的...」。
2. another 也可當代名詞, 表示「另一個...」。
例 (1) I can show you another picture next time. 我下次拿另一張相片給你看。
(2) I don't like this digital camera. Can I try another?

L 請填入適當字詞。
I am very hungry. Can I have another bowl of rice?
I'm so thirsty. Can I have another glass of water?
England is one of my favorite countries; France is another .
To say is one thing; to do is another .
Mary bought this hat yesterday, but she wanted to buy another .


文法通3-書冊.indb 71 2011/4/6 下午 06:30:09

▼ Unit 7

7-13 cost, spend, take 的用法

說明 1. cost 表示「花金錢」。主詞通常為 it 或物品。
It + +人 (受詞) + 金錢 + 不定詞 (to + V).... 花錢去做...
例 It costs me twenty dollars to buy an MRT ticket to Taipei.
2. spend 後面加 V-ing,表示「花時間」或「花金錢」。主詞通常為「人」。
spend(s) 金錢 / 時間 + V-ing....
主詞 + 花金錢 / 時間去做...
spent 金錢 / 時間 + on + 名詞....
例 (1) He spends his free time taking pictures. 他空閒時間都花在拍照上。
(2) She spent most of her money on her house. 她大部分的錢都花在房子上。
3. take 後面加不定詞,表示「花時間」。主詞通常為「人」。
It + + 人 (受詞) + 不定詞 (to + V).... 花時間去做...
例 It took her two hours to finish the history report. 她花了兩小時完成歷史報告。

M 請填入適當字詞。
A: How much did you spend this summer vacation?
B: About ten thousand dollars.
It took me four hours to clean my apartment.
Did you spend a lot of money on your birthday party?
It cost me twelve hundred NT dollars to buy a pair of sneakers.
How much does this picture cost ?
It takes us ten minutes to get to Taipei Railway Station by MRT.


文法通3-書冊.indb 72 2011/4/6 下午 06:30:09

Unit 7

( C ) 1. A: are you going to do tomorrow?
B: I'm going to take the MRT to the zoo.
(A) Where (B) Who (C) What (D) How
(D ) 2. Ted: you be at the meeting this afternoon?
Susan: Sure. Don't worry!
(A) Should (B) Are (C) Do (D) Will
(B ) 3. Wendy: will teach those students next hour? Fred: I will.
(A) Where (B) Who (C) What (D) How
(B ) 4. he learn about sea animals in the aquarium tomorrow?
(A) Is (B) Will (C) Does (D) Did
(A ) 5. Your camera is so good. It looks .
(A) expensive (B) cheap (C) terrible (D) spooky
(D ) 6. Gina: are the visitors going to stay tonight?
Carol: At the hotel near Taipei.
(A) What time (B) When (C) What (D) Where
( C ) 7. Mom: What's wrong, Tim?
Tim: My math grades are very bad. I stupid.
(A) look at (B) seems (C) feel (D) taste
(B ) 8. Sam: Do you exercise in your free time? Dick: Yes, .
(A) I usually (B) I usually do (C) usually do (D) usually do I
(A ) 9. What does the man look ?
(A) like (B) × (C) to be (D) one
( B ) 10. Jack: do you play badminton with your wife? James: Once a week.
(A) How long (B) How often (C) How soon (D) How fast

( D ) 11. Nana: Jenny, your new watch looks pretty. How much did it ?
Jenny: Only fifteen hundred NT dollars.
(A) spend (B) is (C) take (D) cost
( B ) 12. A: Why you eat at home tonight?
B: Because I want to eat out with my family tonight.
(A) will (B) won't (C) are (D) aren't


文法通3-書冊.indb 73 2011/4/6 下午 06:30:10

▼ Unit 7

( D ) 13. Saleswoman: May I help you?

Mr. Brown: Yes. I don't like the color of this hat. Can I try on ?
(A) one (B) the other (C) other (D) another
( C ) 14. Ann: How long did it you to clean your room yesterday?
Fred: About one and half hours.
(A) spend (B) cost (C) take (D) need
( A ) 15. Angelina spent too much money clothes.
(A) on (B) in (C) buy (D) to buy


Gina and Kelly are new students in a senior high school.

Gina: 1 be a welcome party for the new students next Friday. Will you 2 there?
Kelly: Of course. I think it 3 be a lot of fun.
Gina: By the way, 4 are you going to wear?
Kelly: I have no idea. Last weekend, I went shopping with my sister, and I bought a white dress. It
5 me three thousand NT dollars. My mom said that I 6 a princess when I wear it.
Gina: Wow! You should wear it to the party. My mom 7 take me to the department store
tonight. I hope I can find something special.
Kelly: It 8 a lot of time to go shopping.
Gina: That's true. Do you always feel tired after shopping?
Kelly: Yes, I 9 . And you?
Gina: I like to go shopping all the time. I 10 feel tired after shopping.

(B ) 1. (A) There will have (B) There will (C) It will have (D) It will
(A ) 2. (A) be (B) over (C) at (D) stay
(D ) 3. (A) will to (B) will be (C) be going to (D) is going to
(B ) 4. (A) where (B) what (C) how (D) what shoes
(D ) 5. (A) took (B) spent (C) needed (D) cost
( C ) 6. (A) feel like (B) smell like (C) look like (D) sound like
( C ) 7. (A) are going to (B) will going to (C) is going to (D) will be
(D ) 8. (A) spends (B) costs (C) needs (D) takes
(A ) 9. (A) sometimes do (B) am sometimes (C) do sometimes (D) sometimes am
( B ) 10. (A) always (B) never (C) ever (D) usually


文法通3-書冊.indb 74 2011/4/6 下午 06:30:10


8-1 存在句型的未來式 (there will be / there is going to be + 名詞)
說明 用於表達未來某一時間「將會有...;將要有...」的事實、活動或計畫。一律用「there
will be / there is going to be + 名詞」表示。
There + be + 名詞....
is going to

例 (1) There will be a typhoon this Thursday.

= There is going to be a typhoon this Thursday. 這個星期四將有颱風來襲。
(2) There will be a parent-child activity in the aquarium next Saturday morning.
= There is going to be a parent-child activity in the aquarium next Saturday morning.

A 請寫出適當字詞,每格不限填一字。
We are very happy because there will be a great concert in Taichung tonight.
We will have an exam next week. So, there are not going to be
any basketball games at school this week.
Will there be any tests tomorrow?
Is there going to be a sale in the department store this month?
We should get up early tomorrow; there is going to be an important baseball game on
TV tomorrow morning.
My dad told me that if I spend too much money on shoes, there will be no
pocket money for me next week.

8-2 「來去動詞」的用法 (come, go, leave, start, begin, arrive...)

說明 來去動詞 (come, go, leave, start, begin, arrive...) 可以用「現在進行式」代替「未來
例 (1) Bob is coming back to Taiwan next Monday.
= Bob will come back to Taiwan next Monday. 鮑伯下週一將回來台灣。
(2) When are you leaving Tokyo?
= When will you leave Tokyo? 你何時要離開東京?


文法通3-書冊.indb 75 2011/4/6 下午 06:30:12

▼ Unit 8

B 請寫出正確答案,每格不限填一字。
Her uncle will arrive in Taitung the day after tomorrow.
= Her uncle is arriving in Taitung the day after tomorrow.
My father is coming back home next month.
= My father will come back home next month.
Where are you going tomorrow night?
= Where will you go tomorrow night?
Will you come to my place tomorrow?
= Are you coming to my place tomorrow?
The train is leaving in twenty minutes.
= The train will leave in twenty minutes.
Is Robert starting to learn French this year?
= Will Robert start to learn French this year?

8-3 動名詞 (V-ing) 當作介系詞的受詞

說明 動名詞 (V-ing) 也可以當作介系詞的受詞。
例 (1) David is not very good at dancing or singing. 大衛不擅長跳舞和唱歌。
(2) My classmates are talking about taking photos. 我的同學們正在討論照相的事。

C 請依提示填入適當答案。
Joanna is very good at making (make) hamburgers.
Is he afraid of talking (talk) to foreigners?
I am tired of doing (do) the same thing every day.
When did you begin to be afraid of staying (stay) home by yourself?
Gloria enjoys taking (take) care of stray dogs and cats.
Teenagers should think about learning (learn) a second foreign language well.

8-4 would like 的用法

說明 would like 意思為「想要」,語意和 want 差不多,但是 would like 是比較有禮貌的說
法,無論人稱為何,would like 不做任何改變。
to + 原形動詞.
主詞 + would like 想要...
例 (1) Lisa would like to try on this pink T-shirt. 麗莎想要試穿這件粉紅色的T恤。
(2) Would you like to have a steak and the vegetable salad? 你想要吃牛排和蔬菜沙拉嗎?


文法通3-書冊.indb 76 2011/4/6 下午 06:30:13

Unit 8

D 翻譯填充。
We would like to surf at the beach tomorrow.
What would you like to order ?
Michelle would like a cup of fruit tea.
Would Tammy like to go roller-skating with us this afternoon?
What would you like to say to your teacher?
Who would like a cup of hot milk before going to bed?

8-5 would 與人稱代名詞的縮寫

I would = I'd she would = she'd he would = he'd it would = it'd
you would = you'd we would = we'd they would = they'd

例 (1) I'd like to go to the bank this morning. 我今天早上想要去銀行。

(2) He'd like the spaghetti, some French fries, and the tomato soup.

E 請寫下列字詞的縮寫。
we would = we'd she would = she'd
I would = I'd they would = they'd
you would = you'd he would = he'd


文法通3-書冊.indb 77 2011/4/6 下午 06:30:13

▼ Unit 8

8-6 different kinds of, prepare... for, be tired of
片語 中譯
1. different kinds of + 可數或不可數名詞 不同種類的...
2. prepare + 物 + for + 人(受詞) 為...準備...
3. be tired of + 人 / 物 / V-ing 對...感到厭倦 / 厭煩
例 (1) Do you have different kinds of food each morning?
(2) Alisa is preparing things for her dance class tomorrow morning.
(3) We are tired of watching the same singing program on TV over and over.

F 翻譯填充。
Bill likes to take different kinds of transportation to Kaohsiung.
I am tired of eating / having meat every day.
Would you like to prepare breakfast for
me tomorrow morning?
Does Tommy like to try different kinds of teas?
They are preparing things for camping next
Jason is tired of wearing the same uniform
to work every day.


文法通3-書冊.indb 78 2011/4/6 下午 06:30:13

Unit 8

8-7 be good / bad at

片語 中譯
1. be good at + 名詞 / 動名詞 擅長於...
2. be bad at + 名詞 / 動名詞 在...不好
例 (1) Kobe is good at playing basketball. 柯比很擅長打籃球。
(2) Eric is bad at math. 艾瑞克的數學不好。

G 請填入適當字詞。
Who is good at taking care of baby seahorses?
Are you bad at French?
Jacky is always bad at playing volleyball.
I am bad at science, so my science grades are not good.
My father is good at cooking . He can make lots of delicious food.
Masa's house is very beautiful because he is good at decorating.


文法通3-書冊.indb 79 2011/4/6 下午 06:30:13

▼ Unit 8

(B ) 1. Anna: Why is Gini crying? Sasa: Because she is afraid strangers.
(A) by (B) of (C) to (D) at
( C ) 2. there going to be a magic show in the park this weekend?
(A) Be (B) Will (C) Is (D) Are
(A ) 3. Teddy: What else do you need? Bryn: French fries and a coke.
(A) I'd like (B) I'd like to (C) I wanted (D) I needed
(A ) 4. Having a big dinner a lot of money.
(A) costs (B) spends (C) takes (D) need
(D ) 5. Helen: Fred's English has become really good.
May: How? He was always afraid of English.
Helen: He has a new girlfriend now. She is an American.
(A) speak (B) speaks (C) spoke (D) speaking
( C ) 6. Sam: Is your cousin good math?
Adam: Yes. He always gets good grades math tests.
(A) at, at (B) in, on (C) at, in (D) in, at
( C ) 7. movies with you is great.
(A) Watch (B) Watched (C) Watching (D) Watches
(A ) 8. How about to my house next time? My mom's good at hamburgers.
(A) coming, making (B) to come, to make (C) comes, makes (D) come, make
(B ) 9. Andy: Why are you hurrying?
Bob: an important football game on TV in twenty minutes.
(A) There is going to have (B) There is going to be
(C) There will have (D) There would have
( D ) 10. A: After running for an hour, I'm very thirsty.
B: some cold lemon tea?
(A) Would you like to (B) Would you like having
(C) Would you make (D) Would you like

( D ) 11. Cliff: Mom, can we have noodles tonight?
Mom: Why? You usually like to eat steak.
Cliff: Sorry, Mom, but eating the same food every night.
(A) I'd like (B) I prepare for (C) I'm good at (D) I'm tired of


文法通3-書冊.indb 80 2011/4/6 下午 06:30:14

Unit 8

( C ) 12. Henry: My parents are on vacation in Changhua now.

Victoria: Come to my house. My mom cooks food for us every day!
Henry: Sounds great!
(A) no (B) many (C) different kinds of (D) all
( A ) 13. pictures of animals will be great fun.
(A) Taking (B) Took (C) Takes (D) Take
( B ) 14. Dad: John, you should go to bed. It's late.
John: I want to study math with Bill. He is math.
(A) poot at (B) good at (C) bad at (D) well at
( C ) 15. A-hua: Where you celebrate the New Year?
A-li: Taipei City Hall Square.
(A) would, like (B) do, like (C) are, going to (D) do, want


Ming-hua: Do you have any plans 1 New Year's Eve this year?
A-liang: I'm 2 to the countdown party 3 Taipei City Hall Square with my friends. What
about you?
Ming-hua: I 4 celebrate New Year's Eve in a pub with my American friends.
A-liang: My friends told me that a lot of famous singers will sing and bands will 5 at the
countdown party.
Ming-hua: Really? 6 my favorite singer, A-mei, sing there?
A-liang: Yes! It will be great 7 her sing. Would you like 8 us? You can invite your American
friends 9 the party, too.
Ming-hua: Well, I'll discuss it with my friends tomorrow morning.
A-liang: Wow! It would be great if we do the countdown together.
Ming-hua: How will you get there?
A-liang: We want to go there and 10 the MRT because it's so convenient.
Ming-hua: When and where will we meet?
A-liang: At five thirty, at the exit two of Taipei City Hall Station.
Ming-hua: OK. I'll call you tomorrow night. Bye!
A-liang: See you!

countdown 倒數 pub 新潮流夜店 exit 出口

( C ) 1. (A) at (B) in (C) for (D) from

( B ) 2. (A) join (B) going (C) went (D) leaving
( A ) 3. (A) in front of (B) between (C) next (D) from
( D ) 4. (A) try (B) am (C) can (D) will
( B ) 5. (A) see (B) play (C) send (D) singing
( C ) 6. (A) Is (B) Can (C) Will (D) Do
( D ) 7. (A) listen to (B) listens to (C) listened to (D) to listen to
( B ) 8. (A) join (B) to join (C) joining (D) joined
( A ) 9. (A) to (B) at (C) in (D) on
( C ) 10. (A) by (B) drive (C) take (D) walk

文法通3-書冊.indb 81 2011/4/6 下午 06:30:15


9-1 「月份」的用法
說明 1. 英文的月份名稱是專有名詞,所以字首均要大寫, 前面介系詞用 in。
月份 縮寫 中文 月份 縮寫 中文
January Jan. 一月 February Feb. 二月
March Mar. 三月 April Apr. 四月
May May 五月 June June 六月
July Jul. 七月 August Aug. 八月
September Sep. 九月 October Oct. 十月
November Nov. 十一月 December Dec. 十二月

2. 若「月份 + 日期」,表示「在幾月幾日」時,前面介系詞用 on。

例 (1) There are many typhoons in Taiwan in July, August, and September.
(2) Peter and Sandy will get married on February 22, 2012.

A 翻譯填充。
The big concert in Taichung will be on December / Dec. 24, 2010.
We will have three exams in March , May , and June next semester.
That important meeting is on August / Aug. 3.
我非常喜歡九月和十月。 I like September and October very much.
There is going to be an important baseball game in November .
My dad told me that we will take a trip next January .


文法通3-書冊.indb 82 2011/4/6 下午 06:30:17

Unit 9

9-2 「go + V-ing」的用法

說明 「go + V-ing」表示「從事某種戶外活動」。

go hiking 去健行 go boating 去划船

go camping 去露營 go jogging 去慢跑
go roller-skating 去溜冰 go rollerblading 去溜直排輪
go shopping 去逛街 go fishing 去釣魚
go dancing 去跳舞 go running 去跑步
go hunting 去打獵 go swimming 去游泳
go biking 去騎單車 go picnicking 去野餐

例 (1) Ivy likes to go running every Sunday morning. 艾薇喜歡在星期天的早上去跑步。

(2) Let's go biking around the lake! 我們一起騎單車繞湖一周吧!

B 翻譯填充。
今天傍晚阿珠和我去逛街。 A-chu and I went shopping this evening.
The Lee family went hiking on Yangmingshan last Saturday.
你曾經在湖邊露營過嗎? Did you ever go camping near the lake ?
How often do you go dancing with Mary?
He wants to go roller-skating in Japan during winter vacation.
When I was young, my father often took me to go fishing at the beach.

9-3 「所有代名詞」的用法
說明 所有代名詞=「所有格 + 名詞」。所有代名詞當主詞時,須以它所代替的名詞單、複數
單數 主格 所有格 所有代名詞 所有代名詞的中譯
第一人稱 I my mine 我的 (東西)
第二人稱 you your yours 你的 (東西)
she her hers 她的 (東西)
第三人稱 he his his 他的 (東西)
it its
其他 Alan Alan's Alan's 亞倫的 (東西)


文法通3-書冊.indb 83 2011/4/6 下午 06:30:18

▼ Unit 9

複數 主格 所有格 所有代名詞 所有代名詞的中譯

第一人稱 we our ours 我們的 (東西)
第二人稱 you your yours 你們的 (東西)
第三人稱 they their theirs 他們的 (東西)
其他 the Lins the Lins' the Lins' 林家的 (東西)

例 (1) This blue jacket is mine. = This is my blue jacket.

這件藍色夾克是我的。(mine = my blue jacket)
(2) Your sneakers are new, but hers are old.
你的布鞋是新的,但是她的是舊的。 (hers = her sneakers)

C 翻譯填充。
A: 哪一件毛衣是安琪的?
B: 她的是粉紅色那件。
A: Which is Angel's sweater?
B: Hers is the pink one.
Are your pants longer than his ?
A-fu is a good friend of mine .
Harry's pens are expensive, and Denny's are , too.
Your father is a businessman, and Leon's is , too.
Our cars are from the States, and theirs are from Germany.


文法通3-書冊.indb 84 2011/4/6 下午 06:30:19

Unit 9

9-4 動詞 borrow 和 lend
說明 borrow 表達「借入」,過去式為 borrowed, lend 表示「借出」,過去式為 lent,兩者

A (人) borrow + 物 + from + B.

= B lend + A (人的受詞) + 物.
= B lend + 物 + to + A (人的受詞)

例 (1) Sue borrowed a beautiful doll from her sister. 蘇向她姊姊借了一個漂亮的洋娃娃。

(2) I lent Charles my math notebook. = I lent my math notebook to Charles.

D 請寫出正確答案。
A: This comic book is very interesting. Can I borrow it?
B: Sure. I'll lend it to you next Monday.
I needed to buy a dictionary yesterday, but I didn't have enough money, so I asked Jolin
to lend three hundred dollars to me yesterday.
Did A-li borrow a watch from Owen last night?
= Did Owen lend a watch to A-li last night?
= Did Owen lend A-li a watch last night?
We can borrow five books at a time from our city library.
= Our city library can lend five books to us at a time.

9-5 such a / an...

說明 such a / an 表示「這麼 ...;如此 ...」。
such a / an + 形容詞 + 名詞
= so + 形容詞 + a / an + 名詞

例 (1) I never saw such a big lake in Taiwan.

= I never saw so big a lake in Taiwan.
(2) Riding such an old bike around the island will not be easy.
= Riding so old a bike around the island will not be easy.


文法通3-書冊.indb 85 2011/4/6 下午 06:30:20

▼ Unit 9

E 請依提示造句。
例 she / heard / such / wonderful music / for the first time.
She heard such wonderful music for the first time.
Derek / never / grew / such / big apple / .
Derek never grew such a big apple.
you / ever eat / such / delicious cake / ?
Did you ever eat such a delicious cake?
I / taste / so / sweet ice cream / in the supermarket / this morning / .
I tasted so sweet ice cream in the supermarket this morning.
we / have / so / strong / typhoon before / ?
Did we have so strong a typhoon before?
Elisa / such / pretty / girl / .
Elisa is such a pretty girl.
Steve / so / good / soccer player / .
Steve is so good a soccer player.

9-6 動詞 forget
說明 forget 表示「忘記」,過去式為 forgot。後加不定詞與動名詞時意思不同。
+ to + 原形動詞 (不定詞片語) + 某事. 忘記去做...
主詞 + forget
+ 動名詞 + 某事. 忘記做過...
例 (1) I forgot to buy an MRT ticket. 我忘了去買捷運票。
(2) Jason forgot brushing his teeth, so he brushed them again.
Jason 忘記他刷過牙了,所以他又再刷了一遍。

F 翻譯填充。
Don't forget to bring your own chopsticks tomorrow.
Cole forgot calling his teacher a week ago.
糟了! 我昨晚忘記要做回收了。
Oops! I forgot to recycle yesterday evening.
Did Charlie forget to bring his English homework to school yesterday?


文法通3-書冊.indb 86 2011/4/6 下午 06:30:20

Unit 9

( C ) 1. Their rooms are big, but ours small.
(A) is (B) does (C) are (D) do
(B ) 2. Ted: My favorite sport is baseball. What's ?
Lee: I like to go jogging in the early morning.
(A) your (B) yours (C) you (D) hers
(A ) 3. Grace: What do you usually do in your free time?
Lucy: Sometimes I with my friends, and sometimes I stay at home and watch TV.
(A) go shopping (B) go to shop (C) went shopping (D) did shopping
( C ) 4. My new job will begin October.
(A) at (B) on (C) in (D) for
(D ) 5. David Wang goes every Saturday morning. He is very healthy.
(A) to boat (B) dreaming (C) to run (D) hiking
(A ) 6. Tim: It's raining now. I can't find my umbrella. Could you me yours?
Lily: OK. You can mine.
(A) lend, borrow (B) borrow, lend (C) lent, borrowed (D) lending, borrowing
(B ) 7. Marie always forgets her homework to school. Her teacher, Miss Huang, is not
very happy about that.
(A) bringing (B) to bring (C) brought (D) brings
( C ) 8. This is beautiful a rose garden. I like it very much.
(A) a such (B) a so (C) so (D) such a
(B ) 9. Tim: Shirley, could you me two dollars? I want to buy an MRT ticket, but I don't
have enough money.
Shirley: Sorry, I'm running out of money, too. Try asking Henry to help you.
(A) borrow (B) lend (C) borrowed (D) lent

( D ) 10. A: Oh, no. I didn’t bring my science book.
B: That's all right. You can Denny's. His science class is in the next hour.
(A) ask (B) buy (C) lend (D) borrow
( B ) 11. Bruce: I don't like this black jacket. Can I try the red one?
Osward: Of course.
(A) You can buy it. (B) Here you are. (C) I'll lend it to you. (D) Here are you.


文法通3-書冊.indb 87 2011/4/6 下午 06:30:20

▼ Unit 9

( B ) 12. Frank: Have you ever been to Taipei 101?

Linda: Yes. I went shopping there once. I never saw .
(A) such an high building (B) such a high building
(C) so a high building (D) so high building


(Kevin and his younger brother, David, are cleaning their room on a Saturday afternoon.)
Kevin: Whose storybooks are these on the floor?
David: Aren't they 1 ? Mine 2 on my desk.
Kevin: Let me see. That's true. I forgot 3 them on my desk when I finished 4 them.
David: So maybe you can 5 them to me.
Kevin: Sure. Here they are. Tomorrow is a holiday. I want to go to our city library to 6 some
books about sea animals.
David: Can I go with you?
Kevin: Well, have you finished your homework?
David: Mmm... I still have some.
Kevin: Mom always tells us 7 our homework every day. Last night, I studied so hard, and it
8 me four hours to do my homework.
David: I finished my English and Chinese homework. But 9 not easy for me to do my math
homework; I don't understand my math teacher.
Kevin: Why didn't you tell me earlier? I'm good at math. Give me your math book, and I'll try to help
David: Great! 10 .

whose 誰的 floor 地板 understand 瞭解

(B ) 1. (A) your (B) yours (C) you (D) yourself
(A ) 2. (A) are (B) is (C) were (D) was
(D ) 3. (A) put (B) putting (C) puts (D) to put
(B ) 4. (A) read (B) reading (C) to read (D) reads
(D ) 5. (A) lent (B) borrowed (C) borrow (D) lend
( C ) 6. (A) lent (B) lend (C) borrow (D) borrowed
( C ) 7. (A) finishing (B) finish (C) to finish (D) finished
(D ) 8. (A) spend (B) cost (C) takes (D) took
(A ) 9. (A) it is (B) it will (C) I am (D) I can
( B ) 10. (A) Here are you (B) Here you are (C) Here is it (D) Here they are


文法通3-書冊.indb 88 2011/4/6 下午 06:30:21


10-1 表示「天氣」的形容詞
說明 表示「天氣」的形容詞,前面要接 be 動詞,後面可接名詞。

sunny 晴朗的 cloudy 多雲的 rainy 下雨的

foggy 多霧的 snowy 下雪的 windy 有風的
hot 炎熱的 warm 溫暖的 cool 涼爽的
cold 寒冷的 dry 乾燥的 wet 潮濕的
例 (1) We can't play badminton outside on a windy day.
(2) It is usually very hot in Kaohsiung in summer. 高雄的夏天通常很炎熱。

A 翻譯填充。
London is very foggy in winter.
Is it cool in the mountains in summer?
Children like to play outside on snowy days.
I don't feel comfortable on warm and wet days.

10-2 表示「天氣」的直述句
說明 表示「天氣」的直述句,有以下幾種:

be 動詞 + 表天氣的形容詞
It +
There + be 動詞 + 表天氣的名詞 + 地名 + 季節 / 時間.
We / They + have + 表天氣的名詞
The weather + be 動詞 + 表天氣的形容詞


文法通3-書冊.indb 89 2011/4/6 下午 06:30:24

▼ Unit 10

例 (1) It was cloudy this morning. 今天早上是多雲的。

(2) We have lots of rain in Keelung . 基隆常下雨。

B 請練習替換下列句子。
There were three typhoons in Taiwan this year.
= We had three typhoons in Taiwan this year.
It was a snowy day today.
= It snowed today.
It rains in London very often.
= It is rainy in London very often.
Does it rain a lot here?
= Is there a lot of rain here?
Is it snowy in Canada in November?
= Does it snow in Canada in November?
= Is there snow in Canada in November?
= Do they have snow in Canada in November?

10-3 詢問「天氣」的疑問句及答句
How + be 動詞 + the weather + 地名 + 季節 / 時間?
What + be 動詞 + the weather + like + 地名 + 季節 / 時間?
答句 It + is / was + 表天氣的形容詞 + 地名 + 季節 / 時間.

例 (1) A: How is the weather in Tokyo in spring? 春天時東京的天氣如何?

B: It is cold in Tokyo in spring. 春天時東京的天氣是寒冷的。
(2) A: What is the weather like in Taipei in September? 台北九月的天氣如何?
B: It is sometimes hot and sometimes cool. 有時候炎熱,有時候涼爽。

C 請依題意或指示填入適當答案。
A: How is the weather there?
B: It's wet and warm.
A: Does it usually rain in Taichung in winter?
B: No. It's the dry season there in winter.
A: What's the weather like in Pingtong in summer?
B: It's hot and dry.
Spring usually comes in March in Canada. It gets warm in early April.
It's usually cool and windy in Hsiungchu (新竹) in fall. (依畫線部分造原問句,並以 What
What's the weather like in Hsiungchu in fall?

文法通3-書冊.indb 90 2011/4/6 下午 06:30:24

Unit 10

10-4 How long... ? 的用法及答句

說明 「How long...?」用來詢問「(做某事) 需要花 (某人) 多少時間」。
問句 How long + 助動詞 + it + take + 人 + to + 原形動詞 + 某事?
答句 It + takes / took + 人+ 時間 + to + 原形動詞 + 某事.

問句 How long + 助動詞 + 主詞 + 原形動詞 + 某事?

答句 主詞 + (助動詞)+ 動詞 + 某事 + 時間.

例 (1) A: How long does it take you to make a seafood pizza? 做一個海鮮披薩花你多久時間?
B: It takes me thirty minutes. 花我三十分鐘。
(2) A: How long do you plan to stay in England? 你計畫在英國待多久?
B: For about two weeks. 大約兩個星期。

D 請依題意或指示填入適當答案。
A: How long does it take to drive to Taipei from here?
B: It usually takes about twenty minutes.
A: How long did your mother cook yesterday evening?
B: For one hour.
A: How long did you do your math homework last night?
B: I did my math homework for one and half hours last night.
A: How long will it take you to wash and dry all the clothes?
B: It will take me about fifty-five minutes at least.
How long did it take you to clean your room? (用 forty minutes 回答)
It took me forty minutes to clean my room.
It will take Jane a whole year to write the story. (依畫線部分造原問句)
How long will it take Jane to write the story?


文法通3-書冊.indb 91 2011/4/6 下午 06:30:24

▼ Unit 10

10-5 Here 的倒裝句

說明 以 Here 為首的句子,為了強調句中的某一部分語意,而將敘述句句型的語詞變動位
be 動詞
Here + 名詞 (主詞). 在這兒 ; 這兒有 / 是...

be 動詞.
Here + 代名詞 (主詞) 在這兒 ; 這兒有 / 是...

例 (1) Here are the pictures of London. 這兒是倫敦的相片。

(2) Here we are. 我們到了。

E 請依題意填入適當答案。
Here is your camera. = Here it is.
Here are your shirts. = Here they are.
Here comes the bus. = Here it comes.
A: Could you lend me your dictionary? B: Sure. Here you are.
Here come Peter and Curtis. = Here they come.
Here are your glass bottles. = Here they are.


文法通3-書冊.indb 92 2011/4/6 下午 06:30:25

Unit 10

10-6 虛主詞 it 的用法
說明 虛主詞 「it」當主詞時,it 並不是句子中真正的主詞,真正的主詞是在後面的「to + 原
It + + 形容詞 + for + 人 (受詞) + to + 原形動詞.
is not
例 (1) It is fun to play computer games. 玩電腦遊戲是很有趣的。
(2) It is important for us to exercise every day. 每天做運動對我們而言是重要的。

F 請依提示造句。
例 fun / watch / the baseball game / .
It is fun to watch the baseball game.
wonderful / take a trip / Hualien / .
It is wonderful to take a trip to / in Hualien.
important / he / help / other people / .
It is important for him to help other people.
great / play tennis with you / next Saturday / .
It will / is going to be great to play tennis with you next Saturday.
not / easy / I / get a high grade / on the science test / .
It is not easy for me to get a high grade on the science test.
fun / Ron / visit that museum with his girlfriend / yesterday / ?
Was it fun for Ron to visit that museum with his girlfriend yesterday?
safe / go biking / along the river / at night / ?
Is it safe to go biking along the river at night?


文法通3-書冊.indb 93 2011/4/6 下午 06:30:25

▼ Unit 10

( C ) 1. To travel around the world by bicycle my dream.
(A) to be (B) are (C) is (D) am
(A ) 2. Joe: Why not go fishing with us, Mark?
Mark: I want to stay home because windy and cloudy in the morning. It may rain
a lot this afternoon.
(A) it is (B) it was (C) it will (D) weather
(B ) 3. Rick: did it take Peter to finish painting his house?
Joey: For about two weeks.
(A) What time (B) How long (C) How old (D) How
(B ) 4. very hard to cycle around the whole island by yourself.
(A) There is (B) It is (C) There will be (D) The weather
(A ) 5. A: Here the dishes for you. B: Thanks!
(A) are (B) is (C) comes (D) coming
(D ) 6. James: May I take your order?
Jack: Yes. I'd like a fishburger and a Coke.
(A) Here it is. (B) Here are you. (C) Here it comes. (D) Here you are.
( C ) 7. Leon enjoys walking to school because good for the earth, and he can get some
(A) he is (B) there is (C) it is (D) he will be
(D ) 8. Driving lessons not easy for Mike.
(A) do (B) does (C) is (D) are
(A ) 9. Rose: Linda: Wait a minute. Let me finish my work.
(A) Time to have dinner. (B) Go straight for about ten minutes.
(C) Turn right on Blue Moon Street. (D) Time to do your work.
( B ) 10. Getting so many presents on my birthday me.
(A) costs (B) surprised (C) spends (D) takes

( D ) 11. Rannie: I want to take a trip there the day after tomorrow.
Olivia: It's so nice. I think you will have a wonderful trip here.
(A) What's the weather in Taipei? (B) How's the weather like in Taipei?
(C) How can I go there, by train or by bus? (D) What's the weather like in Taipei?
( B ) 12. Iverson: How can I learn a foreign language well? Johnny:
(A) It spends a lot of money. (B) It takes time and practice.
(C) It costs no money. (D) It can be helpful.

文法通3-書冊.indb 94 2011/4/6 下午 06:30:25

Unit 10

( B ) 13. Thomas: Davis: About five minutes by bicycle.

(A) How long did you stay at your aunt's house?
(B) How long does it take from your house to the bus stop?
(C) How much time did you spend to grow a tree?
(D) How much time did it take to find your children?
( C ) 14. A:
B: Not always. It's sometimes cool and windy, and sometimes rainy and wet.
(A) Is it rain a lot in Taiwan in fall? (B) Does it rainy a lot in Taiwan in fall?
(C) Does it rain a lot in Taiwan in fall? (D) Did it rain a lot in Taiwan in fall?
( D ) 15. a good habit to brush your teeth before you go to bed.
(A) This is (B) It will (C) That is (D) It is

Hugh: I went to Canada with my parents last winter.
Brian: Canada? It's so far away. 1 did it take you to fly there?
Hugh: It 2 us about sixteen hours.
Brian: You must have felt tired after such a long flight. How was the 3 there?
Hugh: It was sunny, but it was very 4 .
Brian: Did you wear a thick coat there?
Hugh: Sure. I wore a hat and gloves, too.
Brian: Did it 5 a lot?
Hugh: Yes. It was snowy all day. We 6 in the mountains. I was not so good at 7 , so I kept
falling over.
Brian: Did it 8 when you fell?
Hugh: Yes, it did. 9 very hard to keep my balance. But it was fun.
Brian: You really had a good time last winter in Canada.
Hugh: That's true. I plan 10 there again this winter. Would you like to go with me?
Brian: Of course. I can't wait! But I think I should ask my parents first.

far away 很遠 gloves 手套 balance 平衡

( C ) 1. (A) How far (B) How much (C) How long (D) How many
(A ) 2. (A) took (B) take (C) takes (D) taking
(B ) 3. (A) weather like (B) weather (C) it (D) season
(D ) 4. (A) warm (B) hot (C) sunny (D) cold
(A ) 5. (A) snow (B) rain (C) snowy (D) rainy
( C ) 6. (A) went shopping (B) went boating (C) went skiing (D) went fishing
( C ) 7. (A) swimming (B) cycling (C) skiing (D) dreaming
(B ) 8. (A) be hurt (B) hurt (C) get hurt (D) hurts
(D ) 9. (A) Kept falling (B) Going skiing (C) This was (D) It's
( A ) 10. (A) to go (B) going (C) not to go (D) not going


文法通3-書冊.indb 95 2011/4/6 下午 06:30:27


Recycle 3
(D ) 1. an important baseball game tomorrow morning.
(A) It will have (B) It will be
(C) There is going to have (D) There is going to be
(A ) 2. Mrs. Li: I think you should take a jacket with you, A-fang. It will get this
A-fang: OK, Mom. But where is my jacket? 【93年基測 II】

(A) cold (B) dark (C) dry (D) fine

(B ) 3. Lucy early. Sometimes she gets up late and misses the bus.
(A) is always (B) is not always (C) doesn't sometimes (D) sometimes does not
(D ) 4. George: do you practice playing the piano?
Tommy: When my mom is at home, I have to practice every day, but she's away on a business
trip this week! 【93年基測 II】

(A) How about (B) How long (C) How much (D) How often
(A ) 5. The doctor said the woman might become because her eyes were so badly hurt.
(A) blind (B) proud (C) strong (D) stupid 【96年基測 II】

( C ) 6. Natashia: Riding a bike is healthy for us. Annie:

(A) Yes. Not like running. (B) Not really.
(C) That's true. (D) See?
(D ) 7. Mr. Wang spent an hour his car.
(A) wash (B) to wash (C) washed (D) washing
(B ) 8. It me two hours to do my laundry this morning.
(A) takes (B) took (C) spent (D) spends
(B ) 9. Fred: sleep in class? James: No, I never do.
(A) Are you ever (B) Do you ever (C) Did you ever (D) Do you never
( C ) 10. David: I paid 4,500 dollars for a ticket to the show, Cats.
Lindsay: Wow! It really a lot.
(A) takes (B) spends (C) costs (D) sells
( A ) 11. Alice was very hungry. She had one sandwich after .
(A) another (B) one (C) other (D) others
( B ) 12. Lisa: What this morning?
Tina: Well, it's Sunday. I think I'll go to church with my father. 【92年基測 II】

(A) have you done (B) are you going to do (C) did you do (D) were you doing


文法通3-書冊.indb 96 2011/4/6 下午 06:30:29

Recycle 3

( B ) 13. Alice: How often do you wash your hair? Betty: 【91年基測 II】

(A) One day. (B) Twice a week. (C) Since yesterday. (D) Three days ago.
( D ) 14. Chip: do you plan to leave? Sandy: The day after tomorrow.
(A) Who (B) How (C) What time (D) When
( D ) 15. She can only tell herself that things better after she starts senior high school.
(A) get (B) got (C) have got (D) will get 【95年基測 I】
( D ) 16. If you keep being late, I you take out the garbage for the class for one month!
(A) was making (B) make (C) have made (D) will make 【94年基測 II】
( A ) 17. Studying in a foreign country me a lot of money. That's why I had to sell my
apartment. 【97年基測 I】

(A) cost (B) lost (C) made (D) spent

( B ) 18. Candy: Ted is leaving tomorrow. is his flight? Tim: At 7:00 a.m.
(A) What day (B) What time (C) How often (D) Where
( C ) 19. A: How's there? B: It's wet and hot.
(A) it (B) the weather like (C) the weather (D) weather
( B ) 20. Julie: What's the weather like in Tokyo in winter? Nori: in Tokyo in winter.
(A) It's snow (B) It snows (C) We snow (D) They snow
( D ) 21. The town looks very now. It has changed a lot. 【95年基測 I】

(A) serious (B) worried (C) favorite (D) different

( C ) 22. My dog hates to take a bath. It usually me an hour to get him clean.
(A) needs (B) spends (C) takes (D) uses 【93年基測 II】

( B ) 23. December 31, many people go to parties and count down together.
(A) In (B) On (C) At (D) For
( D ) 24. Susan: Do you know you have talked on the phone? Aren't you thirsty?
Walter: Oh, come on! I've only talked for thirty minutes! 【95年基測 I】

(A) how old (B) how often (C) how many (D) how long
( A ) 25. A: Is this my new coat? B: No, this is , and that is .
(A) mine, yours (B) my, your (C) me, you (D) her, your
( C ) 26. Bob: Are they Kent and Tina's children? Ron: Yes, they are .
(A) mine (B) his (C) theirs (D) their
( B ) 27. I can you the book, but you have to give it back to me in three days.
(A) borrow (B) lend (C) read (D) show 【97年基測 II】

( D ) 28. Mom told me this morning that we Grandmother's place for New Year. 【91年基測 II】
(A) go to (B) went to (C) have gone to (D) are going to
( D ) 29. The weather is going to be really , so I don't think you should take a heavy coat
on your trip. 【97年基測 I】

(A) clear but windy (B) cold but dry (C) cool and wet (D) hot and sunny
( D ) 30. If the weather is fine this weekend, my family to the beach for two days.
(A) go (B) went (C) have gone (D) will go 【97年基測 I】


文法通3-書冊.indb 97 2011/4/6 下午 06:30:30

▼ Recycle 3

( B ) 31. will be a welcome party for the new students. Will you come with us? 【94年基測 I】

(A) It (B) There (C) They (D) We

( D ) 32. Candy has decided to move to Taipei next year. When she studies in an art school there, she
with her aunt for five months. 【98年基測 I】

(A) lives (B) has lived (C) lived (D) will live
( D ) 33. The woman you met in the library yesterday our school a lot of books. 【98年基測 II】

(A) giving (B) given (C) to give (D) will give

( A ) 34. Jack: There is going to a dance show on Saturday. Would you like to go with me?
Nina: Sure. I can't wait for it. 【92年基測 II】

(A) be (B) do (C) get (D) have

( A ) 35. Kathy: your French class, Jerry?
Jerry: I couldn't understand a word the first month, but it's getting better now. 【97年基測 I】

(A) How's (B) What's (C) When is (D) Which is

( A ) 36. I miss my friends in Taiwan. next summer after graduation from high school.【98年基測 I】
(A) I'm going back home (B) You'll know what to do
(C) They should change their jobs (D) We should always remember to study hard
( D ) 37. Tony: in your hometown?
Freddie: It's usually foggy, and sometimes cloudy.
(A) How long do you stay (B) What did you see
(C) Where did you go (D) How's the weather
( D ) 38. You have been in front of the computer for more than five hours. It's time for you to
and relax. 【91年基測 II】

(A) get up early (B) show off (C) shut up (D) get some rest
( C ) 39. Amy: Would you like some coffee?
Bill: No, thanks. I drink coffee. It hurts my stomach. 【97年基測 I】

(A) almost (B) already (C) seldom (D) still

( C ) 40. Tony: Will you go to Cindy's party tonight?
Jane: No. I have to do my homework. Don't you have ?
Tony: Well, I already finished it at school. 【95年基測 I】

(A) you (B) your (C) yours (D) you're


文法通3-書冊.indb 98 2011/4/6 下午 06:30:30

Recycle 3


(Doris sees Carol on her way to school.)

Doris: Hi, Carol. Would you like to go to the movie, The Doll World, with me tonight?
Carol: I'd love to, but I have to take care of my sister, Kelly. My parents 41 home tonight.
Doris: You can bring her to the movie with us.
Carol: I don't think so. I 42 taking her to a movie with me once; she kept talking during the
movie, and even cried loudly. I was so embarrassed.
Doris: That's too bad. But I've heard this movie is really popular with young children. Maybe she
43 it.
Carol: Well, let me think about it. I'll tell you later when I see you at lunch.
Doris: Sure. See you then. 【93年基測 I】

once 曾經 loudly 大聲地 embarrassed 難為情的

( C ) 41. (A) don't be (B) weren't (C) won't be (D) haven't been
( B ) 42. (A) try (B) tried (C) will try (D) am trying
( C ) 43. (A) loves (B) loved (C) will love (D) was going to love

People in Quiet Town are very sad that their old friend, Time River, is facing the end of its life
next October. The river 44 a lot to the people in the town. They all grow up and live with it all their
In the old times, people in the town 45 their houses on both sides of the river. The houses in
each block shared a public washing room. On Mondays, people came and washed their clothes
together there. They hung their clothes at the back of each house. Those clothes with different colors
46 a beautiful picture along the river.
Now Time River is going to be filled in to make more land to build on. People are happy that they
47 more living space. But at the same time, they feel sorry that they must say good-bye to their
old friend. So they have decided to give a party one day a year to remember the river.
【99年基測 II】

hung (原形為 hang) 懸掛

( A ) 44. (A) means (B) is meaning (C) will mean (D) meant
( D ) 45. (A) build (B) are building (C) have built (D) built
( D ) 46. (A) make (B) are making (C) have made (D) made
( C ) 47. (A) have (B) have had (C) will have (D) had


文法通3-書冊.indb 99 2011/4/6 下午 06:30:31

▼ Recycle 3

Until I was twelve years old, my family lived in the mountains. Our house was very far from my
school. It took me one hour to walk to school every morning. It was a happy time for me because I
could 48 , and we would go to school together. There were just six classes in my school and only
about ten students in each class. We 49 ; the mountains were our playground. I still remember the
different kinds of flowers, the songs of different birds, and the colors of trees in different seasons—
everything was so 50 . Even now, I still miss my life in the mountains. 【97年基測 I】

far 遙遠的 common 普通的

( C ) 48. (A) sing loudly to myself (B) exercise under the trees
(C) meet friends on the way (D) play in the cool mountains springs
( A ) 49. (A) spent most of our time playing (B) went shopping together after school
(C) had to study at school until very late (D) played computer games all day long
( D ) 50. (A) fast and busy (B) cheap and common
(C) modern and convenient (D) interesting and beautiful

51. 爬樓梯對我們的健康有好處。
Taking stairs is good for our health.
52. 這輛單車是我的。我可以把它借給你。
This bike is mine. I can lend it to you.
53. 你每星期花多少時間做回收?
How long does it take you to recycle every week?
54. 我將在十二月二十四日舉行一個耶誕派對。
I will / am going to have / hold a Christmas party on December 24.
55. 對我們而言,風大的日子不容易打羽毛球。
It's not easy for us to play badminton on a windy day.


文法通3-書冊.indb 100 2011/4/6 下午 06:30:32

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