Part 3 - Art of Questioning

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Republic of the Philippines

Benguet State University

College of Teacher Education
La Trinidad, 2601, Benguet

Lesson 3: Art of Questioning

Activity 1. 20 QUESTIONS
Mechanics: The students will be grouped into two teams and will participate in a game known as
‘20 Questions.’

Steps how to play 20 Questions

1. Select one person to be the Game Master who thinks of an object, person, or place for the
others to guess.
2. The Game Master privately chooses the answer and keeps it a secret from the other
3. The Game Master announces the category of the answer (e.g., object, person, place) but
does not reveal the specific identity.
4. Participants take turns asking yes-or-no questions to gather information about the chosen
answer. Questions should be strategic and designed to narrow down the possibilities.
5. The game typically has a limit of 20 questions. Participants must guess the answer within this
6. Participants can make a guess at any point, but each guess counts as one of the 20
7. The Game Master responds to each question with a simple "yes," "no."
8. Participants continue asking questions until they either guess the correct answer or reach the
limit of 20 questions.
9. If the participants correctly guess the answer within 20 questions, they win. Otherwise, the
Game Master reveals the answer.

Instruction: Group yourselves into 2 teams and choose one representative for each teams to be
the Game Master. Ask only 20 yes-or-no questions to the game master to find the answer. The
group who will guess it first will win the game.
Republic of the Philippines
Benguet State University
College of Teacher Education
La Trinidad, 2601, Benguet

What is Art of Questioning?

Questioning is a tool to promote deep, connected and elaborated thinking. Great teachers
use questioning as part of a dialogue in which students are engaged and stretched. They prompt
students to give explanations and justifications for their answers, or to improve an initial
response, to describe their thinking processes, to elaborate on their answers, exploring
implications, ‘what-if’s and connections with other ideas and knowledge (Dunlosky et al., 2013;
Praetorius et al., 2018).

Content Reference
Importance of Questions to students Sigel, I. E., & Saunders, R. An
 It give students opportunities to connect different inquiry into inquiry: Question
aspects of content. asking as an instructional model. In
 It develop understandings that they can transfer L. Katz (Ed.), Current topics in
across content. early childhood education (Vol. II).
 It enhances their imagination. It gives them Norwood, N.J.: Ablex Publishing
opportunity to explore with their minds, to gain Corp., 1979.
meaning for themselves and to relate new data to old
ideas. Rosenshine B., C. Meister, and S.
 It requires children to distance themselves in time Chapman (1996). Teaching
and space from the present. Distancing is Students to Generate Questions: A
psychological separation of the student from the Review of the Intervention Studies.
immediate, ongoing present which leads to higher- Review of Educational Research,
level thinking and enhance learning 66 (2). 181-221.

Purpose of Questions (Cecil & Pfeifer, 2011) Cecil, N. L. &

 To elicit information or content: facts, concepts, Pfeifer, J. (2011). The Art of
Republic of the Philippines
Benguet State University
College of Teacher Education
La Trinidad, 2601, Benguet

generalizations, and enduring understandings Inquiry: Questioning Strategies for

 To develop cognitive thinking processes: comparing, K-6 Classrooms.
categorizing, analyzing, synthesizing, evaluating Canada: Portage & Main Press.
 To determine attitudes: open, tentative, and
tolerance for ambiguity edition/The_Art_of_Inquiry/6cqe7Bi
 To develop critical thinking: logical arguments, 9HkUC?hl=en&gbpv=0
assumptions, fallacies

Bloom’s Taxonomy is best known system for classifying education objectives as well as
classroom questions. There are six levels of Bloom’s Taxonomy and questions at each level
require the student to use different kind of thought process.
Level Question Type Response Behaviors Words frequently found in

I Remember  Recognize information Why?, What?, Where?, When?,

 Recalling, facts or Define , Recall , Recognize,
observations Remember
 Recalling or remembering

II Understanding  Rephrasing the material Describe , Compare , Contrast ,

 Giving descriptions in own Rephrase, Use your own words,
words Explain the main idea
 Using the material in making

III Applying  Applying rules or process to Apply,Classify, Use, Choose,

a problem Employ, Write an example,
Solve, How many?, Which?,
Republic of the Philippines
Benguet State University
College of Teacher Education
La Trinidad, 2601, Benguet

What is?

IV Analyzing  Identifying motives, reasons Why?, Analyze, Support , Draw

or clauses conclusions, Identify motives or
 Making conclusions, causes, Determine evidence
 Finding evidence to support

V Evaluating  Producing original Judge, Argue, Decide, Evaluate,

communications Assess, Give your opinion,
 Solving problems Which is the better picture?, Do
 Making predictions you agree?, Would it be better?

VI Creating  Giving opinions about issues Predict, Produce, Write, Design,

 Judging the validity of ideas Develop, Construct, Can you
 Judging solution to a devise?, How can we improve?,
problem What would happen if?, How can
we solve?

Questioning Techniques ( Galang-Perena, 2015)

1. Write the questions in black and white

A good practice for teachers is to present the questions through writing on the board, cartolina or
through an overhead projector or powerpoint slides.

2. Set standards of behavior in the questioning period

The dos and don’ts must be spelled out at the beginning, before the actual questioning.
Republic of the Philippines
Benguet State University
College of Teacher Education
La Trinidad, 2601, Benguet

3. Questions should be distributed to all members of the class

The teacher should call different students so that they are forced to listen during the engagement

4. Prepare the students before asking the question

Ask all students to think of an answer before asking the question. An example goes this way,
“Class, I have a question, Everybody must now think of answer. Then, someone must volunteer
to answer. What is the capital of the Philippines?” The teacher must pause to give time for the
students to think of the answer.

5. Avoid impertinent and ridiculous questions

The teacher must see to it that the questions will produce positive or correct answers.

6. Provision for the wait-time must be observed.

The teacher must see to it that the question is heard first and understood.

7. Refrain from ignoring incorrect answers and take time out to react to every response.

Wrong answers by the students must be corrected humanely so that they will not be

8. Settle for questions that are clear, concise and short enough for easy retention of the

The teacher should present questions one at a time especially for those whose cognitive abilities
are slow.

9. Project a relaxed and non-threatening appearance when questioning.

The teacher’s facial expression and the tone of the voice matter.
Republic of the Philippines
Benguet State University
College of Teacher Education
La Trinidad, 2601, Benguet

10. Motivate students not to give up if they encountered difficult questions.

The teacher should encourage the students to “stretch their mind” so to speak if they find it hard
to give their answers to the questions.


A. Multiple-choice test
1. Write items that reflect only one specific content and cognitive processing
Faulty Good
Which of the following is a type of statistical Which of the following is an inferential
procedure used to test a hypothesis statistical procedure used to test a
regarding significant relationship between hypothesis regarding significant differences
variables, particularly in terms of the extent between two qualitative variables?
and direction of association?
D. t-test
D. Mann-Whitney Test

2. Do not lift and use statements from the textbook or other learning materials
3. Keep the vocabulary simple and understandable based on the level of learners/examinees.
4. Edit and proofread the items for grammatical and spelling before administering them to the
Republic of the Philippines
Benguet State University
College of Teacher Education
La Trinidad, 2601, Benguet

1. Write the directions in the stem in a clear and understandable manner.

Faulty Good
Read each question and indicate your This test consists of two parts. Part A is a
answer by shading the circle reading comprehension test, and Part B is a
corresponding to your answer. grammar/language test. Each question is a
multiple- choice test item with five (5) options.
You are to answer each question but will not
be penalized for a wrong answer or for
guessing. You can go back and review your
answers during the time allotted.

2. Write stems that are consistent in form and structure, that is, present all items either in
question form or in descriptive or declarative form.
Faulty Good
1. Who was the Philippine president 1. Who was the Philippine president during
during Martial Law? Martial Law?
2. The first president of the 2. Who was the first president of the
Commonwealth of the Philippines Commonwealth of the Philippines?
was _______.

3. Word the stem positively and avoid double negatives, such as NOT and EXCEPT in a stem. If
a negative word is necessary, underline or capitalize the words for emphasis.
Faulty Good
Which of the following is not a measure of Which of the following is NOT a measure of
variability? variability?.

4. Refrain from making the stem too wordy or containing too much information unless the
problem/question requires the facts presented to solve the problem.
Faulty Good
Republic of the Philippines
Benguet State University
College of Teacher Education
La Trinidad, 2601, Benguet

What does DNA stand for, and what is the As a chemical compound, what does DNA
organic chemical of complex molecular stand for?
structure found in all cells and viruses and
codes genetic information for the
transmission of inherited traits?

1.Provide three (3) to five (5) options per item, with only one being the correct or best
2. Write options that are parallel or similar in form and length to avoid giving clues about the
correct answer.
Faulty Good
What is an ecosystem? What is an ecosystem?
A. It is a community of living organisms in A. It is a place on the Earth’s surface where
conjunction with the nonliving life dwells.
components of their environment that
B. It is the biotic and abiotic surroundings of
interact as a system. These biotic and
an organism or population.
abiotic components are linked together
through nutrient cycles and energy C. It is the largest division of the Earth’s
flows. surface filled with living organisms.
B. It is a place on Earth’s surface where D. It is a large community of living and non-
life dwells. living organisms in a particular area.
C. It is an area that one or more individual E. It is an area that one or more individual
organisms defend against competition organisms defend against competition from
from other organisms. other organisms.
D. It is the biotic and abiotic surroundings
of an organism or population.
E. It is the largest division of the Earth’s
surface filled with living organisms.

3. Place options in a logical order (e.g., alphabetical, from shortest to longest).

Republic of the Philippines
Benguet State University
College of Teacher Education
La Trinidad, 2601, Benguet

Faulty Good
Which experimental gas law describes how Which experimental gas law describes how the
the pressure of a gas tends to increase as pressure of a gas tends to increase as the
the volume of the container decreases? (i.e., volume of the container decreases? (i.e., “The
“The absolute pressure exerted by a given absolute pressure exerted by a given mass of
mass of an ideal gas is inversely proportional an ideal gas is inversely proportional to the
to the volume it occupies.”) volume it occupies.”)

A. Boyle’s Law A. Avogadro’s Law

B. Charles Law B. Beer Lambert Law
C. Avogadro’s Law C. Boyle’s Law
D. Faraday’s Law D. Charles Law
E. Beer Lambert Law E. Faraday’s Law

4. Place correct response randomly to avoid a discernable pattern of correct answers.

5. Use None-of-the-above carefully and only when there is one absolutely correct answer, such
as in spelling or math items.
Faulty Good
Which of the following is a non parametric Which of the following is a non parametric
statistic? statistic?

C. Correlation C. Correlation
D. t-test D. Mann-Whiney U
E. None of the Above E. t-test

6. Avoid All of the Above as an option, especially if it is intended to be the correct answer.
Republic of the Philippines
Benguet State University
College of Teacher Education
La Trinidad, 2601, Benguet

Faulty Good
Who among the following has become the Who among the following has become the
President of Philippine Senate? President of Philippine Senate?
A. Ferdinand Marcos A. Eulogio Rodriguez
B. Manuel Quezon B. Ferdinand Marcos
C. Manuel Roxas C. Manuel Quezon
D. Quintin Paredes D. Manuel Roxas
E. All of the Above E. Quintin Paredes

7. Make all options realistic and reasonable.

B. Matching-type test
1. Clearly state in the directions the basis for matching the stimuli with the responses.
Faulty Good
Directions: Match the following. Directions: Column I is a list of countries while
Column II presents the continent where these
countries are located. Write the letter of the
continent corresponding to the country on the
line provided in Column I.

2. Ensure that the stimuli are longer and the responses are shorter.
Match the description of the flag to its country.
______Bangladesh A. Green background with red circle in the center
______Indonesia B.One red strip on top and white strip at the bottom
______Japan C. Red background with white five-petal flower in the center
Republic of the Philippines
Benguet State University
College of Teacher Education
La Trinidad, 2601, Benguet

______Singapore D. Red background with large yellow circle in the center

______Thailand E. Red background with large yellow pointed star in the
F.White background with large red circle in the center

Match the description of the flag to its country.
______Green background with red circle in the center A. Bangladesh
______One red strip on top and white strip at the bottom B. Hong Kong
______Red background with white five-petal flower in the C. Indonesia
______Red background with large yellow circle in the center D. Japan
______Red background with large yellow pointed star in the E. Singapore
______White background with large red circle in the center F. Vietnam

3. For each item, include only topics that are related with one another and share the same
foundation of information.

Faulty Good
Match the following: On the line to the left of each country in Column
I, write the letter of the country’s capital
presented in Column II.
Column I Column II
Republic of the Philippines
Benguet State University
College of Teacher Education
La Trinidad, 2601, Benguet

___1. Indonesia A. Asia ___1. Indonesia A. Bandar Seri Begawan

___2.Malaysia B. Bangkok ___2.Malaysia B. Bangkok
___3. Philippines C. Jakarta ___3. Philippines C. Jakarta
___4.Thailand D.Kuala Lumpur ___4.Thailand D.Kuala Lumpur
___5. Year E. Manila E. Manila
ASEAN F. 1967
was established

4. Make the response options short, homogeneous, and arranged in logical order.
Faulty Good
Match the chemical elements with their Match the chemical elements with their
characteristics. symbols.

___1. Gold A. Au ___1. Gold A. Au
___2.Hydrogen B. Magnetic metal ___2.Hydrogen B. Fe
used in steel
___3. Iron C. H
___3. Iron C. Hg
___4.Potassium D. Hg
___4.Potassium D. K
___5. Sodium E. K
___5. Sodium E. With lowest density
F. Na
F. Na

5. Include response options that are reasonable and realistic and similar length and grammatical
Match the subjects with their course description.
Republic of the Philippines
Benguet State University
College of Teacher Education
La Trinidad, 2601, Benguet

______History A. Studies the production and distribution of goods/
______Political Science B.Study of politics and power
______Psychology C. Study of society
______Sociology D. Understands role of mental functions in social behavior
E. Uses narratives to examine and analyze past events
Match the subjects with their course description.
______1.Study of living things A. Biology
______2.Study of politics and power B. History
______3.Study of society C. Political Science
______4.Study of mind and behavior D. Psychology
______5.Study of recorded events in the past E. Sociology

6. Provide more response options than the number of stimuli.

Faulty Good
Match the following fractions with their Match the following fractions with their
corresponding decimal equivalents: corresponding decimal equivalents:
___1/4 A. 0.25 ___1/4 A. 0.09
___5/4 B. 0.28 ___5/4 B. 0.25
___7/25 C. 0.90 ___7/25 C. 0.28
___9/10 D.1.25 ___9/10 D. 0.90
Republic of the Philippines
Benguet State University
College of Teacher Education
La Trinidad, 2601, Benguet

E. 1.25

C. True or false test

1. Include statements that are completely true or completely false.
Faulty Good
The presidential system of government, where The presidential system, where the
the president is only the head of state or president is only the head of state or
government, is adopted by the United States, government, is adopted by Chile.
Chile, Panama, and South Korea.

2. Use simple and easy-to-understand statements.

Faulty Good
Education is a continuous process of higher Education is the process of facilitating
adjustment for human beings who have learning or the acquisition of knowledge,
evolved physically and mentally, which is free skills, values, beliefs, and habits.
and conscious of God, as manifested in nature
around the intellectual,emotional, and
humanity of man.

3. Refrain from using negatives-especially double negatives.

Faulty Good
There is nothing illegal about buying goods It is legal to buy things or goods through the
through the internet. internet.

4. Avoid using absolutes such as “always” and”never.”

Faulty Good
The news and information posted on the The news and information posted on the CNN
CNN website is always accurate. website is usually accurate.
Republic of the Philippines
Benguet State University
College of Teacher Education
La Trinidad, 2601, Benguet

5. Express a single idea in each test item.

Faulty Good
If an object is accelerating, a net force must If an object is accelerating, a net force must be
be acting on it, and the acceleration of an acting on it.
object is directly proportional to the net force
applied to the object.

6. Avoid the use of unfamiliar words or vocabulary.

Faulty Good
Esprit de corps among soldiers is important Military morale is important in the face of
in the face of hardships and opposition in hardships and opposition in fighting the
fighting the terrorists. terrorists.

7. Avoid lifting statements from the textbook and other learning materials.

D. Short-answer test
1.Omit only significant words from the statements.
Faulty Good
Every atom has a central_______called a Every atom has a central core called
nucleus a(n)______.

2.Do not omit too many words,from the statement such that the intend meaning is lost
Faulty Good
______is to Spanish as the_____s the Madrid is to Spain as the_____is to France.
United States and as______is to Germany.

3.Avoid obvious clues to the correct response

Republic of the Philippines
Benguet State University
College of Teacher Education
La Trinidad, 2601, Benguet

Faulty Good
Ferdinand Marcos declared martial law in The president during the martial law years
1972.Who was the president during that was______.

4.Be sure that there is only one correct response

Faulty Good
The Government should start using The Government should start using renewable
renewable source of energy sources by sources of energy by using turbines
generating electricity such as_____. called_____.

5.Avoid grammatical rules to correct the response

Faulty Good
A Subatomic particle with a negative electric A Subatomic particle with a negative electric
charges is called an ______. charge is called a(n______.

6.If possible,put the blank at the end of a statement rather than at the beginning.
Faulty Good
______is the basic building block of matter. The basic building block of matter is ______.

E. Essay test
1. Clearly define the intended learning outcome to be assessed by the essay test
2. Refrain from using essay test for intended learning outcomes that are better assessed
by other kinds of assessment
3. Essay question or prompts should provide clear and well being tasks to the learners.
4. Present tasks that are fair,reasonable,and realistic to the students
Republic of the Philippines
Benguet State University
College of Teacher Education
La Trinidad, 2601, Benguet

5. Be specific in the prompts about the time allotment and criteria for grading the response

1. Explain how oxygen is absorbed in the lungs.
2. Discuss the differences between the movie version and the print version of the same
story. Use specific examples from each version to argue which version is better.

F. Problem solving test items

1. Identify and explain the problem clarity
Faulty Good
Tricia was 135.6 Ibs.When she started with Tricia was 135.6Ibs when started with her
her zumba/aerobics exercise.After three zumba/aerobics exercises After three months
months of attending the sessions three of attending these sessions three times a
times a week,her weight was down to week,her weight was down to 122.8Ibs.How
122.8Ibs.About how many Ibs did she lose many Ibs.did she lose after three months?
after three months?Write your final answer Write your final answer in the space provided
in the space provided and show your and show your computations.Write the exact
computation. weight;do not round off

2. Be specific and clear of the type of response required from the students

Faulty Good
ASEANA Bottlers,Inc,has been producing ASEANA Bottlers, Inc. has been producing
and selling Tutti Fruity juice in and selling Tutti Fruity juice in Philippines,
Philippines,aside from their Singapore aside from their Singapore market. The sales
market.The sales for the juice in the for the juice in the Singapore market were
Singapore market was $$3million more than S$5million more than those of their Philippine
those of their Philippines market in 2016,$ market in 2016, S$3million more in 2017, and
$3millionmore in 2017,and PHP35million in S$4.5million in 2018. If the sales in Mexican
2018.if the sales in Philippines market in market in 2018 was PHP35 million, what were
2018 was PHP35million.what where the the sales in U.S. market during that year?
sales in Singapore market during that year? Provide answer in Singapore dollars (1S$ =
Republic of the Philippines
Benguet State University
College of Teacher Education
La Trinidad, 2601, Benguet


3. Specify in the directions the bases for grading students’ answers/procedures.

Faulty Good
VCV Consultancy Firm was commissioned VCV Consultancy Firm was commissioned to
to conduct a survey on the voters’ conduct a survey on voters’ preferences in
preferences in Visayas, and Mindanao for Visayas and Mindanao for the upcoming
the upcoming presidential election. In presidential election. In Visayas, 65% are for
Visayas, 65% are for Liberal Party (LP) Liberal Party (LP) candidate, while 35% are
candidate, while 35% are for the Nationalist for the Nationalist Party (NP) candidate. In
Party (NP) candidate. In Mindanao, 70% of Mindanao, 70% of the voters are Nationalists
the voters are Nationalists, while 30% are while 30% are LP supporters. A survey was
LP supporters. A survey was conducted conducted among 200 voters for each region.
among 200 voters for each region. What is What is the probability that the survey will
the probability that the survey will show a show a greater percentage of Liberal Party
greater percentage of Liberal Party supporters in Mindanao than in the Visayas
supporters in Mindanao than in the Visayas region?
Please show your solutions to support your
answer. Your answer will be graded as
0 point = for wrong answer and wrong solution
1 point = for correct answer only (i.e., without
or wrong solution)
3 points = or correct answer with partial
5 points = for correct answer with complete

Activity 2. Test Construction

Mechanics: Students will be group by pairs and they will answer the activity that will be given.
Republic of the Philippines
Benguet State University
College of Teacher Education
La Trinidad, 2601, Benguet

Instruction: Create one question item for each type of test question format. Select elementary
school subjects as topics for each question.

1. Multiple choice
2. Matching type
3. True or False


Acero, V. O., Javier, E. S., & Castro, H. O. (2007). Principles of Teaching 1 (pp. 94-101). Manila:
Rex Book Store, Inc.

Balagtas, M. U, David, A. P., Golla, E. F. ., Magno, C. P. & Valladolid, V. C. (2020).

Assessment in Learning 1. Manila: Rex Book Store, Inc.

Bloom, B.S. (1956) Taxonomy of Educational Objectives, Handbook: The Cognitive Domain.
David McKay, New York.
Cecil, N. L. & Pfeifer, J. (2011). The Art of Inquiry: Questioning Strategies for K-6
Classrooms.Canada: Portage & Main Press.

Dunlosky, J., Rawson, K. A., Marsh, E. J., Nathan, M. J., & Willingham, D. T. (2013). Improving
students’ learning with effective learning techniques. Psychological Science in the Public
Interest, 14(1), 4–58.

Galang-Perena, F. (2015). Principles of Teaching 1. Quezon City: Adriana Publishing Co., Inc.

Paez, A. M. & Serrano. E. D.(2015). Principles of Teaching 1. Quezon City: Adriana Publishing
Republic of the Philippines
Benguet State University
College of Teacher Education
La Trinidad, 2601, Benguet

Praetorius, A. K., Klieme, E., Herbert, B., & Pinger, P. (2018). Generic dimensions of teaching
quality: the German framework of Three Basic Dimensions. ZDM – Mathematics Education,
50(3), 407– 426.

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