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QuickMove Project

Freight Forwarding Documentation

QuickMove Technologies Pvt. Ltd. Page 1

CRM Documentation

Table Content:

 Opportunity Management
 Enquiry
 Costing
 Quote

 Sales Team and Corporate Management

 Lead Management
 Sales Funnel
 Interaction Management

 Corporate Management

 Marketing

 Campaign

 Customer Support Management

 Job order
 Insurance
 Claim
 Acknowledgement Agent
 Feedback
 Complaints

 Agent Management
 Agent Account Handling
 Rate Request
 Rate Response

 Supporting Tool

 Document Repository
 Dashboard
 User Forecast
 Sales Funnel
 Service

QuickMove Technologies Pvt. Ltd. Page 2

 Calendar
 Due Activities

 Billing Management
 Invoice
 Receipt Voucher
 Credit Note
 Debit Note

QuickMove Technologies Pvt. Ltd. Page 3

Opportunity Management:

1. Enquiry:
Whenever user will get business from client side, user should start from the Enquiry page.
Enquiry page is the first step for updating the customer details into the application.
User will have an option to create enquiry with survey (Customer required the physical, Telephonic
or Online survey) or without survey (already known the survey volume) option. Blue color
underline fields are mandatory.

Steps for creating the enquiry:

a. Go to Enquiry page, Click on adds option then select the customer type, enter the shipper

b. Enter the move details. (Service Type, Product Type, Goods Type and Origin Destination
Move details)

c. Based on client conversation need to mention whether survey required or not.

d. Optional fields are available if user has the details then user can fill it up or else user can leave
the fields.

1. Storage Option (If move with storage service is there then user need to fill storage basic details in the
enquiry page (like Type of storage, Volume, Billing etc.))

2. Vehicle Option (If move with vehicle service is there then user need to fill vehicle details like
vehicle type, Model, Make and Insurance details)

3. Pet Option (If move with pet service is there then user need to fill the pet details like pet name,
breed, Kernel volume, and insurance details)

Allowance (In case of corporate account, if user has agreed the volume then before synch the enquiry to the
surveyor, User need to mention the volume under allowance.)

Mention the General Information details like source of contact Enquiry mode, and Sales notes.

Then save the Enquiry as “Completed” status and move to survey assign section.

Note 1: User have different status option in enquiry page like Active (still some data need
to add), Completed (Need to assign the survey or costing), Pending (Client doesn’t want Quote
or survey now), and Rejected (Rejected the services) based on customer interaction user can
mention the status.
Note 2: Once the enquiry save as completed mode then user can able to edit the origin and
destination address details and shipper details.

Note 3: User can see the customer details based on filter applied in the Enquiry Master Grid
page (Branch, Status, Customer Type, Surveyor Name, and Origin Destination Country
2. Costing:

The user can start preparing the Pricing details based on volume or without volume. In the
costing page they can add he Margin/Profit which we need to get from client side. System has option to
select multi currency, different type of margin option, Automatic costing which make your work easier.

Steps for costing section:

a. Once the survey is “Completed” then the user can go for costing page to do the pricing.
b. For creating costing, go to enquiry page click on “Due Costing “option
creating costing option.
c. System have following option to create costing under activity section

I. Header – Header which will show to the client along with pricing details.
II. Common Margin – while preparing the pricing user can add the Margin/profit
in the costing page itself.
III. Sales Margin- Sales team can add the Margin/Profit in the Quote page itself.

IV. Multi Costing- Costing team is providing the two price options to the client.

Client can accept any one of them.

d. Need to select option from the above point.

e. System have following option to create costing under sub-activity section.

I. Individual Tax- Activities wise can add tax.

II. Exclude- Option activity which might be included based on customer requirement.
III. Actual- Mention the as per actual activity which price you can add later stage in the invoice if it is
IV. Flat- flat rate including Margin/Profit.
V. Multi Currency- Can select multiple currency each activities level.
VI. Packing- Can select the packing type and add cost.
VII. Handyman- To add the charges of handyman.

f. Select the above option from the sub-activity if required then select the sub activity from activity.
g. Add the Provisional cost (Actual Cost) then click on save option.
h. User can add the selling amount in the costing page or Quote.

i. After adding all the pricing details in the costing page then Change the status as “Completed” and
save it.

Note 1: User can edit the pricing details until Quote is not prepared.

Note 2: If the client needs the revise Quote then go to costing page and clone the costing. User can amend the
changes in the clone costing page then go for revise quote

Note 3: User can see the customer details based on filter applied in the Enquiry Master Grid page (Branch, Status,
Customer Type, Product Type, Export to Excel option, and Origin Destination Country selection).

3. Quote:
Quote we can provide to the client once the costing is completed. User can attach the cover letter
and Term & Conditions and send the details via Email or take PDF format. Every details
automatically fetch from enquiry, survey and costing to the quote page.

Steps for Quote Section:

a. Once costing is completed, user can proceed for the Quote.

b. Go to Enquiry page, click on due quote then click on Create quote option.
c. Select the Insurance value or Tax if required.
d. Select the Cover letter and Term & Condition from the drop down.
e. Change the status as “Completed” and save it.
f. User can send the Quote to the client via Email or download PDF.
g. Once the client is accepting the Quote via Online or manually user can proceed further.
Note 1: User can amend the Quote Cover Letter and Term & Conditions. Also
consolidation quote is possible in the system.

Note 2: User will get different status option like Active (If amend is required), Completed (Need to
send email to client), Accepted (if client is accepting the Quote), Lost (Client decided to go other
competitor), Expiry (Still client didn’t decided, It will happen
automatically) and Cancel (Quote not valid).

Note 3: User can see the customer details based on filter applied in the Enquiry Master
Grid page (Branch, Status, Customer Type, Product Type, Export to Excel option, and Origin
Destination Country selection).

Sales Team and Corporate Management:

Lead Management (Target List):

Lead management means user can generate new business client which will be profitable to company. User
can manage their all the new leads in the Target list section. Their daily interaction towards thecustomer
can be track like Meeting, Appointment, and Calls. User can make the interaction with Inactive leads.

Steps for Target List Section:

Follow the below steps for creating the Target Leads,

a) Go to Target List page under sales module option.
b) Click on Add option; select the customer type like Individual or Corporate.
c) Enter the client details (required details user can mention in the particular section) along with
multiple contact address.
d) After saving the leads user will get an option for activity in which they can mention the notes orTask
which is going to appear in the calendar and due activity section. (User can interact withclient
without missing any details).
e) Based on the client interact ion user can set the status. If the client started giving the business to
the user then they can directly create the enquiry or convert it to account.

Different status is available,

I. Active- Still user is interacting with the client.

II. Contact in Future- Client is not converted (after 3 month or 6 mont we can start
interacting with them)
III. Loss- User lost that client (may be client went to some other 3rd party agent)
IV. Converted- converted to the account.
V. Inactive- Client didn’t gave business till 3 or 4 months
VI. Junk- Junk Lead
VII. Qualify- Real Lea
VIII. Rejected – Client Rejected the leads
f) can assign the lead to any particular sales person.

Note 1: User can upload customer documents as well as under sales note they can mention
any extra detail about client which is going to help sales p

Note 2: User can search the client details by using filter option like Lead Type, Statusand
Date Range.

Sales Funnel:
A sale funnel is the process of organizing activities that is mandatory to achieve the goal. Management
or sales person can plan their monthly or Yearly target. Management can assign the target by using the
sales funel like how many clients they should acquire, how many moves need todo per day or month,
what is the amount they should achieve etc.

Also based on the input into the system user can get the detail reports per account wise.

Steps for Sales funnel section:

a) Go to sales module, click on sales funel page then click on add option (+ sign).
b) Select the branch, select Planning start and End date, and select employee name.
c) Add the planning details, select account type as Existing or Lead (New), Select Private or
Corporate under Business ype, Mention planned amount, Planned Moves and Projected customers.
d) User can assign the sales planning to the particular sales person. Also they can mention the
client a detail which is belongs to the sales person.
e) Change the status as “Completed” and save it.

f) Per sales planning wise us r will get the reports. (Consists of client name, Planned moves,
Actual Moves, Target Sum, and Achieved)

Interaction Management

Daily interaction towards the client user can track in the system. User can mention the Task,
Appointment, and Calls. Task details will be appear in the Calendar and due activities section.
Interaction details will appear throughout each and every page.

Steps for Activity Section:

a) Click on activity option (Running Man Icon) in target list page or Enquiry page.

b) Add the notes if any discussion want to mention.

c) Task or Appointment or Call the user can add it to calendar.

d) User can send introductor email to the client along with SMS.
e) Details will be appearing i the Calendar as mentioned date. Same details appe ar in the due
activities page.

Note 1: User can assign the task to other users mention under participa est option.

Corporate Management: (Account Handling)

User can create all the corporate d tails in the organization level. System can generat contract for the
existing corporate account. Agreed contract details will get attached to the costing department so
theycan create the pricing details based on it.In the system it’s possible to add multiple contact details
under the existing corporate account.

Steps for Corporate Section:

a) Under the sales module, click on organization.

b) Click on Add option then select the customer type from drop down.

c) Enter the corporate details like name, contact number, email address, and communication
d) Assign the account manag r and save it.
e) After saving user can add rest of the details like multiple Contact details in th t organization,Bank
account details, and account type selection.
f) User can create the contra t.
g) If corporate is not giving us the business from long period of time then user have right to
Inactive the account so other user can interact with the client and get the business.
h) In Organization level, user can mention the activity like Notes, Tasks, Calls and Appointment.

Steps for Contract:

a) Click on Contract option under sales module.

b) Select Account Type, Mention the Corporate name, Select the contract type and contract mode from
the dropdown.
c) Select contract start date and End Date
d) Add the pricing details un er costing profile,
I. Select the Product Type, Good Type, Transport Type, and Shipping Type from the drop down
II. Add the pricing Activity, mention the cost by selecting Activity Type (Fixed, Variable,and
Misc), Add the provisional cost and agreed cost.
III. Mention the contract Cover Letter and Term & Condition. Change the status as“Completed”
and save it.
IV. Take print out send to the client.
e) Same contract user can get in the costing page while preparing the pricing details for the client.
f) Once contract saved in co pleted status then user can’t amend the details.

User can generate new leads from marketing. In the system they can do the campaign for existing clientor
user can import excel for new client.

User can get the leads from social media site. API needs to integrate with the entire s cial media site so
customer can get the fresh leads.

Steps for Web Query Section:

a. For web query first website designer team should integrate the API to the website.
b. Once customer entered the details by online then user will get the details in t e application under
web query section.
c. Based on interaction with client user can change the status.
I. Active- Still interaction is going on.
II. Pending- Custom r didn’t pick the call or still interaction didn’t happen
III. Rejected- Rejected the services
IV. Completed- Verified the details (user can create the enquiry or proce d for the lead)
V. Lost- Lost the particular customer
VI. Internally Created- Directly created by user
d. User can assign the web q ery to the sales person.

Note 1: If web query is in “Completed” status then user can amend the details.


Any festival or promotion or advertisement user can use the campaign option. User can create the own
template and send to the customer email or send through SMS.

Steps for Campaign Section:

a. Go to Marketing module, click on template option provided under campaign.

b. Create template by clicking add option, Mention template name and subject.
c. Template content add then save in Active status.
d. Similarly user can create t e SMS template
e. Attach the recipient list as Excel or from existing data under Recipient option.
f. Click on Activities for creating the campaign. Here user can attach the Template and Recipientlist.
g. Click on Launch option. (s nding the details to the client)

Customer Support Management

1. Job Order
a. Job Order is an order to provide a particular service for a customer.

b. Job Order can be created i two ways:

i. Order from Quotation: Job Order is created for the accepted quotes for which JobOrder
is pending to be created.

Click on Due Job Order icon in Quotes under Services module. Then click onthecreate job order icon of
the customer required to do Job order.

ii. Direct Job Order: Incase of delivering goods from the supplier or the productowner
to the customer directly.

Click on Add icon in Job Order under Services module

c. Creation of Job Order:

I. Order from the Quotation:

i. In the Order from Quotation, details will bind from the enquiry level like Shipper details, types
of services, goods and products.

Outsource type need to select here based on the Job being outsourced to agents.
 Self: Both Job (i.e. Origin job and Destination job) ishandled by Company
itself[No involvement of Agent]
 Origin/Freight: Origin Job and Freight is handled by agent.
Destination Job is handled by the company.
 Origin: Origin Job is handled by Agent. Other Jobs (like Destination
job, freight) handled by the company
 Destination: Destination job handled by Agent. Other (like Origin Job)is
handled by the company
 Outsource : Both (Origin and Destination) are handled by Agents.
ii. Origin address and Destination address which is given in the enquiry will appear.
iii. Pack date from, Pack date to, Load date, Estimated Delivery date, Estimated Timeof
Arrival, Estimated Time of Dispatch, Port of Departure/ Port Of Loading and Port of
Entry details if available can be selected.
iv. Transport: Shipment needs to be selected.
v. Any Purchase Order details can be entered here and click on Save.
vi. If Costing details has to appear in the Job Order PDF, then check the Show Costing
vii. Select the Branch (Origin, Destination)
Based on Outsource type, branch selection comes.
• Self is selected – Origin and Destination Branch selection option
• Origin is selected- Destination Branch selection option
• Destination is selected- Origin Branch selection option
• Outsource is selected – Branch selection option won’t be there.
viii. Change status to Completed and save it.
Note: Job Order status description:
Active: If the Job Order is still active and not completed, then keep in the activestatus.
Completed: If the Job Order is complete, change the status to complete.
Task Execution completed: If all the tasks related to the Job is completed.
Close: If the Job Order is closed.
Cancel: Change status to cancel, if Job Order is cancelled.

II. Direct Job Order:

i. Click on Add icon in Job Order under Services module. Job Order page will be opened. Select
Direct Job Order option.
ii. Select the customer type: Individual or Corporate or Agent
iii. Fill in the Shipper details like name, contact details and address.
iv. Select the service type, Goods type, Product type and Outsource type
Outsource typ need to select here based on the Job being outsourced to agents
 Self: Both Job (i.e. Origin job and Destination job is handled by the Company
itself [No involvement of Agent]
 Origin/Freight: Origin Job and Freight is handled by agent. Destination
Job is handled by the company.
 Origin: Origin Job is handled by Agent. Other Jobs (likeDestination
job, freight) handled by the company
 Destination: Destination job handled by Agent. there (like OriginJob) is
handled by the company
• Outsource: Both (Origin and Destination) are handled by Agents.Based on the
outsourcing, you have to select the Outsource type.
v. Origin address and Destination address need to be added.
vi. Pack date from, Pack date to, Load date, Estimated Delivery date, Estimated Timeof
Arrival, Estimated Time of Dispatch, Port of Departure/ Port Of Loading and Port of Entry
details if available can be selected.
vii. Transport: Shipment needs to be selected
viii. Any Purchase Order details can be entered here and click on Save.
ix. If Costing details have to appear in the Job Order PDF, then check the ShowCosting
x. Select the Branch (Origin, Destination) Based on
Outsource type, branch selection comes.
• Self is selec ted – Origin and Destination Branch selection option
• Origin is selected- Destination Branch selection option
• Destination is selected- Origin Branch selection option
• Outsource is selected – Branch selection option will not be there.
xi. Change status to Completed and save it.

d. Updating of Job Order:

To do any changes in the created Job Order, click on edit icon and do the required update and save it.
Note: Once the Job Order is completed, then only Address, Pack date, load date, delivery date
and Purchase Order details can be updated. Other fields like Customer details and Outsourcetype
cannot be edited.

e. Deletion of Job Order:

For deleting the Job Order, select the customer Job Order Number and click on the delete icon.

Note: If any associated data is linked with the Job Order, it cannot be deleted.

1. Order Confirmation:
a. Order confirmation can be done once Job Order is completed.
b. Creation of Order Confirmation:
I. Go to Job Order under service module. Click on Job Order Confirmation iconon the
row of the particular customer. It will direct to the Job Order Confirmation page.
II. Select the Move date
III. Any documents to be added can be uploaded. Click on Add Document, selectthe
document and Save it.
IV. Can either type in the Cover letter and Remove details or Select the Coverletter and
Remove details from the drop down which are configured.
V. Change the status to completed and save it.
VI. Click on Mail icon on top for online Job Order Confirmation
VII. Enter the Email Id of client, mail template selection (if configured) and any attachments
can be added. Click on send.

2. Insurance:
a. Creation of Insurance:
I. Go to Insurance under Services Module. Click on Add. It will open Insurance page.
II. Enter the customer name in Order No field and select the name of the customer from the drop
down, select the Insurance category, select the Provider details and fill the policy details like
Number, Insurance value (Declared and percentage ), Validity dates and other details.
III. Add the Insurance Value form.
IV. Terms and Condition can be typed or select from drop down if configured
V. Select by whom the settlement is done.
VI. Change the status to completed and save it.

3. Claim:
a. Creation of Claim :
I. Once Insurance is completed, can create claims.
II. Go to Claims under Services module. Click on Add. It will open the claim page,
populate the customer name in Order number field. If claim is against the insurance
then Insurance of that customer also needs to be populated.
III. Click on Add item to add the article list and add the item name, quantity, amount,
claim amount, settlement type, settlement amount
IV. Change the status to completed and save it.
V. Change the status to accepted and save it.

4. Acknowledgement Agent:
a. Creation of Acknowledgement to Agent:
I. Go to Acknowledgements under Services module. Click on add icon, populate
theOrder Number select the Order number with respect to Customer name
II. Can either type in the Cover letter and Acknowledgement details or Select the
Coverletter and Acknowledgement details from the drop down which are
III. Click on save.
IV. Click on Print icon for the PDF.

5. Feedback:

a. Creation of Feedback:
I. Go to Customer Feedback under Services module. Click on Add icon. Enter the
customer name in Order No field and select the name of the customer from the drop
down. Select the feedback type. Select the supervisor and manpower details.
II. Enter the reference details.
III. Change the status to completed and save it.
IV. Select send mail icon for sending mail and Print for the PDF.
V. Clicking on the link of Online Customer Feedback Form, enter the details andclick
on Submit.
VI. Change the status to Submitted and save it.

6. Complaints:
a. Creation of Complaints:
I. Go to Complaints under Services Module. Click on Add. Populate the Order Nousing
customer name in the Order No. field.
II. Select the Complaint Services: Origin/ Destination/ Both. Select the Priority,
Complaint type, Complaint Mode and Complaint Description. Select the
Department and Customer Support.
III. Change the status to Created and save it.
IV. Click on the print icon for the PDF on the top.
V. Update the Actions taken to resolve and update the status.
VI. Once the complaint is resolved change status to closed and save it.

Agent Management
1. Agent Account Handling
a. Agent account can be created with contact details which can be auto-populated when
creating the rates.
b. Creation Of Agent Account:
I. Click on Organization (Accounts) under Sales module. Click on Add icon.

II. Select the Organization type as Agent. Enter the name of the Agent, Contact details,
and Industry type. Can add if any credit terms are there.
III. Select the reference, grade, assign to (to whom the account is assigned) andsave it.

IV. Enter he address details. Click on add icon. Incase multiple address arethere can add
address, click on add icon and Save.
V. If any contract is there, can add under the Contracts.
VI. Add Contact person details of agent under Contacts by clicking on AddContact.
VII. Click on Save.

2. Rate Request:

a. Requesting the agent for the rates of the services they provide.
b. Rate request can be added with Enquiry details for a particular customer r in general.
c. Creation Of Rate Req uest:
I. Click on the add icon. It will open the rate request page.
II. In case of creating Rate Request for particular customer, populate the enquiry ID(After create
III. Select the Rate Request type as Age
IV. Select the service required: Origin or Origin/ Freight or Destination or Freight,
storage, complete.
• Origin: If Origin service is required from agent.
• Origin/Freight: If Origin and Freight service is required from the agent.
• Destination: If Destination service is required.
• Freight: If only freight service is required.
• Storage: For storage service.
• Complete: For complete service from the agent
V. Select the address details, product type, goods type and transport mode.
VI. Enter the volume and enter the charge (activities if costing profile is there) and Save.
VII. To add another charge, enter the volume, update the name and add.
VIII. Change the status to completed and update.
IX. Rate request mail can be sent to agents or rate response from the agent can be entered
manually in the application.
X. In case of sending mail, select the agent from the list based on the country and city and click on
mail icon to send mail.
XI. In case of entering the response from agent manually, populate the agent name and contact
person and enter the rates.
XII. Change the status to completed and save it.
XIII. Once the rates are accepted, change the status to accepted and save it.
XIV. Note: The accepted rates will be available while doing the costing

3. Rate Response
a. Response given to the agent regarding the service.
b. Creation of Rate Response:
I. Click on Rate Response under Sales. Click on Add icon. Rate response page will open.
II. Populate the agent name for which response need to be added. Select the contact person.
III. Select the service type like move, storage, packing. Select the Product type like domestic move,
door to door export, door to door import, storage. Select the goods type. Select the city and
country details where the service is required.
IV. Select the service like Origin/freight, Origin. Destination, Freight. Select the Transport mode.
Select the shipment type. Enter the volume for which the rates to be added.
V. Click on Add rates
VI. Enter the transit time, rates, select whether flat rates or per unit rates, tax to be
included or not.
VII. Click on plus (+) icon to add another rate with same Service type and Transport mode.
VIII. To add another Service rates, update the service type and other requested details and click on
add rates.
IX. Change the status to complete and save.
X. Click on mail for online acceptance or PDF.
XI. Agents have to click on the link attached in the mail. Online acceptance page will open. For
whichever rates they are agreed or rejected, have to click on accept or reject accordingly.
XII. Any additional requirements are there can enter and submit.
XIII. Note: Creation of enquiry for accepted rates can be done.

Supporting Tools

1. Document Repository
a. Click on Repository under Home module.
b. Click on New folder for creating the folder. Choose the file to be uploaded. Click on upload.
c. Click on Root Directory for viewing the folders created.

2. Dashboard
a. Click on Dashboard under Home module.
b. Dashboard:
Graphical analysis of Leads, Sales and General Overview is shown in the dashboard section.
Graph can be generated based on the branch and the time period required.
I. Lead Analysis: graphical representation of Active, Pending, Converted and Lost leads
is shown.
II. Sales Analysis: Graph of number of Enquiry, Quotation and Job Order completedover
a period of month is shown.
III. General Overview: Represents the graph of total amount of Job Order, Invoice and
Billing over a period of month.

c. User Forecast:
I. To get the sales overview of the user(login).
II. Graph can be generated based on the branch and the time period required.
III. The count of the Leads, Enquiry, Survey, Costing, Quotation and Job Order
completed over the period of time is represented.

d. Sales Funnel:
I. Graph can be generated based on the branch and the time period required. Based on
sales member also.
II. Graph representation of Sales planning (Overview of quoted andmbooked amount),
Sales Move (Planned moves and acquired customers), Lead amount (Planned,
booked and quoted sum), Existing analysis (Planned, booked and quoted sum ).

e. Service Dashboard:
I. Graph representation of Job Order, Activities, Claims and Complaints.
II. The count of Job Orders created, active, completed, canceled , task execution
completed job order is shown based on users.
III. Job Order created by users can be viewed by clicking on the user detail.

3. Announcements

a. Any Announcements to be done can be updated here.

b. Click on announcement icon. Type the message to be announced and populate the employee
name to which this message to be announced. Click on Post for posting and
clear if you want to clear the message.

4. Calendar
a. Click on calendar icon to view calendar.
b. Task list can be filtered based on branch; filtration based on activity, based on the
customer type like individual, corporate, agent and also can search the task list based on
customer name.
c. Click on create new event to create an event from calendar.
d. Click on Day to view task day wise, accordingly week and month.

5. Due Activities
a. Click on due activity icon to view the pending tasks to be done.
b. Status of the activity is indicated in different colors. Like gray indicates active, purple
indicates pending. The status of the task can be updated.
c. Activity icon will direct to the activity created where can view the description mention for
that particular activity.

Billing Management:
In billing section user can generate Invoice for the customer like Corporate, Agent, or Individual. Billing
refers to customer in terms of receiving the payment for the services which user provided to the customer like
rental services, good move services etc. It’ll be easy to track the custom r payment details.Here user can add
the receipt voucher once the customer paid the money, Receive the advance payment, Create debit note if
some damages happen to the goods, or create debit note for extra services which is done by company for the
particular job.

User can go for billing module once the job order is “Completed”.


User can generate the invoice for customer like Agent, Corporate or Individual. User can consolidatemultiple
invoices into one.

Steps for Invoice section:

a. Once the job order is “Completed” status, user can go to billing section and create the invoice.
b. Go to job order under billing module, click on due invoice then click on create invoice option.
c. The following details need to be select in the Invoice page,
I. Created Date
II. Branch
III. Due Date
IV. Order Number (Customer Name)
V. Daybook as Cash or Bank (To keep the record of daily transaction)
VI. Account Type (Ledger like for Individual customer Individual account type orcorporate
account type as Corporate etc.)
VII. Add the shipment information

d. Add the billing information , 3 ways we can add the billing information
e. If any other charges user wants to add then click on “Add particular” option then mention the charges.
f. Select the Insurance value as well as Tax value then mention Term & Condition details.
g. Based on interaction with client select the appropriate status option,

I. Active- Proforma Invoice get generate (Take a print as PDF or send email
to client)
II. Completed- Tax Invoice get Generate.
III. Approved- Client accepted the invoice
IV. Pending- Custom r kept invoice on hold.
V. Cancel- Cancel the Invoice (Any Issue regarding description or tax)
h. Once the Invoice is “Appro ved” then user can proceed further for receipt voucher.

Note 1: User can amend the invoice if the status of Invoice is “Active”.
Note 2: Invoice master grid page, user can identify the pending balance.

Receipt Voucher:

Receipt voucher is issued when payment received from client. Payment received by Cash or Bank whichis
required to mention in the receipt voucher. In the system user can track the payment information by using
outstanding receivable report.

User can receive the advance and they can update in the receipt voucher. Advance can be attachedagainst
Invoice amount, Credit Note or Debit Note.

Steps for Receipt Voucher Sectio n:

a. Once Invoice is “Approved” status user can create the receipt voucher in case they received thepayment
from client.
b. Go to receipt voucher option, click on add option.

c. Following option need to be select,

I. Daybook (Receive payment Cash or Bank).
II. If payment received by Bank then select the payment mode option from dropdown.
III. Add the Bank details

d. User can create receipt voucher in 5 ways

I. Job Order (Received Advance payment)
II. Invoice (Invoice am ount)
III. Cheque Bounce
IV. Suspense Account
V. Customer (Received Advance Payment)
e. If user creating receipt voucher against Invoice then select Invoice option (check box) after thatclick on
search icon to get the outstanding amount.
f. Select the Invoice outstanding amount then adjust the amount which received from the client.
g. Change the status “Completed” then “Approve” it.
h. Based on that user can get the details of pending amount for the particular job.
Note 1: User can’t amend the details once the status is “Completed”.

Note 2: User can attach the Credit note or Debit note in receipt voucher.

Note 3: If user is receiving the payment based on customer then they can add directly asadvance
or adjust with invoice. (Both option they’ll get).

Credit Note:

Credit note is issued to a customer in terms of discount or in case of damage in the goods or if user enters
the wrong value while creating the invoice. In the system user can create two type of credit notefirst is
Revenue basis another Cost basis.

Steps for Credit Note Section:

a. Once the job order is “Com pleted” status and Invoice is “Approved” status. User can create note against
Invoice (Revenue).

b. Go to credit option, click on add option.

c. Following option need to select,
I. Daybook
II. Either user can select Revenue (against invoice amount user can adjust the amount likediscount)
or Cost (separate credit note user can provide like damage goods) option under credit note type.
III. Select the Order Number and Invoice number
d. Select the activity against which user adjusting the amount.
e. Mention the reason on which basis credit note user is creating.
f. Change the status as “Completed” then “Approve” the Credit Note.
g. Once the Invoice is approved user can see the invoice amount is deducted automatically.

Note 1: If the user creating the credit note against the cost then directly they can provide the credit
note tothe client based on job order. (Add the pricing details directly and approve the credit note)

Note 2: Once the credit note is “Completed status” user can’t amend the details.

Debit Note:

Debit note issued in case company provided some extra services to the particular client instead ofcreating
another invoice they can adjust in debit note.

Steps for Debit Note Section:

a. Once the job order is “Completed” status then user can create debit note.
b. Click on debit note option under the Billing module.
c. Click on add option, then select the following option in order to create debit note
I. Select the customer type from dropdown.
II. Daybook (Cash or Bank)
III. Order number
IV. Account Type (Mention Ledger)
V. Mention the reason for creating the debit note

d. Click on add particular for adding the charges.

e. Change the status “Approved” then save it.
f. Take print as “PDF” or us r can send email directly to the client.


Note 1: User can’t edit the cost once the status is “Completed”.

Note 2: Debit note user can attach with receipt voucher.

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