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When I say “niche” I just mean making videos around a particular topic/interest, try to go for a
wide TAM or total addressable market

Example: If you’re a videographer, making content aimed at anyone interested in photography,

video, editing, etc etc

Start some kind of series around what you’re doing regularly; combination of information and
entertainment usually works best

Lean into your strengths and unique advantages

“Day in the life of a videographer”

“Day in the life of a videographer in college”

“Day in the life of a videographer college student frat bro”

Experiment with a “series” where you’re doing some kind of documentation once a day “Day 1,
Day 2, Day 3” as these types of videos are doing well right now

Also don’t be afraid to piggyback off of what’s already working for other creators in your niche,
good artists borrow, great artists steal

1 reel a day, engage with other accounts in your niche, post on your story, be active, blah blah
blah just make sure you’re being consistent with it


Now we actually need to “own” the audience through a medium outside of Instagram so you can
build a more intimate relationship with your audience

We’re going to need to create a lead magnet to actually get people on your email list in the first
place from Instagram.

Now when a lot of people think of lead magnets they only think of that link you put in your bio;
believe it or not you can actually turn individual videos into lead magnets using ManyChat.

ManyChat is an autoresponder that’s partnered with Meta; because of this, the messages don’t
get marked as spam.
Once you have ManyChat set up, you can link it to individual videos to send people who engage
with your post DMs.

At the end of your videos, you’re going to be giving away some kind or gift free course,
prompting the viewer to comment a specific word if they want access.

“DM me ‘video’ to see the strategy I used to get clients as a freelance videographer last year”

Then, you’ll send them to some kind of opt in form where they put in their email in exchange for
this free resource.

Once they’re on the email list, you’ll want to have some kind of automatic sequence (welcome
flow) set up introducing yourself explaining who you are and what you do.

After that, you’re going to need to send 2 to 3 emails per week nurturing the list sharing stories
and insights you’ve collected in your field.

Every once in a while, you’re going to include a CTA or “call to action” at the end of your emails
pushing people to join a free community where they can connect with likeminded xyz (in this
case, let’s say creatives)


This is where you’re going to personally engage with people; at this point, the people who have
made it this far are highly interested in you or your content.

These are your die hard fans and likely did not stumble upon this group by accident.

I personally recommend going above and beyond with the free community and messaging
individual members to start building these relationships early; you can also do something like a
monthly or bi-monthly group call with everyone inside.

You can host these communities on either Skool or Discord; I personally prefer Discord.

Most importantly, this community will allow you to conduct market research and see what people
in your niche are struggling with. Then, you’ll be able to build a product providing a solution.

Say you have a bunch of other videographers/creative types in your group.

Some of the pain points might be “struggling to sign clients” or “charging more for my services.”

You can then go build a digital product around said problems assuming you’ve already
overcome them yourself.

There’s a few different ways to do this:

- Offer a more exclusive + paid version of the group that already exists ($49/mo
- Build a course outlining a solution to said problem or set of problems (one time
purchase, usually $99-997)
- High ticket coaching program (individualized plan, accountability, coaching calls, more
interactive, ranges anywhere from $2,000 to $10,000)

This is where you’re actually going to make your money whether you’re doing it through
recurring revenue like a subscription or a one time purchase like a course.

I personally use to host our digital products, probably the most streamlined
experience you’ll find on the internet.

A lot of people think being a “creator” involves making money directly from the platforms
themselves (YouTube adsense etc).

Understand that making money off these platforms directly can take years; most people are way
better off selling a product or service on the backend instead.

You’re not making money off the content directly; it’s indirectly driving sales to the digital product
you’re selling elsewhere.

Ideally, the first few people that buy your products have a great experience with it and start
offering testimonials/reviews.

You’re going to go and leverage those reviews in your content to promote your stuff even more
and show that “hey, people like you are enjoying this, this might be interesting to you too”

Highlight those success stories of people from your group/program on your IG story and email
list with accompanying CTAs funneling them to the free community.

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