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USE OF ENGLISH Poziom podstawowy

dr Piotr Stienbrich

Adjectives with negative prefixes

1. Match the negative prefixes from the box to the adjectives.

dis- il- im- im- im- in- ir- ir- ir- un- un-
Example: irregular

1. ...........pleasant

2. ...........responsible

3. ...........polite

4. ...........honest


6. ...........patient

7. ...........relevant

8. ...........mature

9. ...........sincere

10. ...........kind

2. Complete the sentences with appropriate negative adjectives from exercise 1.

Example: Irregular verbs can be a nightmare for some learners.

1. He is a very good teacher but a little .................................................. with his students.

2. Is it .................................................. to ask a person how old they are?
3. This advertisement is simply .................................................. . It really is far from the truth.
4. Gender is .................................................. to how well men and women do their jobs.
5. I find her behaviour rather .................................................. . She always pays complements to everyone.
6. It is .................................................. to drive a car without a valid driving licence.
7. Daniel is pretty .................................................. for his age, don’t you think?
8. It is .................................................. to ignore the red flag on the beach.
9. The test after a winter break was a(n) .................................................. surprise for everyone.
10. It was .................................................. of you to mention his weight.

Piotr Stienbrich – Use of English 1 Wydawnictwo Naukowe PWN S.A.

Compound adjectives

3. Match the adjectives with the descriptions.

absent-minded big-headed easy-going laid-back light-hearted open-minded

soft-hearted short-tempered thick-skinned two-faced well-behaved

Example: well-behaved You behave in a way that is accepted as correct.

1. ....................................................................................................

You are relaxed in manner and character and do not get anxious about other people’s behaviour or things
that need to be done.
2. ....................................................................................................

You do not pay attention to what is happening around you because you are thinking of other things.
3. ....................................................................................................

You are not sincere and you say unpleasant things about others when they are not around while being
pleasant when they are with you.
4. ....................................................................................................

You manage to stay calm about things that other people may get angry or worried about.
5. ....................................................................................................

You get angry easily, often for no good reason.

6. ....................................................................................................

You are not easily hurt by criticism.

7. ....................................................................................................

You are generally happy and not too serious.

8. ....................................................................................................

You are willing to listen to other people and consider new ideas and opinions.
9. ....................................................................................................

You are kind, gentle and think about what other people need.
10. ....................................................................................................

You think you are cleverer and more important than you really are.

4. Think of a famous person and choose three adjectives from exercise 3 that best describe him or her.
Explain your choices in pairs.

5. Which of the adjectives from exercise 3 is the most, and which the least desired?
Explain your choices in pairs.

Piotr Stienbrich – Use of English 2 Wydawnictwo Naukowe PWN S.A.

Word formation: nouns

6. Fill in the gaps with the correct form of the highlighted words.

Example: His illness was less serious than we thought. ILL

1. There was nothing unusual in his .................................................................................................... . APPEAR
2. Jane’s work has shown signs of .................................................................................................... this year. IMPROVE
3. What he did was sheer .................................................................................................... . MAD
4. You can pay for the .................................................................................................... with a credit card. DELIVER
5. Choosing furniture is a matter of personal .................................................................................................... . PREFER
6. Where there is love, there is .................................................................................................... . HAPPY
7. If you want to enter, you need a .................................................................................................... card. MEMBER
8. What is striking in his poetry is a great sense of .................................................................................................... . SAD

Word combinations: adjective + preposition

7. Read the sentences and choose the correct option.

Example: I’ve always been interested ......... hip hop music.

a) with b) in c) at
1. You must be very proud ......................... your children.
a) of b) with c) at
2. She is very fond ......................... horses.
a) with b) about c) of
3. I’m addicted ......................... chocolate.
a) about b) to c) with
4. Teddy is keen ......................... cycling.
a) with b) on c) about
5. Maria was so involved ......................... reading that she didn’t hear me come in.
a) for b) about c) in
6. Alexander Fleming is famous ......................... the discovery of penicillin.
a) for b) in c) about
7. It’s typical ......................... Terry to spend all that money on a new smartphone and then lose interest a week later.
a) for b) of c) with
8. His kids are obsessed ......................... online games.
a) with b) in c) to
9. Samantha really is good ......................... Maths.
a) in b) at c) about
10. She got really angry ......................... me for no particular reason.
a) for b) of c) with
11. My aunt Jemima is scared ......................... mice.
a) about b) of c) with
12. I’m really happy ......................... the results of the Chemistry test.
a) with b) of c) for
13. Don’t you get tired ......................... arguing all the time?
a) about b) in c) of
14. I bought a pair of jeans which are very similar ......................... the ones I had before.
a) to b) with c) of
15. I’m really sick ......................... her comments about my clothes!
a) at b) to c) of
Piotr Stienbrich – Use of English 3 Wydawnictwo Naukowe PWN S.A.
Delexical verbs
8. Complete the sentences with take, make, have or do. You may need to change the form of the verb.

Example: Would you like to take a walk with me?

1. We need to ......................... a break. I’m really tired.

2. It’s so hot today. I think I’ll ......................... a swim.
3. Who is ......................... such a horrible noise?
4. Don’t ......................... promises you can’t keep.
5. Sam has decided to ......................... Spanish lessons.
6. They’ve ......................... all the arrangements for the party.
7. We should ......................... a conversation about what to do next.
8. At home at weekends my brother and I usually ......................... the cooking.
9. You and Thomas didn’t ......................... an argument, did you?
10. We have a specialist to ......................... your hair and makeup if you want.
11. If you’d like to ......................... a comment, feel free to do so.
12. After your workout, you can ......................... a rest here.
13. You really should ......................... a visit to the City of Westminster.
14. We can ......................... a chat later, if you want.
15. Remember to ......................... the laundry and hang it out.

Word formation: adjectives

9. Change the form of the highlighted word so that it fits the sentence.

Example: The staff were friendly but not really helpful. FRIEND

1. I think your little brother is really ......................... . CHARM

2. The beach was so ......................... that we decided to go for a walk instead. CROWD
3. Is it true that ......................... food doesn’t taste as good? HEALTH
4. Be ......................... not to fall! CARE
5. I’m sure he’ll understand. He’s a ......................... man. REASON
6. Mrs Osbourne is a very ......................... teacher. DEMAND
7. Dan is really ......................... about tennis. PASSION
8. Mark Zuckerberg is a very ......................... man. WEALTH
9. The dancers were wearing ......................... costumes. TRADITION
10. Teddy never wears anything ......................... . Black seems his all-time favourite. COLOUR

Piotr Stienbrich – Use of English 4 Wydawnictwo Naukowe PWN S.A.

Phrasal verbs
10. Complete the sentences with the correct word from the box.

across after ahead back back down down off up

Example: We’ve received permission from the Head Teacher to go ahead with the school film festival.

1. Sorry, I can’t talk to you right now. I’m in the middle of something. Can I call you ......................... in fifteen
2. You’d better calm ......................... before you speak to her.
3. I’m counting on you. Please, don’t let me ......................... .
4. I had to send the shoes ........................., because they were the wrong size.
5. Just look at her. She really takes ......................... her mother. She’s got the same eyes and the same smile.
6. He came ......................... his old note books from primary school in his desk.
7. Tomorrow’s concert has been called ........................., because one of the musicians has flu.
8. Iga took ......................... tennis at the age of six.

11. Match the definitions with the phrasal verbs from exercise 10.

Example: start, proceed – go ahead

1. cancel – ....................................................................................................
2. disappoint – ....................................................................................................
3. find unexpectedly – ....................................................................................................
4. start a hobby or a sport – ....................................................................................................
5. relax after being angry – ....................................................................................................
6. resemble a family member – ....................................................................................................
7. return a phone call – ....................................................................................................
8. return by mail – ....................................................................................................

Piotr Stienbrich – Use of English 5 Wydawnictwo Naukowe PWN S.A.

Word combinations: verb + noun
12. Choose one word for each pair of sentences.

Did you ......................... a lot for that dress?
I think I’ll ......................... a visit to the post office when I’m in town.

1. ....................................................................................................

I .............................. a lot to my parents. They have always supported me no matter what.

I think you .............................. me an explanation.
2. ....................................................................................................

Good luck and .............................. a leg!

It was irresponsible of him to .............................. a promise
3. ....................................................................................................

You can .............................. questions at the end of the lecture.

Can I .............................. you a favour?
4. ....................................................................................................

When my brother decides to .............................. a story, it’s usually something extremely funny.
Are they twin sisters? It’s really hard to .............................. the difference between them.
5. ....................................................................................................

Why is he in our team? He can’t even .............................. the ball!

It’s really cold today so remember to put on warm clothes or else you’ll .............................. a cold.
6. ....................................................................................................

Jim has decided to .............................. weight, so he exercises a lot.

The class is so boring that it’s easy to .............................. interest.
7. ....................................................................................................

He set the alarm clock for five a.m., because he didn’t want to .............................. the flight.
If you refuse to take a course in public speaking, you may .............................. the chance of promotion.
8. ....................................................................................................

Peter was really obsessed with a healthy diet. He used to .............................. a diary of all the meals, snacks and
what have you.
Don’t tell her anything too personal. She can’t .............................. a secret.
9. ....................................................................................................

The battery in my phone is dead. Can you .............................. Jim and tell him we’re waiting?
The Mayor will have to .............................. a meeting of the council.
10. ....................................................................................................

Did you .............................. that money or did you borrow it?

You can’t .............................. a living from posting on Instagram.

Piotr Stienbrich – Use of English 6 Wydawnictwo Naukowe PWN S.A.

ANSWER KEY poziom podstawowy
1. un- 6. im- 8.
2. ir- 7. ir- 1. take 9. have
3. im- 8. im- 2. have 10. do
4. dis- 9. in- 3. making 11. make
5. il- 10. un- 4. make 12. take / have
5. take 13. make
2. 6. made 14. have
1. impatient 6. illegal 7. have 15. do
2. impolite 7. immature 8. do
3. dishonest 8. irresponsible
4. irrelevant 9. unpleasant 9.
5. insincere 10. unkind 1. charming 6. demanding
2. crowded 7. passionate
3. 3. healthy 8. wealthy
1. laid-back 6. thick-skinned 4. careful 9. traditional
2. absent-minded 7. light-hearted 5. reasonable 10. colourful
3. two-faced 8. open-minded
4. easy-going 9. soft-hearted 10.
5. short-tempered 10. big-headed 1. back 5. after
2. down 6. across
4. 3. down 7. off
Students’ answers 4. back 8. up

5. 11.
Students’ answers 1. call off 5. calm down
2. let down 6. take after
6. 3. come across 7. call back
1. appearance 5. preference 4. take up 8. send back
2. improvement 6. happiness
3. madness 7. membership 12.
4. delivery 8. sadness 1. owe 6. lose
2. break 7. miss
7. 3. ask 8. keep
1. a 6. a 11. b 4. tell 9. call
2. c 7. b 12. a 5. catch 10. make
3. b 8. a 13. c
4. b 9. b 14. a
5. c 10. c 15. c

Piotr Stienbrich – Use of English 7 Wydawnictwo Naukowe PWN S.A.

USE OF ENGLISH Poziom rozszerzony
dr Piotr Stienbrich

Adjectives with negative prefixes

1. Match the negative prefixes from the box to the adjectives.

dis- il- im- im- im- in- ir- ir- ir- un- un-

Example: irregular

1. ...........reasonable

2. ...........tolerant

3. ...........legible

4. ...........decisive

5. ...........obedient

6. ...........rational

7. ...........efficient

8. ...........perfect

9. ...........appropriate

10. ...........approachable

2. Complete the sentences with appropriate negative adjectives from exercise 1.

Example: Irregular verbs can be a nightmare for some students.

1. The note from Steve is almost .................................................. . It’s impossible to read it because it’s very untidy.
2. I know it’s .................................................., but I’m frightened of spiders.
3. James is really .................................................. . It is really hard for him to make a choice.
4. It is .................................................. to wear a tracksuit at the exam.
5. She is such a .................................................. child. She never listens to anyone!
6. Mrs Jones can be very .................................................. of students who don’t understand what she’s talking about.
7. I simply don’t understand why you did that. Your behaviour was totally .................................................. .
8. Tom is really rather .................................................. at fixing things.
9. We realise that the app we have created is still .................................................., but we are constantly improving it.
10. I find our new Chemistry teacher rather .................................................. .

Piotr Stienbrich – Use of English 1 Wydawnictwo Naukowe PWN S.A.

Word formation: nouns

3. Fill in the gaps with the correct form of the highlighted words.

Example: His illness was less serious than we thought. ILL

1. Your comments offer great .................................................. for everyone involved in this project. ENCOURAGE
2. There is a .................................................. of cheap accommodation in this area. SHORT
3. She was known for having good .................................................. and the ability to see both sides. JUDGE
4. There is little .................................................. of agreement between them. LIKELY
5. If you need any .................................................. of what I’ve just said, ask Sue or Brian. CONFIRM
6. If you want .................................................., you should try kitesurfing. EXCITE
7. Many flights are subject to .................................................. because of the strikes. CANCEL
8. We’re expecting a .................................................. from China any time soon. SHIP

Word combinations: verb + preposition

4. Complete the sentences with the correct preposition from the box.

about about about at for for for in of of of on on

to with with

Example: I’ve been waiting for you for half an hour!

1. Are you accusing me .................................................. lying?

2. George blames his lack of confidence .................................................. his teachers.
3. Stop laughing .................................................. him! You’re being rude!
4. We’ve applied .................................................. a grant for a school project.
5. My dad doesn’t approve .................................................. big parties in our house.
6. You don’t need to remind me .................................................. the meeting. I put it down in my diary.
7. You need to really focus .................................................. this task if you want to succeed.
8. The police searched the area .................................................. the missing boy.
9. Our geography teacher only deals .................................................. good students.
10. Are you going to take part .................................................. the competition?
11. My brother and I are completely different and we don’t agree .................................................. much.
12. If you need it, I’ll lend it .................................................. you.
13. Anna reminds me .................................................. her mother.
14. You need to provide me .................................................. more details.
15. They were arguing .................................................. which series to watch.

Piotr Stienbrich – Use of English 2 Wydawnictwo Naukowe PWN S.A.

Phrasal verbs

5. Complete the sentences with the correct word from the box.

ahead around away into out out out over up

Example: We’ve received permission from the Head Teacher to go ahead with the school film festival.

1. We managed to sort ......................... the problem with the computer.

2. When Harriet lived in Mexico, she used to eat ......................... almost every day.
3. We planned to have a surprise party for Tim, but Sam gave it ......................... .
4. Georgina picked ......................... a red shirt for me to try on.
5. You know what? I ran ......................... Jeremy in a bookshop in Reykjavik!
6. If you buy a flight, remember to shop ......................... to find the best deal.
7. I need a couple of days to think ......................... your proposal. I’ll let you know as soon as I decide.
8. She only left a minute ago. You can easily catch her ......................... .

6. Match the definitions with the phrasal verbs from exercise 5.

Example: start, proceed – go ahead

1. choose – ....................................................................................................
2. compare prices – ....................................................................................................
3. consider – ....................................................................................................
4. eat at a restaurant – ....................................................................................................
5. get to the same point as someone else – ....................................................................................................
6. meet unexpectedly – ....................................................................................................
7. resolve a problem – ....................................................................................................
8. ruin a secret – ....................................................................................................

Piotr Stienbrich – Use of English 3 Wydawnictwo Naukowe PWN S.A.

Word combinations: adjective + noun

7. Read the sentences and choose the correct option.

Example: Paul eats a lot of ......... food, which is why he isn’t particularly fit.
a) trash b) rubbish c) junk

1. There was ......................... traffic on the roads this morning.

a) hard b) heavy c) tough
2. One of the aims of the system is to reduce ......................... error.
a) human b) manly c) personal
3. She put a few ......................... belongings in the bag and left the house.
a) private b) personal c) human
4. Granny could not read the text message because of her ......................... eyesight.
a) deprived b) flat c) poor
5. I’ve booked a holiday in Peru, but unfortunately there were no ......................... flights available.
a) straight b) direct c) right
6. We’ve had some sun over these last summer days and it has been a(n) ......................... change to the rainy
a) willing b) approving c) welcome
7. I don’t know a(n) ......................... lot about cricket, but I’m learning.
a) awful b) horrific c) horrible
8. The exchange students from Germany were given a ......................... welcome in our school.
a) hot b) burning c) warm
9. He had a ......................... escape when he fell off his motorbike.
a) tiny b) narrow c) close
10. Quite frankly, I have ......................... feelings about the school trip to Kenya.
a) mixed b) black-and-white c) stirred
11. The ......................... time is 11 and I want everyone to be ready by 10.45.
a) departing b) departed c) departure
12. There were really no ......................... points in her argumentation.
a) weak b) poor c) delicate
13. No test in Chemistry! Your ......................... day!
a) happy b) funny c) lucky
14. The ......................... majority of tickets were sold within an hour.
a) fat b) vast c) biggest
15. You have to give us more than just ......................... promises.
a) empty b) blank c) hollow

Piotr Stienbrich – Use of English 4 Wydawnictwo Naukowe PWN S.A.

Word in focus: go

8. Match the meaning of the verb go in the sentences below with the correct definition.
Each definition matches two sentences.

A to travel or move to another place: ....8.... ...13...

B to produce a noise or a sound: ......................... .........................

C to be expressed, sung or played: ......................... .........................

D be sold or be available:......................... .........................

E to look or be acceptable or suitable:......................... .........................

F to happen:......................... .........................

G to operate:......................... .........................

1. The TV would go nicely on that wall, don’t you think?

2. I have no idea why this watch won’t go.
3. I can’t remember how the song goes.
4. This company has been going for nearly 50 years.
5. Didn’t I hear the doorbell go just now?
6. I bought those flowers, because they were going really cheap.
7. Does this blouse go well with the jeans?
8. I went to Manchester last summer. Have you ever been there?
9. The shop is making a clearance sale – everything must go.
10. Did it all go according to plan?
11. The story goes that he had a number of odd jobs before he became a well-known writer.
12. How did the meeting go?
13. Wouldn’t it be faster to go by train?
14. I wish your smartphone would stop going “beep” whenever you get a notification.

Piotr Stienbrich – Use of English 5 Wydawnictwo Naukowe PWN S.A.

Word in focus: make

9. Translate the parts in Polish into English to complete the sentences. In each sentence use the word make
in the correct form.

make a phone call. .

Example: Sorry but I have to (zadzwonić) ........................................................

1. He is always (robi żarty) .................................................................................................... me!

2. The news about the reform has not yet been (została upubliczniona) ........................................................................................... .
3. My younger brother (zrobił bałagan) .................................................................................................... in the kitchen.
4. At the beginning of the meeting Dave (wygłosił przemówienie) .................................................................................................... .
5. Remember to (pościelić łóżko) .................................................................................................... before you leave for school.
6. If we sit closer together, we will (zrobimy miejsce) ......................................................................................... for one more person.
7. (Tylko pamiętaj) .................................................................................................... you’ve got to be home by 10 p.m.
8. I haven’t (zdecydowałam) .................................................................................................... where to go on holiday yet.
9. I invited Sarah to a cafe to (wynagrodzić) .................................................................................................... missing her birthday.
10. I keep reading it and still it (jest bez sensu) .................................................................................................... .

Piotr Stienbrich – Use of English 6 Wydawnictwo Naukowe PWN S.A.

ANSWER KEY poziom rozszerzony
1. 5.
1. un- 6. ir- 1. out 5. into
2. in- 7. in- 2. out 6. around
3. il- 8. im- 3. away 7. over
4. in- 9. in- 4. out 8. up
5. dis- 10. un-
2. 1. pick out 5. catch up
1. illegible 6. intolerant 2. shop around 6. run into
2. irrational / 7. unreasonable / 3. think over 7. sort out
unreasonable irrational 4. eat out 8. give away
3. indecisive 8. inefficient
4. inappropriate 9. imperfect 7.
5. disobedient 10. unapproachable 1. b 6. c 11. c
2. a 7. a 12. a
3. 3. b 8. c 13. c
1. encouragement 5. confirmation 4. c 9. b 14. b
2. shortage 6. excitement 5. b 10. a 15. a
3. judgement 7. cancellation
4. likelihood 8. shipment 8.
B 5, 14 E 1, 7
4. C 3, 11 F 10, 12
1. of 6. about 11. about D 6, 9 G 2, 4
2. on 7. on 12. to
3. at 8. for 13. of 9.
4. for 9. with 14. with 1. making fun of 6. make room
5. of 10. in 15. about 2. made public 7. Make sure
3. (has) made a mess 8. made up my mind
4. made a speech 9. make up for
5. make the bed 10. doesn’t make sense

Piotr Stienbrich – Use of English 7 Wydawnictwo Naukowe PWN S.A.

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