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GOOD -Services and goods which is tangibleitems that are physically sent and intangible
commodities, such as tourism and financial services are both included in trade agreementsThese
commodities and services are produced through increasingly global and complicated supply systems.
One of the most significant developments of the 20th century has been the integration of national
economies into a global economic system. The result of this integrating processoften referred to as
globalizationhas been a striking increase in international trade.There has always been globalization.
Since the beginning of civilisation, neighbors have been trading products. As cultures developed, they
gained the ability to travel further to exchange their own items for valuable ones obtained from other
HARM –Just like what you indicated, globalization and colonization took place almost a century ago,
yet the negative economic impacts are still present in developing nations.Globalization has raised
living standards worldwide, but not everyone has benefited from all of its impacts. As a result of
ongoing pressure from globalization, earnings for unskilled workers could be dropping.
Although it has been demonstrated that globalization raises life quality in developing nations,
some analysists warned that it may also have a negative impact on local or growing economies,
as well as specific workers.Additionally, studies imply that globalization may exacerbate income
inequality and gaps between individuals of a society with higher and lower levels of education.

GOOD - One of the strongest arguments in favor of free trade is its capacity to increase economic
effectiveness. According to basic economic theory, free trade policies imply that each nation
concentrates on its comparative advantage, lowering the price of goods and improving the lives of
everyone. Businesses benefit from globalization's ability to access raw commodities at lower prices,
giving them a competitive edge. While utilizing the technical know-how and experience of more
developed economies, globalization also allows businesses to benefit from lower labor costs in
developing nations. If the US is really good at manufacturing cars and China is good at
manufacturing televisions, free trade rules should ensure that each nation plays to its strengths
rather than wasting time and effort on ineffective tasks.
HARM - The global economy has been harmed as a result of globalization. Due to capitalism and the
availability of cheap labor overseas, countries have been enduring unequal development, exploitation that
limits the growth of their economies, and trade wars since colonization. Although globalization might be
viewed positively, in reality it has economically favored developed countries over developing ones and is
preventing poorer nations from prospering. The economy as a whole may benefit from long-term
economic efficiency, but the industrial worker who loses his job today won't see much of a benefit.
Although free trade boosts a nation's overall economic productivity, it also has the potential to push
millions of people to switch jobs.but it can also force millions of people to change their careers.

GOOD - In developing countries, whose economies are affecting development. It is true that
some parts of the supply chain's working conditions are appalling. Free trade opponents usually
assert that doing business in countries with low labor and environmental standards encourages
business relocation. These behaviors could lead to repeated labor laws violations and
environmental damage. For instance, a coal mining corporation in the US might be forced to
provide high minimum wages to employees, enforce stringent safety regulations, and prevent
river contamination. Thanks to free trade agreements, the mining firm could be able to relocate
operations to a country without any of those restrictions, lowering costs at the expense of
environmental protection and the rights of workers.
HARM - Some proponents of free trade contend that trade barriers provide numerous opportunities
for political corruption. While less powerful groups must go it alone, powerful interest groups can
persuade governments to grant them special protections like subsidies or tariffs. As a result,
established, wealthy businesses may have a significant advantage over emerging entrepreneurs.
According to proponents of free trade, removing trade barriers equalizes the playing field for all
parties.Although globalization might be viewed positively, in reality it has economically favored
developed countries over developing ones and is preventing poorer nations from prospering.

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