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EN 1991-1-4 Wind Load Calculation Example A fully worked example of Eurocode 1 (EN 1991-1-4) wind load calculations In this example, we will be calculating the design wind pressure for a warehouse structure located in Aachen, Germany. Our references will be the Eurocode 1 EN 1991-1-4 Action on structures (wind load) and DIN EN 1991- 1-4/NA:2010-12, We shall be using a model from our S3D to demonstrate how the loads are applied on each surface, ( Figure 1. Warehouse model in SkyCiv S3D as example, Location Occupancy Terrain Dimensions Cladding Figure 2. Site location (from Google Maps). Table 1. Building data needed for our wind calculation. Aachen, Germany Miscellaneous ~ Warehouse Structure Flat farmland 19,507 m (d) x 31,699 m (b) in plan Eave height of 9.144 m Apex height at clev. 10.973 m (h) Roof slope 3:16 (10.62°) Without opening Purlins spaced at 0.6 m Wall studs spaced at 0.6 m ‘The formula in determining the design wind pressure are: For basic wind velocity: Where: Cseason®ossasonal factor 4) a Uy = CdirCreason 50 basic wind velocity in m/s directional factor = fundamental value of the basic wind velocity (DIN National Annex for EN 1991-1- For basic velocity pressure: Where: @ I ~ 95 p gine? ua design wind pressure in Pa [Math Processing Error] = density of air (1.25 kg/cu.m.) [Math Processing Error]= basic wind velocity in m/s For peak pressure: [Math Processing Error] (3) Where: ‘Um(z) = mean wind velocity, m/s = ¢,(z)co(z)vp ‘4, co(z) 2tdfdgraphy factor erl2)co(2)oy [Mathkédessing Error] = roughness factor: [Math Processing Error] (8) [Math Processing Error] (6) ‘Where: [Math Processing Error] = roughness length, m [Math Processing Error] ~ terrain factor, depending on the roughness length, /Math Processing Error] calculated using: [Math Processing Error] : [Math Processing Error] (terrain category Il) (1) [Math Processing Error] = minimum height Zmax Znmgaximum height taken as 200m. From these Equations (4) to (7), DIN EN 1991-1-4/NA:2010-12 Annex B summarizes the formula for each parameter depending on the terrain category: Tabelle NA.B.2— Profile der mittleren Windgeschwindligkeit, der Turbulenzintensitat, des Bden- ‘geschwindigkeitsdrucks und der Boengeschwindigkeit in ebenem Gelande fur 4 Gelandekategorien Gelandekategorie i o [Mindesthhe Zin 2,00 m 8,00 m itor Wind- aezcnvineioket | 118 (0109? | 100%4, 671074 J O77 7 F 27M a yayea,th) > Zorio 4p(2)*45(2anq)| ——— , — 7 ered a 2y=9,(0) b rebar a perarer NOTE Tho velocity pressure chould be assumed to be uniform over each horizontal strip considered. Figure 6, Pressure distribution for windward wall based on Figure 7.4 of EN 1991-1-4, On the other hand, pressure distribution for sidewalls (Zones A to C) are shown in Figure 7.5 of EN 1991-1-4 and depends on the € = b < 2h. For our example, the value of € = 21.946, hence, > d as shown in Figure 7. Moreover, leeward wall presstre id dés#fnated as Zone E. External pressuré co@biGiéfits afe*hén indicated in Figure 8 based on Table NA.1 of DIN EN 1991-1-4/NA:2010-12. Plan ‘or 2h, whichever is smaller : closswind dimension tion for wind x TIO wine x Ti TZ Figure 7.5 — Key for vertical walls Figure 7. Pressure distribution for sidewall based on Figure 7.5 of EN 1991-1-4. ‘Tabelle NA.1 — AuBendruckbeiwerte fur vertikale Wande rechteckiger Gebiude al D E Bereich A 5 et | Soeto | Ser | Seto zo2s | 12 | 14 | -08 | —10 05 307) Fur enzein in offenem Golandesiehende Gbaue kannen im Sogbereich auch groiere Sogkrafte auton _2yssehenner corn inaoenterpoier werden For Gebsude mith Sist de Gesamtindlast anhand der Kratbetwerte aus 7. bis 7.8und 7.92 2u erm Figure 8, External pressure coefficient for vertical walls (Zones A to E) based on Table NA.1 of DIN EN 1991-1- 4/NA:2010-12, Since [Math Processing Error], we will need to interpolate the [Math Processing Error] values in order to calculate for the design wind pressure. The subscripts for /Math Processing Error] and [Math Processing Error] mean that the value is dependent on the area where the wind pressure is applied, for either 1 sq.m. and 10 sq.m. Usually, for buildings, /Math Processing Error] is the one to be adopted since [Math Processing Error] is used for small elements such as claddings and roofing elements. The interpolated values for Cpeqjke shown in Table 3 below. ‘Table 3. Calculated external pressure coefficient for vertical walls. hfd. A B c D E hid 1,000 12 0.8 0.5 O08 0.5 0.563 -12 08 0.5 0.742 0.250 12 08 0.5 07 0.3 b) Roof Distribution of design wind pressures for roof are detailed in Sections 7.2.3 to 7.2.10 and 7.3 of EN 1991-1-4. Specifically, since the roof profile of our structure is duopitch, we will be using Section 7.2.5 to get the roof external pressure coefficients, Czegas shown in Figure 9 and 10 below. upwind face downwind face Pitch angle postive Pitch angle negative (a) general upwind face downwind face IT) II ® ni 5 ° = idge.or trough “lf befel10 + Hest bor 2h whichever is smaller (b) wind direction @= 0° 6: crosswind dimension H 1 ridge r ‘or tought Hl 1 e—+e!10 es (©) wind direction @= 90° Figure 9, Pressure distribution for duopitch roof based on Figure 7.8 of EN 1991-1-4, Zone for wind direction 9= 0° “15 25 | 28 | -13 | 20 | 09 12 | 05 07 “12 +02 +02 J 23 | 25 | 412 | 20 | 8 a Figure 9. External pressure coefficient for roof surfaces walls (Zones F to J) based on Table 7.4a of EN 1991-1-4, Since the roof pitch angle is equal to 10,62°, we need to interpolate the Cpe ofalues of 5° and 15°. Hence, the calculated cp ayalues for our structure is shown in Table 4 below. Table 4. Calculated external pressure coefficient for roof surfaces. hjd Zone F Zone G Zone H Zonel Zone J h/d—Cihe +Cthe —Cthe +Cthe —Cthe +Cthe —Cthe | +Cthe —Cthe +Cthe the +ethe ~ the +eihe Othe +ethe ~Cthe +ethe Othe +e 5.00 “LT 0.0 -12 0.0 0.6 0.0 0.6 = -0.6 0.2 10.62 1.250 0.112 0.975 0.112 0.431 0.112 0.488 - 0.825 0.088 15,00 0.9 0.2 0.8 0.2 -0.3 0.2 04 - -10 0.0 Internal Wind Pressure, w; w; Tnternal wind pressure, wjnugan develop and will act simultaneously with the extemal wind pressure. Hence, the need to calculate w;tis necessary. The formula to calculate w;tis: = GH, 2 a l2)ee Where: ° ‘wyeminternal wind pressure, Pa p(2) = peak pressure, Pa cpicpiftabfhal pressure coefficient Section 7.2.9 of EN 1991-1-4 states that cp;qjan be taken as the more onerous of +0.2 and -0.3. We assume that our structure has no dominant opening Design Wind Pressure With these c,,qad ¢,,qgalues, we can now calculate the corresponding extemal wind pressure for each zone as shown in Table 5. Table 5. Calculated extemal wind pressure each surface, Wew. win; Combined wend wiw; Surface Zone —Cpe +epe epi epi min value max value Cpe He pe He Fey: ZoneA —-1006.56 -117432 754.92 Zone B ~671.04 - -838.80 ~419.40 Wall Zone C 419.40 - ~587.16 167.76 Zone D - 622.11 454.35 873.75 Zone E “321.54 -489.30 69.9 167.76, -251.64 Zone F -1048.83 94.28 -1216.59 345.92 ZoneG 818,00 94.28 “985.76 345.92 Roof Zone H -361.86 94.28 -529.62 345,92 Zone | ~409.00 576.76 -157.36 Zone J 691.84 73.48 -859.60 325.12 From these values, we can now apply these design wind pressures to our structure. Considering one frame bay (inner), the combined we wad [Math Processing Error] is as follows: Figure 10. Inner frame to be considered. Figure 11. Minimum case for combined [Math Processing Error] and [Math Processing Error]. Figure 12. Maximum case for combined /Math Processing Error] and [Math Processing Error]. These calculations can be all be performed using SkyCiv’s Wind Load Software (hitps:// fware/wind-design-module’) for ASCE 7-10, 7-16, EN 1991, NBBC 2015 and AS 1170. Users can enter in a site location to get wind speeds and topography factors, enter in building parameters and generate the wind pressures. With a Professional Account, users can auto apply this to a structural model and run structural analysis all in the one software. Otherwise, try our SkyCiv Free Wind Tool ( for wind speed and wind pressure calculations on simple structures. liskyciv. -load- Patrick Aylsworth Garcia Structural Engineer, Product Development MS Civil Engineering yisworth-garcia/) LinkedIn (https://www.linkedin.convin/pattis References: ‘+ En, B, (2005). Eurocode 1: Actions on Structures—Part -4: General Actions —Wind Actions. + DIN EN 1991-1-4, (2005). Eurocode 1: Einwirkungen auf Tragwerke Teil 1-4: Allgemeine Einwirkungen, Windlasten; Deutsche Fassung EN 1991-1-4: 2005. Updated on January 22, 2024 © SkyCiv Cloud Structural Analysis Software, 2024, Powered by weDocs plugin for WordPress hitps://

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