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Read the passage below and summarise.

Courtship is a period of waiting before couples get married; you can call it a mid-way between
singleness and marriage. It is a period when two people in love get acquainted with each other
and know each other’s likes and dislikes. It is not definite or indissoluble because at one time or
the other, one party may get uninterested in the other and call it quits. A broken relationship is
better than a broken marriage, as it is said and believed.

However, courtship is a game of different strokes for different folks. While some desire long
courtship saying it enables them to know their partners more, others prefer it short. They are of
the opinion that long courtship can cause you to get involved in things you are not prepared for
and can expose you to undue responsibilities while the man might even get tired of the whole
affair, hence, the earlier the better.

Does long courtship guarantee a successful marriage? This is another question for consideration.
It depends on personalities involved, their determination and goals. Many young people today,
because of the global economic situation are finding it hard to settle down on time hence, the
issue of long courtship comes into play. It is therefore obvious that many wouldn’t have been
involved in it if not for certain circumstances and they end up battling with how to end it up in

The grass always looks greener in other people’s lives; because few people share truth of the
amount of work that goes into relationships whether long or short, but everyone knows that a lot
of work is required in longer courtships to enable it result in marriage. Ensuring a lasting
courtship requires constant attention, nurturing and work. If you can understand and accept the
need for constant attention and work on your relationship, you have started in the right direction.

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