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Control of Hazardous Energy Procedure


0 21-Aug-2019 Issued for Construction I.MCDONALD M.DINICOLA S.NICHOLSON

Revision Date Description Prepared by: Reviewed by: Approved by: Approval

Security COMPANY USE Total number of Pages (including Cover sheet): 63

For Contract No. Contractor Document No.
Documents 0
LNG19-00079, SSF19-00080 000-PP-E-085006

Company Project System Originator Discipline Doc. Type Sequence Language Revision
No. MZ 000 CCX HS PRO 00011 - 0

This document is Work Product under the EPC Agreement between ANADARKO
All rights, title and interest in this Work Product, including any and all copyrights therein, are owned by
AMA1, except as reserved under the Agreement.
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Mozambique LNG - 5.99 MTPA
Document Title: Control of Hazardous Energy Procedure
Document No. MZ-000-CCX-HS-PRO-00011
Rev. 0 Rev Date: 21-AUG-2019


Page No. Section Description of Changes

This document has been originated starting from the FEED document No. EA-
MZ-SR0000-CCV-C01-00052-00 Rev.0
All Update all the reference documents according to the EPC MDR.


HOLD No. Description of Holds


Document Number Title Status

COMPANY Attachment J – Health, Safety and Environment
MZ-000-CCX-HS-PRO-00006 Work Area Hazard Assessment Procedure
MZ-000-CCX-HS-PRO-00016 Construction Permit to Work Procedure
MZ-000-CCX-HS-PRO-00026 Notice of Energization Procedure
HOLD 1 Permit Office Checklist
HOLD 2 CONTRACTOR Training Matrix
ASME B16.47 Series B Flanges
ASME B31.1 Power Piping Standard
NFPA 70E Standard for Electrical Safety in the Workplace
ANSI/IEC 60529.2004 Degrees of protection provided by enclosures

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Document Title: Control of Hazardous Energy Procedure
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Rev. 0 Rev Date: 21-AUG-2019

1.0 INTRODUCTION ................................................................................................................. 6
1.1 Purpose ................................................................................................................................. 6
1.2 Scope .................................................................................................................................... 6
2.0 ABBREVIATIONS ............................................................................................................... 6
3.0 RESPONSIBILITIES ........................................................................................................... 7
3.1 General Responsibility ........................................................................................................... 8
3.2 Senior Authorised Electrical/Mechanical Representative........................................................ 8
3.3 Authorized Isolators / Tagging Authority................................................................................. 8
3.4 Permit Authority ..................................................................................................................... 9
3.5 LOTO Coordinator ................................................................................................................. 9
3.6 Person in Charge of Work .................................................................................................... 10
3.7 Permit Coordinator ............................................................................................................... 10
3.8 Work crews .......................................................................................................................... 11
3.9 Managers ............................................................................................................................. 11
3.10 General Foreman / Superintendents .................................................................................... 11
3.11 Supervisors (Foreman) ........................................................................................................ 12
4.0 PROCEDURE ................................................................................................................... 12
4.1 General ................................................................................................................................ 12
5.0 ISOLATION HEIRARCHY APPLIED TO ENERGIZED SYSTEMS ................................... 13
6.0 TAGS ................................................................................................................................ 13
6.1 Personal Danger Tag / Personal Lock.................................................................................. 13
6.2 Isolation Tags ...................................................................................................................... 14
6.3 Out of Service Tags ............................................................................................................. 15
6.4 Information Tags .................................................................................................................. 16
6.5 Commissioning Tags ........................................................................................................... 16
7.0 LOCKS.............................................................................................................................. 17
7.1 Isolation / Control Locks ....................................................................................................... 17
7.2 Red Authorized Isolators / Tagging Authority Isolation Locks ............................................... 17
7.3 Personal Locks. ................................................................................................................... 17
7.4 Yellow Permit /LOTO Office Lock (Control Lock). ................................................................ 17
7.5 Purple Locks – Boundary Isolations (Electrical & Mechanical) ............................................. 17
7.6 Blue Control Locks ............................................................................................................... 18
8.0 ISOLATIONS .................................................................................................................... 18
8.1 Types of Systems Requiring Lock-out / Tag-out and/or Blinding / Blanking .......................... 19
8.2 Use of Lockboxes. ............................................................................................................... 19
9.0 CONDUCTING ISOLATIONS ........................................................................................... 20
9.1 Electrically Operated Systems ............................................................................................. 20
9.2 Mechanically Operated Systems .......................................................................................... 21
9.3 Proving Isolations – Test / Try (Mechanical) – Verify zero pressure ..................................... 22
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Document Title: Control of Hazardous Energy Procedure
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Rev. 0 Rev Date: 21-AUG-2019

9.4 Verify Zero Voltage (Electrical)............................................................................................. 22

9.5 Isolation of Structures and Pipelines .................................................................................... 23
9.5.1 Safety Rules ................................................................................................................. 23
9.5.2 Isolation Method ........................................................................................................... 23
9.5.3 Isolation Exception ........................................................................................................ 24
9.5.4 Remote Blank / Blind with Vapor Barrier ....................................................................... 24
9.5.5 CONTRACTOR Policy on Cleaning and Gas-Freeing Vessels ..................................... 24
9.5.6 Blank Thickness............................................................................................................ 24
9.6 Boundary Isolations ............................................................................................................. 25
9.7 Single Isolation Process (General Permit to Work Required) ............................................... 26
9.7.1 Example for Single Isolations ........................................................................................ 27
9.8 Group Isolation Process (Isolation Certificate and Permit Required) .................................... 27
9.9 Authorized Isolator / Tagging Authority and Verifier ............................................................. 28
9.10 ELV Isolations ...................................................................................................................... 29
10.0 TESTING........................................................................................................................... 29
10.1.1 On all systems, regardless of their completion status where a hazardous energy is
introduced into a system, the requirements set out in this section shall be followed. ................... 29
11.0 SITUATIONS WHERE A PERMIT IS NOT REQUIRED .................................................... 30
12.0 CABLE TERMINATIONS .................................................................................................. 30
12.1 Disconnection of Cable in the Field ...................................................................................... 30
13.0 ACCESS INTO ENERGIZED CABINETS ......................................................................... 31
13.1 Access into Junction boxes / equipment with energized ELV Cables only. ........................... 32
14.0 UNAUTHORIZED REMOVAL OF A DANGER TAG OR OPERATION ............................. 32
14.1 Where a Personal Lock and Tag have been placed: ............................................................ 32
14.2 Unauthorized Use of a Isolation Tag .................................................................................... 33
14.3 Non-emergency Tag / Lock Removal Authorization ............................................................. 33
14.4 Emergency Closure / Changes ............................................................................................ 34
14.5 Incomplete Work or Unsafe Plant......................................................................................... 35
15.0 USE OF RED SPADES – BOUNDARY MECHANICAL ISOLATIONS ............................. 35
15.1 Live Lines – Systems and sub systems................................................................................ 36
15.2 Boundary Movement. ........................................................................................................... 36
15.3 De-blinding Isolations with Nitrogen Blanket. ....................................................................... 37
15.3.1 Where bleed exists. ...................................................................................................... 37
15.3.2 Where no bleed exists. ................................................................................................. 38
16.0 AUTHORIZATION OF ISOLATORS ................................................................................. 38
16.1 Electrical .............................................................................................................................. 38
16.2 Mechanical .......................................................................................................................... 39
16.3 Testing and Energization of systems.................................................................................... 40
16.4 Pre- Energization. ................................................................................................................ 40
16.5 Permanent Energization....................................................................................................... 41
16.6 Post –Energization ............................................................................................................... 41

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Rev. 0 Rev Date: 21-AUG-2019

17.0 MONITORING AND REVIEW ........................................................................................... 42

17.1 General ................................................................................................................................ 42
17.1.1 MV/HV/High Pressure systems/HC systems/CSE. ........................................................ 42
17.1.2 Other systems............................................................................................................... 42
17.2 Records ............................................................................................................................... 42
18.0 TRAINING REQUIREMENTS ........................................................................................... 42
19.0 APPENDIXES ................................................................................................................... 42
19.1 Appendix 1: Carbon Steel Blanks - (16.1 ksi stress - ASTM A283-C/A36) ........................... 43
19.2 Appendix 2: Stainless Steel Blanks - (20 ksi stress - ASTM A240 type 304/316) ................. 44
19.3 Appendix 3: Minimum Temperature for Blanks W/O Impact Testing - (A283 C/A36) ............ 45
19.4 Appendix 4: Blank and Gasket Diameters ............................................................................ 46
19.5 Appendix 5: Mechanical Isolation Standards ........................................................................ 47
19.6 Appendix 6: Degrees of protection provided by enclosures .................................................. 51
19.7 Appendix 7: Isolation Hierarchy – Less than 24V DC ........................................................... 52
19.8 Appendix 8: Isolation Hierarchy – More than 24V DC, Less than 50V DC ............................ 53
19.9 Appendix 9: Isolation Hierarchy – More than 50V DC, Less than 1000V AC ........................ 54
19.10 Appendix 10: Isolation Hierarchy – More than 601V ......................................................... 55
19.11 Appendix 11: Boundary Isolations .................................................................................... 56
19.12 Appendix 12: Emergency Lock Out Device Removal Form .............................................. 57
19.13 Appendix 13: Notice of Energisation ................................................................................. 59
19.14 Appendix 14: Isolation Checklist ....................................................................................... 61
19.15 Appendix 15: Example Isolation Log................................................................................. 62
19.16 Appendix 16: Summary of Tags ....................................................................................... 63

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1.1 Purpose
The purpose of this procedure is to define the minimum CONTRACTOR requirements for the
control of hazardous energy and to provide direction for Isolation and Tagging of energy sources
in order to minimize any risk to personnel, the environment or equipment to ensure a safe system
of work is established and maintained.

1.2 Scope
This procedure applies to Isolation and Tagging of all potential energy sources (electrical,
mechanical, hydrostatic, pneumatic, pressure and gravity) and defines the requirements for
Isolation prior to working on any system with the potential to become live during any
Construction, Maintenance, and Commissioning or associated project infrastructure activities on
the Mozambique LNG Project.
This procedure is inclusive of vehicles, mobile plant, tools and equipment powered by energy.
Energy sources of 24 volts (AC/DC) and below do not require LOTO Office control – personal
isolation are to be recorded on Isolation Log (i.e. personal lock, removal and personal retention
of ignition key from mobile plan, etc.).
This procedure shall be read in conjunction with the CONTRACTOR Permit to Work Procedure
for Construction and Commissioning


Abbreviation: Meaning:
AC Alternating Current
ACGIH American Conference of Governmental Industrial Hygienists
AGT Authorised Gas Tester
ALARP As Low as is Reasonably Practicable
ANSI American National Standards Institute
CCS JV Chiyoda, McDermott and Saipem Joint Venture
COHE Control of Hazardous Energy
CMS CONTRACTOR Management Systems
COMPANY Anadarko
CSE Confined Space Entry

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CV Curriculum Vitae
DBB Double Block and Bleed
DC Direct Current
ELV Extra Low Voltage
JHEA Job Hazard Environmental Analysis
HSE Health, Safety and Environment
HV High Voltage
IEC International Electrotechnical Commission
IFC Issued for Construction
IP International Protection
LEL Lower Explosive Limit
LOTO Lock Out Tag Out
LV Low Voltage
MV Medium Voltage
NATA National Association of Testing Authorities
NFPA National Fire Protection Association
NOE Notice of Energisation
PIC Person in Control
PPE Personal Protective Equipment
PTW Permit to Work
SBB Single Block and Bleed
SIA Senior Isolating Authority
SIMOPS Simultaneous Operations
SLD Single Line Diagram
V Volts
WMS Work Method Statement

The following personnel have responsibilities defined in this procedure:
• CONTRACTOR Managers;
• CONTRACTOR Supervisors;

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Rev. 0 Rev Date: 21-AUG-2019

• CONTRACTOR Employees;
• SUBCONTRACTOR Supervisors;

3.1 General Responsibility

It is the responsibility of all CONTRACTOR management and supervisory personnel to identify
each hazard and assess the risk of injury or harm to a person resulting from each hazard and
consider the means by which the risk may be reduced to ALARP. This shall be done in
accordance with CONTRACTOR Work Area Hazard Assessment Procedure - MZ-000-CCX-HS-

3.2 Senior Authorised Electrical/Mechanical Representative

The CONTRACTOR Senior Authorized Electrical or Mechanical representative (or delegate) for
either of the electrical or mechanical disciplines shall be the Senior Isolation Authority (SIA) for
that discipline. These persons will be the final signatories approving the appointment of Electrical
or Mechanical Tagging authorities.
The SIA will:
• Review, perform, and/or verify isolations as needed.
• Ensure a register of current Authorized Isolators is maintained.
• Assist in ensuring a Notice of Energization (NOE) is provided and communicated to all
relevant parties prior to energization including the Permit Coordinator / SIMOPS Coordinator
via site notification.
• Review and Authorize High / Medium Voltage Isolations (Electrical) or Hydrocarbon / high
pressure system isolations (Mechanical).

3.3 Authorized Isolators / Tagging Authority

An Authorized Isolator or Tagging Authority is a suitably qualified and experienced person,
trained in the Permit to Work (PTW)/ Lock Out - Tag Out (LOTO), system having been authorized
by the Electrical or Mechanical SIA for the associated discipline.
Authorized Isolators / Tagging Authorities shall conduct isolations within the level of authority for
which they have been approved. The level of approval shall be reflected in an authority
statement, signed by the CONTRACTOR Senior Electrical or Mechanical person and be
included in the Authorized Isolators / Tagging Authorities Register.
Approval of Authorized Isolators shall be in full accordance and alignment to sections relating to
‘Competent Persons’ within the CONTRACTOR Training Matrix. A record shall be retained of a

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Rev. 0 Rev Date: 21-AUG-2019

signature from Senior Management authorizing competent person(s) retained for reference and
audit purposes.
Authorized Isolators / Tagging Authorities are responsible for identifying, in conjunction with the
Permit Coordinator, isolations required to ensure safe access to the work area, including:
• Conduct and/or verify the integrity of isolations prior to recording the completion of the
isolations on the Isolation Certificate;
• Test for dead and confirming isolations are effective shall be carried out by the Authorized
Isolator /Tagging Authority and verified by the second Authorized Isolator / Tagging
• Conduct and/or verify the de-isolation of the electrical / mechanical isolation on the relevant
PTW form(s), Certificates;
• Comply with the requirements of this procedure and work in accordance with
CONTRACTOR Permit to Work Procedure, single line drawings with engineering stamp
showing issued for construction (IFC);
• Undertake the energization of systems as required by the NOE system;
• Ensuring that at local distribution panels, any local tagging of circuits matches the
arrangements shown on the isolation certificate.

3.4 Permit Authority

The Permit Authority is responsible for:
• Verify that PTW pre-conditions and work controls have been identified and are adequate for
the task;
• Undertake work site inspections and review control measures necessary for the safe
completion of the works that have been carried out and shall remain in place until the job is
• Confirm the PTW receivers are aware of and understand all conditions and precautions
specified on the PTW;
• Reviewing isolations specified on the isolation list and ensuring they are signed off and
Authorized by the Authorized Isolator / Tagging Authority;
• Verify all requirements for permit closeout have been completed;
• Monitoring and review of compliance with this procedure.

3.5 LOTO Coordinator

The LOTO Coordinator is responsible for:
• Controlling lockbox, lock distribution and storage;
• Keeping a register of who/where/when and for what task lockboxes and locks have been
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issued up to close out by communicating with all authorized Isolators / Tagging Authorities
and carrying out regular checks on live Lockboxes;
• Verifying the person(s) requiring control / custody of Lockboxes and locks are trained and
competent to do so;
• Checking isolation certificates and PTW to ensure compliance with CONTRACTOR
Construction Permit to Work Procedure;
• Monitoring and review of compliance with this procedure.

3.6 Person in Charge of Work

Permit receivers are responsible for:
• Satisfy themselves that the isolation(s) conducted are correct and relate to the equipment
or system to be worked on;
• Upon initial signing of the PTW, verify all isolations are correct, locked and tagged. This
includes requiring the person in charge walking down the system to check its dead status
as well as verifying the isolations are as defined on the Isolation Certificate;
• Ensure all personnel working under the Isolation have installed their Personal Lock at the
isolation point(s) or on the Lockbox;
• At completion of the task to confirm that all personnel have removed all of their Personal
Locks from isolation points and/or the Lockbox.

3.7 Permit Coordinator

The Permit Coordinator(s) are responsible for:
• Review and approve the application for an Isolation Certificate;
• Review the detailed description on the PTW to ensure all locations / aspects of the task are
• Maintain custody of lockboxes required for isolations and place control lock when lockbox
is kept in PTW office. Authorized Isolators / Tagging Authorities will apply control lock on
lockbox when lockbox is local to work location;
• Review and approve permits associated with Isolation Certificates;
• Verify compliance with Isolation Certificates and associated PTW.

Note: The responsibility for final authorization and approval for work to proceed is retained
by the Permit Coordinator and control lock may be used when necessary. Where a safety
system is to be inhibited, the Permit Coordinator will liaise with the operations crew for
approval to place the inhibitor. This will be followed up by requiring operations to approve
the appropriate safety system override certificate.

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3.8 Work crews

Crews are responsible for:
• Placement of their own Personal Lock onto either a hasp or Lockbox device and sign onto
any associated PTW(s) prior to commencing work;
• Remove their own Personal Lock at the end of each shift, or when they are no longer
required to perform work under the isolation;
• Conduct work activities in accordance with the PTW System and review of Job Hazard
Environmental Assessment (JHEA) as it relates to their job, and sign on to the appropriate
section to accept the work conditions;
• Affected Employee = A person or persons whose work may be affected by another activity.
Affected employee(s) may be required by SIMOPS to apply personal locks over an existing
LOTO, linked to their own PTW.

3.9 Managers
Managers are responsible for:
• Conducting risk assessment / Work Method Statement (WMS) for tasks associated with this
procedure and ensure the implementation of recommended controls;
• Provide all isolation equipment and verify that it is available and used in accordance with
this procedure;
• Verify control measures in accordance with this procedure are implemented for all work
under their control;
• Verify personnel required to instigate electrical / mechanical isolations meet CONTRACTOR
requirements and are approved by the relevant authority to perform their job scope;
• Arrange appropriate training;
• Audit the effective implementation of this procedure.

3.10 General Foreman / Superintendents

General Forman or Superintendents are responsible for:
• Monitor compliance with this procedure and work activities that require energy isolations;
• Verify that the requirements of all PTW(s) and this procedure are met;
• Verify that only trained and competent persons undertake any work associated with the PTW
and Isolations.

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Rev. 0 Rev Date: 21-AUG-2019

3.11 Supervisors (Foreman)

Supervisors are responsible for:
• Ensuring that all employees that are required to comply with this procedure have received
the appropriate level of training;
• Ensuring that all documentation required to comply with this procedure is completed and in
place prior to commencement of the task;
• Review the JHEA and subsequent JHEA Risk Assessment with the work crew prior to
starting any work;
• Provide Personal Locks and Tags to personnel who are required to undertake work where
isolations are required;
• Conduct workplace inspections and maintain a presence at the work site to ensure
compliance with this procedure;
• Ensure that as part of the Pre-Start meeting, all personnel undertaking work where Isolation
and LOTO are carried out are fully informed of relevant requirements;
• Ensure that no work is performed beyond the protection of blinds, blanks, locks and tags
with means for mechanical, such items as chains, steel-cables, clamps etc. (for their
respective discipline and work crew);
• To Ensure the Removal of Personal Danger Tags and Personal Locks at the end of shift
and/or when no longer required.


4.1 General
CONTRACTOR Manager(s) shall appoint competent specific line managers and supervisors
who are responsible for ensuring the requirements of this procedure and other relevant systems
are established, maintained, improved, and communicated to all personnel under their control.
Whenever persons could be endangered by the energization of plant or equipment (i.e. operation
of machinery, flow of steam, electricity, gas, liquids, or use of faulty equipment etc.), the
equipment / plant shall be isolated and the effectiveness of the isolation shall be verified, Test /
Try (equipment de-energized, drained and/or de-pressured) before attachment of ‘Personal
Danger’ Tags and Locks to Isolation Point(s) or Lockbox.
Testing and confirming isolations are effective, shall be carried out by the Authorized Isolator
/Tagging Authority and verified by the second Authorized Isolator / Tagging Authority. The
Authorized Isolator / Tagging Authority shall sign the work certificate to indicate the Test and Try
has been completed.
The competent person planning the isolation shall ensure that he/she accurately records on the
relevant documentation the equipment required to be isolated and its associated isolation point
as a minimum. This information shall be made available to the person conducting the isolation.

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If an energy isolating device is not capable of being locked out, an isolation tag shall be placed
at the isolation point and noted on the Isolation Certificate. All attempts must be made by using
chains, wires etc. to provide a higher level of security over the isolation.
If an energy isolation device is capable of being locked out, a lock shall be used and the Lock-
out procedures shall be used.
Affected workers, where LOTO and/or blinding / blanking are performed, shall be made aware
of systems that are being worked on in their areas.
No persons shall work on equipment, regardless of the isolation process employed, without
being able to exercise personal control over the isolation and its de-isolation while working on
the equipment.
Knowingly relinquishing personal control over an isolation and/or de-isolation may lead to
disciplinary action up to and including removal from the project.


See Appendixes for details applicable to Electrical and Mechanical systems.

6.0 TAGS
Tags are for a single use only and shall not be reused, but destroyed immediately upon removal.
No alterations to a tag are permitted. Written information on tags shall be in waterproof
permanent marker.

6.1 Personal Danger Tag / Personal Lock

Red, Black and White ‘Danger’ Tag (Danger - Do Not Operate): The purpose of the Personal
Danger Tag and Personal Lock is to identify persons who are working under the protection of
the isolation.
The following information shall be clearly printed on each ‘Danger’ Tag:
• Badge Number;
• Persons’ name;
• Company;
• Date and time;
• Signature of the person attaching the tag;
• Equipment Identification (number).
Each employee working on the same job, including the Foreman / work team leader (where
applicable), shall attach their own Personal Danger Tag and associated Personal Lock to:
• Single Isolation - Isolation Point using hasps or a lockbox if hasps not available;

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• Group Isolation – Lockbox.

Danger Tags and Personal Locks shall be removed and Danger Tags destroyed immediately
when the work has been completed or at the end of the workday by tearing the Personal Danger
Tag and placing it in a suitable waste bin.
If a job is left incomplete at the end of shift, all personnel working on the job shall remove their
Personal Lock and Personal Danger Tag. The Forman / Supervisor shall verify that all personnel
have removed their Personal Locks and Personal Danger Tags. The Forman / Supervisor shall
then return the PTW to the Permit Control Officer for relinquishment. NOTE: The main controlling
isolation will remain in place until the work is complete.
If someone applies a personal lock over an isolation, an additional Personal Danger Tag shall
be applied.
The Permit Holder upon completion of the work will then return the PTW to the Permit
Coordinator for relinquishment and the Permit Office will determine one of the following:
• The isolation can be completely removed, including all personal locks;
• Any personal locks can be removed but the isolation needs to remain in place with the
Authorized Isolator / Tagging Authorities lock(s) still in place;
• Isolations remain in place with personal locks in place where permit is to be renewed the
following day;
• If none of the above apply, the isolation may be transferred to the long term isolation log.

6.2 Isolation Tags

Red and White ‘Isolation’ Tag: The purpose of the Red and White ‘Isolation’ Tag is to indicate
that the plant or equipment has been isolated. Isolation tags are required for both single and
group isolation points. ’Isolation’ Tags are used to link an isolation to an isolation activity
controlled through the Isolation Certificate.
It shall be applied in conjunction with an approved isolation lockout device by an Authorized
Isolator/Tagging Authority. It is applied at each point of isolation of the plant or equipment.
A corresponding Isolation Tag will be placed on the lockbox along with the Permit Coordinators
control lock once all isolations have been completed. This shall remain in place until all personal
locks and tags have been removed and the PTW has been relinquished.
The following information shall be clearly printed on each Isolation Tag:
• Approved Isolator / Taggers Name;
• Company;
• Date and Time;
• Signature of the person attaching the Tag;
• Equipment number, and details of isolation;
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Isolation Locks and Tags shall not be removed until:

• The work on the plant / equipment is completed;
• The equipment or machinery is safe to be returned to service;
• All PTW(s) have been closed out;
• Approval to de-isolate is signed on the Isolation Certificate by the Permit Coordinator.
The only person to remove any Isolation Locks and Tags is an Authorized Isolator/Tagging

6.3 Out of Service Tags

Yellow and Black ‘Out of Service Tag: The purpose of the Yellow and Black ‘Out of Service
Tag’ is to indicate an item of plant, equipment or tool is faulty or unsafe and has been removed
from service.
It is the responsibility of any person who becomes aware of faulty or unsafe equipment to place
the Out-of-Service Tag.
The following information shall be clearly printed on each Out of Service Tag:
• Person’s name;
• Company;
• Date and Time;
• Signature of the person attaching the Tag;
• Equipment identification;
• Details of the fault.
All details shall be legible, and the responsible supervisor notified.
If equipment is found to be faulty or out of service, then an Out-of-Service Tag shall be applied
to the appropriate isolation point(s) (for powered equipment) which are placed in the off, closed
or disengaged position. The relevant supervisor should be notified of the situation. Any work to
be performed on faulty plant or equipment will require an isolation tag, lock, and permit /
certificate (if the plant and equipment can be inadvertently started) before repairs can be
undertaken or during the repair.
Out of Service Tags shall be placed on a prominent part of non-powered equipment.
Where equipment is absolutely disconnected and separated (e.g. de-commissioned) from all
energy sources and the result is superior to an isolation point, a PTW may not be necessary in
such instances:
• An Out of Service Tags and/or signage shall be applied to prevent reconnection; and
• The worker attaches his Personal Danger Tag (and Personal Lock where applicable) before
commencement of work.

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Under no circumstances shall personnel undertake rectification work on any equipment with an
‘Out of Service’ tag attached that is connected to operating plant power sources, without an
appropriate Isolation Certificate (for group isolations) and PTW being issued.

Out of Service Tags can only be removed by a competent person authorized to carry out repairs
or by a supervisor familiar with the equipment, when that person or supervisor has checked to
ensure that equipment or machinery is safe to be returned to service.
Equipment with an ‘Out of Service’ tag attached shall not be operated.

6.4 Information Tags

White ‘Information Tag: The purpose of the White ‘Information Tag’ is to convey general
information about plant, equipment, material and control devices, e.g. barricading, static lines.
The information Tag can be attached to any piece of equipment to allow transfer of information.
Information Tags do not have to be attached to isolation points.
Common uses are:
• Labelling of pipelines, cabling etc. during maintenance operations;
• Attaching to barricades and flagging to pass on information or instructions.
The following information shall be clearly printed on each Information Tag:
• Persons Name;
• Date and Time;
• Company;
• Signature of the person attaching the Tag;
• Equipment number and details (of hazard if on barricading).
Information Tags are not be used as a substitute for a ‘Personal Danger’ Tag, ‘Isolation’ Tag,
‘Out of Service’ Tag or ‘Commissioning Tags.

6.5 Commissioning Tags

Blue and White ‘Commissioning Tag: The purpose of the Blue and White ‘Commissioning
Tag’ is to indicate an item of plant or equipment is under commissioning control. Commissioning
Tags shall be used whenever commissioning of buildings, plant and equipment is required to be
Commissioning tags shall be placed at the location of the energy source and the location being
energized. Blue and White Commissioning Tape shall also be used in conjunction with the tags
for all areas that are under commissioning.
The NOE process and PTW process shall be followed for all commissioning activities and
commissioning shall be in accordance with the approved Commissioning Plan

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7.1 Isolation / Control Locks

Energy-controlling locks shall meet the following requirements:
• Locks used for isolations shall be standardized and are to be used only for isolations;
• Locks shall withstand their environment for the maximum period of time that exposure is

7.2 Red Authorized Isolators / Tagging Authority Isolation Locks

Red Locks and their keys shall be under one person’s control at any given time. This is
accomplished by keying each lock differently so that only the employee in control of the key can
remove it.

7.3 Personal Locks.

Brass personal locks will be used by Commissioning personnel who are required to lock over/on
an existing isolation for personal protection purposes. They can also be used as a Control Lock.
Green personal locks will be used by Construction personnel who are required to lock over/on
an existing isolation for personal protection purposes. They can also be used as a Control Lock.
Persons are only allowed to have in their possession one single personal lock for use at any one
time. The application of multiple personal locks by a single person is prohibited. Where multiple
isolations are required, the group isolation process shall be followed.
Silver with blue stripe locks will be used by Vendor personnel who are required to lock over/on
an existing isolation for personal protection purposes.

7.4 Yellow Permit /LOTO Office Lock (Control Lock).

Where a lockbox is used for group or single isolations the Permit Coordinator (or Authorized
Isolator on behalf of the Permit Coordinator) shall place a yellow lock and an Isolation Tag onto
the Lockbox.
Only when the work is completed under the isolation(s) and the PTW is closed, will the Permit
Coordinator or Authorized Isolator remove the control lock allowing the de-isolations to occur.

7.5 Purple Locks – Boundary Isolations (Electrical & Mechanical)

The purple lock is used for applying and Identifying Boundary isolations. Purple locks will be
applied by a Tagging Authority working under the direction of the relevant Electrical or
Mechanical SIA.

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7.6 Blue Control Locks

The blue control lock is for SIA control of MV-HV switchgear to prevent inadvertent operation by
others. This lock is not for isolation purposes, but for control.
The keys for these locks are controlled by the SIA. It is issued to an approved MV-HV Isolators
and these key holders are listed in the Authorized Isolators Register.

Where practicable, Positive Isolations shall always be undertaken at the energy source and not
rely on such items as control circuitry (e.g. stop switches, interlocks, emergency stops, lanyards,
instrument air, etc.). These items shall not be used as a primary means of isolation.
All isolations are to be transferred downstream prior to removing Boundary Isolations and
energizing a switchboard or other distribution board.
Due consideration is to be taken when pipeline isolations are being carried out. See examples
below and Appendix 5 Figures 1 and 2:
• Systems may have to be put on by-pass or recycle;
• Low spots that may not drain down (pipe still holds product);
• Valves alone should not be considered as positive isolations. Due consideration shall be
given to the use of spades, spectacle blinds or blank flanges and double block and bleed
(DBB) with a spade used as positive isolation.
Positive Mechanical Isolations may require the removal of a spool, the insertion of a spade
and/or the use of blind flanges. Initial valve isolation and tagging and depressurizing / emptying
of pipe work prior to disconnection taking place. This involves, but is not limited to, the following:
• Physical breaks (e.g. removal of spool pieces) shall be effected as close to the vessel as
• Blinds flanges of the correct specification will be applied to all open pipe ends connected to
live systems;
• The insertion of spades between two flanges;
• Drains / vents physically connected to the vessel or tank shall be positively isolated by the
use of blinds and/or spades of the correct specification.
For Positive Electrical Isolations the initial isolation, tagging, and lock out of the energy source
is required prior to a positive isolation. This can be achieved by, but not limited to, the following:
• The removal of links, fuses, circuit breakers and/or cable tails.

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8.1 Types of Systems Requiring Lock-out / Tag-out and/or Blinding / Blanking

Examples of types of energy sources requiring lock-out / tag-out and/or blinding / blanking are
as follows:
• Electrical systems prior to being connected to a power source and energized will be locked
out until they are released for service;
• Any time repairs or modifications are made to electrical systems, either temporary or
permanent, they shall be locked out.
• Locks / Tags shall be applied to the main disconnect whenever possible.
Lines, valves, and similar systems that are being tested pneumatically with gases shall be
tagged and/or locked out in accordance with Section 9, to prevent accidental discharge of the
pressure within the line.
• In addition, areas affected by the pneumatic test shall be barricaded against entry and the
HSE Manager (or delegate) and personnel notified of the test before commencement of the
Sources of energy such as pipelines, valves, and pumps shall be locked, blanked off, and
otherwise secured to prevent charging, energizing, or creating any type of hazard to persons
working on systems or inside a confined space.
While working on single circuits, no person shall work on equipment without having applied their
personal lock to the closest upstream isolation point. A personal isolation lock may be applied
to the immediate downstream isolation point from a Boundary Isolation. Personal isolation locks
must not be directly applied to Boundary Isolation points without approval of the SIA.

8.2 Use of Lockboxes.

Lockbox are used to manage group isolations. All lockboxes are under the control of the PTW /
LOTO Office. The LOTO office applies isolation locks and PTW Control locks as directed by the
PTW Office. The only Control locks issued outside the LOTO and PTW offices direct control are:
• Blue Control Locks – Applied by SIA(s) for control purposes only.
However, Lockboxes are distributed throughout the work location as follows:
• Where one workgroup are working under a suite of isolations, the lockbox can either be
located with the workgroup (preferred method), or retained under the control of the LOTO
office. In both situations, a PTW office control lock will be applied to the lockbox (Yellow
• For isolations taking place within power houses, a number of local isolation cabinets will
house Lockboxes, these shall be placed and removed by the Tagging Authorities, only as
directed by the LOTO Office. A PTW / LOTO Office control lock will also be applied to the
Lockbox (Yellow Lock);
• Where multiple workgroups are working under a group isolation, the Lockbox shall be
retained by the LOTO Office with control lock applied.

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9.1 Electrically Operated Systems

Whenever work on electrical equipment or services are scheduled, the power source (i.e.
disconnects, circuit breakers, switches, etc.), controlling the electrical equipment or systems
shall be de-energized (including capacitors where applicable).
The person in charge of the work will assure that any power panel(s), distribution panel(s), or
equipment controller(s) have been de-energized through a physical check of the system at the
work location.
Completed Isolation and Danger Tag(s) and locks shall be attached to the isolator / circuit
breaker by:
• The person responsible for isolating the system. – applied Isolation Tag and lock;
• The crew members working on the system – applies Personal Danger Tag and lock.
Each Authorized worker required to work on the isolated equipment or systems shall ascertain
that their co-workers (if applicable) and foreman's completed Personal Danger Tag and lock is
attached to the isolators / circuit breakers and place their lock and tag on the isolators / circuit
breakers before they begin work.
The isolated equipment or system shall be tested using a calibrated and tested voltmeter on the
downstream side of the tagged-out locked out isolators / circuit breakers.
If the equipment is wired directly to a power panel box and is energized by turning on a push
button or butterfly switch on the equipment, the power panel box on the downstream side shall
be tested using a voltmeter.
Isolations conducted for multiple Low Voltage (LV), Medium Voltage (MV) High Voltage (HV)
Isolator shall be verified by another Authorized Isolator Authorized for that voltage or a higher
voltage. Energy sources of 24 volts (AC/DC) and below does not require LOTO office control –
personal isolation to be recorded on isolation log (see CONTRACTOR Electrical Isolation
Personal Isolations (single point) on LV and Extra Low Voltage (ELV), systems do not require
verification by another equivalent isolator or higher voltage approved isolator.
To lock out electrically powered shop equipment to ensure maximum employee safety, a power
disconnect switch shall be installed between the main power supply panel and each piece of
electrically driven equipment which is directly connected to the power panel box.
This does not apply to equipment, which is equipped with a plug connection, including welding
equipment (but plug end to be in line of sight).
This disconnect switch should be located close to the equipment and properly identified.
Push buttons or butterfly controls of equipment should not be locked out.
A short circuit can occur between a locked out pushbutton and relay causing the equipment to
be energized with full power.

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Since some equipment is wired with dual controls and locking out one pushbutton does not
render that equipment inoperable, after tag and lockout try start buttons to be certain disconnect
is complete.
NOTE: Panel Doors protecting employees from gaining entry to exposed energized equipment
shall be kept under a control lock at all times until the equipment is de-energized. The system
shall be Locked out and Tagged out and proven Zero energy before entry. All power houses /
distribution centres with doors having energized equipment shall remain locked at all times
Only Authorized employees can be granted entry. A log shall be kept for all that enter and exit
the equipment centres.
Entry / Exit Log - This record shall reflect the following:
• Name;
• Time of arrival;
• Craft/Discipline;
• Time of departure;
• Date.

9.2 Mechanically Operated Systems

Whenever work is scheduled on mechanical equipment or pressurized systems, controlling
devices such as circuit breakers, switches, valve handles, and other operating mechanisms shall
be locked and tagged out to prevent their manipulation or operation.
Affected workers required to work on mechanical equipment or pressurized systems shall
determine that the Authorized Isolator / Tagging Authorities completed Isolation Tag is attached
to the controlling device or devices before they begin work. Red Isolation Lock keys associated
with the isolations will be located within a lockbox, whereby their personal danger tag shall be
applied at the isolation point(s), with their green or brass personal locks being attached to the
Where controlling devices allow, a lock shall be placed on the device by each employee to
ensure that the controlling device is not inadvertently energized. Generally, for group / complex
isolations the use of a lockbox is preferred.
De-energized equipment or systems shall be checked or tested to verify that the equipment is
inoperable or that the pressurized system has been drained of its contents on the downstream
To prevent harmful exposures, pressurized systems shall then be flushed out through high and
low vents with water if hazardous liquids are involved or with inert gas if compressed gases are
Appropriate atmospheric tests shall be conducted by a competent Authorized Gas Tester (AGT)
whenever pressurized systems have previously contained hazardous gases or liquids,
especially if welding and burning operations are involved when the system has been shut down.
When isolating a pressurized system, slip-blind, or blanks are required.
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Even with positive isolations, it may be necessary for persons working downstream to take
control over open ends to prevent inadvertent removal of the positive isolation.

9.3 Proving Isolations – Test / Try (Mechanical) – Verify zero pressure

The task of proving a mechanical isolation effective shall be considered a routine activity carried
out by a suitably Competent Person.
Test / Try may be completed without the use of a separate PTW providing that the action/s of
Test / Try have been authorized by the relevant Supervisor who has assessed the risks and
ensured controls have been implemented as per the JHEA for the task.
Equipment / plant must be isolated, and the effectiveness of the isolation shall be verified by
Test / Try methods to confirm the equipment has been de-energized, drained and/or de-
This is conducted following the execution of the isolation plan and completion of the Isolation
Test / Try is to be conducted prior to commencing work and re-commencing work after any
break. There is always the possibility for valves to leak and compromise the isolation.
Testing for depressurization shall always utilise available vent and drain points in preference to
breaking flanges.
Note: The energy within any system electrical and/or mechanical shall be confirmed to be
in an isolated state prior to the relevant PTW being issued.

9.4 Verify Zero Voltage (Electrical)

Providing there is no potential for an additional hazard to be present (i.e. stored energy, charged
capacitors, etc.), the task of proving an electrical circuit is with Zero Voltage as a result of
isolation shall be considered a routine activity carried out by a suitably Competent Person.
Verifying Zero Voltage may be completed without the use of a separate PTW providing that the
action of Zero Voltage has been authorized by the relevant Authorized Person (Supervisor) who
has assessed the risks and ensured controls have been implemented as per the JHEA and
declared on the Isolation Certificate that a verify Zero Voltage has been undertaken.
Where practicable, persons undertaking work under an isolation should in addition verify Zero
Voltage i.e. using test equipment.
Verify Zero Voltage shall be conducted to prove the apparatus is de-energized, following the
execution of the isolation plan and completion of the Isolation Certificate.
Verify Zero Voltage is to be conducted prior to commencing work and/or re-commencing work
after any break from tasks.
Note: The energy within any system electrical and/or mechanical shall be confirmed to
be in an isolated state prior to the relevant PTW being issued.

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The test equipment used shall be a minimum of CAT III Rated, NATA Certified, and in current
Calibration date. The test equipment shall be prior to each test and following each test to ensure
the validity of the actual test and the continued functionality of the test equipment.
• Test equipment shall be verified on a known live source before Verify Zero Voltage task is
carried out on the equipment;
• Once the competent person has confirmed the equipment is safe to work on, the test
equipment is to be re checked on the same known live source to verify correct operation.

9.5 Isolation of Structures and Pipelines

9.5.1 Safety Rules

All structures and pipelines, on which hot work is to be performed, shall be physically isolated
from sources of contamination, be clean, and gas free. The only exception to this rule is hot taps
approved by CONTRACTOR Corporate HSE.
The isolation, emptying, cleaning, and gas freeing are subject to risk assessment and special
arrangements have been agreed upon beforehand with the Regional HSE Director.
Blanks can be sized for the design pressure of the pipeline when known or the flange class when
the design pressure is unknown.
• Flange class designation is not the design pressure of the flange.
All blinds shall be per the current edition of ASME B16.5 or B16.47, matching the mating flange
Class (150, 300, etc.) and diameter.

9.5.2 Isolation Method

The preferred methods of isolation for structures and pipelines are illustrated in Appendix 5
Isolation of Structures and Pipelines New / Repair Work / Maintenance, Figure 1.0. These
methods use a “free air space” between the source of contamination and the structure or
pipeline. These methods are applicable for new construction, repairs and maintenance work, but
if the pipeline contains an expansion joint, an Engineering-Assigned competent person shall
approve the method of isolation before the disconnection is made.
The isolation methods in Appendix 5 Figure 2 shall only be used when the methods in Figure
1.0 are not physically possible. To use Figure 2 isolation methods requires:
• Authorization by the CONTRACTOR Commissioning or Construction Manager after site
inspection to assure this method of isolation is necessary;
• Prior to installation of the isolation blank, the blank is examined by a qualified
CONTRACTOR employee for correctness; identified (steel stencil, etc.) such that after
installation, it can be confirmed to be installed at the correct location;
• A qualified CONTRACTOR employee confirms the blank is installed at the correct location
with gaskets on either side and a tag is attached.

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9.5.3 Isolation Exception

Exceptions to isolation methods illustrated in Appendix 5 Figure 1.0 and Figure 2.0 can only be
approved by CONTRACTOR Corporate Risk Analysis. Exceptions will only be considered after
a written safety plan/procedure is submitted to CONTRACTOR Corporate HSE (commonly
known as a Red Sheet).
The safety plan/procedure shall provide adequate HSE Supervision to control any potential
hazards. A minimum of one full time HSE Supervisor is required during the works. Additional
supervisors may be required to insure complete control of safety on large turn “a-rounds”, special
projects, process facilities, etc.
Submittal of the Extra Hazardous and Repair report (Red Sheet) is required to be submitted to
CONTRACTOR Corporate HSE for approval for any other isolation methods to be employed on
the project.

9.5.4 Remote Blank / Blind with Vapor Barrier

When it is impractical to isolate at the structures, it is permissible through the Isolation point to
install an appropriately sized blank / blind at a remote location (i.e. battery limit). A vapor barrier
is required at the structure so no product residue or liquid from low-areas in the piping can enter
the structure. The vapor barrier can be 4.76 mm to 6.35 mm (3/16 to ¼ inch) thick, skillet blind
with a 25 mm to 152 mm long (1” wide x 6 inch) handle. The skillet blind shall have a 6.35 mm
(¼ inch) hole in the handle to attach a tag.

9.5.5 CONTRACTOR Policy on Cleaning and Gas-Freeing Vessels

CONTRACTOR personnel are not to assume responsibility for the cleaning and gas-freeing of
any structure or pipeline without obtaining CONTRACTOR Corporate approval (Red Sheet)
Exceptions to this rule shall be approved by CONTRACTOR Corporate HSE prior to works

9.5.6 Blank Thickness

Carbon steel blank thickness can be determined based on pipeline design pressure when
available, or flange class as follows:
• DESIGN PRESSURE KNOWN – Using the table at Appendix 1, follow the pipe size
vertically down to a pressure equal to or greater than the required design pressure, then
horizontally across to the left to determine the required blank thickness i.e. 2206.32 kPa
(320 psi) design pressure, 45.72 cm (18”) pipe – blank thickness required is 28.57500 mm
(1 1/8 inches) (minimum allowable temperature is -9.44°C (15°F) – See Appendix 3;
• FLANGE CLASS KNOWN – Using the table at Appendix 1, flange class is stamped on the
flange i.e. Class 600 flange, 45.72 cm (18”) pipe – blank thickness required is 6.0325 cm (2
3/8 inches) (minimum allowable temperature is 4.44°C (40°F) – See Appendix 3.
• Test pressure maximum 1 1/2 times design pressure of pipeline.

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• Blank thickness / pressure calculated per ASME B31.3 paragraph 304.5.3.

Allowances, such as corrosion, assumed to be zero.
Gaskets are required on both sides of installed blank.
Sizes larger than 60.96 cm (24 inches) based on ASME B16.47 Series A.
• Maximum temperature A283-C is 93.3°C (200°F);
• Maximum temperature A36 is 371.1°C (700°F);
• Minimum temperature – See Appendix 3.
Stainless steel blank thickness can be determined based on pipeline design pressure when
available or flange class as follows:
• DESIGN PRESSURE KNOWN – Using the table at Appendix 2, follow the pipe size
vertically down to a pressure equal to or greater than the required design pressure, then
horizontally across to the left to determine the required blank thickness. i.e. 3723.17 kPa
(540 psi) design pressure, 25.4 cm (10”) pipe – blank thickness required is 2.2225 cm (7/8
• FLANGE CLASS KNOWN – Using the table at Appendix 2, flange class is stamped on the
flange i.e. Class 600 flange, 25.4 cm (10”) pipe – blank thickness required is 3.175 cm (1
1/4 inches).
Test pressure maximum 1 1/2 times design pressure of pipeline.
Blank thickness / pressure calculated per ASME B31.3 paragraph 304.5.3.
Allowances, such as corrosion, assumed to be zero.
Temperature range is -198.33°C (-325°F) to 148.89°C (300°F) for solution heat treated material.
Gaskets are required on both sides of installed blank.

9.6 Boundary Isolations

As the distribution systems become ready for energization, the presence of hazardous energy
is strictly controlled through the application of Boundary Isolations. In electrical distribution
systems, this involves the grouping of isolations which prevents energy flow from one distribution
point to another and the SIA applying a Purple Lock.
Boundary Isolations shall not be used for protection for conducting downstream work activities.
Downstream Single or Group Isolations tied to a specific Isolation Certificate shall be used for
this purpose. Independent isolation points, located as close to the source of the work, shall be
used to form the control isolation through either single isolation or group isolation.
Boundary Isolations are generally applied to the incoming side of switchboards etc. to control
the distribution of electrical energy as systems become complete and ready for energization.
On mechanical systems, Red Spades are used to form the Boundary Isolation.

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No Boundary Isolation shall be removed from an electrical board; energizing the board without
a “Permit Office Checklist” (HOLD 1) being completed and approved by the CONTRACTOR
Electrical Authority and Permit Office. The same process applies to the removal of Red Spades.
Before issue of the permit to remove a Boundary Isolation, the checklist shall be reviewed and
signed by the CONTRACTOR Electrical or Mechanical SIA and Permit Coordinator.
Upon completion of works, before close out of the permit, an Authorized Isolator, Authorized
Verifier and Permit Coordinator shall ensure safeguards are in place.
The checklist verifies, upon the request to remove an isolation that:
For Pre- commissioning tests or temporary removal:
• Authority to Energize is part of the NOE process for identified system/apparatus is approved
(if scope includes energization), where it is energized for the first time;
• Upstream and/or downstream isolations are in place and verified if required;
• Isolations removed during pre-commissioning testing activities are reinstated upon
completion of the task before the permit can be relinquished / closed. A new isolation tag
is to be installed by the Authorized Isolator / Tagging Authority.
For Energization:
• Isolation Locks are in place and verified on incomplete downstream scope of work for
• Authority to Energize Certificate for identified system / apparatus is approved.
Subsequent final energization of outgoing circuits shall be managed individually through the
Notice of Energization Procedure MZ-000-CCX-HS-PRO-00026, and the Boundary Isolation
being modified accordingly and verified before any outgoing circuits are energized.
Boundary Isolations may be undertaken by CONTRACTOR isolators.
In pipework systems, the Boundary Isolation point takes the form of a ‘red spade’ isolation.
Where possible, utilization of red spades for isolation purposes where there exists practicable
isolation points closer to the work-front should not be undertaken. Where utilization of a red
spade for isolation purposes is required, approval from the relevant SIA is required.

9.7 Single Isolation Process (General Permit to Work Required)

A single isolation is where there is only one electrical and/or mechanical isolation required to
perform the work.
Single isolations require an Isolation Certificate and must be updated for placing and removing
all locks associated with the certificate
The Authorized Isolator(s) / Tagging Authorities shall sign onto the Isolation certificate following
completion of the isolation prior to work being allowed to commence under the isolation.
For single isolations where a hasp is used, the Permit Office shall retain possession of the
isolation lock control key.

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Personnel may work under a single isolation provided they apply their own personal locks to the
hasp, and they have observed and understood that the isolation is correct.
Where a lockbox is used, the isolation lock key shall be placed inside the lockbox.

9.7.1 Example for Single Isolations

• An electrician is asked to perform work that requires a Single Isolation. The electrician (who
is also the supervisor/foreman and an Authorized Electrical Isolator) will consult with the
PTW office regarding the associated PTW and Isolation Certificate;
• This simple isolation does not require an Isolation Certificate only a General Work Permit;
Before commencing work they will perform the single isolation and place his/her Personal
Danger Tag and Red Personal Lock on the circuit breaker or switch etc. and then test the
associated circuit to Verify Zero Voltage.

9.8 Group Isolation Process (Isolation Certificate and Permit Required)

A Group Isolation is where:
• There is more than one electrical or mechanical isolation required to perform the work;
• The isolation is being performed for a third party.
With the exception of ELV if either of the above statements are true then an Isolation Certificate
shall be raised.
All isolations shall be completed and documented on the Isolation Certificate prior to the Permit
being issued.
For a Group Isolation the following occurs:
• Authorized Isolator / Tagging Authority shall obtain an Isolation Certificate and gain approval
from the SIA to proceed with the isolations and undertake the work;
• Once the Authorized Isolator / Tagging Authority has completed (and tried / tested) the
isolations they confirm and sign onto the certificate. A second Authorized Isolator / Tagging
Authority shall verify each isolation is correct as per plan and sign onto the certificate;
• When all isolations are complete, the Authorized Isolator / Tagging Authority shall place all
keys and unused padlocks into the lockbox and return to the Permit Office;
• The Permit Coordinator will place his padlock (Yellow) and an isolation tag onto the lockbox,
this then prevents access to the keys inside;
• The Isolation certificate is then completed. This allows the Permit associated with the
certificate to be issued so work can commence.
The lockbox will be taken to the worksite if needed (Electrical lockboxes can be located in
powerhouses), so all persons working under the isolation can place their Personal Danger Tag
and Personal Lock on the Lockbox.

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The Lockbox can only be in the custody of the PTW Office or an Authorized Isolator / Tagging
Note 1: No isolations can be removed until any associated permits have been cancelled
by the person in charge of the work, once isolation has been removed, the PTW office
will close out the permit.
Note 2: HV Switching program development and sign off is peer to peer, same
authorization level, or above.

9.9 Authorized Isolator / Tagging Authority and Verifier

The authorized Isolator / Tagging Authority has a distinct role with every isolation performed.
This role is either the Isolator or the Verifier. When performing any isolation, the role of the
Isolator needs to be clearly understood.
When Isolations are being performed there should be no outside distractions. If you have been
distracted from the task you should re verify the isolation.
Authorized isolators / Tagging Authorities are to take direction from the Isolation Certificates
provided to them and/or their SIA and shall not take other instructions/setting of priorities or even
distractions in the form of other isolation requests from any other person.
Note: Isolator - When performing isolation, the principal reference document to isolate
from is the Isolation Certificate. Additional information such as marked up Single Line
Diagram’s (SLD), the PTW, may contain additional relevant information such as the tag
No’s of the equipment to be isolated. Isolations shall be isolated with reference to the
Isolation Certificate, any supporting information confirming the precise equipment to be
isolated, isolation location, device and position. In the event that there is any discrepancy
within the provided information, the isolation shall not be undertaken, and the isolator
relay such discrepancies to the PTW office for resolution before commencing any further
with the isolation.
Although an Isolation tag is written for every isolation point, the information on the tag shall not
be used as a primary means of isolation.
Note: Verifier - The role of verifying the isolation shall be conducted independently of the
Isolations shall be verified with reference to the Isolation Certificate, confirming the isolation
location, device and position.
If isolation discrepancies are identified they shall be rectified in line with the Isolation Certificate.
When the Isolation Certificate is incorrect, the Isolators shall stop and contact the PTW Office
for clarification before proceeding with any isolation.

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9.10 ELV Isolations

For ELV Instrument loops, circuit energization and de-energization are considered ‘own
isolations’ for the purposes of this procedure.
During Construction and Pre-Commissioning phase, isolation points shall be recorded on the
Permit to Work and the relevant circuit diagrams to be submitted with any PTW application.
Once systems are in the Commissioning phase, all ELV isolations will be treated the same as
LV isolations and shall be recorded onto an Isolation Certificate and Isolated by an Authorized
Isolator / Tagging Authority (ELV). (Energy sources of 24 volts (AC/DC) and below do not require
LOTO Office control – personal isolation are to be recorded on Isolation Log (i.e. personal lock,
removal and personal retention of ignition key from mobile plan, etc.)).
Where circuits being worked on are part of any safety protection system, a Safety System
Override Certificate is also required to be completed and applied for prior to the isolation taking
place. This will be managed through the PTW Office.
An isolation tag shall also be placed on the outgoing terminals at the point of isolation.

There are situations where testing requires the removal and re-instatement of isolations for short
durations while testing takes place. This will be managed in the following manner:

10.1.1 On all systems, regardless of their completion status where a hazardous energy
is introduced into a system, the requirements set out in this section shall be
• All work will be under the control of a PTW;
• Any other PTW’s relevant to the system being tested will be suspended/withdrawn;
• A fully trained and authorized Tagging Authority will be allocated to work with the crew.
Tagging Authorities are appointed by Senior Management but will be further approved by
the LOTO Office. See Section 16 regarding authorization process;
• The PTW application will be accompanied by a Mechanical and/or Electrical Isolation list
(sanction to test section) defining those isolations which will:
o Be locked and tagged and will remain in LOTO status throughout the test. Such
isolation points will be locked using red isolation locks and be placed prior to the
o Will be required to be adjusted during the test and will be managed by the crew
Tagging Authority using control locks, colored either Brass or Green depending
upon whether the system is under Commissioning or Construction control. These
are also to be in place prior to the start of the test;
o The nominated Tagging Authority for the test will be required to discuss the
isolation/control plan with the LOTO Office in order for the Isolation Control
Certificate to be registered and signed by the LOTO Office.

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• The relevant system owners must approve the testing work to commence on their system
by approving the Isolation Control Certificate;
• The person in charge of the work must walk down the system and verify the positions of all
isolation and control locks. Crew members are required to apply personal locks to isolation
locks only;
• Throughout the testing period, isolation status changes under control locks must be
documented on the Isolation List at all times;
• Upon completion of the test, the Tagging Authority must return all isolation points to their
original status prior to closure of the Isolation List;
• The person in charge of the work must verify final isolation point status before closing the
• The LOTO office will assign a Tagging Authority to remove the control and isolation locks
from the system if not pre agreed for the testing team to do so.


A permit is not required:
• Where the equipment is of a non-hard wired domestic type (electric plugs, televisions etc.)
or powered from non-operational sources (mobile plant) then local isolation methods such
disconnection of single batteries (not battery banks) or disconnection from the 240V power
outlet shall be undertaken prior to work commencing. The Permit to Work System is not
applicable in this situation;
• Where mobile plant is involved the appropriately qualified person undertaking the repair or
maintenance shall attach a Personal Danger Tag and Personal Lock at the Isolation switch,
power source (battery), local switch or ignition point for the equipment while repairs are
being undertaken. The Out of Service Tag shall remain on the equipment until repairs are
complete on the equipment;
• Where Voltages are less than 50 Volts. Such Isolations are considered to be ELV Isolations.


12.1 Disconnection of Cable in the Field

When a cable is disconnected from the field equipment, the cable is to be effectively preserved
from the weather by means of a junction box / durable cover.
Cables terminated into a distribution board or switchboard on LV or MV-HV systems, the
preference would be to terminate in the field first but if this is not feasible, with the field end
incomplete, cables shall be bagged in the field with conductors tied together, with an isolation
tag do not operate attached to the bag. When working on these cables the power source MUST
be disconnected and a LOTO put in place and all personnel working on these cables apply their
personal locks to the Lockbox.

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All cores of the cable, where practicable are to be connected to the cable earth conductor, by
means of terminal strip or connectors.
The supply end is to be isolated from the supply distribution board. If the supply end is already
de-energized, i.e. the source is isolated upstream, a personal isolation lock is to be applied to
the supply Cabinet Hasp / Lockbox and reference to the upstream isolation point made on the
isolation certificate by an approved Isolation Authority / Tagging Authority.


If a panel door is required to be opened for inspection purposes and minor adjustments that
present a low risk of exposure, the below will be required:
• Panel door shall be designed to be open during normal operation without the interference
of any operational equipment;
• The door shall be of the hinged type or have handles for safe removal;
• The plane of the opening must not be broken in any way. Unless there is a requirement to
reset or adjust protective devices and / or control equipment;
• A Commissioning PTW is required for the task;
• Panel doors shall be closed before leaving the equipment unattended;
• JHEA shall identify the task and hazards and required controls.
If required to work in a panel with live circuits and all terminals are International Protection (IP)
2X rated, the following shall apply:
• Before commencing any fault-finding work or to adjust protective devices and/or control
equipment on or near exposed energized conductors or live conductive parts, an
assessment of the associated risks shall be made;
• Personnel shall have received training to the National Fire Protection Association (NFPA)
70E Standard; prior to working on live systems;
• The risk assessment shall include, but not be limited to, the determination as to whether
isolation, the use of suitable barriers or a safety observer is required;
• Any persons undertaking fault-finding work on or near exposed energized conductors or live
conductive parts shall be competent in the work to be carried out;
• When fault-finding work is to be carried out on or near exposed energized conductors or live
conductive parts, precautions shall be taken, or procedures put into place to prevent the
possibility of simultaneous contact with conductors at different voltages or to earth;
• Personal protective equipment (PPE) that is appropriate and suitable for the task shall be
worn. PPE shall be of correct fit and in good condition. Refer to NFPA 70E Standard;
• Safety observer shall be present at all times and shall be trained in the use of the LV Rescue
• LV rescue equipment shall be made available and in date;

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• Area shall be flagged off and personal in the area to be notified of the activity;
• A Commissioning Work Permit will be required for the task.
If you are required to work in a panel with live circuits and not all terminals are IP 2X rated, the
following shall apply:
• Follow NFPA 70E Guidelines and include barriers over the non IP rated equipment and use
of IP rated tools, rubber mats, etc.;
• Barriers to be of a non-conductive type and compliant with the American National Standards
Institute (ANSI)/ International Electrotechnical Commission (IEC) 60529-2004.
Refer to Appendix 6 for Degrees of Protection against access to hazardous parts.

13.1 Access into Junction boxes / equipment with energized ELV Cables only.
If an ELV Junction Box / Equipment is required to be open to carry out fault finding, inspection,
tightness checks, instrument loop checks or minor rectifications work the following shall apply:
• An assessment of the associated risks shall be made. The risk assessment (JHEA) shall
include, but not be limited to, the determination as to whether the use of suitable barriers or
a safety observer is required;
• Isolations will not be required unless identified during the risk assessment before work is
• Workers shall be competent in the work to be carried out;
• Precautions shall be taken, or procedures put into place to prevent the possibility of
simultaneous contact with conductors at different voltages or to earth;
• Personal protective equipment (PPE) that is appropriate and suitable for the task shall be
worn. PPE shall be of correct fit and in good condition.


14.1 Where a Personal Lock and Tag have been placed:

• No person shall operate or move any switch, valve, control, machinery or use or interfere
with equipment or any attached isolating devices when there is a Personal Lock and
‘Danger’ Tag attached to it;
• All breaches of this procedure will be dealt with in compliance with CONTRACTOR
Disciplinary Action Procedure;
• The unauthorized removal of a Danger/Isolation Tag from the controlling device of de-
energized systems or pieces of equipment shall be grounds for immediate termination of
the employee(s) involved;
• The unauthorized operation of a controlling device of a de-energized system or piece of
equipment that has been tagged out with a Danger/Isolation Tag shall be grounds for
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immediate termination of the employee(s) involved;

• The unauthorized removal of a blind or blank from a de-energized system or piece of
equipment shall be grounds for immediate termination of the employee(s) involved.

14.2 Unauthorized Use of a Isolation Tag

The standard Isolation Tag shall be used only for the purpose of identifying a de-energized piece
of equipment or system. It is not to be used as a substitute for a defective tag or a Danger Tag.
Where cables intend to be terminated into a distribution board or switchboard on LV or MV/HV
systems the preference shall be to terminate in the field in the first instance. If this is not feasible,
with the field end incomplete, cables shall be bagged in the field with conductors tied together.
An Information Tag is to be used to inform personnel of special precautions or instructions for
safe and proper operation of equipment.
Do not use a Danger Tag to warn against operating a system or piece of equipment. Only an
Isolation Tag may be used to prevent the operation of a system or piece of equipment.

14.3 Non-emergency Tag / Lock Removal Authorization

Where a Tag / Lock has been left on and it has been determined that, after all reasonable efforts
have been made to locate the person owning the Tag / Lock, they still cannot be found or it is
not practical for the person to return to the site (e.g. they are offsite), the following shall apply:
• The Permit Authority shall contact the CONTRACTOR Person in Control (PIC) of the works
or their nominee and advise them of the circumstances;
• A walk-down of the affected system has been conducted;
• The PIC or their nominee shall review all relevant information and may or may not give
consent to the removal of the Tag / Lock in question;
• If consent is granted by the PIC to remove the Tag / Lock, this consent shall be in writing
and retained by the Permit Authority for investigative purposes;
• On return to site, the Tag / Lock owner shall be advised of the incident, the investigation and
any recommendations, including disciplinary, that may be derived from that investigation;
• The Emergency Lock Out Device Removal Form at Appendix 12 shall be completed and
signed prior to removal;
• The completed Emergency Lock Out Device Removal Form shall be provided to the HSE
NOTE: An authorized person may cut off their own personal lock if they lose the key. The
appropriate CONTRACTOR Superintendent and HSE Manager shall be notified prior to the
removal and shall witness said removal, and an entry shall be made in the isolation logbook
that the lock was cut off.

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14.4 Emergency Closure / Changes

If it is determined that a LOTO PTW must be closed or modified, the PTW Holder shall relinquish
the PTW by signature, and will account for all authorized employees working under the PTW. If
one or more of the requestors or authorized employees is not available, the Tagging Authority
(system owner) may authorize, through the Permit Authority, approval for an emergency closure
or change.
If the concurrence of the unavailable Requestor(s) or authorized employees cannot be obtained,
the Supervisor of the unavailable Permit Requestor should be contacted to discuss the boundary
changes or PTW release with the Tagging Authority.
To implement an emergency closure:
• All available Requestors (PTW and Supplemental) shall release the PTW by signing the
LOTO PTW and shall account for every authorized employee working under the PTW;
• The Supervisor of the unavailable Requestor(s) shall ensure that authorized employees
working under the LOTO PTW held by the unavailable Requestor are physically accounted
for, either by removing their Tagging Authority assigned lock from the Lockbox, or by signing
The Tagging Authority Supervisor and the Area Construction Manager (Construction
Jurisdiction) / Commissioning Startup Manager (Startup Jurisdiction) (or their designee) shall
approve the emergency closure. The Tagging Authority shall document the approval.

• The Emergency Lock Out Device Removal Form shall be completed and signed prior to
• The Tagging Authority, the Commissioning Startup Supervisor, and Area Operator (as
required), shall remove all safety tags and locks;
• The Tagging Authority shall close the LOTO PTW after ensuring that all tags, locks, and
keys have been returned and that special protective measures have been restored;
• The Tagging Authority shall identify the PTW as an emergency closure, destroy the tags,
file the closed PTW, and file locks and keys for future use;
• The Supervisor of the unavailable Permit Requestor or Authorized Employee shall notify the
unavailable Permit Requester or Authorized Employee of the emergency closure upon
his/her return, prior to start of work.
To implement an emergency change:
• All available Requestors (Permit and Supplemental) shall approve the PTW change by
signing the LOTO PTW and all authorized employees shall be physically accounted for;
• The supervisor of the unavailable Requestor(s) shall ensure that authorized employees
working under the PTW held by the unavailable Requestor are physically accounted for,
either by removing their tag from the Lockbox, or by signing the LOTO PTW;
• The Tagging Authority and the Area Construction Manager/Commissioning Startup
Manager (or designee) shall approve the emergency change;

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• The Tagging Authority, Commissioning Startup Supervisor, shall modify all safety tags and
locks and system configuration to incorporate the change;
• The Tagging Authority shall identify the PTW as an emergency change;
• The Tagging Authority shall notify the Permit Requester of the emergency changes;
• The Supervisor of the unavailable Permit Requester shall notify the unavailable Permit
Requester or Authorized Employee(s) of the emergency change upon his/her return and
shall ensure that the Permit Requester or authorized employee sign the changed LOTO
PTW or hang their tag on the Lockbox prior to restarting work;
• If an emergency change/closure is not issued, all work within the PTW scope shall be
discontinued until the LOTO PTW can be closed or changed by the standard closure/change

14.5 Incomplete Work or Unsafe Plant

If work is left incomplete or if an item of equipment it is not safe to be used, the Isolation shall
remain in place. The area shall be left guarded by personnel, hard barrier or other barricade to
ensure other personnel are not exposed to potential hazards.
The Isolation Lock and Isolation Tag shall remain in place until such time as a Competent Person
has made the equipment safe. The isolation tag and lock, and (if applicable) the Out of Service
Tag will then be removed by the Authorized Isolator / Tagging Authority.


The purpose of the Commissioning Red Spade procedure is to ensure the installation and
removal of Red Spades used for Commissioning Boundary Isolations on the Project is carried
out in a controlled manner. All Boundary Isolations shall be either ‘positive’ or ‘proven’ isolations.
The scope of the Commissioning Red Spade Procedure defines the minimum standards to be
applied to Red Spades (Blinds, Spades, Valves, Plugs) on the Project throughout the entire
duration of the pre-commissioning, commissioning and startup phases.
The Commissioning Red Spade Procedure shall be developed by the CONTRACTOR
Commissioning Manager prior to commissioning works commencing. The provisions of
procedure shall apply solely to pre-commissioning, commissioning and startup works.
The procedure shall include specific details on the LOTO information, instruction and guidance
relating to the methods to be used and the standards applied for LOTO activities during the pre-
commissioning, commissioning and startup phases of the Project. Examples are shown below.

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Red Spade Tags Red Spade installed with tag attached

15.1 Live Lines – Systems and sub systems.

Once systems are finally closed and in preparation for the introduction of the final product, it may
be necessary to purge the system with air or Nitrogen. At this time, the system boundary
isolations shall remain in place, however the red spade team may be required to temporarily
remove a boundary isolation in order to charge or vent the system or subsystem. See diagram

15.2 Boundary Movement.

When charging systems for the first time, boundary isolations will be moved further downstream
as the system is prepared for the introduction of product. Boundary isolations will be transferred
until such time as the whole system is fully charged with product. Thereafter, all isolations will
be locked via red operational isolation locks. All isolations upstream of Boundary isolations will
be under operational control. See diagram below.

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An alternative to applying a red spade is a Double Block and Bleed (DBB) arrangement. In
applying a DBB, the facility must have an approved ‘Redsheet’ authorizing the use of this
alternative isolation method. See diagram below.

15.3 De-blinding Isolations with Nitrogen Blanket.

15.3.1 Where bleed exists.

Where there is provision of a bleed point downstream of pipework under a Nitrogen blanket, the
Isolation valve shall be locked closed and the bleed opened to verify no downstream pressure
and that the upstream isolation valve is not passing. This shall be checked by an AGT.

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15.3.2 Where no bleed exists.

Where no bleed exists, a methodology for removing downstream blinds has to be determined
and without a proven or positive isolation in place, a ‘Redsheet’ is required to be submitted to
CONTRACTOR Corporate HSE for the methodology to be approved. The JHEA/WMS must
also be approved by CONTRACTOR Senior Management. In preparing such a Redsheet for
work downstream of an unproven isolation, all attempts to have removed the spade/blind when
positive or proven isolations were available must be made or shown to have never existed. The
dominant hazards which require control are;
• Inerting gases such as Nitrogen – Asphyxiation hazard – will require use of separate
breathing air;
• Hydrocarbons – fire & explosion – will require us of non-sparking tools, positive pressure
• General – uncontrolled release – minimize pressure and volume.


16.1 Electrical
The process for authorization of proposed Isolators on the Project is for relevant Isolators to
present to the SIA the following evidence of competence:
ELV (<50V) LV (<1000v AC) HV (>1000 v AC) Mechanical
Current CV Current CV Current CV Current CV
NFPA 70Electrical NFPA 70Electrical NFPA 70Electrical Trade certificates
Isolating experience HV Switching Experience Mechanical Isolation experience
Instrument Qualification Electrical License Electrical License
CONTRACTOR Management are then responsible for ensuring that the proposed Isolator has
the required Level of qualifications and experience.

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Personnel requesting authorization as MV / HV (>1000V) Electrical Isolators (i.e. Level 1 & 2)

shall provide additional documentation to support the competency assessment (i.e. HV switching
courses, etc.).
After a period of experience and familiarity with the HV systems on the Project and time spent
working with/supporting HV Isolators, an LV isolator may apply for appointment to HV Isolator.

16.2 Mechanical
The process for authorization of proposed Authorized Mechanical Isolators on the Project is for
the relevant CONTRACTOR Management to provide the following to the SIA.
• Evidence of previous experience as a mechanical / process isolator;
• Evidence of appointment at the level of Foreman either currently or in the past working on
piping systems.
Once evidence is available the applicant can be scheduled to undertake a written and practical
Based on the assessments and previous experience, the SIA will approve the appointment which
will then be recorded in the Isolators register.
The PTW office will have access to the most up to date version of the Isolators register.

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Competency equivalent to Supervisor Level 3: Low pressure wastewater/water up to 25 bar, low

(Foreman) and PTW trained as per the risk isolations as identified by JHEA. No chemicals, no
PTW utilised for the work area. hydrocarbons, no medium/high pressure, no CSE isolations
Level 2: Medium pressure wastewater/water up to 100 bar,
Competency equivalent to Supervisor hydrocarbons to 25 bar, air/nitrogen, chemicals and medium
(Foreman) and PTW trained as per the risk isolations as identified by JHEA. No high pressure, no
PTW utilised for the work area. CSE isolations
Level 1: All fluids, all pressures except as specified for Level
Competency equivalent to Permit 1 and Level2, All Confined Space Entry, high risk isolations
Authority. as identified by marked up drawing, P&ID, PTW, WMS and
Note: Mechanical Isolators to be conversant with this procedure and highlight to line management any
potential isolation which falls outside its scope. Work cannot proceed without management

16.3 Testing and Energization of systems.

In order for systems to be energized, a 24-hour NOE shall be followed leading up to the point
where the system is authorized for energization.
The protocol for authorizing and issuing a NOE shall apply to all systems regardless of whether
the energy source is through permanent or temporary supplies. The only exception to this is
where temporary generating sets are ‘plugged’ in to supply power to discrete systems.
The ‘Notice of Energization’ certificate at Appendix 13 is to be issued 24 hours prior to the
energization taking place and sent out site wide.
Energization of systems and equipment will be undertaken by a person authorized to undertake
the energization, commensurate with their ‘authority level as described in this document.
CONTRACTOR will issue the “Notice of Energization” certificate to all Subcontractors. This
notice shall be issued 24 hours prior to approval of the PTW application and commencement of
the work. The “Notice of Energisation” certificate will also be communicated to inform all
personnel of the pending test at the next pre-start meeting.

16.4 Pre- Energization.

A walk down of the system shall be conducted by the CONTRACTOR immediately before the
energization of the system and a sign off completed as evidence that the walk down was
The Scope of the energization shall be per the limits identified in the appropriate energization

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For testing purposes, the PIC of the testing will apply for the appropriate PTW in accordance
with the requirements set out for ‘sanction to test’.
The equipment to be tested and energized is to be barricaded and labelled to indicate that the
equipment is to be energized. “Electrical or Mechanical Testing / Energization on-going. Only
authorized entry allowed”.
No person may enter the testing area other than those signed onto the controlling PTW.
The PIC of the work shall be present at all times during testing and energization.
Testing personnel may operate the main power supply isolator and associated control supplies
as detailed and in accordance with the PTW. The main power supply isolator may be located
outside the testing area (i.e. substations, Power houses etc.). Rotating equipment that has been
disconnected should be subject to a rotation check as part of the re-energization process.

16.5 Permanent Energization.

The LOTO office shall receive notification of the authorization to energize. Whereby the
authorized person authorized to conduct the de-isolation and energization of the system shall
apply for a PTW to conduct the energization. The de-isolation will be described on an
accompanying isolation certificate.
The person conducting the energization shall conduct a ‘last minute’ walk down of the final
equipment to be energized. Where the energization involves the removal of a ‘boundary
isolation’, the authorized person will in addition, with the aid of the relevant drawing satisfy
himself that all downstream isolation points are in place.
LOTO office shall maintain a register of all energized systems which includes the date and time
of energization and the name of the authorized person conducting the energization.

16.6 Post –Energization

A “LIVE” sticker and/or signage shall be placed on terminations and electrical / mechanical
equipment post energization testing for handover to commissioning to control.
An Authorized person is to confirm the isolation status of powered equipment with the PTW
The LOTO office is to ensure Electrical and/or Isolation Certificate and relevant PTW(s) are
closed out.
All documents relating to the energized equipment shall be kept on file for archiving.
No changes to the energized equipment are permitted without following this procedure.

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17.1 General
The PTW Coordinator, in conjunction with the Lock out/Tag Out (LOTO) Coordinator, will
conduct regular reviews of the LOTO process. The ‘Checklist for Monitoring of Isolations’ at
Appendix 14 will be used for this purpose. On a daily basis the PTW Coordinator and LOTO

Coordinator will determine the isolation reviews to be conducted during that working day and will
assign the relevant resources accordingly. No Tagging Authority will be allowed to review his
own work. The frequency of such reviews will be as follows:

17.1.1 MV/HV/High Pressure systems/HC systems/CSE.

All isolations and associated work activities will be subject to review.

17.1.2 Other systems.

20% of isolations and associated work activities will be subject to review.

17.2 Records
Records of all reviews will be maintained in a logbook held by the LOTO Coordinator.


All personnel required to perform isolations shall receive training and instruction on the
associated risks and the necessary control measures. Training will be in accordance with the
requirements of the PTW Procedures, LOTO and this Control of Hazardous Energy Procedure.
A CONTRACTOR Authorized Isolator / Tagging Authority shall only be authorized to carry out
isolations in accordance with their specified level of training and competency for electrical,
process and/or mechanical isolations as may be applicable.
All Authorized Isolators / Tagging Authorities are required to:
• Successfully completed relevant Training Modules for Construction, Commissioning or
Operations PTW;
• Be assessed as competent and authorized in writing by a CONTRACTOR or COMPANY
authorized representative;
• Have their name, date of training and competency identified on the CONTRACTOR or
COMPANY Authorized Isolator Register.


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19.1 Appendix 1: Carbon Steel Blanks - (16.1 ksi stress - ASTM A283-C/A36)

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19.2 Appendix 2: Stainless Steel Blanks - (20 ksi stress - ASTM A240 type 304/316)

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Document No. MZ-000-CCX-HS-PRO-00011
Rev. 0 Rev Date: 21-AUG-2019

19.3 Appendix 3: Minimum Temperature for Blanks W/O Impact Testing - (A283 C/A36)

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Rev. 0 Rev Date: 21-AUG-2019

19.4 Appendix 4: Blank and Gasket Diameters

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Rev. 0 Rev Date: 21-AUG-2019

19.5 Appendix 5: Mechanical Isolation Standards

Figure 1.0

CONTRACTOR personnel shall not be permitted to work on any structure or pipeline unless it
is physically isolated from potential sources of energy and contamination and is clean1 and gas
free2. A FREE AIR SPACE as shown in Figure 1.0 is the preferred method of blinding. All blinds
shall be ASME 16.5/16.47 matching the flange class and diameter. The blind shall be installed
with a single gasket and a tag attached meeting the requirements of this procedure.
Caution: On pipelines containing an expansion joint, qualified/responsible engineer shall
approve the method of isolation before the disconnection is made.
When the physical isolation method shown in Figure 1.0 is not possible, an alternate method is
shown in Figure 2.0.

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Document Title: Control of Hazardous Energy Procedure
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Rev. 0 Rev Date: 21-AUG-2019

Figure 2.0

The use of the Figure 2.0 isolation method requires the following:
• Authorization by the local Operations or Construction Manager and local HSE Manager.
Prior to installation of the blank, it shall be examined by a qualified CONTRACTOR
employee to determine that it is appropriate for the application and service, and to confirm
it is installed in the correct location.
• In addition, a qualified CONTRACTOR employee shall confirm the blank is installed correctly
with Gaskets on each side and a tag is attached meeting the requirements of this procedure.
• For isolation exceptions in which appropriately sized blanks cannot be installed, approval
shall be obtained from Corporate HSE using the Extra Hazardous and Repair Work Report
form. Isolation exceptions will only be considered when an Extra Hazardous and Repair
Work Report and a written Safety Plan/procedure is completed and submitted to Corporate
• The safety plan/procedure shall provide adequate safety supervision to control potential
hazards. (A minimum of one full time safety supervisor is required). Additional supervisors
may be required to insure complete control of safety on large turnarounds, special projects,
process facilities, etc. This safety supervision shall be furnished by CONTRACTOR.
CONTRACTOR personnel shall not be permitted to work on any structure or pipeline unless it
is physically isolated from potential sources of energy and contamination and is clean1 and gas
• 1CLEAN – No product residue on surfaces (i.e. tank shell, bottom, sump, nozzles, valves,
columns, rafter, roof, or pipe, pipe components, etc.).
• 2GAS FREE – Atmosphere with less than 1% of the Lower Explosive Limit (LEL), 19.5% to
23.5% Oxygen, and less than the permissible exposure limits and the threshold limit values
as required by OSHA and ACGIH.
The following isolation standards for Mechanical systems may apply to the project following
corporate approval being obtained.

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Document No. MZ-000-CCX-HS-PRO-00011
Rev. 0 Rev Date: 21-AUG-2019

19.6 Appendix 6: Degrees of protection provided by enclosures

Protection against access to hazardous parts indicated by the first characteristic numeral; refer
to IEC 60529:2004 Degrees of protection provided by enclosures (IP Code).

First Degree of protection Test

characteristic conditions,
numeral Brief description Definition see

0 Non-protected – –
1 Protected against access to The access probe, sphere of 50 mm 12.2
hazardous parts with the , shall have adequate clearance
back of a hand from
hazardous parts

2 Protected against access to The jointed test finger of 12 mm , 12.2

hazardous parts with a finger 80 mm length, shall have
adequate clearance form
hazardous parts (see Exhibit
14.4 Figure 3.0)

3 Protected against access to The access probe of 2,5 mm  12.2

hazardous parts with a tool shall not penetrate
4 Protected against access to The access probe of 1,0 mm  12.2
hazardous parts with a wire shall not penetrate
5 Protected against access to The access probe of 1,0 mm  12.2
hazardous parts with a wire shall not penetrate
6 Protected against access to The access probe of 1,0 mm  12.2
hazardous parts with a wire shall not penetrate
NOTE In the case of the first characteristic numerals 3, 4, 5 and 6, protection against access to
hazardous parts is satisfied if adequate clearance is kept. The adequate clearance should be specified by the
relevant product committee.

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Document Title: Control of Hazardous Energy Procedure
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Rev. 0 Rev Date: 21-AUG-2019

19.7 Appendix 7: Isolation Hierarchy – Less than 24V DC

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19.8 Appendix 8: Isolation Hierarchy – More than 24V DC, Less than 50V DC

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Rev. 0 Rev Date: 21-AUG-2019

19.9 Appendix 9: Isolation Hierarchy – More than 50V DC, Less than 1000V AC

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19.10 Appendix 10: Isolation Hierarchy – More than 601V

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Document Title: Control of Hazardous Energy Procedure
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19.11 Appendix 11: Boundary Isolations

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19.12 Appendix 12: Emergency Lock Out Device Removal Form

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Document Title: Control of Hazardous Energy Procedure
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Rev. 0 Rev Date: 21-AUG-2019

19.13 Appendix 13: Notice of Energisation

Mozambique LNG - 5.99 MTPA
Document Title: Control of Hazardous Energy Procedure
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Rev. 0 Rev Date: 21-AUG-2019

19.14 Appendix 14: Isolation Checklist

Mozambique LNG – 5.99 MTPA
Document Title: Work Area Hazard Assessment
Document No. MZ-000-CCX-HS-PRO-00011
Rev. 0 Rev Date: 21-AUG-2019

19.15 Appendix 15: Example Isolation Log


Doc# 10000000000000000 A B C D E A B C D E

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Document Title: Work Area Hazard Assessment
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Rev. 0 Rev Date: 21-AUG-2019

19.16 Appendix 16: Summary of Tags

Tag Type: Description: Example: HOLD 2

Red, Black and White ‘Danger’

Personal Danger Tag / Personal Lock
Tag (Danger - Do Not Operate)

Isolation Tags Red and White ‘Isolation’ Tag

Yellow and Black ‘Out of Service

Out of Service Tags

Information Tags White ‘Information Tag

Blue and White ‘Commissioning

Commissioning Tags

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