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The AdversarY

jose espinoza

matachin games
The Adversary
A Cooperative Miniatures Game of Daring Hunts

Written by Jose Espinoza.

A product of Matachin Games.
Please send feedback to m

Copyright and Redistribution

This work is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 License:

Anyone may also publish free or commercial material that declares compatibility with
“Cazadores” without express written permission from Matachin Games, but must
declare that the work is not affiliated with Matachin Games in the published material
and on any websites from which the product is distributed or sold.

Artwork and Fonts

All art used in this work is under the public domain.
A complete listing of attributions for the art used in this game can be found at:

Fonts​: Alegreya (Sans, Small Capitals, and other variations) and Montserrat.

This game is built upon the innovations, thrills, and genius of a host of other games
and pieces of media. To the best of the author’s abilities, connections between this
game and these various works are drawn in ​Appendix N​.

Please seek out and explore these other works.

I hope you enjoy them as much as I do.

Playtest v.04

Attributes 2
Foe Types & Decision Trees 2
The Adversary Deck 4





Here you’ll find what little is known about

the abysmal and eternal Foes
of the Hunt.
The Adversary​ is the quarry of a ​Hunt​, though they are far from easy prey. They are
powerful, cunning, and desperate to survive their encounter with a ​Cazador a​ nd
their P
​ ack​. Adversaries are sometimes supported by a cadre of M ​ inions​ that fight
and die to defend them, but the Adversary alone is the well from which the Hunt and
its horrors abound.

Each Adversary is unique, armed with knowledge and abilities that set it apart from
other earthly creatures. However, all Adversaries are immune to the effects of
Difficult ​and D
​ angerous Terrain​ and, despite a Pack’s numbers, they are never
considered ​Surrounded​.


In this book you’ll find everything that you need to set your Pack of Cazadores and
Companions against the fearsome and unnatural creatures of the Hunt.

In ​Foe Mechanics​, you’ll find the most important rules that affect ​Foes​, already
contained in the book of T ​ he Hunter​, reprinted here for easy reference.

In ​Adversaries​, you’ll find an account of all the Adversaries known to the keepers of the
Hunt. In A​ dversary Sheets​, you’ll also find a pre-filled Model Sheet for each Adversary
in this book so that you can print or photocopy it for use at the table.

Lastly, in ​Creating Adversaries​, you’ll find some rough guidelines for you to tap into the
whirling nightmares and horrors of the Hunt in your own mind.

The F
​ oes​ opposing the ​Cazadores​ are defined with less detail but with all the
Attributes​ required to be worthy opponents. Foes’ A​ ctions​ are determined using F
​ oe
Type​, ​Decision Trees​, and the ​Adversary Deck​.

All F
​ oes​ are defined by a condensed list of ​Attributes​:
◈ Speed (SPD): Q ​ uickness and how far it can move in one Action in inches.
◈ Attack (ATK):​ Ferocity in close (​Melee) a​ nd ranged (​Shooting​) combat.
◈ Range​ ​(RNG)​: Reach in close combat, often modified if the Model has access
to S
​ hooting Attacks​.
◈ Terror (TER): ​Unnatural power, used to terrify and clear ​Conditions​.
◈ Defence (DEF): ​Physical agility and strength, defining its capacity to defend
itself against A
​ ttacks​, traps, etc.
◈ Wounds (WND): P ​ hysical health.

Foe Types & Decision Trees

Minions​ are the minor F ​ oes​ that aid the A​ dversary​ in attempting to crush the
Cazadores​. They follow a simple set of D ​ ecision Trees​ to execute ​Actions​ during
their T
​ urns​ that varies according to their ​Foe Type​:
◈ Aggressive (♠): M ​ odels that seek to engage the Cazadores​,​ heedless of the
danger and odds. Usually focused on close combat.
◈ Defensive (♦): ​Models that avoid close combat maintaining range or seeking
strength in numbers. Usually focused on ranged combat.
◈ Sentry (♣): M ​ odels that do not focus on engaging the Cazadores in combat
and instead patrol Objectives or positions near the Adversary.

Foe Move and Recover Actions

Like other Models, Foes also receive a free Move Action, therefore, the first Move
Action is often free. However, Foes​ c​ an take the R
​ ecover Action​ instead of the free
Move Action, and will always do so to clear Conditions before resolving D ​ ecision
Trees​. Foes will also always move as far as possible as whenever they execute a Move

Determining Aggro
Whenever there are multiple possible Targets for a Foe’s actions, the players
determine ​Aggro​, according to Foe Type, in order to select a final Target. Ties are
broken randomly by rolling a d10.
◈ Aggressive (♠) : H ​ ostile Model within 10”, LOS, and most WNDs remaining.
◈ Defensive (♦): ​Hostile Model within 10”, LOS, and least​ W ​ NDs remaining.
◈ Sentry (♣):​ Closest Hostile Model within 10” and LOS.

Decision Trees
A Minion’s Turn involves answering “Yes or No” questions, in order, according to
their Decision Tree and executing the first “Yes” response.

Decision Trees

Foe Type Question Order

Aggressive (♠) 1) Close Combat; 2) Aggress; 3) Reposition; 4) Hold Ground

Defensive (♦) 1) Retreat; 2) Reposition; 3) Aggress; 4) Hold Ground

Sentry (♣) 1) Close Combat; 2) Ranged Combat;

3) Reposition; 4) Hold Ground

Decision Tree Questions

Aggress​:​ I​ s the Foe within 10” of a Hostile Model?
Yes​: Foe takes Move Action toward Target, then resolves C
​ lose Combat​,
else ​Ranged Combat​, else takes a second Move Action toward Target.

Hold Ground​: T
​ he Foe holds their position and ends their Turn (1 Tick).

Close Combat:​ Is the Foe within LOS and close combat of a Hostile Model?
Yes​: The Foe takes a Melee Attack Action against the Target.

Ranged Combat:​ ​Is the Foe within LOS and ranged combat of a Hostile Model?
Yes​: The Foe takes a Shooting Attack Action against the Target.

Reposition​: ​Is the Foe more than 5” away from Friendly Models or Objectives?
Yes:​ The Foe takes a Move Action toward whichever is closest in this
order: 1) furthest Objective, 2) largest group of Minions, 3) the Adversary,
then ​Close Combat​, ​else R
​ anged Combat​, else ​Hold Ground​.

Retreat​: I​ s the Foe within a Hostile Model’s LOS and close combat range?
Yes​: The Foe takes a Move Action away from the Target and any
other Hostile Models then resolves R​ anged Combat​, e​ lse ​Hold Ground​.

Resolving “Else” in Decision Trees

Some decisions require a Foe check other questions, as indicated by “else”. This
means that the Foe executes the next question in the order that is a “Yes”. For
example, after the first move in A
​ gress​, the Foe checks C
​ lose Combat​, then R
​ anged
Combat​, with a second Move as the last choice to no other Yes responses.

The Adversary Deck

Adversaries​ are the major ​Foes​ of any ​Hunt​ and, in turn, they are much more
unpredictable and dangerous. To simulate the greater complexity of these Foes, each
Adversary uses the A​ dversary Deck​, a standard 52-card deck of playing cards split
and shuffled to form two separate piles, ​Hit Locations​ (the numbered 2-10 cards) and
Actions​ (the Ace and face cards).

Each ​Adversary​ has a detailed entry for their Adversary Deck that describes specific
Hit Locations and Actions tailored to fit their nature and particular qualities.

Hit Locations
All Adversaries have their total number of ​Wounds (WND)​ spread out across various
Hit Locations. Whenever the players’ M​ odels​ successfully attack the Adversary, they
flip a number of Hit Location cards equal to WNDs dealt, and the WNDs are removed
from that specific Hit Location.

When a specific Hit Location’s Wounds have been exhausted, there is usually an
effect described in the Adversary’s entry. In addition, all future WNDs dealt to that
Hit Location are treated as WNDs to the next highest Hit Location.

For example, an Adversary’s Upper Limbs take 3 WNDs with 1 WND remaining.
The last WND is removed and its arm is maimed, reducing its Attack Rating by 2.
The remaining 2 WNDs are dealt to its next highest Hit Location, here, the Torso.

Adversary Actions
During the​ Adversary’s Turn​, the players flip over and reveal one card from the
Adversary’s pile of Actions. The specific card revealed is interpreted in terms of its
suit and value to determine the Adversary’s Actions for its Turn.

The suit determines which ​Foe Type​ the Adversary will use this Turn:
◈ Spades (♠): ​Aggressive Foe Type
◈ Diamonds (♦) : ​Defensive Foe Type
◈ Clubs (♣): S​ entry Foe Type
◈ Hearts (♥): S ​ pecial Foe Type

The S
​ pecial​ Foe Type is only applicable to Adversaries and refers to a mixed set of ​Foe
Types​ that the Adversary will follow as detailed in their entry. For example, a Jack of
Hearts might refer to the ​Defensive Decision Tree​ whereas the Queen of Hearts
might refer to the A​ ggressive Decision Tree​.

The value on the card determines the specific Action that the Adversary will take.
Usually this is a form of Attack and includes additional specialized modifiers tailored
to the Adversary.

An example Adversary Action​

Ace (Sweeping Smash)​: +2 ATK +1 RNG. All Hostile Models within RNG suffer a
Melee Attack. Models hit are pushed 2” away.

Exhausting the Adversary Deck

Whenever the Hit Location or Action piles for the Adversary are exhausted, the
players should simply take the discard piles, and without shuffling, turn them over to
create new Hit Location and Action piles.

This allows the players to predict the Adversary’s Actions to some degree.

Terror Attacks
While C
​ azadores​ must rely on cutting down their enemies, F ​ oes​ can also use their
innate fearsomeness to make A ​ ttacks​ using their ​Terror Rating​. These Attacks are
usually reserved for the ​Adversary​, affect multiple models, and impose the T ​ errified
Condition​, however, they rarely inflict W​ ounds​.

Terror Attacks are considered Shooting Attacks with the following exceptions:
◈ The Foe uses their T ​ error Rating ​to make the Shooting Check.
◈ The D ​ T​ for the Attack is the Target’s Fortitude Rating.

Actions Summary

Name Ticks Effect

Movement Actions

Cover 3 Athletics Check. If successful, move up to SPD + 1” per

Ground Success.

Move 2 Model moves up to its SPD.

Combat Actions

Attack 3 Melee or Shooting Check (DT Target DEF) with a

Readied Weapon. Success deals Wounds equal to
Successes plus Weapon POW.

Cast 4 Lore Check (DT 7). If successful, apply the selected

Ritual Ritual’s effects.

Defend 2 Models Attack this Model at Disadvantage until this

Model’s next Turn.

Focus 2 Model gains Advantage to next Attack or add/subtract

up to 2 from Hit Location of next Attack.

Hide 3 Model must be within 1” of Obscuring or Blocking

Terrain. Stealth Check (DT highest Hostile Model ATK
within 3”). If successful, gain the Hidden Condition.

Parry 4 Melee Check (DT Target ATK). Next successful Melee
Attack by Target on this Model is cancelled and Model
Attacks Target with Advantage.

Reload 1 Model reloads 1 Ammo into a Shooting Weapon.

Spot 4 Hunt Check (DT Target DEF within 5”). This Model and
Weakness Friendly Models gain Advantage on Attacks against
Target for rest of Round..

Switch 1 Model switches which Weapons or Gear are

considered Readied.

Other Actions

Aid 2 Leadership Check (DT 5). 1 Model within 3” succeeds at

a Recover Action.

Flee 3 Athletics Check (DT 7; within 1” of Exit). Model leaves

the Play Area.

Pass 1 The Model is idle.

Recover 2 Fortitude Check (DT 5). Model clears one Condition.

Foes use Terror instead of Fortitude to make Check.

Use Gear 3 Model makes use of Gear and applies effects on

Success. Skill used in the Check is determined by Gear.


Here you’ll find what little is known about

the abysmal and eternal Foes
of the Hunt​.

An Accursed Construct
Shifting and whispering plates of a sleek alloy. A mockery of a human face,
unfocused, unwavering, and unfathomable. Clawed fusils cradle a floating core
radiating with unnatural warmth. The orb burns without flame, compelling all living
things to their end in seconds stretched over decades.

The jealous and silent guardian to a place long withered and carried off by the earth,
sea, and wind. Duty-bound, the knight patrols the borders of its master’s home. The
rearguard to a war always on the horizon.

An Accursed Construct

4” 7 1” 8 5 25

Special Rules
Rapid Barrage​ (Special Suit): ​The Area 2 placed by this action is considered Difficult


Adversary Deck
Hit Locations
◈ Core (10): 5 WNDs. Diffraction (All Models within 10” suffer a Rating 8
Shooting Attack. On success, impose Poisoned Condition).
◈ Arsenal (8-9): 5 WNDs. Corrupted (Disadvantage to Attacks).
◈ Ligaments (6-7): 5 WNDs. Frayed (-2 SPD).
◈ Tissue (4-5): 5 WNDs. Torn (-1 DEF)
◈ Armature (2-3): 5 WNDs. Cracked (-1 DEF).

Standard Suits
◈ Ace (Rapid Barrage): ​+4 RNG. All Models within RNG suffer Shooting
Attack. Crit: Impose Knocked Down Condition.
◈ King (Warbling Seeker):​ +6 RNG. Target suffers a Shooting Attack with
◈ Queen (Blaring Shriek): + ​ 4 RNG. All Models within RNG suffer a Terror
Attack. If successful, impose Terrified Condition. Crit: Impose Stunned
◈ Jack (Sudden Charge): + ​ 3 SPD. Target suffers Melee Attack. If hit, Target is
pushed 2” away.

Special Suit
◈ Ace, Sentry (Rapid Barrage): A ​ s Standard but for each Model successfully hit
place an Area 2 directly underneath them.
◈ King, Sentry (Warbling Seeker):​ As Standard.
◈ Queen, Aggressive (Blaring Shriek): ​As Standard.
◈ Jack, Aggressive (Sudden Charge): A ​ s Standard but any Models within 1” of
Target also suffer the Attack.

The Constant Emperor’s Praetorians
Bones thinly veiled by brackish skin, draped in darkness, the fiery words of their
regent where their eyes once sat. The Praetorians, relentless and indomitable, sweep
the long-forgotten trails once marched by their emperor's army. Wielding the
Cerulean Flame, they incinerate any and all things that have touched the ground
upon which their emperor set foot on his final conquest.

Heralds, confidants, and consorts to the emperor, from which all noble things flow,
the Praetorians were ordered to safeguard the kingdom while he seized the last
unknown corner of the map, never to return. Ageless, mad, and resentful, the
Praetorians scour the earth.

The Constant Emperor’s Praetorians


3” 4 1” 5 5 30

Special Rules
The Triumvirate​: Deploy the praetorians by randomly determining which to deploy
first with a Scatter Roll from the centre of the Play Area. Deploy the next Praetorian
with a Scatter Roll from the first, and the third from the location of the second.
Thread that Binds​:​ The Praetorians are an Adversary composed of 3 Models that share
30 WNDs (10 each). Damage done to one may in fact harm another. When all the Hit
Locations for one Praetorian are exhausted, that Praetorian can no longer fight.
The Sword, The Axe, and the Mace​: T
​ he names of the Praetorians have long been lost to
time so each is referred to by their chosen weapon. The Adversary's Actions are
executed by all of the Praetorians but the Target for each Praetorian's Action is
determined individually. The Praetorian with the most WNDs remaining always
executes the Action first, otherwise order is determined at random. The Praetorian’s
joint Personal Clock is advanced by the highest Tick Cost of all Actions performed.


Adversary Deck
Hit Locations
◈ The Sword's Flame (10): 5 WNDs.
◈ The Sword (8-9): 5 WNDs. Wounded (-1 TER to All Praetorians).
◈ The Axe's Flame (7): 5 WNDs.
◈ The Axe (5-6) 5 WNDs. Impared (-1 ATK to All Praetorians).
◈ The Mace's Flame (4) 5 WNDs.
◈ The Mace (2-3): 5 WNDs. Pressed (-1 DEF to All Praetorians)

Standard Suits
◈ Ace (Cerulean Flame): ​+3 ATK. All Hostile Models within the imaginary
triangle created by the positions of the Praetorians suffer a Shooting Attack.
Crit: Impose Burning Condition.
◈ King (Howling Rush):​ +2 SPD. Target suffers a Melee Attack. Crit: Impose
Knocked Down Condition.
◈ Queen (Burning Lance): ​+3 RNG. Target suffers a Shooting attack. Crit:
Impose Burning Condition.
◈ Jack (Piercing Lunge): T ​ arget suffers a Melee Attack.

Special Suit
◈ Ace, Defensive (Cerulean Flame): A ​ s Standard.
◈ King, Aggressive (Howling Rush):​ As Standard.
◈ Queen, Aggressive (Burning Lance): ​As Standard, but 2 Targets within RNG
suffer Shooting Attack.
◈ Jack, Defensive (War Chant): ​Terror Check. If successful, the casting
Praetorian recovers 1d5 WNDs to their Flame Hit Location, with any
remaining to their second Hit Location.

A Creature Wreathed in Light
Luminous and astounding. A myriad of limbs moving with balletic grace. Greens,
oranges, and golden filigree adorn the feathered wings that maintain it aloft in
majesty. Vines flowering in a thousand radiant colors extend and brush terra
firma.Deep under a canopy of ancient trees, heavy with moisture, it waits for the end
of days.

From the edges of the rainforest travellers can feel the reverberations of the
creature’s song. The nearer both flora and fauna are to the creature, the more
rapturously they sway to its voice. Members of the joyful audience sometimes
plucked gently by a spear tip to sustain the creature’s vigil.

A Creature Wreathed in Light


5” 5 2” 7 7 25

Special Rules
Beloved Breath​: A
​ rea 3. While within the breath Foes have +2 DEF. The Area is
considered Difficult Terrain.

Morpheus Butterflies ​: T
​ wo beautiful and languidly fluttering things. The dust from
their wings calls forth restless dreams.

Morpheus Butterfly

5” 3 1” 3 3 5

Minion Type: Sentry.

Shooting Attack: +2 RNG.
Crit: Impose Stunned Condition.

Adversary Deck
Hit Locations
◈ Head (10): 5 WNDs. Weeping (+2 TER).
◈ Torso (8-9): 5 WNDs. Marred(-1 to DEF).
◈ Wings (6-7): 5 WNDs. Grounded (-2 SPD)
◈ Upper Limb (4-5): 5 WNDs. Disarmed (-1 RNG).
◈ Lower Limbs (2-3) 5 WNDs. Oozing (Immediately suffers Bleeding

Standard Suits
◈ Ace (Harrowing Chorus)​: +4 RNG: All Hostile Models within RNG suffer a
Terror Attack dealing WNDs equal to Successes. Crit: Impose Terrified
◈ King (Heavenly Dive)​ +2 RNG +3 ATK. Place Creature at RNG 0” of Target.
Target Suffers Melee Attack.
◈ Queen (Arcing Slash): ​All Hostile Models within RNG suffer a Melee Attack.
Models hit are pushed 2” away.
◈ Jack (Touching Earth): ​+2 ATK. Target suffers a Melee attack. If successful,
please Area 2 Difficult Terrain beneath Target.

Special Suit
◈ Ace, Defensive (Harrowing Chorus): A ​ s Standard.
◈ King, Defensive (Beloved Breath):​ Place an Area 3 Beloved Breath directly
beneath the Creature.
◈ Queen, Aggressive (Arcing Slash)​: As Standard but Crit: Impose Terrified
◈ Jack, Defensive (Compassionate Gaze): ​+4 RNG. Target Suffers Terror
Attack. On success, impose Terrified Condition. Crit: Impose Knocked
Down Condition.

A Neonate Wurm
A monstrous and writhing shape of muscle bound in a lustrous carapace. A thousand
razored and hooked legs drag its mass in undulating patterns. Twin ridged prongs
set atop its eyeless mask probe and search along the ground, perceptive of
disturbances in grains of sand leagues away.

Said to be the harbingers of an arid and torrid age augured by the expanding dunes,
only the youngest emerge from the deep to feed and grow. Guides plead their charges
to abide that nights in the desert must be spent in silence, lest they wake the mothers,
ripened by millenia, that sleep beneath the sand.

A Neonate Wyrm

6” 6 2” 7 5 25

Special Rules
Dust Devil​: Area 2. Treated as Dangerous and Obscuring Terrain.


Adversary Deck
Hit Locations
◈ Antennae (10): 5 WNDs. Blinded (Disadvantage to Attacks).
◈ Mandible (9): 5 WNDs. Broken (-1 ATK)
◈ Carapace (6-8):. 5 WNDs. Cracked (-1 DEF).
◈ Upper Limbs (4-5): 5 WNDs. Maimed (-1 SPD).
◈ Lower Limbs (2-3) 5 WNDs. Maimed (-1 SPD).

Standard Suits
◈ Ace (Venomous Stab): + ​ 3 ATK. Melee Attack. Crit: Impose Poisoned
◈ King (Whirling Slashes)​: +1 RNG. All Hostile Models within RNG suffer
Melee Attack. Place an Area 2 Dust Devil directly beneath the Adversary.
◈ Queen (Lunging Snatch): ​Target suffers a Melee Attack. If successful, place
Target within 0" of Adversary. Crit: Impose Knocked Down Condition.
◈ Jack (Spinning Lash): T ​ arget suffers a Melee Attack.

Special Suit
◈ Ace, Defensive (Self-Laceration)​: All future Attacks by the Adversary gain
"Crit: Impose Poisoned Condition".
◈ King, Aggressive (Advancing Spear): + ​ 1 SPD. Target suffers Melee Attack. If
successful, impose Poisoned Condition.
◈ Queen, Aggressive (Lunging Snatch): A ​ s Standard.
◈ Jack, Aggressive (Spinning Lash): A ​ s Standard.

The Wandering Son of The Mountain
Pale, emaciated, and long-limbed. Hunched over at the waist with primordial shale
protruding from its skin. The Wandering Son carries an old oak as a club and attacks
caravans and cattle that wander too deep into the mountain.

In nearby villages, children are told that the moanings of the wind at night are the
cries of the Wandering Son. He weeps for the loss of his siblings, the great kingdom
of his people, and his pitiful fate as brigand, thief, and eater of men.

The Wandering Son of the Mountain


5” 7 2” 6 6 20

Special Rules
Immune to Freezing Condition.
Rock Throw​: The Area 2 placed by this action is considered Difficult Terrain.


Adversary Deck
Hit Locations
◈ Head (10): 5 WNDs. Blinded (Disadvantage to Attacks).
◈ Torso (8-9): 5 WNDs. Exhausted (-1 DEF).
◈ Upper Limb (5-7): 5 WNDs. Maimed arm (-1 ATK).
◈ Lower Limbs (2-4) 5 WNDs. Slashed heels (-1 SPD).

Standard Suits
◈ Ace (Sweeping Smash)​: +2 ATK +1 RNG. All Hostile Models within RNG
suffer a Melee Attack. Models hit are pushed 2” away.
◈ King (Rock Throw)​: +4 RNG. Target suffers a Shooting Attack. If successful,
Target is Placed using a Scatter Roll, then place Area 2 on Target’s previous
location. If failed, place Area 2 using Scatter Roll.
◈ Queen (Grab and Throw): ​+1 ATK. Target suffers a Melee attack. If
successful, Target is Placed based on a Scatter Roll.
◈ Jack (Overhead Slam): ​Target suffers a Melee Attack. Crit: Impose Stunned

Special Suit
◈ Ace, Aggressive (Sweeping Smash)​: As Standard.
◈ King, Defensive (Shattering Roar): ​+2 RNG. All Hostile Models within RNG
suffer a Terror Attack. If successful, impose the Terrified Condition on
affected Models.
◈ Queen, Aggressive (Grab and Throw): A ​ s Standard.
◈ Jack, Aggressive (Overhead Slam): A ​ s Standard.

Accursed Construct
Standard Suits
Rapid Barrage: +4 RNG. All within
Ace: ______________________________
4 7 1
RNG suffer Shooting ATK.
Crit: Impose Burning Condition.

Warbling Seeker: +6 RNG.

King: _____________________________ 5 5 25
Shooting ATK with Advantage.

______________________________ HIT LOCATIONS

Value(s) Location WND
Queen: Blaring Shriek: +4 RNG. All within
_______ Core
RNG, Terror ATK. Success, impose
Diffraction: Within 10”, R8 Shoot
Terrified. Crit: Impose Stunned
ATK. Impose Poisoned Condition

Sudden Charge: +2 SPD.

Jack: _____________________________
Value(s) Location WND
Melee ATK. Success, push Target
______________________________ 8-9 _________________
_______ Arsenal
2” away.
______________________________ Corrupted: Disadvantage to
Special Suit
Value(s) Location WND
Rapid Barrage: Sentry.
Ace: ______________________________
6-7 _________________
_______ Ligaments
As Standard, but for each Model
______________________________ Frayed: - 2 SPD
hit, place Area 2 under them
______________________________ _________________________

Warbling Seeker: Sentry.

King: _____________________________ Value(s) Location WND

______________________________ 4-5
_______ Tissue
Torn: -1 DEF
Blaring Shriek: Aggressive
Queen: ____________________________
Value(s) Location WND
2-3 _________________
_______ Armature
______________________________ Cracked: -1 DEF

Sudden Charge: Aggressive. _________________________

Jack: _____________________________
As Standard, but any Models
______________________________ Value(s) Location WND
within 1” also suffer the Attack.
______________________________ _______ _________________

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
Constant Emperor’s Praetorians
Standard Suits
Cerulean Flame: +3 ATK. Shooting
Ace: ______________________________
3 4 1
ATK on all Hostile Models within
triangle. Crit: Burning Condition

Howling Rush: +2 SPD. Melee ATK.

King: _____________________________ 5 5 30
Crit: Knocked Down Condition

______________________________ HIT LOCATIONS

Value(s) Location WND
Queen: Burning Lance: +3 RNG. Shooting
_______ The Sword’s Flame
ATK. Crit: Burning Condition
Piercing Lunge: Melee ATK.
Jack: _____________________________
Value(s) Location WND
______________________________ 8-9 _________________
_______ The Sword
______________________________ Wounded: -1 TER to All
Special Suit
Value(s) Location WND
Cerulean Flame: Defensive
Ace: ______________________________
_______ The Axe’s Flame
______________________________ None.
______________________________ _________________________

Howling Rush: Aggressive

King: _____________________________ Value(s) Location WND

______________________________ 5-6
_______ The Axe
Impaired: -1 ATK to All
Burning Lance: Aggressive
Queen: ____________________________
Value(s) Location WND
As Standard but 2 Targets
_______ The Mace’s Flame
suffer Shooting ATK.
______________________________ None

War Chant: Defensive. TER Check. _________________________

Jack: _____________________________
On success, recover 1d5 WNDs to
______________________________ Value(s) Location WND
Flame Loc, remaning to 2nd Loc
______________________________ 2-3
_______ The Mace
Pressed: -1 DEF to All

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
Creature Wreathed in Light
Standard Suits
Harrowing Chorus: +4 RNG.
Ace: ______________________________
5 5 2
All Hostile Models suffer Terror ATK
deals WNDs. Crit: Impose Terrified

Heavenly Dive: +2 RNG +3 ATK.

King: _____________________________ 7 7 25
Melee ATK.
Place Creature at RNG 0 of Target.
______________________________ HIT LOCATIONS
Value(s) Location WND
Queen: Arcing Slash: All Hostile in RNG
_______ Head
suffer Melee ATK. Models hit
Weeping: +2 TER
are pushed 2” away.
Touching Earth: +2 ATK.
Jack: _____________________________
Value(s) Location WND
Melee ATK. Success, place Area 2
______________________________ 8-9 _________________
_______ Torso
Directly beneath Target.
______________________________ Marred: -1 DEF
Special Suit
Value(s) Location WND
Harrowing Chorus: Defensive.
Ace: ______________________________
6-7 _________________
_______ Wings
______________________________ Grounded: -2 SPD
______________________________ _________________________

Beloved Breath: Place Area 3

King: _____________________________ Value(s) Location WND
Beloved Breath directly
______________________________ 4-5
_______ Upper Limbs
Disarmed: -1 RNG
Underneath Creature.
Arcing Slash: Aggressive.
Queen: ____________________________
Value(s) Location WND
As Standard but Crit: Impose
2-3 _________________
_______ Lower Limbs
Terrified Condition.
______________________________ Oozing: Immediately suffers
Bleeding Condition
Compassionate Gaze: Defensive.
Jack: _____________________________
+4 RNG. Terror ATK. Success,
______________________________ Value(s) Location WND
Terrified. Crit: Impose Knocked Down
______________________________ _______ _________________

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1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
Morpheus Butterfly Sentry

5 3 1 3 3 5
Shooting Attack: +2 RNG. Crit: Impose Stunned Condition.

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Morpheus Butterfly Sentry

5 3 1 3 3 5
Shooting Attack: +2 RNG. Crit: Impose Stunned Condition.

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Neonate Wurm
Standard Suits
Venomous Stab: +3 ATK
Ace: ______________________________
6 6 2
Melee Attack.
Crit: Imposed Poisoned Condition

Whirling Slashes: +1 RNG.

King: _____________________________ 5 7 25
All Hostile in RNG suffer Melee
Place Dust Devil beneath Wurm.
______________________________ HIT LOCATIONS
Value(s) Location WND
Lunging Snatch: Melee ATK
Queen: ____________________________
_______ Antennae
Success, place Target
Blinded: Disadvantage to Attacks
within 0”. Crit: Knocked Down
Spinning Lash: Melee Attack.
Jack: _____________________________
Value(s) Location WND
______________________________ 9
_______ Mandible
______________________________ Broken: -1 ATK
Special Suit
Value(s) Location WND
Self-Laceration: Defensive.
Ace: ______________________________
6-8 _________________
_______ Carapace
All future Attacks gain
______________________________ Cracked: -1 DEF
“Crit: Impose Poisoned Condition”
______________________________ _________________________

Advancing Spear: Aggressive.

King: _____________________________ Value(s) Location WND
+1 SPD. Melee ATK.
______________________________ 4-5
_______ Upper Limbs
Maimed: -1 SPD
On success, impose Poisoned
Lunging Snatch: Aggressive.
Queen: ____________________________
Value(s) Location WND
2-3 _________________
_______ Lower Limbs
______________________________ Maimed: -1 SPD

Spinning Lash: Aggressive. _________________________

Jack: _____________________________

______________________________ Value(s) Location WND

______________________________ _______ _________________


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Wandering Son of the Mountain
Standard Suits
Sweeping Smash: +2 ATK + 1 RNG
Ace: ______________________________
5 7 2
Melee ATK to all Hostile Models
Models hit are pushed 2” away

King: Rock Throw: +4 RNG. Shooting ATK

_____________________________ 6 6 20
Success = Place Target with Scatter
Roll, then place Area 2 on prev Loc
______________________________ HIT LOCATIONS
Value(s) Location WND
Queen: Grab & Throw: +1 ATK. Shooting
_______ Head
ATK. Place Target with Scatter Roll
Blinded: Disadvantage
______________________________ to Attacks
Overhead Slam: Melee ATK.
Jack: _____________________________
Value(s) Location WND
Crit: Impose Stunned Condition
______________________________ 8-9 _________________
_______ Torso
______________________________ Exhausted: -1 DEF
Special Suit
Value(s) Location WND
Sweeping Smash: Aggressive
Ace: ______________________________
5-7 _________________
_______ Upper Limbs
______________________________ Maimed: -1 ATK
______________________________ _________________________

Shattering Roar: Defensive

King: _____________________________ Value(s) Location WND
+2 RNG. All Hostile Models suffer
______________________________ 2-4
_______ Lower Limbs
Slashed Heels: -1 SPD
Terror ATK. Impose Terrified Condition
Grab & Throw: Aggressive
Queen: ____________________________
Value(s) Location WND
_______ _________________
______________________________ _________________________

Overhead Slam: Aggressive _________________________

Jack: _____________________________

______________________________ Value(s) Location WND

______________________________ _______ _________________


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◈ The Adversary section is broken out into its own “book” for ease of use!
◈ New Adversaries: An Accursed Construct, A Creature Wreathed in Light,
The Constant Emperor’s Praetorians, and A Neonate Wyrm.

Wandering Son of the Mountain

◈ He’s received a few buffs to his stats (+1 ATK, +1 DEF, +TER), since he was a
little too easy even as a starting Adversary.
◈ Some attacks have also received tweaks for clarity and balance.

◈ Reduced the +RNG on all Adversary Action by 1 to make it a little easier to
maneuver around them.

Constant Emperor’s Praetorians

◈ -1 ATK and -1 SPD to the Praetorians who were a tad too strong.
◈ Special rules for T
​ he Triumvirate​ have been renamed under ​TThread That Binds
so that The Triumvirate now explains how they are deployed.
◈ Additionally, clarified how much the Praetorian’s Personal Clock is
advanced when they each take different actions while resolving decision

Creatures Wreathed in Light

◈ -1 SPD to Attributes.

Neonate Wurm
◈ -1 SPD to Attributes.


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