Unit 1 Exercises

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A. 1.

2. False
3. True
5. True

B. 1.d

C. 1. A record is one row of a table. It includes complete information arranged horizontally. A

field is the vertical column in a table that stores information of the same type.
2. A table is a collection of related information in the form of rows and columns. A query is a
question relating to the data with a specific answer to it.

3. Forms are customized screens for viewing, entering, modifying and deleting data in a table
or a query. Reports are the representation of data in a printed format.

4. Field Grid pane is used to define the fields in the table along with their datatypes and an
optional description of the field. Field Properties pane is used to give additional properties
to the field name.

5. The row and column format are seen in the Datasheet View where data can be added.
Descriptions like field names and data types can be added in the Design View.

E. 1. A DBMS (Database Management System) is a set of computer programs that controls the
creation, maintenance, and use of the computerized database by the user.
Reduces data redundancy, facilitates sharing of data, Controls data inconsistency, enforces
standards, ensures data security, Maintains integrity

2. Using a blank database and Using sample templates.

3. Creating a table in Datasheet View and Creating a table in Design View

4. The Data Type for every Field Name describes the form in which the data is accepted. And
some commonly used data types in MS Access 2010 are: Text, Number, and Currency

5. The primary key should always have a value that is not repeated for any other record.

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