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Towards Information Society – eEurope and Evolving Networks

Matti Juutilainen Jouni Ikonen Jari Porras

Lappeenranta University of Technology

Laboratory of Communications Engineering
P.O. Box 20, FIN-53851 Lappeenranta, Finland

Abstract: The huge popularity of Internet has changed networks, as they will most likely provide new opportunities
our everyday lives. We use Internet for communication, in the future.
work and leisure. This situation is new but the End users need the Internet connection usually for
development is driving us rapidly further towards a true reaching some services in the network. Nowadays the
information society where everyone has equal chance of services are mostly located in Internet but in the future, the
using Internet wherever needed. All the information can services may move closer to their users. In any case, the goal
be accessed whenever needed independent of the current is that end users do not need to worry about the technology
location. behind the services. The users need an easy and affordable
This publication describes Europe’s current effort way to reach and use the desired services. This publication
towards information society and evaluates evolving next deals also with global and local service provisioning and
generation networks’ relation to this development. This describes the pros and cons of both approaches.
publication also considers local and global service
provisioning options and their suitability for different 2 EUROPEAN UNION’S eEUROPE PROGRAM
information society services.
In 1999 European Union started an ambitious program,
eEurope, which aims to ensure that everyone in European
1 INTRODUCTION Union has access to new information and communication
technologies. The goal for European Union is to become the
Before Internet reached its huge popularity in the mid most competitive knowledge-based society in the world by
90’s, people usually did not have any connections to 2010. [2]
computer networks. This was not a problem as people were The eEurope program aims to improve people’s quality of
not yet used to new services that later came to be an life, but the political interests can also be justified by the fact
important part of our everyday lives. Since then, the that ICT development also greatly influences on the
development of network technology has dramatically European economy. According to the European Information
changed the situation. We use this connection (an Internet Technology Observatory [3], Europe’s portion is 32,1% (596
connection in most cases) for working, searching billion euros) of worldwide ICT market in 2005 and growth
information, leisure and in many cases keeping in touch with rate from previous year in Europe is 4,1%. This comes from
our friends. The connection is quickly becoming an everyday the 4,5% growth in IT sector and 3,7% growth in
necessity like electricity. telecommunications.
The development has changed our way of life. Despite all eEurope is divided into multiple subprograms: eLearning,
its flaws, Internet has proven to become a part of our lives. eHealth, eGovernment, eContent and eBusiness. eLearning
The importance will even grow in the future, as the society is coordinates national efforts to modernize education and
developing towards information society goals set by vocational training systems. eHealth, aims to improve the
governments all over the world. Information society means quality and accessibility of health services (such as e-
that everyone has equal chance to use and benefit from accessibility for the disabled, bringing health services to
network connections that are widely available. European home etc.) eGovernment’s aim is to provide easy access to
Union has started an eEurope program in order to promote public services (like job search, tax services, personal
the development. In Finland Council of State has introduced documentation etc.) eContent tries to ensure that content and
a national broadband strategy (see [1]). The strategy aims to information is available in people’s own language. eBusiness
provide all the citizens in Finland an equal chance to get a restructures business processes to make the best use of new
broadband connection to home. digital technologies. [2]
In this publication we describe the eEurope program, its In short, eEurope’s goal is to start new commercial
goals towards information society, and evolving networks growth, bring new work to people and improve citizens’
relation to the goals. We concentrate on open access overall quality of life. eEurope tries to achieve these goals by
spreading Internet connections to everyone using existing and

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emerging medias (computer, mobile phone, television etc.) In Finland, European Union is financially helping the
Locality is not emphasized, but it is stated that everyone building of ADSL (Asymmetric Digital Subscriber Line)
should have the right to use the services with one’s own connections to sparsely populated areas. This promotes
language. From eEurope’s goals we get the requirements for getting the connections to everyone but at the same time it
network technologies and what we should concentrate on. complicates the competition between ISPs. As one of the
ISPs gets to build access network (with public financial
3 EVOLVING NETWORKS AND eEUROPE support) to a certain area, no other ISPs can build their own
PROGRAM networks to the same area with a comparable price. The ISP
having the access network has to allow other ISPs to use the
Since the introduction of Internet, the way of providing the network, but the prices for that are anything but reasonable.
connection to end users has been evolving. Firstly, Internet In conclusion, one of the ISPs has got a cheap access network
Service Providers (ISPs) provided their customers with and a monopolistic position in the area. Additionally the ISP
connections (modems, ADSL etc.) Couple of years ago can make revenue from renting the access network to the
technology enthusiasts began to build their own (wireless) other ISPs. This kind of monopolistic situation is beneficial
hot spot networks – community networks – open for only for the one ISP. Other ISPs cannot compete and the end
everyone. The newest trend in networking is public open users have no alternatives. The ISP can therefore specify the
access, allowing connecting multiple ISPs in the same access connection fees in the area almost freely.
network and at the same time keeping the access network There is also another problem with the monopoly.
open for everyone. See [4] for more details on the Whenever an ISP reaches this kind of situation, it wants to
development process and the differences of these different protect itself from any kind of change. End users and
approaches. companies in the area get to suffer from high prices, poor
Let us compare these different networking approaches and service and slow adoption of new services. This happens just
see how they meet the demands of eEurope program. because the ISP in monopolistic position tries to prevent the
change by any means. The means include high
3.1 eEurope and Closed Access Networks interconnection fees and longer times of delivery for the
competitors as well as delayed actions and concealing the
Traditional ISP-driven networks are closed access facts in ongoing disputes. This kind of behavior endangers
networks. Closed access here means that the access network reaching the eEurope goals by year 2010.
is open only for ISP’s customers i.e. the access network only As European Union’s eEurope program’s goal is to
connects the customers to ISP’s access controllers. There is provide everyone an equal chance to get a broadband Internet
no direct communication between the end users in the access connection, these traditional networks meet the goals well.
network. However, one should not forget the main problem: the
The main problem in these closed networks is their unhealthy competition, which results in high connection costs
inflexibility. ISPs allow only their own customers to connect and poor service level for end users. ADSL is nowadays the
to their networks and prevent other ISPs’ equal competition main broadband technology for providing connections for
in the area. For example, in Finland the government has end users. The price for ADSL connection for end user varies
published a law [5] that orders the ISPs to rent their access greatly between the European countries starting from around
network to other ISPs in a reasonable price. The Finnish 15 €/month to several hundreds of euros per month for the
Communications Regulatory Authority (FICORA) supervises fastest connections.
the communications markets in order to ensure healthy
competition and compliance by ISPs. However, in practice 3.2 eEurope and Open Access Networks
the connection fees charged from other ISPs seem to be in
many cases remarkably higher than the real costs. This makes As the name implies, open access networks aim to allow
equal competition impossible. everyone to use the same shared access network. This relates
For example, in 16th of September 2004 Finland’s to every participant of the network, including ISPs, service
Supreme Administrative Court dismissed an appeal made by providers, and end users. Shared access network allows better
one of the telecom operators in Finland. The appeal competition and therefore is likely to bring end users’
concerned FICORA’s decision of April 2001 on the connection costs down.
operator’s mobile network prices i.e. interconnection fees. In The idea behind open access networks could be compared
its decision, the court maintained that operator’s fees were to an airport. Different airlines share the same airport as it is
unreasonably high and the company was ordered to reduce not feasible to build own airport for every airline company. It
the fees. [6] However there are disputes in courts about what is also easy for the passengers, as they can use one airport to
should the correct rate be? Calculating the real costs for get services from any of the airlines or any of the supporting
access network building and maintenance may be difficult for service providers like airport restaurants and shops. Similarly,
the ISPs, and that should be taken into account.

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access networks can be shared by multiple ISPs to gain invest on the network building. In addition to Internet
remarkable cost savings and better service level for end users. connections, the services may also include IPTV, IP-
There are different kinds of open access networks: telephony, Video on Demand, etc.
community networks, regional networks, commercial open The access network needs an administrator in order to
access networks and public centrally managed multi-ISP keep the network operational. The network owners’ may
networks. found a new non-profit organization or buy the service from
some company or even from an ISP. However, it is important
Community Networks that the administrator is operator neutral i.e. every service
provider has similar rights to offer services to the access
Community networks are originally an effort to free network. The main point here is that local people still own
people from the limitations of ISP-driven networks. End the local network infrastructure and no-one can collect any
users build their own access network themselves usually by fare for access network usage.
putting wireless WLAN access points to their homes and The open access and the neutral administrator are
antennas to the roofs. The hot spots are then inter-connected important, as they prevent the monopolistic situation
by wireless or wired links and the access network is built up. described earlier and ensures healthy competition in service
The network coverage area is formed according to people’s provisioning. For end users, it is now easier to choose and
homes and some other access point installation locations. chance the ISP or other service providers whenever needed.
One basic rule in community networks is that any This will keep the competition high and the prices low.
communication inside the access network must be free for Regional networks are a bit problematic when looking
everyone. This benefits all of the users, as anyone can from eEurope’s viewpoint. The main problem is the high cost
provide other network users with any services (gaming, file of building the access network, as the private people have the
transfer etc.) Some of the users may share their own Internet pay it directly by themselves. All of the people may not
connection to the access network, but all ISPs do not allow afford to get the connection to their home. On the other hand,
this. Having an Internet connection from a community building access networks to rural areas is always expensive
network is usually uncertain. regardless of the network builder. Finally the end users will
Community networks are an effective option for pay the expenses anyway.
technology enthusiasts, but in practice the suitability for Regional networks may also be problematic in cities as it
broader use is limited. Normal end users need a reliable requires a great effort and lots of co-operation between
network connection and working support services. If an ISP numerous parties to build an access network covering larger
sells a connection to end user, the ISP is responsible for the areas. Despite all of the problems, regional networks offer
reliability of the connection. In community network approach really interesting opportunities for the future.
the ISP cannot guarantee the functionality of the access
network. Commercial Open Access Networks
The commercial use of community network is difficult and
therefore the usability for providing everyone a broadband Another option is commercial open access. The basic
Internet connection as stated in eEurope program is limited. principle is same as in regional networks: some authority
The uncertainty of even having an Internet connection from a builds a regional network and then allows any service
community network is great. And if there is a connection, the provider to offer services to the access network. The
specifications depend more on the access network users than difference is that in commercial open access, the network
the ISP. builder (and owner) is a commercial authority (like an energy
company). The company sells connections to the network for
Regional Networks people living in the area. After purchasing a connection to the
home, the access network usage does not cost anything. Of
Especially people in rural areas are having difficulties in course, the services in the access network may not all be free.
getting any kind of broadband connections, as ISPs do not Examples of commercial open access networks can be
want to build access networks if the profitability is uncertain. found for example in Sweden where MälarEnergi has built a
People have started to build their own regional open access large regional network - Stadsnät (see [8]). There are over 60
networks (see Finnish Regional Network Association [7] for different services like Voice over IP, IPTV and Video on
examples of these networks), mostly by using optical fiber. Demand that can be transmitted in good quality in the fiber-
People invest their own money to get the fiber to the home, based access network.
but after the network is in place, no-one can charge rent for Like regional networks, commercial open access networks
using the network. also provide great opportunities for the future. It is beneficial
When the open access network is in place the people allow for the end users to be able to choose freely from a wide
ISPs and other service providers to provide their services to variety of service providers and not to be tied to any of them.
the access network. ISPs will be interested in providing their
services to a ready access network, as they do not have to

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Public Open Access In that way WLPR.NET does not differ from the viewpoint of and therefore WLPR.NET offers a
Public open access differs from the previous network similar match to eEurope’s goals. At the same time the
models especially in the sense of the access network locality in WLPR.NET gives new opportunities for all the
management. There are currently two different concepts for participants. However, this also complicates the
open multi-ISP networks in the world: implementation process of the network.
and WLPR.NET. Let us compare their pros and cons for
reaching eEurope’s goals. Discussion (see [9]) is “a common access system
with a minimum number of shared services”. The main goal As open access networks allow using shared access
is to provide a model for building an access network that network to several ISPs and service providers, the network
offers connectivity and provides a choice of ISPs. “Minimum building costs are remarkably lower than in traditional ISP-
number of shared services” means that the access network driven networks. This is especially beneficial to network
framework does provide only the core services required for users, as eventually they will pay all the expenses.
the network operation i.e. user registration and DHCP From eEurope’s viewpoint open access networks will
services. most likely have an advantage over closed ISP networks, as concentrates on providing shared they give new opportunities for every player (ISPs, service
access network for all the connected ISPs. The access providers etc.) and more equal opportunities for a broadband
network itself is open meaning that everyone can connect to network access every citizen. Open access can be provided in
it. However, there are no local services but login pages, so different ways, and each option is suitable for different
network users need a contract to one of the connected ISPs to environment.
get Internet connection or any services.
Technically, each ISP independently provides its users 4 LOCAL OR GLOBAL SERVICES?
with IP addresses in the access network. This divides the
users to different address spaces and prevents direct As stated before, some of the network models (closed ISP
communications between them in the access network. networks and for example) do not allow’s “spin-offs” like SparkNet in Turku, direct local interaction and local services. On the other hand,
Finland (see [10]) indicate the easy implementation process there are also network solutions, like community networks,
and the need for this kind of solution. SparkNet is not a copy regional networks and WLPR.NET that allow local services
of but uses the software provided by and interaction in the access network. Let us discuss on the SparkNet has also developed its services different ways of providing services to end users.
towards community networks by opening an OpenSpark Basically there are two options for providing services:
community (see [11]). To join the community a user needs an either locally or globally. Nowadays services are located in
access point and a connection to Internet. After meeting these Internet. This means that the services are global and can be
requirements also other access points in the network are in physically located anywhere in the world. If users want to
free use. At this sense the network is not truly open, as both access these services they just need an Internet connection.
Internet access and access point are required. Local services are located physically near to their users.
In general, the principle of answers to The idea in local services is that the users do not need
eEurope’s request and allows everyone living in the network Internet connection to get access to the services. They just
an equal chance for buying a reasonable priced Internet need a connection to reach the nearby services. The services
connection from any of the connected ISPs. are publicly available to everyone – given that end users have
Similarly to, WLPR.NET (see [12]) a connection to the local network where the services are
provides a shared access network that can be used to connect located. Local services can also be provided “virtually” in
multiple ISPs or service providers to one access network. The some cases, meaning that the services are whitelisted to be
main difference to is that WLPR.NET available to everyone. Local services can be global at the
also allows locality: users can freely communicate directly same time if the services are also connected to Internet. [13]
and provide any services inside the access network. However, the services can provide some extra functionality
Additionally, local service providers, such as restaurants, can (like positioning) to the local network.
provide their services (menus etc.) directly to local users. An obvious need for locality comes with services that
The local prospects in WLPR.NET are beneficial to end need high bandwidth, for example Video on Demand. These
users and especially for tourists. Local information (such as services require so much network capacity that it is not
maps, public transportation timetables and restaurant menus) feasible to provide the services far away.
can be used in the access network without needing Internet Considering local and global services at the end user’s
connection. viewpoint, having services locally available eliminates the
In order to get an Internet connection from WLPR.NET, a need of an Internet connection for using the services. Let us
user has to make a contract with one of the connected ISPs. take governmental services for example. Governmental

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services are meant for everyone and all the people should their services more and more to different user groups, in the
have equal means of using these services. But if the services future the whole network and service structure could base on
require an Internet access, they are no longer equally within the locality.
everyone’s reach. End users have to pay for the Internet As many of modern open access solutions only
connection – regardless if they actually need the rest of the concentrate on open network access, some of the solutions
Internet at all. also enable open service access. As open network access
Another example is e-mail service. Why to purchase an makes the Internet connection costs lower by allowing equal
Internet connection that costs 15-30€ per month just for competition of multiple ISPs in the same access network,
reading your e-mail every now and then? You can get modem open service access emphasizes end users’ opportunities and
connections cheaper, but why would you need to limit the new service concepts.
connection speed? Consider slow connection times, At the moment, European Union’s eEurope program
downloading large attachments etc. E-mail is just one concentrates on providing broadband Internet connections to
example; there are numerous other similar cases. everyone, i.e. open network access. In the future, as the
The question is why not to provide these basic services, network technologies develop and a broadband network
like e-mail, IP telephony or IP television, separately – access becomes an everyday necessity, like electricity, also
regardless of the Internet connection itself? This is already open service access may get more important role.
happening especially in commercial open access networks Regardless of the technologies and solutions, the
and regional networks. development towards information society is in progress.
Another trend in modern service provisioning is Triple Public authorities will be in a key role in guiding the markets
play. Triple play means the combination of Voice, Data, and towards a true open access, where everyone really has equal
Video Service, which are offered as a bundled service. And opportunities for both network access and the services.
of course, the total price for the bundle is less than the price
of the individual services. Characteristic to Triple play 6 REFERENCES
services is that they are locally available in some broadband
access networks rather than provided globally in Internet. [1] National (Finland) broadband strategy, web pages [link
verified 29.07.2005],
[2] Towards a knowledge-based Europe: The European Union and
the information society, European Commission, Manuscript
Our society is developing towards information society, completed in October 2002, 19 pp., Catalogue number: NA-
which is supposed to bring an affordable and easy-to-use 40-01-989-EN-C
Internet connection in the reach of everyone. The network [3] EITO 2005, European Information Technology Observatory,
technologies are developing and there are several options ISSN 0947-4862
how to provide Internet connection to end users. A traditional [4] M. Juutilainen, J. Ikonen, and J. Porras, Comparison of
approach is that ISPs build access networks and provide the Different WLAN Network Models, Proc. 3rd IEEE
Internet connections to end users. The newest trend is open International Conference on Networking, Gosier, Guadeloupe,
access networks, which mainly aim to lower the cost of French Caribbean, 2004, pp. 374-381.
Internet connection to end users. [5] Finnish act on competition restrictions 480/1992 (in Finnish)
with amendments up to 30.4.2004/318.
Currently, there are several models for open access [6] Finnish Communications Regulatory Authority, Press Release
networks: community networks, regional/commercial open on network bulk pricing (in Finnish) [link verified
access and public open access. Many open access networks in 29.07.2005],
the world take some of these approaches as the basis of the
system, but it is common to “mix” several of these different [7] Finnish Regional Network Association, web pages [link
options and adapt the network to meet the requirements. verified 29.07.2005],
It can be seen that in the near future open access networks [8] MälarEnergi Stadsnät, web pages (in Swedish) [link verified
will gain popularity. Nowadays many ISPs are consciously 29.07.2005],
slowing down the development but eventually open access [9], project web pages [link verified
networks reach the critical mass of users that will prevent the [10] SparkNet, web pages (in Finnish) [link verified 29.07.2005],
ISPs from staying out of the open network business.
We believe that in addition to open access, also locality [11] OpenSpark web pages [link verified 29.07.2005],
will have a role in communications networks. As the size of
the content in tomorrow’s services will grow at high rate, it is [12] Wireless Lappeenranta Network, project web pages [link
beneficial to keep the content near the end users. People also verified 29.07.2005],
like to belong to a certain entity like the neighborhood, city, [13] J. Ikonen, and J. Porras, Information Society Services provided
country etc. This strengthens the solidarity and regional by access networks, WSEAS transactions on circuits, Vol. 2,
cohesion between people. As ISPs are nowadays customizing Issue 1, January 2003, pp. 222-227.

WICT-5056-1509 © SoftCOM 2005

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