Comparison of Different WLAN Network Models

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Comparison of Different WLAN Network Models

Matti Juutilainen Jouni Ikonen Jari Porras
Lappeenranta University of Technology
Laboratory of Communications Engineering
P.O. Box 20, FIN-53851 Lappeenranta, Finland
Tel. +358-5-621 2861, Fax. +358-5-621 2899

The introduction of IEEE’s 802.11b WLAN standard in
1997 made the rapid development of local wireless small-
scale networks possible. These local networks are built by
ISPs, organizations and private people. All of them may
have different aspects and goals, but they all usually have
one thing in common: they want to provide a connection to
other people and at the same time somehow profit from
sharing the connection. ISP networks are commercial and
closed, whereas community networks built by private
people are public and non-commercial. A new trend is in
public multi-ISP networks that combine the properties of
ISP networks and community networks and allow the
commercial usage of public networks. This paper describes
these different network models and compares their
structure, goals and usage possibilities.
Figure 1. Examples of WLAN network models
Keywords As every commercial ISP has been building private
access networks for connecting its customers, there is an
Public multi-ISP network, community network, Wireless overwhelming competition over phone and TV cables used
Lappeenranta, for the connection. All of the ISPs need the same cables for
the connections, but the cables cannot relay everyone’s
1. Introduction traffic at the same time. The situation is beneficial neither
to the customers nor the ISPs. The customers have to pay
What if individuals could connect to a network and use
the high network building costs as each of the ISPs has to
it anywhere in the world, anytime, and with affordable
build a separate network. Often the ISP that has built the
cost? The local network around could be used without a
network first to a certain area will reach a monopolistic
charge and an Internet connection would be always
position as there is commercially no sense building several
available through several Internet Service Providers (ISPs).
overlapping networks to the same area. The monopoly will
Could this be possible?
keep the connection charges high and limit the available
Traditionally, ISPs have been building closed networks
services as there is no competition.
for connecting their own customers. The networks have
The inflexible usage of access networks limits the
been closed for any other users. However, the modern
opportunities of network users. Usually the network users
trend in wireless LAN networks is towards public
cannot choose or change the ISP as there simply are no
networks that can offer new connectivity and services for
alternatives. This results in high connection charges, poor
the network users. Individuals have started to build
network functionality and lack of available services.
community networks for offering free local connectivity
What if every ISP could use the same access network
and bypassing the ISPs in the local access network. There
for reaching the customers instead of building separate
are also new networking projects in the world trying to
access networks? At the same time the customers could
extend this approach further and combine the viewpoints
easily change the ISP and choose the one that provides the
of the ISPs and end users. These projects are developing
best services for the customer’s needs. Publicity is the key
public multi-ISP networks, which allow offering an
word here. Public access networks try to change the
affordable network connection for large masses.
current situation toward more open and flexible access
As stated, modern WLAN networks can be roughly
network usage.
divided into three categories: commercial, community and
public multi-ISP networks (see Figure 1).
Publicity of Access Networks 2. Community Networks
Publicity of access networks is in a key role when Community networks take an effort to solve the last
striving for a larger number of network users, lower mile problem that exists in the ISP networks and restricts
connection costs and better network services. A public the provision of fast network connections to ordinary
WLAN service provider is a company or an organization people. In other words, the community networks aim to
providing a public access through a local access network to provide an inexpensive alternative to traditional ISP
another network. Typically that external network is networks.
Internet, but also company intranets and regional networks (see [2]) is an affiliation between
can be used. Service providers have to take care of the community wireless networking projects around the world.
access network’s physical infrastructure and offer the defines a free network as a network in
required services, such as DHCP and user authentication. which anyone with the proper equipment can transfer data
In addition, service providers manage and expand the within the network without paying any transit fees. A free
access network and charge the network users. [1] network can also be connected to other networks (such as
A public network, which is affordable and easy to join, Internet), which may charge for transit. As the name
will surely attract larger number of users than the describes, a free network is freely available to anyone. The
traditional closed single-ISP networks. Easy and free concept of free network also represents freedom, as groups
joining makes the network easy to try. Traditionally every and communities can build self owned and operated
ISP has an own network open only for the ISP’s own infrastructure in hopes of it providing relief from the
customers. Therefore, the users have no option but to existing options for network communications. Being able
choose the ISP that has covered their neighborhood. In a to build large networks without the bureaucracy of
public access network everyone can use the whole telecommunications companies is one of the main driving
coverage area of the access network and choose the ISP forces of free community networks. [2] One basic rule in
from the ones connected to the system. The coverage area any community network is that when you use the
of a public access network is usually larger than traditional community network, you should also share your own
separately built ISP networks’, as every ISP can utilize the connections to the other network users.
same access network. A shared access network results also There has been a study of existing public WLAN
in higher utilization factor, lower building costs, more community networks and their features (see [3]). The
competition between the ISPs and lower network usage networks included in the survey had to meet the following
costs for end users. requirements: the network had to be operated by some
Public multi-ISP networks generally consist of wired or organization, the network had to be actively in use, and the
wireless access network connecting the ISPs and end users network had to have at least one operative access point.
to each other. Wireless local area network (WLAN) is a Total of 68 community networks fulfilling the
popular technology for building access networks as it requirements were found.
offers an easy and affordable option for covering the last The survey shows that wireless community networks
mile from service providers to the subscribers. On the can be divided into three groups depending on the main
other hand, implementing comprehensive WLAN networks purpose of use and geographical area:
can be quite tricky as the signals tend to attenuate heavily
on obstacles. Current WLAN technology also suffers from 1. Mainly for providing a wireless Internet
security problems. However, the technology is under connection for network members and occasional
development and the problems are to be solved. users (most common in Northern America).
The main goal of public multi-ISP networks is to give 2. Mainly for connecting users to each other, but also
everyone an equal chance to get a network connection Internet connection is available (most common in
anywhere. The goal is achieved by opening the network’s Europe and in some parts of Northern America).
last mile for public use and allowing the usage of network 3. Mainly for connecting users to each other, no
medium without a cost. Having multiple ISPs in the same Internet connection (most common in Australia
network allows each individual to easily connect to the and in some parts of Europe).
network medium and, if needed, choose the service
provider to connect to the Internet. Northern America is typically among the first areas to
Public networks can be roughly divided into two adopt new technological innovations. New devices hit the
categories: community networks and centrally managed markets early allowing the prices to come down quicker
public networks. The main difference between these two than in other parts of the world. Northern America has also
types is in the network administration. The community a higher penetration of laptop computers, PDAs and
networks are usually decentralized and non-commercial network devices than other parts of the world. Affordable
whereas the centrally managed networks have also the network parts are crucial for building community
commercial prospect. networks. The low price of WLAN devices allows building
the community networks with low costs. Additionally, in
Northern America broadband cable Internet connections
have been widely available for years, which makes it
common to share Internet connections to the wireless side. not require a fee for using the Internet connection.
Also the public authorities have approved the use of Nonetheless, any communication inside the community
WLAN technology without specific restrictions. Wireless network must be free of charge.
community networks in Northern America are typically One common rule in community networks is that
used for Internet connection sharing. everyone is always allowed to use the existing community
In Europe the community networks are used both for network without a charge. Additionally, when extending
connecting people to each other and sharing an Internet the network coverage, everyone has to be allowed to use
connection. The practice varies by countries, as the the new connections without any charge.
legislation and availability of technology varies. For Community networks in the world use mainly IEEE’s
example, in Ireland a broadband cable connection is very 2.4 GHz 802.11b WLAN standard because of the high
expensive, which makes the community network idea bandwidth, low prices and good availability. However,
attracting. On the other hand, in many parts of Europe community networks reach continuously towards new
cable connections are reasonably priced. Compared to technologies and higher transmission speeds. As widely
Northern America, Europe has higher density of known, IEEE’s 802.11b has a critical security weakness in
population and higher penetration of cellular devices. the built-in wired-equivalent privacy (WEP) encryption
European markets are already dominated by mobile scheme. The problem is mainly related in the key
operators making the situation difficult for community scheduling algorithm, on which the WEP encryption
networks, as the mobile operators want to keep the control scheme is based. The weakness allows almost anyone to
over the whole market. retrieve the encrypted network key and gain a full user
Australia is a vast and mostly low populated country. access with a laptop computer and promiscuous network
Covering the whole continent with broadband networks software.
would be an enormous and unprofitable effort. Outside the Unlike commercial networks, the security threats are
big cities telephone lines or satellites are the only options not a severe problem to the community networks because
for a network connection as building wired broadband they do not require enterprise-level security systems. In
connections would cost too much. Therefore people have fact, in community networks the WEP is usually turned off
started to connect to each other with WLAN networks but to make joining the networks as easy as possible. It is also
unfortunately they can not share any Internet connections possible to use some additional security measures, such as
as the legislation does not cover the issue explicitly. The VPN, in critical connections that need to be secured from
law requires a license for providing any wireless Internet outsiders.
connections. The high cost of the license has caused Although community networks are usually unsecured,
difficulties for non-commercial community networks. there have not been reported considerable problems with
However, the community networks in Australia have been network attacks. As community networks are usually built
able to evade the law, as local radio amateurs have a by computer enthusiasts, other enthusiasts are not
permission to use the frequency domain of 2400-2450 interested in breaking them. Unlike in commercial
MHz (which happens to be used by the 802.11b and networks, the transferred information is rarely confidential
802.11g). and does not usually require high security means.
As mentioned, legislation affects greatly on Instead of using only wireless connections, community
implementation of wireless networks. The legislation limits networks can also be built by using traditional network
the maximum transmission power, used bandwidth etc. As cables (like HipHop communications community network
in Australia, the legislation may also limit the permissions in Helsinki, Finland - see [5]). However, connecting clients
to provide wireless connections. The legislation may with cables introduces new bureaucracy compared to
require commercial ISPs to be prepared to a catastrophe or wireless networks. In practice, the cables have to be rented
state of emergency. ISPs also have to collect logs and from ISPs. The additional costs will usually require small
information on network and have to have the ability to monthly charges from network users. However, the fee
observe certain users if required by public authorities. If will still be remarkably lower than in ISP networks.
the legislation equals community networks to commercial Wireless networks are more flexible to network
ISPs, they are required to fulfill all the same obligations structure modifications than wired networks. Wireless
than the ISPs. This might make the community network access points are easy to relocate whenever needed but
implementation unreasonable. network cables are more fixed. On the other hand, wired
In addition to local legislation, also the ISPs may be community networks are usually able to provide their users
limiting the usage of WLAN community networks. The with higher communications speeds and more reliable
ISPs can not forbid anyone from building community connections than wireless networks.
networks but they can still deny sharing of their Internet It is obvious that both wireless and wired community
connections to anyone else. However, some of the ISPs networks have their benefits and drawbacks. While wired
allow the connection sharing, even without extra charge networks are well suitable for residents and non-moving
(see [4]). devices, wireless networks can reach also occasional
A usual policy in community networks is that a user visitors and moving devices. In many cases, it is
having a cable Internet connection shares the connection to reasonable to use a combination of wired and wireless
people in the community network. The user may or may network connections to achieve a good balance of
reliability, speed and usability. A wired high-capacity access network. They can set up individual hot spots that
backbone network with a wireless last mile to the end can be connected to the larger infrastructure.
users, for example, would be a good overall solution. In We have found two networking projects in the world
every case, a huge amount of private effort is needed to that match the above definition of a public centrally
overcome all the obstacles, to build the community managed multi-ISP network: in
network with low costs and to keep the network Sweden and in Finland.
Community networks make joining and using the 3.1
network easy as there is no need for contracts with any
ISPs. However, community networks are not in direct (see [6]) is “a common access
competition with the ISPs. Utilizing community networks system with a minimum number of shared services”. The
commercially is a great challenge, as they lack the main goal is to provide a model for building an access
reliability and management required from any official ISP. network that offers connectivity and provides a choice of
Network users paying for the connection are considerably ISPs. “Minimum number of shared services” means that
more demanding than users surfing via free network. In the access network framework does provide only the core
order to charge the network users, the network has to offer services required for the network operation, i.e. user
a good price/quality ratio. registration and DHCP services. See Figure 2.
The lack of centralized administration of community
networks results in some restrictions especially in the
reliability of network connection and in commercial
utilization. Centrally managed public multi-ISP networks
aim to cover the gap between community networks and
wireless ISPs and bring an affordable option for the
consumers. Although the central management is more MAC
complex to implement, it also brings new possibilities
compared to community networks. Central management
improves the network’s reliability of operation and allows
better commercial usability.
Operator Neutral Open Access System
3. Centrally Managed Public Multi-ISP
Figure 2. network model [7]
Simplistically, a centrally managed public multi-ISP
network can be considered as a community network added The (wireless) operator neutral open access system (on
with functionality to manage the access network and route the bottom of Figure 2) is open for everyone. When a new
the users to the correct ISP. The biggest difference user connects to the access network, the user receives a
between community networks and these centrally managed temporary IP address from a DHCP Relay, which allows
networks is that in centrally managed networks there is the usage of local services. There are just two local
only one manager in the access network. This “access services available: user self-registration and client IP-
network operator” is a neutral player responsible for the address auto-configuration. The user is automatically
access network’s correct operation, which allows the quick forwarded to a self-registration web-page, in which the
repairing of network failures and clarifies the responsibility user chooses the ISP. The IP-address auto-configuration
issues important in commercial use. Neutrality allows service then relays the DHCP requests to the specific ISP
keeping the different needs and interests of different chosen by the user. [7]
participants in balance. After the user has registered and chosen the ISP to be
By default, centrally managed public networks do not used, the ISP provides the correct network configuration
aim to provide a free Internet for everyone. The goal is to including IP address and takes care of Authentication,
provide a free local access network and connect all the Authorization and Accounting (AAA). [7] The
participants (ISPs, service providers, end users etc.) to the is mainly a framework for registering
same common access system. ISPs are still responsible of and routing the network users to the correct ISPs. In other
providing connections to outside of the local access words, framework is used as a broker
network and charging the users for using the connection. between the network users and the ISPs. The
This is the main reason why centrally managed networks itself does not provide any additional
allow better chances for commercial utilization than the value services to the users. All the additional services are
community networks. located in the Internet and can be accessed only through
As there is no longer need to build several overlapping the ISPs. This means that every user has to have a contract
networks for each of the ISPs, planning and building an with one of the ISPs in order to get access to the services.
access network is easier and cheaper. As in community As the ISPs give and manage the IP addresses in the
networks, also private people can contribute in building the local network, the network users from different ISPs are
separated in different segments of the access network and
cannot “hear” each other. This prevents the users from
communicating directly; all the connections between them
have to travel through the ISPs and the Internet. There can Internet
be no direct communication between the users in the local
Due to the simplicity of the
framework, the access network is rather straightforward to ISP 1 ISP 2
implement. The framework is already productized;
installation packages and instructions are downloadable in
the project web pages ([6]). This
allows rapid deployment and commissioning of the local
access network. At the moment, Local services
Source based
framework is being adopted for example by SparkNet in (DHCP, DNS, login,
user routing &
DBs, positioning, maps,
Turku, Finland. HTTP Cache
guidance, games, …)
The main limitation of is that there
is no content available in the local access network.
Although anyone can connect to the network, there are not
really much to do in the local network. The network model
does not provide any additional services, such as Operator Neutral Open Access System
positioning, local forums, city maps, public transportation
timetables, virtual tourist guides etc. to the network users.
In order to use any real value services, network users need Figure 3. Wireless Lappeenranta network model
an Internet connection through one of the ISPs. The
Internet connection is not likely to be free, so actually The main differences between the
every network user has to pay in order to get access to any and lie in the access network management and
services or other network users. To be strict, there actually local services. takes care of the whole access
is no open local network that could be used for any useful system management and provides the network users with
purposes. added value services. These local services do not require
Internet connection; they are freely accessible by all the
3.2 network users. Unlike the, the allows all network users to “hear” each other and (an acronym of Wireless Lappeenranta communicate directly with each other. This will boost the
network, see [8]) is a public access network model created network’s local influence and provide people and service
by Wireless Lappeenranta project running in the providers with new opportunities.
Laboratory of Communications Engineering at Unlike in, in the ISPs are
Lappeenranta University of Technology. Wireless separated from the access network management (as shown
Lappeenranta project researches an open, operator-neutral in Figure 3). The infrastructure offers both basic
network environment. The idea is to create a local access services and added value services to the local access
network model that allows free access and local services to network. The basic services include the core services
everyone. (sharing IP addresses with DHCP, user login system,
Just like, is a public traffic routing, HTTP cache etc.) that are needed for the
common access system and operates as a broker between network operation. The added value services can be
the network users and the ISPs (see Figure 3). However, offered through a specific Service Interface. The Service
unlike, also offers a broad Interface acts as a portal and makes it easy for the users to
range of local services, such as positioning (in the wireless find the local services. The Service Interface also provides
part of access network), city maps, news, games, etc. to the an interface for the local services for accessing additional
local access network. These services can be provided by information from the network core components. This
private persons as well as companies. The local services includes for example positioning and user authentication
can be used directly in the access network – without an information that can be used to provide the network users
Internet connection. The goal is to increase the local with location or ISP dependent services, such as city maps,
influence of the network and bring the information society virtual tourist guides, public transportation timetables etc.
closer to everyday life. In [9] the term information society The Service Interface is also a platform for local service
is defined to describe the ideal modern societies have set concepts, such as discussion forums, virtual chatting
for themselves – a society that stresses the increasing rooms, network games etc.
importance of knowledge, skills and electronic services infrastructure includes a "transparent" HTTP
and the information industry. More information on cache. The cache intercepts all outgoing HTTP traffic,
providing information society services through public checks user authentication and redirects unregistered users
access networks can be found in [10]. to login pages. The solution allows providing the users and
services with location dependent information and of the ISPs. The ISPs will take care of forming the
advertisements or announcements, as the cache can insert customer relationships as well as Authentication,
or replace information for example in web pages retrieved Authorization and Accounting (AAA). As the local public
by a network user. The cache can also be used to provide a network attracts also occasional visitors, such as tourists,
network user with some other web pages than the user was the ISPs can also offer short-term connections for them.
originally requesting. This might be necessary in order to The local access network coverage area can be extended
inform a user of incorrect DHCP configuration, for in several different methods. The network can use any
example. existing connections (wired or wireless) and network
The network manager can use’s technologies. does not limit the usage of any
announcement system to provide access network users for network technology (Ethertnet, ATM, WLAN, Bluetooth
example with information on network breakdowns or some etc.). Any technology can be used as needed.
sponsored access points. The announcement system can Building new network connections is rather unrestricted
also be used to send advertisements to the network users. and there are many options for extending the network.
Organizations and stores, for example, can automatically Companies may offer their existing connections, new
send advertisements when a user walks nearby (if the user connections can be built and sponsored, and private people
has approved this kind of advertising). The target group for may add new hot spots to the network. In practice,
announcements and advertisements can be chosen based on extending the network can be made as flexible as in
user groups, user locations and time. Announcements can community networks. The basic idea is that the local
also be sent to an individual network user, if needed. It is access network manager will take care of administration of
also possible to define the priority of the announcement. the network components in order to be able to guarantee includes a positioning system that allows the operation reliability. There can also be individual hot
positioning an access network user within an accuracy of spots that are not maintained by the network administrator,
one access point. The positioning does not require any but the reliability of these individual hot spots cannot be
additional software in the user’s device and can be used for guaranteed.
providing network users with location based services, such The Wireless Lappeenranta project has built a wireless
as city maps, location based games, and driving research network for testing purposes. The local access
instructions or virtual tours for tourists etc. network is open for everyone and the goal is to keep using
Although provides a free access network for the local network and its services free of charge. The
everyone, a free Internet connection cannot be provided. network structure works as expected.
There is always someone paying for it, as the Internet Further information on Wireless Lappeenranta network
connection is not free for even the ISPs. Users in need of model can be found in [11], [12], [13] and [14].
Internet connection have to make a contract with one of the
commercial ISPs connected to the system. This allows the 4. Comparison of the Network Models
commercial usability of the network model. The easiness
of choosing and changing the ISP whenever needed will A straightforward and complete comparison of the
keep the competition high and prices low and will presented network architectures is extremely complicated
eventually benefit the end user in a form of better quality as the different network types have different starting points
connections. and commercial goals. However, some similarities and
A network user can choose the required connection differences can be found. See Table 1 for summary of the
level based on the needs. If local services are sufficient, features of commercial, community and public access
there is no need for Internet connection. Whenever Internet network models.
connection is needed, it can be easily purchased from one

Community networks
Access network Closed Public hot spots Public Public
Get customers, Provide Internet & local Provide a public access Provide a public access
provide Internet links, get rid of ISPs system system with local services
Commercial potential Very high Low High High
Costs to end user High Low Low Low
User opportunities Limited Wide Rather limited Wide
Free local services No Possibly No Yes
Operating reliability High Low High High
Neutral communications Neutral communications
Network manager ISP Private people
operator (& private people) operator (& private people)
Table 1. Comparison of commercial, community and public access network models
Commercial single-ISP networks Public multi-ISP networks

Traditional commercial single-ISP networks are built by Public multi-ISP networks, like and
ISPs that want to provide an Internet connection for their aim to provide a common access network that is
existing users and get more customers. The ISPs want to open for everyone. The access network is public for
keep the competition low and profits high. The ISPs everyone but the Internet connections are made through
already have strong end-user relations and many of the commercial ISPs. There are multiple ISPs connected to the
ISPs have reached a monopolistic situation that blocks the network infrastructure and network users can easily choose
competitors from the markets. The threshold for a new ISP and change the ISP to be used. This allows new
to reach the customers and build a competing network commercial prospects for both ISPs and network users.
infrastructure is very high. This leads to the fact that the Public multi-ISP networks will open the competition
existing ISPs lack the motivation to develop the quality between the ISPs and some of them will lose their
and the services in the network. monopolistic state. On the other hand the ISPs can profit
The current situation with commercial ISP networks is from the higher user number that the public network will
not beneficial for end users. It is typical for the commercial attract. For end users, the public multi-ISP networks offer
ISP networks that the access network is closed and only easily available local network and a lower-cost Internet
registered customers are allowed to connect. Low connection.
competition keeps the prices high and the network As the publicity opens the competition between the
functionality is not always good enough. However, it is ISPs, the network connection quality is likely to improve.
impossible for the users to get better service as there is no And anyway, network users can easily change the ISP if
choice. there is a better choice available.
There are no local free services in the access network; The common access system requires a neutral player
the ISPs want to connect the users to the Internet where responsible for the access network functionality. This
they can access the services. In other words, the users need access network operator has to connect all the involved
to have an Internet connection to access any of the parties to each other and see that everyone’s interests are
services. equally taken care of. The position of the access network
manager is central and therefore requires co-operation and
Community networks support of all of the participants. In practice the situation is
quite complicated as there are three main actors in the
Community networks are built for trying to reduce the access network: property owners, ISPs and end users. They
power of ISPs, share local resources, and access to all have their own perspectives and different goals. This is
Internet. Community networks are open for everyone. why neutrality of the access network manager is vital. The
However, the commercial potential is low as the network common access system has to offer new opportunities for
consists of private hot spots and there is no-one controlling every participant; otherwise the concept will not work. [15]
the functionality of the whole network. Community There are different options for the role of the access
networks lack the reliability of commercial networks as network manager. The manager can build the access
they usually are managed by several individual people. network and rent it to the ISPs. Other option is to
Community networks allow wide opportunities for interconnect the existing ISP networks and form a
advanced network users that have enough knowledge on consortium for managing the new access network. The
the network operation and are willing to participate in access network manager may or may not be fully
building the network. However, community networks are responsible for the network operation. The responsibility
not as suitable for normal end users needing just an easy could also be shared between the manager and the ISPs, for
network connection and reliable access to some basic example. [15]
services. concentrates on developing a
Unlike in commercial ISP networks, an Internet common access network model for the ISPs and network
connection is not self-evident in community networks. users. There are no local services; all of the advanced
Some hot spot owners may provide an Internet connection services are located in the Internet behind the ISPs. In
through their own ISP, but whether the connection will practice the network users need to have a contract with
work in other parts of the community network is a big some of the ISPs to access any services. The
question. Additionally, most of the ISPs forbid sharing the model boosts the competition between
Internet connection to other users. The situation is difficult the ISPs and gives the network users a real choice of
as the community network might have some local services service provider. However, the access network itself is
but usually all the services needed by the network users are divided into different segments dependent of the ISPs. This
located in Internet. prevents the network users from “hearing” each other in
Unfortunately the community networks will have the access network and communicating or offering services
difficulties in commercial usability. Therefore the directly to each other.
community networks are likely to stay a playground of is doing the same as but
advanced users. with additional local services. These services boost the
local influence of the network and allow users to access
some basic services, such as local discussion forums, city 6. References
maps and services of local authorities, without needing an
Internet connection, which is of course needed for any [1] J. Kiviniemi, Business Plan for a Local WLAN Operator:
non-local services. The access network is open in the sense Case Wireless Lappeenranta, Master's Thesis (in Finnish),
that the users can “hear” each other and communicate Lappeenranta University of Technology, Finland, 2002.
directly with each other. They can also easily provide their [2], web pages,
services to the other local network users. [3] N. Ronkainen, Public WLAN Community Networks,
Information Technology Special Work (in Finnish),
5. Conclusions and the Future Lappeenranta University of Technology, Lappeenranta,
Finland, 2003.
This publication has discussed about different WLAN [4] Wireless-Friendly ISPs, Electronic Frontier Foundation,
network models and their properties. They all have their
own benefits and drawbacks. Therefore, it is impossible to riendly_isp_list.html
state implicitly whether one of the network models is better [5] HipHop Communications community network, web pages,
than the others.
The traditional “single-ISP networks” offer easy [6], project web pages,
implementation for ISPs. These networks allow
commercial aspects but limit the opportunities of network [7] E. Pelletta, F. Lilieblad, M. Hedenfalk, B. Pehrson, The
users. design and implementation of an Operator Neutral Open
For enthusiasts and for small-scale local network Wireless Access Network at the Kista IT-University, Proc.
implementations the community network structure can be 12th IEEE Workshop on Local and Metropolitan Area
considered the right and easiest choice. Networks, Stockholm, Sweden, 2002, pp. 149-150.
For large-scale networks with commercial aspects, [8] Wireless Lappeenranta Network, project web pages,
some of the public multi-ISP network models should be
considered. offers an easy [9] The Finnish Communications Regulatory Authority
implementation method for connecting multiple ISPs to (FICORA), web pages,
one access system. On the other hand, highlights
the locality, adds also local services to the access network, [10] J. Ikonen, and J. Porras, Information Society Services
and allows all of the local network users to “hear” each Provided by Access Networks, Book of Abstracts of
other in the network. WSEAS International Conference, Crete, Greece, 2003, pp.
When planning and building a local network the choice
of the used network model depends on the starting point [11] M. Juutilainen, J. Ikonen, and J. Porras, Connecting
and the needs. Commercial ISP networks or community Multiple Operators to a Regional Network, Proc. 2nd
IASTED Wireless and Optical Communications, Banff,
networks are good for easy and fast implementation but
Alberta, Canada, 2002, pp. 545-550.
they both limit either the end users’ opportunities or the
commercial prospects. [12] M. Juutilainen, J. Ikonen, and J. Porras, Evaluation of a
Next Generation Public Wireless Multi-ISP Network, Proc.
When striving for more opportunities, the network 27th IEEE Conference on Local Computer Networks,
builder should consider one of the public network models. Tampa, FL, 2002, pp. 405-414. is an easy-to-deploy common access
[13] M. Juutilainen, Design of Operator Interface, Master's
infrastructure but does not provide considerable local Thesis (in Finnish), Lappeenranta University of
influence. If the emphasis is also on the locality and the Technology, Lappeenranta, Finland, 2001.
end user opportunities, could be the right choice. [14] J. Kiviniemi, J. Ikonen, and J. Porras, Striving for Mass-
Should the choice be any of the mentioned network Markets with a New Model for Regional Public Access
models, there is one thing that can already be seen: WLAN Provider, Proc. 27th IEEE Conference on Local
publicity will be the trend of the future. However, the Computer Networks, Tampa, FL, 2002, pp. 197-204.
network technologies and implementation models need [15] V. Kordas, E. Frankenberg, S. Grozev, B. Liu, N. Zhou, B.
still strong development before they can reach a correct Pehrson, Who sould Own, Operate and Maintain an
balance of interests for all of the participants. Operator Neutral Access Network, Proc. 12th IEEE
In the future, a network model that can provide the end- Workshop on Local and Metropolitan Area Networks,
users with the flexibility and opportunities of a community Stockholm, Sweden, 2002, pp. 161-162.
network and the ISPs with commercial opportunities will
be in a good situation. Also the locality will be a key word
in the future, as more and more content is concentrating in
the locality of people.

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