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EDUC6760_FC_2019: Cycle 12: Pastoral Care and Whole-School Approaches 22/4/2020, 00:04 EDUC6760_FC_2019: Cycle 12: Pastoral Care

22/4/2020, 00:04 EDUC6760_FC_2019: Cycle 12: Pastoral Care and Whole-School Approaches 22/4/2020, 00:04

" - Saturday, 1 February 2020, 9:33 AM

Preparation for Session One

All students have to complete the reading and watch the video clip

E. K. P. Hui. (2010). Guiding Students for Positive Development. In L. F., Zhang, J., Biggs and D. Watkins (Eds.), Learning and
development of Asian students: What the 21 century teacher needs to think about (pp. 221-244). Singapore: Prentice Hall

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Reading and SE Inquiry and Discussion (Group Three)

Cycle 12: Pastoral Care and Whole-School Approaches
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Watch the video clip “Dedicated Teachers” by clicking the above link.

◄ Cycle 11 - Intellectual Disability Cycle 13 - Teacher professional development ▶

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Groups 1-4 complete Task One and Groups 5 - 7 complete Task Two. Contributing members please write initial
Display replies in nested form responses and other members please join the discussion asking questions and building on the responses for
collaborative learning. Productive moodle Discussion needed for Task 2B.

Task One: Moodle Reflection and Discussion

Cycle 12: Pastoral Care and Whole-School Approaches Page 1 of 23 Page 2 of 23

EDUC6760_FC_2019: Cycle 12: Pastoral Care and Whole-School Approaches 22/4/2020, 00:04 EDUC6760_FC_2019: Cycle 12: Pastoral Care and Whole-School Approaches 22/4/2020, 00:04

a)Recall a time when you experienced care delivered by a teacher when you were a student. What did the teacher do to make Permalink | Reply
you feel cared for? What qualities/skills did the teacher possess to help with your growth? Which area of development (i.e.
personal, social, academic, talent and career development) did you experience at that time?

b) What are some of the areas you could develop as a teaching professional to provide pastoral care (or guidance) to your Re: Cycle 12: Pastoral Care and Whole-School Approaches
students? " by MS - Sunday, 2 February 2020, 11:10 PM
From the lens of a student:
Task Two: Moodle Reflection and Discussion Moodle Task 1: How the teacher spotted out the problem
Emotional Support -
a) What strategies have the teachers (video clips) used to promote the academic development and personal growth of their Academic
When I was an S.4 student, I got poor academic results in a number of subjects especially English. My class teacher noticed that
b) Are you inspired in any ways in how you could deliver pastoral care to your students? because I used to be a hardworking student and get satisfactory results. She talked to me directly and I explained to her that I am not
Real Ideas, solutions and
used to the public exam syllabus and most of the content is very challenging when compared to S.3. Since she was my English the response
[you can also use the readings to support your answers] Authentic Problem:
From personal experience and subject teacher, she gave me a lot of advice in terms of studying techniques, reference materials and time allocation methods. The from a first-
Preparation for Session Two from the lens of a student person view
way I feel care is that the teacher was sensitive to the students’ needs through observation of the behaviour and offer assistance to
School Inquiry Tasks [You may refer to your observations in Semester one] him/ her. I think that the qualities/skills the teacher possessed is that she was aware of her students’ condition. Instead of blaming the
student for the poor academic results, she actually tried to talk to the student and help him find out the solutions to the problem.
1. Put down ONE thing that you find most impressive in relation to school guidance (e.g. any programmes/activities during
the morning assembly/lunch time/after school hours/class time). She understood the needs of the student and even spent her spare time to help the student. attitude of the teacher:
empathetic, caring and helpful
2. Any personal thoughts about the whole-school approach to school guidance after your school visits?
showing the supportive relationship
b.) between the student and the teacher
From the lens of a pre-service teacher
Application based on the prior As a teacher, I should understand the characteristics of the class as soon as possible like students’ personality and their general
knowledge and personal experience:
- Understand the characteristics and behaviours. If a student behaves in an erratic way, different from his/ her normal behaviour, it may be a good indication that
(Edited by Prof Chan - original submission Saturday, 1 February 2020, 9:33 AM)
personality of students something goes wrong and I must step in to offer the necessary assistance. I need to train myself to have this kind of sensitivity. Also,
- Develop different guidance and
331 words I should also develop different guidance and counselling techniques like how to comfort students who have emotional outbursts and
counselling techniques Page 3 of 23 Page 4 of 23

EDUC6760_FC_2019: Cycle 12: Pastoral Care and Whole-School Approaches 22/4/2020, 00:04 EDUC6760_FC_2019: Cycle 12: Pastoral Care and Whole-School Approaches Positive Thinking and 22/4/2020, 00:04
Career Planning Value Education
students who have family problems. I need to know more about the questioning techniques that I can use to communicate with these I am so inspired by the teachers in taking care of the needs of individual students. For example, Mr. Cheung, the technical and
students. Another area concerns how to develop an affective learning environment for the students, like the teaching techniques, the technology teacher, spent a considerable amount of his after-school time in holding workshops and preparing students to take part in
activities to be conducted, the materials to be used so that students are willing to participate actively in the lessons. competitions so as to develop their interest. Through competitions, he hoped that his students could learn to have the determination
and courage to accept challenge and also accept and learn from failure. I am also impressed by Ms. Kwok in the video in helping
students to decide on their future career path. She also volunteered to teach students how to play the piano after school once a week
Moodle Task 2: as she wanted to help the students to do something meaningful and inspire them that they could succeed as long as they do not give

a.) up.

I have noticed the following in the video.

Talk Move in Dialogue - Invite Ideas
The school puts students’ value development before academic development so as to help students see hope, establish goals in How about you guys? Do you have anything to share regarding pastoral care in school?
- Initiating the conversation below
life, and acquire a sense of achievement. There are two special-interest lessons every week to replace regular lessons. Students
can learn something that suits their interest like skateboarding. Through these special interest lessons, students can appreciate
717 words
values like the importance of training and hard work. These values can be transferred to the classroom to help students learn
better in academic subjects. Permalink | Show parent | Reply
Idea from the video,
observed by my peer Teachers there also develop students’ interest through workshops and competitions where students can learn to have the
determination and courage to accept challenge, and more importantly accept and learn from failure.
The Principal in the video holds a special Morning English conversation class in the playground before morning assemblies to
increase students’ confidence in speaking English. Re: Cycle 12: Pastoral Care and Whole-School Approaches
Teachers there talk with the parents to discuss the problems. " by LPF- Monday, 3 February 2020, 3:12 AM
A Honour list is set up to encourage students to answer questions and actively participate in the class and also enhance mutual
Dear MS,
For students who fail to adjust to the S.4 curriculum, the teachers will discuss the problem with the students and their parents,
and suggest alternative pathways for students, e.g. Diploma in Vocational Education Programme, Tourism and certificate course Coordination of Thank you for your sharing about your experience in S4. From your experience, it reminds me of the importance of being an
in Chinese Cuisine, Chinese Cuisine Training Institute. Idea and
agreement with empathetic teacher that we should understand the difficulties of the student's situation and think from their perspective. Besides,
paraphrasing it is equally important to be observant to provide prompt care to the students, like your English teacher.

b.) Page 5 of 23 Page 6 of 23

EDUC6760_FC_2019: Cycle 12: Pastoral Care and Whole-School Approaches 22/4/2020, 00:04 EDUC6760_FC_2019: Cycle 12: Pastoral Care and Whole-School Approaches 22/4/2020, 00:04

Other than your English teacher, I am also interested in the whole-school approach to guidance that you have noticed, would you problems collaboratively and we had a brief sharing of what we learned at the end. The program actually let me stand out of
mind sharing more, please? Talk Move in Dialogue - Invite other ideas and allow the dialogue to move forward my comfort zone and make me understand more about the importance of collaboration and co-operation. I think this kind of
support program is very useful for students to understand their problems and help them achieve social and personal
New idea with For example, my school prepared PATHS Program to promote positive thinking and career workshops when I was S3 and S6 in
an example development. Do you think the programme of your school help you a lot in terms of personal and social development?
subject selection to deal with our anxiety with the uncertain. We played games or psychological tests to know more about
about the whole- Talk Move in Dialogue - Invite others to evaluate the effectiveness
school approach ourselves, which I think is quite important in adolescent's development, further building up the self-esteem, especially in senses
of recognition and achievement.
Also, teachers should always be vigilant about the behaviors and situations of their students. If one notices a student
Positive Thinking and
Website Link for more information Career Planning behaves in a different way, it may be an indication that something goes wrong. Teachers should intervene immediately and
Value Education
offer assistance to the students immediately lest the problem becomes even worse.
PATHS Personal Growth and
Interpersonal Relationship
As a pre-service teacher, when the teaching practicum starts, we should start to know about the students, like asking them to
155 words From the lens of
a pre-service briefly introduce themselves verbally or in written form, or giving a simple form for them to fill in their personalty, expectations
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teacher to of the lessons, what they want to learn. We can then know more about the lessons. If possible, we should spend some of our
suggestions time after-lesson time to chat with them and understand their problems. This is a good way to create an affective learning
environment to let the students know that the teachers are not just here for knowledge transmission, but also caring for their
Re: Cycle 12: Pastoral Care and Whole-School Approaches personal growth. Do you have any specific strategies that you can share to care for students' whole-person development, not
" by MS- Monday, 3 February 2020, 9:56 AM just only focussing on their academic development? Talk Move in Dialogue - Invite diverse ideas

Dear Jacqueline LPF 331 words

Personal Growth and
Positive Thinking and
Interpersonal Permalink | Show parent | Reply
Value Education
Bring up with Thanks for bringing about the PATHS Program. I haven't heard of this program before, but my secondary school has similar
experience support to the students. For example, when I was in S.6, there was a series of activities organized by the volunteers from
Re: Cycle 12: Pastoral Care and Whole-School Approaches
Caritas to help us build confidence, self-esteem. These activities were all group activities that required us to solve a series of
by LPF - Monday, 3 February 2020, 12:52 PM Page 7 of 23 Page 8 of 23

EDUC6760_FC_2019: Cycle 12: Pastoral Care and Whole-School Approaches 22/4/2020, 00:04 EDUC6760_FC_2019: Cycle 12: Pastoral Care and Whole-School Approaches 22/4/2020, 00:04
Personal Growth and
Interpersonal Do you have any tricks to enhance the relationship and trust with the students?
Dear MS, Relationship
Talk Move in Dialogue - Invite Ideas
Further elaboration 357 words
after the question raised by my peers and PATHS may not help a lot if there is only one program existing, but I think I will see it as leisure time or
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raising other stakeholders to discuss in reflection time in my school day, which may relieve stress and enhance my understanding of myself.
diverse perspectives
Moreover, with the support of my peers and family, PATHS is like the icing on the cake. Raising out different stakeholders

Besides, Communication, Collaboration and Critical Thinking are some of the 6-Cs promoted by Michael Linking the
Observation from example to the Re: Cycle 12: Pastoral Care and Whole-School Approaches
peers’ example Fullan, which are important skills for students in the 21st century, and I noticed that the program offered by theory of 6Cs
" by MS - Monday, 3 February 2020, 2:34 PM
your school was intentionally aiming to nurture these skills of students.

Dear Jacqueline LPF,

Other than school and teachers, family and peer are the other key contributors in promoting positive youth
program. I think most of the school have Parent-Teacher Association, which strengthens the bonding
School Organisation:
between teachers and parents, having better communication with different meetings and workshops. Parent-Teacher
Your approach of giving students 1 minute to ask what they want to know about their teachers is a good way to build
Parents may also interact with each other to share their thoughts and feelings, forming a supportive Association
trust and bonding between students and a new teacher. I may adopt your method during my teaching practicum. I
system, and further enhance their skills in communicating with their children.
think the students are very curious about you, right? What questions did they ask? Are the questions very
Other than the whole-school approach, I would like to share my experience in communicating with the challenging to answer, like too personal? Talk Move in Dialogue - Invite to build on idea or elaboration in real practice
students in my practicum school. Other than asking something about the students, I think letting them know Personal Growth and
us is a way to enhance the relationship. For example, I usually chit chat with them in lunchtime, getting to Interpersonal
know more about their habits and interests. One time, my mentor was out of school due to an activity, and To enhance the relationship and trust with the students, another way that I am thinking about is to give a form for the
Example from School Experience:
1 min self-introduction, by answering he asked me for lesson substitution for his Physics class. I provided 1 min for students to ask what they Other suggestion to
students to fill in the expectations of their lessons and what they want to learn because as new teachers, we may not
students’ questions enhance the mutual be quite sure about their learning style and what are their expectations of an English/ Science lesson. Some
want to know about me, as they must be very curious. After 1 min, they were all well-behaved and
understanding of
concentrate on the lesson, which I think this may be a useful technique to start a relationship for further students may like more drilling exercise like tests, dictations while others may like more in-class activities like group
teachers and students
guidance and counselling, as trust is the key, though it quite depends on the personality of the students discussion, role-play, which are more interactive in nature. Do you think it is a good way as a start to build rapport

while the class size is small with only 9 students and the atmosphere is more relaxing compared to other with the students? Talk Move in Dialogue - Invite to peers to evaluate the effectiveness of the approach
class. 174 words Page 9 of 23 Page 10 of 23

EDUC6760_FC_2019: Cycle 12: Pastoral Care and Whole-School Approaches 22/4/2020, 00:04 EDUC6760_FC_2019: Cycle 12: Pastoral Care and Whole-School Approaches 22/4/2020, 00:04

Permalink | Show parent | Reply Re: Cycle 12: Pastoral Care and Whole-School Approaches
" by HPS- Tuesday, 4 February 2020, 10:09 PM

Dear Jacqueline and MS, Goal setting Supportive Relationship

Re: Cycle 12: Pastoral Care and Whole-School Approaches Talk Move -
Commenting I think giving students 1 min to ask about what they want to know about the teacher is a good method to
" by LPF- Monday, 3 February 2020, 6:38 PM Personal Growth and peers’ idea with
Positive Thinking and maintain good teacher-student relationship too. Students' disclosure of themselves also depends on how much
Interpersonal own reasoning
Dear MS Relationship Value Education their teacher is willing to disclose, which indirectly creates trust among the two parties. Apart from that, giving out
a form that asks the students' expectation of their performance in particular subject can enable the teacher know
Students are very curious about teachers' personal life as usual, but this is a good chance to teach and to learn
Explaining the
Elaboration of more about the students while it also reminds the students of what their goals are, which is just as what
mutual respect. For example, I honestly told them I may not answer all the questions if I was not comfortable. A idea with theory
the 1 min Personal Jacqueline mentioned, to increase the expectation of success. My class teacher when I was in S.6 and S.7 did
session minute is really short that they could not ask much, like asking what I am studying and why am I being here, and Experience to
give us a questionnaire to fill out about the self-rating of the performance in English and the level that we hoped
it also takes time to reply time. support the idea
to achieve. I think it is quite useful for students as an evaluation of self and can act as an assessment for
Integrating Theory
We have learnt Value-expectancy model before, and this affects the motivation of students in learning, and I
into Practice, learning too. Have any of your teachers tried that before and what do you think of the usefulness of it?
with Value- think using a form is a nice way to understand the students, yet I think some students may like using drawing to
expectancy model to 182 words Talk Move in Dialogue - Inviting to share personal experience to consolidate the idea
express themselves, instead of writing. We may encourage them to use their most comfortable way to tell us
explain how a form Permalink | Show parent | Reply
will affect students’ something about themselves, right?
Though we are facing the challenge of class suspension, I wonder if a greeting or asking how they spend their
time during this period would let us understand them more, and make them feel better. Any other things to do to
Talk Move in Dialogue - Invite ideas Re: Cycle 12: Pastoral Care and Whole-School Approaches
make them feel comfortable?
" by MS - Tuesday, 4 February 2020, 11:33 PM
181 words
Dear P,
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EDUC6760_FC_2019: Cycle 12: Pastoral Care and Whole-School Approaches Understanding Students’ Needs 22/4/2020, 00:04 EDUC6760_FC_2019: Cycle 12: Pastoral Care and Whole-School Approaches 22/4/2020, 00:04

My English teacher also gave us a similar questionnaire to fill out about the self-rating of the performance in
Experience to English and the grade that we hope to achieve. I think that it is a good way for teachers to understand
support the idea students' ability and he/ she may adjust their teaching style and teaching techniques. Also, I am thinking
by answering Re: Cycle 12: Pastoral Care and Whole-School Approaches
about to let students write down what are their concerns in the subject. By doing so, we can let the students
peers’ question
know that we do care about their difficulties and provide an adequate amount of support. " by LPF- Wednesday, 5 February 2020, 5:20 AM

Dear MS and P,

For other guidance and support that we teachers can give to the students, we think that we may use our
Integrating theory to Setting up goals is a good idea to motivate students, according to Value-Expectancy Model, that students
Personal Growth and the examples peers
class teacher period wisely. Some of the teachers may use this period for collecting students' homework,
Interpersonal raised understand the importance of certain issues like punctuality and handing in assignments on time.
catching up with the teaching schedule or letting students do self-study. In fact, we can use time Relationship
Giving new Using the homeroom period to discuss hot issues and story also allows students to reflect.
ideas: home meaningfully. For example, at the beginning of the school term, we can help the class to set some short-term
room period Besides, when I was a student, I was asked to write a reflection every day. In the beginning, I was quite
and long-term goals like perfect punctuality, 100% submission of homework, etc. This can help consolidate
- Goal setting Positive Thinking and Personal experience,
- Social issues Value Education annoyed. Yet, my form teacher read my reflection and provided me with descriptive and constructive
the spirit of the whole class as they work towards the same goal. Apart from that, we can also spend some writing reflections, to
time to share our story with them and discuss some hot social issues. This is a good way to instill some build on peers’ idea on feedback, which made me feel comfortable. I, therefore, think writing something like reflections or
home room period expressing their feelings on a memo or a letter anonymously, can be an alternative for teachers to
positive values into our students. When examination comes, we can also teach students how to reduce
stress as this is one of the major concerns of most students according to this week's reading. recognise students' situation.
Improvable Idea: to
suggest other time-slot Other than using the homeroom period, I think lunchtime or recess is also a suitable time for having a
to have a chat with chat with students.
I think also think that we need to be vigilant about the needs of the students and support their social and
students from a teacher’s lens
personal development, not just only focussing on their academic achievement. Not only caring our students, from the teacher's lens, but this is also building a supportive relationship
Linking with ideas in
previous cycles about with students, facilitating classroom management.
classroom management
288 words
I think English teachers may also spot out something from students' writing like a diary sometimes, what
do you think about this idea? Talk Move - invite peers to share their
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187 words Interestingly, this invitation is raised,
considering peers’ background Page 13 of 23 Page 14 of 23

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Re: Cycle 12: Pastoral Care and Whole-School Approaches

Re: Cycle 12: Pastoral Care and Whole-School Approaches
" by HPS- Tuesday, 4 February 2020, 9:14 PM
" by CML, Tuesday, 4 February 2020, 12:30 AM Personal Growth and
Dear all,
Dear all, Relationship
Here is my sharing and observation from the video clip.
I would like to share one of my experiences that I felt care from my teacher. When I was in Form 6, I was overwhelmed by a lot of Positive Thinking and
Task 1: Value Education To express the feeling
pressure and stress. I always looked upset and tired during the lesson. One day after the English lesson, my English teacher told
from a student’s view
Personal experience me to stay behind. I was nervous because I thought my teacher was going to scold me for some reasons. Unexpectedly, she
When I was in senior form in my secondary school, I did not do well in Economics and got only a bare pass in tests and
to build on others’ gave me a can of chocolate and said, "I can feel how stressful you are. I am here to support you and cheer you up." I was
point exams. However, the public exam was coming in a few months. I felt defeated and anxious of my exam results which might
touched by this English teacher, who has such altruistic and empathetic personality. As I am going to be a pre-service teacher, I
affect my chance of getting into universities. I didn’t have confidence in tackling the subject appropriately and was quite
want to learn from my teacher. I don't want to just deliver knowledge to students, but also facilitate students' personal, social and
depressed. My Economics teacher voluntarily initiated a small group remedial class every Monday after school specific to
psychological development, as well as teach them the right value. Sharing personal
experience about how low achievers like me. He squeezed his time out from a busy schedule to provide individual learning support to us, explaining
the teacher influenced further of the chapters and clarify our misunderstanding. Other than providing academic support to us, he encouraged us
others with his personal
experience, with positive with his personal experience to strive for the better and never give up. He did some sort of counselling to those who are
Furthermore, I studied counselling in my undergraduate, I would like to share something which I find useful. One of my favourite
thinking depressed and praised us who had made improvement. During that time, I was experiencing both personal and academic
Linking Pastoral Care Psychotherapist, Carl Rogers, had developed a therapy called Person-Centered Therapy (PCT). PCT emphasizes on 3 core
Practice to Theory learnt in development offered by the teacher. My teacher possessed patience, empathy and empowerment of confidence in students’
conditions: congruence, empathy and unconditional positive regards. I find it very useful because these skills not only can be
previous course performance, believing us would improve one day. He set a goal for us to accomplish bit by bit. He understood our needs
used in the counselling, but also in daily life conversation. We should always be genuine to people and students, and put
and did not stress us out by imposing high demand for us. He believed perseverance and efforts could bring success. All
ourselves to others' shoes (empathy).
these positive thinking helped correct our conception of failure and maintain positive attitude.
238 words

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EDUC6760_FC_2019: Cycle 12: Pastoral Care and Whole-School Approaches 22/4/2020, 00:04 EDUC6760_FC_2019: Cycle 12: Pastoral Care and Whole-School Approaches 22/4/2020, 00:04
From a teacher’s view
To provide pastoral care to my students, I could develop positive thinking and empathy with my students as a teaching 551 words

professional. Value comes as the top priority while academic performance comes the second for good education. It is Permalink | Show parent | Reply
important for student to face challenge and learn to cope with negative emotion or failure during their growth. Positive
thinking should therefore be reinforced. To maintain rapport with students, empathy should be shown to understand them
Re: Cycle 12: Pastoral Care and Whole-School Approaches
" by HPS - Tuesday, 4 February 2020, 10:02 PM
Personal Growth and
Task 2:
SE task: Relationship
In the video, the teachers encouraged students to partake in various competition and interest groups, and also provided
I didn’t get a chance to observe any school guidance in my SE school. However, one thing I find impressive in relation to
additional academic support to students. The teachers believed that having correct value is more crucial than acquiring
school guidance in my past work experience is that the school initiates different workshops for whole-person
knowledge. To enable students to learn to cope with stress and failure, the school encouraged students to join competition or Community Partner
development for different forms each year. It invites The Hong Kong Federation of Youth Groups for cooperation to
the activities they were interested in and reminded them to get fully devoted in the activities until they can acquire the skills.
organize leadership training programme, workshops related to developing self-concept and self-esteem, adventure-
The teacher encouraged the students to try first and not to give up until the end. The process of joining competitions help
based activities for the students. All these aim to carry out socialization of conformity to social rules, help students
with the personal growth of students and their resilience. Another strategy in regard to promote the academic development
understand themselves in regard to learning attitude, career orientation test, self-concept and leadership skills. The
was to offer consultation session before morning assembly to clarify students’ misconceptions of the taught content by
Supportive Relationship workshops correlates with social and personal growth of the youths and further maintain a healthy personal growth. The
Positive Thinking simplifying the concepts to be more easily understood.
teachers will initiate individual chats with those who are uncertain with their career path or future academic path. Follow-
up meetings are conducted to trace their progress of the pursuit of their academic or career growth. Just as what Man Recalling
Shan said, the teachers deal with students with emotional outburst. It can be seen that a whole-school approach has
peers’ idea
I am actually inspired in the encouragement and full support from teachers to students joining competition and extra- From the school level
been deployed for school guidance, with a general guidance to the mass, and then a further chat or counselling that
curricular activities. The teachers accompany the students during the competition and empower them with confidence in
caters for individual needs. However, parents’ involvement is indispensable for youngsters’ growth. Workshops and talks
accomplishment. This is very essential to students and can help build good teacher-student relationship as teachers are Parents’ perspective
should be held for both parents and the students to participate together so that the parents can know their kids better
seen as supporter and collaborators instead of isolated figures to students. Pastoral care can only be delivered effectively
and provide any assistance for the personal growth of the students.
with empathy and encouragement.

What other elements for pastoral care can you think of? Talk Move, inviting ideas Page 17 of 23 Page 18 of 23

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247 words Seligman’s PERMA Model

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P – Positive Emotion

E – Engagement

Re: Cycle 12: Pastoral Care and Whole-School Approaches R – Relationships

" by HPS - Tuesday, 4 February 2020, 10:14 PM M – Meaning

Dear L, A – Accomplishments
Talk Move - Acknowledging and Appreciating peer’s effort
Thanks for your sharing of the three elements of psychotherapy that can be used in schools. Empathy and positive thinking
are really important and are key to success. Meanwhile, I agree with what the Principal said in the video clip, "value comes
first then knowledge". Without a proper attitude to learning which is dedication and learning from mistakes, learning cannot
be done effectively! I think this model is quite useful. Some schools set up a moral theme every year and activities will be related to the
theme, which is seen as a whole-school approach to positive development. For example, like Caring, then in the English
65 words
Example to practice Day with games, the vocabulary would be related to caring. This is also situated learning. I think integrating values into
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our teaching is a good idea, but is there any other idea?

130 words

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Re: Cycle 12: Pastoral Care and Whole-School Approaches
" by LPF Wednesday, 5 February 2020, 5:09 AM

Dear L and P,
Integrating new theory to consider the practice Re: Cycle 12: Pastoral Care and Whole-School Approaches
Positive Thinking is widely promoted at schools, and I wonder if you have heard of the PERMA Model from Seligman " by LPF- Wednesday, 5 February 2020, 5:38 AM
who promotes positive psychology. This model enables us to maximise our happiness and we may consider 5
perspectives as below. School Inquiry Tasks Page 19 of 23 Page 20 of 23

EDUC6760_FC_2019: Cycle 12: Pastoral Care and Whole-School Approaches 22/4/2020, 00:04 EDUC6760_FC_2019: Cycle 12: Pastoral Care and Whole-School Approaches 22/4/2020, 00:04

1. Put down ONE thing that you find most impressive in relation to school guidance (e.g. any programmes/activities during the " by MS - Thursday, 6 February 2020, 6:47 PM
morning assembly/lunchtime/after school hours/class time).
Personal Growth and Here is my SE sharing: Positive Thinking and
Interpersonal Value Education
In my practicum school, there is a peer counselling program, that the senior students will lead the junior students in a camp before
the start of the academic year. I am so impressed with the peer counselling program, as we usually think teachers and social workers
Involving different are the major contributors in pastoral care, yet peer support is equally important. This is also a way to nurture students' generic skills 1. Put down ONE thing that you find most impressive in relation to school guidance (e.g. any programmes/activities
stakeholders during the morning assembly/lunchtime/after school hours/class time).
and cultivate a supportive and harmonic environment at school. The relationship between students and teachers is close and warm in
mentioned in the
reading to explain why my practicum school. They greet each other which shows mutual respect, while they always smile while chatting. Students take a
the peer counselling
more influential role at school also enhances their sense of belonging to the school. Thus, this program is so nice, but if you ask me
program is useful My practicum school has a Christian religious affiliation. During morning assembly, the school Principal will lead the
for improvement, I will say it would be flawless by involving the parents, as students, parents and staff at school are playing Improvable Idea after reading peers’
irreplaceable roles supporting one another.
idea and understanding the importance whole school to sing a hymn followed by a bible reading. After that, there is sharings by students, pastoral teachers or
of parents’ engagement alumni. I have attended the morning assembly several times and I am inspired by some of the sharings. For example,
2. Any personal thoughts about the whole-school approach to school guidance after your school visits? one of the alumni talked about his difficulties during his study and shared how he overcame the problem. He also
Sharing to peers, not urged the students to build a harmonious relationship with their classmates so as to support each other. Also, in the
My practicum school is a Catholic school that students and teachers pray every morning and read aloud the Bible to spread out the Personal experience
just only in
knowledge, but also messages about Love. I studied at a secondary school without a religious background. Hence, this experience is new to me and I about how TP school first semester, due to the escalating violent situation in Hong Kong, the school held a special morning assembly in
in psychological addressed social issues which the Principal and the teachers addressed the recent social unrest directly and acknowledged the negative
look forward to exploring more. and conducted sharing
for value education feelings that most students had. One teacher shared that having difficulties was inevitable in one's life and it is also
important for one's personal growth and development. She made a very bold claim, which is that students have to
encounter and overcome as many challenges in their life as possible so that they could thrive. No one's life is smooth
and what is important is that we grow and learn from the challenges. It is a very positive and constructive way to cope
258 words
with students' emotions. Instead of being indifferent to their negative feelings, the teachers actually act as a guide to
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help students handle their emotions in a healthy and positive manner.

2. Any personal thoughts about the whole-school approach to school guidance after your school visits?
Re: Cycle 12: Pastoral Care and Whole-School Approaches Page 21 of 23 Page 22 of 23

EDUC6760_FC_2019: Cycle 12: Pastoral Care and Whole-School Approaches 22/4/2020, 00:04

A whole-school approach to guidance is very important. In the classroom, teachers do play an important role in
From school
students' social and personal development as they have direct contact with the students. Also, the school management management
also needs to understand the needs of their students. Just like the example that I have mentioned in part 1, students level
had emotions and negative feelings during the difficult times of Hong Kong. The school, therefore, reacted
instantaneously by giving counseling and guidance to the students.

377 words

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◄ Cycle 11 - Intellectual Disability Cycle 13 - Teacher professional development ▶ Page 23 of 23
Filling in forms

Goal Setting


1 min Q&A

Personal Growth and

Mutual Respect and
Interpersonal Filling in forms






Career Planning Leadership Workshop
Peer Counselling
Peers Students
Training Programs

Emotional Support
Attitude Teachers

Helpful and Supportive

Value Education and
Positive Thinking

Parents Cycle 12 Pastoral Care
Association Stakeholders with a
and Whole School Inviting Ideas or
supportive relationship
Approaches building on ideas

Paraphrasing and
Alumni coordination of idea

The Hong Kong Talk Moves
Non-governmental Evaluation of idea and
Federation of Youth
Organisation developing improvable
Group (HKFYG) idea collectively

Social Worker
Reasoning with
personal experience
Moodle Discussion
and prior knowledge

Personal Experience
and Prior Knowledge

Different Opinions
Background Difference

School Setting

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