Linguistic and Stylistic Features of The English Language in Advertisments

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CHAPTER 1..........................................................................................................................................5
1.1The linguistic features of the English language.........................................................................5
1.2 The stylistic features of the English language……………………………………………….9

CHAPTER 2........................................................................................................................................15
2.1 Linguistic Features of the English Language In Advertisement.......................................15
2.2 Stylistic Features of the English language in Advertisement.................................................21

The relevance of the work. Nowadays, the society is developing dynamically, there is an
intensive exchange of information with the help of advertisements. Now that English has
become the main means of international communication, more and more scientists and
specialists are not only aware of the need for advertising in English, but also feel the need to
present their ideas and results in English on the international market, on the pages of
international journals, in an application for grant or joint project.

Now, as a rule, it is not languages in general that are being studied, but the functional
styles that are part of them, which perform various specific functions of communication
between people (colloquial, socio-political, official business, artistic, scientific and technical).
The functional style of scientific and technical literature is of particular interest to linguists,
since it extends to all sublanguages of science and technology, both natural-technical and
humanitarian, combined in a formal-logical way of presenting scientific and technical thought.
The description of modern languages is not conceivable without taking into account the style
and its role in the life of society. In this regard, the topic of this work, devoted to the study of
the linguistic and stylistic features of the texts of the English language styles, is important and

Тhe purpose/aim of the work based on the relevance, was also determined, which is to
study the linguistic and stylistic features of advertising texts.

In accordance with the purpose of the work, the following tasks were formulated, the
solution of which is aimed at a comprehensive disclosure of the topic and the achievement of
the goal:

1. Analyze the linguistic features of the English language

2. To study the stylistic functions and features of the styles of the English language.
3. To study the linguistic and stylistic features of the English language in advertisements.
4. Consider the lexical, grammatical and stylistic features of advertising texts.

The object of study of this work is advertising style.

The subject of this study is the linguistic and stylistic features of advertising.

The research material was the work of linguists and translators, as well as articles from
scientific and technical publications.

The work consists of an introduction, two chapters, a conclusion, a list of references. The
work is concluded in 30 pages.

The introduction substantiates the relevance of the research topic, its theoretical and
practical significance, defines the object, subject, goal, objectives and methods of research.

In the first chapter of the course work, linguistic, style-forming factors due to the specifics of
style are considered. The functions and features of styles are described, varieties and genres are

The second chapter is devoted to the main features of the advertising style, the terminology
in the advertising style is explored.

In conclusion, the results of the study are summarized and brief conclusions are formulated.



1.1The linguistic features of the English language

The concepts of "language" and "speech" are closely related, which makes it difficult to
distinguish between them; at the same time, linguistics has long established their non-identity,
believing that language is a system of specially organized means that are in certain relations with
each other, and the nature of these relations is such that it makes it possible to set this system in
motion, using it in the interests of communication. It can be considered that the language
system is a static state of the phenomenon. In its dynamic state, it turns into a process that
should be considered as speech.

Speech is the process of communication with the help of language; without the latter,
communication would be impossible. However, it cannot be said that speech is completely
reducible to linguistic means of expressing thought; other, extralinguistic (extralinguistic)
factors also participate in its flow. These include psychological - mental content, seeking its
expression (although its formation is based on the material of the language); feelings and
emotions that require expression; plans, motives and intentions that contribute to the
implementation of speech acts. It is also necessary to point out the communicative factor of
speech - the purposefulness of speech statements, their focus on achieving a certain
extralinguistic effect. Finally, situational factors also play a role - a complex of interpersonal
relationships, real and imaginary circumstances, within which each statement and message
acquires a specific content, subject relatedness and communicative orientation. Due to
situationality, reliance on non-linguistic signs is expanding - gestures, facial expressions, body
movements. Speech, therefore, differs from language in two cardinal features: firstly, in its
dynamism, processuality; secondly, the ability to harmoniously combine mental content with

linguistic and non-linguistic means of its expression in the interests of the formation and
implementation of speech acts1.

The English language is characterized by such features as the simplification or almost

complete disappearance of inflections, as well as the flexibility of functions and the openness of
vocabulary. The flexibility of functions has evolved over the past five centuries as a consequence
of the loss of endings. Words that used to be distinguished as nouns or verbs due to differences
in their forms are now often used as both nouns and verbs.

 Functional Flexibility of English

You can say, for example, “planning a table” or “tabling a plan”, “booking a place” or “placing
a book”, lifting a thumb or thumbing a lift (“voting” on the road, catch a ride). In other Indo-
European languages, with rare exceptions in the Scandinavian languages, nouns and verbs never
have the same form, due to the need to use separate endings for the noun and the verb 2.

In English, forms for traditional pronouns, adjectives, and adverbs can also function as
nouns; forms of adjectives and adverbs can act as verbs. And nouns, pronouns and adverbs can
act as adjectives. In English it is enough to say the Frankfurt Book Fair, while in German you
need to add the suffix -er to the name of the place and put the definition and the noun side by
side, forming the combination "Frankfurter Buchmesse".

For those who are just starting to learn English or those who wish to deepen their
knowledge of English, we invite you to our English courses. New pleasant acquaintances,
responsive teachers, exciting lessons, interesting tasks and a lot of positive emotions are waiting
us3 .

Historically, the spread of the English language was facilitated by the centuries-old colonial
policy of Britain, as well as the leading position of the United States among world powers.

Лингвистические особенности языка и речи .
2․27.03.2022 :
3 .
 English - distinctive features

For our Russian-speaking students, even before the start of training, it will be useful to get
acquainted with the differences in English in comparison with their native Russian. A tangible
difference is present in the phrase formation system itself, the logical language structure, as well
as in phonetics. Let's talk about everything in a little more detail.

 Grammar

If in the Russian category grammars are expressed by changing the words themselves, their
endings and suffixes, then in the English this is done by the order of the members of the
sentence, special words, intonation, etc.

Speaking in Russian, we are free to handle the order of words. In English, an incorrectly
constructed sentence can greatly distort the meaning and therefore the words are arranged in a
strictly defined sequence.

 Case relations between words are expressed using their position relative to each other
and the construction of the sentence itself.

The construction of phrases largely determines the part of speech, which can be an identical
single-root word, such as, for example, “flower”. It can be translated as the English verb "to
bloom", as well as the noun "flower" or the adjective "floral".

 Lexical Features

Lexically, English is 70% borrowed. The main source languages historically have been:

1. Latin.
2. Greek.
3. French.
4. German.

Features of the English language

That is why for those who are already familiar with at least one of these linguistic layers, the
new vocabulary will not be so unusual.

 Phonetic differences

English pronunciation is practically not bound by spelling (spelling of words), as is observed

in Latin. To determine phonetics, you need to know either the reading rules or the traditional
pronunciation of the word. Some letters are unpronounceable when read, or there are no letter
equivalents for pronounceable phonemes. Many things just need to be remembered. There are
exceptions to the rules, the application of which requires special linguistic logic and intuition,
which comes with time4.

 Features of the English language

1. Articles

Many set expressions and phrases, as well as ordinary sentences, can change their meaning
depending on the indefinite and definite articles used - a (an) and the. There are no articles in
Russian. This nuance often causes difficulties for beginners, and can lead to embarrassment or
misunderstanding when communicating with native speakers.

2. Other features

The simple colloquial speech of the English and in English-speaking countries is replete with
phonetic differences, simplifications and free deviations from the rules.

We have listed here only the main features of the English language, far from exhausting all
its linguistic differences. However, this is quite enough to start mastering not only the classic
British version, but also various regional dialects!

1.2 The stylistic features of the English language

The subject and content of stylistics as a science of language has not yet been precisely
defined, so the problems of stylistics are attracting more and more attention from linguists,
philologists and other specialists. Many linguists agree that stylistics is a branch of linguistics
that studies the whole variety of expressive means of a language. Stylistics occupies a special
place among other linguistic disciplines. Unlike linguistic disciplines that analyze the
composition of the language and its categories, stylistics affects the various expressive
possibilities of the language that are characteristic of specific varieties of language use, i.e. styles.

Language stylistics explores the specificity of language subsystems - functional styles and
sublanguages, characterized by the originality of vocabulary, phraseology and syntax, on the one
hand, and the emotional, expressive and evaluative properties of various language tools, on the
other. The style of speech studies individual original texts, considering how they convey the
content, not only following the norms known to the grammar and style of the language, but also
on the basis of their belonging to the functional styles of the English language. This is its task as
a separate science among other linguistic disciplines.

The term "style" has several meanings. It can indicate one or another differential type of
language, where style is “a linguistic subsystem with a peculiar dictionary, phraseological
combinations, turns of phrase and constructions, which differs from other varieties mainly in
the expressive and evaluative properties of its constituent elements and is usually associated
with certain areas of speech use. » [3, p. 455]. Another interpretation of style is related to the
areas of use of texts.

The system of functional styles of the English literary language is formed by scientific,
newspaper, journalistic, official business, oratorical, poetic, artistic and colloquial styles.
Linguists consider these styles in various aspects. According to I.R. Galperin, the functional style
of a language is a system of interrelated linguistic means that serves a specific purpose in human
communication. Functional style should be considered as a product of a specific task set by the
author of the message5. I.V. Arnold notes that the emergence and existence of functional styles
is due to the specific conditions of communication in different spheres of human activity 6.

In recent years, significant changes have taken place in the English language, primarily in
the field of mass communication. These changes, predetermined by global changes in the
economic and political life of society, require the translator to be as aware of the situation in the
world as possible. Therefore, there is a need for a competent transfer of all the stylistic features
of the original language with similar in use, equally familiar stylistic devices of the target

It is known that many authors introduce certain constructions into the text, guided by their
own methods; having understood them, the reader is able to better understand the information
that the author of the original text wants to convey to him. The translator, as an intermediary
between cultures, needs to convey shades of speech of native speakers that are not the same for
different conditions of linguistic communication.

The role of figurative and expressive means of language is to give clarity, visibility and
imagery to speech. Visual means make speech visual, as they influence not only conceptually,
but also figuratively, i.e. provide visual, auditory, olfactory, gustatory, tactile information.
Figurative and expressive means means any means of expressiveness used to achieve
figurativeness. Figurative and expressive means serve where the speaker or writer has some new
idea that does not yet have any special name. Trope is “the concept of poetics and stylistics,
denoting such turns (images) that are based on the use of a word (or combination of words) in a

Гальперин И. Р. , Стилистика английского языка / English stylistics М.: Красанд, 2014, p. 249.
Arnold I. V. , Stylistics of the modern English language M .: Flint, Nauka, 2012, p. 320.
figurative sense and are used to enhance the figurativeness and expressiveness of speech” 7. Visual
and expressive means also help the author to acquire the individuality of style, and the
translator to correctly translate the original text without losing its meaning and stylistic

The image of the feeling of speech requires special stylistic figures, expressive colors of the
language. Stylistic figures of speech reveal themselves in the fact that the figurative expression
appeared before the scientific-conceptual one: concrete-sensual representations - images, poetic
language preceded analytical judgments. Stylistic figures of speech are earlier forms of thinking
than similar scientific and logical syllogisms. These are also peculiar syllogisms, for they prove
the imaginary truth of their conclusion. They contribute to the image, and evaluation, and
emotional coloring of written speech, convey information transmitted in a different way.

The styles of the English language are varied. Certain styles, as well as the need to use them,
arose with the development of mankind, or rather, with the areas of its activity.

 Newspaper style (a kind of journalistic style)

The purpose of newspaper style is to inform the reader. In English-language newspapers, the
style of the English language, called newspaper style, does not contain the author's assessment.
It is presented in news reports that are informative in nature. Author's estimates contain articles
by commentators, editorial columns. These materials contain a subjective point of view.

The newspaper style of the English language is characterized by the use of political and
economic terms, as well as newspaper clichés, abbreviations and neologisms. The grammatical
feature of news reports is the presence of complex syntactic constructions. This is due to the
need to state as briefly as possible a large number of facts.

 scientific style

Гальперин И. Р., Очерки по стилистике английского языка. Опыт систематизации выразительных средств М.:
Либроком, 2012 , p. 227.

The scientific style of the English language is intended for specialists with relevant
knowledge. In connection with the above, the translation must be carried out with the generally
accepted system for translating technical texts (link to the article about technical texts). The
syntactic construction should be harmonious and stereotyped. Each paragraph in the text begins
with a key sentence that carries the main idea.

 Oratory style (variant of journalistic style)

The styles of the English language also involve the study of a monologue, a striking example
of which is the oratorical style. The main purpose of this style is to convince the correctness of
the propositions put forward. A stylistic feature is the use of all kinds of repetitions.

 Conversational style

This style of English arose on the basis of oral speech. This style of speech is characterized by
compression, truncated forms (isn't, won't), abbreviations (ad, PC).

 Formal business style

This is the style of official documents and correspondence. Using this style allows you to
ensure complete clarity of information. The stylistic character is an abundance of stereotypical
clichés .

 Art style

This style of English is used in fiction. Unlike the newspaper style, the artistic style is
designed to express the thoughts and feelings of the author. It is characterized by figurativeness,
emotionality. This style uses various language means: metaphor, epithet, anaphora, inversion 8.

Let us consider the styles of the English language in its deeper aspect. For example, what is
the main difference of the newspaper style? The purpose of the newspaper style is to convey to
the reader information about the events of the day and the ability to develop a special attitude
towards these events. This style is defined by linguists as a whole, its characteristic features are
inherent in all types of newspaper genres. The style of the English language allows not to print
official documents in newspapers, all of them are brought to the reader in a revised form. On
newspaper pages, most often you can find a large percentage of numerals, toponyms,
anthroponyms, an abundance of dates, names of institutions and abstract words.

 Conversational style, vocabulary and phraseology

The non-literary style (colloquial) in the English language is divided into several groups
that actively exist next to each other: vulgarisms, dialectisms, slang and professionalisms.
Vulgarisms are a separate group of words and phraseological units that border on rudeness and
obscenity. Dialectisms are usually called words and expressions that are not part of the literary
language. Slang is a marked layer of colloquial speech, which is distinguished by a pronounced
emotional coloring. It is customary to call professionalisms words and phrases that are used in
small social and professional groups and, in fact, are understandable only to members of this

 Advertising style as a means of goods and services promotion

The language of advertising is a special direction in the English language, all the forms and
styles involved in it take on a completely different special meaning. Advertising texts are often
full of hyperbole, allusions, repetitions, even phraseological units are found here in modified
forms. The style is not only interesting from the point of view of constructing a sentence, but
also allows a completely rethought meaning of words. It is he who is given sufficient attention
by a variety of schools and English courses.

 Official business style in English

Today in English there are three varieties of official business style: the style of official
documentation, the style of legal documentation and the style of business correspondence. The
purpose of each of them is an agreement in matters of trade, politics or the service sector. Any
document is intended to clearly and clearly express the essence of the issue, to express the main
conditions that must be strictly observed by both parties.

The style of the English language is quite extensive and varied. She devotes a lot of time to
teaching students at universities, schools and online English courses. In order to study it fully,
remarkable diligence is required. But it's worth it, because science has prepared many pleasant
surprises for its most diligent students.



2.1 Linguistic Features of the English Language In Advertisement

Advertising is an unavoidable aspect of today's capitalist consumer society, which is

distinguished by its competitive nature. The goal of advertising is for it to be memorable and
catchy. Advertisers employ language in a unique way: there are benefits to expressing weird and
contentious remarks in unconventional ways, as well as engaging with people in plain language.
Copywriters are notorious for tinkering with words and altering or changing their common
meanings. They utilize words out of context and even make up new ones to get their desired
impact. Advertising, in its most basic definition, implies "drawing attention to something" or
"notifying or alerting someone or something." Without spending a lot of money, you may
promote via word of mouth, informally and locally. However, if you want to reach a big
audience, you may need to promote in the now-familiar sense of the word, through a public

The first and most important purpose of advertising language is the appellative function.
However, this is not always evident, and the purpose of appealing to the recipients and
persuading them to buy is frequently hidden beneath or accompanied by other functions of
language, such as descriptive, narrative, emotive, lyrical, and artistic functions.

The most common use of descriptive language in advertising is in product descriptions.

The descriptive purpose of advertising texts, on the other hand, is only satisfied in a few
instances. So-called testimonial advertising, in which fictitious users report on their experiences
with the product, require narrative components. When the sender of the message, i.e. the firm
selling its products or services, makes remarks about its history, philosophy, and so on,
advertising language takes on an expressive function 9.

G. Cook, The Discourse of Advertising, London ,Routledge, 1992, p. 6.
Finally, advertising language commonly employs figures of speech and other stylistic
conventions associated with poetic language, such as puns, metaphors, neologisms, alliteration,
assonance, and rhyme. This demonstrates the great level of ingenuity engaged in advertising
language and contributes to advertising's secondary goal of entertaining the audience.
Advertising language is one of the most effective vehicles for ideology because of its extremely
appellative nature. Advertising's language has been dubbed "loaded language" by Leech 10, (1966)
referring to its goal of influencing and changing the will and attitude of its target audience. D.
Bolinger's book on advertising is even titled "Language: The Loaded Weapon." This is
accomplished by employing basic language with a relatively weak structure, gathered around a
single, readily recalled unit of meaning. Hughes has dubbed advertising "linguistic capitalism,"
claiming that it is "a problematic form of free business in which the language, the common
property of the speechcommunity, becomes a natural resource exploited by agencies in the
sectional interests of their clients' marketing programs." 11

Leech describes four primary roles of a successful advertising, each of which has
ramifications for the language employed to accomplish those goals:

1. Attention value

Advertisements must grab the viewer's attention and pique their interest. On a linguistic
level, this can be accomplished by violating linguistic standards such as incorrect spelling,
neologisms, puns, grammatical solecism, rhymes, semantic deviations, and the use of words in
inappropriate or unconventional contexts.

2. Readability

G. Leech, English in Advertising, London, Longman, 1966, p. 23.
G. Hughes, Words in time, London, Blackwell, 1987, p. 159.
Once the reader's attention has been captured, the reader's interest must be maintained,
constantly keeping in mind that the reader is looking for quick and easy information. As a
result, most advertisements are written in a colloquial manner, with easy and common words.
This habit of utilizing informal language associated with private circumstances in public or
corporate communication is known as "public colloquialism," according to Leech 12.

Informal styles are characterized by informal address phrases, direct address to the reader
(usually with the second person pronoun you), casual colloquial language, and a lack of
politeness cues13. Even written language in advertisements exhibits many characteristics of
spoken language 14. First, due to a high degree of repetition and parallelism, advertising language
is characterized by a high level of redundancy. Furthermore, deictics are frequently used to refer
to the user as an exophoric referent or to endophoric references like photos and other lines in
the copy. Terms like this, that, those, it, and here and there are regularly used in advertising
language to indicate things in the immediate surroundings. Another characteristic of verbal
communication that is common in advertising language is elliptic sentence forms. Furthermore,
phrasal verbs, idioms, and contractions are common aspects of advertising language, indicating
its high level of colloquialism.

3. Memorability

An advertisement's message must be remembered by the recipient and recognized as

familiar. One of the most common tactics used in advertising to improve memorability is
repetition. Several linguistic devices, such as alliteration (repeating the first sound), metrical
rhythm (repeating the same rhythmic pattern), rhyme (repeating the same ending sounds),
grammatical parallelism (repeating the same grammatical structure), and semantic and syntactic
repetition (i.e. using the same syntactic structure or words), are highly repetitive by definition
and thus appear frequently in advertising language. It's worth noting that repetition and
variance are frequently linked. Semantic repetition, or the usage of various words from the same

G. Leech, English in Advertising, London, Longman, 1966, p. 123.
T. Shortis, The Language of ICT , London, Routledge 2001, p. 24
A. Goddard, The Language of Advertising, London, Routledge, 1998, p. 41.
word field again and over, is a form of lexical variety that also serves as a repeating technique.
Furthermore, the constant repeating of slogans, logos, and product names helps to the product's
and associated advertising messages' memorability.

4. Selling power

Advertisements aim to sell at the end of the day. Clear directions on what to do next are
the greatest way to get individuals to take the proper sort of action. Imperatives are well-suited
to explicitly communicating what sort of action individuals should do, and hence appear
frequently in advertising language. Imperatives are one of the most commonly employed
syntactic types in advertising language for a reason 15. Imperatives, on the other hand, are
frequently misunderstood as abbreviated phrases or fragments of statements due to the usage of
elliptical sentence forms and the omission of subjects. Furthermore, advertising material
attempts to be upbeat and to provide a good attitude to its recipients.

Prohibitions and negative forms are often avoided unless they are employed as a surprise
element to draw attention to something. This strategy is also justifiable from a psychological and
cognitive standpoint, because negative words take longer to comprehend than positive
statements. The use of positive forms extends to the lexical level as well. Adjectives having a
positive connotation, in particular, play a significant influence in advertising language 16.
According to Leech17, the terms new, good / better / best, sure, tasty, free, fresh, and lovely are
among the most commonly used in advertising language.

Advertising language frequently employs strategies that are comparable to those found in
poetry literature. The mnemotechnical effect is a benefit of so-called mnemonic devices (rhyme,
rhythm, alliteration, and assonance). It ensures that the recipient of the advertising remembers
the text and can retrieve it at the appropriate time. Let’s speak about them.

a) Rhyme

G. Leech, English in Advertising, London, Longman, 1966, p. 141.
Gieszinger, S., The History of Advertising Language, Frankfurt / Main, Lang 2001, p. 154
Leech, p. 57.
Rhyme is defined as a pattern of "sound identity across words or verse-lines continuing
from the end to the final completely accented vowel and not beyond." 15 Rhyme is a term that
pertains to sounds rather than letters. It appears frequently in jingles, slogans, and headlines.


"Eukanuba offers their teeth the strength they require,"(Concise Oxford English
Dictionary 2004)

“If the gloves don’t fit, you must acquit!”

Simpson's lawyer, Johnny Cochran, used this term or a version of it. Simpson made a
show of attempting to squeeze into a glove related to the murder throughout the trial. Of course,
Simpson was acquitted, and Cochran's defense team deserves a lot of credit for that.

Beauty outside. Beast inside. (apple max pro)

Grace. Space. Pace. (Jaguar)

Here is another set of rhyming ads, from the site Visual Thesaurus:

“Oh thank heaven for 7-Eleven.”

“See the USA in your Chevrolet.”

“Hold the pickles, hold the lettuce/ Special orders don’t upset us.”

“Pepsi-Cola hits the spot/Twelve full ounces, that’s a lot.”

“You’ll wonder where the yellow went/When you brush your teeth with Pepsodent”

b) Rhythm

The goal of advertising is for it to be memorable and catchy. Prosodic elements –

intonation, rhythm, and lexical emphasis – are one of the tactics copywriters might employ to
achieve it since they have a strong emotional and memory effect. Language having a rhythmical

arrangement is frequently used by copywriters. It is not necessary for the listener or reader to
notice it, and he merely senses it unconsciously. As a consequence, the sentence is both
memorable and grammatically sound. Metric refers to a rhythm that has some regularity.
"Metre" is a pattern made up of rhythm groups (feet) with similar or identical stressed and
unstressed syllable patterns. (...) A metrical scheme may go overlooked.)"

c) Assonance

Assonance is a language strategy that generates vowel harmony by repeating the same
vowel in successive stressed syllables. Alliteration is a less evident sort of scheme.

e.g. “How much reality can you handle?”

"It beats . . . as it sweeps . . . as it cleans!"(advertising slogan for Hoover vacuum cleaners,


d) graphic aspects of the text

The visual part of the text is solely concerned with the text's graphic embellishment.
Almost all printed advertising take use of the fact that they are printed. The layout must be
decided by the copywriters. The others are mentioned as bellow:

 Unpredictable word spelling, (e.g. “Beanz Meanz Heinz”, “4ever”, “Bar B Q”,
“süper”, etc.)
 A higher frequency of uncommon letters that make exceptional sounds (‘X’ is
very popular: “Xerox”, “Botox” and use of palato-alveolar consonants /tƒ/, /ƒ/,
 Unexpected letter printing, such as when the size or shape of the letters resembles
that of another item, and the object takes the place of the letter.
 Graphic exploitation acronyms and initialisms – The beginning letters of words
are formed using abbreviation letters. Color, size, and layout are used to
emphasize the effect: e.g. “Xtrovert. Xplosive. Love The Colour. Color Xxl”.

e) Transliteration

The use of transliteration in advertising is not common, but when it does happen, it has a
favorable effect. It certainly grabs the reader's interest. The process of converting foreign words
into English is known as transliteration. In most circumstances, the foreign word's spelling is
different, but the pronunciation is the same as in English:

e.g. “Be Cointreauversial.” (Cointreau is the name of French alcoholic drink)

Making an effective advertising necessitates the selection of script, its color, type, and
size. However, this isn't the only factor that might influence the outcome. The following are
some more options: As a result of the aforementioned functional criteria, a functional
advertising style emerges. determined by the correlation of exophoric determinants such as
application fields, connection, etc. The modalities of communication and social functions of this
text type on the sender-recipient relationship On the one hand, there are usual modes of use,
and on the other, there are typical modes of use. It is set against a background of commercial
discourse. It becomes clear that the linguistic characteristics of advertising cannot be defined
without mentioning the language of advertising the context in which this text type appears.

Thus the frequent use of the pronoun one cannot be separated from the appellative
nature of advertisements, in which the sender attempts to make a personal appeal to the
receivers in order to encourage them to buy their product. The pseudo-personal appeal of the
pronoun one must be studied in the context of mass communication media, which are the most
common means of disseminating commercial messages. Despite the fact that every receiver is
aware that he or she is addressing a mass audience of millions, they are nevertheless prone to
assume that they are being addressed individually.

2.2 Stylistic Features of the English language in Advertisement

Each advertising has a linguistic style that it promotes; often, it employs distinctive
phrases or sentences to entice the customer to purchase the goods. Stylistics can incorporate

language style. Stylistics is the study of the origins of style, and it is frequently associated with
some research that assumes that the style of language is a significant factor. Stylistics approaches
to linguistics signals, features, or specific signs in literature or linguistics might differ. Language
style is a technique of expressing thinking via language using characters that reveal the writer's
or language user's spirit and personality. The writer will focus on language style based on direct-
indirect meaning, which is commonly referred to as figure of speech, in this study. It may be
divided into two categories: rhetoric and figurative language.

Alliteration, Ellipsis, Simile, Personification, Assonance, and so on are instances of them.

In most Facebook adverts, a certain language style is employed. Facebook is a popular social
networking platform used by individuals all over the world. According to several websites,
Facebook is the most popular social networking platform.

Dove cosmetics have an advertisement which contains language style. It's a body wash
variety commercial by Dove cosmetics. Because the phrases “let your skin talking” contain
personification, the linguistic style used in the commercial above is personification.
Personification, according to Keraf 18 , is a linguistic style that characterizes nonliving objects as
living objects. Skin is used as a surrogate for a human person who can speak in the
advertisement above. It has connotative significance since it has communicative and commercial
value on the phrase that the readers have received. There are many other types of language
style, as mentioned in Keraf's book (2008), however in this study, the writer solely concentrates
on language style based on figure of speech. They are presented as bellow.

 Personification. personification is a linguistic style that characterizes nonliving

objects as living objects. Examples:

The Nose Never Lie

The package clearly indicates that it is a men's perfume. The dark hue of the object
denotes manliness and masculinity. As a result, the black color was chosen by the manufacturer

Keraf G. Diksi dan Gaya Bahasa. Jakarta: Gramedia Pustaka Utama, 2008, p. 140.
for the product. Personification is also evident in the linguistic style utilized in the advertising
above. The phrase “The Nose Never Lies” makes it seem as though the nose is a person. In this
example, the nose serves as a stand-in for a real being who can communicate and deceive. In
fact, the nose is the only part of the body that cannot communicate.

Gatorade Always Wins

 Personification and Polysyndeton

Go Play with Your Hair and Braid It Up

Dove Protects Your Hair from Damage

It's a hair-related advertisement for shampoo, conditioner, and vitamins. This product is
designed for those who have damaged hair, and Dove has a hair care line that prevents hair from
further damage. The advertising includes the hair care series and the beauty braid hair, as can be
seen in the image above. So that the goods itself might pique the readers' curiosity.

The above mentioned ads are examples of personification and polysyndeton. The phrase
"go play with your hair" indicates that the hair is a person. Hair is used as a surrogate for a
human individual who may interact with the readers; nevertheless, hair cannot play as well as

Another style is Alliteration. Alliteration is a linguistic style in which the same

consonant sound is repeated after each other, commonly in prose or poetry.


Krispy Kreme,

Circuit City,

Range Rover,


So Close . . . So Confident . . .

This advertisement is taken from Casablanca. It's a roll-on variation of one of

Casablanca's products. The marketing claims that the lotion may make the armpits smell good.
So that readers can feel more at ease and secure when meeting heterosexual people who are
identified by a man and a woman. The words so and close and confident that follow each other
and sound identical in the phrase “So Close… So Confident” include repetition of the same “S”
and “C” consonant to accentuate and make it more creative.

Another one is Metaphor. A metaphor is a figure of speech that helps convey a concept
or establish a comparison by describing an item or activity in a way that isn't literally true. It is
videly used in advertisements.


Red Bull gives you wings.

Budweiser: The king of beers

Chevrolet: The heartbeat of America

Gillette: The best a man can get

Triumph’s TR7 auto: The shape of things to come

Head for the mountains of Busch

Life Is An Adventure.

The above advertising is for a milk product. As we can see from the image, this
commercial is for milk that is specifically designed for children. It depicts a group of youngsters
jogging together. It has language style in promotion. Here, the phrase "life is an adventure" is
used as a metaphor for exploration. Exploration refers to a thorough examination of something,
whereas adventure refers to a thrilling voyage or experience. Children learn about their
environment during their childhood. They have a strong desire to learn about everything
around them. Exploring new things is an adventure for them. This advertising aims to convey
that Nutrilon Royal is a product that is excellent for developing youngsters.

“love your skin like love yourself” contain personification. It's a commercial for bath
soap. People must take care of their skin since it covers every portion of their body on the
outside. It needs extra attention and care. Because the word “likes" has the same meaning as
"like," the linguistic style utilized in the commercial above is simile. "A figure of speech in
which one object is compared to another" is a simile 19. As...if,, like, as… like, as…though,
etc. Because the term skin alludes to oneself, the sentence's meaning is that you should love
your skin as much as you love yourself.

More examples are given bellow:

I feel like a Guinness –I wish you were.

"If only everything in life was as reliable as a Volkswagen." (Volkswagen)

In this phrase, the brand owner assumes that everything is as reliable as a Volkswagen

Now hands that do dishes can feel soft as your face (Fairy Washing Liquid)

Easy as Dell (Dell)

"Hugs the road like a mom after graduation" (Porsche)

Based on the phrase, the researcher discovered that Simile is a sort of figurative language
utilized in this slogan. A simile is a comparison between two objects that is generally indicated
by a connective, such as then or resembles. Driving a Porsche, according to this expression, is a
peaceful experience since the automobile blends into the road like a mother's embrace.

 Hipalase. The antithesis of a natural relationship between two concepts is

Cuddon, J. A., The Penguin Dictionary of Literary Terms and Literary Theory. London: Penguin Books Ltd., 1999,
Together We Take Happines

The following commercial is from an Oppo Smartphone. Oppo is a smartphone brand

that is offered in Indonesia. It has a few series, one of which is the F3 series, which also includes
a camera feature as seen in the image, making it a selfie expert sentence. The phrase "we take
happiness together" has two meanings. The term happiness should conjure up images of joy. In
reality, when we use a camera, we are photographing happiness rather than capturing it,
because pleasure cannot be captured but can be felt.

 Hyperbole

7 Minutes Joyness With Dove Body Wash

Hyperbole is a linguistic style that emphasizes something by exaggerating it. This

advertising is for a Dove Product variation. It's a soap bar with a body wash variation. In most of
Dove's advertisements, the linguistic style is used. It can be noticed in the commercial image.
An image of a soap bar with a dove emblem appears. In this situation, the word joyness refers to
a pleasurable and pleasurable action.

 Pun or paronomasia

Spray Hello, Not Goodbye

Pun is a linguistic style that makes advantage of sound similarity. It's a word game based
on sound similarity, but there's a difference in meaning. Here “axe” is the source of the
aforementioned advertising. Axe provides a variety of products, including perfume, deodorant,
razors, and hair gel. Axe is a product that caters to the needs of guys, and this advertising is for a
perfume variation. The pun linguistic style is seen in the term spray from the sentence spray
hello, not goodbye. As previously stated, a pun, also known as paronomasia, is a linguistic style
that employs sound similarities. It's a word game based on sound similarity, but there's a
difference in meaning. Because it is a perfume product that employs spray in its application, the
term spray should be used.

Thus, as stated previously, it should be concluded that advertisement is a kind of
communication. Advertisers are sources who create advertisements, language style is a message
that explains the purpose of the advertisement, Facebook is a medium for promoting
advertisements, the receiver is the customer, and the effect of the advertisement is customer
attractiveness or interest in the advertisement.

Though the definition of an advertising slogan differs from one author to the next, all
definitions agree that an advertising slogan is a short, catchy phrase that defines, presents, and
helps buyers remember the core principles of a brand or advertising campaign. To persuade the
reader to buy particular things advertising require understanding of the usual rhetorical
structure of this text genre as well as the language resources accessible in English. The right
arrangement and presentation of objective and persuasive information, as well as a suitable
selection of lexical elements, are critical for guiding the reader toward making a buying choice.
The rhetorical structure and presentation of persuasion in English as seen in online ads of visual
electronic equipment employed in leisure activities: digital cameras, video cameras, television
sets, e-book readers, and digital frames are the subjects of this research. These goods all have one
thing in common: they all have a display screen, thus there are a lot of terminology and phrases
that apply to them.

English advertising is particularly language-specific as a medium for marketing products

and services. The advertising designer's ability to regulate and creatively employ advertising
words and phrases is crucial to the implementation of language characteristics. The employment
of rhetorical methods is one of the most appealing aspects of English advertising language. This
article presents some research findings on English advertising, as well as the linguistic aspects of
advertising, and then some translation skills for translators.

The promotion English is vibrant, with new phrases and splashes that convey a strong
feeling of life and the attractiveness of powerful individuals. With the passage of time, English
will gain fresh material and acquire its own distinct traits. Studying and mastering the language
characteristics and translation abilities of advertising English Seriously will assist you in grasping
the pulse of English growth, keeping up with the rate of language development, and improving
your comprehension and enjoyment of English.

In this research we have examined the rhetorical structure and expression of English
internet advertising, which are full of stylistic devices.


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12. Лингвистические особенности языка и речи
13. ․27.03.2022
14. .




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