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Applies To: All HSC Hospitals, UNMCC, & UNMH

Responsible Department: Purchasing

Title: Bidding Requirements Policy

Patient Age Group: (X ) N/A ( ) All Ages ( ) Newborns ( ) Pediatric ( ) Adult

It is the policy of the University of New Mexico Health Sciences Center (UNMHSC) Clinical
Operations that the Purchasing Office shall procure services, construction, or items of tangible
property as governed by Section 98 (13-1-125) and Sections 76 through 83 (13-1-103 to 13-1-
110 NMSA 1978).

Purchasing Department and all individuals that purchase goods or services for organization

Executive Director of Material Management
Purchasing Director and Purchasing Staff
Materials Management

New Mexico State Procurement Code Regulations Chapter 13 NMAC-Rp., 09/30/05
New Mexico State Procurement Code 13-1-125 Small Purchases Replaced 7/9/08

1. The following is a summary of bidding requirements as applicable to UH:
1.1. A single purchase less than $20,000 may be made by the Purchasing Department
without bids at the best obtainable price.
1.2. A single purchase reaching $20,000 for goods and non-professional services or
$50,000 for professional services shall be made by the Purchasing Department only
after responsible bidders have been notified in writing that sealed bids will be
received. Additionally, a notice must be published at least once in a newspaper of
general circulation in the Albuquerque area not less than ten days before the date of
opening bids. All Bids & Proposals will be posted on the UNM Hospital website for
public access.
1.3. Artificially dividing orders to circumvent bidding requirements is prohibited.
2. Exception:
1. Items on state of New Mexico contract (SPD)
2. Novation group Purchasing Organization
3. GSA Government Services Administration Contracts.
If using this exception all requirements of New Mexico Procurement
Code must be followed.
4. UNM Solicited Contracts or other external procurement agencies in compliance with the
NM State Procurement code, provided the volume and pricing does not exceed the
contracted amount (UNM, Bernalillo County, CNM, APS).
Title: Bidding Requirements
Owner: Purchasing
Effective Date: 10/1/2008
Doc. #2373
Page 1 of 2
Update Bidding Requirements, 6/00.
Update bidding Requirement 6/06
Update Bidding Requirement 9/08

Resource/Dept Internet/Link
Purchasing Department 272-2257


Item Contact Date Approval
Owner Director, Purchasing
Legal Y
Official Approver Sheena Ferguson, Interim Administrator, Professional & Support Svcs Y
Official Signature 10/1/2008
Effective Date 10/1/2008
Origination Date 6/1986
Issue Date Clinical Operations Policy Coordinator 10/3/2008

Title: Bidding Requirements
Owner: Purchasing
Effective Date: 10/1/2008
Doc. #2373
Page 2 of 2

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