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Heredity: Unity Amidst Diversity A group of the same kind of organisms living in an area is called population, while

different populations sharing the same habitat compose a community. These communities exist
Animals, plants and microorganisms carry the common genetic material DNA, which is in an environment affected by both living and nonliving components, which make up an
the molecule of life that carries the instructions for assembling protein. Protein is responsible for ecosystem. All ecosystems on Earth, whether they support life on land, water or lower
forming a variety of structures. The presence of DNA in every living organism explains the unity atmosphere compose the biosphere. All the interactions happening in the distant biosphere down
of life. DNA differentiates a living organism from non-living thing. The molecular structure of to the intricacies of the inner cell inspire biologists' attempt to investigate life at its many levels,
DNA accounts for its ability to be used as a genetic material. shedding light to the many questions about your very own nature.

Living organisms occur in a vast diversity of forms. Around 1.8 million species of Organization of Life in Horizontal Dimension
organisms are known. This diversity stems from the differences in DNA sequences they exhibit.
For example, a human contains three billion bases of DNA, which is almost the same number in The immensity of the biological realm can also be viewed in a horizontal dimension to
the mice. A fruit fly has 130 million DNA bases, while an E. coli bacterium contains only 4.5 show the diversity and richness of organisms inhabiting our planet. To date, biologists have so
million DNA bases. In essence, DNA is the molecule similar to. all living organisms and far named and classified about 1.8 million different organisms. Estimates of about 10 million to
responsible for differences; thus, this molecule bring unity amidst diversity. 200 million organisms are yet to be identified. To make sense of these enormous numbers of
organisms, biologists classified them into three groups known as the three domains of the living
Living and Interacting world based on their similar characteristics. Advances in the comparison of DNA sequences led
to the reclassification of organisms into six kingdoms of life (plants, animals, protists, fungi,
Organization of Life in Vertical Dimension archaebacteria, eubacteria), which are organized under the three overarching domains.

The scope of life on Earth is so immense, but it can be simplified by viewing it in two
dimensions. The vertical dimension spreads the scope in terms of size scale from the
Lesson 1.6 Biology Careers in the Twenty-First Century
microscopic DNA inside cells to the macroscopic view of the living sphere of the world, the
biosphere. This dimension follows a path known as the hierarchical levels of biological
organization. Studying biology is a must to survive the twenty- first century. With the advancements
in biology and biotechnology, opportunities in the life sciences are as diverse as biology itself. In
Living things exhibit a high degree of organization from molecular to cellular level. The the past, the traditional notion of studying biology is limited to being an academician or a
cells of animals, plants, fungi, and protists are made up of living protoplasm with organelles and medical doctor. Today, a degree in biology opens the door to a large number of career options.
membranes. each performing an organized activity. Each organelle is made up of a complex With the tremendous biological information generated from studies of genomes of different
organization of organic compounds like nucleic acids, proteins, carbohydrates, and fats, and also organisms, computer analysts, and software designers are in demand in a field of biology called
of inorganic compounds like water. These organic and inorganic compounds are basically made bioinformatics. Lawyers and legal experts specializing in patents and intellectual property rights
up of basic elements like carbon, hydrogen, and oxygen. are needed as a result of innumerable discoveries and inventions, Molecular biologists are hired
in medicolegal and criminal laboratories.
For multicellular organisms such as plants and animals, the level of organization is more
complex. Groups of cells form tissues and different tissues form organs. Different organs With the realization that technologies related to life sciences are a major contributor to every
comprise an organ system with a specialized function. An organism is made up of different nation's economy, governments are in need of public servants and consultants knowledgeable in
organ systems with individualized but coordinated functions. the biological sciences for major government agencies. With the completion of the human
genome project, it is predicted that insurance companies will be in need of geneticists to analyze
The hierarchy builds from many molecules making up a cell, many cells performing a the genetic makeup of clients. Even different companies will be in need of human resource
set of function making up a tissue, several kinds of tissues building an organ, several organs managers with training in biology. The mass media industry needs science reporters, writers, and
performing a common function, can compose an organ system then several organ systems editors as a result of the explosion of news and information on the biological sciences. To meet
function together to make an entire organism. the increasing demand for food and natural resources, experts and researchers in the field of
agriculture and fisheries are needed. Ecologists needed or the preservation and maintenance of
the environment. At present, many biologists enter the field of research, in a wide array of Name: _____________________________________ Date Performed: ____________________
biological field. Basic research is often associated with research centers, colleges, universities, Group No.:__________________________________ Date Submitted: ____________________
and government agencies, while applied research is done and funded by private companies or Section: ____________________________________ Rating: ___________________________
industries. The number of biology researchers who became presidents and chief operating
officers (COO) of their own start-up companies 1S increasing. In most cases, these COOs started Biology in Daily Life
as ordinary researchers in universities or research centers until they decided to commercialize
their own discoveries. Genetic engineers, molecular biologists, biochemists, pharmacologists, Introduction
and immunologists are just some examples of biologists chat are in demand at present and in the
near future. Materials Biology is the study of your body and the environment. It helps you in understanding
the functions and reactions of your body. It also explains your behavior in various situations.

Objective: Identify biological concepts in certain activities that humans perform in everyday

pen and paper
Because of the availability of modern techniques in the study of biology, advances in the reference materials such as biology books and Internet
field are moving at a tremendous rate. Noteworthy are the developments in biotechnology and
medicine. Biotechnology deals with the application of biological concepts and systems to make Estimated Time Frame: 1 hour
products beneficial to man. It uses the basic molecules of life to make new products. It is
currently being used in many areas such as business, agriculture, bioremediation, food Procedure
processing, energy production, medicine, and pharmaceuticals.
1. Your teacher will randomly, divide the entire class into seven groups.
Biotechnology is not a new field as it has been used for decades in the manufacture of 2. Each group will be assigned the following topics to work on:
beverages, cheese, bread, and milk. In the Philippines, traditional biotechnology is used in the a. adding a janitor fish in an aquarium with goldfish
production of nata de coco, bagoong, patis, kesong puti, local wines, and vinegars. Today, b. planting an orchid on a full-grown tree
biotechnology encompasses manufacturing processes that include the advances in genetic c. gargling warm water with salt for sore throat
engineering, such as recombinant DNA technology, monoclonal antibodies, and bioprocess d. adding vinegar and salt when preparing pickled fruits and vegetables
technology. It applies to any technique that manipulates or mimics a natural process to improve e. scrubbing the skin with a towel when someone has fever
one's physical and economic well-being.In agriculture, biotechnology is used to increase crop 3. Discuss with your groupmates the topic assigned to your group by looking at the biological
yield, improve Crop quality, and reduce production costs. Genetically modified (GM) crops such principles involved. You may refer to certain biology textbooks or the Internet lo validate your
as seedless watermelons, bananas with longer shelf life, extra- large tomatoes, and vitamin- answers.
fortified corn are now available. Some crops are genetically engineered to fights plant diseases. 4. List the biological principles involved in the topic assigned to your group.
Have you heard of rice plants with built-in insecticidal and herbicidal properties? In the fields of 5. Report in class the results of your discussions.
medicine, biotechnology is used in the production of medicines and supplements. The most
common example is insulin that is synthetically produced using E. coli. Transgenic animals are Post-laboratory Questions
also products of biotechnology. There are pigs which humanized organs to be used for human 1. Other than those discussed in the class, give another example of your daily activities most
organ transplantation. likely involve some biological principles.
2. Explain why tears naturally come out of your eye when you slice onions. Do you think there is
Biotechnology has led to the birth of Dolly, the world's first sheep cloned from an adult a way to prevent this tear secretion when slicing onions?
somatic cell, who has her firstborn lamb named Bonnie; Millie, the first cloned pig; and Polly,
the first transgenic lamb cloned by nuclear transfer.

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