UV Visible Spectroscopy Notes - ChemContent

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W-vrsieLe spectro Scopy Exectromagnetic Radtation. Chauntevag UH) Vaccum i a midi OV ge 08 _ Mialige. z 2 @) 2es-loo nm Weo-see nm Peuivity > Stuctwu dutenminesion a) UU ant Gur) Rater t Suensisieccsion 2 OME) Role LHpic] aby ditecton CQuantitatlve Analysis) gor c modaculs so give UV- vibr Spectr Jt Shoutd Juttdiid dio Smposttant Condition. “t) It Showd Pome a Chaormetophoe C Trani sion] iy Thott Shoutd be change Gp the Electronic clipata moment dining Qnienection @ife motecutle with FMR- selection Pile} F book Te [eotouy (updated 23! The chytomo phos. uo ct 4uncttonad Gawup usnich can nt apronuiig] pbrenved tnt ight dom OV cend visibse 20Nge* —er : a SEE aa n-at a 2 200m ' w on =} vaceturn UV ‘eet, oot {n=} 9pm Enegy > hon The Chowmophosie wite be function gswup ustuich can Liew abaasiption band dua to n—n# and m—K* freinniltion. - Bince A-oF , anf p n—on® deonnittons Suqutsed stooleert don. 03 vi <200nm , % fhagncanccecumnR| tremotecue tthe Gisoh, Hoxane canbe Utilize Oh & SOdvect in Uy visk Spectro Scopy. 3x2 : © Hance Uv-vis specroscopy us podmau SS? ot oubos. omd Conjugatid doula Bene with omd wlthotee Ye non Bondi ng, Etodtren ca ‘ 7o=0 Chen¥ FORE tre} ace) Parameters OF UV-VIs, SPECTROSCOPY UT Nor OF ABSORPTION BAND IN UU-Vrs. REGION /RENGE W DEPENDENT &) INDEPEN DENT pre ‘. Cand : i oo Dependent Chotomo phose En dlapenclar Chrromophore & A modocule can give mote ton one adsosipHon Signo forom lb fFerwuct dBpericlent omd | Gnolependst Chreormopneste pomeut ip He moodecuse, Excepted . ; to ushowbrostpstion Aignod ou Net Sixeds 800 yoo coe : tp ¥ most Gntense pups tne ususlly We Merect OS epee Trnpor tant ctbiotpaion signad e om j Anobysta- Jos. Quarttertiv 4 Quounti fotlve Aneugst & Post TroON | OF. SEGNALS!> she positon oy Bigneds db Uveules Lpe Known ar” Ajmax ¢ tn Ranometer- 4 : i _. The wave Wangth @t Which fue molecule abso maximum Nor of Photons: The jinx fosr ce pescticuton tmotecute can be menusod by Cobtertnad) maoniyung Khe Abrostbance of diliuk SoUrbion at Affect Wavelength + Pevex As the value of Amox Siveh Gnfrrmation abet the Envgy Gap bi Alsctromic Snovy “vets clus “tp. Congugation tre Erungy Gerp byw Blecdroruic Envy caved leosuoenihe, Steaultting Hue Shesuases the Prax [ Red Dritt, Batnochstomic sheer] congiyation Tes Cote of Subrance ‘Tes Fisanciein »(Rea ©) INTeNsrry oF SrqwAts!- The gntemity oy dignas ty ckimectay amocitited with pomniGinity op Fle chronte dromattion. thot mecena selection Sule > SPIN SELECTION RvE ES TON RULE 2 SymmETRY. SeLEC the Sntennityy og L2ynag can be expsiemed eee Lopgiciee bees of Malose cub Aosthsivity oot Lxtenaton CAFTEES Absosbanre of @ Sotuticn having. 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Amay can be Caltuloeetd “on Hee henie og Wood wand -fischen Suule. pipatie moment (From #1 8) s Ph Ip Ph / Tr 1 ; ae Binteacked Geome od n-aF " eee gon No Stesue Hindeanre CPssuoR? jesus Hindrance ¢ Mon Masner3 € 2 430000 € - door : Uv-vies Lpeckrostopy uo dre most cyppowociaete Jachnique fer the cis and bans gaiuivencs on the bonis vg di FRexonce din tho Gbrorbance Hesieleut= : Hate a os ome oy tome bm pypercroremee SLE i L Hyperchsiemie Shirt _—9 Red shift Cpathwennert Hrysocmernt isnt | Wi FA) H(etue shir) pbserbance we Ruble dor: Jpaaie / parent system Butacltens ~S ausaatien system Hy c CQ) é Ga Gudaaien system - Butacien System Mo.Laend.s— AG terrae ZI SE eee eee eCeSeace Cy cule Areyouic p—t—_, . Homo anmueot, ... Hetero annul > Exo cycite > Endo Cycle cloubts Bond oD Homo annul Reteuo annueot CO. Exo Cyclic ex? 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