Creating and Sharing Your Leadership Point of View

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Creating and Sharing Your


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Meet today’s presenter!
Scott Blanchard, President of The Ken Blanchard Companies, has more than 25 years of
experience in the L&D industry, which includes a number of senior positions in product
development, sales, and delivery. An energetic innovator, Scott is cofounder of Blanchard
Coaching Services, which has democratized corporate coaching with its Coaching
Management System and provided highest-caliber coaching to more than 10,000 clients
worldwide since 2000.

Early in his career, Scott served as a trainer and organizational consultant. As a Senior
Consulting Partner, Scott led major training interventions at a wide variety of Fortune 500
Scott Blanchard
President companies.
The Ken Blanchard Companies

Scott is coauthor of Leverage Your Best, Ditch the Rest and Leading at a Higher Level as well
as Blanchard’s Coaching Essentials® and First-time Manager™ training programs. Scott is a
tireless advocate for applying the latest research in adult development, self-determination
theory, and social neuroscience to Blanchard leadership content.

Scott was educated at Cornell University and received his Master’s degree in Organizational
Development from American University in Washington, DC.

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• CHAT: What happens when people don’t know what to expect from their leader—or
what their leader expects from them?

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Do You Have a Transparent Approach to Leadership?

This type of leader:

• Inspires employee engagement
• Creates greater alignment
• Reduces misunderstandings
• Shares a clear vision

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Leadership Point of View

What are three words others

would use to describe you as
a leader?

Please reply in the chat box.

Chat not open? Click on speech bubble icons below!

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Leadership Point of View

Helps a leader identify their

attitude and beliefs about leadership.
Helps them express what is most important to them.
© 2021 The Ken Blanchard Companies. All rights reserved. Do not duplicate. 6
The Benefits of Leaders Who Know Who They Are

Gives leaders Helps leaders act in Improves engagement,

awareness of the alignment with their trust, and collaboration
experiences that shaped beliefs in the workplace
their leadership values

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Creates Connections

Sharing your LPOV

creates strong
relationships between
leaders and their people.

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 Accelerates team members’

understanding of what makes their
leaders tick, what they value, and
what they expect
 Help leaders be seen as more
authentic and accessible
 Help leaders become more effective,
connected and supportive of the
people they lead

© 2019 The Ken Blanchard Companies. All rights reserved. Do not duplicate.
Three Steps in Creating a
Leadership Point of View

1 2 3
Identify key Describe your Clarify
people and key values expectations for
events self and others

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Peer Coaching Questions
1. Who were the key people and what were the events in
your life that influenced your beliefs and values about
2. If the life story you shared with me were a river, where
were the rapids? The eddies? How did they influence
3. Were there events you left out because they were too
personal or too raw? Why might you want to include
4. Here’s what I’m still curious about ….

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My story …
CHAT: What did you learn and
why does it matter?

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Three Steps in Creating a
Leadership Point of View

1 2 3
Identify key Describe your Clarify
people and key values expectations for
events self and others

© 2021 The Ken Blanchard

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Individual Values Reflection

Choose five of the 48 images from the journal that resonate with you.
Identify the value they represent.
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My Values


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Three Steps in Creating a
Leadership Point of View

1 2 3
Identify key Describe your Clarify
people and key values expectations for
events self and others

© 2021 The Ken Blanchard

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rights reserved.
AllDo not duplicate.
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Peer Coaching Questions

How did you feel about Where do you think you Were there stories you
what you just shared? might want to add more left out because you felt
detail or do more work? too vulnerable?

where I Here are my thoughts Why might you
Here’s how I connected … about where you include these
experienced it … might want to add stories?
some detail/do more
work …
where I was
confused …

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CHAT: What is the
value of knowing
someone’s LPOV?

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Finding Your Voice

Leadership has many voices.

You need to be who you are,
and not try to imitate somebody else.
Kevin Sharer, CEO Amgen
© 2019 The Ken Blanchard Companies. All rights reserved. Do not duplicate.
Upcoming Events

October 27

Evolving a Culture, One Coaching

Conversation at a Time

October 29

LPOV Program Design Overview

November 17

HR / L&D Trends Survey Report

Scott Blanchard David Witt
President Program Director
The Ken Blanchard Companies The Ken Blanchard Companies

Use the Q&A panel to ask your questions!

Additional questions?

or email
The Ken Blanchard Companies® unleashes the potential and
power in people and organizations for the greater good.

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